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Personal information resources example. Main types of electronic information

  • 5.2. Key competencies
  • 5.3. Proposals for further development of a competency-based approach to the content of general education
  • II. Updating the content of education
  • 1. New approaches to educational standards General provisions
  • Proposed legislative changes
  • The operational nature of the standard
  • Follow-up suggestions
  • 2. General requirements for curricula
  • 3. Development of concepts for the content of educational areas Description of the problem
  • Critical analysis of the developed concepts of educational areas (for a 12-year school) 3
  • Proposals for further work
  • 2. Ensure the unity of the general didactic foundations for the formation of educational
  • III. The main problems of modernizing the levels of general education
  • 1. Primary school
  • 2. Basic school
  • 3. Profile high school Initial ideas
  • Profile school and uniform exams
  • Structure of specialized education
  • 55% – 25% -20%.
  • Proposals for further work To develop a structure of specialized education in senior grades (interrelated with the planned structure of unified exams).
  • IV. The main directions of modernization of the quality assessment system in the school education system
  • 1. Problems of compliance of the existing quality assessment system with the tasks of modernization of education
  • 2. Quality assessment and key competencies
  • 3. Quality assessment and educational standard
  • 4. Quality assessment and uniform examination
  • 5. Proposed system for further work
  • V. Experiment
  • 1. General Provisions
  • Modern script
  • 2. Experimental schools. Incentive measures
  • 3. Proposed directions of experimental work11
  • Appendices Appendix 1. Modular organization of educational material (updating the structure of the content of education and forms of organization of the educational process)
  • Appendix 2. On the composition of information resources used in teaching individual subjects
  • Information resources include:
  • Appendix 3. Map "Psychological and pedagogical conditions of education renewal"
  • Appendix 4. The principles of student-centered education in teacher training
  • Appendix 5. Ways to improve the quality of teaching foreign languages ​​at school
  • 3. Requirements for the basic curriculum
  • 4. Unified National Examination
  • 5. Standards, programs, textbooks
  • Experimental basic curriculum
  • Basic curriculum of elementary school of the Russian Federation with Russian as the mother tongue of instruction - option 3a
  • Examples of working curricula Primary school curriculum with Russian language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • Primary school curriculum with Russian as the language of instruction (lesson duration - 35 min.)
  • Basic curriculum of elementary school of the Russian Federation with non-Russian mother tongue option - 3a1
  • Examples of working curricula Curriculum of schools with a non-Russian native language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • The curriculum of schools with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction (lesson duration - 35 min.)
  • Basic curriculum of the basic school of the Russian Federation with Russian as the mother tongue of instruction - option - 3 b
  • Basic curriculum of the basic school of the Russian Federation with Russian as the mother tongue of instruction - option 3b´
  • Examples of working curricula Curriculum of a basic school with Russian as the language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • Curriculum for schools with in-depth study of a foreign language (the language of instruction is Russian, the duration of the lesson is 45 minutes)
  • Basic school curriculum with native (non-Russian) language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • 12-Year School (6 years of study in basic school)
  • Basic curriculum
  • The main 12-year school of the Russian Federation with Russian as the mother tongue of instruction
  • Option - 3b
  • Sample curricula Curriculum for schools with the Russian language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • Basic curriculum of the basic school of the Russian Federation with a non-Russian native language of instruction - option - 3 b1
  • Sample curricula Curriculum for schools with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • Basic curriculum of the high school of the Russian Federation option - 3c
  • Examples of working curricula Curriculum of a multidisciplinary school with Russian as the language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • The curriculum of a multidisciplinary school with Russian as the language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • The curriculum of a multidisciplinary school with Russian as the language of instruction (lesson duration - 45 min.)
  • In accordance with the proposed plan, the amount of the minimum budget financing is:
  • 11 Years School
  • 12-year school
  • Appendix 2. On the composition of information resources used in teaching individual subjects

      Information resources, like computers, we repeat, are only one of the components and directions of work on informatization. All directions are critical.

      Development and approval of the regulatory framework.

      System of design, planning, monitoring, promotion, PR.

      Personnel, additional salary fund, professional development, retraining, methodological support, community support, including remote forms.

      Educational information resources, licenses, adaptation and development, replication, delivery.

      Telecommunication environment.

      Computers and additional equipment required to use them.

      Retrofitting of existing premises, installation, commissioning, technical training user, maintenance, repair, improvement, disposal, consumables.

      Among information resources, “electronic textbooks on specific subjects” are sometimes considered the main ones; however, in accordance with domestic and world experience, this resource is not the main one.

    Information resources include:

      System software, usually supplied with hardware ( operating system computer drivers external devices) necessary for the operation of the equipment.

      General purpose software, which make it possible to work with all types of information (see above), in particular, to create and assemble text and hyper-multimedia compositions, presentations, information and reference arrays and place them on the Internet, more narrowly specialized production software and their training options are adjacent to them that allow you to conduct educational analogues of such activities as design, video editing, etc. at school.

      Sources of information- organized information arrays - encyclopedias on CD, information sites and Internet search engines, including those specialized for educational applications. A special role among information resources is played by computer catalogs of non-computer resources, for example, libraries published by educational literature etc.

      Virtual constructors, allowing the creation of visual and symbolic imitations model mathematical and physical reality and experiment with these models.

      Trainers, allowing to develop automatic skills of working with information objects - entering text, operating with graphic objects on the screen, etc., written and oral communication in a virtual language environment.

      Test environments, allowing authors training courses and teachers to design and apply specific test items and systems in which the student receives the assignment in whole or in part through the computer, and the result of the assignment is also fully or partially evaluated by the computer; assessment is used in the work by the student himself or the teacher.

      Production and training programming languages, allowing you to receive practical reinforcement in the study of mathematical informatics, especially with its in-depth study.

      Comprehensive training packages(electronic textbooks) - combinations of software of the types listed above, - in the most automating the educational process in its traditional forms, the most laborious to create (upon reaching a reasonable quality and level of usefulness), as a rule, limiting the independence of the teacher and student.

      Information and management systems, ensuring the passage of information flows between all participants in the educational process - students, teachers, administration, parents, the public - and the most convenient presentation of information related to the educational process for them.

    From the point of view of the current priorities of the education system, these types of information resources have a different status. Absence system software, corresponding to the equipment, makes it simply impossible to work with a computer and other devices, the presence of illegal ("pirated") copies of these tools, which takes place in a large number educational institutions, is a violation of current legislation, especially serious for equipment purchased recently. A similar situation takes place with general software providing main applications computer for students, teacher, school manager. Sources of information(on the Internet, on various media, for example, CD, DVD) are necessary for the implementation of the directions of modernization of the education system, corresponding to the independent work of students with information. Virtual constructors for the corresponding educational areas allow to implement a research, project model of the student's educational activity, which is one of the topical directions in the development of modern education. Qualitative simulators can provide significant assistance in the development of individual skills in various models of the educational process. Test Systems have limited application, providing only one direction of educational activity - certification, moreover, partially and one-sidedly. Programming languages can be an interesting and important element of the educational environment, but the traditional form of their use in the computer science course is unjustified today and needs to be revised. Comprehensive training systems in some cases, they provide for the needs of independent educational work of students (including for preparation for universities), but so far they have found limited application in the educational process, as integral products, as a rule, it is possible to use only their individual functions.

    Really useful and widely used information resources in world and domestic school education have gone through the path of repeated approbation and many years of improvement, the formation of their own educational methodology and even philosophy. For example, the path Logo(in domestic versions - Logowriter for computers of previous generations, LogoMir for modern computers, PervoLogo for teaching literacy on modern computers). The logo corresponds to the goals and priorities of education modernization, combining a general-purpose software environment, a virtual designer and an educational and production programming language. Thus, the Logo covers the main areas of ICT use in schools.

      Thus, within the framework of the informatization program Russian school the main direction of work with information resources should be the analysis of available and tested domestic and foreign resources, the formation of a state order for their revision, improvement, methodological support (methodological materials supported through the Internet projects). Along with this, certain funds can be invested in the development, testing, experimental implementation of various new resources. Among the latter, the most real and significant may be work on information and reference systems, with a developed and debugged "navigation" (hyperstructure) system. An example of such a system, the development of which has advanced far enough and which is in trial operation, is the base geometric problems(Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education).

    One of the sources of materials for the creation of other such databases are the information arrays (collections) of museums, film studios (Soyuznauchfilm), video studios, archives, encyclopedias, reference, dictionary, atlas, cartographic publications available in the Russian Federation. It is necessary to develop a program for acquiring rights to use these information arrays and collections, as well as the corresponding information arrays of foreign countries in the original language and in translation into Russian. In parallel with this, work should go on converting these arrays into an electronic (digital) format (recognition, proofreading, text formatting, digitization, image editing, etc.).

    During the implementation of the informatization project, these arrays will form the basis of specialized information and reference resources for most school subjects to be posted on the Internet, on electronic media. (This will include sources on literature, history, original texts of the classics of natural science, etc. Geographic, historical, botanical, zoological, anatomical atlases, filming of real natural and technical processes - natural and man-made disasters, rocket launches, micro-filming).

    These resources can become an essential national information resource of not only educational, but also general cultural and scientific value.

    From an educational point of view, an important resource should be the Internet versions of scientific and educational and popular science magazines ("Quant", "Chemistry and Life", "Nature", "Technology of Youth", etc.). They can restore the educational value that they had for the Soviet school and even expand it through dialogue forms of direct work of scientists with schoolchildren. On the other hand, in various countries, including Russia, educational sites on the Internet are beginning to form, on the one hand containing large amounts of essential information, on the other hand, maintaining a constant dialogue between authors, researchers, famous scientists and school teachers, students, such sites, often only partially reflected in "paper" form, are the most important information resources that need support.

      A number of applied software systems not for general office, but for more specialized, industrial purposes should be used at school, if necessary, in an adapted version and with appropriate methodological support. These include computer-aided design systems (in the Technology course), geographic information systems (Geography, ecology, history, local history), video audio editing systems, systems for automating an experiment and analyzing its results, etc.

    Technological simulators should be developed, first of all, for blind computer input (typing simulators exist in large numbers both in Russia and in other countries, including those that are open for laying a teaching strategy and educational material).

    It is advisable to announce a competition for the specification and then develop a test shell that is compatible with hypermedia systems for presenting information and the most flexible in terms of the didactic format of tests. The shell options should be suitable for use in a variety of testing situations, from teacher-developed tests to a nationwide uniform exam.

      Virtual constructors in physics are actually used in school education in various countries, for example Interactive Physics (Russian adaptation - "Living Physics"). Among the Russian developments, the most advanced is Fizikon (Open Physics).

    In mathematics, there are a number of geometric virtual constructors (for example, Cabri geometry) and algebraic constructors (Drayve). Recently, the use of integrated constructors in algebra and geometry has begun (the latest versions of "Living Geometry" and KUDIC products, provided with teaching materials on Russian courses).

    The most widely used, universal and methodologically provided information resource, including virtual constructors, is the above-mentioned Logo. Its main application is its use as a universal user design environment in primary school, but it can also be used in modules of mathematical informatics at all levels. Among Russian systems, "Robotland" plays a somewhat similar role.

    As the most effective means of studying mathematical informatics in secondary and senior Russian schools, "Ku-Mir" is used, in some modules it has close foreign analogs (which shows a certain stability, versatility and approbation of the approach). This system is also integrated with a number of educational environments for general applications. On the other hand, it can also be considered as an environment for educational and production programming for high school certain profiles.

    As can be seen from all the previous, it is not so much the development of new completed products that is very important, but the constant active methodological work on the basis of existing, created, developing information resources.

    Concept information(from lat.informatio - explanation, presentation) is interpreted as intelligence transmitted by people orally, in writing or in another way (using conditioned signals, technical means etc.).

    Information, or information about the world around, a person receives in the processes of direct interaction with this world and the study of various phenomena, as well as from other people orally, with the help of books, letters, telephone, radio, film and television, modern information systems(individual computers, local and global networks, such as the Internet), etc. In the work of various technical devices(automata) information exchange is also included data() between themselves and their separate parts.

    Given the breadth of interpretation and practical use this concept in the modern world information transformation and achievements, information is quite often understood in different interpretations of different facts and data, events and phenomena, as well as processes occurring in nature, technology or society. For example, in some textbooks and manuals, the essence of information is presented as a process:

    • exchange information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton (a general scientific concept);
    • exchange signals in the animal and plant world;
    • transmission of signs from cell to cell, from organism to organism (genetic information).

    Thus, at present, due to the many different approaches and views of researchers and practitioners on the role, meaning and essence of information in nature and in various areas of human activity, a single, clear and unambiguous definition of information has not yet been developed.

    From the standpoint of the scientific and applied interpretation of the problem, information is the content itself, that is, the meaning of a message (signal) or information about something, considered in the process of their transmission and at the moment of perception.

    Under message means presented or transmitted information in various forms (text, speech, image, digital or analog signals, etc.). Moreover, an elementary message means any of the transmitted signs or signals. It is customary to consider messages in time as continuous or discrete.

    Continuous message- presented and transmitted information in the form of a continuous function of time of various processes and fluctuations of physical quantities.

    The message is discrete- presented and transmitted information in the form of a sequence discrete signals or signs.

    The essence of information is that it is concentrated in knowledge() that a person receives by comprehending the message that comes to him. If the latter does not give a person new knowledge for him, then there is no information in the message. On the other hand, the knowledge that is necessary, new for a person, but the same in meaning, can be contained in different messages that are different in nature. For example, reports of scientists on signs of possible biological life on Mars were made at conferences and meetings, published in scientific publications, publications on this topic were on radio, in newspapers, magazines, as well as in electronic publications.

    Thus, the forms and volumes of messages containing the same knowledge (the same information) can be completely different. In this case, one thought or knowledge of a certain nature, i.e. one information can be presented using various formal and informal languages, with varying degrees of detail, with possible repetitions, etc. Any message has its own characteristics of its description, including quantitative. For example, data is sent in digital form with a volume of 1 MB or a text message in Russian with a volume of 2 KB is received. The presence of the information itself in these messages can only be determined by the recipient of this message, extracting new knowledge from it.

    It should be noted that the information that has come to the recipient and is already known to him does not give new knowledge, and therefore, the information in this case for the recipient is equal to Zero. Such information turns out to be useless for him, and messages are meaningless and costly.

    Note one more important circumstance: mistakes made during the formation of a message, or possible distortions of the latter in the process of transmission or reception, will lead to a mandatory change in the form and, most often, the volume of the message, but the information may not change at all, but may be probabilistically partially or be completely destroyed.

    For example, in a telegram sent to the addressee with the following content: "Meet on July 11 at 14 o'clock at the Yaroslavl station, train 23, car 7" - the loss of the prepositions "in", "on" and all commas does not imply a decrease in information, i.e. the message in this case decreases in volume, and its meaning (the amount of knowledge or the amount of information) is completely preserved. The loss of a part of this message, for example "14 o'clock" or "car 7", reduces its volume, and also reduces the amount of information - in this case, knowledge that needs to be additionally obtained in order to make the right decision in the current situation partially disappeared. Missing the date (July 11) in the telegram leads to a complete loss of information - the rest of the message becomes meaningless for some kind of decision. Misrepresenting any number in the above text causes the recipient to make a completely wrong decision.

    In another classic example of the following message: "Execution cannot be pardoned", a mistake in the place of inserting a comma can lead to a complete loss of information and decision-making with tragic consequences. The possible disappearance of a comma leads to a contradictory, meaningless and absurd message, which in its essence contains no information. Summarizing the above, let us clarify that message and information are concepts that differ in essence. A message is only a shell, an information carrier; the information itself may or may not be contained in the message. The quantity and quality of information can only be determined by the recipient. Hence, information is subjective and random. Information is always some new knowledge or information embedded in the message. The converse statement: information is information - it is not always true, because information may not bring new knowledge to the recipient.

    Let us emphasize the essence of information, contained in knowledge, which is a direct consequence of a person's needs to effectively act in the world around him. In this case, it is necessary to have an idea or reliable knowledge about what a person is dealing with, about objects, phenomena, processes - in general, objects with which you will have to interact, i.e. it is necessary to have constant information about what is happening in living and inanimate nature. The more information, the more knowledge, the better the presentation, the more successful the action associated with these objects will be.

    It is advisable to subdivide knowledge into strategic that may be useful in the future, and tactical, reflecting the specifics of the current situation and necessary for the formation of momentary behavior.

    Consideration of the concept of "information" from the point of view of the semantic content of messages and the acquisition of new knowledge by a person is inherent in semantic approach(or semantics), which examines the relationship of messages to the information or knowledge that they express. In this case, sign systems are considered as means of expressing a certain meaning, dependencies (if any) are established between the structure of symbol combinations and their expressive abilities to form meaningful texts.

    A syntactically correct phrase of a message may turn out to be semantically incorrect. For example, the message "The length of the road is 1000 tons" is grammatically correct, but it does not make any sense.

    Distinguish logical semantics as a section of logic devoted to the study of the meanings of concepts and judgments, as well as their formal analogs - expressions of various calculi (formal systems) and structural semantics as a section of structural linguistics dedicated to the description of the meaning of linguistic expressions and operations on them.

    Currently, semantic analysis is widely used, covering a set of operations that serve to represent the meaning of a text in a natural language in the form of a record in some formalized semantic (semantic) language. At the same time, the process of human understanding of the text is modeled. The adequacy of modeling (completeness and accuracy of translation from a natural language into a semantic one) depends on the capabilities of the semantic language, the development of translation rules, and the accuracy of correlating natural language units with semantic units.

    Semantic analysis is one of the stages of automatic translation, during which the semantic language acts as an intermediary language. A kind of semantic analysis is indexing in information retrieval systems, i.e. presentation of the content of documents and queries in terms of information languages.

    In contrast to semantics syntactic approach(or syntactics) is aimed at studying sign systems from the point of view of their syntax, regardless of any interpretations and problems associated with the perception of sign systems as means of communication and communication. The subject of analysis in this case is: the frequency of occurrence of symbols, i.e., the characters of the code, the relationship between them, the sequence, their structural organization, rules for constructing and transforming expressions with the help of which messages can be formed. In syntactics, messages are viewed as symbols abstracted from content, meaning, and their practical value for the recipient. Syntax in natural language corresponds to syntax.

    The third aspect of the concept of "information" is considered pragmatic approach(or pragmatics) and is associated with the study of the relationship of the received information directly to the recipient. This takes into account such characteristics of information as importance, usefulness, value, relevance. For example two the following information: "The patient has a temperature of 39.9 degrees C" and "The patient has a temperature of 36.6 degrees C" are absolutely equal in volume. Syntactically and semantically, they are completely the same. However, the first information in a pragmatic aspect is more important and relevant than the second, since it carries information that necessitates the adoption of urgent measures of a therapeutic nature.

    The above analytical approaches are the subject of research in the theory of signs (semiotics), in which sign systems are studied at three main levels: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. The informativeness of messages can be assessed at each of the three main levels of semiotics. At present, the problem of syntactic evaluation of information has been developed in the most detailed way. The problem of analyzing information at the level of the semantic approach is rather complicated and is at the stage of methodological development. It should be said that there are enough universal and effective mathematical measures for estimating semantic information not received yet. The study of the pragmatic aspect of information due to the absence of a rigorous general scientific theory of importance, utility or value is at an early stage.

    Based on the foregoing, let us define the concept of information. According to the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, information is defined as follows ():

    Law >

    Considering that the wording in the Law is static in nature of the presence or storage of information or knowledge, it is advisable to present the concept of information more broadly, taking into account its dynamic properties, considered at the time of transmission of information and its perception. Hence this concept is presented as follows:

    Definition >

    The science that studies quantitative and other patterns associated with the receipt, transmission, storage and processing of information is called information theory (sometimes the theory of messages). According to the accepted definition, information theory is a section of cybernetics, in which mathematical methods are used to study methods of measuring the amount of information contained in any messages, as well as methods of transferring, storing, retrieving and classifying information.

    2. Purpose of obtaining information

    In order to better understand what knowledge is needed and how to obtain it, it is necessary to determine the main goals of obtaining knowledge (or information) and their application. In general, the following five main goals of obtaining information can be formulated:

    1. cognitive;
    2. socio-behavioral;
    3. artistic and aesthetic;
    4. gaming;
    5. managerial.

    Cognitive the purpose of obtaining information is aimed at acquiring knowledge by a person about the structure of the surrounding world, about the laws of nature, the place and role of man, his relationship in the social environment, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and their use in practical activities, as well as knowledge in technical, humanitarian and other fields of science.

    This goal is achieved through family and (or) collective education and upbringing, self-education, as well as the creation of a multi-stage education system at the state or commercial level (from preschool to postgraduate and special). As a result of upbringing and education, a person receives a certain stock (or baggage) of strategic knowledge. The more and more diverse this knowledge, the more universally a person can use it, the more efficiently he will be able to build his behavior, the wider will be the practical or theoretical specialization of such an employee prepared for professional activity. The presence of strategic knowledge and the ability to replenish it characterize the level of human intellectual development, which, however, is the main goal of building a modern civilized society.

    Cognitive goals can also be narrow, subject-oriented, aimed at replenishing and deepening existing professional knowledge. Thus, in order to maintain their professional level, programmers in the modern world must constantly engage in education (including self-education) and the study of new software tools, in a large variety of information technology products that replenish the market.

    It should be noted that the accumulation of knowledge goes for the future without certain guarantees that it will be needed in the future. This duality of strategic knowledge is the need to use it in critical situations occurring in a probabilistic way, and the obvious redundancy in the absence of such is the inevitable price to pay for their universality.

    Socio-behavioral the purposes of obtaining information are not explicitly stated. They manifest themselves in the daily activities of a person in everyday life, in his communication with people, with the surrounding nature, in behavior in society, etc., that is, in those situations where operational or tactical knowledge is most often required this moment... The ability to perceive and process information in such situations depends mainly on genetically inherited properties, on inherent moral principles of behavior and, of course, on the amount of knowledge acquired as a result of upbringing and education.

    Goals artistic and aesthetic order associated with the constant striving of a person for spiritual enrichment, obtaining with the help of culture and art (literature, theater of painting, etc.) knowledge of the intellectual kind, causing his emotional experiences. Back in the 18th century. A. Baumgarten proposed a new concept - "the science of sensory knowledge" as a lower theory knowledge(), complementing logic, for which he introduced the term aesthetics (from the Greek aisthetikos - feeling, sensual) - a philosophical science that studies the sphere of the aesthetic as a specific manifestation of the value relationship between man and the world and the field of artistic activity of people. The main problem of philosophical and aesthetic thought of antiquity, the Middle Ages and, to a large extent, modern times is the problem of beauty. In this case, what is contained in works of art and culture, when communicating with them, is comprehended by a person individually, as a result of which knowledge about the spiritual values ​​of a person and the world around him is extracted, and this happens similarly to the processes of obtaining and extracting information in other areas - technology, economics, etc.

    Game goals obtaining information is aimed at making optimal decisions by the participants in the game, who pursue opposite interests during the game, which is a conflict situation. Since the parties involved in most conflicts are interested in hiding their intentions from the opponent, decision-making takes place in conditions of uncertainty, and obtaining any information about the plans (strategy) of the players and about the resource opportunities they have reduces the uncertainty on the side of the recipient this information and gives him a better chance of winning.

    Thus, information allows you to maximize the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome of the game due to a reasonable resolution of the conflict based on the available or received knowledge about the likely actions of the enemy.

    The class of games includes not only well-known traditional games - salon, board or home games (for example, chess, cards, dominoes), but also conflict situations arising in the economy (auctions, arbitration disputes, competition of industries, goods, etc.), in sports, in military affairs, in politics (for example, elections to government bodies in the presence of several candidates for one seat), etc. P.

    Conflict situations are characterized by the presence of many unknown factors and plans of the opposing sides and the lack of information about this, which creates difficulties for the direct analysis of such situations, the need for which is determined by the very purpose of the game. With this in mind, game theory was created as a branch of mathematics that studies methods and models for making optimal decisions in a conflict, that is, in a phenomenon in which various parties participate, endowed with various opportunities to choose the actions available to them in accordance with their interests.

    The game is essentially a process of unproductive human activity, the meaning of which lies not only in the result, but also in the process itself. This property of the game is currently widely used in the so-called business games. They allow you to play out various situations according to the rules set or developed by the participants of the game themselves.

    Thus, the information received by the participants in the process of a business game brings them new knowledge and skills of behavior in the conditions necessary for their professional activity, in situations that imitate real ones. Therefore, such information is also cognitive in nature.

    Play as a method of non-trivial information acquisition is of great importance in the upbringing, training and development of both children and adolescents and individual contingents of specialists, as well as in their acquisition of knowledge that provides psychological and intellectual preparation for future life situations.

    Management objectives obtaining information, unlike others listed above, are, as a rule, well formalized, since they are associated with tasks management(), which, in turn, consist in achieving certain, predetermined goals regarding the state or behavior of the selected control object.

    With the concept "control" the general scientific definition of a control system as a set of a controlled object and a control device (a set of means for collecting, processing or transforming, storing and transmitting information, as well as generating control decisions, signals or commands) is directly related, the action of which is aimed at maintaining or improving the operation of the object. Let's consider in more detail the essence of management.

    In fig. 1.1 shows the generalized structure of the control system, which includes input actions on the object X, the characteristic of its state at the output - Y and control action - U generated by the control device based on the incoming information about the state of the object at the input - Ix and exit - Iy, about the management goals - Iz, as well as about the environment of the object's residence - the external environment - Is(the latter is not always taken into account).

    Rice. 1.1. Generalized structure of the control system

    Thus, effective management in the general case is possible only if there is sufficient, reliable and timely (operational) knowledge from the above four sources of information (Ix, Iy, Is, Iz). Hence the conclusion - any management is based on information... These issues are devoted to modern science cybernetics ().

    Management objects are, by their nature, subdivided into the following groups:

    • technical (technical devices, systems, machines, etc.);
    • organizational and economic (firms, individual workshops or sections of an enterprise, institutions, corporations, branches of the economy, the country's economic economy, the state, territorial, state and interstate political and economic formations, markets, etc.);
    • energy (generators of electrical, magnetic and other types of energy, its converters, consumers, etc.);
    • social (individuals and groups characterized by nationality or statehood, place of residence, type of activity, age or other differences and related to the sphere of their daily life, the organization of their life, with other groups, etc.);
    • biological ( certain types flora and fauna, strains, etc.);
    • informational (data, databases, documents, etc.).

    The objects of management can be a variety of processes and technologies:

    • production processes (technological, energy, transport, etc.);
    • design processes (for example, design of complex assemblies, ships, industrial structures, industrial complexes, etc.);
    • research processes;
    • medical research;
    • processes of technical or other diagnostics;
    • information technology (accounting and processing of statistical reporting data, programming, etc.);
    • and etc.

    3. Information carriers

    Based on the definition of information as information from which a person extracts knowledge for management (target function), this information can be in a permanent form (static), for example, in the form of a textbook set out on paper, or variable form(dynamic), for example in the form audio message transmitted to humans by humans or radio.

    Thus, information as a source of information can be laid down in nature, recorded by a person or an automaton on some medium, stored or transmitted from a source to a recipient (in this case, it is customary to speak of a message) and processed in order to extract information from them.

    4. Data

    In a constant form, information is presented in the form of some kind of signs, numbers, numbers, text, graphs, drawings, photographs and films, etc. as data that are fixed on a material object (for example, on paper, magnetic or photographic film, etc.).

    Data have independent characteristics regardless of the information they contain. For example, text data is characterized by language and alphabet, size of letters, their arrangement (number in a line, etc.), style of presentation, etc. Numeric data have their own characteristics: number system (Arabic, Roman, date), relation to the fractional part (fixed point or floating point), representation precision, etc. The same information can be expressed, for example, in numerical form (in the form of a table, a sequence of numbers, etc.) or in graphical form (in the form of a graph, histogram, etc.). Thus, a description of the form of presentation is necessary, i.e., a description of the data itself, regardless of what information they carry.

    It should be said that data is only a part of many different facts, events, phenomena associated with a certain object of research or control, which are perceived and recorded by a person to solve individual problems while achieving the set goals.

    So, for the driver of the car, data from technical passport for this vehicle, characterizing the main parameters of the engine, body and other constituent elements that affect its operation. In this case, the detailed facts of the manufacture or assembly of these elements are not important, for example, the physicochemical properties of the raw materials (metal, rubber, plastic, etc.) used in the production. In another case, the designers of the car are necessarily interested in all the latest data noted, since they affect the characteristics of reliability, production conditions and other properties of the product being developed.

    Another example: at any organizational and economic object - an enterprise or firm, in an industry, national economy or market, a huge amount of data circulates that characterizes various aspects of the activity of this object. In this case, the head of the enterprise needs generalized data on the performance indicators of the entire enterprise for a certain period of time - revenue, profit, costs incurred, production costs, etc. The head of a division of a given organization is primarily concerned with the performance indicators of his particular section, i.e. primary data, from which, in the process of subsequent processing, only certain indicators that are significant for top level enterprise management, and transferred to the management to obtain integral indicators of the entire enterprise.

    Thus, the data serve as the basis for extracting certain information (if the latter is contained in them, which, however, is not necessary), on the basis of which conclusions, conclusions and management decisions are made.

    Data processing is the procedure for bringing them to a form that is most convenient for obtaining information from them. As a result of data processing, the task is posed - from the minimum amount of data to extract the maximum possible information for making a management decision.

    If the data is selected or collected incorrectly (the set of the parameters themselves is not precisely defined or the data contains errors), then such data will not be able to reflect the essential properties of the state or behavior of the control object, which are needed for an objective and reliable judgment about it and making reasonable decisions on its control. If there is not enough data for analysis, then the volume of extracted from them necessary information may also be not quite sufficient for making a decision, and the conclusions made on this basis will be incomplete, which will affect the efficiency of management (it should be noted that modern methods have been developed in the theory of information and control that allow to optimize control processes in conditions of incomplete information about the object).

    In the case of an excess of data, special processing methods are used (filtering, compression, etc.), allowing to extract from them only the necessary information to solve the problem, without affecting the area of ​​redundancy of the presented material, or the general data set. information theory.

    Based on this, a variety of methods for obtaining data (selection, collection, measurement, transmission) have been developed, which are used in various cases when solving information problems in various subject areas of science and practical human activity. Depending on the tasks assigned, different methods data processing, which are devoted to individual theories. In particular, methods of digital data processing using computer technology are now widely used. It should be borne in mind that large volumes of data themselves and high processing speeds do not always guarantee that a person will receive accurate and reliable knowledge about the subject of research, i.e. do not always lead to a complete extraction of the necessary information from the submitted and processed data.

    5. Documents

    Scientists and specialists in scientific, industrial, educational and other spheres of activity operate with scientific, technical and other information obtained mainly from documented IR, which are most often broadcast through documentary, and recently more and more through electronic channels. It is these two channels that are the main sources of receiving IR. The main object that is used to transmit information through these channels is a document.

    The concept of "data" is directly related to the concept of "document". Under document(from Lat.documentum - certificate) means a material data carrier (paper, film, photo, magnetic tape; in the old days, papyrus, clay, etc.) with information recorded on it, intended for its transmission in time and space ... May contain texts, images, sounds, etc. In a narrow sense, a document is a business paper that legally confirms a fact or right to something.

    In the new edition of the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" dated July 27, 2006, No. 149-FZ (which was previously called "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995, No. 24-FZ), there is no definition of the concept of a document. Instead, a generalized definition of documented information is given:

    Law >

    Let's give a broader interpretation of a document or documented information, taking into account the tasks of storing, processing and transmitting information:

    Definition >

    In accordance with the definition, a document is a permanent or static form of presentation of information, and in a broad sense of understanding, a document may not have details. For example, ancient undeciphered manuscripts or unsolved drawings are essentially historical documents, which contain certain information about events that are not known to modern mankind. The details of its owner or storage location are attributed to such a document.

    In jurisprudence, a document requires more stringent requirements for its execution (seal, personal signature, recently - a digital signature, etc.).

    1) Data- any information provided symbols(in numbers, letters or special signs) or their sequences;
    - facts or ideas, expressed in a formalized form, providing the possibility of their storage, processing or transmission.
    Symbol- an element from a given set of n elements, which can be represented by a sign or implemented technically in the form of combinations or sequences of impulses, geometric shapes, etc.
    Sign- a material object actually distinguishable by the recipient: a letter, a number, a graph, an object, a symbol, etc.
    - a set of signs or signs by which something is recognized, recognized. In a narrow sense, sign and symbol are synonyms.

    2) Knowledge- the result of knowledge of reality, proven by practice, its correct reflection in human thinking;
    - the ideal expression in symbolic form of the objective properties and connections of the world, natural and human;
    - a set of models about the world around us (as formulated by L.A. Rastrigin).

    3) In the future, in the given format: [Law> definition], an excerpt from the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ will be cited.

    4)Cognition- the process of reflection and reproduction of reality in thinking, conditioned by the development of social and historical practice;
    - interaction of a subject and an object, the result of which is new knowledge about the world.

    5)Control- an element or function of organized systems of various nature (technical, organizational-economic, social, biological), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of their programs;
    - the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary in order to formulate and achieve the objectives of the organization.

    6)Cybernetics(from the Greek.kybernetike - the art of management) - the science of general laws receiving, storing, processing or transforming and transmitting information. Includes information theory, theory of algorithms, theory of automata, theory of operations research, theory of optimal control, theory of pattern recognition.

    A source: Blumin, A.M. World information resources: Textbook / А.М. Blumin, N.A. Feoktistov.- M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2011.-296 p. (P. 10-28)

    6. Definition of information resources

    Any subject (the world community, a specific state, region, city or district, organization, enterprise or economy, an individual or a group of persons) has certain volumes and types for its activities.

    The latter are subdivided into separate types of resources with respect to certain subject areas of human life and activity. For instance:

    • material (a set of objects of labor used in the production of a social product - raw materials, fuel, semi-finished products, etc.),
    • natural (natural resources - objects, processes, conditions of nature used to meet the material and spiritual needs of people),
    • energy (energy carriers - oil, gas, etc.),
    • labor (people with general educational and professional knowledge),
    • financial, commodity, intangible (spiritual or intellectual), etc.

    The listed resources are of paramount importance for material production, especially in the era of industrial society.

    Unlike most of the resources listed above, information resources (IR) are the product of the intellectual activity of the most qualified and creative part of the population, constitute a significant part of the national wealth and are among the renewable goods, since they have the ability to replicate depending on social needs.

    For the most part, these resources are materialized in the form of books, articles, documents, databases, knowledge bases, algorithms, computer programs, works of art, literature, etc. In fact, this knowledge accumulated by people throughout their history of existence and development, often alienated from their creators, are considered as common strategic resources belonging to all of humanity.

    Information resources combine primary information that reflects human knowledge about the experience of his activities and information about the environment, as well as all secondary information resulting from the processing and processing of all information received.

    On the one hand, a certain amount of R&D is the knowledge of people, specialists (expert knowledge). The volume of this knowledge is steadily increasing as a result of more perfect and purposeful scientific research leading to discoveries and scientific and technological achievements, a deeper and wider education of the population, the development and ubiquitous modern means of computing, communications, communications and other factors.

    On the other hand, the main and most of the resources are accumulated information that was recorded on various media throughout the entire historical path of human development and continues to accumulate and record at the present time at a very rapid pace (due to the use of modern computer and communication means).

    It should be noted that the exchange of information as a result of communication and communication is inherent in all living nature (according to some teachings of a non-materialistic nature and inanimate), however, only a person possesses the property of deep knowledge of the surrounding world, extracting various information from it, analyzing it and, on this basis, generating and accumulating new knowledge. It is precisely this - the formation and use of IR - that distinguishes a person from all living things and allows him not only to consciously navigate in the environment, but also to create social wealth around him, build social relations and ensure his life with the help of scientific and technological achievements.

    It is extremely important that the information collected in a certain way and purposefully processed generates new knowledge. Thus, information has a unique property to reproduce (reproduce) knowledge and enhance the effect of their accumulation (summation), which leads to a constant growth of IR.

    It should be noted that almost until the last quarter of the twentieth century. IR were not considered from the standpoint of a socially significant economic or other category that affects the state and development of the country. Basically, attention was paid to the cultural heritage of a particular nationality or state. Currently, in the era of post-industrial development of society, in terms of their efficiency of use, importance, usefulness and degree of significance, R&D play an increasing role and are considered as priority strategic resources, comparable to material and energy resources.

    In the modern version of the Law "On information, information technology and information protection" in comparison with the old concept information resource is not given, however, in view of the importance of this concept, we give its definition according to the old law:

    Considering that this formulation is static in nature of the presence or storage of information and does not affect a large and extremely important part of the knowledge possessed by individuals, educated and informed in certain areas of science and technology, medicine and biology, literature and art, etc. ( teachers, doctors, scientists, engineers, etc., in a word, experts), it is advisable to present the concept of IR more broadly, taking into account the dynamic properties considered at the moments of information transmission and perception. Hence, this concept can be represented as follows:

    Individual people, groups of people, organizations, territorial and national entities, cities, regions, countries and the whole world possess information resources. If R&D is collected and used within a region or within one country, then we speak of regional or national, state R&D.

    State information resources in Russia include:

    • federal information resources;
    • shared information resources Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation (information resources of joint management);
    • information resources of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In the event that information crosses state borders and is used at the interstate or international level, then they talk about world information resources.

    Considering the development of modern information technologies, first of all, the widespread expansion of the global Internet network in the world, state borders for information are losing their significance, and it becomes available to all mankind. Therefore, the entire set of information resources accumulated by various individuals, organizations, regions, states and used at the interstate level is called world information resources.

    7. Informational description of the object and the formation of information resources

    All objects listed in the previous paragraph, which are different in nature, can be represented as one universal model which uses the informational description of the object. So, all information about an object can be represented as a set of versatile or, which characterize its state and behavior in time, which is shown in Fig. 2.

    Moreover, it should be said that the concept of "parameter" is used most often in relation to technical objects, and the concept of "indicator" is applied to other objects. For example, car parameters - dimensions, mass, load, limiting speed, etc., and the performance indicators of the enterprise - profit, profitability, etc. Sometimes the concept "parameter" is used to characterize the static states of the object (for example, the parameters of the level and the amount of raw materials in the container), and the concept " indicator "- for dynamic (for example, indicators of growth in labor productivity in production). In the considered model, we will use one general concept - "parameters".

    In this case, the vector Y = (Yl "Y2" ..., Yn) represents the output, or controlled, parameters. It is these parameters that inform about the state of the object and how it meets the set management objectives.

    The vector x = (xl "X2" ..., xr) defines the input, or setting (controlled), parameters that are the cause of the change in the state of the object.

    The vector U = (U1, u2, .. "um) denotes the parameters of the disturbing control actions on the object in accordance with the adopted control goal and its algorithm.

    The vector f (fl “f2, .. and wear of nodes and mechanisms, the behavior of individuals in a social environment when performing a specific task, etc.). These parameters reflect control noise. If a parameter of this kind can be controlled, then this parameter is transferred to the group of input parameters, i.e. it is included in the vector x.

    In the general case, the vector y is a nonlinear vector function of the master, control and external influences:

    Y = y (x, u, f)

    The coordinates of the vectors u and y are called the control and controlled coordinates, respectively. If the control object is characterized by one control and one controlled variable, i.e. vectors u and y have one coordinate, then the object is called simple, one-dimensional or simply connected. If the vectors u and y have several coordinates, then the object is called multidimensional. If there are several interconnected coordinates of the vectors u and y, the object is called multiply connected.

    Information about the control objectives is embedded in the control algorithm, which can be represented as a functional dependence

    U (t) = F (y, x, f),
    where F is some generally nonlinear vector function of the controlled parameters y, the setting parameters x, and the disturbing influences f.

    Any processes are associated with the receipt, processing or transformation, storage and transfer of only three main groups of objects: material, material, energy and information.

    The information of material objects carries knowledge about the physical and physicochemical properties of substances and their composition. The information of energy objects reflects the energy characteristics of the processes. Information objects can be described by a set of indicators, for example, the amount of information in a document, the quality of this information, the characteristics of the information carrier, and the like. This is shown in Fig. 3.

    The figure shows that each control object has its own informational description using a set of parameters, attributes or indicators, with the help of which new knowledge about its state and behavior can be obtained. If an informational description is fixed on a material medium or in the human brain, then this information becomes an information resource.

    Thus, information acts as a single and universal means of describing everything that happens in the human environment and the formation, thereby, of information resources for storing and then extracting from them the knowledge necessary for mankind.

    8. The emergence and development of information resources

    Since the beginning of human activity on earth, his relationship with each other and with environment brought vast experience and accumulating knowledge, which are expressed in the form of subjective and objective information. In this case, the direct experience of a person forms primary information, or information of the first order. The knowledge obtained by a person as a result of processing primary information or as a result of some information about the experience of other people is secondary information, or information of the second order. Thus, the acquired knowledge of the first or second order by a person is recorded, stored, processed and transmitted to other people, which serves as the basis for the emergence of information activities and information technologies.

    The history of the emergence and development of IR shows the dynamics of the development of man as a rational being, capable not only of effectively using his mental and spiritual abilities to communicate with each other and actively interacting with nature, but also to create methods and means of fixing, storing, processing and transmitting information, and thus develop information technologies and form an information environment for its existence. In the process of its development, mankind has created and is creating new, more and more perfect, mechanisms and technologies for the production, storage, processing and transmission of information to satisfy its information needs and thereby ensures the formation of a multitude of IRs.

    The following phases can be conventionally noted in the history and development of IR.

    First phase associated with the emergence of speech and the development of information exchange between people at the speech and signal levels, which made it possible to evaluate the diverse experience of human activity in the categories of information and to transmit the latter from generation to generation. Oral information was the impetus for the development of speech, which made it possible to distinguish humans from animals and launch information technology mechanisms.

    Second phase The development of IR refers to the era of the emergence of writing (approximately the end of the 4th - the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia), when communication between people and the exchange of knowledge moved to a higher level - to the level of documentary communication. At the same time, a technology arose for storing information in single copies on primitive media (papyrus, clay, etc.), which could be moved in space and time. The possibilities of access (albeit small and limited) to information of the current moment and of a historical nature appeared. In those days, the first repositories of documents were created with information reflecting the state and behavior of individuals and social life.

    Third phase characterized by the appearance of printing (in the middle of the 11th century in China, in the middle of the 15th century in Europe, in the middle of the 16th century in Moscow). This invention made it possible to replicate documents in the form of books or newspapers, distribute them in space, as well as form libraries, archives and repositories, i.e. accumulate knowledge sources concentrated in one place, which created the basis for a system of general and sectoral vocational education and the dissemination of this knowledge around the world. The IRs formed in this way began to approach the level of human information needs, which, in turn, grew proportionally.

    Fourth phase development of IR refers to the period of discovery and application in technology electrical signals and electromagnetic waves (mid-19th century). The advent of the telegraph, telephone, radio and television made it possible to ensure the prompt exchange of information in any volume practically all over the world. At this stage, the growth in the volume of R&D projects has become extremely intense (exponentially). So, for example, if total amount knowledge changed very slowly at first, but since 1900 it has doubled every 50 years, by 1950 it doubled every 10 years, by 1970 already every 5 years, since 1990 - every year!

    This is due to the rapid growth in the number of documents, reports, dissertations, reports, etc., in which the results of scientific research and experimental design work are presented, the constantly increasing number of periodicals in different areas of human activity, the emergence of various data (meteorological, geophysical, medical , economic, etc.).

    If at the beginning of the XX century. around the world there were about 10 thousand titles of journals in all areas of knowledge, now about 100 thousand journals are published annually in more than 60 languages, over 5 million scientific articles, books, brochures, more than 250 thousand dissertations and reports. the number of documents (reports on research projects, design and production documentation, etc.) remain unpublished, their number is 3-5 times higher than those published.

    At the same time, technologies for receiving and transmitting information at the signal level developed at a rapid pace, and its storage took place at the old level - the traditional level of processing and storage of documents.This led mankind to a crisis state, characterized, on the one hand, by a sharply increasing volume of information, including at the expense of actively developing civilized economic and social structures and means of promptly obtaining information about various aspects of their activities, and, on the other hand, by the limited possibilities for archiving and storing documents (mostly paper ones). At the same time, the problem arose of finding the necessary information among many others, as well as the need to develop and create modern means of automating information activities. It became more and more difficult to navigate in such a flow of information. Sometimes it was more profitable to create a new product than to search for an analogue made earlier. For example, in the mid-80s. XX century for searching required documents US libraries spent about $ 300 million annually, and paper-based growth has tripled that of the US gross product.

    This situation caused a new round of rapid development of science and technology based on information technology, which is associated with the invention of the transistor (1947), the microprocessor (1971), and as a result, with the advent of personal computers and computer networks data transmission. The fifth phase of the development of R&D has come - the era of new information technologies, distinguished by the following characteristic features revolutionary transition to the modern information world:

    • replacement of mechanical and electrical information processing facilities with electronic ones;
    • miniaturization of all units, devices, devices and machines, which led to a sharp reduction in their energy consumption
    • creation of non-volatile elements of computing devices;
    • development of software-controlled devices and processors.

    The development of modern means of computing and communication, the creation of computer networks, in particular the Internet, led to the expansion of the sphere of science and education, the sphere of influence of electronic media, and, consequently, to a new explosive process of a sharp increase in the volume of newly generated information resources. XX - early XXI centuries. This increase in comparison with the previous period (in the first three quarters of the XX century, the information flow increased by about 30 times) took a spasmodic character and was called the "information explosion", or "information revolution".

    Thus, there were some contradictions between a person's capabilities for the perception and processing of information, on the one hand, and the existing powerful streams of avalanche-like information flowing onto him and colossal arrays of stored IR, on the other. In this case, information "noise" appears, i.e. exists a large number of redundant information, which makes it difficult to perceive the useful and necessary for the consumer RR, and their volumes, distributed in the global information space, do not allow him to quickly and efficiently extract the required information.

    At present, for the first time in the history of mankind, the rate of growth of R&D has surpassed the rate of growth of human information needs, which are approaching their limit. At the same time, the volume of RR in the world continues to grow just as intensively, and information needs have stopped due to disabilities the person himself to assimilate or "digest" these resources. Thus, the era of information saturation has begun, or the era of information crisis, the resolution of which is possible only through scientific and technological progress in the field of information technology.

    Per last years The widespread use of computers and microprocessors, data transmission networks, satellite and terrestrial communication channels made it possible to unite the world into a single gigantic system, practically without borders and providing storage of a huge variety of RRs, replenishment and ample opportunities for their development. New methods are being developed that optimize information processing (for example, parallelization of processes), its storage (for example, compression) and distribution.

    There is a transition to a "paperless" technology and a "paperless" society, in which R&D is represented mainly in digital or in electronic format, and information exchange between people is carried out using electronic means (the Internet, Email, videophone, video conferencing, fax, etc.). At the same time, the storage and processing of any information is carried out in digital form on personal computers (united by a developed telecommunication network), which in essence is a transition to a new - the sixth phase of development and consumption of R&D.

    Modern information technologies for the formation and use of information resources have led to the creation of an information industry, which in terms of its scale and economic performance outstripped the energy, industrial and agricultural industries. It is connected both directly with the search and provision of information, and with the development of software and technical support and selling it to an increasing number of users. At the same time, the problem of economic assessment of both the RRs themselves and the processes of their storage and transfer arose. There appeared multiple services and organizations for the management and distribution of RR, as well as software and hardware for their storage, processing and delivery.

    As a result, the development of world R&D and the evolution of information technologies on currently allowed:

    • to form new R&D on the basis of more effective methods and means of automation and informatization;
    • transform the provision of information services into global human activity;
    • to form the world and domestic market of information services;
    • create all kinds of databases on the resources of regions and states;
    • to use more efficiently the available R&D to improve the validity and efficiency of management decisions both in technical and organizational-economic systems (for example, in firms, banks, stock exchanges, in industry, trade, etc.), as well as in social and other spheres.

    9. Classification of information resources

    To classify IRs and divide them into certain types or categories, you can use a variety of signs. The most generalized feature that does not require analysis of either semantic, syntactic or pragmatic components in IR is sign of the form of presentation or fixation of information... In accordance with this feature, the classification of IRs is shown in Fig. 4.

    Based on the above classification, it is advisable to divide all IRs into two classes: undocumented, which includes the individual and collective knowledge of specialists, and documented.

    Documented IR on the basis of information consolidation is subdivided into text (written), graphic (drawings, diagrams, graphs, maps, diagrams, pictures), photo, audio (gramophone records, audio cassettes, etc.), video (films, transparencies , slides, etc.) and electronic documents.

    On the basis of fixing information documented IRs can also be divided into two classes: fixed and stored on of various types material carriers ( various materials: paper, canvas, clay, paraffin, photographic film, film, magnetic tape, etc.) and converted and recorded in electronic form (computer memory, floppy disk, CD, etc.).

    Based on authenticity documented IR are subdivided into documents- and copied, or, documents (microfiche, microfilm, photocopies, photocopies, etc.).

    By thematic affiliation IR can be subdivided into many thematic areas and sub-areas of knowledge, for example:

    • scientific resources;
    • social resources;
    • ecological resources;
    • legislative resources
    • regulatory resources;
    • statistical resources;
    • learning resources, etc.

    It is rather difficult to use this indicator of the classification of IRs, since one and the same resource can contain information on a number of different topics. In this case, IR is included in the types corresponding to the topics, and, thus, it can be found many times in different lists.

    Based on access restriction IRs are divided into a number of classes, which are determined by the legislation of the country or the internal regulations of the organizations that own the information. So, in the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" it is said that "access to information is the possibility of obtaining information and its use" (Art. 2, p. 6); "confidentiality of information is a mandatory requirement for a person who has access to certain information not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner" (Art. 2, clause 7); "restriction of access to information is established by federal laws in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of others, to ensure the country's defense and state security" (Article 9, paragraph 1).

    The Law also states: "Information, depending on the category of access to it, is subdivided into publicly available information, as well as information, access to which is limited by federal laws (information of limited access)" (Art. 5, item 2) and "Information depending on the order of its provision or distribution is subdivided into:

    • to information freely distributed;
    • information provided by agreement of the persons participating in the relevant relationship;
    • information that, in accordance with federal laws, is subject to provision or distribution;
    • information, the dissemination of which in the Russian Federation is restricted or prohibited "(Art. 5, p. 3).

    Thus, information, depending on the category of access, is divided into two classes: public information and information of limited access, and, depending on the order of its provision or dissemination, into 4 classes.

    It should be noted that the Law states: "Federal laws establish the conditions for classifying information as information constituting a commercial secret, official secret and other secrets, the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such information, as well as responsibility for its disclosure" (Article 9, Clause 4).

    Based on commercialization IR can be divided:

    • to non-commercial resources (open state and sectoral public libraries, funds, depositories, museums, broadcasts on public channels of air or cable TV and radio, free education, etc.);
    • commercial resources (specific information product, which has a certain value and is sold at a market price, or paid access to libraries, funds, depositories, museums, to the pay TV system, to information systems, including the Internet, etc.).

    IR from the sender (communicator) to the consumer (recipient) are distributed using oral, documentary and electronic channels of information transmission. In this case, four options for the commercialization of the process are possible:

    • providing a resource for free, receiving free of charge;
    • the provision of the resource is free, the receipt is paid;
    • the provision of the resource is paid, the receipt is free;
    • the provision of the resource is paid, the receipt is paid.

    In the advertising business, it is customary to provide IR for paid basis, and receive advertising information free of charge (on television and radio, by mailing newspapers, advertising brochures, installing billboards and posters, etc.).

    Information culture is a product of the diverse creative abilities of a person and should manifest itself in the following aspects:

    • in understanding the clear goals and objectives of obtaining and using information;
    • the ability to classify IRs and distinguish their characteristic features;
    • the ability to extract information from various sources, including undocumented, documented print and electronic;
    • the ability to efficiently store, process (including using analytical methods) and present information in the form necessary for consumption;
    • the ability to assess the effectiveness of the use of RR;
    • specific skills in the use of technical devices (from telephone and telefax to personal computer and computer networks);
    • the ability to use in their activities computer information technology, the basic component of which are numerous software products;
    • knowledge of the information environment or information space, including a variety of information flows, various information systems and IR;
    • understanding their place in the information environment and their ability to manage information flows in their field of activity.

    Information culture is based on the provisions of a number of areas of knowledge: mathematics (including probability theory), systems theory, cybernetics, information theory, computer science, etc. and in extraordinary situations requiring unconventional creativity.

    1. Resources(from the French. ressource auxiliary means) - cash, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income.
    2. Parameter(from the Greek parametron - measuring) - a value that characterizes any property of a device, machine, substance, system, process or phenomenon, organizational and economic object or document.
    3. Index -
      • a number-expressed characteristic of any property of an object, phenomenon, process or solution;
      • numerical characteristics of individual parties to the activity;
      • data that can be used to judge the development, progress, state of something (for example, growth rates, average indicators).
    4. Original(from Latin originalis - initial) -
      • genuine work (as opposed to a copy);
      • in publishing - a text or graphic work that has undergone editorial and publishing processing and prepared for the production of a printing plate
    5. Reproduction(from re ... and lat. produco - I produce) -
      • reproduction;
      • reproduction by printing or other means of works of fine art (painting, drawing, photograph, etc.).
    6. ISP- an organization-provider of telecommunications services, providing subscribers with personal access to the Internet.
    7. Informatization- organizational socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local authorities, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.
    8. Product- a tangible or intangible result of human labor in the processes of processing, processing or research (subject, scientific discovery, idea).
    9. Information culture- the ability to purposefully work with IR and possession of modern methods and means (computer technology and communication) of receiving, storing, processing and transmitting information to achieve a certain result.

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      The idea of ​​information resources. Library and archival resources, scientific, technical and industry information, information from government agencies. The structure of the library network in Russia. Information services and products. Legal regulation.

      presentation added on 02/16/2014

      Relevance (timeliness) of information. Information resources and information technology. Approaches to determining the amount of information. Properties of information, its qualitative features. The role of informatics in the development of society. Bit in information theory.

      presentation added on 11/06/2011

      The history of the development of intelligent information technologies. The main types of economic activities in which information technology is used. The most well-known intelligent information technologies in the domestic economic market.

      term paper, added 06/10/2014

      Information communications in corporate systems. Data bank, its composition, database models. Classification and coding systems. Integrated information technology. Management tasks and their implementation based on the company's information technology.

      practical work, added 07/25/2012

      Legal basis for information work. State information resources, which, as an element of property, are owned by the state. Library network and information resources of the archival fund of the Russian Federation. Statistical information.

      Information resources - individual documents and separate arrays of documents, as well as documents and arrays of documents in information systems.

      Information resource is information created and (or) discovered, registered, evaluated, with certain (given) laws of degradation and renewal.

      This is also a document, but with clearly defined qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

      The most important problem in the practical use of IRs is the problem of their classification. When considering IR as an object of civil rights, the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" determines that the attribute of IR classification is the attribute of ownership. This is followed by another sign of classification: federal IR, joint use, etc. However, it should be noted that the application of the Law violates one of the basic principles of classification - the principle of unity of classification features. It seems expedient to create an all-Russian classifier of information resources, approved by the State Standard of Russia.

      Information resources are divided into the following groups.

      I. According to the specifics of occurrence: 1)

      natural, industrial, socio-economic information resources; 2)

      created as a result of intellectual activity.

      II. By areas of use: 1)

      scientific and technical; 2)

      socio-economic; 3)

      legal; 4)

      cultural; 5)

      educational; 6)

      entertainment, etc.

      III. By belonging to certain subjects: 1)

      individuals; 2)

      legal entities; 3)

      state authorities and administration; 4)

      officials; 5)

      local government bodies; 6)

      public associations; 7)

      to the state as a whole.

      The legal regime of information resources is established by the following criteria.

      I. Information resources - always in the form of documented information.

      A document is a highlighted information on a defining goal, recorded in any sign form with established requisites, allowing to identify it, and presented on any medium.

      II. The requirement to establish ownership and exclusive rights to objects of information resources. Information resources, being an element of various rights, can be a commodity (an object of market relations), possess attributes of a thing and, at the same time, intellectual properties. But the issues of legal regulation of information resources are not covered by civil law. Administrative law, regulating information resources, includes the following points: 1)

      obligatory copy of the document; 2)

      the duty of state authorities to collect information on a target basis; 3)

      the obligation of the organizations responsible for collecting information to provide it; 4)

      compulsory licensing of activities for the special storage of information.

      III. Mandatory determination of the degree of openness of information in relation to each object of information resources.

      IV. Protection of information resources - ensuring information security... National information resources, including registers, cadastres, registers,

      classifiers are created in order to provide prompt access to complete, relevant, reliable and consistent information about the main objects, forms, methods and results of public administration and its joint use at the interdepartmental level by public authorities.

      The creation of national information resources allows eliminating duplication, streamlining and regulating the procedures for collecting, storing and updating relevant information, as well as controlling access to them and their use.

      It is necessary to centrally form nationwide information resources and provide established order access of federal government bodies, local government bodies, citizens and organizations to these resources.

      At the same time, the prerequisites must be created for:

      Service and technical support interdepartmental state information systems and resources; -

      control over the use of interdepartmental national resources in order to prevent possible unauthorized actions on the part of civil servants and other persons; -

      placement, reservation and technological support in case of economic feasibility of information systems and resources of federal government bodies in agreement with them.

      Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the owner of information resources

      The owner of information resources, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, has the right to: 1) permit or restrict access to information, determine the procedure and conditions for such access; 2) use the information, including disseminate it, at its own discretion; 3) transfer information to other persons under an agreement or on another basis established by law; 4) protect their rights in the manner established by law in the event of illegal receipt of information or its illegal use by other persons; 5) carry out other actions with information or authorize the implementation of such actions.

      The owner of information resources, when exercising his rights, is obliged to: 1) observe the rights and legitimate interests of other persons; 2) take measures to protect information; 3) restrict access to information, if such a duty is established by federal laws.

      The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for general requirements for the processing of personal data of an employee (Art.

      86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation): -

      the processing of the employee's personal data may be carried out solely for the purpose of ensuring compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, assisting employees in employment, training and promotion, ensuring the personal safety of employees, monitoring the quantity and quality of work performed and ensuring the safety of property; -

      the employer does not have the right to receive and process personal data of the employee about his political, religious and other beliefs and privacy... In cases directly related to issues of labor relations, in accordance with Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to receive and process data on the private life of the employee only with his written consent;

      The employer does not have the right to receive and process the personal data of the employee about his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except as otherwise provided by law.

      The specific procedure for processing personal data of an employee is determined by the documents of the organization.

      According to Part 1 of Art. 17 of the Law on Information, the owner of information resources is legally responsible for violation of this Law, for example, the rules for working with information. The rules for working with information include provisions on the procedure for collecting, storing, using and disseminating information; data protection regulations; on the requirements for activities related to the implementation of the listed actions with information. These provisions are established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

      For violation of the rules for working with information, legislation provides for criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary liability. Thus, criminal liability is provided for the illegal receipt and disclosure of information constituting commercial, tax or banking secrets (Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); illegal access to computer information(Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Administrative liability is established for violation established by law the procedure for collecting, storing, using or distributing information about citizens (personal data) (Article 13.11 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), violation of information protection rules (Article 13.12 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), for illegal activities in the field of information protection (Article 13.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), for disclosing information with limited access (Article 13.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

      Civil liability occurs if, by virtue of violation of the rules for working with information, the property or personal non-property rights of the person to whom this information is related are violated. Forms of civil liability are provided for in Art. 12

      Disciplinary responsibility applies to a person whose job responsibilities were to comply or enforce the rules for working with information. The types of disciplinary sanctions are provided for in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

      More on topic 1. Concept and types of information resources:

      1. 2. The procedure for the formation of information resources and the provision of information services
      2. Topic 7. Concept, signs and types of information legal relations
      3. 5.5. Protection of information resources and increasing information security
      4. 1. The role and objectives of information management in the management of information resources of the organization
      6. 1.1. Basic terminology. Concepts: information system, information technology, information management

      - Copyright - Agricultural law - Bar - Administrative law - Administrative process - Stock law - Budget system - Mining law - Civil procedure - Civil law - Civil law of foreign countries - Contract law - European law - Housing law - Laws and codes - Suffrage - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of political doctrines - Commercial law - Competition law - Constitutional law of foreign countries - Constitutional law of Russia - Criminalistics - Forensic techniques -

      Informational resources(IR) - available stocks of information recorded on any medium and suitable for its preservation and use.

      Currently, a narrow and broad understanding of RR is used: in the narrow sense, they mean only network RR accessible through computer means of communication, and in a broad sense, any information recorded on traditional or electronic media that is suitable for preservation and dissemination. For information workers, a broad understanding is important professionally.

      Information resources are individual documents and separate arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, databases and other information systems).

      Under information arrays understand the usually ordered set of elements (documents and / or data) to which individual access is possible. At present, purely quantitatively, information arrays constitute the overwhelming majority of information resources. The most prominent representatives of these arrays are ordinary databases, library or archival funds.

      There are many features to describe, i.e. multidimensional classification of information arrays, each of which seems to be significant from a certain point of view. The basic set of features we can consider the following:

      IR source: for example, official information published, statistical reporting, results of measurements, tests, etc .;

      IR affiliation to a specific organizational or information system: for example, archival, library resources, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, NTI, etc.;

      type of ownership: state (federal, subject of the federation), municipal; property of public organizations; joint-stock, private, as well as an indication of the owner;

      the nature of the use of IR (purpose): for example, IR are massive, interdepartmental, regional, intrafirm, personal, etc.;

      volume of information array(expressed in comparable units);

      openness of information: open, secret, confidential;

      presentation of information: text, graphic, multimedia, etc .;

      IR carrier: electronic, paper, etc.

      way of disseminating information: networks (global, local), editions, etc .;

      natural language where information is presented.

      In addition, the most important characteristics of IR are such parameters that are difficult to formalize as completeness, reliability, relevance and significance of the information they contain.

      IR composition can be characterized as:

        full-text databases;

        bibliographic products;

        factual databases;

        reference and bibliographic (reference and retrieval) apparatus of libraries, information centers and archives, including catalogs and bibliographic files (databases);

        survey and analytical products (analytical reviews, forecasts, ratings, etc.);

        services offered in the information market;

        computer communication networks;

        software for the creation of information systems and the development of telecommunication networks;

        institutions (editorial offices, publishing houses, libraries, information centers, bookselling institutions, etc.) that ensure the creation of information products, the accumulation and use of R&D.

      State information resources- these are resources that, as an element of property, are owned by the state.

      State resources are divided into the following groups:

        federal resources;

        information resources under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

        information resources of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

      State information resources ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of state administration; ensuring the rights and safety of citizens; support for the socio-economic development of the country, the development of culture, science, education, etc.

      State information resources can be divided into two groups:

      1) information resources intended for solving the tasks of a specific governing body of a certain level;

      2) information resources focused on an external user.

      The resources of the second group are formed by information and analytical structures. If they have a common methodological guidance, similar tasks, solved on the basis of uniform regulatory documents, then they can be called state information systems.

      Such systems, which have an interdepartmental, universal character, can be classified as:

        library network of the Russian Federation;

        archive fund of the Russian Federation;

        state system of statistics;

        state system of scientific and technical information.

      The library network of the Russian Federation numbers over 150 thousand libraries.

      The archive fund of the Russian Federation is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Archival Service. Permanent storage of archival documents is carried out by state and municipal archives, state museums and libraries, institutions of the RAS system. Temporary storage of the archival fund of documents is carried out by ministries, departments, institutions, organizations and enterprises classified established order to the sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives.

      At the federal level, the integration of information resources of the entire system of state statistics bodies is carried out. The head organization for the collection, accumulation, storage, processing and transmission of statistical information is the Main Interregional Center for the Processing and Dissemination of Statistical Information of Goskomstat, the most important task of which is to prepare publications in the field of statistics and inform the general public.

      At present, the state system of scientific and technical information is a set of scientific and technical libraries and organizations - legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation, specializing in the collection and processing of scientific and technical information and interacting with each other, taking into account the obligations assumed.

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