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The best "Lite" versions of your favorite Android apps.

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New Lite Browser is a free web browser for quick access to the Internet with minimal consumption of computer resources. Despite its modest size (220 kb), it has dynamic tabs, keeps a history, knows how to receive source pages, and also collapses to tray. Light browser Lite sacrifices some of the features of the main web browser to reduce consumption system resources and, in particular, to minimize the amount of memory.

At work Lite Browser in Russian is used general mechanism layout and is supported by a unique combination of functions providing light load on computer. The toolbar contains buttons to navigate to home page, next and previous. There is also a search and settings button.

Web browser Lite has a completely Russified interface and installation method in online mode... The browser is based on Chrome.
LiteBrowser app is the first alternative Windows devices and it is unique in that it offers a full-featured desktop-like browser in your pocket. Fast, secure, desktop web browsing, the ability streaming video, support for XML, ATOM and RDF formats. Fast loading web pages with large quantity images and graphics. Minimized resource consumption thanks to unique technology compression and caching. We can say about this application in the full sense of the word that this new generation browser is the fastest with the minimum load on the computer.

Key features Lite programs Browser 2018:
  • Works on all major platforms: Windows
  • Quick access to your favorite sites
  • Convenient desktop shortcuts to popular sites
  • Access to thousands of videos, TV series and TV shows
Dignity Windows Lite Browser:
  • Web Content Broadcast Mode
  • Russian-language browser interface
  • The ability to install add-ons
  • Task Manager
  • Built-in developer tools
Changes latest version Lite Browser 58.3.3029.49:


  1. browser speed;
  2. memory optimization;
  3. safety;


  1. transfers;


  1. minor mistakes

Lite browser distributions tested by known antivirus software and are considered safe.

We think that the question that may arise from users of "Lite Browser what is this?" we have answered and the answer to the question "Download or uninstall Lite Browser?" obvious - download and use the new browser!

The Ducan diet helped many people lose weight, the light version of which will be described below.

The new diet of the French nutritionist Pierre Ducan made a stunning impression on the losing weight representatives modern society... This is a new diet, because it has absolutely new approach and a weight loss system, previously suggested diet options. The essence of the diet is to consume protein foods in unlimited quantities, regardless of the time on the clock, gradually every day, new foods from the proposed list are added to the diet. Dukan's diet light version received the name "Nutrition Ladder" from its author, because it consists in a phased combination of protein foods with fiber-rich foods in the diet, with the addition of a small amount of carbohydrate-containing foods, fats, and even sweets and alcohol.

The essence of the Ducan diet

In his popular book The Nutrition Ladder, the renowned French nutritionist Pierre Ducan brings together all best reviews and the results on nutrition and weight loss of his clients and readers, which he collected over many years of practice, based on reliable medical data. "Eat as much as you want!" - this phrase became the motto of Pierre Ducan when developing a new diet. The light diet is completely safe and has practically no contraindications. Sitting on it is easy and simple, practically indulging in the preparation of your favorite dishes. It can be used by everyone who wants to gradually gain a slim and beautiful figure, the diet is perfect for people who have lost extra pounds with the help of the Ducan diet and who want to consolidate the results obtained, as well as people who have decided to lose weight in combination with exercise.

The French nutritionist has proved that by losing weight in a short time, the human body is depleted and the state of health worsens. The rhythm of the work of human organs and systems is disrupted, vision, hearing, memory deteriorate. There is a process of disorder of the vascular and nervous systems... Man loses healthy look and gets health problems. Therefore, Pierre Dukan offers a gentle approach to the process of losing weight without giving up your favorite products, which is not harmful to health and gives guaranteed result... The body spends the accumulated fat reserves through the use of exclusively correct, natural and healthy products.

Weight loss per week with this diet is 700 grams, and the author called it a ladder because all seven days, like steps, you can move to your favorite foods, while losing kilograms and centimeters. 7 days = 7 steps. Each step is one day, which consists of a specific diet. The list of offered food and meals is increasing daily. For example, on the first day, you can eat exclusively protein products: lean meat of any animals, eggs, milk and dairy products with a low fat content, cheeses, fish. But without side dishes and additives. In the middle of the week, any permitted food of your choice and some side dishes are added to the diet, and by the end of the week it is allowed to use all side dishes, first courses, on the last day you can even pamper yourself with a festive dinner from familiar products. It is worth noting that the early days of the nutrition program are the most difficult for people who have negative attitudes towards meat.

The body quickly adapts to new system... With enough protein, the process of converting carbohydrates into body fat slows down. The body begins to intensively process protein foods, while burning fat reserves.

On the light version of the Ducan diet, weight will go away slowly, but the results will be guaranteed.

Ducan diet lignt menu

Monday. The first day is considered protein. You can eat foods high in protein: eggs, lean meat, dairy products with 0% fat. You can take food with frequent approaches and in any quantity. In addition to protein products, 1.5 tablespoons of bran must be added to the diet. They help to improve the intestinal microflora, saturate with nutrients and perfectly cleanse the body. Consuming products from additional list the first day is prohibited.

Tuesday. The second day is protein-vegetable. Vegetables are added to the foods suggested above. Everything is optional, except for potatoes. The use of products from the supplementary list and on the second day is prohibited.

Wednesday. The third day of the diet. Also protein and vegetable. It is allowed to eat any fruits and vegetables without restriction. Bananas, grapes, potatoes are prohibited. Products from the list are optional.

Thursday. Fourth day. We eat according to the diet of the third day and add a couple of slices of whole grain bread. They can be added to the curd to improve the flavor of the bran. Any product from the list to choose from.

Friday. The fifth day. All products of the previous day are allowed, select any product from the list. Additionally, you can add 30-50 g of low-fat cheese to the diet.

Saturday. Sixth day: all of the above products, add legumes, potatoes or durum pasta of your choice to them.

Sunday. Seventh day. The last day of the diet. Dessert and alcohol can be added to the diet of 6 - 7 days of the diet: wine or beer (optional).

List of Foods Acceptable with the Ducan Light Diet

  • meat: all lean, chicken, rabbit, veal, pork, beef, offal, all without skin and without fat;
  • fish: all types of fish and shellfish;
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, all not more than 0% fat;
  • all fruits and vegetables;
  • drinks: natural and instant coffee, green tea, black tea, natural fresh juices;
  • whole grain bread;
  • it is allowed to use any spices.

General conditions of the Ducan diet

  • Eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran daily.
  • Drink 2 liters of water a day, not including juices, milk and other drinks. They are not included in this number because they have a chemical composition.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Do not lie on the couch with the dream of losing weight, but make at least a minimum of effort. Start with minimal exertion: walk in the park, excursion to a museum or gallery. You can walk to work if you have traveled by public transport before.

Positive aspects of the diet:

  • availability to everyone in any financial situation;
  • sparing effect on the human body;
  • has no contraindications, suits absolutely everyone;
  • irreversible burning of extra pounds;
  • you can sit on a diet until the required amount of kilograms is gone.

Assumes the use of products of the sixth and seventh days. It must be remembered: in order for the new weight to be fixed, and the dropped one does not come back, you need to maintain the correct diet for at least two weeks after the end of the diet. It is necessary to balance the diet, the amount of fats and carbohydrates consumed. Don't be upset. Indeed, after the end of the diet, you can eat all foods, except for prohibited ones: fatty, sweet, flour.

Ducan's new diet belongs to protein diets, but the main principle of effectiveness is a properly balanced diet. The correct distribution of foods by type and day of consumption helps to develop a nutritional system.

Additional recipes

Light salad

  • 2 - 3 green apples;
  • 1 - 2 small carrots;
  • celery - 1 sprig;
  • 100 grams of lean beef. Fill everything with kefir 0%.

"Nourishing" salad

  • 1 boiled mackerel;
  • 1 boiled carrot;
  • parsley or celery to taste. Fill everything with kefir 0% fat.

The Ducan Diet (light version) offers a wide variety of foods. Using this diet, you can feel comfortable, almost every favorite product that is not allowed to be consumed on one day or another can be successfully replaced with any other. At the same time, it will have a similar taste, correspond to the calorie content.

The advantage of the diet is that you do not need to keep a "diary" of weight loss, limit yourself to only a few meals, and count calories. The diet is simple and effective. Eat what you want and lose weight.

French nutritionist Pierre Ducan presented new book The Nutrition Ladder: The Second Front, which can be called revolutionary without exaggeration. This is essentially an alternative version of the Ducan diet.

“I opened a second front in the“ war ”against overweight,” - this is how Dr. Ducan announced his brainchild. According to him, the first front (the famous diet in 4 stages) helped millions of people lose weight, but the required efforts and motivation were too tough for many. Therefore, the Power Ladder is another solution for such people.

This diet is primarily suitable for those who have lost excess weight on the "first front", but part of the kilogram has returned, and there is no strength to start all over again. Also, this diet is designed for people for whom losing weight in the shortest possible time is not an end in itself, or losing weight quickly is harmful to health. If you prefer to follow your own pace, gradually shed excess weight, without giving up a glass of wine, a piece of cheese or chocolate, then a new diet for you.

The Nutrition Ladder is a less strict protein diet. At the same time, weight loss averages 700 grams per week. It is called a staircase because the week is divided into 7 steps, each of which is 1 day. The idea is that you will expand the range of permitted products every day. For example, - protein (lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, tofu cheese, eggs), you can already add vegetables (with the exception of legumes and starchy ones), in - fruits, in - two slices of whole grain bread, in - a piece of cheese, in - starchy, and - a festive dinner.

Accordingly, depending on how many kilograms you plan to lose, you yourself decide how long your diet will last. Of course, oat bran remains a must on this diet. It is also recommended to walk daily for a length of at least, 30 minutes.

Pierre Dukan reminds that once the desired weight is reached, a little more effort needs to be made in order to avoid the effect of weight return. To stabilize achieved result, As in previous version diet, for each dropped kilogram - 10 days of the "Consolidation" stage, which corresponds to the Saturday "Nutrition Ladder". Also, the rules of "Stabilization" remain: 1 protein day per week, daily consumption of oat bran and 20 minutes of walking.

* List of acceptable products

0% yogurt with fruit (1 pc. - glass 125 gr)
- soy natural yogurt (1 pc.)
- corn starch (1 tbsp. l. or 20 g)
- soy flour / cornstarch (1 tablespoon or 20 g)
- Extra light Philadelphia (30 g) - cheese up to 7% fat (30 g)
- French processed cheese Cancoillotte up to 7% fat (40g)
- sour cream (Crème fraiche) up to 3% fat maximum (1 tablespoon or 30 g)
- unsweetened cocoa 11% fat max. (1 tsp or 7 g)
- wine (add when cooking) (3 tbsp. l. or 30 g)
- skimmed coconut milk (no more than 100 ml per week)
- poultry sausage 10% (100 g) - soy milk (1 tbsp. or 150 ml)
- rhubarb (100 g on BW days, and without restrictions on BO days)
- natural Actimel 0% (1 piece)
- Gazpacho (store) (1 cup or 150 ml)
- sweet soy sauce (1 tsp or 5 g)
- syrup 0% (20 ml)
- sorrel - 100 g
- Goji berries - 1 tbsp. l.

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