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The best software for office work and document management. Three sources and three components of a preschool educational institution

Timely and fast access to information today is necessary condition successful solution of the entire range of problems facing enterprises and organizations. Therefore, factors such as the efficiency and quality of the formation of documents, the smooth operation of the reference and information service, the clear organization of storage, search and use of documents directly affect the quality of management and, consequently, the economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

One of the main ways to improve employee productivity and organizational efficiency is to reduce the time that is wasted unproductively searching. the information you need, to perform certain actions as part of the business document processing.

The management of organizations and enterprises is based on the following processes:

  • Receiving information and processing it;
  • Analysis, preparation and decision making;
  • Execution of decisions;
  • Accounting and control of decisions made.

Processes of office work and workflow are considered primarily as documentary reflection and support of management processes. Management documentation covers three main tasks in relation to software automation systems:

  • Documentation (creation of documents supporting and registering management activities, i.e. their preparation, design, approval and production);
  • organization of document flow (ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents);
  • systematization of archival storage of documents (determination of rules for storing information created in an organization, its search and use to support management decisions and business procedures).

To solve these problems of documentary management, the information system "DeloPro" has been developed. The DeloPro system is designed to automate the traditional model of domestic office work. It provides step by step control movement and execution of the entire set of documents at the enterprise, its structural divisions and branches at all stages life cycle documents: from receipt or creation - to transfer to the archive or destruction.

The system supports a technology that is completely consistent with the office-work technologies traditionally developed at Russian enterprises. It was developed in accordance with the "Model Instruction for Office Work in Ministries and Departments Russian Federation"and other normative documents regulating this field of activity. As a result, a system was created that, if possible, reproduces the organization and attributes of traditional domestic technology and fully complies with regulatory requirements in terms of document registration, distribution, execution control, etc.

The DeloPro system uses the most modern technologies work with documents. Built on the basis of client-server technology, the system supports the distributed organization of corporate document flow. The system implements a mechanism for managing the progress of work to manage the passage of documents for organizing and defining the role functions of users when working on documents. Document management functions (storage, retrieval, etc.) are implemented using modern systems enterprise-wide database management. The system also supports the exchange of documents using e-mail, which makes it possible to build geographically-distributed document management structures on its basis.

The system is ready for use. System commissioning does not require programming. It is enough just to install it in computer network, introduce parameters that describe the structure of the organization and the accepted rules of office work, and conduct training of personnel. Thus, the system can be considered as a ready-made technology for office work.

Product brief description

The main automation object for the DeloPro system is the information flow associated with the registration and control functions of office work. As a result, the main storage unit in the system database is the document registration card - an electronic analogue of the traditional registration and control card. The database itself, storing registration cards of documents, by analogy with traditional document flow, is called a card index.

The functionality of the system supports maintaining a registration card at all stages of document execution and provides for the following work procedure:

  • registration of a document (establishment of a registration card for a document);
  • transfer (report) of documents to the head;
  • consideration of documents by the head (resolution);
  • entering information from the resolution (names of performers, deadlines) in the registration card;
  • transfer of documents to the contractor;
  • control over the execution of documents;
  • execution of the document;
  • writing off the document to the case.

However, the focus on the automation of office work does not mean that the system cannot be used for direct work with documents: an unlimited number of files can be attached to each registration card. electronic version document. At the same time, files can be not only text, but also any other formats (for example: graphic, audio, video, etc.) supported by the operating system and created using any Windows applications. When the user opens a document, an integrated call of the corresponding application is made.

The mechanisms built into the system for generating standard reports and queries to the document base allow operational control execution of documents and quick search necessary information.

DeloPro system users are the company's employees who have been granted the right to work with the system. Wherein to different users may be provided different possibilities... For example, one user may be allowed to register documents, another will be denied access to these functions. Such a mechanism for delimiting the functional roles of users in combination with a multi-level custom help system allows you to flexibly adapt the program to the peculiarities of working with documents in a particular organization.

When automating the office work process using the DeloPro system, various approaches to distribution custom functions, which provide for a different degree of involvement of employees of the enterprise as users of the system. So, if an order is provided for in which performers continue to work with paper documents, and registration and control functions are subject to automation, then a limited number of employees can be involved as users of the system. If the goal of automation is the transition to paperless technology, i.e. the work of performers is envisaged only with electronic copies documents, then all participants in the office process, including managers and executors, should become users of the system.

"DeloPro" office automation and document management system belongs to a number of software products, developed taking into account the domestic specifics and regulatory framework, and intended for implementation specifically at domestic enterprises. To emphasize again this feature it is necessary because the traditional rules of office work in Russia and abroad differ significantly from each other. And therefore Western software systems, aimed at automating office work, often cannot be used directly, i.e. without changing (adjusting) the workflow scheme and office work rules to the western standard.

Main functionality of DeloPro:

  • registration and storage in the database different types documents;
  • formation of instructions and resolutions to the document;
  • formation of a list of documents related to the current one, and search for documents by the list of connectivity;
  • placing resolutions and orders for control;
  • maintaining registration and control files with the ability to set complex search criteria for documents, create your own types of reports, etc.;
  • distribution and receipt of documents between divisions of the organization (by local network) and to other organizations (by e-mail);
  • creation of an archive of documents at the end of the calendar year;
  • setting up rights to enter, edit and other actions on documents for each user.

The system requires:

  • Computer with i486 processor or higher, RAM at least 8 MB and free space on a hard disk not less than 4 MB.
  • Operating system Windows 95/98 / Me / NT / 2000 / XP.
  • SQL Server FireBird 1.5.
  • To receive reporting output forms, the user must have any text editor that supports RTF format (MS Word 6.0 or higher is recommended).

The responsibility for keeping records is usually vested in the secretary. This position does not require special education, and often applicants with minimal work experience are hired for it. But document management is a responsible and important business, it largely depends on its accuracy and correctness. successful work enterprises.

Office work can be:

  • general - related to the main company activities,
  • personnel - for documentation on personnel, maintained by the personnel department,
  • secret - found in some state structures and has standards of conduct,
  • electronic - when a piece of information is transmitted in digital format.

It is not difficult to master the basics of office work on your own. It is better to start with the most important and fundamental document - the nomenclature of cases.

Nomenclature of cases

This is a document listing all the "cases" in the organization. Under the "case" in in this case means a collection of business papers of the same type or direction.

Nomenclature is a system that allows you to analyze documentary activity enterprises. To compile it, you need to determine a list of all available varieties of documents. Then combine them in directions. Each type is assigned a number - a code, it can consist of several numbers or letters, for example, a number, year or even a month of publication, if the volume of documents is significant.

For example: 01 / BU / 2017, where 01 is the number in order, BU is the accounting department, 2017 is the year. The storage period and the place in the archive when the case will be handed over there are also indicated. You can approve the item at certain period- for a year, 3 years or 5 years, if no changes are foreseen. Before approval, the content of the nomenclature should be checked by the heads of departments in terms of their work.

An nomenclature is drawn up for the purpose of convenient archiving of papers, as well as for bringing cases into the system. It helps to outline the basics of office work concisely, reflects the main types of business papers, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise. Usually it is compiled in the form of a table - the name of the case, code (number), place in the archive, storage period. It is better to group cases by types, departments of their publication.

Types of documents in the organization

The number of cases and types of documents is directly related to the specifics of the company's activities. Often the workflow is divided into blocks, which are carried out by specialists in the areas of work. But there is a list that is typical for any company, be it commercial or state-owned:

    Inbox - incoming to the organization from the outside - everything that came by mail, with couriers, personally delivered by representatives of other organizations.

    Outbox - sent from the organization - everything addressed to others legal entities, as well as individuals(answers, letters, decisions).

    Internal - not outside the organization, regulating the work of the enterprise (orders, orders, regulations, regulations, etc.).

As a rule, a separate registration journal is kept for each type, in which the number in order, date, name, where the document came from or where it was sent, and the name of the person in charge are recorded.

If the journal registers documents handed out to employees, a signature field is left in receipt. Also, a note can be made in the journal, in which case, according to the nomenclature, a copy was filed for storage.

The organization can also keep logs of internal business trips, accounting for the delivery of keys, the time of arrival at workplace and even phone calls. Sometimes the number of registration books leads to the establishment of a log book. It all depends on the need and the existing practice at the enterprise.

The magazines need to be numbered, stitched and sealed, this is done to exclude the possibility of replacing the sheet.

Record keeping - the basics of office work and workflow. The number of journals and cases depends on the needs of the company and the desire to record all the papers.

Regulation on document flow

After the development of the nomenclature of cases and the list of necessary journals, it is reasonable to draw up a Regulation on the organization's workflow. This is a regulation that explains the rules for compiling, transferring, archiving all available papers. It describes the procedure for each stream of documentation and sets a timeline for transferring it from one department to another.

Sample Statement

The regulation will help to avoid confusion, shifting of responsibility and loss of important business papers. For each stream, a route is prescribed - for example: publication, approval, registration, sending to the addressee, filing in the archive.

Seals and stamps

Often newcomers, and not only them, cannot figure out in which cases an organization's seal is needed, and in which not. The answer is very simple: outgoing forms are certified by a seal, because the presence of a seal certifies the origin of the letter. Internal papers do not require printing as they are the signature of the manual is sufficient in this case.

Incoming documents after their registration are transferred to the manager for making a decision and appointing a person responsible for execution or response. They also do not need a seal. Seal and stamp should not be confused. The stamps can be very different, from "Incoming No. ..." to "Copy is correct", and no legal force they do not have. It is just an auxiliary tool for the secretary's work.

An essential element of a successful business

The software package "Office work 3.0" is designed to automate standard processes office work at the enterprise in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Requirements for paperwork ", as well as GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving". The program uses terms and definitions according to GOST R51141-98.

The program works on the platform of the modern MS database SQL Server 2005 and makes the most of its performance and scalability.

The development technology we have chosen allows us to avoid additional costs for purchasing licenses and upgrading computers. Your PCs are quite enough, for example, with a Pentium IV processor and 256 MB of RAM. All office work processes can be organized both in a local network and on one clerk's computer.

The complex is made using an intuitive interface and does not require special training for employees. In our experience, the average, inexperienced PC user learns independent work with the program in about 1 hour.

Along with the main function of conducting office work, the program provides ample opportunities for organizing collective work to fulfill the instructions and orders of the leadership and improve executive discipline. Thus, from simple office work, you can go to the level of formation and automatic sending of instructions to executors and ensure control over their execution.

Component application "Templates and STP" software package"Office work 3.0" is intended to organize the work of performers with uniform forms of documents approved in the organization, as well as to use in practice the enterprise standards (STP) that determine the procedure for organizing and conducting production and management processes.

Along with the clerk, the program can be successfully operated by assistants and assistants of directors, employees of the apparatus of the gene. director and secretariat. Additional component "Secretary-assistant" allows you to organize meetings, schedule the director, organize control over the implementation of meeting events, keep track of the current tasks of the secretary, etc.

Main accounting objects "Office work 3.0"

The main accounting objects in the program are:

  • Incoming documents
  • Outgoing documents
  • Orders
  • Assignments

Additional (component "Secretary-assistant)

  • Meetings
  • Manager's schedule
  • Tasks

  • Supporting services

  • Printing of envelopes;
  • Formation of the "List of mailings"
  • Document scanning (in-line)
  • Templates and STP;

  • There are 4 categories of users in the system:

  • Clerk
  • Supervisor
  • Secretary-assistant
  • Executor
  • Advantages of the software package "Office work 3.0"

    • Automation of office work in a short time and with minimal cost;
    • The presence of procedures allowing to strengthen the executive discipline, to take control of the execution of orders and orders;
    • The presence in a single software package of functions of office work and management of the process of implementing the measures of orders;
    • The ability to store large volumes of current cards and archive;
    • High speed searching for documents;
    • Availability of standard forms of reports;
    • Low cost possession, because the complex operates on the platform of the free version of the MS SQL Server 2014 database.

    The architecture of the software package:

    "Office work 3.0" is two interconnected Automated Workstations (AWS): AWP "Clerk" and AWP "Executor". Below are their main functionality:

    • Convenient viewing of the Schedule (for a day, week, month);
    • Schedule meetings;
    • Track the progress of execution of decisions and orders;
    • If necessary, view the Minutes of any meeting, and its history (a card that reflects the participants, questions, speakers);
    • Viewing correspondence.

    Basic kit includes server part and 3 client licenses.

    The work of the software package can be organized:

    • in a local network with several dozen users
    • on one computer (for example, a clerk)

    Operating system and hardware requirements

    server workstations

    Operating system

    MS Windows
    XP Prof / Vista
    MS Windows
    2000 / XP Prof / Vista
    CPU Pentium IV 1,5 GHz Pentium III 1.0 GHz
    RAM 512 MB 256 MB
    Free hard disk space 1 GB 100 Mb

    It is important:

    The developers of the software package were guided by the principle of "practicality and availability", therefore it is made using an intuitive interface and does not require special training for employees- based on our experience, an ordinary inexperienced PC user learns to independently work with the program approximately in 1 hour... The "hot line" for clients is constantly working. In addition, the kit contains a clear and comprehensive user manual.

    PC Users Club "Office Work 3.0"

    • OJSC "Dairy Plant" Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky "
    • Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Bashkortostan
    • Control Federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Oryol region
    • Closed joint-stock company"Urengoygidromekhanizatsiya"
    • "MUP Energy of Novosibirsk"
    • Agroindustrial Union of Russia
    • SoyuzMash of Russia LLC
    • Control public service employment of the population of the Republic of Adygea
    • "Chkalovskie shipyards"
    • MU "Department of Finance of the City Administration of Labytnangi" (75 users)
    • JSC "Volzhsky Electromechanical Plant"
    • "The first border cadet corps of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
    • Federal State Institution "Far Eastern OUMT and the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
    • UBEP GUVD for the Volgograd region.
    • LLC "StroyAtlant"
    • Management Company Kalmneft
    • "Urangeo"
    • Secretariat of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States
    • Association of Russian Banks
    • "Yamal Multidisciplinary College"
    • "Nizhnekamsk Agroindustrial College"
    • Municipal Enterprise "Vsevolozhsk Electric Network Enterprise"
    • Labor Office and social protection of the population of the Administration of the municipality of Salekhard
    • FGOU SPO "Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology"
    • Gazpromavia
    • Group of companies "Stomus"
    • LLC "NTMK-Energo"
    • GDOU Kindergarten №68
    • other...

    Automation of office work and workflow confidently occupies its niche in the field of enterprise automation systems. But, before deciding to automate office work, you need to understand the terminology correctly. Sometimes, for purely office work tasks, they turn to programs that are completely not intended for this.

    If we talk about things that distinguish us from the rest of the world, then ballet, vodka, gas, flax, hemp and the first companion come to mind first. Almost all of the above is no longer only the prerogative of Russia, only in the field of language and culture no one seeks to compete with us. The area of ​​work with documents was no exception. Office work in modern form was born in Russia in 1811, was and still remains so distinctive that it is quite possible to talk about its national characteristics.

    What is the difference between office work, workflow and business procedures

    From manufacturers software in the field of working with documents, one often hears the words "office work", "workflow", "electronic archive of documents", "business procedures", etc. As a rule, they use all these concepts as synonyms to promote their solutions and technologies.

    The result was significant difference in the opinions of manufacturers and users on all, even the most simple questions... Sometimes, for purely office work tasks, they turn to solutions that are completely not intended for this. This certainly harms the market, confuses users and slows down the development of the Russian office-work industry. Perhaps we are already ripe for the creation of some kind of professional association designed to conduct educational work, bringing terms and definitions to a common denominator and setting standards for the automation of Russian office work.

    But this is a topic for a separate conversation, and below we will not touch on it in detail. The purpose of this article is to try to classify the basic concepts found within office work and workflow at the enterprise, as well as documentation support of management, give basic definitions and describe the main features of the national office work. We will also very briefly dwell on some products designed to automate work with documents on Russian market, and we will try to consider them from the point of view of these definitions and the essence of the decisions themselves. This can be useful, for example, for those who consider the text recognition system the most an important component in the automation of corporate document flow. In conclusion, we will try to assess the prospects for the development of the Russian office automation industry and workflow.

    To begin with, let's briefly dwell on the concepts, terms and our vision of the place of office work in ensuring the management of Russian enterprises. Let's make a reservation right away that these definitions are components of such a science as records management.

    How is office work different from document flow?

    For many, the two are synonymous. In our opinion, they need to be distinguished.

    Management documentation (DOW) covers the issues of documentation, organization of work with documents in the process of management and systematization of their archival storage.

    Documenting represents the creation of documents, that is, their preparation, execution, approval and production.

    Office work: a set of measures to provide a preschool educational institution of an enterprise or organization. It is sometimes said that the preschool educational institution is the main function of office work.

    Organization of work with documents- ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents.

    Systematization of archival storage of documents- determination of the rules for storing information created in the organization, its search and use to support the adoption of managerial decisions and business procedures.

    Document flow- movement of documents within the framework of the preschool educational institution.

    Business procedure- the sequence of certain operations (work, tasks, procedures) performed by employees of organizations to solve a problem or goal within the framework of the enterprise or organization.

    Electronic archive solves the problem of systematizing the archival storage of electronic documents within the framework of the preschool educational institution.

    Office work is responsible for documentary support of enterprise management.

    Business procedures are responsible for running a business or performing a target function and are a way of implementing practical management of enterprises and institutions.

    What is an electronic archive?

    The popularity of the term "electronic archive" in Russia is, in our opinion, one of the national characteristics of the Russian electronic office work(as well as the triumph of OCR scanning ideas). In the West, the term “datawarehouse” is more popular. In our country, apparently, data is basically understood as the content of documents and records in a database. Hence the popularity of the clerical term "archive".

    In office work, the archive is responsible for organizing the storage of documents and is one of the three main office work tasks (creation, processing technology and systematization of documents). We often hear that a certain “ archival system ideally solves the tasks of organizing document flow ”. This, based on our definitions, cannot be possible in principle, since in fact documents are moved (the essence of document flow) within the framework of solving all three problems, and not only within the framework of systematizing archival storage.

    Office work and business procedures

    The difference between office work and business procedures is easiest to show using an example from real life... So, a simple business procedure for selling a product to a client might look like this:

    1. the client calls the company to place an order;
    2. the order is registered in the customer database;
    3. an invoice is issued for the goods;
    4. the account is transferred to the accounting department;
    5. the accounting department receives money for the goods, which is recorded in accounting system;
    6. the goods are shipped from the warehouse, which is noted in the warehouse database;
    7. an invoice and a waybill are issued for the goods;
    8. the goods are shipped to the client;
    9. the invoice and waybill are sent to the accounting department.

    Rice. 1. The difference between office work and business procedures

    In this business procedure, clauses 3 (invoice creation), 4 (invoice transfer), 7 (invoice and invoice creation) and 9 (invoice and invoice transfer) are related to office work. If sales are arranged more complexly, for example, if there is a formal internal relationship between the sales department, warehouse and accounting, then additional procedures may appear in the office work.

    Thus, clerical operations are, as it were, woven into business procedures where they need to be accompanied by documents. In some cases, this is especially true for government organizations, business procedures may consist solely of paperwork. From here follows the main difference between office work and business procedures, which consists in their functional difference: office work is responsible for documentary support of enterprise management; business procedures - for doing business or performing a target function and are a way of implementing practical management of enterprises and institutions.

    In all cases, office work includes documentation of business procedures.

    Another, no less important national specific feature is a long-standing and clear division the concepts of "office work" and "business procedures". Perhaps this is due to the fact that records management as a science studying documents was born at the beginning of the 19th century. in the bowels of the Russian state apparatus. In addition, both then and now we have much stricter legislation, unlike most Western countries, requiring clear documentary confirmation of all steps in almost any area of ​​enterprise activity. For example, contracts must be stamped, information in databases is not official, electronic documents are not considered legally enforceable, etc.

    Accordingly, an additional difference between automation products and technologies in the West and in Russia is that solutions for Russian enterprises should take into account the presence of paper documents in office work to a much greater extent and, paradoxically, offer a less rigid scheme for automating business procedures. This thesis probably requires a more detailed explanation.

    Western office automation systems in Russia

    The main computer programs for office work and business procedures can be roughly divided into four main categories (not including tools for creating documents and data warehouses):

    1. workflow systems (automation of business procedures);
    2. groupware systems;
    3. document management systems (mainly provide registration, storage and retrieval of documents);
    4. e-mail systems (used to exchange documents).

    This division took shape in the market about three years ago. Now it is rather arbitrary due to the fact that latest versions most popular applications try to combine all these and many other technologies, for example Lotus Domino. In addition, each of these technologies (except, of course, e-mail, the popularity of which in business from the very beginning was about the same as that of document creation tools), fashionable in the West 2-3 years ago, gave way to a new concept of collaboration & messaging ( "Collaboration and messaging").

    The reasons for this, in our opinion, are about the same for them and for us (if we do not take into account purely linguistic, linguistic and technical problems localization, support for code tables, search, recognition, etc.)

    The point is that it is, in principle, very difficult to automate business procedures and teamwork. First, no one has yet come up with universal rules for running a successful business. Each organization is absolutely unique in this respect. In addition, within the framework of an automated procedure, it is not always possible to adequately respond to emergency situations, from the occurrence of which, naturally, no one is immune. Sometimes automation only harms the business, quite often a number of employees ideally solve their problems in informal relationships, and the framework of the automated system only fetters them. However, and reverse examples are not at all rare.

    As a result, at the moment the most rational way automating business procedures, it is reasonable to recognize the following: "Not trying to program the behavior of employees for every possible situation, but instead create a common information environment for them to cooperate (ie, jointly solve business problems) and exchange messages." In our opinion, this casts doubt on the cloudless future existing systems workflows, in which the emphasis is on the creation of complete chains of automation of business procedures.

    In addition to those listed above, there are a number of circumstances that until recently seriously hampered the introduction of these technologies in Russia:

    1. lack of completed Russian programs automation of document flow and office work;
    2. lack of active demand for tools for automating business procedures;
    3. confusion in the positioning of programs from Western manufacturers for the purposes of office automation, etc.

    Today the situation has improved significantly. Finished Russian products have appeared, the confusion in terminology and positioning is gradually being overcome.

    To increase the demand for office programs, there are two major challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, to explain the importance of improving and automating the documentation of management (office work), and, secondly, to improve and automate business procedures.

    While the second task is more or less clear, the first should be discussed in more detail.

    Three sources and three components of a preschool educational institution

    Organization of work with documents is an important part of the management processes and management decision-making, significantly affecting the efficiency and quality of management.

    The process of making a managerial decision includes obtaining information; its processing; analysis, preparation and decision making.

    These components are closely related to the management documentation. To obtain an economic effect, first of all, the quality of information is important, which is determined not only by its quantity, but also by the efficiency, degree of complexity and cost. If the enterprise does not have a clear work with documents, then, as a result, the management itself deteriorates, since it depends on the quality and reliability, the efficiency of receiving and transmitting information, the correct setting of the reference and information service, the clear organization of the search, storage and use of documents.

    It is customary to distinguish three main tasks solved in office work (DOE).

    1. Documentation (preparation, execution, approval and preparation of documents).
    2. Organization of work with documents in the process of management (ensuring movement, control of execution, storage and use of documents).
    3. Systematization of the archive of documents.

    Why is it vital for organizations to improve preschool education?

    Because the documentary support of management has a direct impact on the quality of management decisions. Unfortunately, at present, documentation support for the activities of Russian enterprises is carried out mainly spontaneously, without taking into account the existing regulatory framework and the rich experience of improving preschool educational institutions accumulated in Russia over the past 175 years.

    Rice. 2. Components of enterprise management

    With the growth of the scale of the enterprise and the number of its employees, the issue of the effectiveness of documentation support for management becomes more and more urgent. The main problems that arise in this case look something like this.

    1. The management loses the whole picture of what is happening.
    2. Structural units, not having information about each other's activities, cease to harmoniously carry out their activities. Inevitably, the quality of customer service and the organisation's ability to maintain external contacts are diminished.
    3. The consequence of this is a drop in labor productivity; there is a feeling of lack of resources: human, technical, communication, etc.
    4. We have to expand our staff, invest in the equipment of new workplaces, premises, communications, employee training.
    5. For manufacturing enterprises an increase in staff may entail a change in production technology, which will require additional investment.
    6. In a situation of unjustified staff growth, a drop in productivity, the need for investment in production, there is a need to increase working capital, which, in turn, can lead to new loans and reduce the planned profit.

    As a result, further expansion of the enterprise occurs in a purely extensive way due to previously accumulated profits or an increase in the budget deficit.

    Realizing the importance of improving the preschool educational institution, organizations often make a lot of mistakes when trying to automate it, and the determining problem in this situation is the problem of choosing automation methods.

    The most common solution is the automation of individual workstations (AWS): secretary-assistant, manager, accountant or supervisor. The main disadvantages of this approach, as a rule, are: lack of ways to organize electronic information exchange between employees and departments of enterprises; absence functional communication automation of applied procedures with automation of office work.

    As noted above, one of the most important factors successful development of the enterprise - its high-quality management. This will invariably result in increased turnover, profits and employee well-being.

    If we try to identify the main functional parts (components) in the management of enterprises and organizations, they will look like this.

    The office automation program should include the means and rules for creating documents, maintaining their electronic archive, supporting document flow, and at the same time be based on the software and hardware platforms of the enterprise. To provide efficient use information, all other components of management should be based on the program of record keeping, only in this case it is possible to solve the problems facing the organization. From the point of view of complex automation of enterprises' activities, their applied Information Systems should rely on software and hardware platforms and a program for office automation and workflow.

    Thus, an enterprise seeking to create an efficient information processing environment to improve the quality of management faces serious challenges.

    1. Improvement of all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOE).
    2. Choosing the right automation strategy, including the right choice products.

    How to automate office work, business procedures and workflow in an enterprise?

    It may seem incredible, but to automate such a seemingly simple subject as working with documents, you have to use the latest technological advances:

    1. database management systems;
    2. document search and text analysis systems;
    3. scanning and recognition systems for documents (printed and handwritten);
    4. client-server environment;
    5. Internet / intranet.

    It should be noted that in modern world very few solution developers use all of these technologies at once. As a result, users often receive eclectic solutions from different manufacturers, and this significantly increases the cost of purchase, implementation and operation, as well as reduces the quality of the system being operated. When choosing a program for office automation and business procedures, pay attention to their quality and suitability to your tasks individually and as a whole (i.e., integration). It is also necessary to consider the positioning of the versions of the offered products.

    The main categories of users of office automation and document management systems

    A feature of the Russian computer market is its more and more clear division into two large areas, one of which covers home users and small offices (1-25 computers), while the other - corporate clients, medium and large companies and institutions (25 or more computers).

    While home users prefer to install the best software samples for free, medium and large companies are mainly concerned with improving the efficiency of using existing ones. computer systems and willing to pay for products and related services.

    It is clear that a solution for home users should not be expensive and should take into account the growing popularity of the Internet more than the problems of office work.

    The office solution for corporate users must be based on the modern methodology of office management in Russia, client-server technologies, Internet / intranet, e-mail, scanning and recognition of paper documents, mass and prompt document entry, search and retrieval of documents, as well as be able to use various DBMS and be easy to use and administer.

    TO corporate system automation of business procedures and workflow has similar requirements: it should be based on the concept of "collaboration and messaging", use e-mail technologies, client-server, Internet / intranet, scheduling and event registration, be able to work with various DBMS and be easy to use and administration.

    Prospects for the Russian office automation industry

    With the development of market relations and changes in the forms of ownership in Russia, there is a steady demand for solutions in the field of automation of work with documents and business organization. There are a number of reasons for the huge potential demand for office automation software and services.

    1. Absolutely all organizations work with documents and a large number of individuals.
    2. Almost every organization faces problems in office work, even if we are not talking about its automation: documents are lost, not controlled, not executed, etc.
    3. By improving the management of office work, enterprises and organizations get a real chance to improve the quality of their management, which is one of the most urgent tasks of the modern Russian economy.
    4. The qualifications of secretaries and persons responsible in organizations for the conduct of office work are insufficient and require an increase in its level.
    5. User requests are extremely high for improving office automation programs and their integration with numerous workstations, information and application systems.

    A number of national peculiarities in the conduct of office work, language and culture do not allow the use of Western ready-made applied solutions. Fortunately, everything appears large quantity Russian manufacturers offering inexpensive quality solutions in this area. This gives hope that the prospects for the development of the industry are quite favorable, and already now there is a need for specialized events aimed at promoting solutions, developing standards and creating professional associations of the subjects of this market.

    Description of the software package "Office work 3.0",v.3.2

    The software package "Office work 3.0" is designed to automate standard office work processes at an enterprise in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Requirements for paperwork ", as well as GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving"... The program uses terms and definitions according to GOST R51141-98.

    The program runs on a modern MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition platform and makes the most of its performance and scaling, implements such key performance indicators as high performance and the flexibility of customization for the specifics of the enterprise.

    The development technology we have chosen allows us to avoid additional costs for purchasing licenses and upgrading computers. Your PCs, for example, with a Pentium 800 processor and 256 MB of RAM, are quite enough. All office work processes can be organized both in a local network and on one clerk's computer.

    The complex is made using an intuitive interface and does not require special training for employees. Based on our experience, an ordinary, inexperienced PC user learns to work independently with the program in about 1 hour.

    A single client application is installed for all users based on the number of purchased client licenses. Acquired basic package the program initially includes 3 users, of which 1 user is endowed with the rights of a clerk and a database administrator. User access rights, reference books and settings are determined by the database administrator (usually a clerk). Any number of user licenses can be purchased as needed.

    Along with the main function of conducting office work, the program provides ample opportunities for organizing collective work to fulfill the instructions and orders of the leadership and improve executive discipline. Thus, from simple office work, you can go to the level of formation and automatic sending of instructions to executors and ensure control over their execution.

    Application of the component " Templates and STP "Of the" Office Work 3.0 "software package is designed to organize the work of performers with uniform forms of documents approved in the organization, as well as to use in practice the enterprise standards (STP) that determine the procedure for organizing and conducting production and management processes.

    Along with the clerk, the program can be successfully operated by assistants and assistants of directors, employees of the apparatus of the gene. director and secretariat. Additional component "Secretary-assistant" allows you to organize meetings, schedule the director, organize control over the implementation of meeting events, keep track of the current tasks of the secretary, etc.

    The structure of processing and registration of an incoming document looks like a "classic" way + it is possible to generate an Instruction for the executor:






    Registration of a document by a clerk

    The card is filled in. Document. The document is assigned the “new” status.

    Transfer of the document to the manager

    Received letters, orders and other documents are transferred to the head for consideration.

    He puts a resolution, gives instructions.

    Transfer of documents for execution

    Entering the resolution and deadlines into the electronic card of the document, the appointment of the Contractor. The document is transferred to the status "in progress"

    He receives a notification from the program that he has been given an order by input number ___ with a deadline of ___ days.

    Execution control

    Viewing executable documents. Reminder (automatic, to all performers who are overdue). Formation of a report in the course of execution of documents.

    Viewing executable and expired documents with the status "under special control", etc.

    Carries out an assignment.


    As soon as all the instructions on the input. document executed, puts the due date and translates the input. document in the status "executed"

    Sees execution result and dates.

    Fills in the card "Order" (field "result") in the program and indicates the actual date of execution.

    All notifications to the Contractors are generated in the "Office Work 3.0" program and are duplicated according to the mail systems available to the organization. If the Contractor does not have the "Office Work 3.0" application installed, then a reminder will be sent to him by e-mail through the mail server of the company's LAN.

    As you can see from the description, we actively use such a form as "Order". This significantly expands the functionality and efficiency of the program and provides the manager and clerk with wide control functions. In general, we get such an important management effect from the work of the program as an increase in performing discipline.

    If the organization is small, then keeping the "Order" cards is optional. You can limit yourself only to the registration of correspondence and orders.

    Main accounting objects "Office work" 3.0

      Incoming documents

      Outgoing documents

    • Assignments

    Additional (component "Secretary-assistant)


      Manager's schedule

    Supporting services

      Printing of envelopes;

      Formation of the "List of mailings"

      Document scanning (in-line)

      Templates and STP;

    In total, the system provides 4 categories of users:





    Main menu of the program

    Fig. 1

    When launched, the program informs the clerk about the status of work with documents and about the birthday of employees. Having opened the "Journal of executable documents" we get more detailed information about the state of work. The status of the document as “new”, “in progress” and “expired” are underlined in the corresponding color. If necessary, the clerk can highlight the "overdue" ones and send the performers a notification by e- mail.

    Fig. 2

    Registration of documents. Incoming document

    For each document, a registration card is entered into which information about the document is entered.

    The form of the card "Incoming document" is shown in Fig.3

    Fig. 3

    The presence of the "category" field allows, within the framework of the nomenclature case "Incoming", to fulfill analytical queries and select documents of interest on the subject, for example, "complaints", commercial offers, etc. The addressee field contains not only the sender's address, but, if necessary, the person who signed the document. The program provides for the registration of Performers and persons who have familiarized themselves with the document. After registering on the original input. document, you can print a typical stamp of the secretariat (the top menu button "print stamp"). Provided for printing out the accounting card "input. document ". For control, incoming document has 3 statuses: "new", "in progress" and "executed".

    To accounting electronic card can be attached electronic files any format (“Electronic documents” tab). If this information about the document is not enough for you, you can add any other fields in the “Additional. information ”(the fields are formed in the“ Settings ”reference book). You can search for a document using new fields as well.

    Considering that in different organizations there is a template for the registration number, we propose to pre-configure the template Fig. 4:

    Fig. 4

    Incoming and outgoing number documents are generated automatically or manually.

    Outgoing document

    The form of the card "Outgoing document" is shown in Fig.5

    Fig. 5

    All related documents are easily tracked: there is the possibility of linking to the link with the incoming document, i.e. we take into account all the responses to the incoming. The registration card takes into account who prepared and signed the document, to whom the document was personally sent.


    The form of the "Orders" card is shown in Fig.6

    Rice. 6

    The card contains data on orders and instructions of managers who have the right to issue internal regulatory and administrative documents.

    We did not limit ourselves only to the registration of the order, but also allow us to record all instructions for this order (as a rule, these are the points of the administrative part of the order, where it is indicated who, by what date and what actions must be performed). Thus, we allow you to control the execution of the order. Employees who are assigned assignments receive appropriate notifications.


    The form of the "Orders" card is shown in Fig.5

    Rice. 7

    The order card can be filled in by both the clerk, such and other authorized employees (assistant director, secretary-assistant, etc.). The order is recorded as a derivative of the instructions of the head in the form of a resolution on the input. document or administrative part of the order.

    In some cases, data from the Protocols based on the results of workshops can be entered into the Order card. This method will increase the efficiency of meetings and executive discipline in the enterprise.


    Directory "Employees" has a dual purpose, the first - for the appointment of the Contractor in the account, the second - "information" because informs employees of the enterprise about the birthdays of colleagues, their phones and e: mail... Usually, the relevance and availability of such information is always a big problem.

    The look of the handbook is shown in Fig. 8

    Rice. eight

    In the reference books, information is displayed “as is, in tabular form", And export to the formatExel... Search for data by filter is organized. The directory also contains information about dismissed employees.

    Movement of documents

    The clerk is responsible for the registration and movement of documents. The fact of issuing the original document to the responsible executor is recorded in the card. The card indicates employees who received copies of documents (familiarized). The procedure for registering an outgoing document occurs only after its approval and signature by the head. In the nomenclature files, we see all the documents that have passed registration (Fig. 9). In this case, you can view any of the documents in the case, select nomenclature cases by year, transfer the case to the archive, print the case inventory.

    Rice. 9

    Reference and analytical work

    The clerk, secretary-assistant and director have full access to the document base, can instantly find all the necessary materials in the relevant category. A flexible search system developed in accordance with the standards of Russian office work allows you to independently determine the necessary parameters of documents, and you can search for all attributes specified by the user, including in the attached files ... The system has introduced such a concept as a "category" of a document. By category, you can filter complaints, statements, commercial offers and other documents. The number of concepts in the "category" reference is not limited.

    Document search is carried out by pressing the button "document search" Fig.10

    Rice. 10

    Regulation of access rights

    User rights in the system are determined by the database administrator (clerk). The “Employees” tab indicates the access level (2 levels in total, administrator and user). Users are limited in rights, they can view cards (and electronic files to them) for which they are Performers, enter the execution result into them, search for letters and instructions related to them, view the Logs (only their letters are displayed), but are not able to enter changes in cards (except for "performance result"), reference books, settings.

    Basically, users have the ability to view documents to which they are related as a performer, see their status and receive notifications about the status of work with the document.

    Complex compatibility with by e-mail allows you to inform employees about events in the system.

    and in the "Office work 3.0" system:

    Execution control

    The accounting system controls the progress of the execution of the document by all performers. When the program is launched, a notification is displayed on the screen for all users about the status of work with the execution of documents and orders.

    When the program is launched, information is given about the onset of the deadline for the execution of documents (instructions). When you click "Yes", the "Executable Documents" Journal opens, which reflects this document to view.

    When opening the corresponding Journals, the clerk, the secretary-assistant and the head of the organization see the result of work with documents and instructions. The contractor sees only his instructions and documents. Fig. 11

    Fig. 11

    The program will remind the employee about the upcoming response time, summarize information about the progress and results of work with documents. The search (selection) system is implemented through a filter. Provides the issuance of information to Excel.

    Document flow analysis.

    The system provides the ability to obtain a set of standard reporting forms that determine the volume of the organization's workflow and the course of execution of documents. Rice. 9


      Incoming mail

      Outgoing mail

      Orders and instructions of the management

      Leadership assignments

    About the state of work:

      with input. documents

      on preparation ref. documents

      on the execution of orders from the management

      on the execution of instructions from the management

    Fig. 9

    The appearance of the report "Register of incoming correspondence" is shown in Fig. 12

    Fig. 12

    The system provides (Fig. 13) printing cards of all types of documents
    fig. 13

    Keeping an electronic archive

    Allows you to organize the work of the archive in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on archiving. The clerk can view any document from the nomenclature file of the archive. At the same time, the program has created a convenient mechanism for searching documents in the archive. The search time for documents in an array of 10,000 units is about 3 seconds.

    Employee use of uniform templates and enterprise standards

    The use of the "Templates and STP" component of the "Office Work 3.0" software package is intended to organize the work of performers with uniform forms (forms) of documents, as well as to use in practice the enterprise standards (STP) that determine the procedure for organizing and conducting production and management processes.

    Component "Secretary Assistant"

    The architecture of the software package:

    "Office work 3.0" is interconnected Automated Workstations (AWS): AWS "Clerk" AWP "Manager", AWP "Secretary-assistant" and AWP "Executor". Below are their main functionalities:

      ARM "BUSINESS PRODUCER"(with DB administrator rights)

      Organization and maintenance of the office work system in in full(registration, accounting, control, storage, statistical analysis);

      Formation of nomenclature cases;

      Maintenance of directories, distribution of access rights;

      Copying \ restoring the database.

      Formation of reports from the database.

      AWS "Secretary-assistant"

      Form and keep up to date the Manager's Schedule;

      Schedule meetings. Form the agenda of the meeting, appoint participants and speakers. At the same time, the program will automatically send an invitation to the participants and reminders.

      Keep minutes of the meeting and track the results of implementation of decisions.

      Assign assignments to executors and track the progress of their execution;

      Keep track of your own tasks;

      AWP "Manager"

      Convenient viewing of the Schedule (for a day, a week, a month);

      Schedule meetings;

      Track the progress of execution of decisions and orders;

      If necessary, view the Minutes of any meeting, and its history (a card that reflects the participants, questions, speakers).


      Receiving notifications of receipt of correspondence or instructions in his name;

      Viewing your correspondence and orders;

      Filling in the Order card (filling in the fields execution result, execution date ...)

      Formation of reports on your documents;

      Use of the directory "Employees" as a telephone directory and directory full name, position and email addresses employees of the enterprise.

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