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The best operating system for your computer. Outdated versions of operating systems

A computer is a device without which it is very difficult to imagine the world today. Now almost everything is computerized - schools, shops, hospitals, etc. With the help of such a device, a lot of operations are performed - calculations, accounting, diagrams, drawings, etc. But any kind of technique has a basis with which the work is carried out. In order for a computer to function, it requires software called an operating system. With its help, a person can easily use and manage electronic equipment, as well as work with files. Almost all owners of such devices are wondering which operating system is better for a computer? In order to understand this issue, you should study the types of software in more detail. This is what we will do in this article.

What operating systems are there?

At the moment, there are a huge number of operating systems. Some of them are considered obsolete and useless, and some are being tested. But among personal computer users, there has long been an ingrained list of operating systems:

  • Linux.
  • Windows.
  • Mac OS.

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Like many other programs, they have their own versions. For example, Windows has many different versions (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, etc.). Every time the system is updated, something modern is added to it, and all old data is irrevocably deleted.

Windows is considered the most popular system for personal computers. Tens of thousands of devices are under its control all over the world. There are several world famous versions of it:

  1. Windows XP is one of the oldest systems. It's very easy to learn. Supports all old games and programs. Today it is no longer in demand and it is very rare to find it on a PC.
  2. Windows Vista is an improved version of the previous version. However, despite the improvements, it is not popular among users, because it is very vulnerable and constantly slows down. The only advantage is slightly more powerful than XP.
  3. Windows 7 - equipped with a wide range of different programs and functions. Has a user-friendly interface. Reliable and easy to use.
  4. Windows 8 and 8.1. - analogue of the previous version. The difference is that there is no usual “start-up”. Slightly more powerful than the previous version, but the interface still requires some skills.
  5. Windows 10 - recently released. It has great performance and a completely redesigned interface. Equipped with many different functions. At the moment, few programs have been developed for it. However, it supports almost all programs from older operating systems. You can increase the performance of your computer by installing an SSD drive. Read more about him in our post.

Mac OS

Mac OS is a fairly closed system that is only supported on Apple devices. It is distinguished by its reliability, stability and high level of security.

Important! This operating system is perfect for a designer, architect and video editor, as it supports a lot of art programs.

Important! In our time of high technology, a computer is a necessary device in almost any field of activity. Stationary PCs are perfect for office work, but what about those who need to have a computer always at hand? Check out our separate article for information on.


Linux is ideal for advanced users, because most of the programs and functions are installed by the user himself. In addition, you can find all the necessary files and programs for free. They are almost identical with programs for Windows.

You can figure out which OS is better for a computer only by carefully studying each of them. When choosing, you should take into account your own preferences and desires, as well as the purpose of using a PC. By clicking on the link, you will find a lot of useful information about.

How to choose an OS for yourself?

Before choosing software, you must first figure out why you need a computer at all. Each user of such a device has his own goals, which he pursues during use. The operating system directly affects the success of achieving these goals. There are several factors to consider when choosing an operating system.


One of the most important criteria for PC users. It is especially important for those who have never used a computer device before. Therefore, the faster you get comfortable, the easier it will be for you to work:

  • For novice users, it is recommended to use Windows, as it is very simple and easy to use.
  • Slightly more complex in functionality is Mac OS. It is suitable for users who know at least the basics of a PC.
  • For inexperienced owners of computer equipment, it is not recommended to use Linux OS. It is more suitable for rooted users.


This is where you need to think about the apps and games you need. Without difficulty, many games, applications support Windows OS. Other operating systems are less competent in this matter - all the necessary applications will need to be downloaded through special stores and portals.


One of the most important criteria for a PC user. The safety of files and documents is a very important factor, especially for those who work on the Internet.

So what is the best operating system for a computer for this criterion?

  • Windows is considered the most insecure operating system susceptible to attack by cybercriminals, since it is the most popular and easy to manage.
  • Mac OS is less vulnerable due to its expensive media (MacBooks, etc.).
  • Linux is considered the most secure operating system, since a person manually configures all functions, focusing on his preferences.

Extended capabilities

This implies programming and office capabilities:

  • Linux OS is more suitable for programming, as it is equipped with a wide range of different tools and applications.
  • And for office work, Windows and Mac are more suitable, since you can install Excel, Word and other office tools directly.

Considering all of the above criteria, it will be much easier for you to choose an OS. Each of them will be able to help you in the implementation of any task and in achieving your goals.

Important! Leaving on a long business trip or to the country, everyone is faced with the lack of Internet access. Make sure you are always in touch. We will help you choose the best one.

Rating of the best OS

In order to choose the best operating system for a computer, experts have compiled a rating based on reviews of tens of thousands of users. Consider the ranking of the best operating systems today:

  1. Windows 7 - despite the fact that the operating system was released in 2009, it is firmly entrenched among the owners of the PC. It is easiest to install it on a laptop or desktop computer. Its installation can be handled by a novice PC user. This software is installed on over 50% of computer devices.
  2. Windows XP - installed on 11% of computer devices. Despite the fact that she is a veteran of operating systems, many users have remained faithful to her and use her to this day.
  3. Windows 8.1 - installed on 10.5% of devices. The start button was never returned. However, the developers have pleased users with new applications and the appearance of a store, where everyone can download the necessary game or application for free.
  4. You can choose the OS based on the feedback from experienced people. However, do not forget about your own desires and goals. If you define the benchmarks correctly, then the question of which operating system is best for your computer will be resolved quickly and categorically.

This article provides a detailed analysis of the popularity of operating systems, but if you have no time to read the long text further, then here are the main points:

Operating system Developer Market share
LinuxCanonical, etc.1%

Windows 10 versus Windows 7, Android versus Windows, iOS versus Android - to take a look at how all these confrontations unfold in specific numbers, we can use services that analyze network traffic. Today, based on the data of one of the most popular among them, StatCounter, we will assess how the market shares of the most famous operating systems have changed over the month and year.

Overall rating of operating systems

Corporation-ruled desktops continue to fall

Together with him, two strongest players in this market are growing: Android and iOS. And if the "apple" OS indicators increase very moderately, then the strengthening of Android looks impressive. Today it is the best operating system in terms of the rate of increase in the number of its users. A year ago, the brainchild of Google had about 30% of the market, and now it has more than 40%. That is, growth does not stop and does not even slow down.

Significantly lagging behind, in just a year Android caught up and is now more and more ahead of Windows

For Microsoft, this alignment is sad, since the above percentages of the OS from Google are gaining mainly due to desktop Windows, and the corporation has not yet come up with its strong mobile alternative.

A long sequence in different directions played an important role here.

Add to this the extraordinary activity of Chinese and Korean companies, which are today at the forefront of the Android offensive, storming the market with their Android devices.

Nokia used to be at least some kind of counterbalance on Microsoft's side. The company, already a part of MS, managed to sell about 10 million devices per quarter at its best.

The first Lumia flagship models had an eye-catching design that looks nice even five years later.

It was not much compared to the results of Samsung or Apple, but gave Microsoft mobile platforms at least some visible market share.

But then there was a rejection of the Nokia brand, constant redundancies of employees, and after all this, the end of the release of new models. Today, MS looks unlikely to sell 10 million of any device in three months.

In recent years, Microsoft has been more actively than before trying on its own, under its own brand to gain a foothold in the hardware direction, releasing other gadgets with desktop Windows. However, for example, according to last year's Surface Studio monoblocks, the release of which did not save the Surface line from falling revenues, it is clear that the company's attempts are still very weak.

The change in the share of the largest market players is as follows (hereinafter: the first figure is the result for June; the first figure in brackets is the change compared to May, the second is the change over the year):

  • Android - 40.26% (+ 1.13%; + 10.11%);
  • Windows - 36.02% (-1.01%; -9.53%);
  • iOS - 13.33% (+ 0.29%; + 1.5%);
  • macOS - 4.88% (-0.24%; -0.41%);
  • Linux - 0.77% (+ 0.02%; -0.19%).

Desktop-centric systems go down predictably. The complete picture of the changes looks like this:

Rating of mobile operating systems

The ranking of operating systems for smartphones and tablets looks not particularly intriguing. If in the general confrontation there is a battle of Android against Windows, and in the desktop direction, looking ahead, Windows 10 still cannot overcome Windows 7, then everything is relatively calm here.

Android continues to slowly break into the lead, approaching the 70% bar. iOS backs off slightly.

iOS continues to retreat under the onslaught of Android

The lion's share of the "apple" mobile OS is formed by the iPhone. by and large turned out to be the third generation with almost the same design, as well as screen diagonals. Hence the absence of new serious sales records and some weakening in the fight against Android.

Galaxy S8 and S8 + are Apple's most formidable rivals in the mobile market this year, with Note 8 expected in the fall

However, this year Apple, according to numerous rumors, will show something with a noticeably updated design, a new diagonal and new features.

Losing the overall performance in the mobile market, the Cupertino-based company still manages to confidently lead specifically in the tablet direction and is actively trying not to miss this success. In the spring, she launched a new iPad with a 9.7 '' diagonal, the price of which was set lower than ever for a model with such a diagonal.

According to StatCounter, the popularity of the iPad remains unattainable for all other tablets combined.

In June, two powerful iPad Pros were unveiled, featuring 120Hz displays for the first time. Competitors do not have anything similar at the moment.

Finally, in the fall, iOS 11 will be released, which is largely focused on the company's tablets. They will get a full-fledged file manager, a dock (analogue of the taskbar), a set of new multitasking capabilities, as well as functions for the Pencil stylus.

But back to the general state of affairs in the mobile market. Apart from Android and iOS, there is not much to see there.

Overall Windows Mobile (WP + WM) scores fell below one percent. Even the lines “Unknown” and “Nokia Unknown” are located higher in the rating - OS that StatCounter cannot accurately identify.

The change in the market share of the main participants over the last month and year looks like this:

  • Android - 69.74% (+ 0.28%; + 5.21%);
  • iOS - 23.08% (-0.07%; -2.24%);
  • Windows Phone + Mobile - 0.84% ​​(-0.03%, -0.97%)

Full list of mobile operating systems and changes in their market share:

The only thing that we think deserves attention here is Tizen. This Samsung platform is not yet ready to enter into a big confrontation, but the manufacturer, albeit cautiously, is taking some steps to popularize it. Tizen's numbers have more than doubled over the year.

Rating of desktop operating systems

Let's move on from mobile to desktop. As you might guess, Windows dominates here. The total market share of all versions of this OS family in June was 84.32%. This is slightly more than a year earlier, but if you look at the picture below, you can understand that the increase did not occur for natural reasons.

Windows on the desktop, as before, out of reach of competitors

The StatCounter service has learned to parse some of what was previously classified under the Unknown category. From this, all operating systems received a small increase in comparison with last year. The real picture remains almost unchanged.

Over this entire period of time, Windows is still slightly pushed aside in favor of macOS: its growth in a year is noticeably stronger than that of Microsoft's brainchild. In May, the system reached 11.76%. This is her best result ever. However, already in June the figures dropped to 11.59%.

At the beginning of 2009, when StatCounter was launched, macOS occupied only 3.68% versus 95.42% for Windows. The engine for macOS is the success of the iPhone and iPad, with which it has tight integration. In addition, the popularity of tablets and smartphones has also multiplied the Apple brand itself, forcing buyers to pay more attention to other products of the Apple company.

In June at WWDC, Apple showed a new and a line of hardware: updated MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, and also for the first time iMac Pro, which we have already talked about in detail. Updating mac devices and especially monoblocks, which have not been shown since 2015, have been expected from the company for a long time.

In terms of hardware, the iMac Pro, surprisingly, is strikingly ahead of even the current Mac Pro, but the Pro candy bar will be released only in winter and with a corresponding price tag.

The Mac Mini nettops that have not been updated are now the most affordable Mac devices. About 1000 (!) Days have passed since the presentation of their latest version.

A contradictory situation with the Mac Pro. Apple in the spring reduced the price of their enhanced configurations to prices previously corresponding to the standard versions, but otherwise this is the same gadget from 2013. Representatives of the Cupertino-based company have already mentioned that they are working on its successor, but this device will not see the light of the day.

The concept of the current cylindrical Mac Pro with two GPUs and without the possibility of replacing / upgrading components was considered by Apple to be unsuccessful years later. The new Mac Pro will be different

Chrome OS is also growing, although in the summer the system, the main success of which, thanks to the efforts of Google, fell on the educational segment, for obvious reasons, traditionally falls.

Samsung Chromebook Pro is one of the most powerful and modern gadgets with Chrome OS. Transformer with touch screen and high PPI. Includes stylus and support for Android applications

Therefore, do not be surprised at the strong drop in June compared to May. If we compare it with June last year, then Chrome OS, on the contrary, turns out to be in the black.

The big picture:

  • Windows - 84.32% (+ 0.4%; + 0.22%);
  • macOS - 11.59% (-0.17%; + 1.64%);
  • Linux - 1.74% (+ 0.08%; + 0.27%);
  • Chrome OS - 0.55% (-0.27%, + 0.14%)

Windows rating

Now let's dive into desktop operating systems and take a look at the Windows version in the StatCounter ranking. In June 2017, the top ten still cannot overtake Windows 7. It is obvious that next month, when the current system turns two years old, it will, alas, not be able to overtake its main rival.

According to StatCounter, Windows 7 still has enough "strength" to stay in the lead for several months

In order to look at the alignment in more detail below, we have collected data on the growth of Windows 7 and Windows 10 in the first 23 months of its existence:

Comparison of the market share growth of Windows 7 and Windows 10 (StatCounter data)

In the last months before the end of the free update year, the top ten managed to break away from Windows 7 by more than 3.5% (see the table above). However, after another year, all this advantage was leveled. Moreover, now with each passing month, the speed of distribution of Windows 10 is increasingly lagging behind the indicators of Windows 7 in 2010 and 2011.

Operating system selection Is the most important choice for any user. If you find out what an operating system is, and what they are operating system types... And find out which systems offer the best value for money, which system is right for you.

What is an operating system? Operating system type. Best operating systems

What is an operating system?

It is a program that is loaded when you turn on your computer and allows you to launch programs such as a web browser for surfing the Internet or an office suite for writing letters. For example Microsoft Windows XP.

Operating system type

List of major operating systems that you may encounter:

Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system. These days, you are likely to come across the following versions: Windows XP, Vista and 7.


There are hundreds of different types and versions of Linux. The most popular version in use today is probably Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu is used by approximately 20 million users, making it the most popular Linux distribution for desktops. It is the 4th most popular OS for web servers and is rapidly growing in popularity. Ubuntu is focused on usability. It includes the widespread use of the sudo utility, which allows users to perform administrative tasks without launching a potentially dangerous superuser session. Ubuntu also has extensive internationalization to ensure maximum accessibility for people from different language groups.

Ubuntu is recommended for work from 512 megabytes of RAM and, when installed on a hard disk, from five gigabytes of free space, and the minimum minimum requirements are much lower. Ubuntu was based on the GNOME desktop system, which is designed to provide a free, simple and intuitive interface while offering a complete range of modern desktop applications. In addition to the applications included with GNOME, Ubuntu comes with additional software including, LibreOffice, and the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

MacOS and IOS

Mac OS is the operating system that you find on Apple Mac computers. IOS is a variation of Apple's operating system that runs on iPhones, and on tablet computers, iPad. MacOS is sometimes considered one of the easiest operating systems to use.

Earlier versions of Mac OS were only compatible with Macintosh based on Motorola 68k processors, later versions were compatible with PowerPC architecture (PPC). Recently, Mac OS X has become compatible with the x86 architecture. But it is Apple's policy that it only allows Mac OS to be installed on Apple computers.

Google Chrome OS

Chrome is an operating system invented by Google. It can also be found on the types of computers known as Chromebooks. The operating system consists only of the Chrome web browser. Chromebooks with Chrome OS are required to provide the user with the right to connect to the cloud from their computer as soon as possible.

Android is an operating system made by Google. Android is an operating system for smartphones, tablets, e-books, digital players, wristwatches, netbooks and smartbooks, Google glasses and other devices, based on the Linux kernel and Google's own Java implementation.

Despite the initial prohibition on installing programs from "unverified sources" (for example, from a memory card), this restriction is disabled by standard means in the device's settings, which allows you to install programs on phones and tablets without an Internet connection (for example, users who do not have Wi- Fi access points and those who do not want to spend money on mobile Internet, which is usually expensive), and also allows everyone to write applications for Android for free and test them on their device.

No operating system

Sometimes a computer comes without a pre-installed operating system. You can save money by purchasing such a computer. But in this case, you will have to choose and install the operating system yourself.

Best operating systems

There is no such thing as “ best operating system“That everyone likes so much. Apple Mac computers have long been considered the simplest computers to use, thanks to the simplicity of the Mac operating system. Thus, for PC users, the choice of operating system essentially occurs between Linux and Windows... Linux is often viewed as a system used only by geeks. In fact, this is simply not true.

With each new release, both Windows and Linux, the system turns out to be more reliable, more powerful, and easier to use. And if you're a complete newbie to using a computer, then Linux may be as easy to master as Windows is. In this way, " best operating system"Is a personal choice. This is how you like the most.

If you have enough old computer(until 2005), or you are about to buy one, the best operating system for these devices is Windows XP or Linux like Ubuntu. These systems give the best performance on older hardware.

Choosing an operating system for new computers

If you buy a new computer and you want the most comfortable to use and ready to go from the moment you first turn it on, you should look at computers that come with a preinstalled operating system.

It's important to know that new PCs that come with Microsoft Windows pre-installed are more expensive than computers that come without.

So if you want to save money, choose a computer that comes with either Linux or no operating system.

This means that when you buy a new computer, you have two main operating system decisions:

  1. Buy a ready-made computer to work with an already installed operating system. In other words, the one that comes with Windows or Linux.
  2. Roll up your sleeves and yourself.

Computers That Come With preinstalled Windows, much more expensive. But if money is not the main factor, and you have used the system before, pay attention to the computers that come with already established... And if you don't care what the way your computer's system works, you can do whatever you want for free (like surfing the web), then you'll be happy with your Linux computer. This is a good option if money is a factor but you don't want to. install an operating system on one's own.

If you have read the above and you do not know what to do, I I recommend to buy a computer that comes pre-installed Microsoft Windows.

Choosing the Windows 7 operating system

Windows 7 is a user operating system in the Windows NT family, next in time to Windows Vista and prior to Windows 8. The reason is that most people - no matter how new computers they used - sooner or later with Microsoft Windows at some stage ... Thus, for most people, Windows 7 is a more familiar environment. Another reason is the level Windows user support... There are numerous help sites and support forums for Linux, and there are many more dedicated ones for Windows.

An additional benefit of Windows 7 is tighter integration with driver manufacturers. Most drivers are automatically detected and 90% of the time is backward compatible with Windows Vista drivers.

Although Windows 7 contains an extensive database of drivers for many devices, it supports fewer than Windows XP. In particular, the database does not contain drivers for many devices released before 2005. On the one hand, this is due to the Windows Aero technology, which requires a video adapter with at least 128 MB of memory and support for DirectX 9.0 (Shader Model 2.0), on the other hand, drivers for Geforce FX series video cards (5200-5900) are also missing in the bundle, despite the fact that this generation already supports DirectX 9.0. Also, the delivery package lacks drivers for many outdated models of sound cards and for most of the built-in audio codecs of the AC97 standard.

Despite the fact that officially installing Windows 7 requires at least 1 GB of RAM, this system is successfully installed on computers with a smaller volume, for example, 512 MB (but for stable operation, you need to turn off graphic effects), because Windows 7 was created on based on the previous Windows Vista OS, which officially required 512 MB of RAM.

Windows 7 has also improved compatibility with older applications, some of which could not run on Windows Vista. This is especially true for older games developed for Windows XP. Also in Windows 7, Windows XP Mode appeared, which allows you to run old applications in a Windows XP virtual machine, which provides almost complete support for old applications. The new 11th version of DirectX, first released in this OS, has the following improvements: added support for new computational shaders, the ability to multithreaded rendering, improved tessellation, new texture compression algorithms, etc. Windows Media Player 12 received a new interface and became truly "omnivorous", unlike its predecessor, which required a large number of codecs to play. However, it cannot play licensed Blu-ray discs with video, but it has the ability to read and write data on them.

When should you choose Windows 8?

Unlike its predecessors Windows 7 and Windows XP, it uses a new interface called Metro... This interface appears first after system startup. Metro is similar in functionality to the desktop - the start screen has application tiles (akin to shortcuts and icons), by clicking on which the application is launched, a site or folder opens, depending on which element or application the tile is attached to.

Compared to previous versions of Windows, Microsoft has reduced the number of editions to four: Windows RT, Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Enterprise... But since Windows RT is designed for ARM-based tablets and is sold only preinstalled on new computers, and Windows 8 Enterprise edition can only be purchased with Software Assurance, there are only two editions for home users to choose from: Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro. For the average PC user, the choice is limited to these two editions. Therefore, first of all, it is worth answering the question - do you need the capabilities of Windows 8 Pro. If you want to use encryption, virtualization, as well as connect your computer to a domain and manage it using group policies, then choose Windows 8 Pro. For everything else, regular Windows 8 is fine.

Currently the choice and is a great option for tablets and touch devices.

For a long time now, these groups have been waging an almost equal struggle for market monopolization, and this struggle is foreseen for a long time - it is difficult to single out a favorite in it. Let's try to figure out which product is of the highest quality.


At the moment, there are three current versions of the OS of this corporation - 7, 8, 10. Windows XP has already gone out of fashion - now it is installed mainly on old computers. The newest version is Windows 10, but not the most popular version from the company. Windows 7 is firmly in the ranking of the most used systems: 52% of personal computers in the world are served by it.

Windows OS are optimized, their work is stable on most computers, and on older versions XP and 7 are the most preferable. Windows product is not the most secure, so if you use Windows OS, you need to take care of installing licensed security software.

Many users compare "operating systems" by the interface. Windows does not lose to its competitors - a large selection of themes for data visualization, window animation and translucency create a pleasant contrast. Newer versions of Windows have retained elements of the very first systems from this manufacturer, which beckons the user.

One of the key advantages is the ability to install programs to perform a wide variety of tasks. This applies to office programs and gaming applications, as well as other applied areas.


Here the manufacturers decided to release many versions that have a special purpose. Ubuntu is the most widely recognized Linux product. It became popular with Linux because it is the most optimal for home use.

The Linux product is unique in that you can change everything in the system settings in such a way that the system will be completely rebuilt taking into account the PC parameters. This fact provides the highest performance, and in this component Linux is the undisputed leader among OS manufacturers. Linux also has the advantage of high reliability and security, since distributions provide for many mechanisms to delimit access to user information.

As for the appearance, it can be customized in any way. Linux has many variations in its interface choices, from simple and austere to complex and colorful with a lot of effects. One of the most important details for Linux is that in order to effectively manage it, the user must learn to work at the command line.

Many professional programming applications are written on the Linux kernel. But as far as the choice of applications for performing applied tasks is concerned, everything here is not as rich as that of competitors.


MacOS desktop

The very "operating system" occurred along with the appearance of the first products from Apple, respectively, is used on these devices. Currently, the most recent revision of macOS is version 10.

MacOS are guided by a certain hardware standard, so their performance is the highest among all available operating systems. It should be noted that the high performance of systems for MacOS is a distinctive feature - all products of this manufacturer are characterized by very stable and productive work. MacOS systems are very reliable, the aggregate number of viruses for this platform is not very large, and there is no need to worry about installing additional security software.

Most users are convinced that macOS is the most user-friendly and attractive operating system, judging by the user interface. The manufacturer pays a lot of attention to this component, and no wonder their superiority in this component over their competitors. The developers use a huge set of technologies that are aimed at harmonizing and improving the appearance of controls. Interestingly, the company regularly requires developers of third-party software to use the most similar to the standard "Mac" style of application design, so that users work in the new program in the same way as in the familiar one.


FreeDOS desktop

There are few users left who remember these operating system developers. It must be remembered that they became innovators in the field of OS development, having invented the whole operation of the operating system. Yes, competitors have gone further, improving all the developments of DOS, but the developers of the first operating systems have now begun to come up with innovations for the previous developments. Since the beginning of the 2000s, DOS has released a couple of OS emulators for PCs, but they were not recognized by users, due to low performance and the lack of most of the necessary characteristics for modern operating systems.

However, DOS remains essential for many users. DOS software is the best choice for those users who want to use old computers with new applications. To do this, the developers launched FreeDOS and DJGPP, which included several programs that are popular today - a file manager, a text editor, a web browser, an email client, etc. In other words, DOS products are still usable on older PCs.

Safety and reliability

In general, Windows, Linux and MacOS are competing for the title of the best OS group - DOS has already ceased to compete with more modern developments. In the field of reliability and safety of work, the most optimal products are Linux and Apple. The best Linux distribution for this is Ubuntu. Experts believe that systems with a Linux kernel are preferably used as the custodian of especially important information, since the protection against intrusion into the information stored in the system is very strong. By the way, users themselves need to be very careful when assigning passwords and long paths to their desired files - otherwise, you can lose them.

Unlike Linux and MacOS distributions, Windows clearly loses out in reliability and security. Windows product still remains with the title of the most unreliable operating system. Third-party security software comes out regularly, but the protection of systems is at the lowest level, and if you value the security of your information - Windows should not be chosen as the OS for your PC. As far as macOS is concerned, security is also at the highest level here.

The most gaming system

As mentioned above, in terms of the number of programs in different directions, Windows is in the lead, and in the game component this developer is the undoubted leader. Quite a lot of gaming applications are also released for Linux, since these "operating systems" are also quite popular in the world, for example, here you can find everyone's favorite Steam. But in the end, in the total volume of gaming applications, Windows will give odds to both Linux and MacOS combined. The system itself has good enough characteristics for uninterrupted and error-free operation of gaming applications on any computer, but, however, this rarely happens.

If you look at the distributions of Windows, then while users are very careful about calling Windows 7 the most preferable for games, despite the fact that there are already three new versions of the system! Of course, the "7" is a proven system, and therefore it is given more preference from users. But this is not for long - in a year and a half, the whole world will start talking about the fact that the eighth and tenth versions of Windows are much better than the seventh in terms of gaming.

The simplest OS

If we take into account all the operating systems available in the world and choose the simplest of them, DOS systems will be the absolute champion here. But if we talk specifically about the three giants of the OS release at the present time, then in simplicity, again, Windows will be ahead of everyone. Simplicity can be different - commonplace development, usability, etc. We are more interested in what systems are more convenient for users to work with. And most of them believe that Windows is the simplest "operating system", and starting from the very first versions.

Indeed, Windows is the easiest system to use, but very difficult to develop. MacOS ranks second in terms of usability, as noted by experts. Linux is the most complex systems, but if you get used to it once, you will never go back, for example, to the Windows family.

For weak PCs

Of course, DOS should be preferred here! However, DOS is quite difficult to find now, therefore, Linux distributions with a lightweight desktop environment (LXDE, OpenBox, MATE, Xfce) are most suitable for weak PCs.

The most optimal distribution kit for use in weak PCs from the Microsoft family will be Windows XP. In fact, this OS is good enough in that it has good performance and an attractive interface. It is simple enough and quite suitable so that even on a weak PC you can play your favorite classic games.

The downside is that XP is no longer supported by the manufacturer, and by installing this system, you run the risk of picking up many viruses and Trojans.

This means that if you actively use the Internet, without additional security software, your PC will not be able to work for a long time. So, think carefully about the choice of "operating system" before installing it on your weak PC.

Software installation availability

Once again, Windows is the undisputed leader here! Still, the products from this developer appeared on the market very first, and therefore they are sold instantly. Now only the lazy is not engaged in the development of programs and applications for Windows, which means that the software will always be available for these operating systems. But it is important to remember: due to the low level of protection of Windows OS, you must be extremely careful when installing software on your computer. Of course, it is necessary to use licensed software, and if there is none, then you should know: you are taking the risk of installing unwanted programs on your PC, with a low level of protection.

Which system to choose in the end

Recently, system developers have done a great job of improving OS versions. Of course, MacOS will occupy the minimum market share and popularity, since it is a relatively new product. In terms of characteristics, it is not inferior to Windows and Linux. If this product is in great demand in the future, then MacOS may soon become a sales leader.

Linux is a great system for office PCs and computers that are used for programming and administration. They have high performance, are as safe and reliable as possible to use, but they are too narrow-profile, because these "operating systems" are not widely used.

Windows is the clear winner in almost all respects among its competitors, and the product's popularity is understandable. For modern computers, it is Windows that will be the optimal OS, everyone chooses the version independently. It depends on the user what OS to install - if a computer is needed for work, it is better to install Linux, if for games - Windows. It is necessary to determine all the parameters that you want to receive more from the OS - and in this case you will be able to make the right and informed choice!

According to Roskomstat, Windows has 84% ​​popularity among Russian personal computer users. Linux is ahead of MacOS by 3% - 9% versus 6%. This will change if there are good reasons for attractiveness to users, and system designers are continually working in this area.

    All desktop computers have operating systems. The most common operating systems are Windows, developed by Microsoft. Apple pre-installs its own operating system on its computers, which was discussed above. In addition, there is a huge family of UNIX systems. The history of their development is full of outstanding personalities, innovative corporations and examples of cooperation in the name of achieving a common goal. There are hundreds of different operating systems in the world designed to perform highly specialized tasks. These include operating systems for mainframes, robots, industrial equipment, and real-time systems.

    Each device with an operating system usually allows for changes on the fly. And for this you do not need to rearrange the microcircuits at all. The user issues commands in software, which then tell the hardware part of the device how to behave in the changed conditions.

    For the desktop user, this means the ability to install security updates, system patches, additional applications, and even change the operating system. And the computer remains the same. In other words, you can change the behavior of your computer without changing anything in its hardware. The same applies to modern mobile phones. Regardless of the device on which the operating system is installed, it takes control over every task it performs and manages its system resources.

    Operating system functions

    If we greatly simplify the description of the tasks performed by the operating system, then we can distinguish two main ones:

    1. It manages hardware and software system resources. If we talk about a typical desktop computer, then these resources include, but are not limited to: processor, memory, disk space. On the mobile phone, it also adds a keyboard (or touchscreen), address book, dialing system, battery and network connection.
    2. It ensures stable and consistent interaction between applications and hardware. The application may not be familiar with the detailed specifications of the hardware

    The first challenge, managing hardware and software resources, is critical. The fact is that various programs and data entry methods compete for the attention of the central processor (CPU, CPU, CPU), the principles of which we have already discussed. They need memory, storage space, and I / O bandwidth. The operating system plays the role of a good mentor, arranging everything so that each application gets the resources it needs without conflicting with other applications. The operating system allocates limited computer resources in such a way that the best results for all users and all applications are obtained. Of course, from the possible in this configuration. A computer has a well-defined processor performance and memory capacity, the growth of which - as we already have - does not always lead to an increase in the performance of the machine. The operating system will have to allocate these and other resources in the most profitable way.

    The second task, ensuring the interaction of software and hardware, takes on special importance given the fact that modern computers are open to changes in their configuration. Application program interface (API) tools allow a developer to write a program on one computer with little doubt that it will work on another computer of the same type. Even if the memory or storage capacity of the two machines is different.

    The operating system arranges everything so that the application continues to run on this computer even after its hardware is modified or software updates are made. The fact is that it is the operating system, and not each specific application, that monitors the hardware and the distribution of its resources. Operating system designers face the daunting challenge of making the system compatible with hardware from thousands of companies that make computer components and peripherals. A modern operating system is capable of "recognizing" thousands of different printers, hard drives, and special peripherals. Moreover, in each specific case, this equipment will be combined in a different way.

    Types of operating systems

    The vast array of operating systems in existence can be divided into four main types:

    1. Real-time operating systems (RTOS). Real-time operating systems are designed to control machinery, scientific instruments, and industrial systems. Typically, the user interface of such systems does not indulge in design delights, and utilities focused on the end user are absent. This is a ready-to-use "closed box". The most important task of this type of operating system is to ensure that a certain operation is performed at a certain period of time. And these segments were equal. In complex machines, their elements must not be allowed to move faster than necessary, since the system has "extra" resources. Or, conversely, did not move at all due to the system being busy
    2. Single-user, single task. As their name suggests, these operating systems are focused on one user performing one task at a time. A striking example of this type of system is Palm OS for Palm handhelds. These devices enjoyed a certain popularity before the mass distribution of smartphones began.
    3. Single-user, multi-tasking operating systems. This type of system drives most of today's desktop and laptop computers. Both Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X are of this type. For example, a Windows user can simultaneously write a note in a text editor and download a file from the Internet. At the same time, the printer can print, and the mail client can receive e-mail.
    4. Multi-user operating systems. Multi-user operating systems allow multiple users to access device resources at the same time. The operating system has to maintain a balance between the requirements of different users. In this case, the operating system has to make sure that each of the running programs has enough resources, and the task solved by one of the users does not interfere with other users. Unix, VMS, and mainframe operating systems like MVS are prime examples of multiuser systems.

    It is important to clarify some of the subtleties that can make it difficult to determine the type of operating system. There are multiuser operating systems and systems that support network connections. And these are different operating systems. For example, Windows 2000 and Novell Netware supported hundreds or even thousands of network connections. However, they cannot be considered truly multiplayer. The only real user of Windows 2000 and Netware is the system administrator. Network support and all remote user accounts are included in the overall operating system plan, programmatically defined by its administrator.

    Computer operating systems

    When you turn on the power of the computer, the first program to start is a set of instructions contained in the computer's read-only memory (ROM, ROM). This code tests the system hardware and makes sure everything is working correctly. This process is called power-on self test (POST). In its course, the processor, memory and basic input-output system (BSVV, BIOS) are checked for errors. Test results are saved in a special memory area. If the self-test is successful, the resident software starts. It is known as BIOS. This software starts activating the hard drives of the computer. In most modern computers, when the hard drive is activated, the first piece of the operating system is located: the bootstrap loader.

    A boot loader is a small program that has only one function: load an operating system into memory. This will get you started. In general, the bootloader launches small driver programs that interact with and control various hardware subsystems. All of this resides in the same memory that contains the operating system itself, user information and applications. A data structure is set in motion, containing a myriad of signals, indicators, and synchronizations that allow communication within and between subsystems and computer applications. Then control of the computer is transferred to the operating system.

    We'll put a comma here, since we have yet to talk about what groups of tasks are performed by a typical operating system. But this will become the topic of another story.

    To be continued…

    Based on materials from

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