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  • The best affiliate programs for making money at home. Glopart - A partner of an advertising CPA network, a service for accepting payments and creating your own affiliate program

The best affiliate programs for making money at home. Glopart - A partner of an advertising CPA network, a service for accepting payments and creating your own affiliate program

More and more readers of our blog are interested in the possibility of earning on affiliate programs without having their own website. This question is very relevant, because. it is of interest to many people who want to start working on the Internet.

We have already talked about where to find . Today we will talk about 6 proven promotion methods used by many Internet entrepreneurs to make money on affiliate programs.

1. Social networks - the first step to the first results

Social networks are visited by thousands of people every day, which makes it possible to promote various affiliate programs and regularly earn money from it. We will describe 4 proven methods used specifically in social networks.

1.1 Posting in open groups.

This is perhaps the most common way to promote your referral link without investment. The principle of operation is very simple:

  1. write several options for a selling and catchy text in advance;
  2. insert your affiliate link into each of them;
  3. find groups on social networks where the wall or discussions are open to everyone;
  4. insert your text with an affiliate program.

Beware of blocking accounts when working through, use fake pages for posting.

There are plenty of open groups in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and other social networks, so the scope of work is quite voluminous. However, doing these steps manually can take too much of your time. Automatic programs that perform all these actions for you come to the rescue. In our course on making money on social networks, we talked about the many methods of automatic and manual promotion. Each of them is tested and will help to achieve the desired result.

1.2 Selling through your group.

Creating your own group will only take a couple of minutes. Your main task is to constantly attract new subscribers and provide them with useful information. When the number of live participants reaches at least 1000 people, you can already post your links and recommend affiliate products or services to everyone. Developing a group is much easier than developing a website, so you shouldn't have any particular difficulties here.

1.3 Direct sales.

You will be surprised, but direct sales through correspondence without communication by phone or Skype can bring good results. One of the members of our team at the very beginning of his activity using this method earned 20-50 dollars a day! Agree that for a beginner this is a very good intermediate result.

How do direct sales through correspondence on the Internet work?

You start or buy yourself a new page. The page must be FEMALE! As practice shows, beautiful girls are answered much more often. Potential customers pay attention to such pages and perceive such messages better, which makes it possible to make a sale faster and more profitably. Be sure to add as many photos as possible, join thematic communities and start looking for potential buyers in them.

For example, if you sell the services of the Look Freedom team for promoting or creating websites, then your target audience here is commercial groups. These are online stores selling clothes, shoes, accessories, household appliances, computers, etc. You simply contact the administrator and gently offer to use your services. It may seem too banal or simple to you, but many have succeeded in creating a good business in this way.

An example from life.

For example, let's tell a story about one freelancer. One of our acquaintances, having hardly learned the basics of site building, decided to try his hand at practice. On remote work sites, he was looking for an opportunity to prove himself for a very long time, but he could not find a suitable project. Later, he followed our advice and started looking for customers directly through social networks.

The principle of operation was very simple. He created a page on behalf of an attractive girl and began to look at commercial groups. He did not immediately offer his services. First, I asked questions, found out on which sites the advertisement of this company is placed, how delivery, payment, and so on. And when the conversation at least partially touched on the site, he wrote that he had a very good friend who could help with the development.

Because he spoke on behalf of a beautiful and attractive girl, the administrators believed him and asked him to leave the programmer's contacts. In response to this, he dropped his real page and continued to communicate already as a performer.

The best part is that this method can be used to sell just about any product or service.

There are many similar examples. The main thing to understand is that in 30 minutes spent on Vkontakte, you will not immediately get mountains of gold. It is necessary to regularly devote time to such a technique, and then the first results will not be long in coming.

1.4 Advertising in social networks.

Unlike the options described above, here you have to invest money. The most correct decision in this situation would be to advertise your group, because. It is more profitable to try to promote several affiliate programs at once, rather than spend your time and money on just one. Fill it with useful content, photos and videos and you can start creating an advertising campaign.

There are two fastest ways to get promoted on social media:

  • contextual advertising;
  • advertising in thematic publics.

This is a very effective way to attract targeted traffic, because. people constantly see your ad, which increases the chance of clicking on it. In the future, we will tell you about the main principles of such promotion, but for now let's move on to the next point.

Advertising in thematic groups is most often placed on the community wall. The customer pays for placing one or more posts for a certain period of time. This method is also very effective, but there are certain rules you need to follow so that your advertising budget is not wasted:

  • check how active this group is. See how often news or new information is posted in it, how often it is shared with friends or commented on. The more active the group is, the more likely it is to attract quality traffic;
  • find out the number of "dead members", through a special application. This will help identify the percentage of blocked or deleted users who do not take any part in the life of the community;
  • find out prices in other thematic publics and form an approximate size of the advertising budget for your topic. By analyzing the market, you can find not only a better offer, but also a more effective one.

2. Postings on thematic forums and blogs.

We note right away that you should not take our advice for a call to SPAM. Accurate and competent work on forums or thematic blogs will also attract the target audience. You should not immediately post your referral links or flashy text with a call to go to the site. Such methods have long been outdated, they annoy users and attract a lot of attention from moderators. Share your impressions about the product or service you are promoting, ask the opinion of other visitors, etc.

How much time do you spend on the forums? Your ranking is your key to success. Users are much more willing to trust more status consultants than newcomers. Unobtrusive advertising will cause more trust and people will be drawn to you.

3. Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

Not the cheapest, but one of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic straight from the search engines. For each click, money will be withdrawn from your account, so it is worth considering some features when using this method:

  • affiliate site conversion. When choosing a product or service, be sure to find out about its conversion, i.e. what is his ratio of purchases to visits. How to calculate it and what will it mean? Everything is very simple. For example, 250 people clicked on your link per day, and there were only 9 closed deals. Then the conversion will be 3.6%: (9 / 250) * 100% = 3.6%. Many directories of affiliate programs indicate the conversion of the site, because. This is the most important indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of its work. A satisfactory value for a good conversion is 10%, including when setting up contextual advertising. However, with various promotion methods (for example, with mass mailing of letters), you can make good money even with 3-7%. It is from this point that the calculation of the relevance of setting up contextual advertising and investing money in its budget is taken;
  • payback, i.e. how much 1 transaction pays off the budget spent on it. For example, to make a sale, your site must be visited 50 times. 1 transition (1 click) costs 10 cents. 50 clicks - $5, and the cost of an information product or service will cost $10-50. In this case, you can recoup the advertising budget several times;
  • correct setting. A well-tuned advertising campaign reduces the cost per click and helps increase the number of clicks.

The budget here can also be taken for the number of impressions, however, this method is ineffective in promoting affiliate programs.

If you do not know how to set up contextual advertising, then contact a specialist from our team for help or you can try to do it yourself. The information on our website and a large number of lessons on the Internet will help you figure it all out.

4. Teaser advertising.

Very often used in activities such as traffic arbitration. The principle of posting ads here is slightly different. The moderator takes the picture and writes an attractive title or description for it. Next comes placement on thematic sites where people may be interested in a partner product or service. Users go to this site, see your offer, click on it and go to the affiliate site. Money is spent on the principle of contextual advertising: for impressions and for clicks.

The most important task is to select the right site. Otherwise, the budget spent may significantly exceed the income from such an advertising campaign.

5. Email distribution.

Perhaps the most effective and popular way to promote information products. He is rapidly gaining popularity in the conduct of other businesses. Now many Internet entrepreneurs use services for email newsletters to sell various goods or services.

The most important condition for conducting such activities is the presence of an email database of your target audience. By regularly sending emails with sales texts, you are guaranteed to attract targeted traffic to your affiliate site. With a high percentage of email deliveries, you guarantee yourself a good income and further development.

Regularly study the information on our blog, and then you will be aware of all the news related to e-mail marketing.

6. Cheap advertising platforms and boxes

Nowadays, advertising on the Internet continues to gain its popularity. In order to provide cheap, and most importantly high-quality advertising services, such services as SearfEarner, Ojooo, Globus, etc. are created. The main task of such sites is not just to advertise a product or service, but also to enable each user to earn good money automatically or by performing simple actions.

For example, SearfEarner is an extension for your browser. You go through a quick registration on the official website of the company, download and install it. To make money, you just need to keep doing your business on the Internet and receive passive income from ads that regularly appear at the top of the window.

It appears for only 5-60 seconds, does not interfere with work at the computer and makes it possible to constantly increase your balance. Earned money can be transferred to your account or included in the advertising budget when working with an affiliate program.

The cost of placing your ad is from 50 to 100 rubles per 1000 impressions. With a compelling headline and a short defiant description, you are guaranteed to be able to drive traffic to your affiliate site and make money on full autopilot!

In our articles about making money on boxes and advertising platforms, we will describe this method of promotion in more detail. Here it is important to take into account some of the nuances of working with these services and correctly apply the knowledge gained on our blog.

Or maybe you should start your own website?

Friends, creating your first online resource is not difficult. Take a look at the Look Freedom team blog. It was created in 5 hours by people who had never done it before. The only thing that was required of us was to order hosting for 250 rubles. per month, pay for a domain name 150 rubles. and for the "hat" (at the very top) to the designer 500 rubles. Total 900r.

Want to know how we did it? The tutorial will help anyone. To be honest, 72 hours is a very strong word. Yuriy and I watched a total of 5 lessons on finalizing the selected template, in total, viewing took no more than 5 hours. And for another 5 hours we slowly applied the acquired knowledge and posted our first posts. Only 10 hours of your free time and you have your own website! Unbelievable but true!


Hello friends! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today's article we will begin to analyze such a large and profitable topic as affiliate programs. I will try to explain in simple terms what an affiliate program is (it is also called a referral program or affiliate marketing), why it is needed, how it works and why it can be a good additional income for beginners to work on the Internet.

Yes, there are many people who, like me, are engaged in the promotion of affiliate products on the Internet and earn from this 50,000 rubles a month. What is needed for this, you will also find out today.

What is a partner?

Affiliate program(abbr. affiliate program) is a way of cooperation between those who have some kind of product that needs to be sold and those who can sell (recommend) it, receiving a part of the profit from each sale.

A specific example, I think that everyone is already familiar with online stores where you can buy clothes, appliances, furniture, food and anything you want without leaving your home.

Take one of these popular stores - Aliexpress. He has a program that works through the E-Commerce CPA affiliate network, in which anyone can register.

You register, receive a link to the product you have chosen from this store and talk about it, for example, on your VKontakte page, attaching your link. Your friends, scrolling through the news, see the post, learn about such an interesting and useful product, follow the link, buy, and you are paid up to 10% of the cost of the product for this.

This money is credited to your account in your personal account, and then you withdraw it to your e-wallets or bank card. Everything is simple! Anything can be a product for sale: training courses from various authors, paid services, private services, etc.

You can also just agree with a friend who makes websites (or) that you will recommend him, bring him clients, and he will give you part of the profit for this. This is called affiliate marketing.

What is a referral program?

Many people confuse and do not understand the difference, but in many affiliate programs there is also a referral program or an affiliate program that is completely referral. In this case, you do not just bring a client, but bring a referral to the system.

Referral(or referral from English. referral) is an affiliate program participant who came on the recommendation of another participant.

Under some conditions of affiliate programs, you can receive a percentage not only from the referral itself, but also from the turnover of the clients brought by him. Through such a scheme, various HYIPs and MLM projects work, which, I am sure, many have already encountered. Therefore, I will not give a specific example here.

In the next article, we will analyze what other types of affiliate programs exist, and what conditions for participation in them are.

We figured out the principle of operation, now let's look at how it works from the technical side.

Affiliate links and how do they work?

After registering in the affiliate program, the partner's personal account becomes available to you. In this account, you are provided with special links with your ID, as well as promotional materials, statistics, etc.

  1. vasiliyblinov
  2. ?ref=288474
  3. c313e

I highlighted in bold the very identifier that helps the system understand which partner the client came from.

After the user clicks on such a link, data is stored in his browser (on his device) and in the partner system to track the transition. Depending on the conditions of the affiliate program, this data can be stored from several hours to several years.

For example, a person clicked on your link, looked at the information, but did not immediately buy or received some free material, and closed the page. Then a day or a week later, he remembered and returned to buy the product. I already went through a direct link to the site, but your identifier was saved in its device, and when buying, in this case, you were charged a commission.

If he suddenly changes the device, the system will not be able to track that the client came from you, and you will not receive a commission.

For this reason, in some systems, a participant can be assigned to you more securely by leaving his e-mail address. In this case, if during the purchase he changes the device in which the link data is saved, but uses his mail, the system will determine it, and the sale will be counted for you.

Everything seems to be clear? Ask in the comments to the article if something is unclear.

Advantages of affiliate programs and why are they needed?

You probably already guess what a revolutionary step this is in the field of marketing and what advantages of creating and promoting affiliate programs are open to us.

For people who sell their product, this is an opportunity to get a huge amount of traffic without investing in advertising. You pay partners only for real sales. You will be recommended by clients and traffic specialists. They will completely take care of all the troubles with advertising.

For people who don't have their own product, this is an opportunity to start making money on the Internet without investment. There are dozens of free and paid methods to promote affiliate products and services online.

Especially for all beginners, I recently launched, in which I share my experience of how I got a passive income from affiliate programs of more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Come, it will be interesting, you will find yourself in our chat of like-minded people, in which we constantly discuss everything related to affiliate programs.

What kind of income can you have?

I must say right away that affiliate programs are not a quick way to earn money, unless you invest in paid traffic. I, like most, initially followed the free path, I did not have the funds to invest in advertising, and at that time I did not know how to buy it.

Even if I had money, I would have stupidly merged it out of inexperience and abandoned this idea. Starting with simple steps and the first small results, I began to have confidence in the chosen direction.

I still remember how happy I was for the first sale after 2 months of work and training. Then everything began to grow like a snowball, creating daily channels from which traffic came.

I have a section on my blog in which I share and tell what has been done, you can go read it if you are interested.

So, devoting several hours a day, after six months I began to earn 10-15 thousand rubles in addition to the main activity at remote work, after a year 25-40 and now more than 150,000 rubles. As you can see, there is no ceiling here.

Here are some screenshots from personal accounts.

To date, affiliate programs are one of the most profitable methods of making money online. There are many people who know how to make money on affiliate programs and make good profits.

And what is most interesting, such a business can be run, even without your own website! Of course, its presence significantly expands the user's capabilities, but today it is quite possible to cope without it.

How do affiliate programs work?

The principle of the affiliate program is extremely simple. For example, there is a site that sells books, entering into an agreement with the owner of which you undertake to attract buyers in exchange for a percentage of the profits from their purchases. Your profit will depend on the activity of your attracted buyers.

Earnings on affiliate programs: myths and reality

Quite often there is an opinion that making money on affiliate programs is not realistic! Many either do not believe that the method can be profitable, or, having tried it and not getting a result, they soon abandon the work they have begun halfway through.

Most people just don't know how to make money with affiliate programs, so they need a good guide to the world of internet business.

Indeed, this type of income has its own nuances. But the desired result will be, you just need to spend time (as if you went to work in the office every day) your time, and not in vain, but for the benefit of the business, and then you will get a positive result in the form of profit.

Practice shows that it is participation in affiliate programs that can bring good income literally in the first days of work!

How can I make money on affiliate programs and what needs to be done for this?

Working conditions on different affiliate programs are different, but the scheme is approximately the same:

  • Registration in the affiliate program you are interested in;
  • Attaching a banner or a special (referral) link to you;
  • Placing a link/banner wherever possible to attract people. If you have a website (or a home page), you can place an advertising banner, as well as write a short article using the main tags that will allow your site to reach a sufficient position in search engine results;
  • People who are interested in the offer follow your personal referral link, purchase a product or order a service, for which the affiliate pays a certain percentage agreed upon earlier;
  • Buyers can also start earning through this program. To do this, they need to register in the affiliate program by getting to the site using your referral link. The income from their sales will also bring you profit. However, not all affiliate programs have a two-level referral system that allows you to have passive income.

Types of affiliate programs

  • Affiliate programs with a percentage of sales;

    We have already considered this example above. This method is usually used by online stores. You receive a commission for an attracted client who bought a product through a referral link;

  • Affiliate programs with payment for the action performed by the client;

    An action is a certain condition (applying for a loan, registering, subscribing to a newsletter, passing a test) that the referred person fulfills, and for this you are charged a commission;

  • Affiliate programs, with participation in which payment is charged for clicks or impressions;

    In this case, your profit will depend on impressions or ad clicks.

  • Affiliates with commissions for SMS sent from a cell phone;

    If a person who went to the site using your referral link sends an SMS to receive the necessary information or to pay for the goods, you receive a commission for this. Important: You can earn money on affiliate programs only by advertising someone else's product!

  • Downloading files is also an affiliate program, and the profit is accrued for downloading files.

For example, you upload your file to the LetitBit file hosting service and for downloading it by a visitor you will receive your 10 cents, for example. You can distribute information about the file and the ability to download it from a specific link.

It is very convenient if you have a thematic site that has become very popular with users. You can write posts and insert links into the text for ease of transition.

Zippro. Any interesting files (videos, photos, books, etc.) that can interest the audience will allow you to earn quite substantial amounts. First you need to register on the ZipPro website, download the software for files and create an archive. Next, you need to advertise it on the Internet.

Users will download the file, and in order to open it and get full access, they will need to send SMS messages, the cost of which you set yourself (in the range from 30 to 300 rubles). At the same time, most of the profit - at least 80% of the income will go to you.

Examples of really working affiliate programs

It is important to understand that affiliate programs for making money are quite relevant and bring good profits to their owners. However, you can also make good money by providing a search for clients while sitting at the computer.

Every day there are more and more affiliate programs in the network, and at the same time they allow both beginners and professionals to earn money.

We can say with confidence that everyone can find a suitable affiliate program and get a good income.

Good luck to you!

Good bad

You will learn how a novice webmaster to choose a profitable affiliate program to make money on the Internet. Check out the catalog of affiliate programs in our article.

03.06.2018 Julia Novikova

Income from such employment does not imply investment. The main thing is to develop a clear algorithm of actions, to study the target audience. Tips and tricks for working with affiliate programs, as well as their detailed analysis, you will find in our article.

Features of earning on affiliate programs

An affiliate program is a form of cooperation between a seller company and its partners in the sale of goods or services. This method is beneficial for the seller, because it allows you to reduce advertising costs, and at the same time allows partners to receive interest from attracting customers.

To earn money with the help of the program, it is enough to leave a referral link on a social network, forum or personal website. From each client who comes to the store using your link and makes a purchase (or other useful action), you will receive a reward.

Commissions, depending on the project, are paid to WebMoney, YandexMoney Internet wallets or directly to a current account.

Several payment options:

  1. per click- the task of the visitor, after viewing an advertisement on the website of a partner of a company, click on it and go to the advertiser's resource.
  2. Per show- it is enough for a partner to place an advertisement on a personal website to receive a commission.
  3. For action- money is transferred only in case of registration of the attracted user, his subscription to the resource mailing list. The type of payment is typical for dating sites, virtual currency exchange offices.
  4. For sales– the webmaster receives a percentage of the purchase of a person who used the affiliate link and bought the product/service. This type of payment is practiced by online stores.

The affiliate program types per click (PPC) and per impression (PPV) can be combined into a group with pay per traffic. PPC usage (per action) has declined due to click fraud.

What are affiliate programs

Partners are divided into:

  • single-level - a classic type of affiliate program. It can be called one-time, because the partner receives a commission only once for a client / product sold;
  • multilevel - a hierarchical system of income distribution among referrals and subscribers.
Affiliate program scheme

The scheme of multi-level network marketing is such that the profit of the main partner (referral) depends on the real activity of the visitors attracted by him.

If, for example, he attracts two more people to work in the affiliate program, he receives up to 20% from their activity. In the future, the task of these two is to attract second-level partners, from whose profits both the first-level publishers and the Main Partner receive a commission.

Such a multi-level system has several more levels. Thus, for a partner of the first and second levels there is a guarantee of constant profit from the work of subsequent levels.

Is it possible to start earning on affiliate programs, starting from 0 rubles? Quite, the main thing is a reasonable and creative approach.

How to choose the best affiliate program - useful tips and tricks

The search for an employer is not based on any one criterion, which, in the opinion of the webmaster, will be the main one, but on the basis of a combination of a number of characteristics.

And often the decisive role is played not by the interest rate, but by the company's reputation, its experience, and a well-designed cooperation scheme.

This table will help you:

What to look out for positive option Negative option
Site interface Thoughtful with multiple sections, search and various filters. A maximum of two sections, where all the products are collected in a crowd.
Presentation of product information Competent and clear description, allowing you to place an order without consultation. A template description of all goods or its complete absence.
Ordering goods/services Maximum two-stage, without distracting elements. A complex ordering system, for example, with mandatory communication with a company employee.

If you are just creating a website, choose in which area you will work.

For example, if your goal is to make money on gaming affiliate programs, then the theme of the resource should be appropriate - online games.

Also, if a web page already exists and is dedicated, for example, to hunting, then you need to look for appropriate affiliate programs. There is no point in posting links to an online women's clothing store. The webmaster needs to understand that it is almost impossible to promote products on a non-thematic site.

It is important to know in advance all the details of the affiliate commission calculation. Do not waste time on dubious offers with a percentage of deductions of more than 70%. The optimal percentage for the sale of goods is 5-20%, for the sale of services - 10-30%.

Choose conditions with the ability to create multi-level network marketing. Attracting referrals guarantees a stable income from the products they sell. Commissions can be 5-15%.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the reputation of the seller

Read reviews of a potential partner company. Even such simple actions will allow you to determine whether to trust the seller, how reliable he is. If a partner has managed to gain a positive reputation among customers, there is reason to hope for buyers' interest in goods and services.

Only the demand for a product / service in the market guarantees the demand for it among potential buyers.

Conduct regular monitoring of the relevance of the advertised products. Especially if you are dealing with the sale of information products and services, the data in which quickly becomes outdated. First of all, we are talking about training courses, instructions, trainings.

Also keep track of product demand as audience preferences change rapidly.

TOP 5 best affiliate programs for making money

There are a lot of affiliate programs on the Internet, but not all of them meet the necessary criteria of the employer company.

We bring to your attention the five most reliable and generous services.

Smart Sale

Service for the return of part of the funds after the purchase. At the time of this writing, the number of satisfied Smarty.Sale users has exceeded 800,000. The site is optimized for different devices and has a user-friendly interface.


  • average cost per click - 2.99 rubles;
  • click-to-action conversion rate – 16.41%;
  • the affiliate program counts the user's transition through the referral link within 31 days;
  • the advertiser confirms the work in 87.04%;
  • The maximum processing time for paid actions is 90 days.

Before starting cooperation, read the rules for using the service (there are prohibitions on certain activities).


This is what the ePN affiliate program looks like

This service is essentially a partner of one of the largest Chinese online stores - AliExpress. The flow of goods reaches 100 million

Partner conditions:

  • promotional materials - links and banners;
  • referral program - 5%;
  • the percentage reaches 9% with sales of 10 thousand dollars;
  • the maximum processing time for paid actions is 70 days;
  • earnings on traffic/recommendations/on the blog.

By registering on the service in a personal account, the webmaster receives detailed statistics in various sections.


This is how the admitad advertising banner looks like

The product catalog of the service has more than 400 thousand items, as well as its topics - online games and finance.

Conditions and possibilities:

  • referral program - 5%;
  • webmaster tools: banners, direct links, rotators;
  • extensive opportunities for partners: work with sites, arbitration, social networks, doorways.


Commodity affiliate program No. 1

A product affiliate program that allows you to launch your own store of various sizes. On the creation of a referral system, 2% is paid, sales commissions are up to 70%.


A profitable affiliate program offers a choice of webmasters pay per action or % of sales.

Conditions and possibilities:

  • referral program - 5% of turnover;
  • pay per click is about 2.4 rubles;
  • offer topics: games, tourism, ecommerce;
  • available promotional tools: Deep Links, sub-accounts, discount coupons.

It is mandatory for a webmaster to have a website on a paid hosting.

As for the YouTube affiliate program, watch a video about one of the best affiliate programs for video bloggers:

Why participation in an affiliate program does not make a profit - the main mistakes of beginners

In order to avoid the situation “I invested all of myself in the project, but eventually burned out”, it is necessary to regularly evaluate your work and analyze the actions taken.

Let's take a look at three of the most common mistakes newbies make.

Mistake 1. Attracting untargeted visitors

Decide on the target audience for your product/service. Correctly indicate gender, age, occupation. Each group of potential buyers will respond to their offer.

People visit a resource related to fashion and finance only if these topics are of interest to them. And you need to advertise about clothes or financial information only on an appropriately directed resource. Thus, you increase targeted traffic.

Mistake 2. Promoting an unfamiliar product

If the task of the webmaster is to attract visitors to perform certain actions, it is worthwhile to do it yourself first, for example, fill out a registration form in order to explain to the client all the advantages of the resource and its features in an accessible way.

Our rating of the top 100 "Best Affiliate Programs" is designed to make it easier to find the affiliate programs or services you need for your site. Here you will find the resources most relevant to you, sorted according to ratings, clicks, or the date they were added to our catalog. We hope that our top 100 rating will help you get the maximum income from your website or earn more without a website by promoting your goods and services in advertising networks, or products participating in any affiliate program. I wish you success!

Total materials: 60
Shown Materials: 1-15

Google AdSense - earning on contextual advertising

The Google AdSense program places ads that are either relevant to your site's theme or to the interests of users. Those. if a visitor to your site has previously used Google search or visited sites of other Google partners, the system remembers this data and displays the most relevant ads on your site. This approach makes advertising much more effective and allows partners to earn more. You get rewarded for clicks and impressions. CPCs can vary significantly. It depends on the theme of the site, the prices of advertisers and other factors. AdSense constantly checks the content of the system's ad pages and if a violation of the AdSense rules is found, the site may be banned from further participation in the system until the violation is corrected. In case of gross violations, they can block the entire account without payment. Payments are made automatically monthly at the end of the current month for the previous one. The minimum payout amount is $100. Using the Rapida payment system, you can set up automatic payouts to your WebMoney wallet or other electronic wallets. You can also withdraw earned money to a bank account by transfer in dollars via SWIFT.

Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) - Earnings on the site using contextual advertising

The Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) allows site owners to have a good income from advertising. In addition to contextual ads that depend on the content of your site's pages, interest-based ads can also be displayed. Those. the search queries made by the user in the Yandex system are taken into account, as well as the subject matter of the pages of the sites of other YAN partners that previously had a visitor to your site. Money is charged for each click on the ad, but the price can vary significantly. It depends on the theme of your site, advertisers' prices and other factors. Websites with attendance from 500 visitors per day are accepted. Each site is rigorously tested. To start working with YAN, you will need to conclude an agreement. The Yandex Advertising Network pays all taxes independently. Personal income tax - 13 percent is withheld from your profit upon payment. The remaining taxes (to the pension fund, etc.) are paid from the profits of the YAN. The payment is made automatically once a month to your bank account or to a YandexMoney system wallet. The minimum payout amount is 3000 rubles.

Advertur - earn money on the site with the help of RTB advertising

With the Advertur affiliate program, you can earn on your website by placing RTB ads - banners with payment for impressions and clicks. RTB (Real Time Bidding), i.e. Real-time bidding is a relatively new advertising technology, the essence of which is that the banner and the price of its placement are determined in a real-time auction involving many large advertising networks. This takes into account all available data about your site visitor (time, retargeting data, etc.). Thus, the system automatically selects the most relevant and expensive ads for each user, which provides you with higher income than when advertising only one ad network. All the most popular banner formats are available: 728x90, 240x400, 300x250, 468x60 and 160x600 as well as InPage video banner, mobile banner, popup banner and image banner. You can also use your own placeholders in case the system doesn't find a suitable ad for your site. As a stub, you can use either a simple banner or ads from another advertising network, such as Yandex.Direct or Google AdSense blocks. Earned funds are paid out once a month, during the first five working days of the month, through the Webmoney system (WMR, WMZ), Yandex.Money, QIWI wallets and ePayService. It is possible to set up an automatic payout order and a minimum withdrawal amount.

Recreativ - commercial advertising network in teaser format

Recreativ is a commercial advertising network in a teaser format. Each listing contains an image, description, and price of the item. Websites with more than 500 unique visitors per day are accepted. We acquire any traffic if the site complies with the rules of the system. The bid per click is determined by the topic of the advertising material, the quality of site traffic, country and advertiser rates. Payment of remuneration is made through the WebMoney (WMZ) system automatically twice a month, usually on the 14th and last day of the month. The minimum payout amount is 20 USD.

Advertise - CPA network of affiliate programs with pay per action

Advertise is an affiliate program that works according to the CPA model (pay per action). Partners can be both webmasters who place ads on their websites, as well as ordinary users who can advertise connected offers through social networks, contextual advertising, teaser and banner networks, as well as using other traffic sources that are acceptable for a particular advertiser. Partners receive rewards when the users they refer perform certain actions: registering in the game, filling out a questionnaire, purchasing goods, installing and launching a mobile application on iOS or Android, and others. Payments are made through the Webmoney system (from 300 rubles or 10 dollars), Yandex.Money (from 100 rubles), PayPal (from 100 rubles or 10 dollars), Rapida (from 100 rubles), QIWI (from 100 rubles), MasterCard/Visa (from 1000 rubles / 100 dollars), as well as through a bank transfer (from 1000 rubles). The regularity of payments is configured in your personal account and depends on the chosen payment method (daily, weekly, 2 times a month and 1 time per month).

Teaser affiliate program - VisitWeb

VisitWeb is a pay per click affiliate program. Advertising formats: Teaser advertising, Mobile Blind, Lite Blind, ClickUnder, Embed, Messenger, Slider, Direct link. Advertisers create ad campaigns and set the cost per click. Webmasters place the block code and earn on the traffic of their site. Advertisements are selected depending on the click-through rate and the cost per click. Sites of any subject with traffic of at least 50 unique users per day and if there are Liveinternet or Yandex.Metrika statistics on the site are allowed to participate. Payments are made once a day, except for weekends and holidays of the Russian Federation, upon request, to a Webmoney wallet (WMR, WMZ), QIWI, epayments or to a bank card. There is no minimum payout amount. Payment can be ordered in your account. It is also possible to set up auto-payment, which will be made 14 days after the last payment and upon reaching a minimum of 100 rubles.

TeaserNet - Teaser advertising network with pay per click

Teaser advertising network TeaserNet - advertising with pay per click. Consistently the best income from 1000 impressions. A wide range of options for editing the appearance of ads. Ability to choose which ads to show. Weekly payments to Webmoney and Yandex.Money

GoGetLinks - Exchange of links

A unique system for placing paid reviews with links to quality sites. Reviews are posted on an ongoing basis.

LadyCash - Teaser network for women's websites

The advertising network operates in a teaser format and combines only high-quality sites, which allows you to maintain a high cost of clicks and ensures advertisers' confidence in the network. The main advantages of the system: The minimum cost of the transition - 1 ruble. Convenient ad block builder. High CTR on ad network teasers. Payouts in WMR once a week or on request. The minimum amount for payment is 16 rubles. Individual approach and support of webmasters.

AdHub teaser affiliate program

AdHub Teaser Affiliate - Earn money on your sites by placing ads with pay-per-click (Pay-Per-Click, PPC). Cost per click - from 0.40 rubles. and more. Flexible settings for displaying ads - you choose which ads to show and which not. A convenient ad builder that allows you to customize the appearance of ad blocks to fit your website design. Detailed statistics online. Payments to WebMoney 2 times a month. The minimum amount for payment is 100 rubles.

Admitad - Affiliate Program Network (CPA)

Admitad is a network of affiliate programs operating on the CPA model, i.e. payment for actions. You will place advertising materials on your websites, social networks, advertising services, etc. Users who follow your links to the advertised site are assigned to you. The reward is charged for each targeted action (registration, application, purchase) that the user you referred will perform. The Admitad catalog contains a huge number of affiliate programs of online stores, banks, online games and other services. An advanced statistics system and unique analytical tools of the Admitad system will allow you to track effective traffic channels and increase conversion and earnings. The withdrawal of earned funds is carried out upon a preliminary application and is made through the WebMoney, PayPal systems or to a bank account. The minimum withdrawal amount is: 300.00 rubles or 20 dollars.

Travelpayouts - monetization of tourist traffic (air tickets, hotels, etc.)

Travelpayouts is an affiliate program of a service for booking hotels, selling air tickets and other travel services. You will receive 50 to 70 percent of the revenue generated by the service from agencies and airlines. This income depends on the cost of the air ticket and on the agency where the user buys the ticket. On average, you will earn 1.1-1.5 percent of the cost of an air ticket and 3-4 percent of the cost of a hotel reservation. A visitor to the service attracted by your affiliate link is remembered for 30 days (Cookie). Payments to partners are made automatically once a month through: Webmoney, Ya.Money, Epayments, current account of a Russian legal entity, SWIFT or Paypal. The minimum payout amount is from 500 rubles.

Photoshop-Master - Affiliate program for the distribution of educational video courses

Photoshop-Master is an affiliate program for distributing training video courses on Photoshop. Your commission for each order attracted by you is 30% (about 480 rubles)

1Popov - Affiliate program for the distribution of educational video courses

Affiliate program for the distribution of educational video courses. You receive 30 percent of the cost of the course sold through your link. Courses on DVD: 1. "All Technical Moments of Online Business in Video Format". 2. "How to Create an Informational Bestseller on DVD or CD". 3. "PHP+MySQL for beginners". 4. "Joomla - Professional website in one day". 5. "Wordpress - A professional blog in one day." 6. "Technical secrets of productive work in online business"

Glopart - A partner of an advertising CPA network, a service for accepting payments and creating your own affiliate program

Glopart is a service for organizing payments on your website and creating your own affiliate program. You will receive up to 900 rubles for each user you refer who registers a paid account, i.е. will sell their products through the service. You can also earn by participating in the many affiliate programs that are already created in the system and sell an unlimited number of products from the Glopart catalog, just by posting a link on your blog, website or forum. Weekly automatic payments to Yandex.Money, WebMoney and QIWI.

If you have a link to the website of an affiliate program, domain registrar, hosting provider or a link to a website promotion service that is not on our resource, then you can add it to our database using the form for adding new affiliate programs.

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