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Sql licenses. Licensing Model Support for Different Editions of SQL Server

The task was set - for a 4-node cluster, calculate the cost of licensing and understand all the possible options provided by the microsoftware. Now licenses are sold only for 3 editions: EE - Enterprise Edition, BI - Business Intelligence, SE - Standart Edition.

It should be noted that for the ms sql server 2012 version, the licensing scheme was changed by the number of processors, now you need to count the cores and keep the standard one, by the number of connections (Server + CAL). Because whole forest connections, applications, support, etc., I chose the licensing path based on the number of cores.

HER was chosen without hesitation, the description explains everything! As you can see from the table, for this version of the sequel, licensing by number of connections is not supported (there was support until June 15, but after that it is recommended to switch based on the number of cores). We look:

After I saw these 2e plates my head started spinning. I also find out + to this that we have a cluster just on Xeon from Intel with Hyper-threading technology enabled. And it was necessary to read to me on all the "highly respected" habr that when HT technology is turned on, it is necessary to count the "virtual" cores as well. After opening the 6th layer of Google, I called Moscow support. Support thought for a day, but still gave birth:


Let's turn to the official source (all other sources are his interpretations of varying degrees of liberty). Download the latest Russian from editorial officeMicrosoft Product Use Right (name file: MicrosoftProductUseRights (WW) (Russian) (April2012)).On pages 73-75 you will find the official language of the license terms. SQL Server 2012 "to the core".

In particular, for the case SQL installations Server to the physical environment in the document it says:
Physical cores on the server. You are eligible to purchase licenses based on the number of all physical cores on the server. If this option is selected, the number of licenses required is equal to the number of physical cores on the server multiplied by the applicable core factor, which can be found at

Then open page 10. There you will find definitions of terms. In particular, it says:
Physical core is the core in a physical processor (see Physical Processor). A physical processor consists of one or more physical cores.
Physical operating room environment is the operating environment (see " Operating environment(OSE) ") configured to work directly on physical system... The operating system instance (see "Instance") used to start software device virtualization (for example, Microsoft Hyper-V Server or similar technology) or the provision of device virtualization services (such as Microsoft virtualization technology or similar technology) is considered part of the physical operating environment.
Physical processor is the processor in physical device... Physical operating systems (see Operating Environment (OSE)) use physical processors.

From what has been written, it follows that the final conclusion about the number of required core licenses you can only make after you set the number of "physical cores" in your "physical processor". If the specification for your processor says "8 cores", then there are 8. If you are not sure that your processor has exactly 8 "physical cores", contact the manufacturer (Intel) and ask a question about this topic.

After not difficult mathematical calculations got the formula $ = (8 * 4 * / 2) * n, we read - eight cores on a four node cluster is divided into double sequel licenses and multiplied by n - cost !! double !! licenses. Experience gained in licensing.

This article will look at ways Microsoft licensing SQL Server 2012. Will be given short review of each of the licensing methods, and also indicated possible options licensing for various editions of MS SQL Server 2012.

1. Licensing models

For the proposed two licensing options, namely:

  1. Licensing "based on the number of cores"- V in this case Licensing requires a license for each processor core of the computer on which SQL Server is installed. The total number of licenses depends on the number of cores and the type of processor. The number of users working with SQL Server in this case is unlimited.
  2. Licensing in the Server-CAL Model- This licensing case requires a license for each server, as well as a CAL for each user or device that will use SQL Server. Products that work with SQL Server and are licensed under the Server-CAL model require the purchase of a SQL CAL for each user or device that accesses the corresponding server, although there may not be direct access to SQL Server. For example, for using SQL Server for storing databases, to SQL server only one worker process is accessed. However, the number of CAL licenses must be purchased according to the number of all users who will work with these databases.

2. Support for licensing models by different editions of SQL Server

Also, not everyone supports both licensing options. Below is a table of the licensing model correspondence to the major editions of SQL Server:

3. Licensing model based on the number of cores

In the new core-based licensing model, each server running SQL Server 2012 software or any of its components (such as Reporting Services or Integration Services) must be assigned the appropriate number of processor core licenses for SQL Server 2012. Number Required core licenses depends on which customers are licensing physical server or virtual environments operating systems.

4. Licensing in virtual environments

Similar to the licensing model based on the number of cores in physical environments operating systems, all vCores supporting the operating systems that run instances of the SQL Server 2012 software must be licensed accordingly.
To license individual virtual machines using a core-based model, customers must purchase a core license for each of the virtual cores (or virtual processor, vCPU, virtual thread) allocated to this virtual machine, and at least four core licenses must be purchased per virtual machine. From a licensing perspective, a virtual core is mapped to a hardware thread. When licensing individual virtual machines core coefficients are not applied.

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The 1C company began to sell its information systems compatible with databases managed by MS SQL 2016. Moreover, the provision to the client is carried out in in electronic format... As a result, the buyer of the product does not need to go to the office to an authorized partner. It is enough to conclude a contract, pay for the delivery, and then simply download it from the official website of the developer company. This significantly saves time for the installation and implementation of the information system. In addition, the electronic delivery of the product allows the use of a software key for data protection, which has a number of advantages. For example, it is impossible to lose it, and it is also cheaper. hardware key 1C.

Benefits of MS SQL 2016

The MS SQL 2016 database management system itself also has certain advantages:

  • high level productivity;
  • scalability;
  • takes up the optimal amount of memory;
  • uses the most modern technologies encryption, which makes it practically invulnerable to unauthorized access by unauthorized persons;
  • high-quality analytical apparatus that allows you to draw up various reports and make well-thought-out management decisions;
  • supports "cloud" technologies.

These benefits are achieved through the implementation of advanced technologies work with data into the program. This program allows the creation of various effective applications to analyze information, use the most modern methods for analytical work, which provides the user with the opportunity to increase their own competitiveness.

In addition, the MS SQL 2016 database management system is affordable. The development company applies flexible licensing policy, which allows the user to save on operating the program at the very beginning and even at the stage of purchase.

It should also be noted that Microsoft is developing of this application in such a way that it can work on the basis of any operating systems, which significantly expand the number of clients and functionality programs.

At present, the main customers who are recommended to purchase MS SQL 2016 are small and medium-sized businesses that actively use 1C information systems in their business, while the volume of operations already requires database management of operations using separate application... After all, such a program architecture allows you to increase performance. software product, to increase its fault tolerance and work efficiency.

Main features of MS SQL 2016

First, it should be noted that there are four types of MS SQL 2016 licenses:

  1. License to run on a runtime server.
  2. Full-use server license.
  3. License for additional processor the Standard level.
  4. Enterprise additional processor license.

The difference between the first two licenses is that the Full-use license provides the user with the ability to operate the MS SQL 2016 database management program with any data types in MSSQL. Runtime level allows using the described system only with 1C Enterprise. At the same time, no matter what license an organization has for MS SQL 2016, it is still obliged to acquire a license for the right to use 1C Enterprise. If in the future the company decides to purchase additional licenses for the database management application, then it will be necessary to purchase a similar number of licenses for the 1C information system. There are no upgrades for the MS SQL 2016 database management system. Therefore, if an enterprise needs to switch from an earlier to current version, then you need to purchase full set licenses.

When purchasing a license for the right to use MS SQL 2016, the kit includes the following products:

  1. providing download access installation file for MS SQL 2016 system;
  2. a license agreement with the buyer, giving the latter the right to operate the application;
  3. a special code for registering an enterprise in the 1C after-sales support system.

If you purchase a license for an additional processor, access to download the installation file is not provided.

It is also important to remember that the license for the right to use MS SQL 2016 allows the user to install database management systems for more early versions... For example, an enterprise might decide to install a 2015 application for itself. This may be due to the need to work in a program with its own processing, performed on the basis of the 1C information system.

How to purchase MS SQL 2016

To buy a license for the right to operate MS SQL 2016, you need to contact the SoftServiceGold company and provide the license data for the right to operate 1C Enterprise and the number under which the buyer's server is registered in the after-sales service information system, as well as

  • purchased or available Information system, moreover, the program must be delivered in electronic form;
  • official name;
  • INN, PSRN and other necessary details.

Licensing models

You can acquire licenses for the right to operate the MS SQL 2016 database management system in the following ways:

  • by the number of server processors;
  • in the "client-server" mode.

In the first case, the user needs to calculate the number of server processors, or rather their cores, and purchase the corresponding number of licenses. This licensing model allows an unlimited number of users to connect to the server. Therefore, purchase licenses for each workplace no user is needed. Moreover, the connection can be carried out both over the network and from the outside. This allows you to increase the mobility of the organization and optimize its costs. After all, work in the mode remote access or using "cloud" technologies allows you to achieve the described effect.

When licensing using the "client-server" mode, the user will need to purchase a separate license for the database management server, as well as determine the number of users and buy for them client licenses... The advantages of this approach are more high speed and stability of work. Therefore, each organization chooses a licensing model based on their own needs.

Thus, MS SQL 2016 has a high level of flexibility and the ability to solve user problems as efficiently as possible. This is achieved through the use of advanced developments in the program and high-quality integration of the database management system with the products of the 1C family. The presence of the described program at the user allows him to receive various benefits and advantages, including a high level of performance, security and productivity. The SoftServiceGold company is official partner company 1C and provides users with the opportunity to purchase MS SQL 2016 licenses, which means they can invest in increasing their own efficiency.

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