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Linux and other Linux - choose a distribution kit for "escape from Windows. Choosing a Linux distribution: recommendations for a beginner Which version of linux is the best

Linux is a thing that has always been of interest to me, from the moment I first learned about the existence of this OS. Even interest in Android appeared precisely because Linux. At that time, Android itself did not exist yet, only talk that Google was preparing its own mobile OS and Google phone. But I got carried away, started tracking, a little later I bought an HTC Hero, and a little later a site appeared, which at that time turned out to be the first site about Android in Runet.

I will make a reservation right away - much of what is written here will be very subjective. What is good for me is not the fact that it will suit you, but at the same time, I think that for many it will also be relevant and fair.

A long time ago

In general, I started trying Linux a long time ago, while still buying distributions on Gorbushka and Savelovsky. Now offhand, Mandrake, Red Hat, Debian, then Ubuntu immediately come to mind. But it did not take root, in those moments the system was not for people, or rather not for the mass average user, but exclusively for geeks, and quite advanced ones at that. I wanted to play games, surf the Internet, which I could not do with Linux. Those were the dial-up days, and then the ADSL life with Stream. It was not possible to install drivers for my modem, and delving into a new complex OS without the help of the Internet seemed unrealistic, and remained on Windows.

Trying with Linux Mint

Now, with the release of Microsoft Windows 10, I once again thought that it was time to change the main operating system, because Windows in its current form has ceased to suit. I tried the Mac again, preparing for the fact that I would purchase this toy, but once again I concluded that it was not mine. This system is even less convenient and less pleasant for me than Windows. But there are also various builds of Linux. It was decided to try Linux Mint, which at that time was outwardly sharpened under the guise of Widows 7. But again it didn’t take root, I indulged in a few days, set up what was required, but in the end the lack of software affected, in addition, I could not force myself to get used to the new software , long-term habit won. However, a slightly later version of Linux Mint has taken root on my mom's PC. However, now I did not like the look.

No matter how much I looked for GTK themes or icon packs, everything turned out somehow different. As a result, the search had to continue. And the software package that comes with Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa seemed bloated. I wanted to find something even lighter in the sense that the kit would have only very basic things and nothing more. But after Mint, there was an understanding that today Linux is already usable, suitable for me, for most tasks.

Minimalism and beauty of Elementary OS

After poking around the Internet, I came across Elementary OS Freya 0.3.2, in which this text is currently being typed. Yes, this is what I can safely recommend to beginners and those looking for something new.

Elementary OS is a minimalistic Linux distribution, minimalism can be seen literally in everything here. Elementary OS, like Linux Mint, is based on Ubuntu 14.04. But, if it always seemed to me that Linux was bad with the design of the OS itself, then Elementary OS fell in love with itself outwardly. I don't want to go back to Windows, and I never liked the design of the Mac. Although, it is worth recognizing that it is noticeable that the designers of Elementary were clearly inspired by the brainchild of Apple. But for my taste, in many ways it turned out better than the original. Although there are also shortcomings, a decent amount, but not critical.

The visual scheme has been carefully worked out, the icons are drawn in a single style, there is even an application package in the Elementary style so that they do not stand out. All sorts of photo viewers, a calculator, a calendar, an audio player, a video player, a notepad, an explorer and other essential programs just for the average user, are here out of the box, just in the style of the system. For many this will be enough. However, someone is unlikely to be able to live without installing third-party software. And these applications will already stand out in the system.

Separately, I want to say thanks to the developers for the animation. For almost every action, we see something smooth and beautiful. Plus, Elementenatry OS itself is very fast. First, the download, which takes only a few seconds. Secondly, download all applications. If on Windows the Chrome browser with a couple of dozen bookmarks opens for a few seconds, then on Elementary OS it loads in a second. Similarly, for example, Opera or Vivaldi. Yes, here all applications open as if you expanded the window, taking the program out of RAM, and not loading it from scratch. This is also very captivating and I don’t want to return to Windows 10, which seemed nimble earlier.

Some conveniences of Linux and Elementary OS

In addition, after installing the system, which takes less than a dozen minutes, the system is immediately ready for use. I did not have to download any drivers - everything works. This is exactly true if you install Elementary OS on Asus Zenbook.

The console or terminal, or, if I may say so, the command line, is one of the strengths of Linux. Yet very often it is much faster and easier to do something by typing a command or several commands than by remembering where the desired setting or button or program is located in which you need to click here or there with the mouse. What is the ability to update installed applications through the terminal. We typed "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", the system updated the cache, polled the server for new versions of all installed software, and then pulled up and installed the latest versions. There is no need to think about package dependencies. You don’t need to download any additional frameworks, finding out which libraries were missing, that the application didn’t start, as is often the case in Windows. Here everything will pass without straining the user. Here is such a system for geeks - she will understand everything and do it.

Or, for example, you need to install some program, you tell the system almost in human language: "install program XXX", and it executes. you need to delete - again the command in the terminal, the system will clean everything up itself, even with the configuration files, even leaving them.

Downloading and trying on themes, without reboots and other things. In general, reboots are rarely required.

I'm talking about developer tools. Everything here has been known for a long time.

Sometimes it confuses the lack of a desktop in the usual sense. Here it is only for beauty. If desired, of course, it can be activated "fully", but such is the philosophy of Elementary - asceticism and beauty.

Disadvantages of Elementary OS and Linux in particular

Of the minuses, of course, the lack of software. It is impossible for every tool or product that has been used in Windows to find a worthy alternative in Linux. Alas, so far. There is a replacement for almost everything, but it can be so miserable that it will simply be impossible to use one of the analogues. For example, the same Dropbox client is deprived of most of its capabilities. Those that make work faster, more productive and more convenient. Although it was even more difficult before, some progress and development are still visible.

So, the decision has been made. We will assume that you are convinced of the promise and convenience of the Linux system and instead of buying a new computer for Win8, you decide to change WinXP to a free OS. How to be something? There are so many things around ... Not every Linux is equally useful for a "refugee", but the choice of suitable options is quite wide. Currently, about 350 distributions use the Linux kernel, in addition to Debian-based systems, there are builds based on Slackware, Red-Hat, Arch and Gentoo. Many options are very special and fall off the list of candidates to replace WinXP at home.

I'll have to sort it out a little.

Anything and everything Arch and Gentoo- the lot of Linux specialists glorified on the Internet and for a simple user are not quite suitable. Of all options redhat you can see only two versions that are hardly suitable for immigrants from WinXP:

Fedora Linux( pleases the eye every time and amuses with the freshness of functionality. However, there no one cares about the economy of old hardware and does not really care about newcomers who are about to switch from Windows. But everything is beautiful and very relevant.

Mageia( was released in early 2014 in 4 versions and also belongs to the family redhat. Perhaps that of all the options - this is the only one that is clearly aimed at a simple end user. The best system installation manager in the Linux environment and a very successful graphical shell (choice of KDE or Gnome). One argument against Mageia: this is still a young development and it is not known how it will develop in the future.

Open Suse( - the only member of the family Slackware which can be discussed here. For more than a decade, this distribution was generally the only option that was sharpened for the desktop and created for the convenience of the end user.

ubuntu and associates - come from a glorious family Debian and are currently the best choice for first time users. Anyone who needs a simple, fast and stable system, but does not want to dig into the settings, will be happy. Among other things, a friendly company of different Ubuntu offers on a common basis numerous options for different tastes and needs.

The best Ubuntu for those who want to "transfer"

It's practically the standard for desktop Linux -- ubuntu( The current version 14.04 is the so-called LTS (long time support), which is also suitable for production use (server, etc.), as it will be supplied with updates for another five years. Installing Ubuntu is easy and using the system is almost intuitive. To some, the Unity work surface criticized by traditionalists will seem strange, but the overall impression of this suffers little. And who is completely unbearable - there are options for every taste.

Kubuntu( is still Ubuntu with all the conveniences, but instead of Unity, it uses a very elegant KDE surface. This shell shines with the maximum possible variability, has a huge number of settings and additions. Kubuntu expresses its advantages on a large monitor and fresher computers. Any fan of picking up system settings will be just happy. Numerous communities on the Internet are full of “tuned” desktops of proud users.

Ubuntu Gnome( - This option replaces Unity with the Gnome GUI, as the name implies. This environment is just as elegant and thoughtful, but all the graphic "things" require their attention from the processor and video card.

Relatively new is Elementary OS "Luna"(, based, as yet, on the previous LTS version of Ubuntu 12.04. The main "trick" of this distribution kit is the Pantheon surface produced from Gnome, which, in some way, copies MacOS. The authors have created a nice system with a set of particularly economical and fast programs. But the user can assemble everything to his taste - the main components of Ubuntu are preserved.

Linux Mint( is currently distributed in version 17 and is also based on Ubuntu. This version of the OS differs from the above in the lowest requests for hardware. The Cinnamon workspace is a departure from Unity, and the traditionally styled menu is a clear invitation for those moving away from Windows.

The system is quick and easy to install, configure and expand. Unlike other systems, Linux Mint is able to handle all audio or video codecs right after installation. Mint version updates follow Ubuntu versions. And for KDE fans there is also a corresponding version -- currently Linux Mint 16 "Petra".

Fresh wind over old iron

Often, after removing WinXP from service, a rather weak computer with outdated peripherals remains at home. But do not indulge in despondency - minimalist Linux should not look poor and modest. Already from a Pentium III or Athlon AMD and 512MB of RAM, you can run a pretty decent system that can adequately replace the old Windows. In general, you can rely on OSes that use the XFCE or LXDE graphical environment. These are, respectively, Xubuntu and Lubuntu. Again, Linux Mint exists in a version with an LXDE environment.

Even more economical with resources Bodhi Linux and Precise Puppy Linux. Note to the inquisitive user, as they say. There are also a few outdated versions of "light" Linux, but it's best to leave them aside.

It's easiest to rely on Lubuntu or Mint LXDE- after installation, the user receives a fully functional system, and a Windows-style working menu makes it easier for users to transition to "windows" with experience.

Based on Linux WELT magazine (03/2014)

Victor Hartmann

There are a huge number of versions of Linux. There have been more than 700 of them on throughout history. How to choose among this abundance? There are two main criteria to pay attention to:

  1. Distribution popularity. The more famous your distribution is, the easier it will be to find manuals for it on the Web. The large community means you can easily get help on the forums if you have trouble getting started with the distribution. Finally, the more common it is, the more applications and packages have been ported for it. It is better to choose popular solutions with a ready-made package base than to suffer from building from source in some exotic distribution.
  2. The development team behind it. Naturally, it's best to look for distributions that are backed by large companies like Canonical Ltd., Red Hat, or SUSE, or have large communities.

Keep in mind that even the best distributions have analogues that are not much inferior to them. If you are not satisfied with the choice of Lifehacker, you can try alternatives.

Linux Mint - for those who have never used Linux

Screenshot: Distrowatch

New users migrating from , should definitely install Linux Mint. It was once the most popular Linux distribution, but has now been overtaken by MX Linux and Manjaro. Nevertheless, Mint compares favorably with them in its stability and reliability. This is a very easy to use system based on Ubuntu.

Linux Mint is equipped with an easy and intuitive interface (Cinnamon shell for modern computers and MATE for older machines) and a convenient application manager, so you will not have problems finding and installing programs.

  • Pros: simplicity, care for ordinary users. You don't need any specific knowledge to install and use Mint.
  • Minuses: a large number of pre-installed software that may never come in handy.
  • Alternative: Zorin OS is a distribution based on Ubuntu. Also designed for beginners. Its interface resembles Windows, which should make the transition easier for inexperienced users.

Manjaro - for those who want the latest software

Screenshot: Distrowatch

Based on Arch - an incredibly powerful and functional distribution. Its KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy, as opposed to the name, makes Arch too difficult for beginners. This distribution is installed only through the command line.

Manjaro, unlike Arch, has a simple graphical installer and yet combines its powerful features like the AUR with a rolling release. AUR (Arch User Repository) is the richest source of Linux packages. And at Manjaro, you'll always have the freshest of them.

The distribution comes with a variety of desktop skins to choose from: functional KDE, GNOME for tablet screens, Xfce, LXDE, and more. Manjaro, you can be sure to be the first to receive updates.

  • Pros: AUR, thanks to which you can install any application without unnecessary movements. Always fresh software.
  • Minuses: original design of desktop shells. However, nothing prevents you from replacing it.
  • Alternatives: Fedora is a distribution kit from Red Hat, a kind of testing ground where users try out the latest chips and features of applications and systems. Chakra is another distribution based on Arch, but equipped with a beautiful KDE interface and a user-friendly installer.

Arch - for advanced users and those who want to learn Linux

Photo: okubax / Flickr

Whatever hardcore Windows apologists say, most Linux distributions are very easy to use. You will not have any difficulties installing them: just click on the “Next” button several times, and the system will do everything for you. But this does not apply to Arch.

When you run this distribution for the first time, it will only show you a blank black screen and a blinking cursor on the console. You will have to install the graphical shell, browser, other applications and system tools manually by typing the necessary commands.

In essence, Arch is a constructor from which an experienced user will build anything. If you want to understand how Linux works, or if you want to experiment, you should definitely try Arch. If the console causes fear, then the distribution will be too complicated for you.

  • Pros: AUR that provides a huge number of applications, always fresh software, highly customizable, great useful Wiki, high speed.
  • Minuses: distribution is not suitable for beginners. You will have to learn a lot of commands and read manuals.
  • Alternatives: Slackware is one of the oldest distributions. Its fans say: "If you learn Slackware, you will learn all of Linux." Differs in stability and conservatism. Gentoo - This distribution does not have convenient app stores. Instead, you have to manually compile the programs you need from source codes kindly provided by the developers. In theory, this gives a small bonus to system performance.

Kubuntu - Desktop

Screenshot: Distrowatch

Kubuntu is one of the most famous KDE distributions, and its graphical environment is ideal for desktop use. It's based on Ubuntu, which means you won't have any app compatibility issues.

Kubuntu is beautiful, functional, and highly customizable. Even novice users can easily handle it. It is a stable and polished system that provides all the necessary features for a home desktop PC.

  • Pros: a large assortment of packages, a wonderful set of KDE applications, and a huge amount of interface customization.
  • Minuses: Kubuntu uses the stable version of KDE, which means that the latest features of this shell come here with a delay. If you want to try out the latest KDE, KDE Neon is here for you.
  • Alternatives: openSUSE is a system maintained by Novell. The distribution is simple enough for beginners, using the KDE graphical environment. It has two update modes: Leap (stable, like in Ubuntu) and Tumbleweed (rolling release with the most interesting new features, like in Arch).

elementary OS - for laptop

Screenshot: Distrowatch

As the name suggests, this version of Linux is very simple. You will not have any problems with its development, it is easy to run on laptops. It also consumes power slowly.

The interface of elementary OS resembles macOS, so the distribution will be a pleasure to use for Mac fans. Animations, window decoration - everything here is so smooth and pretty that you can just admire the system. Nevertheless, behind the beautiful elementary OS shell lies a full-fledged Linux that supports all the applications necessary for work.

  • Pros: beautiful interface, own indie app store.
  • Minuses: Pantheon's graphical shell, although it looks stylish, is not very functional. Few settings.
  • Alternatives: Deepin is a distribution kit originally from China. It features a beautiful customizable interface and a nice WPS office of its own. Based on Debian.

Ubuntu - for tablet or transformer

Screenshot: Distrowatch

Ubuntu is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions. It uses the GNOME graphical shell, which looks pretty good on touchscreen devices. If you have a tablet and would like to try installing Linux on it, consider using Ubuntu with GNOME.

Large interface elements, customizable gestures and extensions make this distribution a great system for touchscreens.

  • Pros: Ubuntu is a widespread distribution, which means that you can easily find all the necessary software. In addition, most of the Linux sites are dedicated specifically to Ubuntu.
  • Minuses: the GNOME shell is convenient, but at first it seems unusual.
  • Alternative: Solus - Budgie is used as a graphical environment here (a nice lightweight interface). It looks good on the small screens of ultrabooks and transformers.

Lubuntu - for an old computer or netbook

Screenshot: Distrowatch

This version of Ubuntu is based on the LXDE shell, which is lightweight and modest in terms of resource consumption. And if you have a not-so-new computer or netbook lying around that can't handle Windows, you might as well install Lubuntu.

This distribution consumes little system resources and is able to run on almost any configuration.

  • Pros: a very fast and lightweight system that still supports the same packages and applications as its older sister Ubuntu.
  • Minuses: The look and feel of LXDE may not be to everyone's taste, but that's a small price to pay for performance.
  • Alternatives:- the MATE shell is made in a conservative spirit, it is very light and does not load the computer. Nevertheless, it lacks settings and features. - Uses the Xfce graphical environment, which is fast even on older hardware.

Debian - for home server

Screenshot: Distrowatch

A home server can be useful for many purposes. For example, to store data and backups, download torrents, or arrange your own dimensionless .

Debian will take root well on your home server. It is a stable and conservative distribution that has become the basis for Ubuntu and many other Linux systems. It only uses the most trusted packages, making it a great choice.

  • Pros: stability and a large set of applications.
  • Minuses: the need to manually configure the distribution after installation.
  • Alternatives: Ubuntu Server - Worth a try if Debian seems too inconvenient to you or the software you need is missing from its repositories. CentOS - based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, highly stable. Therefore, CentOS is often used on the servers of commercial organizations.

Kodi - for media center

Screenshot: Kodi

If you want to set up your own media server, choose Kodi. Strictly speaking, not a distribution, but a full-featured player for the media center. You can install it on any Linux, but Ubuntu + Kodi is the best choice.

It supports all types of video and audio files. Able to play movies, music, organize your photos. Kodi will turn anyone into a versatile entertainment device.

Thanks to extensions, Kodi can download media files via torrents, keep track of the new seasons of your favorite TV shows, show videos from YouTube and other streaming services. In short, he knows everything.

In addition, Kodi is very beautiful and optimized for remote control or Android device. You can easily customize its interface with many visual skins.

  • Pros: a huge number of functions and convenient management.
  • Minuses: The standard interface may not be to everyone's liking, but it's easy to replace.
  • Alternatives: Plex is a media server app similar to Kodi. It can be installed on any Linux distribution or TV box. Plex has a premium version that comes with some extra features. Emby is an open source media organizer that can be installed on any Linux distribution or on your own mini server like Raspberry Pi. With it, any TV will become smart.

Kali - for experimenters and security professionals

Screenshot: Distrowatch

Whether you're a network security professional, a penetration tester, or just want to play hacker, Kali Linux is for you. It contains many built-in applications that will help you, for example, scan your Wi‑Fi network for vulnerabilities or find a weak spot in your server's security.

However, keep in mind that Kali's capabilities are overkill for most regular users. Nevertheless, many install it simply as a desktop system - perhaps as a tribute to fashion.

  • Pros: Great set of pentest tools.
  • Minuses: very niche distribution.
  • Alternative: Tails is the best operating system for the paranoid. All Internet connections here are made through the anonymous Tor network. No one will know what sites you visit and what applications you install. All data in Tails is stored in encrypted form. If necessary, it can run from RAM without installation, leaving no traces.

I have long wanted to figure out which is the best linux. I've tried a lot of them, but I still can't make up my mind. To be honest, I have not written an article on the topic of Linux operating systems for a long time. This topic is very interesting for me. I presume that many of you have heard of linux at least once, and some of you have even installed it on your computer. Good afternoon dear readers!
I used to be among those who only heard about him. However, one day back in 2009, a friend of mine showed me a distribution kit ubuntu and I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of this operating system, as well as the way it works and works. So my first acquaintance with the world of Linux took place.
In this article I will try to describe those Linux distributions that I have encountered, talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

A small tutorial on Linux

The Linux family is, of course, completely different operating systems. And it is worth noting one very important point - almost all linux distributions are free and are developed and supported by enthusiasts. I think many of you noticed when you bought a laptop that a laptop with linux on board costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the same one with windows. However, this does not mean at all that linux distributions are grade 2 operating systems. Not at all. Over the years, the development of operating systems based on the linux kernel has made great progress and now you can almost painlessly switch from windows to linux and not feel uncomfortable.

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For the average layman, the absence of such an application as microsoft office is immediately evident, as well as the unpopularity of anti-virus programs on these systems. Instead of microsoft office, linux has a number of analogues, and one of the most famous is libre office. As for antiviruses, it is widely believed that very few viruses are written for linux and, accordingly, the expediency of using an antivirus is questionable. This is very important for weak computers for which their resources are very important. I myself have never installed antiviruses on those Linuxes that I used and have not experienced any problems in this regard.

The best linux. What is he?

For me, the best linux is most likely a distribution called Linux Mint, as it turned out to be the easiest to learn and get used to after Windows. But still in the article I want to draw your attention to other popular distributions, namely:

  • ubuntu
  • Linux Mint
  • elementary OS


As I already mentioned, the first operating system of the linux family that I started using was ubuntu. Back in 2009, the interface of this operating system was completely different and, to be honest, I liked it more. In any case, it was clearer. But in 2011, the ubuntu developers decided to radically change the interface of the system and the unity graphical shell was introduced, which was more suitable for use on tablets and other touch screens. But on the screen of an ordinary computer, this shell looked, to put it mildly, unusual and not very convenient. This move turned away from ubuntu some users and they left for other distributions. However, some users fell in love with the new shell and now they simply cannot live without it, it turned out to be so convenient.

I immediately liked ubuntu that there is an application manager there. I did not have to search all over the Internet for the program I needed, but it was enough to use this application manager to install the program I needed. Understood everything is divided into categories and each program has comments and a description. Quite convenient, unlike windows. Remember where you had to look for programs and games before.
Installation ubuntu unlike windows, it happens quickly and without any problems. After installation, the system itself will prompt you to update components and drivers. You don’t need to download them separately anywhere - everything happens centrally.

Linux Mint

WITH Linux Mint I met after ubuntu added unity shell instead of gnome 2. Mint took from ubuntu the best and has been slightly modified.

Main advantage Linux Mint there are two graphical shells, namely mate and cinanmon.
I mentioned above that after the appearance of the unity graphical shell in ubuntu many have gone to other distributions and just many have gone to Linux Mint, since this system was more familiar to them in appearance. Also, these shells are more familiar to those who have just switched from Windows and are just taking their first steps in the wonderful world of Linux.


I learned about this Linux even later. Oh, I even once wrote. Knopix is ​​designed for so-called live flash drives. That is, it is completely installed and functions from a USB flash drive. Of course, it also provides the ability to deploy the system to a hard drive if desired. Knopix has a lot of programs for all occasions - both system and multimedia and the Internet. And most importantly, there are several analogues to choose from - several video players, several browsers. Etc. For every taste. Such a nice system. Perfect for demonstrating the capabilities of Linux to unenlightened fans of Windows.

elementary OS

It would not be superfluous to mention a fairly popular Linux distribution called elementary OS. Developers position this system as:

Quick and open replacement for Windows and macOS

Elementary OS is a simple, beautiful and user-friendly system. It seems that you work in a paid system. The product is so successful.

In terms of applications, the system has everything you need for comfortable work:

  1. Pantheon Files is a multi-tab file manager
  2. Midori is a very lightweight and economical browser that can be extended with add-ons
  3. Scratch - notepad for working with text files with autosave function
  4. Shotwell - photo manager
  5. Noise is an audio player with an emphasis on convenient management of large music catalogs
  6. Empathy is an instant messaging program well known from other distributions.
  7. Geary Mail is a very handy and simple email program.
  8. Maya - calendar, planner, task list
  9. Plank is a quick launch bar located at the bottom of the desktop

And what is not "out of the box" can be quickly and easily installed from the application center. Drivers are also located without much difficulty in a couple of clicks. elementary OS turned out to be very friendly and this is evidenced by her high place in the distrowatch rating.

Why choose Linux

Well, if for home use, then until now the main argument can be considered the almost complete absence of viruses and, as a result, the refusal to use unnecessary antivirus. For enterprises or various organizations, a good argument may be free Linux and its wide variety. Almost anyone will find something to their liking. Both of these moments are to my liking and I do not get tired of recommending to my friends to use Linux. This is almost ideal for many people for whom games are not in the first place.

Of the common shortcomings of all systems on Linux, it can be noted that not always office documents made in microsoft office are correctly displayed on Linux. But this usually applies to complexly structured tables and other complex documents, but usually there are no problems in most cases.

And games. If you are an avid gamer, then Linux is definitely not for you. Only relatively recently, the problem with Linux games began to be solved, and largely thanks to Valve and their offspring Steam. Now on Linux you can play many games that were simply inaccessible to it a couple of years ago. But still, most games have not yet been ported to Linux, and this is a problem. So for whom it is critical it is worth thinking about it and making the right decision for yourself.

Have you used Linux? How is he to you? Which distribution did you like best? Vote and write in the comments .

I hope that now you have decided for yourself which is the best linux. And if you still haven’t decided 🙂, then at least evaluate the statistics. That's all for today. All the best!

Free software experts ranked the top 10 Linux distributions based on ease of installation, commercial support, community support, frequency of updates, ease of administration tools, stability, and performance. It turned out.

Linux distribution rating

10th place: SuSE (SLED and openSUSE, etc.). The infamous last place was awarded for infrequent device driver updates and friendship with Microsoft.

9 Slackware. It was really difficult to push Slackware to the penultimate place, because it was with this distribution that many now experienced Linux users began their acquaintance with Linux. But you can't argue against the truth - the distribution is behind in development, and releases are rare.

8. Conditional Mandriva. The distribution is dead, but there are numerous forks and successors of the Mandrill business. Distributions of this series are very popular with beginners. For the time being.

7. Fedora. It's hard to recommend this distro because of its terrible fallibility. This is a test and experimental Linux for running ideas for RHEL. But for unknown reasons, Fedora has a relatively high popularity among some undemanding Linux users, for which it was included in the rating.

6 Gentoo. Some don't consider Gentoo a distribution at all. This is an unfinished constructor that requires the user to maintain almost all his free time. Why sixth place? For the best performance, for originality, for the professional community, for portage. But for a business person, Gentoo is not suitable. But it is suitable for cases when you need to run Linux on weak hardware. Optimal Linux for netbooks.

5. Kali Linux Kali is an amazing live distribution. Works from a flash drive without installation. Contains just a huge number of programs. Allows you to repair the partition, recover deleted files and much more. But the main purpose is to hack everything that is possible.

4. RHEL. Red Hat Inc. is the largest commercial Linux company in the world. Like it or not, companies that use enterprise Linux use Red Hat. The distribution kit is really very good in terms of quality.

3 CentOS. Favorite distribution kit of many skilled system administrators and seasoned linuxoids. The most professional community has developed around the distribution. These are not lamers with Ubuntu or Mint. If you have not tried CentOS yet, then you need to do it urgently. Excellent distribution kit for the server.

1. Ubuntu. You're not really surprised, are you? Ubuntu is an obvious choice for many reasons: based on Debian, commercially and non-commercially supported, free, frequently updated, founded by one of the kindest people on the planet, Mark Shuttleworth. Ubuntu developers are the happiest people. They are brilliant and really care about what they do. This Linux is for home, for desktop use.

Vladislav Rabinovich

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