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The best mobile VR headsets for smartphones Gear VR, Daydream, Cardboard and more - iOS and Android - compatible devices. Virtual reality headset - how to choose the best one

When choosing the best VR glasses and helmets, be aware that this device alone won't work like a kaleidoscope for kids. It is always worth remembering that this is an additional device and requires either a good gaming smartphone, or a powerful gaming computer, or a game console to work. All premium VR gadgets are tailored for a powerful video card, processor and RAM of a personal computer, and budget and mid-range devices most often use a smartphone, and often with certain technical parameters and dimensions.

Add to this some limited content and software for VR headsets. For example, such a giant as Apple is so far reluctant to meet developers of applications for VR. But, in any case, even a simple cardboard Google Cardboard will allow you to get completely new impressions and get to know the virtual world not in words, but in your own feelings and sensations. And the owners of premium-class VR devices can already be classified as “virtual reality monsters”. And it's not for nothing that Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg bought Oculus VR for $ 2 billion back in 2014. So we are waiting for new powerful innovative solutions in virtual reality.

Even to experience virtual reality using your smartphone, you need a VR headset. If you want to see a realistic picture, then you need a powerful gaming computer and an advanced VR headset. Today there are two such helmets: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. But which one should you choose?

At first glance, the difference between the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive is obvious: the first VR headset costs $ 600, the second - $ 800. But you are very mistaken if you think that the more expensive headset is better on all counts. Let's compare in several ways and decide which one is worth purchasing.

VR helmets comparison: immersion

Put on a VR headset and you are instantly transported to another world. Wherever you turn your head, you will see and hear something that does not really exist. The main purpose of a VR headset is to make you believe that everything you see is real. So how much can the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive immerse the player in a virtual atmosphere?

In terms of visual and audio fidelity, both helmets are similar. They have the same matrix size (2160 x 1200) and the same resolution of the output image (1080 x 1200). The only difference is that you connect your headphones to the Vive, and they are already built into the Oculus Rift. Therefore, in general, virtual worlds look and sound about the same in both VR headsets.

Yes, modern technology was able to deceive the eyes and ears of a person, you feel your presence in the game. But the game is not a film, it assumes that the player will move and perform some actions. And in this, the Oculus Rift loses. Vive, on the other hand, has sensors that allow you to physically move around in virtual worlds and interact with phantom objects.

Therefore, in terms of immersion in virtual reality, the victory is won by HTC Vive.

Virtual Reality Headsets Review: Interaction

So what can you do in games with a VR headset? Both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive allow you to tilt your head to take a closer look at the subject under your feet. If a virtual cake flies in your face in the game, you can tilt your head and dodge. But for some more essential actions, you need a joystick.

In HTC Vive, the joystick function is performed by two controllers that must be held in hand. When you pick up something in the game, the controller vibrates. Controllers in the virtual world can turn into anything: into your disembodied hands, into a weapon, into a paintbrush.

HTC Vive also has sensors that detect your movements, so you can move around in virtual worlds, taking steps around the room in the real world! And in order not to hit anything, the headset measures the distance from the player to the nearest objects, and draws the outlines of the real world in the game when approaching dangerously.

Unfortunately, the Oculus Rift has nothing to offer yet. The developers promise to release similar controllers called Oculus Touch in early 2018. Well, then our opinion may change, but at the moment HTC Vive provides the best player interaction with the virtual world.

Choosing a VR helmet: ergonomics

Unexpected news: VR headsets are generally uncomfortable! They press on the face, their lenses fog up. In general, a player wearing a VR helmet feels like wearing a diving mask. But choosing between two evils, we will prefer the more comfortable and ergonomic evil.

In our case, this will be the Oculus Rift. The design of this virtual reality headset is more compact and simplistic compared to the Vive, and the computer cable is relatively thin. The built-in headphones have flaps, there is internal ventilation to keep the lenses from sweating, and the headset fits perfectly to the player's head. And best of all, there is enough room inside the headset for the visually impaired player to keep their glasses on.

But the Vive headset is more massive and heavier, and a thick cable for connecting to the computer runs down the back of the player. The cable is very long, and getting tangled in it is a piece of cake. Typically, this cord gets tangled underfoot when the player walks in virtual space.

So the Oculus Rift wins in ergonomics.

Buying a VR headset: connection and configuration

Of course, first of all, to immerse yourself in virtual reality, you need a powerful gaming computer. Then you buy and download gigabytes of games. But before you can start playing, the VR headset must be connected and configured.

With the HTC Vive, you have to tinker: apart from a fair amount of cables (three power adapters, two USB chargers, and video, USB and sync cables), you need to install motion-tracking sensor bases in the corners of the room and then calibrate them. Every time before playing, you need to launch Steam, switch it to VR mode, turn on the controllers and bases, and make sure that the headset is working as expected.

In this regard, the Oculus Rift is easier to handle: this headset has only two cables and you do not need to run additional software before starting the game, as well as re-calibrate the headset. And you don't need to turn on anything: Oculus turns on automatically when you put it on.

In this round, the victory goes to the Oculus Rift headset.

Comparing virtual reality helmets: content

Oculus wants to build its own gaming platform and form its own gaming community. You won't find Oculus exclusives on the Vive as the Oculus (and the developers) invest millions to build their gaming ecosystem.

And therefore, one cannot argue with the fact that real hours-long games are coming out on the Oculus Rift, while the Vive content is more like a set of short demos for games. Nevertheless, we will take the risk and, in terms of the quantity and quality of content, we will rely on the HTC Vive.

Why? It's simple: the Vive headset is powered by the Steam platform, which already dominates the online PC gaming market. Steam has built-in instant messaging, voice chat, the ability to join friends in the game - in a word, all those little things that are familiar to the modern player that the Oculus Rift does not have. This is not to mention the fact that games are bought and installed through Steam in a couple of clicks, and the progress in them is saved and automatically updated on different devices.

In addition, HTC Vive offers to play with motion controllers, and the developers are happy to pick up the idea. They are making games for this system already now, and Oculus has not even acquired prototypes of such controllers yet.

Therefore, HTC Vive wins in terms of content.

What kind of virtual reality headset should you buy?

The best VR headset right now is the HTC Vive. Yes, it costs $ 200 more, is less ergonomic, takes a lot of tinkering with it to install and configure, but in return you get the experience of immersing yourself in a full-fledged virtual reality, in which you can walk with your feet and do something with your hands. Buy HTC Vive if you need to keep up with cutting edge technology.

However, so far there are no guarantees that HTC Vive will keep the lead after the release of Oculus Touch controllers. Perhaps the new controllers will be much better than what the Vive offers (for example, they will be able to recognize gestures).

But, to be completely honest, we would not recommend buying either the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive yet, at least for the next year. The fact is that now there is not a lot of content for both VR headsets, and the technology of virtual reality is only at an early stage of development. Wait a year - more games will be released in that time, there will be controllers for the Oculus Rift and it will be clear where the VR gaming industry is heading. And at the same time, a clear leader among VR headsets will be determined.

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Briefly about the capabilities of VR headsets

What is virtual reality

Virtual reality is an artificial world that can be entered using special technical means.

What for? To get new impressions: to feel like someone else or to find yourself in completely incredible situations.

Now you can dive headlong into a brave new world. Not through the monitor, as before, but using VR helmets or VR headsets.

How to get there

Meet Samsung Gear VR, one of the most famous virtual reality headsets around. In fact, it's just a plastic box with grooves for installing a smartphone. Putting this thing on the head, the user sees a multiply enlarged phone screen through the lenses.

This creates the effect of presence. Through the headset, you can view spherical panoramas or 360-degree video, turning your head to the sides. Plus to play very simple arcade toys with poor graphics.

Why meager? Because VR headsets are not meant for serious entertainment. Everything depends on the power of the mobile processor. Even if you have the latest Galaxy Note 7 wearing glasses, it cannot compare with the video card of a full-fledged computer.

Samsung Gear VR

Why are VR helmets needed?

And here the second type of devices for immersion in virtual reality comes to the fore: VR helmets. Two of the best to date are the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.

Oculus Rift

Gadgets have one thing in common: both connect to computers and cannot work without them. All VR content is stored in the PC memory, processed by a powerful processor and video card, and then transferred to the VR headset as a monitor. There are much more possibilities here than headsets, and the graphics are much better.

Htc vive

It turns out that with the Oculus Rift, the user is sitting in a chair or watching VR content while standing. With HTC Vive, everything is much more interesting: there is a small platform on which you can navigate, and two joysticks with many buttons. With their help, you can take virtual objects and use them. For example, grab a bow and start ruthlessly shooting the people besieging the fortress. King Arthur, we've been attacked! From the outside, the process looks very funny.

The HTC Vive comes with special joysticks for control.

By the way, have you already guessed that you won't be able to play your favorite Crysis or some Witcher with Oculus and HTC VR glasses? All content is "tied" to the manufacturer's branded stores, and this is the main problem. All virtual reality today is 360-degree photos and videos, demo applications and a very limited number of special games. The mechanics are interesting, especially with the Vive, but overall they are pretty basic.

Virtual reality headsets deliver immersive entertainment content. Whether you prefer virtual panoramas, 360-degree videos or VR games, VR headsets let you fully enjoy the content you want.

The industry continues to gain strength every year, and now is the best time to get your own VR headset. There is a model for every taste, wallet and usage model - some headsets can even be used with smartphones instead of computers. Here's a quick roundup of the best VR headsets this year.

The bestVR headset on the market:HtcVive


HTC Vive is the best VR headset available in the consumer market. It is not exactly cheap, but for the $ 800 that is asked for it, you will get the most complete set of technologies that will help you get an unforgettable experience in virtual reality. One of them, Lighthouse, oversees the room, allowing you to freely navigate virtual worlds.

Chaperone technology creates a visual mesh in front of your eyes so you don't bump into a wall or a pet while traveling in VR. This is revolutionary in itself, but HTC decided to go even further. The helmet is equipped with controllers that work like your hands - that is, with their help you can shoot, drive vehicles and press buttons in VR games.

To fully enjoy the HTC Vive, you need a lot of space. It is best to have a separate room dedicated exclusively to games. Plus, you need a powerful enough PC. But if you can afford it, then the HTC Vive will open up a whole new world of virtual reality for you.

Best choice for desktop PCs:OculusRift


The Oculus Rift is the first VR headset to use the power of a connected computer. It has been on the market for a long time and offers users a rapidly growing library of games and applications. The Oculus Rift is very easy to set up and set up, and its design will leave few people indifferent.

A rich library of games and applications is guaranteed to make you open your mouth in surprise. Explore the human circulatory system, play the role of a virus that infects computer systems, soar through the air with a hook - you can choose any entertainment for yourself. Best of all, you don't need to allocate a separate room for your Oculus Rift, although you still need a powerful enough PC to run the headset. Oculus Rift is owned by Facebook, so you can count on the fact that a variety of VR projects will soon appear on the social network.

The Oculus Rift recently launched Touch controllers, expanding the headset's capabilities and bringing it closer to the HTC Vive.

Best headset for consolesPlaystationVR


Virtual reality has finally arrived on consoles. Thanks to direct support from Sony, PlayStation VR has already acquired an impressive library. The stylish and comfortable helmet will let you play titles such as Batman: Arkham VR, Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing Mission, EVE: Valkyrie and Job Simulator.

PSVR is very easy to use, thanks in no small part to the intuitive Move controls and incredible support from Sony. If you already own a PlayStation 4, PSVR is your gateway to virtual reality. This is the most affordable high-end headset. Even if you don't have a console, you can buy a PS4 and PSVR for even less than buying an HTC Vive.

Best Mobile HeadsetSamsungGearVR

Price: $130

To celebrate the launch of the new Galaxy S8 and S8 + smartphones, Samsung has released a redesigned Gear VR. The headset is now available in a new color and new accessories are available. The controller will improve the tactile response and expand the gaming capabilities of the headset. Gear VR supports voice control, and the ever-growing library of games and apps will keep you entertained.

Best Supporting HeadsetGoogleVR:GoogleDaydream

Price: $80

We admit that we have not seen anything like this before. Google Daydream View is made from comfortable microfiber and is available in several color options. The headset is only compatible with Google Pixel / Pixel XL - flagship smartphones from Google. Available content includes a gallery on J.K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts. Google is promoting its headset with unrealistically low prices, and if you have a Google Pixel, grab Daydream View without a second thought. It's worth it.

Best Budget HeadsetMagiove 3DVR

Price: $25

Magiove's headset is one of the best budget deals on the market. The helmet displays a fairly clear and bright picture, and the reflective coating helps to see more details. Plus, the helmet is very lightweight and uses fasteners instead of Velcro. It is quite convenient to use it even during hours of VR sessions.

Promisingnew items

Intel Project Alloy

Intel's VR headset will blur the line between the real and the virtual world. The fully wireless headset uses four external RealSense cameras to map out the playing area and estimate the depth of the room. As a result, the headset will be able to embed your environment into any game or application.

VR helmetsfromMicrosoft

Microsoft will release not one, but five helmets at once in partnership with Lenovo, Asus, Dell, HP and Acer. They should go on sale by the end of this year. The helmets will be able to work with Windows 10 PCs and Xbox One / Xbox One S consoles.


  • For mobile devices: The best choice here would be Samsung Gear VR. The helmet uses Oculus technologies, and new content appears for it every week. In addition, the headset is now equipped with a Bluetooth controller and supports voice commands. If you don't have a Samsung smartphone and are looking for something inexpensive, we recommend buying Magiove 3D VR.
  • For PC: If you're looking for a VR headset for your computer, the Oculus Rift is a good choice. It fully meets all expectations, especially after the release of the Touch controllers. If you want something more, your choice will fall on the HTC Vive. You will be able to safely walk through virtual worlds and use touch controllers as your second pair of hands.
  • For consoles: Console players have no choice but to buy PlayStation VR. Fortunately, the system is very easy to use, it belongs to the upper class and a huge number of VR games have already been released for it.

Virtual reality is penetrating our life more and more persistently and, probably, there is no person who has not heard about it. The ubiquity of high-performance smartphones has made mobile VR relatively cheap and affordable for the masses, because to immerse yourself in the virtual world you only need a powerful device and a suitable VR headset.

Just about the latter, or rather about a specific model called BoboVR Z4, will be discussed in our review.

Currently, there are many different offers on the mobile VR market, ranging from the simplest Google Cardboard to top-end models such as, for example, the Samsung Gear VR. BoboVR Z4 sits between them and represents the golden mean - both in terms of immersion quality and accessibility.

There are two versions of this VR headset BoboVR Z4 and BoboVR Z4 Mini, which differ from each other in the absence of built-in headphones. Of course, we will consider the older model.

Also in "nature" there is a clone of the above model called OYO VR Y4, which differs only in the material of the lining for the face, as well as in the length of the headphone cord. In all other respects, these VR glasses are absolutely identical to the Bobo VR Z4.


The VR headset comes from China in the minimum configuration: the glasses themselves, a user's manual and a lens cloth. If you wish, you can (and should) order a gamepad as an option, which will slightly increase the total cost, which at the time of writing the review is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Note that everything is packed with high quality and there is no need to worry about the fate of the parcel from the Middle Kingdom (the headset is inside the box, placed in a "box" made of foam).

Construction and design

The appearance of the VR headset is impressive: the combination of black and white high-quality plastic, together with silver inserts on the headphones and a control wheel of the same color, looks just perfect. Of course, this is not a futuristic PS VR look, but it is not a VR Box with their very minimalistic design - so to speak, the golden mean.

And in comparison with the previous models of the BoboVR series, the current headset looks more profitable and more interesting. Apparently, the company's designers have worked on the mistakes and raised the bar for their product to a new level.

"Old Man" Bobo VR Z3

Structurally BoboVR Z4 is almost perfect. To attach the headset to the head, T-shaped straps are used, which are connected together at the back of the head by a piece of soft leatherette with a patch explaining what kind of product is in front of us.

The material of the straps themselves is durable and rubberized, which makes the process of using the headset even more convenient. The straps are adjusted with Velcro - during the dive it is not very convenient to do this - you have to take off the glasses from your head.

The manufacturer did not forget to take care of the crown of the head of its potential consumer, having installed a white plastic disc here, on the inside of which an insert of foam rubber and leatherette awaits us.

Thus, even with the tightest and tightest fastening of the virtual reality helmet, you will not feel discomfort in the region of the crown.

Now on to the front: here we have a "socket" for the nose, as well as a foam padding hidden under a layer of faux leather. It provides the maximum close and comfortable fit of VR glasses to the face, which is very important for immersion in virtual reality - the effect of a "diving helmet" is reduced.

The design of the hole for the nose raises some questions: so during an active game, if you breathe often through your nose, the lenses begin to fog up, because part of the exhaled air goes up. This is very inconvenient considering the fact that you have to remove the headset from your head to wipe the lenses.

The foam pad is attached to the plastic base with latches. This allows it to be removed and wiped if necessary.

And one more constructive plus, which is worth mentioning separately, is the presence of a built-in button, with which we simulate pressing a finger on the screen.

Those who have had a VR Box and similar VR glasses will appreciate this "trick" in full: now you can play many new games that require tapping the screen and do not support a gamepad.

The headset weighs a little - 410 g, although some users, judging by the reviews on the forums, complain that VR glasses are too heavy. They didn’t seem that way to us.

Smartphone installation

The process of installing a smartphone in BoboVR Z4 is very simple: using the button at the top of the headset, we open the translucent cover, equipped with a lock for maximum opening in the region of 45 degrees, and install the mobile device.

Even if during the immersion the lid spontaneously opens (this has never happened during the entire period of operation) or someone jokingly presses the open button, the smartphone will remain safe and sound.

On the inside there is a special adjustable stand for a smartphone - this is a very convenient "feature" that allows you to adjust the glasses to the size of each specific device.

And so that the smartphone does not slip, such plastic rivets are provided, and the inner coating itself is made of a material similar to rubber. This ensures that the smartphone display is not scratched if you jerk your head, for example.


Headphones are the main highlight of the BoboVR Z4 that many competitors like VR Box or VR Fit lack. Moreover, if you do not need them, then you can buy BoboVR Z4 Mini, which cost 400-500 rubles cheaper.

Headphones are connected to a smartphone using a short wire, which is suitable for any device with a standard 3.5mm audio jack. The wire is short, but it can stretch, so if they write somewhere that problems arise due to insufficient cable length - do not believe it!

The earbuds are attached to the VR headset body with a flexible design, so they can be bent over a fairly wide range without fear of breaking off (you shouldn't be too zealous if you don't want to be left without sound).

On the inside, a pleasant-to-touch soft leather “sponge” awaits us - an ear cushion, thanks to which even a long stay in the VR headset does not cause discomfort.

And of course, we must express our deep gratitude to the one who came up with the idea of ​​equipping the BoboVR Z4 with a volume control button, which is located at the bottom of the headset - it helped us out more than once when gunfire starts in a game or a movie and we need to turn down the sound without removing the smartphone from the VR glasses.

You can find fault with the sound quality if you want - this is not a Sony MDR-1000X, but on the other hand, remember the ridiculous cost of a VR headset - for that kind of money, asking for more is already arrogance. For games and watching movies, the sound is quite normal.

The only serious drawback is the weak headphone retainer. Moreover, in our sample, one "ear" was kept normally, but the second one tried to "move out" all the time and return to its original position. However, this does not cause much discomfort - the sound is audible in any case.


The BoboVR Z4 has an excellent 40mm biconvex lens. The image quality when viewed through them is at a high level, when compared, for example, with the same VR Box - the immersion effect in them is much better.

The field of view or FOV, according to the manufacturer, is 1200, but in fact it will be good if it is typed at least 110 degrees.

We add that the headset has two additional adjustments: the first allows you to change the distance between the lenses and the smartphone, the second - to adjust the position of the lenses themselves relative to each other.

“The lenses are adjusted synchronously, which is very inconvenient for people with vision problems. In the same VR Box, lens adjustment is implemented separately "

The design of BoboVR Z4 does not have enough additional space in the place of contact between the faces, for this reason it will not be possible to use glasses for correcting vision and a VR headset at the same time.

Another small drawback is that it is very inconvenient to wipe the lenses from the inside, and dust gets there over time.


If you are not satisfied with the BoboVR Z4, then you can purchase the VR Shinecon 6.0 headset, which resembles the model we are describing structurally and has an equally stylish design. And the cost of both glasses is almost the same.


After long-term use of VR Boxes, which did not differ in special quality of immersion in VR, BoboVR Z4 became a real discovery for us, opening the doors to the world of realistic virtual reality.

The picture quality, convenient mount, buttons and all the necessary adjustments, coupled with built-in headphones, allow you to fully experience all the delights of virtual games, video 3600 and other entertainments. If you do not want to overpay and want to experience new sensations, then choosing this model is a reasonable and correct decision.


  • Stylish design
  • Built-in adjustable headphones (you can purchase the younger version without them)
  • Volume control button
  • Quality lenses
  • Additional control button
  • Affordable price
  • Comfortable design and quality materials


  • Synchronous lens adjustment
  • Cannot be used with glasses for correcting vision
  • Poor fixation of the headphones

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