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Superfluous iOS functions: what and where can be disabled as unnecessary. Sending low quality images

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Smartphones developed by Apple have long taken a strong position in the mobile phone market. Nevertheless, the operating system of "apple" phones still has unrevealed possibilities, which you did not even know about.

site shares with you awesome tricks you can do with your iPhone.

Timer for playing music

Now, before going to bed, you can enjoy your favorite tunes without worrying about how to stay awake and leave the music playing all night. Just start the timer at the time you need, which is located on the "Clock" tab. In the "When finished" section, instead of the preset ringtone, select the "Stop" item and fall asleep. Your phone will do the rest of the work for you. A real find for audiobook lovers!

Create a unique vibration

Instead of a standard vibration pattern for text messages, you can easily create your own template.

  • Go to phone settings, then - "Sounds"> "Ringtones"> "Vibration". Select the section labeled "Create Vibration".
  • Start recording and tap the screen in time with the vibration you want. Then stop recording and save your template. It will be stored in the "Vibration" subsection (ringtones menu), in the "Custom" list.

In addition, you can create a personalized vibration for each contact in your phone book.

Cleaning the RAM of the device

To make your iPhone run faster, try clearing your device's RAM. This can be done with a few simple steps:

  • Press and hold the power off button of your device until the shutdown slider appears.
  • Without making the usual swipe on the shutdown slider, press and hold the "Home" button.
  • After a few seconds, you will see a slight screen flickering and then you will be returned to the desktop again. At this point, the RAM on the iPhone or iPad will be cleared and the device will start to run faster.

Message sent time

You can easily find out the exact time of sending a message with a few simple steps:

  • Go to the Messages Application.
  • Now open the conversation that contains the message you are interested in.
  • Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left.
  • The date and time it was sent or received will appear next to each message.

Symbol counter for SMS

To avoid manually counting the characters used in a message, turn on the standard counter function on your iPhone:

  • Open the Settings app, find the Messages section.
  • In the "Messages" section opposite the "Number of characters" item, activate the slider.

Ready! As soon as you start typing your message, you will almost immediately notice a character counter on the side, which shows how many characters you have already entered.

Shooting video with the screen off

If you want others not to notice how you are taking photos or videos, do the following:

  • On the locked screen, press the "Camera" button and lift the "curtain" that appears halfway.
  • Continuing to hold the "curtain" in a half-open state, if necessary, switch to the video recording mode and press the record button.
  • Double-click the Home button three times.
  • Hold the "shutter" until the screen goes off completely and remember that the recording is already in progress!
  • If you want to interrupt video recording, please activate your device in the usual way and stop recording in the menu.

Rewind audio and video

You can change the rewind speed by moving the slider. So, the yellow area is used for fast rewinding, the red one rewinds twice as slow, and the green one takes it even longer.

Calling an extension number

If you want to call an extension from your iPhone, dial the main number and then hold down the star for a few seconds. A comma will appear after the main number on the screen, enter the extension number and press "Call".

Changing the direction of the panorama

Easily change the direction of panorama shooting on iPhone by simply clicking the arrow on your phone screen.

Deleting digits in the calculator

If you notice an error in the dialed number, then delete any extreme digit by swiping your finger to the left or right in the input field.

Fast call for an ambulance

If you fill in your "medical card" in the phone in advance, any user will be able to provide doctors with information that is important to save your life in an emergency. We recommend that you indicate there at least a blood type and information about which medications you may be allergic to.

Recover closed pages in Safari

To see the most recently opened tabs in the Safari browser, simply click on the "+" sign at the bottom of the screen.

Offline maps

If you have previously downloaded the required map, then by typing "OK maps" in the search, you will be able to use the viewed maps offline.

Hidden application "Field Test"

Service codes are available on the iPhone, with which you can get various information about the gadget, mobile operator and cellular network. A simple call to the number * 3001 # 12345 # * can bring up a hidden menu with information about the SIM card, cellular operator's network, signal strength, etc.

Increasing Wi-Fi speed

  • Return to the previous menu and scroll to the "Keyboard shortcuts" item. Turn on the only item "Increase" (check the box opposite).
  • Press the "Home" key three times in a row and tap on the joystick controller that appears. Bring the slider down to its minimum value and open the Select Filter function.
  • Install the Low Light filter and hide the controller.
  • Disable Tabs in Apple Music

    The appearance of the Apple Music service has significantly expanded the horizons of preferences for music lovers, but a number of extra tabs complicate the interaction with the familiar program somewhat. You can remove tabs you don't need (provided that the service itself does not interest you) using a few simple steps:

    • Go to Settings> Music.
    • Turn off the Show Apple Music slider.
    • Go to Settings> General> Restrictions. Enter the set password.
    • Disable the "Connect to Apple Music" item.

    Surely there are situations when your phone is frozen or simply "naughty" and refuses to work properly. Give your iPhone a little time out. To do this, hold down the Home and On / off buttons until the iPhone screen turns off. This can take up to 10 seconds. Then your phone will reboot and the Apple logo will appear on the screen.

    It doesn't matter if you already own an iPhone or are just thinking of purchasing one, it is always nice to know the hidden capabilities of a technical friend that help, prompt, simplify life, and sometimes even amuse. Below is a list of secret features that you may not have known about.

    1. Create a complex password
    By default, your iPhone asks for numbers when you create a password to unlock your smartphone. But you can change this parameter. Go to Settings-> General -> Password Protection and disable “simple password.” You will be prompted to change your password and the full keyboard will appear on the screen, not just the numeric portion of it. This keyboard will pop up every time you need to unlock your phone.

    2. Fast charging
    Switching to airplane mode turns off wireless and cellular functions, allowing your phone to charge twice as fast as nothing on the phone is currently using power.

    3. Assistant Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) will read your letters aloud
    All you have to do is say the magic words: “Read my email,” and Siri will read all your messages aloud. If you feel like it, you can tell her to read only the latest messages (“Read my latest email”) or only from a specific contact (“Do I have email from Mark?”).

    4. Find out which planes are flying overhead
    Siri will help you here too. It is enough to ask in English: "flights are above me?" or “Planes overhead”, which will open a sign listing the flight number of each airplane flying, its altitude and angle.

    5. Teach Siri to pronounce words correctly
    The nicest part of this procedure is that it makes you feel smarter than Siri. When Siri pronounces words incorrectly, it is enough to say: "That" s not how you pronounce "and she begins to suggest alternatives, it is enough to choose the correct one.

    6. Setting the timer to play music
    If you like to fall asleep to music, then this function will be to your taste. IOS has the ability to turn on sleep mode while playing music. In the "Clock" application, you need to select the "Timer" tab, then specify the required time interval, then scroll down and select "Stop playback". At the specified time, the timer will stop playing music.

    7. Temporarily switch layouts
    Sometimes you need to enter mixed text, consisting of alternating letters and numbers. You do not have to constantly switch from alphabetic layout to digital. To enter one number, simply hold the "123" button with one finger and press the desired number with the other. This trick also works with punctuation marks and other symbols located on the numeric keypad.

    8. Taking a photo with the volume button
    Sometimes it is difficult to take pictures by touching the "Capture" button, especially with gloves on. It's okay, you can use the volume up or down buttons.

    9. Burst shooting
    If you hold down the shutter button, the smartphone will start taking a series of fast frames. This function is especially useful when you have to photograph a moving subject. Later, you can choose the best shots and delete the failed ones.

    10. View the exact time when the message was sent
    To find out, go to any conversation in messages, for example, SMS or iMessage, and swipe from right to left. The exact time when this or that message was received or sent will appear on the side.

    11. Use your iPhone as a building level
    Need to hang a picture? In the Compass application, swipe to the left and the interface of a simple and convenient building level will open.

    12. Your iPhone will speak the selected text
    First you need to turn on the Speak Selection function. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Speaking, turn it on. Now the "Speak" button will appear when you select text. Bonus: You can also choose from different accents (would you prefer an Australian iPhone?), And even control the speed at which the selected text is spoken.

    13. Start a new sentence by double clicking on the space bar
    Whenever you are typing and need to start a new sentence, just double-click on the space and a period will be automatically added.

    14. More detailed calendar
    When using the calendar in a vertical position, it is not visible which events are indicated. Turn your smartphone to a horizontal position and you can see in more detail all the planned tasks.

    15. Locking autofocus and exposure while shooting
    When you try to photograph a subject, your iPhone automatically adjusts the exposure, which is sometimes completely inappropriate. But you can fix the focus and exposure yourself by pressing and holding your finger on the screen until a yellow square appears and blinks twice. Next, “AE / AF Lock” appears at the bottom of the screen, allowing you to take a picture at your exposure and focus conditions.

    16. .ru, .com and letters Ё and Ъ on the keyboard
    When you enter a web address, just hold down the "." at the bottom of the keyboard and a menu will appear containing a list of domains (.ru, .org, .com, .net). Also, many at the first acquaintance with Apple technology are puzzled where such letters as Ё and Ъ have disappeared. They were not hiding at all, you just have to hold down the E or b buttons, respectively.

    17. Quick access to draft email
    Few people know about this function. The next time you use the email app, holding the icon in the lower right corner of the screen will take you quickly to the list of draft emails (projects).

    18. Setting up individual vibration
    This will allow you to change the vibration pattern for alerts and notifications. You need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> vibration -> create new vibrations. You can customize the vibration pattern for individual contacts. You will feel who is calling or writing without looking at the phone screen.

    19. Create custom keyboard shortcuts
    Let's say there is a certain word or phrase that you use frequently. You can create a shortcut for it. Go to section
    Settings> General> Keyboard> Shortcuts> Add new shortcut. Enter a word or phrase (maybe a link or an e-mail) that you want to use for this. Each time you enter this shortcut, a whole word or phrase will magically appear.

    20. Shake to undo
    Made a mistake while entering or editing text? Do not worry! Just shake your phone a little and it will ask you if you want to undo the action. Hooray!

    21. When an alert arrives, the smartphone will blink a flash
    Instead of the iPhone ringing or vibrating when you receive a call or message, you can set the LED flash to turn on. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility, then scroll down and enable the "LED Flash for Alerts" alert.

    22. Highlighting text
    Double tap on a word allows you to select the whole word. This feature is borrowed from computers, where double-clicking serves for this purpose. Four tapas in a row already highlight the entire paragraph, which can be useful when you need to send a piece of text.

    23. Calculator for engineering calculations
    If the iPhone is placed horizontally while working with the calculator, then it will be possible to work with the advanced functions of the calculator, that is, a calculator for engineering calculations will appear on the screen.

    24. Taking a photo with headphones
    When shooting a scene with the front camera of a smartphone, it is quite difficult to take an even shot, and even so that your hand does not fit into the frame. In such a situation, an Apple headset will be great. There are buttons on the Apple headphone cable that you can use to take self-portraits. Press the volume up button in camera mode or the middle (Start / Pause) button in video recording mode.

    25. Quickly rewind the pages to the very top
    In any iOS application, to instantly get to the very top of the page, you need to click on the top header bar (where information about the operator, time and battery charge is).

    If you know more interesting things that iphone can, write in the comments.

    The iPhone, as you know, is a very useful thing, but it has hidden functions that many do not even know about. For example, not every owner of an "apple" gadget knows about the presence in the phone of a map of all the places he has visited, or about the ability to control the screen by turning the head.

    In contact with

    Here are fifteen useful features that will make you a truly "advanced" iPhone user.

    Re-entering the most frequently used text and phrases every time is a very annoying procedure.

    In order, say, not to constantly enter the same email address, the iPhone can be taught prompts. The user can type, for example, "soap", and the entire address will appear on the screen. To do this, go to the menu " Settings", In chapter " The main" select " Keyboard"And click on the item" Replacing text».

    Click here + in the upper right corner, in the field Phrase enter the complete phrase (in our case [email protected] site), and in the Abbreviation field, enter the desired abbreviation, for example "soap" ..

    In this way, you can easily drive, for example, passport data, full name, etc. Try it, it's very convenient.

    How to add and reorder virtual keyboards

    Working with the default iPhone keyboard does not get the most out of its potential. There are a number of applications that add many interesting and useful functions to the keyboard - from translating text into a foreign language to sending funny GIFs.

    Try using, for example, one of the third party keyboards below:

    You can activate the new keyboard after installing it along the path: Settings -> The main -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> New keyboards.

    To work with the keyboard, you must give it full access to iOS. To do this, click on the keyboard name and slide the switch to the ON position, then confirm your intentions by selecting the option Allow.

    The order of keyboards in the list can be changed by clicking the button " Change" in the upper right corner. This will let you know exactly which keyboard will appear next when you switch.

    You can switch the keyboard by clicking on the globe-shaped icon in the lower left corner or in the settings of the active keyboard.

    Turn off calls and notifications at night or at lunchtime

    The "" function allows you to turn off the sound signals for calls, alerts and notifications that come to the locked device. The user can schedule the time or select the subscribers whose calls are allowed to receive.

    In order to activate the function, you need to go to the menu " Settings"And choose" Manually».

    You can also do this in Control Center by clicking on the crescent moon icon.

    How to control an iPhone with your head

    You can activate the function of controlling the device using head movements by going to Settings -> The main > Universal access-> and choosing Add new ... In chapter Switches.

    How to hide some unused native apps that cannot be removed

    iPhone comes with dozens of pre-installed applications that the user cannot uninstall. This is quite inconvenient considering that many of them will hardly be used. However, some unused apps can be removed from the home screen.

    To do this, go to " Settings"And in the section" The main" select " Restrictions". Then you need to enter a password and specify which icons to hide from the home screen.

    Unfortunately, you can only hide app icons: Safari, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes Store, Podcasts, and News.

    How to make the flash light up when you call, receive messages and notifications

    Many iPhone users who like the indicator lights for messages in old phones have no idea that they can activate this feature in the "apple" gadget. This can be done by going to Settings -> The main -> Universal access -> Flash alerts.

    How to set different vibration for individual contacts

    You can find out who is calling not only by the ringtone, but also by the sound of the vibration. In order to set a certain vibration for individual contacts, you need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> Vibration -> Create vibration.

    You can set the vibration pattern by tapping the screen. The created sample must be named and saved.

    This vibration will be automatically set by default for all notifications, so before exiting the menu, you must return to the previous settings - parameter Not selected.

    In order to set a preset vibration for a specific person, go to the list of contacts, select the required one, press the button Change and indicate the saved template in the item " Vibration».

    It is very easy to reply to messages from the lock screen - you just need to swipe the message to the left, thereby activating the function “ To answer».

    You can find out the most energy-consuming applications by going to Settings -> Battery -> Battery use.

    iPhone saves data about all visited places and creates a hidden map. In order to view it, you need to go to Settings -> Confidentiality -> Geolocation services and choose System services -> Frequently visited places.

    All places visited by the user are sorted by city. After clicking on the name of the city, a map will open with an exact indication of the location and the time of its visit.

    How to enable power saving mode

    Power saving mode can help extend the life of your iPhone's battery. When the battery level drops to 20%, you will be prompted to enter a low power mode. However, it can be activated even if the smartphone is fully charged. To do this, go to the application " Settings"And select the section" Battery". When the power saving mode is on, the battery level indicator turns amber.

    To conserve battery, nonessential features such as background app updates, Siri, and some resource-intensive video effects are disabled.

    Power saving mode turns off automatically when the device reaches 80% charge.

    How to view selfies and screenshots in individual albums in the Photos app

    This might be news to some, but the iPhone automatically saves the front-facing camera shots and screenshots separately from the rest.

    In order to quickly view the media files sent in the message (photos, videos, coordinates), just click on the button " In detail" in the upper right corner.

    You can specify the location in the message in the menu " In detail". The mark is set indefinitely, for example, for an hour or until the end of the day.

    How to lower the screen brightness to a level lower than the one suggested in the settings

    Few people know that triple pressing on the display can reduce the brightness in a way that standard settings do not allow. This makes it much more convenient to use your smartphone at night. You can activate the triple tap function as follows. Select Settings -> The main -> Universal access -> Increase and in subsection Magnification area put a tick opposite Whole screen.

    After triple-tapping the screen with three fingers (you need to touch quickly), a menu will appear in which you need to click on " Select filter"And put a tick in front of" Faint light". Now you can reduce the brightness below the minimum set by Apple by triple-tapping the screen.

    Apple presented on Monday at the opening of the WWDC developer conference a new version of the operating system for the iPhone and iPad - iOS 12. In the fall, it will be free to install on all the same devices that can run iOS 11. Let's figure out what's new in iOS 12.


    According to Apple Senior Vice President Craig Federighi, who oversees software development, the company made a decision in iOS 12 primarily to focus on improving performance. System requirements have not changed - iOS 12 will be available on the same devices as iOS 11, that is, smartphones starting with the iPhone 5s and tablets starting with the iPad Air and iPad mini 2, as well as the 6th generation iPod Touch.

    But that's not all. Apple claims that it has deeply optimized the system: so much so that launching applications on the old iPhone 6 Plus will be 40% faster, calling the keyboard will take 50% less time, and cameras - 70%. At the same time, the increase in performance under load can approach a twofold.

    All this was achieved, among other things, thanks to the optimization of the control of the processor frequency - it maximizes the performance at the moment when it is most needed, for example, at the moment of launching an application or flipping a "heavy" web page.

    "Digital Health"

    Of the custom features that will be introduced in iOS 12, the biggest impact on the life of the owner of an i-device may be the new possibilities to manage the Do Not Disturb mode and notifications, as well as monitor and even limit the time that you (and your children - if they have also iPhone or iPad with "Family Sharing" configured) in certain applications.

    Do not disturb mode in iOS 12 can be turned on not only on a schedule, but also for a certain period of time, for example, for an hour. In addition, it will be possible to program it so that it turns off at a specific time or place. Finally, a special "night" version of this mode (see the illustration above) will lower the display brightness to the minimum - so as not to blind your eyes in the dark, and hide all notifications until the morning.

    Notifications will be grouped by application, as is done in the latest Android versions, and with one swipe you can hide, for example, everything sent by Twitter or Instagram. Users of devices with iOS 12 will have more control over notifications - for example, it will be possible to make "push notifications" from some applications come silently and appear only in the "Notification Center", but not on the lock screen.

    Earlier this year, some of Apple's major shareholders. Some recent studies. In response to a letter from investors, Apple promised to add more effective parental control tools to iOS.

    And now, they add: the Screen Time function will allow the user not only to see how much time he spent in each application and how many times per hour, on average, accesses a smartphone or tablet, but also to set a limit on the use of various applications for himself or his children, whose accounts have been added. in Family Sharing.

    If owners of iOS devices know how they use their devices, they can limit the time they can use a specific application, website, or category of applications. When the limit expires, the iPhone will show a screen with a notification that the time is up. Of course, it will be possible to "ask" for more time - the system will not completely block the application, but later it will persistently remind the user of his original intention to restrict the use of the gadget.

    Parents will be able to open a report on the child's activity on his device from their smartphone or tablet, see what applications he spends time in, and set restrictions, including on certain categories, for example, on games:

    It will also be possible to set the hours when the child cannot use the device at all or has access to only some applications - for example, "Phone" or iBooks.

    Group video chat and Memoji

    Another block of updates in iOS 12 concerns communication services FaceTime and iMessage. In the first, a group video chat will appear, and it supports up to 32 interlocutors at the same time. That is, the function will compete not only, but also Skype with its limit of 25 people.

    Both FaceTime and iMessage can be transformed using virtual "live" animoji masks that copy the user's facial expressions (iPhone X only). Fans of reincarnation will have access to four new characters - a ghost, a koala, a tiger cub and a tyrannosaurus. All animoji in iOS 12 will be able to recognize when the user shows their tongue and copy their grimace.

    Moreover, it will be possible to create a personal avatar, Memoji, using dozens of face options, skin colors, accessories, etc. A similar function. However, the Korean "selfimoji", although they are formed with the help of the front camera, are much less flexible. And Apple has four available degrees of freckle to choose from, not to mention about fifty options for only women's hairstyles.


    In iOS 12, Apple will open the door wider for app developers to access their voice assistant. Now they will be able to independently connect certain functions of their programs to Siri through Shortcuts, and users can access them using voice commands. For example, the Tile Bluetooth dongle app will be able to respond to the phrase "where are my keys?"

    The new Shortcuts app will allow iOS 12 i-device owners to create their own complex functions and assign them simple voice commands. In the example demonstrated at the presentation, an Apple employee set up a "macro" in Shortcuts, which, using the voice command "Going home", reports the travel time taking into account traffic jams, sends a message about the arrival time to home, sets the "smart" thermostat at home to a comfortable temperature, and then turns on your favorite radio on your iPhone.

    Augmented reality

    IOS 12 expands the capabilities of iOS AR app developers as Apple unveiled a second version of ARKit. Its main feature, in addition to more accurate surface recognition, is the multi-user mode, in which several users of i-devices, being nearby, can interact with the same set of virtual objects:

    Persistent objects will change the way people interact with AR applications: users will be able to leave virtual objects in the real world and then return to them. For example, you can leave a half-assembled puzzle on the table, and all its parts will remain in the same places. Or you can work on an art project for several weeks without starting over every time.

    ARKit 2 also extends support for image recognition and tracking. This allows you to recognize 3D objects, such as toys and sculptures, and automatically superimpose shadows and highlights from real objects on augmented reality objects.

    In addition, Apple has agreed with a dozen partner companies to develop a single format for AR objects - USDZ. Such files can, for example, be integrated into the mobile version of the site - and the user will be able to "try on" a potential purchase by placing a virtual copy of it in his room:

    Apple also announced the Measure app for iOS, a kind of virtual ruler that uses augmented reality to quickly estimate the size of real objects. Such applications are already in the App Store, but now they will have a serious competitor.

    Other updates

    In the built-in Photos app, Apple is trying to catch up with a similar cross-platform product from Google. As in Google Photos, a "for you" section with automatically processed pictures, photo memories ("I remember what you did a year ago") and automatically glued videos will appear in the standard iPhone gallery.

    The book app with a built-in store in iOS 12 will be renamed from iBooks to Apple Books and radically redesigned in the spirit of the new App Store and Apple Music:

    The CarPlay car interface will finally start supporting third-party navigation apps, and their interface will be displayed directly on the car's multimedia system screen. Finally, the Voice Recorder app will be available on the iPad, now using iCloud. Its design, including in a smartphone version, will be completely new.

    When iOS 12 comes out

    The iOS 12 public beta will be available for Apple mobile devices in June, and the developer version is available today. The new OS is compatible with Phone 5s or later, all iPad Air and iPad Pro models, iPad 6th generation, iPad 5th generation, iPad mini 2 or later, and iPod touch 6th generation.

    Happy owners of the popular Apple iPhone smartphone from the first minutes of their acquaintance note a well-thought-out and convenient control system, settings for launching custom functions. Most of them are implemented in the usual way for all such devices, since the huge variety of smartphones requires some kind of standardization. An iPhone just taken out of the box can play music, show videos, connect to the Internet, make calls, and much more. However, this is not all. iPhone also has a number of hidden additional features that can make using the device even more rewarding and enjoyable.

    Hidden iPhone features: what they do and where to find

    The abundance of device functionality is not an empty phrase. There are so many of them that some of the abilities are hidden and invisible upon first acquaintance. The hidden features of the iPhone are not some kind of smartphone secrets. Some of them are implemented in such a way that you can use them without going into the settings, but by performing simple actions right along the way. These are, in fact, life hacks. Knowing these non-obvious, but very useful facts helps to save time on charging the device, customize the user interface in an optimal way, and quickly resolve many issues that arise when using the iPhone.

    Each iOS update delights users with new smartphone features

    Charging acceleration

    The iPhone constantly performs various activities in the background - it performs network and cellular operations that require a drain on the battery. H To shorten the charging time, turn on "Airplane mode" after connecting the power cord.

    "Airplane mode" function turns off cellular communication in the smartphone

    This turns off most background processes, reduces power consumption, which helps to speed up the charging of the device. A hidden feature of the iPhone, such as disabling the location of the smartphone, which can be done in the privacy settings, will also help reduce battery consumption.

    Improving Touch ID performance

    The iPhone identification system identifies the owner by fingerprint. In order to make the device more reliable, it is recommended to go to the Touch ID menu and create several new fingerprints, each time with the same finger.

    Detailed information about fingerprints will allow you to recognize the owner faster

    Thanks to this hidden function of the iPhone, the device receives more complete information about the configuration of the papillary lines on the finger, which greatly facilitates and speeds up scanning.

    Quick cancel when printing text

    If, while typing or editing the text of an SMS or e-mail, any errors occurred, it became necessary to change or correct letters, words, add punctuation marks, etc., just shake the device. The function will open an on-screen cancellation request that should be used.

    For inexperienced users, this feature can save you a lot of time.

    Select one word or paragraph

    To highlight a single word in the text, you need to make a double tap on it. The procedure is similar to the double-click used on computers. If you execute four tapas in a row, the entire paragraph will be highlighted. This hidden iPhone feature can come in handy when you need to copy or send a piece of text to someone.

    Quick selection of text will speed up your work with it

    Go to the top of the page

    To quickly move to the top of the page, just touch the top panel indicating the charge level, current time, etc. With large pages in the browser or text files, photos, other files, this function makes it possible to avoid a long repetition of the swipe down.

    Change emoji color

    A new hidden iPhone feature is available on iOS 8.3 devices. To change the shade of an emoticon or emotion, you need to touch it with your finger and hold it for a while. Several options will appear from which you can choose the one that best suits the subject of your message.

    There are six possible skin tones in total

    Plus, in iOS 10, you can replace words with emoji as you type. If you click on a word, its analogue appears next to it - a colorful pictogram.

    Using as a contour line

    The iPhone's built-in gyroscope can be used as a building level to determine the horizontal or vertical of a surface. The function is in the "Compass". To check, you need to launch the application and open the next page by swiping your finger across the screen.

    If the surface is perfectly smooth, the background color will change from black to green

    Compass is the rarest used app of all Apple's standard apps.

    Close multiple applications at the same time

    If several programs are open, they can be closed simultaneously with three fingers, without the need to alternately swipe each application separately.

    Close multiple applications with three fingers at once

    It cannot be argued that this hidden iPhone feature will save a lot of time, but it can be quite useful in some cases. For example, when you have to quickly perform a lot of operations or you need to quickly shut down.

    Advanced calculator capabilities

    The iPhone calculator works in a simple, simple way by default. If during operation it is turned to a horizontal position (put not “on its back”, but “on its side”), then a calculator window with a more complex mode for engineering calculations will open.

    The iPhone engineering calculator is capable of performing fairly complex calculations using circle functions, logarithms, etc.

    If the device does not rotate the picture automatically, you need to go to the Control Center and disable the Orientation Lock there.

    Locking camera focus settings

    By default, the iPhone has automatic exposure and focus. In some cases, they are not needed, and sometimes the settings are reset due to the operator moving to another place. If you want to keep the existing camera settings, you can use the following iPhone function. It is necessary at a specific point to touch the screen with your finger and hold it motionless until the notification of the fixed focus and exposure appears.

    If you click on the inscription "Locking the exposure / focus", the focus will return to automatic mode

    Special designations and letters Ё and Ъ

    When typing a web address, you just need to hold down the "." at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up window will appear with abbreviated domain names, from which you can select the desired one. To dial the letters E or B, press and hold E and b.

    For the keyboard in iOS to have perfect proportions, the developers had to hide some letters.

    In the same way, you can find other symbols hidden by Apple engineers. For example, different types of quotation marks.

    Reducing the volume of Internet traffic

    To save Internet traffic, iOS has such a convenient hidden iPhone function as the ability to disconnect the connection for individual applications. You can leave only one of them connected to the network, or allow access to all. In the settings there is an item "Cellular", in which there is a list of applications with a switch that allows or denies the network connection.

    As soon as the iPhone leaves the Wi-Fi coverage area, the applications immediately switch to cellular

    If you carefully consider the available programs and disconnect from the connection those that are not important or are not used at all, you can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred.

    Email Drafts

    In the mail attachment, there is an icon in the lower right corner - a square piece of paper with a pencil. If you touch it and hold your finger still for a few seconds, you will get access to draft letters. You can choose the most suitable one and correct or supplement the text to the desired state. This hidden iPhone feature is convenient and useful, but few people know about it.

    A long press on the new letter button opens a list of all saved drafts

    Using the Siri voice assistant

    Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Siri) is able to read emails aloud. You can hear all letters or only the last ones, as well as hear letters from only one contact.

    Siri can send messages, dial phone numbers, keep track of the calendar, and more

    It is possible to correct the pronunciation, for which you need to correct Siri. To do this, you need to say: “That’s not how you pronounce”. After that, other options will be offered, from which the best is selected. In addition, Siri can show which planes are in the sky nearby. To do this, you need to say the query: "Flights are above me?" or as an option: "Planes overhead". A page will open with the names of flights of all aircraft in the sky nearby, altitude and direction of flight.

    If you find a lost iPhone, Siri can help you contact the owner without entering a password. Ask her: "Whose iPhone is this?" or "Who owns this iPhone?", and a window with the name of the owner of the gadget will open in front of you.

    Viewing the time the message was sent

    The iPhone also has such a hidden feature as the ability to see the exact time when messages were sent. To do this, you need to move the tab with messages to the left, as a result, you will see the exact time of sending each of them.

    Sometimes it is very important to know when the message was sent

    Video: Hidden iPhone Features

    Most of the hidden features of the iPhone are not critical to the user, but in some cases they can help save time or battery power, make it easier to shoot with the camera or type. The iOS system is extremely complex and has many useful features, familiarity with which makes using the device easier and more economical. The ability to speed up charging times and extend battery capacity by disabling unnecessary functions can be extremely important and can be invaluable in exceptional conditions.

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