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Linux - what is it? Linux OS: review, instructions, reviews. How to start using Linux

The most popular operating system at the moment is Windows. This is due to both the successful start and the initial focus on working with inexperienced users. But almost everyone who has several years of use of this OS behind them, the question arises about what analogues can offer. One of these will be discussed in the article.

Linux: what is it and what does it consist of?

This is not an easy question. To fully familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this development, you need to read more than one book and spend a lot of time at the computer. The operating system itself is a set of programs that make it possible to interact with a computer and run other programs. At its core there are several important applications, which can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Allowing you to receive instructions from users and communicate with them.
  2. Making it possible to read and write data to the hard disk, as well as play it back using a printer.
  3. Allowing you to control memory usage and the launch of other programs.

The most important part of an operating system is the kernel (called Linux). What does such a device give you in practice? Currently popular temporary samples use various programs that were written for this project as another part of the operating system. By the way, the full name of this OS is GNU/Linux. Next you will find out why she has such a name.


GNU/Linux was modeled after the Unix OS. From the very beginning, this operating system was designed to be multi-user and multi-tasking. This alone is enough to make her stand out. But there are much more differences in it. The most important thing is that it is free (a significant part of the developments was created by volunteers for free) and the absence of an owner. The Free Software Foundation first started creating something like this in 1984. Then they developed a Unix-like operating system, which was called GNU. Many basic functions were created that could be used to solve problems wide range(if compared with what existed then). In addition to the fund, many working groups and individuals, which in no way detracts from their work. But there are still some peculiarities. Thus, the foundation created most of the tools used, the philosophy and community of enthusiastic users and independent programmers. Thanks to their efforts, a debugged version of GNU/Linux appeared. But this is only the story of the first part. The Linux OS kernel was created by a Finnish student in 1991 (the first stable version dates back to 1994). Then it was announced as a replacement for Minix. The creator has not retired since then and continues to lead a group of several hundred programmers who are improving the operating system.

What does the operating system provide to users?

Today there is greater freedom in choosing the necessary software. Thus, there are a dozen command line shells, as well as several graphical desktops. Moreover, this does not mean visual design, but a change in the functional part. Also, thanks to the adaptation of the operating system to run several programs, it is less susceptible to various failures and is better protected. Since its inception, Linux OS has been slowly but surely gaining its audience. So, most servers are already running on it. She is just beginning her journey in the corporate segment and at home. Each distribution differs in its functionality, appearance and size. So, there are options that provide the broadest opportunities. There are also those that can fit on a small flash drive or work on old computers. Also, immediately after, you are given the opportunity to quickly install software packages to work in certain areas (which is valuable if you are creating an “office” computer).


This is an important part of working with the Linux operating system. What is a terminal? This is a powerful tool with enormous potential. With its help, you can lighten, or even completely transfer all the routine work. Using the terminal you can:

  1. install and run programs;
  2. configure the distribution or configuration files;
  3. add new program repositories;
  4. and many other things that this Linux review will tell you about.

Basic use of the terminal, as well as installation of programs

Launch it. To start the program, just enter its name. This way you can activate everything from simple timer programs to complex utilities. To do this, you do not need to enter the full path (which is a big difference from Windows). Let's take an example of launching the Firefox browser and immediately opening a website. The latter must be placed in the arguments. Their types depend on the programs that are called. So, the desired command will look like this: firefox “address of the site we want to go to.” Another important feature of the terminal is that there are a number of commands that are designed to work with it. That is, they do not have GUI. Now it's time to talk about Of course, there are graphical applications that can help with this task. So, launch the terminal and enter the following: sudo apt-get install package_name. Not difficult, right? The word sudo is used here to obtain administrator rights to install the program. Using apt-get, the desired parameters for the application are read. And install directly installs the program. Moreover, the peculiarity is that you can work with several applications at the same time - for this you only need to separate them using a space.

About the name and purpose installation packages can be easily guessed without using various tools. But if this is not possible, press Tab. When changing distributions, it is not necessary to do everything all over again - just export the names of the packages used to a text file in order to subsequently import its contents. This simple Linux instruction is necessary for initial work.

Working with files and directories

There is a nuance here that will help you quickly understand the features of the operating system. So, work always happens in the current directory. To do something in a different location, it must first be specified. There is such a command - nano. Used to open a text editor. If you enter nano “document name”, a file with specified name. But what to do when it needs to be done in another folder? We write the command this way: nano /home/rabota/documents/”Document name”. If the specified directive does not contain a file with the required name and extension, a new one will be created and opened. What if you need to move from one folder to another? To do this, use the cd command. It can be specified by itself - with /, ~ or with a directive. The first three commands will move to the root directory. To display a list of files in the current directory, use ls. To create new catalog, apply mkdir "Name or path". To delete files, use the rm command. After it, it is necessary to indicate the name of the document or the directive for its placement.

To copy files, you must use the command cf “Document name” - “Path”. Please note that it must be used in the directory where the transferred object is located. mv works in the same way, but it is already moving the file. So, it is necessary to indicate as follows: mv “Directory where the document is located” - “Path where the object is moved.” From the outside it may look a little difficult, but a little practice will convince you that it only seems so. Now you can basicly configure Linux to suit your needs.

Working with the system

Use Tab. This is an extremely useful key. So, it can help with autofill. This works for packages, files and folders. If there are several options, the system will offer to choose one of them. Also remember that taking care of Linux will be on your shoulders. Although you can use the provided assemblies if you don’t want to assemble your own brick by brick (although this is one of the features of the system). But just in case, know that this is a simple matter, and in most cases implementation of this action won't be difficult. You can also use any of the graphical interfaces found in free access(although the easiest way to control is the command line).

Linux installation

What should you do if you want to use this operating system? Then you need to know how to install and run Linux. Initially, choose the distribution that you will have. Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and many others are popular. We draw your attention to the operating systems presented, although the final choice is yours. To do this, you will need to acquire an ISO image and burn it to disk. It is advisable to download the file from the official assembly website. Then you need to select the number of system bits. The 32 version has fewer compatibility issues and works better with drivers. But its 62 counterpart has better performance. True, they will also cause troubles that you will have to deal with. Before you start, get yourself backup copy all important data. Don't think that the system can ruin anything for you. It’s just that in most cases, the users themselves, out of ignorance or in panic, delete important information. So, you have a disk with a system image. Before reinstalling, configure the basic I/O system to work with Now you can reboot.

As an example we will consider Ubuntu installation. This is a popular operating system, and it is not difficult to find recommendations for working with it. So, the screen will initially load where you will need to select “Install Ubuntu”. Initially, you will need to select the Linux language. Determine your time zone. Then you configure the keyboard. In the next step, you will need to prepare the disk space. At this stage, the solution to this issue can be delegated to the operating system, or everything can be determined manually. Last option Suitable for experienced users who know what the data sector is and how a computer works in general. Moreover, the level of awareness should be very high.

After questions with disk space will be exhausted, you will be asked to name this computer and also create an administrator. It will be necessary to remember what was indicated here, otherwise it will be almost impossible to operate the machine in the future without reinstalling or resetting. By the way, you will need a password and username not only to log into the system. After this, a wizard window will appear in front of you for transferring settings from other operating systems. If they are not present, the step will be skipped. Otherwise, the operating system will offer to transfer files, as well as settings that were in user accounts. And finally a window should appear in which the user's choice will be displayed. Check if everything is the way you want. If there are no complaints, then click on the “Install” button and the process will start. Depending on the configuration of the computer on which all these actions are carried out, the speed of replacement of operating systems varies. When all necessary actions will be completed, you will be prompted to press the “Enter” button.

Launching Linux

When you turn it on for the first time, you will be greeted by the bootloader. IN in this case launching Linux will depend on the presence of third-party OS. If there is only one, then Linux itself will boot. If this is not the case, then you will have three options:

  1. If you select the first one, the operating system will load in ten seconds.
  2. The second option is analog safe mode Windows.
  3. Testing random access memory.

Also, depending on the number of installed operating systems, options for launching them will be added, and not just loading the Linux system. After activating Linux, you can start customizing its design and start using additional applications- in general, do everything to make the operating system as customized as possible for you. There are a huge variety, and you can choose what you like. Some problems can only arise when using games and calculation applications (AutoCAD and the like).

Linux Removal and Recovery

The same Ubuntu will be used as an example. It doesn’t matter why you asked the question “how to remove Linux” - you didn’t like the system or decided that it was difficult. The main thing is how to do it. Let's consider two options. In the first, let's say you have a fallback option in as Windows. In the second, we will assume that you have no other operating system:

  1. Place the installation disc in the drive. Boot from it, changing the priority in the basic input/output system. Open the command line. You can do this through the menu installation disk. Then select the “System Repair” option. In English it looks like Repair your computer. Correcting the entry about system loading. To do this, enter the command bootrec /fixmbr. And at startup, you will no longer be presented with the operating system selection screen when you turn on the computer, and Windows will always load. All is ready. Now, for the changes to take effect, restart the machine. If you want to completely get rid of Ubuntu, then you need to do two more steps. First, open the disk management menu. In the window that opens, you will need to click on the partition with the operating system right click mouse and select the command to delete it. That's it, she's gone. Now right-click on the Windows partition and select the “Extend partition” command. Free space needs to be added to it. But let us remind you that this can only be done if there is a spare operating system.
  2. Now imagine that you only have one Ubuntu. Then you will need a disk with the desired operating system (Windows will be taken as an example). You insert it into optical drive. Then you will need to delete the partition that contains Linux. After that, continue with the installation. If this is not done, you will not be able to use the computer. And then you will have to create an operating system somewhere on a flash drive and carry out the necessary actions from it.

"Linux": so same and different

Let's talk about what Linux analogues exist, and let's give them brief description. Only the most popular distributions:

  1. Ubuntu. Focused on ease of learning and use.
  2. OpenSUSE. Convenient distribution during setup and maintenance.
  3. Fedora. One of the most popular options that has gained love due to its versatility.
  4. Debian. This distribution acted as the basis for many others. A large community of developers is working on its creation. Has a strict approach to using proprietary software.
  5. Slackware. One of the oldest distributions. Has a conservative approach regarding development and use.
  6. Gentoo. Very flexible distribution. Compiled from source codes. End result may vary high performance and flexibility in task execution. Aimed at experienced users and computer technology experts.
  7. Archlinux. A distribution that focuses on application latest versions software. Constantly updated. Suitable for those who want to have all the advantages and modifications, but do not want to waste their time.

In addition to all these listed options, there are many other distributions. They can be based on those indicated above or created from scratch. In the second option, they are usually created to perform a limited range of tasks. Each distribution has its own concept, set of packages, advantages and disadvantages. None of them can claim to satisfy all users. Therefore, along with the leaders, other implementations created by associations of programmers and companies successfully exist. So, there are many developments that can function from a CD, and you don’t have to install the system on the computer itself. If there are no specific goals, then you can use any distribution. If you want to assemble the necessary components yourself, I recommend paying attention to Gentoo, CRUX or LFS.

What do those who use Linux tell us?

In general, you can research the reviews yourself. But the article contains a certain “compilation” of them for those who do not have the desire or time to search and read various texts. ABOUT Linux reviews mostly positive. A positive feature is the small amount of RAM that must be allocated for the operation of the operating system itself. She has also earned respect among those people who need to focus on work, but are constantly distracted by games. This is not least due to the fact that relatively little has been released for Linux entertainment programs. Of course, you can use the services of operating system emulators, but this always requires a lot of time and resources. So for lazy people this is a good option. Linux is very popular among representatives of the sector information technologies. This is not least due to the availability of various various tools. Programmers and technical specialists speak positively about this system due to its versatility and ease of carrying out the necessary activities. The negative features usually cited are the need to have significant knowledge of computers, to be able to work using the scientific method and visual difference from Windows. These are the opinions you can find about Linux. The operating system really differs significantly from the usual interface of most personal computers, but there is an opinion that this more advantage than a disadvantage.


It's coming to an end Linux description. The review presented many different aspects. You have learned and studied programs for Linux: what are the features of their work, how to install and run the operating system itself. Also provided various commands, with which you can perform a basic range of user operations. We can only hope that the information about Linux - what it is and what it is used for - will be useful to you in practice.

If you stop 10 people on the street and ask them what they know about Linux, most will describe some kind of complex operating system for hackers, which does not have a familiar graphical interface and is extremely unfriendly towards inexperienced user. What exactly is Linux? Let's look at the material below.

In contact with

To begin with, it should be clear that Linux is not an operating system, but rather a project that brings together great amount people and companies around the world. They all work to improve distributions, adding and removing tens of thousands of lines of code from ready-made Linux solutions every day. To understand this phenomenon, one should turn to the history of the other two interesting projects- GNU and Minix.

Who invented Linux?


At the end of the 70s, quite a number of numerous communities geeks who preached the free distribution of ideas, programs, and source codes. One of the outstanding people of that time is Richard Stallman, who in 1983 announced the development of the GNU project (abbr. “GNU is Not Unix”).

The goal of the idea was to develop and freely distribute software that would be as functional as AT&T's Unix OS (a license to use its source code cost about $40,000).

At the same time, Stallman formulated the GNU GPL (GNU GeneralPublic License) manifesto, in which he indicated 4 freedoms that lie in Linux based and to this day:

Freedom 0. Everyone has the right to run a program for any purpose;
Freedom 1. Everyone can study the program and change it to suit their own needs;
Freedom 2. Everyone has the right to distribute software to help others;
Freedom 3. Anyone can improve and publish software for the benefit of the community.

Essentially, Stallman secured the right for everyone to freely sell their own products based on GNU software, but these products must also be accompanied by a GPL license.

That is, when distributing a program, a person or company is obliged to provide the source code to everyone and allow them to freely modify and use any code fragments for their own purposes.


Another person who needs to be mentioned in context Linux history, is a teacher from the Netherlands, Andrew Tanenbaum, who developed a textbook in the form of the Minix operating system in 1987.

Its advantage was its compatibility with the then popular Intel 80286 processor, while most commercial UNIX versions Intel chips did not support. Tanenbaum not only released Minix on floppy disks, but also published all 12 thousand lines of code in his book, which became an excellent guide for young programmers, one of whom was Finnish student Linus Torvalds.


Torvalds began developing Linux in 1991, but, having received a working kernel, was forced to replace Minix components in favor of analogues under the GNU GPL license, since Tanenbaum legally limited the use of his system exclusively to educational purposes. After publishing about the release of his OS in the comp.os.minix news group and switching to GNU components, Linus received hundreds of reviews and suggestions for further development of the system, which served as the beginning of the most massive software project in history.

Already in February 1992, Torvalds began receiving letters from companies that wanted to sell Linux, but did not have such an opportunity - in the very first version of the kernel there was a file with license agreement, in which Linus indicated a clause prohibiting the commercial sale of systems on Linux based. However, one of the main components of the entire project was the GCC compiler, protected by the Stallman four freedoms described above. Therefore, starting with version 0.12, the Linux kernel also began to be distributed under the GPL license. By the way, today many companies use the Linux kernel without GNU components; a striking example of such a product is the Android operating system.

Who uses Linux

Today, the Linux kernel is used almost everywhere. One way or another, software created by a geographically dispersed community of many thousands that does not have a headquarters or central office, controls the vast majority of existing electronic devices, from washing machines to instruments on the ISS. Distributions for private, commercial or other use are improved and finalized every day, technology corporations invest huge amounts of money in Linux projects, and all the results of millions of man-hours can be made available to anyone absolutely free of charge.

Linux distributions

Based on the above, it is not difficult to conclude that Linux distributions There are a great variety, and the most popular of them have many overlaps with each other. Thus, the most common version of Linux Ubuntu (as well as Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu) from Canonical is built on the basis of another popular distribution - Debian. In turn, Ubuntu is the basis of another popular version Linux Mint, and so on.

In addition, there are specialized categories of distributions. For example, experienced users prefer Linux versions from the “assemble it yourself” category, the modules of which have to be assembled independently. The most popular in this category is Linux Knoppix. There are also distributions with a regional focus. Thus, Rosa, ALT Linux, NauLinux, Calculate Linux, Runtu and others.

Beginners who are just beginning their acquaintance with Linux, the first thing they ask themselves is a reasonable question: how and where to download Linux? It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, but the question nevertheless arises and I am often asked.

Decide on your Linux distribution

Let me start with the fact that most likely you need to download a Linux distribution. Because under in general terms Linux can be understood as the Linux kernel or any Linux distribution. Later in the article I will allow myself to sometimes use both of these words as equivalent. The issue of choosing a distribution is beyond the scope of this note. You can view Linux distributions in the Linux distributions directory.

Let's assume that you have chosen a distribution and want to download it. Each Linux distribution can usually be downloaded for free in different formats. Usually they are ISO file s. An ISO file is a CD image or DVD disc. Most often, the CD or DVD versions differ only in that the DVD versions have more different software that you can install directly from the disk either during the Linux installation process or after installation at any time.

Which Linux to download (i386, x86_64, amd64...)

Linux can also be downloaded for various platforms. Typically, distribution developers offer 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux. Which one you choose depends primarily on the bit capacity of your processor. As a rule, all modern processors are 64-bit.

32-bit versions of Linux are usually referred to as i386, and 64-bit versions are usually referred to as x86_64 (for Intel processors) and amd64 (for Amd processors).

You may also come across names such as arm, mips, ppc and others. These are versions of Linux specially built for Arm processors, Mips, PowerPC.

Commonly used on home computers and laptops Intel processors or Amd, so you will most likely be interested in i386, x86_64, amd64.

Where to download Linux distribution

So, you have decided on your Linux distribution. All you have to do is go to the distribution developer’s website and find the download section there; it can be called something like Downloads, Get It, Get ISO, Download, Upload.

One of the most quick ways downloading Linux means using torrent files. It works as follows. You download a torrent file and, using a torrent client, start downloading Linux itself. Torrent clients for Linux can be found in the program catalog in the “Torrent clients” section.

The same version of a Linux distribution can be hosted on different servers(mirrors). The closer the server is geographically to you and the higher its throughput, the faster you will download Linux. A popular Russian mirror where you can download Linux is a mirror from Yandex: or FTP version

I’ll look at several places where you can download popular Linux distributions for free:

DistributionWhere can I download
  • Download Ubuntu Desktop (the main version of Ubuntu for home use)
Arch Linux
  • ISO image of Fedora (Workstation personal version)
  • FTP mirror on Yandex (for personal use, choose the Workstation version)
And othersDirectory of Linux distributions (on the page of each distribution there is a link to the official website).

Where to download the Linux kernel

Any version source code Linux kernels can always be downloaded from

How to order a disk with Linux

If none of the methods suits you, then you can find enthusiasts in your city who will agree to give you a disk with Linux. Moreover, there are now a lot of different Linux communities.

Understanding the Linux file system, directory structure, configuration, executable and temporary file placement will help you better understand your system and become a successful system administrator. The Linux file system will be unusual for a beginner who has just switched from Windows, because everything here is completely different. Unlike Windows, the program is not located in one folder, but, as a rule, is distributed along the root file system. This distribution lends itself certain rules. Have you ever wondered why some programs are located in /bin, or /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, what is the difference between these directories?

For example, the less program is located in the /usr/bin directory, but why not in /sbin or /usr/sbin. And programs such as ifconfig or fdisk are located in the /sbin directory and nowhere else.

This article will completely cover the structure of the Linux file system, after reading it you will be able to understand the purpose of using most of the folders in the Linux root directory.

/ - root

This is the main directory on a Linux system. Essentially, this is the Linux file system. There are no disks or anything like that in Windows. Instead, the addresses of all files start from the root, and additional partitions, flash drives or optical drives are mounted in folders of the root directory.

Please note that root user the home directory is /root, but not / itself.

/bin - (binaries) user binary files

This directory contains executable files. Here are programs that can be used in single-user mode or recovery mode. In a word, those utilities that can be used are not yet connected to the /usr/ directory. These are common commands like cat, ls, tail, ps, etc.

/sbin - (system binaries) system executable files

Like /bin, it contains binary executable files that are available during the early stages of boot, when the /usr directory is not mounted. But there are programs here that can only be executed with superuser rights. These are different utilities for system maintenance. For example, iptables, reboot, fdisk, ifconfig, swapon, etc.

/etc - (etcetera) configuration files

This folder contains configuration files of all programs installed on the system.

Except configuration files, in system initialization Init Scripts, here are scripts for starting and ending system daemons, mounting file systems, and starting programs. The linux directory structure in this folder may be a little confusing, but the purpose of all of them is setup and configuration.

/dev - (devices) device files

Everything in Linux, including external devices are files. Thus, all connected flash drives, keyboards, microphones, cameras are just files in the /dev/ directory. This directory contains an unusual file system. The Linux file system structure and the files contained in the /dev folder are initialized when the system boots, by the udev service. All connected devices are scanned and created for them. special files. These are devices such as: /dev/sda, /dev/sr0, /dev/tty1, /dev/usbmon0, etc.

/proc - (proccess) information about processes

This is also an unusual file system, but a subsystem dynamically created by the kernel. It contains all the information about running processes in real time. Essentially, it is a pseudo-file system containing detailed information about each process, its Pid, ​​executable file name, startup parameters, access to RAM, and so on. You can also find information about system resource usage here, such as /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo or /proc/uptime. In addition to the files in this directory there is a large structure of Linux folders, from which you can find out a lot of information about the system.

/var (variable) - Variable files

The name of the /var directory is self-explanatory; it should contain files that change frequently. The size of these files is constantly increasing. The files are contained here system logs, various caches, databases and so on. Next we will look at the purpose of the Linux directories in the /var/ folder.

/var/log - Log files

/var/lib - databases

Another type modified files- these are database files, packages saved by the package manager, etc.

/var/mail - mail

The mail server puts all received or sent messages into this folder. emails, its logs and configuration files may also be located here.

/var/spool - printer

Initially, this folder was responsible for print queues on the printer and the operation of the cpus set of programs.

/var/lock - lock files

This is where the lock files are located. These files indicate that a particular resource, file, or device is in use and cannot be used by another process. Apt-get, for example, locks its database so that other programs cannot use it while the program is running on it.

/var/run - PID of processes

Contains files with PIDs of processes that can be used for interaction between programs. Unlike the /run directory, data is saved after reboot.

/tmp (temp) - Temporary files

This directory contains temporary files created by the system, any programs or users. All users have write permission to this directory.

The files are deleted every time you reboot. Similar to Windows is the Windows\Temp folder, all temporary files are also stored here.

/usr - (user applications) User programs

This is the largest catalog with many features. This is the largest Linux directory structure. Here you can find executable files, program sources, various application resources, pictures, music and documentation.

/usr/bin/ - Executable files

Contains executable files various programs, which are not needed during the first stages of system boot, for example, music players, graphic editor, browsers and so on.


Contains binary files programs for system administration, which must be executed with superuser rights. For example, such as Gparted, sshd, useradd, userdel, etc.

/usr/lib/ - Libraries

Contains libraries for programs from /usr/bin or /usr/sbin.

/usr/local - User files

Contains files of programs, libraries, and settings created by the user. For example, programs compiled and installed from source and scripts written manually can be stored here.

/home - Home folder

This folder stores the home directories of all users. They can store their personal files, program settings, etc. in them. For example, /home/sergiy, etc. Compared to Windows, this is your user folder on drive C, but unlike WIndows, home is usually located on a separate section, so when you reinstall the system, all your data and program settings will be saved.

/boot - Bootloader files

Contains all files associated with the system boot loader. This is the vmlinuz kernel, the initrd image, as well as the bootloader files located in the /boot/grub directory.

/lib (library) - System libraries

Contains files system libraries, which are used by executable files in the /bin and /sbin directories.

Libraries have file names with a *.so extension and begin with the lib* prefix. For example, Folder /lib64 in 64 bit systems contains 64-bit versions of libraries from /lib. This folder can be compared with WIndows\system32, all the system libraries are also downloaded there, only there they are mixed with executable files, but here everything is separate.

/opt (Optional applications) - Additional programs

Proprietary programs, games or drivers are installed in this folder. These are programs created as separate executable files by the manufacturers themselves. Such programs are installed in sub-directories /opt/, they are very similar to Windows programs, all executables, libraries and configuration files are in one folder.

/mnt (mount) - Mounting

To this catalog system administrators can mount external or additional file systems.

/media - Removable media

The system mounts all connected external drives - USB flash drives, optical discs and other storage media.

/srv (server) - Server

This directory contains server and service files. For example, it may contain files from the apache web server.

/run - processes

Another directory containing process PID files, similar to /var/run, but unlike it, it is located in TMPFS, and therefore all files are lost after a reboot.

/sys (system) - System information

The purpose of the Linux directories from this folder is to obtain information about the system directly from the kernel. This is another file system organized by the kernel and allows you to view and change many system operating parameters, for example, swap operation, control fans and much more.

Linux- the general name for UNIX-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name and libraries compiled for it and system programs developed by the GNU Project.
GNU/Linux runs on PC-compatible systems of the Intel x86 family, as well as IA-64, AMD64, PowerPC, ARM and many others.

The GNU/Linux operating system also often includes programs that complement this operating system, and application programs that make it a full-fledged multifunctional operating environment. Unlike most other operating systems, GNU/Linux does not have a single “official” package. Instead, GNU/Linux comes in large quantities so-called distributions, in which GNU programs connect with Linux kernel and other programs.


    Unlike Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and commercial UNIX-like systems, GNU/Linux does not have a geographic development center. There is no organization that owns this system; there isn't even one focal point. Programs for Linux are the result of the work of thousands of projects. Some of these projects are centralized, some are concentrated in firms. Many projects bring together hackers from all over the world who only know each other through correspondence. Anyone can create their own project or join an existing one and, if successful, the results of the work will become known to millions of users. Users take part in testing free software and communicate directly with developers, which allows them to quickly find and fix errors and implement new features.

    It is this flexible and dynamic development system, impossible for closed source projects, that makes GNU/Linux exceptionally cost-effective. Low cost free development, well-functioning testing and distribution mechanisms, attracting people from different countries with different visions of problems, code protection under the GPL license - all this has become the reason for the success of free software.

    Of course, such high development efficiency could not help but interest large firms who began to open their projects. This is how Mozilla (Netscape, AOL), (Sun), a free clone of Interbase (Borland) - Firebird, SAP DB (SAP) appeared. IBM helped bring GNU/Linux to its mainframes.

    On the other hand, open source significantly reduces the cost of developing closed systems for GNU/Linux and allows the price of the solution to be reduced for the user. This is why GNU/Linux has become the platform often recommended for products such as Oracle, DB2, Informix, SyBase, SAP R3, Domino.

GNU/Linux distributions

Most users use distribution kits to install GNU/Linux. A distribution is not just a set of programs, but a series of solutions for different user tasks, united unified systems installation, management and updates of packages, configuration and support.

    The most common distributions in the world:


    A distribution that quickly gained popularity, focused on ease of learning and use.


    A free version of the SuSE distribution owned by Novell. It is easy to configure and maintain thanks to the YaST utility.


    Community and RedHat supported, pre-release commercial version RHEL.


    An international distribution developed by a large community of developers for non-commercial purposes. Served as the basis for the creation of many other distributions. It has a strict approach to the inclusion of proprietary software.


    French-Brazilian distribution, a merger of the former Mandrake and Conectiva.


    One of oldest distributions, is distinguished by a conservative approach in development and use.


    A distribution package compiled from source codes. It allows you to customize the end system very flexibly and optimize performance, which is why it often calls itself a meta-distribution. Aimed at experts and experienced users.


    Focused on using the latest versions of programs and constantly updated, supporting both binary and source installations equally and built on the philosophy of simplicity "KISS" ("Keep it simple, stupid" / "Don't complicate it"), this distribution is aimed at competent users who want all the power and modifiability of Linux, but without the sacrifice of maintenance time.

In addition to those listed, there are many other distributions, both based on those listed and created from scratch and often designed to perform limited quantity tasks.

Each of them has its own concept, its own set of packages, its own advantages and disadvantages. Not one can satisfy all users, and therefore, next to the leaders, there are other companies and associations of programmers, offering their solutions, their distributions, their services. There are many LiveCDs built on GNU/Linux, such as Knoppix. LiveCD allows you to run GNU/Linux directly from the CD, without installing to HDD. Most major distributions, including Ubuntu, can be used as a LiveCD.

For those who want to thoroughly understand GNU/Linux, any of the distributions is suitable, but quite often so-called “source-based” distributions are used for this purpose, that is, they assume self-assembly all components from source code, such as LFS, Gentoo or CRUX.


Region Linux distribution huge, much larger than all other operating systems. In addition to the fact that Linux works great on ordinary home and work computers and servers, there are Linux adaptations to most modern processors, which allows the use of systems with the Linux kernel in network equipment, smart home appliances, robots, mobile phones, various portable devices and other equipment that support programmable operations.

Ultimately, such a wide range of supported devices means superior software portability. For example, the same application can often be launched with with minimal effort and on regular computer, and on mobile phone based on Linux. For example: Windows and its younger brother Windows Mobile are completely incompatible platforms.

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