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The best virtual reality headsets. What is a virtual reality headset and what is it eaten with

Even to experience virtual reality with your smartphone, you will need a VR headset. If you want to see a realistic picture, you will need a powerful gaming computer and an advanced VR helmet. Today there are two such helmets: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. But which one to choose?

At first glance, the difference between Oculus Rift and HTC Vive is obvious: the first VR helmet costs $600, the second $800. But you are very mistaken if you think that the headset that is more expensive is better in all respects. Let's compare on several parameters and decide which one is worth buying.

VR Helmet Comparison: Immersion

Put on a VR headset and you will instantly be transported to another world. Wherever you turn your head, you will see and hear things that don't really exist. The main purpose of a virtual reality helmet is to make you believe that everything you see is real. So how much can the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive immerse the player in the atmosphere of virtuality?

In terms of visual and audio fidelity, both helmets are similar. They have the same matrix size (2160 by 1200) and the same resolution of the output image (1080 by 1200). The only difference is that you plug your headphones into the Vive, while the Oculus Rift already has them built in. Therefore, in general, virtual worlds look and sound about the same in both VR headsets.

Yes, modern technologies have been able to deceive the eyes and ears of a person, you feel your presence in the game. But the game is not a movie, it assumes that the player will move and perform some actions. And in this Oculus Rift loses. Vive, on the other hand, has sensors that allow you to physically move around in virtual worlds and interact with phantom objects.

Therefore, in terms of immersion in virtual reality, the victory is won by HTC Vive.

VR Headset Review: Interaction

So, what can you do in games using a VR helmet? Both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive let you tilt your head to get a closer look at what's under your feet. If a virtual cake flies in your face in the game, you can tilt your head and dodge. But for some more essential actions, you need a joystick.

In HTC Vive, the function of the joystick is performed by two controllers that you need to hold in your hands. When you pick up something in the game, the controller vibrates. Controllers in the virtual world can turn into anything: your disembodied hands, weapons, paintbrushes.

HTC Vive also has sensors that detect your movements, so you can move around in virtual worlds by taking steps around the room in the real world! And in order not to hit something, the headset measures the distance from the player to nearby objects, and when dangerously close, draws the contours of the real world in the game.

Unfortunately, the Oculus Rift doesn't offer anything like that yet. The developers promise to release similar controllers called Oculus Touch in early 2018. Well, then our opinion may change, but at the moment HTC Vive provides a better player interaction with the virtual world.

Choosing a VR helmet: ergonomics

Unexpected news: VR headsets are basically uncomfortable! They put pressure on the face, their lenses fog up. In general, a player wearing a VR helmet feels like wearing a diving mask. But choosing between two evils, we prefer a more comfortable and ergonomic evil.

In our case, it will be the Oculus Rift. The design of this virtual reality headset is more compact and simplified compared to the Vive, and the cable for connecting to a computer is relatively thin. The built-in headphones have flaps, there is internal ventilation to keep the lenses from sweating, and the fit of the headset to the size of the player's head is quite accurate. And, most importantly, there is enough space inside the headset for a visually impaired player to wear their glasses.

The Vive headset, on the other hand, is bulkier and heavier, with a thick cable to connect to the computer running down the player's back. The cable is very long, and getting tangled in it is a piece of cake. As a rule, this cord gets tangled under the feet when the player walks in the virtual space.

So in terms of ergonomics, the Oculus Rift wins.

Buying a VR Headset: Connecting and Setting Up

Of course, first of all, to immerse yourself in virtual reality, you will need a powerful gaming computer. Then you buy and download gigabytes of games. But before you can start playing, the VR headset must be connected and configured.

With the HTC Vive, you'll have to tinker: aside from a fair amount of cables (three power adapters, two USB chargers, and video, USB, and sync cables), you'll need to place bases with motion-tracking sensors in the corners of the room and then calibrate them. Every time you play a game, you need to launch Steam, switch it to VR mode, turn on your controllers and bases, and make sure the headset is working properly.

The Oculus Rift is easier to handle in this regard: this headset has only two cables and there is no need to run additional software before starting the game, and also re-calibrate the headset. And you don’t need to turn anything on: Oculus automatically turns on when you put it on.

This round is won by the Oculus Rift headset.

Compare virtual reality helmets: content

Oculus wants to build its gaming platform and form its own gaming community. You won't find Oculus exclusives on the Vive, as Oculus (and the developers) are investing millions to make their gaming ecosystem.

And that's why you can't argue with the fact that the Oculus Rift comes out with real hours of games, while the Vive content is more like a set of short game demos. But still, we will take a risk and rely on the HTC Vive in terms of the quantity and quality of content.

Why? It's simple: the Vive headset runs on the Steam platform, which already dominates the online PC gaming market. Steam has built-in instant messaging, voice chat, the ability to join friends in the game - in a word, all those little things familiar to the modern player that the Oculus Rift does not have. This is not to mention the fact that games are bought and installed through Steam in a couple of clicks, and the progress in them is saved and automatically updated on different devices.

In addition, HTC Vive offers to play with motion controllers, and developers are happy to pick up this idea. They are making games for this system now, and Oculus has not even got prototypes of such controllers yet.

Therefore, the content wins HTC Vive.

What kind of virtual reality headset to buy?

The best helmet for immersive VR right now is the HTC Vive. Yes, it costs $200 more, is less ergonomic, takes a long time to install and set up, but in return you get the experience of immersing yourself in a full-fledged virtual reality in which you can walk with your feet and do something with your hands. Buy HTC Vive if it's important for you to stay up to date with cutting-edge technologies.

However, while there is no guarantee that the HTC Vive will hold the palm after the release of the Oculus Touch controllers. Perhaps the new controllers will be much better than what the Vive offers (for example, they will be able to recognize gestures).

But, to be completely honest, we would not recommend buying either the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive yet, at least in the next year. The fact is that now there is not a lot of content for both VR helmets, and virtual reality technology is only at the initial stage of development. Wait a year - during which time more games will be released, controllers for the Oculus Rift will appear and it will be clear in which direction the VR games industry is heading. And at the same time, a clear leader among VR headsets will be determined.

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In the world of mobile virtual reality (VR) headsets, Samsung is known for its Gear VR glasses. Created in collaboration with Oculus, the new Samsung Gear VR 2017 headset has the largest library of VR apps.

The latest version of Samsung's virtual reality glasses has added a modern USB Type-C connector and a separate controller, like the Google Daydream View.

Let's find out what else has changed in the new headset and has Samsung managed to surpass Google?

An updated Gear VR with a controller will cost about $130 (7,500 rubles), which is almost 2 times more expensive than Google Daydream View.

The kit includes everything you need except a smartphone: a headset, head straps, a controller, a pair of AAA batteries and a MicroUSB adapter for a smartphone (Galaxy S7 or newer). There is also a standard set of instructions and a warranty card.

Design and comfort

Foam padding on the side of the face, fabric Velcro straps around the back of the head and the top of the head - these and other design elements are borrowed from previous models.

Unlike Google Daydream View, the Samsung Gear VR 2017 is made entirely of hard plastic. Thanks to the top strap, the weight is better distributed, so the new headset from Samsung remains quite light even with the smartphone inserted.

Dimensions: width - 207.8 mm, thickness - 122.5 mm, depth - 98.6 mm, weight (with smartphone) - 435 g. Daydream View and Oculus Rift CV1 weigh - 470 g, and HTC Vive glasses are slightly heavier - 550

The wheel at the top allows you to change the focal length, however, the interpupillary distance (IPD) is not adjustable here.

On the left side of the Gear VR 2017 is a USB Type-C connector for connections, on the right is a mount that securely holds the smartphone. On the front side of the headset there is a translucent coating that protects the lenses, there is no case for the motion controller.

Management and interaction

Samsung Gear VR 2017 has unusual controls. The round touchpad is used to interact with VR games and applications, similar to the smartphone display, and above it are physical buttons.

The only thing missing is headphones, but this is a common shortcoming of VR headsets in the mid-price range. You can use your phone's speaker here or plug in your own headphones, but the volume buttons on the front of the Gear VR 2017 are awkwardly placed.

The viewing angle in the new Samsung virtual reality glasses is good, at a diagonal of 90-95 degrees - this is enough not to suffer from claustrophobia, however, on full-fledged VR headsets for PC, the angles reach 120-140 degrees.

A sensor inside the device automatically turns on the display when the headset is placed on the head, and turns off when it is removed. This is a useful feature and saves a lot of battery power.

Gear VR controller to control

The 9-axis gyroscope of the Samsung Gear VR opens up a wide range of interactions with VR content. The controller acts as a sword, gun, screwdriver or any other tool, it also helps in selecting interface elements. The Gear VR 2017 controller resembles a Nintendo Wii accessory with precise rotational motion.

In some applications and games, movement in space is supported, but not with the repetition of all the movements of the user, for example, stretching out the hand is rarely taken into account here. Every 5-10 minutes in outdoor games and less often in less active ones, it is necessary to reset the settings, fixing the current position in space, while holding the Home button.

The Samsung Gear VR glasses controller runs on two AAA batteries, so it is heavier than the Google Daydream View with a built-in lithium-ion battery. However, AAA batteries are more common, and it's faster to change them while playing than to charge the battery. Batteries last approximately 80 hours in the virtual world.

The controller itself is similar to a standard remote control, but the front corners are angled down about 35 degrees for better ergonomics. On the curved section is a touchpad with input buttons, and at the very top end, a trigger button. The trigger is convenient for navigation and in games where you need to switch between weapons. Below the touchpad are the Home and Back buttons, below them is the paired volume rocker.

The round trackpad replaces the joystick here, offering more interaction options: touch, scroll, tilt to the side and press. A short strap at the bottom of the controller is used to attach to your wrist.

Dimensions of the Samsung Gear VR 2017 controller: length - 108.1 mm, width - 48.1 mm, thickness - 38.2 mm, weight - 64.3 g. Batteries and strap are included.

Interface and setup

The collaboration with Oculus has helped Samsung create some of the best VR headsets on the market. No other VR store has as much exclusive content as the Oculus Store.

The initial setup of the Samsung Gear VR 2017 is very simple - the smartphone automatically launches the Oculus Home app when connected to the Gear VR. Before using the headset, you need to install several programs and sign in to your account to access the library and make purchases. Here you can not register, a Facebook or Oculus account will do.

After completing the software setup, the smartphone must be unlocked, placed in the Gear VR, and the headset should be attached to the head. Placing a fingerprint scanner on the back of the Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8 allows you to perform all actions without even taking out your smartphone.

The interface in Gear VR 2017 is very beautiful, because the famous John Carmack took part in its development. Available categories are: Home, Library, Internet, Store, Events, Search, Voice (search) and Samsung Picks. For navigation, Oculus Home has touch pads - one each on the headset itself and on the controller. Some games only require a controller to work properly.

Pressing and holding the Home button on the headset will open the Gear VR's system settings, which you can adjust, including brightness and volume. Pop-up notifications in the center of the screen do not open, but they are hidden by turning on the Do Not Disturb option.

You cannot use the connected smartphone in normal mode, only its camera, which helps to look at the real world without removing the headset. It also supports capturing images and video from the screen. Live broadcasts are useful not only when chatting with friends on Facebook, but also in multiplayer games.

games and apps

The Oculus Store has tons of exclusive VR games, movies, videos, stories, apps, and more. Everything is sorted into categories: What's Hot, Best Sellers, Best Free Titles, What's New, Personal Recommendations, Horror, Games, Educational, Entertainment, Apps, Movies, Samsung Picks and Gallery.

The Gallery is filled with the work of independent authors, Games has a section with indie games. Filtering will allow you to choose from two dozen genres and different price categories, as well as sort by touchpad, gamepad or Gear VR controller support. The only thing missing here is free demos of paid editions.

Thousands of popular apps are available, including Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu. They are suitable for viewing both 2D content and VR video. The quality depends on the screen resolution of the connected smartphone.

Oculus has its own web browser with the ability to view VR videos without downloading separate apps. The middle is occupied by a vertical web browsing window, and left and right are bookmarks, navigation buttons and tabs. The virtual keyboard allows you to type text.

Here you can not only receive reminders of upcoming events, but also watch them in VR for free - even if it is paid for other users of broadcasting sports games.

Comfort and performance of Samsung Gear VR 2017

Keeping the Gear VR 2017 on your face for extended periods of time won't cause irritation thanks to its soft, breathable fabric. A third strap that runs across the top of the head securely supports the headset and distributes the weight.

All straps and upholstery are equally comfortable, however, here the inability to adjust the interpupillary distance, it strains the eyes.

Those who experience motion sickness with a regular VR headset will experience the same issues with the Samsung Gear VR 2017 due to its 60Hz refresh rate. Head movement is always displayed equally smoothly, but sometimes the frame rate of the content becomes lower and this is very disorienting. But, each application or game has a comfort rating, so Oculus cares about users.

The Galaxy S8+ doesn't get warm when using the updated Gear VR even after an hour of gaming - unlike a Pixel XL plugged into Google Daydream. Although previous generations of Samsung smartphones also got hot, performance dropped and had to be rebooted.

One hour of hard work consumes about 30% of the Galaxy S8 + battery and 35-40% of the more compact Galaxy S8.


The updated Samsung Gear VR 2017 headset is perfect for Galaxy S8 or S8+ phone owners who are interested in virtual reality. The new controller provides rich interaction and new features not seen on previous Gear VRs.

Exclusive content, calendar of events, friends list, virtual parties and other benefits of Oculus software, together with high performance without overheating, make Gear VR 2017 the best mobile VR headset on the market.

  • Nice interior padding
  • Three adjustable webbing straps
  • light weight
  • Convenient controller
  • Great interface
  • Saving charge
  • High performance

Disadvantages of Gear VR 2017

  • IPD is not regulated
  • No case for controller
  • Looks cheaper than Daydream View
  • High price

New virtual reality glasses Samsung Gear VR 2017 - video review

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Immersive virtual reality devices are no longer a sensation. Prototypes and exhibition samples went into serial production. Today on the market you can find VR glasses in an extremely wide price range. Cardboard 3D glasses can be bought for 300-500 rubles. And the latest developments in the field of virtual diving will cost several hundred dollars.

The VR headset is being upgraded at such a rate that some prototypes are obsolete before they make it to the production line. Transformed into a world of endless possibilities, digitized and virtual, reality ceases to be gray and dull. At the beginning of the 2000s, American Palmer Freeman Lucky organized a campaign on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform to raise funds for the Oculus virtual reality helmet. Having collected more than 90 million dollars, the device was launched into serial production. The development potential was assessed by Mark Zuckerberg, who in 2014 bought Oculus VR for $2 billion. And with the entry into the market of such manufacturers as HTC, Microsoft, Samsung, Sony, video glasses moved to a qualitatively new level, transforming into real portals leading to virtual dimensions.

Conventionally, virtual reality devices can be divided into several types:

Glasses that create the effect of three-dimensional (three-dimensional) images and video glasses

These devices are primarily designed for watching movies. But only for viewing. The user in them is an outside observer. But with their help, you can watch a movie in high quality or 3D format without leaving your home, or have a great time watching a new or classic movie masterpiece during a long flight. Pay attention to YesVR Classic 3D video glasses. The compact and stylish device is specially designed to be used with a smartphone. The gadget has the option of converting any two-dimensional image to 3D format and supports panoramic 360-degree videos.

Augmented reality devices

None of the concepts went into mass production, but many companies are actively developing this direction (for example, Microsoft Hololens). The idea is that a person puts on ordinary-looking glasses, a little more massive than sunglasses, through which the world around is clearly visible. But the picture or text is superimposed on the image. This idea is often exploited in feature films. Remember, at least, Terminator or Robocop.

Virtual reality glasses

Virtual reality glasses, VR glasses are devices that need a smartphone to work. They are also called smartphone holders. Such gadgets (with the exception of) do not have built-in sensors. The control is carried out by the forces of the gyroscope, accelerometer and smartphone processor. You should not expect super quality and complete immersion in the virtual world from them. But a variety of VR glasses are available on the market, you can buy them for literally a few hundred rubles. In addition, if a couple of years ago you could only watch a small video about nature or a mini-tour of the museum with virtual glasses, today both Google Play and the iOS App Store offer dozens of free games and applications, and hundreds of videos are available on YouTube. labeled 3D or 360⁰.

Their most famous, simple and affordable representative is the famous Google cardboard virtual glasses. Compatible with all smartphones, suitable size. Cardboard pattern, a pair of lenses and a magnet that acts as a control button.

Helmet glasses are also used with a smartphone, but unlike cardboard models, they are made of lightweight plastic. VR BOX glasses combine an affordable price and the ability to adjust the distance to the screen. Horizontal lens adjustment, a left side headphone input and a sliding, rotating front panel are all available in the VR BOX, and the glasses are available in several versions. The redesigned .0 has a great design - streamlined and stylish. From the inside, virtual glasses VR BOX are lined with a soft cloth. Fasten with several straps that come with the kit.

More expensive models of smartphone holders are made of plastic or aluminized alloy, equipped with additional features and a belt fixation system. This is the largest category of immersive virtual reality devices.

Before you buy VR glasses, make sure they will work with your smartphone. For example, VR reality glasses, which are compatible only with Samsung smartphones, and only from the latest model range (Note5, Galaxy S7, S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge +, S7 Edge). But on the other hand, the owners of these smartphones with a large AMOLED screen will be able to enjoy high-quality images at a resolution of 2560x1440. The Samsung Gear VR has a built-in gyroscope, accelerometer and proximity sensors.

Wireless headset for virtual diving works with any smartphone with a screen size from 4.5 to 6 inches. Developed in France. In 2017, the second generation was presented. VR virtual reality glasses have a 100-degree viewing angle, are equipped with a branded carrying box, and successfully work with Android devices and iPhone 7 Plus. The user is given the opportunity to adjust the distance between the lenses and the focal length. Includes a special cleaning cloth. The company's assortment also includes funny folding VR glasses, which are two lenses with a 100-degree field of view, behind which a smartphone is inserted into a special mount.

In the line of Xiaomi, not only VR glasses for a smartphone, but a whole line. Plus weekly content updates. It offers an open VR platform and many games and videos. The model has a response time of only 16 milliseconds and a powerful processor with a refresh rate of 1600 Hz, and a wireless controller is included.

The young Chinese company GZ electronics, which has already managed to earn a name on innovative digital gadgets, has released a headset. In addition to their light weight, these VR glasses allow you to insert and remove your smartphone with lightning speed thanks to the original mounting system.

The Russian startup has collected a lot of rave reviews, even before going into mass production. Ultra-lightweight compact foldable body, futuristic dual color design, compatible with any 4-6 cm smartphone, wide 110-degree viewing angle, glass lens. In addition to this, the user is offered a lot of applications, supplemented by new products weekly.

Virtual reality helmets

These are completely independent devices that do not need a smartphone. Still quite bulky, but providing good isolation from the outside world. But they are "tied" to the game console (Sony PlayStation VR) or computer (Oculus, HTC). They integrate many sensors and high-resolution screens. They have a large viewing angle in all directions and a high refresh rate. Often such devices require motion controllers and require a compatible PC. Comes with an Xbox One controller.

ACV is positioning its VR helmet as a standalone interactive entertainment system. The helmet is equipped with a tracking system that captures the movements of the device and an original lens system. Thanks to the complex data processing program from the gyroscope, magnetometer and accelerometer, the helmet almost instantly reacts to changes in the head, the user (turns, tilts) and immediately adjusts the picture.

The main advantage of virtual reality helmets is that they offer the user not to be limited to a side view. Not just choose VR, buy and watch, but directly participate in virtual events. Positional capture, carried out using a marker-external camera system (Oculus) or laser tracking (), allows you to move inside a parallel reality. Manufacturers of virtual helmets usually offer a diverse line of branded games.

Almost all virtual reality headsets can be worn with glasses for vision correction. Many models provide the ability to adjust the distance between the face and the lenses. Where this cannot be done, glasses can put pressure on the bridge of the nose.

If a couple of years ago Oculus and HTC Vive clashed in the segment of top virtual reality helmets, today the players on the market have noticeably increased. HP has teamed up with Acer to announce an affordable VR headset that will likely cost no more than $400. Microsoft has partnered with Dell to develop their own version of VR glasses. Intel presented the Project Alloy virtual helmet, and Sony presented the PlayStation VR. Oculus promises to launch the Santa Cruz VR helmet in the near future. And HTC is preparing an updated Vive 2.

In 2015, IMAX invested more than $50 million in the VR cinematography and VR attractions division. In the spring of 2016, a virtual immersion cinema was opened in Amsterdam. A viewer sits in a 360-degree rotating chair in a Samsung Galaxy Gear VR virtual helmet, which houses a Galaxy S6 smartphone. So far, documentaries about wildlife and, oddly enough, horror films are available for viewing.

From being a fun toy to being bulky and causing headaches, virtual reality goggles go to the next level. It is not worth talking about their prospects in the field of computer games. Complete immersion, a panoramic picture, the effect of live presence - the dream of any gamer. The advantages of augmented reality glasses were appreciated by museum workers. They are closely watched by the creators of training courses. The possibilities of immersion in three-dimensional space were to the taste of the designers. The American company Firsthand Technology and the Russian startup Homunculus have developed programs for the use of VR glasses in therapeutic patient rehabilitation programs.

Virtual reality glasses mobile VR headsets for smartphones (Mobile VR) is a very big business. Google has gone all-in on it and there are some great VR headsets out there that also work with the Apple iPhone. Premium mobile VR headsets for smartphones like the HTC Vive or PlayStation VR are expensive, but that doesn't mean you can't get in on the VR action for more money. There are standalone VR headsets on the horizon, but until then, all you need is a cheap headset and a smartphone in your pocket.

Mobile VR apps and games on the App Store and Google Play - you simply use your smartphone's hardware and technology to provide the engine and visuals. They are essentially glorified lenses with lenses, often with a few extra features added.

Mobile VR headsets for smartphones

Samsung Gear VR
Google Daydream View

Freefly VR Beyond
View-Master DLX VR
BlitzWolf BR-VR3

Mobile VR Headset: Samsung Gear VR

If you have a Samsung phone and want to use VR, it's entirely possible to spend the extra money to pick up the latest Gear VR. Addressing many of the issues with previous Gear VR headsets, the latest device is now more comfortable, making more room for glasses wearers and includes air vents to get rid of that annoying screen fog.

Most importantly, there is a lot of entertaining content here. Samsung and Oculus are constantly adding more and more content, and it's not just games - there are also short films and TV shows. This is the best you can get at home if the Vive and Rift are too expensive for you.

The device also recently welcomed a controller in the mix that tracks your hand movement and has a circular touchscreen touchpad that lets you point, drag objects, tilt (which should help minimize motion sickness) and, of course, shoot in games. , this accessory costs a little more, but it is worth it without a doubt.

Mobile VR headset: Google Daydream View

The new take on Google Daydream View features a sleeker, more user-friendly design. The mobile VR headset for smartphones comes in two new colors: black and pink, which Google likes to call coral.
There is even a hat to store the controller. As you can tell, the new Daydream View has a lot of kinks and gimmicks to make it a better experience than its predecessor. The field of view even went up from 90 degrees to 100 degrees. There's even a new heatsink that boosts performance during long sessions.

The new headset is compatible with even more phones, so if you have a Galaxy S8 or S8+, then you're in luck!

Mobile VR headset: Google Cardboard

The original and most economical, the cardboard has an easy 3-step assembly procedure, a better control button and support for larger smartphones up to 6 inches. Interestingly, Google has opened up a platform for iOS developers.
Cardboard is an inexpensive mini VR headset that can be built by anyone, but there are many third party alternatives such as DodoCase.

In fact, a quick web search reveals that you can get it for as little as $300. Just look for the Cardboard Works icon. Official mobile VR headsets for smartphones cost a little more.

Mobile VR headset: Merge VR Goggles

Like the Google Daydream View, Merge VR Goggles opt for soft material over hard plastic, the most affordable VR goggles. In particular, the goggles are made of soft and flexible foam, which is not only extremely comfortable to wear, but will also protect your phone if you are clumsy. They will fit any smartphone from 4" to 7" and come with adjustable lenses.

So, Merge is extremely light and you don't feel it on your head. Most of the weight you will feel is from your phone.

Mobile VR headset: Xiaomi Mi VR Play

As we said in our Xiaomi Mi VR game review: "You get what you buy." It's not the company's Daydream headset - it's still out in action, but it's another alternative to other more expensive mobile headsets.

It's not the best device, but it gets the job done and works with both iOS and Android phones. The Mi VR Play is also ridiculously cheap, practically rivaling Cardboard's own prices. There's also a newer and more user-friendly Xiaomi Mi VR Play 2, but it's unclear when it will be available outside of China.

Mobile VR Headset: Zeiss One Plus

The Zeiss VR One Plus model will play ball from any iOS or Android device between 4.7 and 5.2 inches. It includes a media player for similar pictures and YouTube videos and an AR app for an augmented experience. Being open source for unity3d SDK means there is a lot of room for development. If you wear glasses, this is designed to be comfortable to wear with your glasses too.

Notable features include a detachable head strap and headset that makes contact with your eyes, plus you can clean the optics and the universal tray will support smartphones between 4.7 and 5.5 inches.

The FreeFly VR headset offers a 120-degree field of view and even has its own Bluetooth game controller for better control over your VR games, however iPhone VR games don't actually use a controller.

The latest version of FreeFly, called Beyond, combines Crossfire's dual touch triggers. The VR headset is compatible with smartphones from 4.7 to 6.1 inches, allowing you to use all the latest devices.

Mattel's 2nd-gen View-Master VR headset was the first actually sold in Apple stores, but has since disappeared (maybe an Apple VR headset might be in your way?). You can still pick it up from other stores.

DLX VR has a redesigned smartphone mount to work with more smartphones and now offers headphone support and improved lenses on the first try. It's all modeled after the iconic View-Master designs with a more modern twist for this second edition.

BlitzWolf's latest VR headset uses any smartphone up to 6.3" and it's all about comfort. This includes adjusting the pupil distance because not everyone is built the same - sometimes the eyes come close and sometimes they don't.

It goes further than that by letting you adjust individual pupil distance, which means you can change how far or close the lens is to your individual eye. Thus, it can withstand up to 300 degrees of myopia. In addition, there is good leather upholstery.

Having finished our review on this, we want to know which mobile VR headsets for smartphones did you like? Or maybe you are already using it? Share in the comments with us. Thanks.

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