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Linux operating system. Linux - what is it? Are there decent office suites for Linux

There are a huge number of versions of Linux. Over 300 distributions have been flagged on in the last month alone, and there have been about 700 of them in the history of Linux. How to choose among this abundance?

The two main criteria to consider are:

  1. Distribution popularity. The more popular your distribution is, the easier it will be to find manuals for it on the web. The large community means you can easily get help on the distribution's forums if you're having trouble getting started. Finally, the more common the distribution, the more applications and packages ported for it. It is better to choose popular solutions with a ready-made package base than to suffer from building from source in some exotic distribution.
  2. The development team behind it. Naturally, it is better to pay attention to distributions supported by big companies like Canonical Ltd., Red Hat or SUSE, or distributions with large communities.

Please note that even best distributions there are analogues that are not much inferior to them. If you are not satisfied with the choice of Lifehacker, you can try alternatives.

For those who have never used Linux - Linux Mint

New users migrating from should definitely install Linux Mint. Today it is the most popular Linux distribution. This is a very stable and easy to use system based on Ubuntu.

Linux Mint is equipped with an easy and intuitive interface (Cinnamon shell for modern computers and MATE for older machines) and convenient manager applications, so you will not have problems finding and installing programs.

Pros: simplicity, caring ordinary users. You don't need any specific knowledge to install and use Mint.

Minuses: a large number of pre-installed software that may never come in handy.

For those who want to have the latest software - Manjaro

It is a popular Linux distribution based on Arch. Arch is an incredibly powerful and feature-packed distribution, but its KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) philosophy, contrary to its name, makes it too hard for beginners. Arch is only installed via the command line.

Manjaro, unlike Arch, has a simple graphical installer and at the same time combines powerful features Arch, such as AUR (Arch User Repository) and rolling release. AUR is the richest source Linux packages. If an application is on Linux, it probably already is on the AUR. So in Manjaro you will always have the latest packages.

Manjaro comes with a variety of desktop skins to choose from: functional KDE, GNOME for tablet screens, Xfce, LXDE and others. Manjaro, you can be sure to be the first to receive the latest updates.

Pros: AUR, thanks to which you can install any application without unnecessary movements. Always fresh software.

Minuses: original design of desktop shells. However, nothing prevents you from replacing it.

For home server - Debian

A home server can be useful for many purposes. For example, to store data and backups, download torrents, or arrange your own dimensionless .

Debian will take root well on your home server. It is a stable and conservative distribution that has become the basis for Ubuntu and many other Linux systems. Debian only uses the most trusted packages, making it good choice for the server.

Pros: stability and a large set of applications.

Minuses: the need to manually configure the distribution after installation.

For Media Center - Kodi

If you want to set up your own media server, choose Kodi. Strictly speaking, Kodi is not a distro, but a full-featured media center player. You can install it on any Linux, but Ubuntu + Kodi is the best choice.

Kodi supports all types of video and audio files. He knows how to play movies, music, arrange your photos. Kodi will turn anyone into a versatile entertainment device.

Thanks to extensions, Kodi can download media files via torrents, keep track of the new seasons of your favorite TV shows, show videos from YouTube and other streaming services. In short, Kodi can do everything.

In addition, Kodi is very beautiful and optimized for remote control or Android device. You can easily customize the Kodi interface with a variety of visual skins.

Pros: a huge number of functions and convenient management.

Minuses: The standard interface may not be to everyone's liking, but it's easy to replace.

Desktop - Kubuntu

The KDE graphical environment is ideal for desktop use, and Kubuntu is the most popular KDE distribution. Like many other distributions, it's based on Ubuntu, which means you won't have any application compatibility issues.

Kubuntu is beautiful, functional, and highly customizable. Even novice users can easily handle it. It is a stable and polished system that provides all the necessary features for a home desktop PC.

Pros: big choice packages, a wonderful set of KDE applications, and a huge amount of interface customization.

Minuses: Kubuntu uses stable version KDE, which means that latest chips this shell come here belatedly. If you want to try out the latest KDE, KDE Neon is here for you.

For old computer or netbook - Lubuntu

This version of Ubuntu is based on the LXDE shell, which is lightweight and modest in terms of resource consumption. It is focused on old or low-power machines. If you don't have much new computer or a netbook that can't handle Windows, you might as well install Lubuntu.

This Linux distribution consumes little system resources and is able to run on almost any configuration.

Pros: very fast and light system. However, it supports the same packages and applications as its older sister, Ubuntu.

Minuses: LXDE's look may not be to everyone's taste, but this a small fee for speed.

Alternative: .

For tablet or transformer - Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular distributions Linux on desktop. As of version 17.10, Ubuntu ends support for the Unity shell and migrates to GNOME. And GNOME looks pretty good on touchscreen devices. If you have a tablet and want to try installing Linux on it, try Ubuntu with GNOME.

Large GNOME interface elements, customizable gestures and extensions make Ubuntu a great touchscreen system.

Pros: Ubuntu is a widespread distribution, which means that you can easily find all the necessary software. In addition, most of the Linux sites are dedicated specifically to Ubuntu.

Minuses: the GNOME shell is convenient, but at first it seems unusual.

For laptop - elementary OS

As the name suggests, this Linux version very simple. You won't have any problems learning it. It runs easily on laptops and consumes battery slowly.

The interface of elementary OS is similar to macOS, so it will be a pleasure for Mac fans to use. Animations, window decoration - everything here is so smooth and pretty that you can just admire the system. Nevertheless, behind the beautiful elementary OS shell lies a full-fledged Linux that supports all the applications necessary for work.

Pros: beautiful interface, its own indie app store.

Minuses: Pantheon's graphical shell, although it looks stylish, is not very functional.

The most popular operating system at the moment is Windows. This is due to a successful start, and the initial focus on working with her. not experienced users. But almost everyone who has several years of using this OS behind them, the question arises of what analogues can offer. Here is one of these will be considered as part of the article.

Linux: what is it and what does it consist of?

This is not an easy question. To fully familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this development, you need to read more than one book and spend a lot of time at the computer. The operating system itself is a set of programs with which it is possible to interact with a computer and run other programs. At the core are several important applications which can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Allowing you to receive instructions from users and communicate with them.
  2. Making it possible to read and write data to HDD, as well as their reproduction using the printer.
  3. Allowing you to control the use of memory and the launch of other programs.

The most important part of an operating system is the kernel (called Linux). What does such a device give you in practice? Currently popular temporary samples as another part of the operating system use various programs that were written for this project. By the way, the full name of this OS is GNU/Linux. Read on to find out why she has such a name.


GNU/Linux was modeled after the Unix OS. From the very beginning, this operating system was developed as a multi-user and multi-tasking one. That alone is enough to make her stand out. But there are much more differences. The most important thing is that it is free (a significant part of the development was created by volunteers free of charge) and the absence of an owner. The Free Software Foundation first created something like this in 1984. Then they developed a Unix-like operating system, which was called GNU. Many basic functions were created with which it was possible to solve problems a wide range(when compared with what generally existed then). In addition to the foundation, many working groups and individuals have made their contribution, which in no way detracts from their work. But still there are some features. So, the foundation created most of the tools used, the philosophy and the community of enthusiastic users and independent programmers. By their efforts, a debugged version of GNU / Linux appeared. But this is only the story of the first part. The Linux OS kernel was created by a Finnish student in 1991 (the first stable version dates back to 1994). Then it was announced as a replacement for Minix. The creator has not retired since then and continues to lead a group of several hundred programmers who improve the operating system.

What does the operating system provide to users?

Today there is a lot of freedom in choosing the required software. So, there are a dozen command-line shells, as well as several graphical desktops. And this does not mean visual design, but the change is the functional part. Also, due to the adaptation of the operating system for the execution of several programs, it is less prone to various failures and is better protected. Since its inception, Linux OS has been slowly but surely gaining its audience. So, most of the servers are already working on it. The path in the corporate segment and at home is just beginning. Each distribution is different in its functionality, appearance and size. So, there are options that provide the widest possibilities. There are also those that can fit on a small flash drive or work on older computers. Also, immediately after, it is possible to quickly install software packages to work in certain areas (which is valuable if an “office” computer is being created).


This is an important part of working with the Linux operating system. What is a terminal? It is a powerful tool with great potential. With it, you can facilitate, or even completely shift all routine work to the machine. Using the terminal, you can:

  1. install and run programs;
  2. customize distribution or configuration files;
  3. add new program repositories;
  4. and many other things that this Linux review will cover.

Basic use of the terminal, as well as installation of programs

Run it. To start the program, just enter its name. Thus, you can activate everything from simple timer programs to complex utilities. You do not need to enter the full path for this (which is strong distinction from Windows). Let's take as an example the launch Firefox browser and immediately - the opening of the site. The latter must be placed in the arguments. Their types depend on the programs that are called. So, the desired command will look like this: firefox "address of the site we want to go to." Also important feature terminal is that there are a number of commands that are only designed to work with it. That is, they do not have a graphical interface. And now it's time to talk about Of course there are and graphic applications that can help with this task. So, launch the terminal and enter the following: sudo apt-get install package_name. Easy, right? The word sudo is used here to get administrator rights to install a program. With apt-get, the desired options for the application are read. And install directly installs the program. Moreover, the peculiarity is that you can work with several applications at the same time - for this you only need to separate them with a space.

About the name and purpose installation packages can be easily guessed without the use of various tools. But if this is not possible - press Tab. When changing distributions, it is not necessary to do everything from the beginning - just export the names of the packages used to text file to later import its contents. Here is such a simple Linux-instruction is necessary for the initial operation.

Working with files and directories

There is a nuance here that will help you quickly understand the features of the functioning of the operating system. So, the work always takes place in the current directory. To do something elsewhere, it must first be specified. There is such a command - nano. Used to open a text editor. If you type nano "document name", a file will be created in the current directory with given name. And what to do when it needs to be done in another folder? We write the command in this way: nano /home/rabota/documents/”Document name”. If the specified directive does not contain a file with the required name and extension, a new one will be created and opened. And if you need to move from one folder to another? The cd command is used for this. It can be specified by itself - with /, ~ or with a directive. The first three commands will be moved to the root directory. Use ls to list the files in the current directory. To create new catalog, apply mkdir "Name or path". The rm command is used to remove files. After it, it is necessary to indicate the name of the document or the directive for its placement.

To copy files, you must use the command cf "Document Name" - "Path". Keep in mind that it must be applied in the directory where the transferred object is located. mv works in the same way, but it is already moving the file. So, it is necessary to specify as follows: mv "Directory where the document is located" - "The path where the object is moved." From the outside it may look a little complicated, but with a little practice you'll be convinced that it's only on the surface. Now you can basicly configure Linux to meet your needs.

Working with the system

Use Tab. This is extremely useful key. Yes, it can help with autocomplete. This works for packages, files and folders. If there are several options, the system will prompt you to select one of them. Also remember that Linux will be your responsibility. Although you can use the provided assemblies if you don’t want to build your own brick by brick (although this is one of the features of the system). But just in case, know that this is a simple matter, and in most cases the implementation this action won't be difficult. You can also use any of the graphical interfaces that are in free access(although the easiest way to manage is the command line).

Linux installation

What if there is a desire to use this operating system? Then you need to know how to install and how to run Linux. Initially, choose the distribution kit that you will have. Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and many others are popular. We pay attention to the presented operating systems, although the final choice is yours. To do this, you will need to acquire an ISO image and burn it to disk. It is advisable to download the file from the official assembly site. Then you need to select the number of system bits. The 32 version has fewer compatibility issues and works better with drivers. But its counterpart at 62 has better performance. True, they will also bring troubles that you will have to deal with. Before you start, get backup all important data. Do not think that the system can spoil something for you. It’s just that in most cases, the users themselves, out of ignorance or in a panic, delete important information. So, you have a disk with a system image. Before reinstalling, set the basic I/O system to work with Now you can reboot.

As an example, will be considered installing ubuntu. This is a popular operating system, and finding recommendations for working with it is not difficult. So, the screen will initially load, where you will need to select "Install Ubuntu". Initially, you will need to select the Linux language. Determine your time zone. Then set up the keyboard. The next step is to prepare the disk space. At this stage, the solution of this issue can be shifted to the operating system, or everything can be determined manually. The latter option is suitable for advanced users who know what a data sector is and how a computer works in general. Moreover, the level of awareness should be very high.

After questions from disk space are exhausted, you will be prompted to name this computer, as well as create an administrator. It will be necessary to remember what was indicated here, otherwise the operation of the machine in the future without reinstallation or reset will be almost impossible. By the way, the password and username will be needed not only to log into the system. After that, you will see the window of the wizard for transferring settings from other operating systems. If there are none, then the step will be skipped. Otherwise, the operating system will offer to transfer files, as well as settings that were in user accounts. And in the end, a window should appear in which the user's choice will be displayed. Check if everything is the way you want. If there are no complaints, then click on the "Install" button, and the process will start. Depending on the configuration of the computer on which all these actions are performed, the speed of replacing operating systems varies. When all necessary actions completed, you will be prompted to press the "Enter" button.

Launching Linux

The first time you turn it on, you will be greeted by the bootloader. In this case, the launch of Linux will depend on the presence of foreign operating systems. If it is alone, then Linux itself will boot. If not, then you have three options:

  1. If you select the first one, the operating system will boot in ten seconds.
  2. The second option is an analogue of Windows Safe Mode.
  3. RAM testing.

Also, depending on the number of installed OSes, options for launching them will be added, and not just booting the Linux system. After activating Linux, you can start customizing its design, start using additional applications- in general, do everything so that the operating system is maximally tuned for you. there are a huge variety, and you can choose what you like. Some problems may only arise when using games and calculation applications (AutoCAD and similar).

Removing and restoring Linux

The same Ubuntu will be used as an example. It doesn't matter why you wondered "how to uninstall Linux" - you didn't like the system or thought it was difficult. The main thing is how to do it. Let's consider two options. In the first, let's say you have a fallback in as Windows. In the second, we will assume that you do not have another operating system:

  1. Put the installation disk in the drive. Boot from it by changing the priority in the basic input / output system. Open command line. You can do this through the menu. installation disk. Then select the "System Fix" option. In English, it looks like Repair your computer. Correcting the entry about system boot. To do this, enter the bootrec /fixmbr command. And at startup, you will no longer be presented with the operating system selection screen when you turn on the computer, and Windows will always boot. Everything is ready. Now, for the changes to take effect, restart the machine. If you want to completely get rid of Ubuntu, then you need to do two more steps. First, open the disk management menu. In the window that opens, you will need to right-click on the partition with the operating system and select the command to delete it. That's it, she's no more. Now right-click on the Windows partition and select Extend Partition. Free space must be added to it. But, remember, this can only be done if there is a spare operating system.
  2. Now imagine that you only have one Ubuntu. Then you will need a disk with the desired operating system (Windows will be taken as an example). Insert it into the optical drive. Then it will be necessary to delete the partition in which there is "Linux". After that, continue with the installation. If this is not done, then you will not be able to use the computer. And then you have to create an operating system on a flash drive somewhere and carry out the necessary actions from it.

"Linux": so the same and different

Let's talk about what Linux analogs exist and let's give them brief description. Only the most popular distributions will be considered:

  1. Ubuntu. Focused on ease of learning and use.
  2. openSUSE. Convenient distribution kit during setup and maintenance.
  3. Fedora. One of the most popular options that has won love due to its versatility.
  4. Debian. This distribution served as the basis for many others. An extensive community of developers is working on its creation. Has a strict approach to using non-free software.
  5. Slackware. One of the oldest distributions. Has a conservative approach regarding development and use.
  6. Gentoo. A very flexible distribution. Compiled from source codes. The end result can be high performance and flexible execution of tasks. Aimed at advanced users and computer technology experts.
  7. archlinux. A distribution that focuses on application latest versions software. Constantly updated. Suitable for those who want to have all the benefits and modifications, but do not want to waste their time.

In addition to all of these listed options, there are many other distributions. They can be based on those indicated above or created from scratch. In the second variant, they are usually created to perform a limited range of tasks. Each distribution has its own concept, set of packages, advantages and disadvantages. None of them can claim to satisfy all users. Therefore, along with the leaders, other implementations successfully exist, created by associations of programmers and firms. So, there are many developments that can function from a CD, and you do not need to install the system on the computer itself. If there are no specific goals, then any distribution can be used. If you want to assemble the necessary components yourself, I recommend paying attention to Gentoo, CRUX or LFS.

What do people who use Linux tell us?

In general, you can research the reviews yourself. But in the article a certain “compilation” of them was carried out for those who do not have the desire or time to search and read various texts. ABOUT Linux reviews for the most part positive. As positive features, they call a small amount of RAM that needs to be allocated for the operation of the operating system itself. She also earned respect among those people who need to focus on work, but they are constantly distracted by games. Not least, this is due to the fact that relatively few have been released for Linux. entertainment programs. Of course, you can use the services of operating system emulators, but this always requires a lot of time and resources. So for lazy people this is a good option. Linux is very popular among representatives of the information technology sector. Last but not least, this is due to the presence of various various tools. Programmers and technical specialists speak positively about this system due to its versatility and ease of conducting the necessary activities. As negative traits, they usually cite the need to have significant knowledge of computers, be able to work using the scientific poke method and visual difference from Windows. These are the opinions you can find about Linux. The operating system is indeed significantly different from the usual interface of most personal computers, but there is an opinion that this more advantage than a disadvantage.


This is the end of the description of Linux. The review presented many different aspects. You learned, Studied and programs for Linux: what are the features in their work, how to install and run directly the operating system itself. Also provided various teams, with which you can perform the main range of user operations. It remains to be hoped that information about Linux - what it is and what it is eaten with - will be useful to you in practice.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

federal state educational institution higher professional education

Perm State Agricultural Academy

named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov"

Department of Informatics

Specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit"


in informatics

Completed by a distance learning student

Batueva A.N.

Checked by Senior Lecturer:

Kritchenko T.N.

Perm, 2008

1. Theoretical task. Operating system Linux

1.1 Opportunities provided by Linux OS

1.2 Who and why might need Linux OS

1.3 Characteristics Linux as OS

1.4 What it looks like concurrent execution several programs

1.5 How multiple users work on the same machine

1.6 How well is Linux OS documented

1.7 Differences between Linux and other open source operating systems

1.8 Software supported by Linux system

1.9 Working with the global Internet

1.10 What word processor can be used in Linux

2. Practical task

2.1 Task 1

2.2 Task 2

2.3 Task 3

1. Linux operating system

Linux is a modern POSIX-compliant and Unix-like operating system for personal computers and workstations.

It is a multi-user network operating system with the XWindowSystem network window graphics system. Linux OS supports open systems standards and Internet protocols and is compatible with Unix, DOS, MSWindows systems. All components of the system, including source code, are distributed with a license for free copying and installation for an unlimited number of users.

The Linux operating system is widely used on IntelPC 386/486/Pentium/PentiumPro platforms and is gaining ground on a number of other platforms.

Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds of the University of Helsinki and an uncountable team of thousands of Internet users, research centers, foundations, universities, and more.

1.1 Opportunities provided by the OS linux

· makes it possible to have a free and legally modern OS for use both at work and at home;

Has a high speed

· works reliably, steadily, absolutely without freezes;

Not susceptible to viruses

· allows you to fully use the capabilities of modern PCs, removing the limitations inherent in DOS and MSWindows on the use of machine memory and processor (s) resources;

effectively manages multitasking and priorities, background tasks (long calculation, transfer Email via modem, floppy disk formatting, etc. etc.) do not interfere with interactive work;

· allows you to easily integrate your computer into local and global networks, incl. on the Internet; works with networks based on Novell and MSWindows;

Allows you to execute application programs of other operating systems presented in the download format - various versions Unix, DOS and MS Windows;

· provides the use of a huge number of various software packages accumulated in the Unix world and freely distributed along with the source texts;

Provides a rich set of development tools application programs any degree of complexity, including client-server class systems, object-oriented, with a multi-window text and/or graphical interface, suitable for both Linux and other operating systems;

· gives the user and especially the developer a wonderful training base in the form of rich documentation and source codes for all components, including the kernel of the OS itself;

allows everyone to try their hand at developing, organize communication and joint work via the Internet with any of the developers of the Linux OS and make your contribution by becoming a co-author of the system.

1.2 Who and why might need an OS linux

IN Linux application on different reasons many categories of users may be interested. It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list. However, here are some examples. Linux is a full-fledged 32-bit (64-bit on the DECAXP platform) operating system that uses a computer on full power. Linux turns Personal Computer IBMPC into a real workstation. At the price of a personal computer, which is much lower than the cost of a workstation.

The cost savings is huge because, in addition to saving on hardware, Linux software comes with a free license that allows you to copy the system for free, unlimitedly. Kernel, editors, translators, databases, web, graphical interfaces, games, and thousands of megabytes of other software - free of charge and legally.

Winning only on the software can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. For many users in Russia free license- this is the only way to legally equip yourself with a complete set of software.

It is common for the pirate market not to pay for software. However, in the case of Linux, not only will no one prosecute for this, they will also give full documentation! Moreover, with the source texts of all programs! Pirates never dreamed of such a thing.

Linux is of great interest to consumers and developers of application systems. Imagine a company consisting of several branches, geographically distributed in different parts of the city and even in different cities and countries. A database server operates at the parent enterprise, clients - workplaces in branches - interact with the server through the network. Such a system is quickly, cheaply and conveniently done in Linux. Think about Linux resilience. That's where it comes in handy!

Linux opens the door to the gigantic world of open systems, in which there are a huge number of tools for solving a wide variety of problems.

1.3 Features linux like OS

multitasking: many programs are running at the same time;

· multi-user mode: many users simultaneously work on the same machine;

Protected processor mode (386 protectedmode);

process memory protection; a program crash cannot cause a system hang;

division of pages by record between instances of the executable program. This means that instance processes of a program can use the same memory when executing. When such a process attempts to write to memory, the 4-kilobyte page into which recording in progress, is copied to free space. This property increases performance and saves memory;

Paged virtual memory (that is, not the entire inactive process is forced out of memory, but only the required page); virtual memory in independent disk partitions and/or files of the file system; virtual memory up to 2 GB; changing the size of virtual memory during program execution;

· Common memory programs and disk cache: all free memory is used to buffer the exchange with the disk;

· dynamically loaded shared libraries;

· POSIX.1 certification, compatibility with SystemV and BSD standards at the source code level;

via iBCS2-matched emulator compatible with SCO, SVR3, SVR4 by downloadable programs,

Job management in the POSIX standard;

· Availability of the source code of all programs, including kernel texts, drivers, development tools and applications. These texts are freely distributed. At present, some companies supply a number of Linux commercial programs without source codes, but everything that was free and remains free;

· emulation of the coprocessor in the kernel, so the application may not care about the emulation of the coprocessor. Of course, if a coprocessor is present, then it is not used;

Support for national alphabets and conventions, incl. for the Russian language; the ability to add new ones;

· multiple virtual consoles: on the same display, several simultaneous independent work sessions, switched from the keyboard;

Support for a number of common file systems (MINIX, Xenix, SystemV file systems); the presence of its own advanced file system up to 4 Terabytes and with file names up to 255 characters;

transparent access to DOS (or OS/2 FAT) partitions: a DOS partition looks like part of a file Linux systems; support for VFAT (WNT, Windows 95);

a special UMSDOS file system that allows you to install Linux in a file system DOS system;

Access (read-only) to the HPFS-2 OS/2 2.1 file system;

support for all standard formats CDROM;

· TCP/IP network support, including ftp, telnet, NFS, etc.

1.4 What it looks like running multiple programs at the same time

The so-called virtual multi-console makes it possible to organize the work of several consoles on one display. The translation process starts on the first console. The key combination Alt-F2 should switch to the second console. The broadcast continues, but the first console on the display screen is replaced new picture second console. In which, for example, a text editor is launched. The Alt-F3 combination is followed by a transition to the third console, in which the debugger is launched, etc. Usually there are 8 consoles in the system, but you can install up to 64. You can switch to any console at any time.

On a separate console, both a text and a graphical program can run.

On one of the free consoles, you can run the XWindowSystem window graphics system. Open a window on the screen and play DOOM. It is possible through a network with a partner. And in other windows - database, mail, editor, broadcast, etc.

Thus, many consoles are running at the same time, and one of the consoles also has many XWindowSystem windows.

Hello dear friend! Today I decided to make for you informative article, the theme of which is the Linux operating system (Linux). Perhaps this is the only alternative and quite a replacement for the popular and well-known Windows OS from Microsoft.

Let's plunge into the world of history and see where the legs grow from and understand not only the first steps, but also briefly go through the entire path of Linux development.

I know that there are fans of listening, not reading texts, so everyone who wants to watch the video:

In the capital of Finland, Helsinki, lived a young guy Linus Torvalds, who in 1988 entered the University of Helsinki at the Faculty of Informatics. At school, the student excelled in mathematics and physics, that is, he was very capable of learning. And in 1991, a young programmer, inspired by Andrew Tanenbaum's book about the Minix operating system, takes on the creation of his own operating system, and to be precise, the development of the kernel of the GNU / Linux operating system, which today is one of the most popular free operating systems. systems.

I have not used Linux myself, but after reading a lot of material on the topic, I realized that it was worth a try. According to many, Linux OS will not make you experience difficulties when working with it. Although there are a lot of those who allegedly start a rumor about the "inadequacy" to the system of the bulk of computer users.

In fact, even a person who understands little about PCs and laptops will be able to install, configure the OS in a couple of hours and at the same time work with all applications without problems.

Features and Benefits of Linux OS!

Free Linux.

IN currently the freeness of the whole operating system is quite a virtue. Those who use Windows should understand that this is most likely a pirated version. Yes, yes, everything is exactly like that, but do not be alarmed, among the masses of the people pirated versions set so that you breathe evenly. License for Windows and licensed programs This system costs money and usually no one is willing to pay. There is an obvious way out: install Linux with thousands of free programs. Of course, the programs are different from the usual Windows applications, but their performance is in no way inferior. Get used to one OS, get used to another.

Linux Reliability.

Indeed, Linux reliable system, and the programs installed here will not freeze, unlike Windows, which will definitely slow down the speed of the entire computer some time after the system is installed.

Linux security.

Linux is virtually free of viruses. The unique construction of the operating system excludes the operation of malicious programs. All this allows you not to acquire an antivirus, which also slows down the work of your iron assistant and wastes your time.

Open source Linux.

You can view the original linux data, which allows you to modify the code based on your desires. You can expand the functionality, create programs, prescribe some additions.

At first, Linux was empty. Over time, volunteers developed programs for the OS, finalized the system. Later, huge communities of programmers were formed, which in turn are constantly improving and developing Linux to this day, developing new programs.

It will take too long to talk in detail about all the achievements, so I will simply say that the pace of development today is very high.

Linux user interface.

On a Linux system, users execute workflows using the command line (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI), or through the appropriate hardware controls.

Generally, a graphical user interface is preferred, where the command line is also available, through a terminal emulator window or in a separate virtual console.

Programs designed for Linux are not actually high level available exclusively through the command line.

The command line is a fairly simple interprocess communication mechanism.

On computers, the most popular user interfaces are based on desktop environments such as KDE Plasma Desktop, GNOME, and Xfce.

Linux development.

An important fact about Linux is that it runs on a variety of processor architectures.

If you compare Windows or Mac OS X with Linux, there is one very interesting difference: Linux does not have a development center. No major organizations, owners, single centers, developed programs are the result of thousands of projects. They are everywhere, some projects represent firms, other projects are an association of hackers with different corners peace. You, too, can join this truly global cause, develop a program, contribute and open new opportunities for a million users. By the way, users can directly participate in testing and negotiate with developers, which allows you to fix bugs, make innovations and adjustments.

Troubles and innovations.

Linux has been criticized for quite a long time for the inconvenience of using in desktop computers especially due to the perceived lack full versions We all know programs (usually office suites) and problems with hardware support. The disadvantages of the system were noted by the complexity of studying, difficulties in setting up the equipment.

New Linux distributions have purposefully focused on this issue and greatly improved the position of Linux among the desktop OS.

Distribution(eng. distribute - distribute) is a form of software distribution.

Because of this, Linux has rapidly gained respect and popularity for home users and small businesses. All thanks to the operating system Gutsy Gibbon (Ubuntu 7.10) from Canonical.

You can download distributions of the Linux kernel by entering a query in the search engine: linux download and follow the first tabs, everything is quite logically described there!

This issue is coming to an end, information on this topic will not be superfluous to anyone. If there is a creative desire to understand this topic better, then you can safely begin to act. I wish you perseverance and good luck!

And with you was, Programmer!

There are many different ones and one of them is "Linux". What is it and where is it used? How is it organized? What are the differences from the Windows familiar to most people here? "Linux"? All these questions will be answered within the article.

What is Linux

This is an operating system, relative to which you have a wide choice of software that will be installed. It allows you to choose between several types of desktops and about a dozen shells for the command line. The latter, by the way, is called the terminal and plays a very important role. Due to the focus on executing several programs at once, the operating system is relatively less prone to failures. Due to the fact that by default no program can start without the user's knowledge, it is very difficult (although possible) to encounter a virus written for Linux. But if they infect computers, it is solely due to the fact that the user has launched suspicious application. Some samples of this system can be easily placed and work through optical drives or USB.

Development history

Linux in Russian sounds like "Linux", that is, it is not translated. Do you know why? All because it is named after its pioneer founder, Linus Torvalds. He presented his creation to the public in 1994 (although development began as early as 1991). Due to the fact that the operating system has open source, and everyone could refine it, he had followers around the world. She is beginning to be interested in various companies that produce paid distributions. At the same time, communities of developers are emerging that create and distribute their builds on a volunteer basis. And for 2016, there are about a dozen popular versions of Linux operating systems. What does this state of affairs tell us? This means that there is strong competition, mutual assistance (no matter how strange it may sound) and diversity. In addition to popular versions, less common ones are also widely used, which are often aimed at performing a certain range of tasks. And now, if you are interested in Russian "Linux", know that downloading it is not a problem. And for others, there are Russifiers that will translate at least part of the designations.

"Linux" and "Windows": what are the differences

At first glance, the data does not look much different. But it's not. There are differences, but to see them, you need to look "deeper". The focus will be on Linux, but to give you an idea of ​​what and how, a comparison will be made with Windows. We will consider:

  1. File system.
  2. Graphic shell.
  3. System configuration.
  4. Scope of application.

And in conclusion, a little attention will be paid to distributions.

File system

Initially, it should be noted that no hard drives in the usual sense in "Linux". What does this state of affairs tell you in the first place? Difficult? By no means! Logical partitions and physical disks will be preserved, only here they will be represented by directories. The operating system connects to some folder, and everything that is created falls into it. Work can only be done with the files that are in it. The most important folder is the root. It is denoted by /. For example, user files are usually stored in /home/username/. But at will, you can change the location of almost anything. Is it difficult to navigate through such a structure?

Graphical shell

At first, after Windows, it may seem that moving is inconvenient. But this is only when using the terminal. There are also graphical shells with which you can work with the familiar interface. The terminal, by the way, is used either on servers, or by very advanced people with a good memory. Graphically designed shell is suitable for everyone else, as well as those who simply do not want to remember the exact catalogs of information. The Linux system can appear in a variety of forms. Several desktop options can be configured, and already graphic design for them - is calculated in hundreds of variations.


Windows this information is in system registry, which is a specific database. It is necessary so that the programs launched in the operating system are correctly configured when they are loaded and at the beginning of work. In it, if the registry is damaged, it will only help complete reinstallation. Although this has an advantage - everything is in one place. But Linux took a different path. In it, each program is the owner of a separate configuration file (and sometimes even several). They can be viewed or edited with an arbitrary text editor. If there are several files, then this has its advantages - so if one of them is damaged, only part of the developments will be lost. And in the worst case, you will have to reinstall only a separate program. When the user decides to change the used computer, he does not have to start all over again. Required files it can simply copy between machines (directly or via media). What to do if the operating system is damaged? In this lies important advantage that Linux has. The operating system needs to be reinstalled and you need to do it. But the file settings after this process will be saved and will not be lost. Although there is one small drawback here - each program has its own format of configuration files, and it will be necessary to understand well what and how before editing.


We talked about it and how it differs from the usual for most users Windows systems. And now let's pay attention to the areas of its use. Unfortunately, it will not find application everywhere. So, "Linux" server or home / office workstation - here it is close to ideal. The fact is that for this operating system there are not many ported or created games. There are also individual programs with the launch of Adobe graphics packages and complex engineering programs (like AutoCAD, MatLAB and the like). But with the help of emulation, this problem in most cases can be solved. Not always people need a computer that solves specific problems. Therefore, I suggest you take a look at short list capabilities of the system, and if it does what you need, you can try it in practice and not be disappointed:

  1. The system can generate office documents, spreadsheets, various documentation and process texts.
  2. It is possible to view and edit images and photos.
  3. You can listen to music and watch videos.
  4. You can play games on the system - but usually very simple ones.
  5. Carry out communication processes via the Internet (in this regard, Linux is head and shoulders above Windows).
  6. Convenient to program.
  7. You can explore the Internet.
  8. It is convenient to remotely manage operating systems (any).
  9. Various messaging programs and e-mail are available.
  10. Convenient file sharing.
  11. Free operating system
  12. And in the end - viruses exist here as a myth. At least the author has not met one in his entire life.

About distributions

Already want a Russian "Linux"? Then it is necessary to say a little about distributions. On the one hand, it is difficult to say that we have different operating systems. On the other hand, no one can prove otherwise. You can choose your preferred language and geographic orientation, which will help make Linux more user-friendly. Russian version, French, Brazilian - the choice is yours. With the help of the operating system, you can seriously study foreign languages. But let's talk about distributions. Their main differences are the location of programs in the file system. This is not to say that one distribution is better than the other. It all depends on the tasks that are in front of you. So, you can install one version in which you can only program, and there is poor Internet support (only text components are loaded). This option is suitable for those who cannot concentrate on work and are constantly distracted. There are also those that will allow you to best adjust the power to get the optimal performance of the machine. There are a lot of choices, and only you should stop at one of them.

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