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Lead generation in simple words. Lead generation: a detailed manual from LPgenerator

Basic information

Lead is an act of registration in response to an offer from an advertiser, containing contact information and, in some cases, demographic information. There are two types of leads - consumer leads and targeted leads.

Consumer Leads are generated based on demographic criteria such as creditworthiness, income, age, market concentration index, etc. These leads are often resold to different advertisers. Consumer leads are usually developed through phone calls from salespeople. These types of leads are typically only used in the mortgage, insurance and finance industries.

Target leads- special leads generated for a unique advertiser offer. Unlike consumer leads, targeted leads can only be sold to an advertiser whose offer has been responded to by the buyer. Because transparency is a prerequisite for generating targeted leads, campaigns to generate targeted leads can be optimized by validating their sources.

How does lead generation work?

The essence of lead generation depends entirely on the buyer's decision making.

For complex products and services that require a complex decision-making process, the key is to identify the most likely buyers and then develop and prepare them before using more expensive sales resources. Development benefits the buyers, preparation benefits the seller. This gradual lead cultivation can take months and involve multiple people at once in evaluating a solution.

For commodities, the “meeting problem” is that the two parties are looking for each other, but are interfered with in the form of time, distance, or attention. In essence, there are a number of well-matched candidates for purchasing a product within a larger pool of poorly-matched candidates. Well-chosen candidates are what they are looking for in the process of effective lead generation.

While there are different methodologies and implementation methods, each one deals with one of 2 main “meeting” strategies: distribution or concentration. - Newsletter implies communication with a large number of candidates and waiting for a statistical response to the marketer. Advertising is a classic example of a broadcast marketing meeting.

Concentration means identifying and creating situations that concentrate well-matched candidates in a set of mailings. Market segmentation and trade shows are classic examples of the concentration-marketing "meet" strategy

Types of lead generation

Lead generation includes different marketing methodologies:

  • Newsletter
  • Generating leads online
  • Direct mail
  • Events and Trade Shows
  • Seminars and training
  • Publicity or public relations (PR)
  • Reports and spec. literature
  • Email marketing
  • Internet Marketing (Search Engine Optimization or Buying Online Ads)

Generating leads online

Since 2000, an increasing number of sales organizations have started directing their direct marketing budgets to the online space. The Internet allows for the development of highly targeted lead generation campaigns and offers geographic, demographic and contextual targeting services.

Although the online space is growing extremely rapidly, where search engine marketing and PPC advertising hold the majority of online advertising budgets, the demand for well-trained search marketers remains high. A variety of software tools have also emerged to enable individual search marketers to more effectively manage their paid search campaigns.

This means that the cost of keywords is getting more expensive. A 2007 report from Doubleclick Performics Search shows that January 2007 had six times as many keywords with a CPC over $ 1 as in 2006. The cost per keyword has grown by 33%, and the cost per click by 55%. Most of these clicks were a direct result of scams. According to Click Forensics, the percentage of fraud in the pay-per-click industry is up 15% since 2006. Online lead generation is expected to grow rapidly in the near future. GP Bullhound Research reports that online lead generation is growing at 71% annually, so it is growing twice as fast as the online ad market. Rapid growth is primarily driven by the requirement for an increase in ROI (return on investment). This is a trend that is expected to dominate in a crisis. The most common types of subscriptions are:

  • AdUnitX - ICS Banners: enable the advertiser to translate CPM ads to the CPL pricing model - cost per lead.

Such banners save users from having to go to the landing page for registration. The user enters information directly into the field located inside the banner. Contact information is transmitted automatically from the partner to the advertiser through the server.

You probably often hear concepts such as leads, lead form, lead qualification, and perhaps even vaguely imagine what exactly they mean. But what if you start using them with confidence?

Today we will tell you all about the process of generating applications. This is a must-know knowledge for everyone who runs their business not only online, but also in an offline environment. Read to the end!

Lead generation tools

Lead generation is the process of creating a base of potential customers, leads (contacts) using various Internet marketing tools. The presence of leads guarantees future sales if you interact with them correctly.

The list is very wide, individual ways to attract buyers can be found based on the individual characteristics of the business. Below we will suggest what actually works. Try it and see for yourself.

Offline methods

1. Telemarketing. Calling a potential customer base has always been a popular tool for increasing sales. If you want to make this process more efficient, first identify the needs of your target audience. Today, outbound telemarketing only works by preparing for calls - by learning what to offer to the person on the other end of the line.

2. Organization of meetings, presentations, exhibitions, public speaking are excellent helpers in attracting leads. For many users, this is an indicator that the brand can be trusted. With a successful development of events, you can then use the role of "opinion leader" for lead generation, publishing expert opinion on guest sites, for example.

Direct marketing

1. Email newsletters. Attracting customers through cold bases is perhaps even more difficult than using cold calls. Most users send such emails to the Spam folder, if it does not appear there automatically. Therefore, try to send letters regularly (but not every day), while composing an interesting text of the letter, indicating the subject and, of course, a link to your website or landing page.

2. SMS marketing. Works on the principle of "cold calls". Identify needs, try to interest the recipient, and don't spam.

Content marketing

1. Create interesting collections by offering them in exchange for the user's contact information. One of the Australian companies Quoteroller used this method. Their SEO directory brought in about 1,000 visits, but no leads. They added a form where they asked for their email address, and began to receive about 5 leads a day. And this database is no longer for "cold" mailings.

2. Videos can bring a lot of applications. Several studies have shown that over 60% of users identify themselves as visuals. This means that they prefer visual presentation of information. By playing this, you have a chance to not only get more leads, but also convert them into real buyers. Just don't make the video too long!

3. Guest posts also generate ample leads. However, it only makes sense to publish on large, trustworthy sites, which means that bad content should be ruled out. Create interesting posts on the topic of your business and mention your services in passing - it works.

1. Work on the look of the "About Us" section. Obviously, placing a CTA is most appropriate on the homepage, but it can also be placed in the brand story section. Include a value proposition in your headline and write interesting text about you by dividing it into blocks. This will nudge your visitor to fill out the lead form.

2. Not blogging yet? It's time to start! This is one of the obvious truths of inbound marketing. Everyone knows that a blog is an effective lead generation tool, but few companies use it. Don't be laggards, create a consistent and engaging content plan, hire a contributor or two, and publish your articles at regular intervals. But even after driving traffic to your blog, your job doesn't end there. Encourage readers to fill out a lead form after each post, thus helping potential customers move up the sales funnel. A reader interested in posts will subscribe to the newsletter as well.

3. Create content that is called "evergreen". This name was given to the type of materials that occupy high positions due to their constant relevance. As a rule, these are highly specialized and "deep" in the sense of the article. Choosing the right topic is the key to success.

Marketer David Cheng suggests the following way to determine the direction of “evergreen” content - analyze existing articles, identify the most popular and commented ones, update them, and add calls to action.

One of the most effective ways to attract leads is a landing page. This is the page where your Unique Selling Proposition is posted, but it can be used for other marketing and business purposes as well.

The main components of a quality one-page page:

  • the offer is necessarily unique and attractive, the effectiveness of the entire one-page depends on it;
  • lead form - filling it out, the consumer gets access to the offer, and the company gets contacts for further communication;
  • A CTA is a call to action - usually a button with inviting text.

Below is the LPgenerator page, where all the components are used:

Lead generation through social media is one of the obvious methods. By using social media, you can really expand your subscriber base at times. Choose the platform where your target audience is theoretically present.

You can use the infographic below on the most popular social networks on the Runet.

Lead qualification

So now that we have figured out the concept of lead generation and its main tools, it's time to find out what exactly is lead scoring? In short, this metric helps determine the level of a lead's readiness to move to the closing stage.

Most often, qualifications depend on how the lead data is obtained. Below we have listed a few examples for you:

1. Lead on the job search site

The most popular job search services (HeadHunter or SuperJob) offer to fill out a detailed resume with contact information, work experience and personal qualities. The user registered there is highly interested in getting vacancies and is ready to accept the newsletter.

2. Lead who downloaded the discount coupon

A consumer who left his contacts in exchange for a discount coupon, although he provides a little data about himself, is considered to be interested in the company's offer. Marketers of such a service can divide the lead base depending on the coupon for which services a particular visitor ordered, and offer him relevant information.

3. Lead who received free content

The user who left their contacts in exchange for free content is most often not a direct potential consumer of your goods and services. Perhaps your interaction will end precisely when you receive the materials. Filter out uninterested audiences, for example by hosting webinars, and target the leads you really want.

The qualification of the lead will make it possible to understand whether it is necessary to further interact and "grow" contact in a real client, or it is not worth the material and time costs.

Mandatory metrics

Every marketer knows that without tracking lead optimization and other metrics, it is difficult to continue high-quality lead generation work.

Here are some metrics to track:

  • profitability;
  • click-through rate on emails;
  • the number of leads in the sales funnel;
  • lead price;
  • average transaction price;
  • the number of converted leads;
  • the ratio of leads ready to make a deal to the total number of potential customers;
  • activity on the landing page;
  • return of monetary investments.

We offer the following model that works 99% of the time:

Let us explain. There is a specific offer and a unique selling proposition - what you sell to the user. Through various methods and lead management, the offer is converted into sales.

In this model, there are no extra segments that make the circuit heavier and hinder applications.

A little more about lead management. We propose the following process:

  • evaluating leads according to their willingness to move to the next level;
  • nurturing (lead nurthing) leads not yet ready for the next action;
  • evaluation of results.

Don't waste time redirecting unprepared leads to sales, this is the mistake made by more than half of marketers (especially if you're in B2B). Only 27% will ripen later, you will lose the rest.

Instead of a conclusion

Lead generation cannot be done "at random" - it will not bring any results.

If you need help in organizing the flow of clients, LPgenerator Digital specialists will be happy to help you, check out our services and leave a request to get advice ..

We have all been in such a situation when my wife had just removed the delicious spaghetti with delicious cutlets from the stove, laid it all out beautifully on a plate and served it on the table.

And only you felt an inexorable desire to deal with this by taking a plug, the phone rings, and on the other end of the line is an annoying sales manager who is trying to find new customers with a cold call.

That is why today I want to tell you about lead generation techniques that do not bore the consumer and do not interrupt him from a delicious lunch or dinner prepared by his beloved wife.

What is a lead?

Let's start from the very beginning. A lead is a person who has his own preferences and interests, which possibly overlap with the services or products that your company offers.

This means that instead of making cold calls trying to find the right prospect for you, it is better to call those who have already heard a little about you and are interested in additional information. For example, you may have completed an online survey to find out how best to take care of your own car. If you received an email from a car company that conducted this survey, in which you are asked how this company can help you maintain your car, then this method of recruiting will be less intrusive and more appropriate than you suddenly heard a call with similar questions and suggestions. when you don't even have a car ... right?

And from a business perspective, the information collected by the car company with the help of a survey will allow you to personalize you, and in advance find out about what can be offered to you as a potential client.

When someone who has nothing to do with marketing asks what I am doing, I often answer that I create content to attract leads, and then they either stop talking to me or look with bewilderment.

So instead, I recommend that you answer “I'm working on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to offer them products that they are really interested in, so I need to do some research first and also whet their interest in my brand! "

This is usually more understandable to people, and represents. It's a way to warm up potential customers by introducing them to you. By showing a natural interest in your business, they engage (with your business), making it easier for you to offer them something to buy.

As part of a larger marketing plan, lead generation falls into the second phase. This step follows after you've attracted your audience and are ready to convert those visitors to for your salespeople. As you can see in the diagram below, lead generation is a fundamental step in converting a simple visitor to your customer.

How can you qualify leads?

As you already know, a lead is a person who has shown an interest in your company's products or services. Now let's discuss the ways of manifesting this very interest.

Apparently, lead generation is about collecting information. This information can be collected using a job application form that the applicant fills out, using a coupon that was issued to the buyer in exchange for his contact information, or using a form on the Internet, after filling out which users can download any educational materials. ...

These are just a few of the methods you can use to characterize a given visitor as a lead. In addition, such methods allow you to determine the degree of interest of a person in your company. Let's take a look at each scenario separately:

3. Content: downloading a coupon indicates that the person has a direct interest in your product or services, content (educational books or webinars), but the content itself cannot give you such information. Therefore, in order to really determine the level of interest of a visitor, we need to collect more information.

These three general examples show us how lead generation can differ from company to company, and from one visitor to another. You need to gather enough information to determine if the person really has an interest, or is just being fooled by whatever they are asked to fill out.

Let's take as an example. They use educational webinars to generate leads and collect 7 points of information from potential buyers and leads:

As you can see, the landing page is trying to find out:

  1. Name: basic information for interaction
  2. Last name: basic information for interaction
  3. Email: this information will allow you to offer services by email
  4. Company name: This information will allow you to determine how and whether your product will help the buyer to benefit at all (mainly used when working in B2B format)
  5. Position: information in order to understand the position of a person in business, in order to build appropriate interaction with him. Each stakeholder will have a certain stake in the business, and therefore the prospects for your proposal will also differ from person to person.
  6. Phone number: Typically, a phone number is only used when identifying strong interest, which will ensure that your call is not sudden and intrusive to the person.
  7. Timeline of the project: ends his survey with a very specific question that allows you to determine how to communicate with the lead.

If you want to know about other, complex methods for collecting information, as well as what you need to ask in questionnaires, then you can read about it here. But let's continue ... Back to basics ...

Lead generation mechanism

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the overall marketing process, let's look at the main components of the lead generation process:

1. Landing page: landing or is a web page that a visitor comes to with specific intentions. While landing pages can be used for many purposes, lead generation is considered one of the most useful.

2. Questionnaires and forms: Landing pages usually contain forms of several fields, filling out which, the visitor provides you with their contact information and at the same time informs about the interest in your company.

4. Call to action: A call-to-action (or call-to-action) is an image, button or message that encourages the site visitor to take some action. When it comes to lead generation, this component encourages visitors (yes, you guessed it!) To fill out a form on the landing page. Now do you understand how all this is connected with each other?

Once you put all these elements together, you can use different promotional channels to link and drive traffic to your landing pages, which in turn will generate leads. Here's a small example of lead generation:

You should now have an idea of ​​how the lead generation engine works. But remember that this is just a baseline and there is still a lot to learn. So stay tuned for the news!

In this lesson, we will talk about the benefits of attracting customers via the Internet, we will figure out what lead generation is and what it consists of.

So, you are an active or just a novice entrepreneur.

You are faced with the task of making a profit through the sale of a certain product: a product or service. At the moment, in the conditions of fierce competition in almost any business, the key problem of this task is the formation of a flow of customers.

How to create a customer flow?

We propose the following formula: find, interest and sell.

First you need to find potential clients or make them find you. Next, you need to form their interest in your proposal, somehow stand out in the crowd of competitors. And at the last stage, you need to "put the squeeze" on the client and make a deal.

Business promotion on the Internet

Most likely, you have already realized the importance of the issue of finding clients and thought about how to solve this issue. There are many ways, about which a huge number of articles and books have been written. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at the benefits of attracting customers via the Internet.

Huge audience. The ubiquity of the Internet and the development of mobile technology leads to the fact that more and more people are looking for services and products of interest to them via the Internet. Anyone from anywhere in the world can get acquainted with your offer. Territorial restrictions no longer apply.

Instant effect. Modern technologies allow potential customers to find you almost immediately after launching an advertising campaign, which can take a few minutes to set up.

Measuring efficiency. A well-tuned customer acquisition system provides information on how much money was invested in the advertising campaign and how much income it brought. This allows you to properly reallocate the advertising budget.

Taken together, all these advantages have made the promotion of a business on the Internet one of the most effective ways to attract customers. However, it also has disadvantages.

Competition. Almost all modern companies and individual entrepreneurs use the worldwide network to find clients. Therefore, your advertisements will almost always be side by side with competitors' offers.

Complexity. To launch a full-fledged customer acquisition system, knowledge and skills of various specialists are required: designer, programmer, marketer, etc.

However, things are not so bad.

As for the competitors, they will always be. In our lessons, we will tell you how to make your offer more attractive and increase the chances that a potential client will choose you.

And to get rid of the need for a whole staff of specialists, the Extralead service will help, which allows you to start the process of attracting customers without any special knowledge.

Start attracting clients

What is lead generation?

This term has several definitions that emphasize one or another component. For now, we will focus on the simplest and most understandable option for beginners.

Lead generation Is the process of attracting customers.

Nothing complicated, right? Now phrases such as "start lead generation", "lead generation system", etc. should become clear. By the way, we will build a lead generation system, that is, a mechanism for attracting customers.

Now let's dig a little deeper.

The term "lead generation" consists of two words: "lead" and "generation". We will not explain the meaning of the second word, but the concept of "lead" is one of the key in our field.

Lead- this is a potential client who has shown interest in your proposal and left contacts to communicate with him.

The simplest synonym for this concept in Russian is the word "application". Let's look at an example. Let's say we are selling fashion accessories and we have a website where you can find our phone, as well as a feedback form. If a visitor fills out this form, specifying his phone number, and clicks the "Send" button, then they say that "the lead came", or "he left a lead." Indeed, we have a potential client and we know his contacts for communication. Lead can be called both the potential client himself and only his contacts.

It is very important to understand that a lead is not yet a sale and is not equated to a closed deal. This is just an opportunity that seasoned entrepreneurs never miss.

Let's get back to the concept of "lead generation". We can now formulate the definition as follows.

Lead generation Is a set of measures aimed at getting leads.

Let's look at an example. Alexander is a high school math teacher in a small town. He decides to take up tutoring in his free time from the main work. He creates a website that describes all its benefits and student reviews. Then he advertises this site, for example, using city forums and thematic sites. Parents of schoolchildren go to the site, study information and leave contacts for communication, or they themselves call. Thus, Alexander receives a stream of potential customers who are interested in his services. Alexander launched lead generation, which allowed him to earn additional income.

We hope that the terms "lead" and "lead generation" will no longer give you any trouble and we can move on.

The main stages of lead generation

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What kind of lead is there?

What it is?

Paul O'Neill spoke about the function of a lead in the most succinct and laconic way: “You have to grab the reader by the throat in the first paragraph, squeeze them firmly in the second and hold him against the wall to the last line”. Hence, we understand that Lead is the most important paragraph in the entire article. A more scientific definition of a lead is this: a lead is the introductory part, the first paragraph; the main news of the event, its essence, taken out at the beginning. It allows you to immediately introduce the reader to the content. The classic lead answers six questions (the same ones that helped the nosy journalist earn a hundred thousand):

- when? - where? - what? - who? - why? - how?

It should be noted that in modern journalism there is a tendency to use an alternative lead - ϶ᴛᴏ lead variant that answers only one of the questions presented. Lead himself became no more than twenty lines in size, which is considered the ideal size for the first paragraph. At the same time, before writing material, it is extremely important to understand some issues for yourself. So, you have to choose the type of lead, the style of presentation and the person from which the story will be conducted. The second and third point for a journalist is a purely personal matter and does not require intervention, but the first, perhaps, should be clarified.

Summary- a lead containing a summary of events. This leader often answers three or four out of six questions.

Unit- this type of lead focuses the reader's attention on only one, the most important aspect, which is played up in the first paragraph.

Dramatic- the kind of lead that leads the reader along the edge of a knife, while heating him up to the last sentence. Part of the intrigue is revealed͵ what to expect next? ...

We have already said that a post should start with an interesting, unusual introduction - a lead. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Lead - the beginning of a note, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is designed to attract the attention of the reader, to interest him. Leads vary in volume. It should be one word or sentence, if the material is small, and there should be a whole paragraph, if the material is sufficiently informative and if the genre of the newspaper article allows. The main requirement is the originality of the lead.

Also, leads differ in their form and method of presentation. We offer the following lead classification:

‣‣‣ Inverted pyramid.

At the very beginning, you tell the reader the essence of the event, and then there is only a description of the details, an explanation of the initial statement. This type of lead is mainly used in alarm messages warning of a danger or a threat.

‣‣‣ Voltage boost. You start as if from afar, gradually, with each new

a sentence leading the reader to the most exciting moment, constantly

stirring up his interest. At the same time, you run the risk of disappointing part of the audience if you use this technique when describing an ordinary fact. For this reason, this type of lead is used in materials dedicated to extraordinary, interesting, and sometimes tragic events.

The evening is great. Sasha and Lera have a first date. Lera, of course, put on her most beautiful dress and graceful heels.

Walking around the evening city, they soon got tired and decided to sit on a bench in the park.

Time flew by quickly, and it was time to leave. Sasha got up and held out his hand to Le-re. But the unexpected happened.

Lead generation, what does it mean

Many of us have heard the word lead generation, but few have a clear idea of ​​what it is. In this article we will tell you what lead generation is at Master Lead.

So, lead generation is an effective, relatively new in our country, marketing tool on the Internet, which is used by companies - lead generators in order to attract potential consumers of certain products and services. This mechanism has long been used by many Western companies, but in our country it has been developed since 2008.


Leads are certain actions of specific consumers who are selected according to the parameters specified by the lead customers.

Leads represent

  • a purchase order made on the website;
  • already placed orders;
  • a phone call to the organization providing the product;
  • completed questionnaires, indicating the person's full contact details, including a real phone number, e-mail, a description of a product or service that a potential client wishes to receive from the company.

Lead generation is the most profitable and affordable way to get real customers.

Our company "Master Lead" offers its partners only real consumers who really want to purchase your product, and confirm this desire with concrete actions.

Your task is to offer the client what he needs and close the deal. It must be said that lead generation is not traditional advertising, which is not effective enough nowadays, it is not promoting a company and improving its image. This is the real attraction of real people to your product.

It should be clarified that lidgen is the most popular method that gives a visible and quick result, since a potential buyer is directly affected.

Advantages of lead generation

  • attracting customers who are ready to purchase a product;
  • payment is made exclusively for a specific result;
  • correct assessment of the result obtained;
  • expansion of the base, leading to the promotion of the business and allowing to increase profits and reduce advertising costs of the company, customer leads;
  • getting clients from the Internet.

We have an unlimited number of quality leads that we offer to our partners.

Lead Generation Methods That Work Most Effectively

  • personal contact with a potential client through telephone conversations. We compile a database of consumers for your parameters;
  • monitoring and researching the interests of potential buyers;
  • Internet mailing to e-mail, offers to fill out a questionnaire on the website, SMS mailing, etc.

To attract a clientele to your company, you need to properly motivate people to take action, you must interest them in certain benefits, tell them about the benefits of your product. If you motivate a person correctly, he will make a purchase and move from the category of a potential buyer to a real customer. Even if at the moment he is not ready to take an action and acquire something, but seeing your attitude towards him, the person will definitely return to you.

Our experts will professionally conduct a search for a client and attract him to the product.

These actions of ours will help to promote and expand your business. You will no longer need to be distracted by the problems associated with finding a buyer.

As you know, most potential consumers are actively looking for the product they need on weekends or after work. How not to lose these clients? We offer the creation of a system "lead generation" automatically. What it is? It's simple - this is a convenient marketing tool that allows you to collect contacts of potential consumers on the Internet around the clock.

Want to know better what lead generation is, understand its benefits, contact us, use our services. We will provide you with a real clientele that will match the parameters.

Advantages of working with the "Master Lead" company

  • You yourself determine how many leads (applications) you need at this stage of working with the lead generator
  • Only those applications that fit the parameters set by the customer are paid for
  • We bring you leads from real people
  • Ideal opportunity to expand your customer base without high costs
  • You do your own thing - we supply consumers with the goods and services that your company offers.

If you are interested in a new technology, want to change the approach to website promotion and attracting consumers to the product, call us.

We have something to offer you!

You will probably be interested in learning how to track the number and sources of leads within a modern web analytics system. Sources and number of leads is a very important metric that you need to constantly monitor. This regular action helps to keep track of visitors and draw conclusions that will help you use only the most effective marketing strategies to promote your project. Today you will learn more about these metrics and learn how to track their values ​​yourself.

Leads and lead generation

How to track the number and sources of leads you will learn in the following sections, but now let's take a look at the meanings of important concepts and understand why they are used as tools. The concept of lead generation was brought to the domestic market by Western marketers, who have long been using it as one of the main tools for managing the flow of potential customers.

It is customary to call a lead a client who is in the status of a potential. That is, this is a person who has read the advertising notice about the project on the Internet, through the radio or other popular sources. Lida cannot be considered a client of the company, but in the future he may well become one. Here are the stages a lead goes through before obtaining client status:

  • familiarization with advertising information about the goods or services provided;
  • the need for advertised services, allowing a person to become a part of the audience of potential buyers;
  • visits to the company's website or making a phone call;
  • subscribing to the newsletter or ordering feedback.

Marketers are constantly on the lookout for ways to maximize lead generation. In this they are helped by the process of lead generation, that is, finding and attracting potential customers. For successful lead generation, a specialist will need the ability to calculate costs and plan the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

How do you attract potential customers?

Lead generation is a process that is actively used not only by holding companies, large companies and corporations, but even by small business projects that need to expand their client audience. To control the flow and conversion, it is much easier to attract leads on the Internet. In addition, this method greatly facilitates the analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the most popular traffic sources on the network:

  • Targeted advertising. This method helps to attract representatives of the target audience through social networks, which are now so popular;
  • Contextual advertising. This method can be activated through special add-ons of popular search engines. Their algorithm invites users to familiarize themselves with ads who have previously searched the network for something similar and suitable for the topic;
  • Network lead exchange. On such sites, you can simply buy out the contacts of potential customers who are probably interested in the service provided by the company;
  • Aggregator sites.

    These are specialized resources that store a database of custom offers and ads;

  • Blogs. This method works like a positive feedback about a product or service.

    In addition, you can spread it through thematic communities on social networks and e-mails.

How to track leads: basic information?

Initially, the specialist must know what the customers are. We are not talking about the number of visits to the resource, but about the number of its unique visitors. This indicator is the basis for drawing up a plan for the effective sale of traffic. It will not be superfluous to check, which will help to find out about the search engines and browsers leading to the site. These metrics allow you to fix several parameters that affect the success of your campaign.

The above metrics can be tracked using personalized hyperlinks that are installed for each web page in the project. They help collect data about traffic sources, helping to further analyze them. The creation of comparative statistics charts allows you to understand the effectiveness of a particular type of advertising. We are talking about mailing, applications, banners and the results of their conversion. The marketer must study all the options in order to choose the most profitable for a developing project.
Questionnaires are very helpful in generating leads. Questions in such forms should be extremely important and relevant, because no one will like filling out a questionnaire with a lot of meaningless questions.

Using the Yandex.Metrica service to track leads

The addition to the popular domestic search engine Yandex helps to track clicks, form submissions, web page transitions and other statistical data. To use the Yandex.Metrica service, a specialist needs to register in the resource. It will then be provided with a tracking code to place at the bottom of each page you inspect.

To track events on the site, the user will have to figure out the parameters that will help set up the goals. This option includes observing the sources and the number of leads, which are so important for the optimal functioning of the project. Editing the parameters of the "Event" target will be needed to monitor the submission of forms and calls. Here you need to fill in the proposed fields and specify a unique user identifier for the goal for the correct collection of statistical information. After inserting a unique identifier into the code of the website page, it will start transmitting the page statistics to the search engine server. The ID is added through the onclick attribute entry for displaying and submitting the form.

The metric counter number and target ID can be completely different. The main thing is to write them in, focusing on personal goals and priorities in the development of a web project. If we talk about a custom form, now after clicking the "Submit" button, the webmaster will receive a questionnaire or an order, and "Yandex.Metrica" ​​will receive the identifier you have set.

Call tracking for lead tracking

Call tracking is also an integral part of keeping track of the number and sources of leads. To do this, you can use the popular Call Tracking service when it comes to a landline number. The specialists of this project independently install the counter on the site, as well as implement the option of dynamic substitution of numbers.

You will have to pay for this service, but there is no free worthy analogue to it. But you will be able to regularly receive a report, which will contain the sources of leads and their number associated with phone calls to the company.


We hope this article helped you understand the concept of lead generation and the process of attracting potential clients for a project.

When using these statistics, it is important to consider not only the needs of the business, but also the opinions of the leads. Now that you know how to track the number and sources of leads, you can use the data from your web analytics tools to drive revenue and maximize monetization.

This article is a continuation of a series about leads, lead forms, lead generation. We have already devoted several articles to this.

I would like to remind you that a lead form is one of the main parts of a landing page, which is directly related to conversion.

Today our focus is on the main elements of a lead form:

1. Location of the form

A simple rule applies here - the lead form should be positioned so that the user immediately sees it. That is, at the top of the landing page.

2. Lead form sizes

Probably the most important moment is how many fields should be in the lead form. A small form will, of course, make the user want to fill it out.

But the longer form tends to lead to better quality leads. After all, people who fill out a large number of fields and spend time on this are already ready to buy. No wonder they write so much about themselves.

We can draw the following conclusion: the short form will collect more leads in terms of the number, but the quality will suffer. With a long form, the quantity will not please, but the quality will be much higher.

Quick tip: test the size of your lead form on your landing page.

3. Mandatory fields

That is, what information is really important. Because often a lot of things are requested that are not really that important.

Remember: Your task is to gather contacts to establish communication. All details can be found out later. Usually, a name and a contact method are sufficient.

Sometimes, depending on the type of your activity, it will be appropriate to find out the name of the company where the user works, his position, the website of the organization. If the user gave answers, then he is interested in the deal.

But when drawing up a lead form, be careful about whether you need so much information. Try to minimize the shape.

Test different forms on your landing page - short and long.

4. Safety of user data

In order for the user to leave their data, he must be sure of their safety. And you have to take care of this.

Be sure to post a security certificate next to the lead form.

Remember: the safety of user data should not only be in words.

5. STA element

This button is usually placed with a lead form. By clicking it, the user confirms his information.

On the button, you can place an inscription that will nudge the user to fill out the form.

As a conclusion:

- give your landing page a professional look;
- don't forget about design;
- check the fields in the lead form again;
- conduct regular tests.

Good sales to you!

Lead generation is about more than contextual advertising, landing pages, blog posts, and other common ways. In this article, you will learn how to get user contacts using online surveys.

For Runet, the method is new and very promising, because people love all kinds of tests and quizzes. So, see 3 cases of how this mechanic works.

Knowledge test

The first example is the online educational service The project's marketers have incorporated the Test Your Excel Skills test into the program's instruction manual. Before the survey, the page brought in 20 subscribers per month, after that - 500.

The survey includes several tasks that test for knowledge of the material just passed. The person read the instructions and immediately saw the result. Moreover, the form is very simple, through the statement: "The column can be inserted only using the top toolbar." The options are "Yes / No".

After users have answered seven questions, they see the form. Of course, the offer can be skipped, but 30% of the participants agreed. Thus, SkilledUp received 6,413 new subscribers.

To create it, you need to choose an informative page that attracts a lot of traffic. Let's say "50 Things You Should Know About Excel." Then prepare the test and insert it as an interactive element on the selected page. To get leads, offer users a newsletter with helpful tips. For example, "Exclusive Excel Features" or "Using Hot Keys in a Program."

Poll on popular site materials

Popular content on your site is a great source of leads. The creators of, a travel service based on Google Analytics, found that the most popular posts were “What to do in a certain country”. The editors took five countries as a basis and prepared the test "Where should you go in 2015?"

The survey includes a series of fun questions like "What would you like to eat?" They are informal and sound like a friend of yours asked them over a cup of coffee.

After that, users see a form where they are offered to subscribe to the newsletter and get more information about different countries of the world. Readers can enter an email, or opt out and go straight to viewing the results.

This test brought Afar 5,826 subscribers out of 13,000 participants.

To implement, you need to follow three steps:

  • Use Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics to determine the most popular posts on your site;
  • Prepare questions on the materials of the most read posts and create a survey;
  • Offer a subscription to related posts.

Test with answers to user questions

Eastern International College presented the survey "What specialty should I choose?" This is a serious topic for potential college students, so they gladly agree to participate.

The test contains questions like "Do you like it more ..." that help you understand your preferences and make your choice of a profession.

Before submitting the results, a form appears in the survey, where the user must enter their contacts. After that, the applicant sees the recommended profession with all the information necessary for admission. 330 out of 550 participants have registered.


Wish you high sales!

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