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Whether radiation from the monitor. Electromagnetic radiation from a computer: ways to protect

Radiation from a computer causes a lot of controversial opinions. Some people argue that it is not too dangerous, while others, on the contrary, believe that it causes irreparable harm to health.

Until now, humanity has not come to a consensus.

That is why you should know what the radiation from the PC actually is, and how it affects human health.

Radiation from computer work: what is the harm?

In the modern world, a computer is in almost every home. It is used by everyone and everywhere, it is already impossible to imagine life without it. However, do not forget that this is an electrical device, and, therefore, there is electromagnetic radiation that affects a person and his condition. Many people, having spent quite a long time at the computer, begin to complain about the deterioration of their condition, pain in the head, eyes.

What happens if you use a PC for a long time? What harm is done to the body?

After some research, scientists made certain conclusions about the influence of radiation.


  • It is carcinogenic
  • Influences the cardiac, vascular and hormonal systems,
  • Can provoke the development of diseases of the brain and respiratory system,
  • Reduces human immunity
  • It has a negative effect on a pregnant woman and an unborn baby.
  • Negatively affects the nervous system.

However, this should not be taken literally. Such consequences can develop as a result of constant long-term use of the computer.

The strongest radiation comes from the back of the monitor. Fortunately, now you almost never see monitors with a cathode ray tube. It was from them that the greatest harm to the body was.

Liquid crystal monitors are no longer so dangerous, but the waves from them also exist.

Long-term operation of the PC leads to the fact that some parts begin to heat up. As a result, harmful substances are released into the external environment. The air in such rooms is quite heavy for the respiratory system.

In addition, the air space is gradually saturated with dust particles, which are affected by the electrostatic field of the monitor. Most people who are constantly in such rooms have diseases with the respiratory system.

Particular attention should also be paid to laptops. Electromagnetic radiation is also present, so such devices also need to be used for a short time. In addition, you should not place it on your knees in front of various important organs.

Computer radiation and pregnancy

Electromagnetic radiation is very harmful to pregnant women. The fact is that at the time of the development of the baby, any intervention is unfavorable.

The influence of the electromagnetic field during this period can cause various damage to the fetus. In this case, the greatest danger is represented by early terms.

Therefore, expectant mothers should be attentive to their health and the health of their unborn baby.

By the way, radiation from a laptop is also dangerous at this time, as well as from a computer. In addition, many women continue to place this device on their knees close to the abdomen, which is far from favorable for the unborn child.

Protection from the harmful effects of the computer

Regardless of whether there is radiation from the computer, you should consider some rules for using this device in order to avoid negative consequences.


  • The distance from the back of the monitor to the back of the user must be at least one and a half meters.
  • Power wires should be kept as short as possible.
  • The distance to the monitor should be convenient for sight, and it should be placed in the corner of the room.
  • Radiation from the system unit can be minimized by placing it at a sufficient distance from the workplace.
  • In a room with a computer, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often.
  • When choosing a monitor, you should pay attention to the inscription Low Radiation, which indicates a low level of radiation.
  • Protective screens should be used, especially for lovers of computer toys.
  • If there are several PCs in the room, then they are placed around the perimeter, and the middle is left empty.

Compliance with these rules will minimize harm from the computer.

Plants in protection from computer radiation

A lot of people are convinced that the best protection against electromagnetic radiation is a cactus.

It seems like it absorbs harmful rays. However, what would then happen to the radars in Mexico, the home of this plant, if this were true?

There is only one conclusion here - not a single plant will reduce radiation. However, placing it in the workplace, you can enjoy its view. This will cheer you up, and positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Benefits and harms for children from the computer

Modern children spend a lot of time at the computer. Is it bad or good? Both points of view should be considered.


  • Improper arrangement of the place can cause a violation of posture, vision.
  • The child's psyche may suffer.
  • Computer addiction may occur when a child replaces live communication with a virtual world.
  • Children under the age of five should not be allowed to use a PC at all in order to avoid developmental disorders.
  • And, of course, radiation, which affects the incompletely developed children's organs.

However, using a computer can also be beneficial. So, for example, with its help you can get new information, learn about the world.

It also develops children's memory and thinking. Therefore, you should not completely exclude the computer from children's use.

However, parents should make sure that their baby does not sit at this device for a long time. In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the workplace.

Radiation from a computer can have a negative effect on the human body, like any other electrical device. However, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the use of this device.

Just using it, you must follow the safety rules. This is especially true for parents, they need to monitor the time spent near the computer of their baby. Then the harm from it will be less than good. Many people have a computer with it, and it also does a lot of harm.

Video: the truth behind the cactus from radiation

Modern man every year spends more and more time in front of a computer monitor, laptop, TV screen, projector. Manufacturers of information display devices in the struggle for their customers constantly release new lines of models, reduce prices for their products, each time, according to them, improving its characteristics. The buyer, in turn, is often no longer able to understand such an abundance of the presented models and makes a choice more emotionally than rationally, completely forgetting about the impact the monitor screen has on vision and general well-being,

Very often, when choosing a monitor, laptop, tablet, TV, etc., we do not think about the possible harmful effects of its screen on health. Working with any information display device, whether it is a computer monitor, laptop screen, tablet, TV or a sheet of paper, is associated with the intense work of the organs of vision. In addition to the purely physical stress of the visual tract, the brain that processes incoming information also experiences an increased load. And the more complex its structure, the worse the conditions for obtaining it, the more effort is required for its perception and processing, and the stronger the negative impact of the screen not only on the eyes and vision, but also on human health in general.
The amount of information received by a person through various electronic devices is steadily growing. At the same time, the time of a person's work with them is also growing. And, every year, an increasing number of people begin to note not only the fact that more and more eyes hurt from the monitor, but also a general deterioration in well-being. Among the most common symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • increased fatigue;
  • loss of concentration;
  • discomfort in the eyes (pain, dryness or increased tearing);
  • blurred vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • increased irritability;
  • and much more…
Fig.1 Graph of the increase in incidence since 1980
From the graph of the growth of incidence in Fig. 1, we see that the highest growth rate was noted in the 90s-2000s, that is, during the period of mass introduction of computer technology. This is especially pronounced in the growth of pathologies of the organs of vision (primarily due to the seriously increased load on it when working with a computer monitor). Some decline in the growth rate of diseases in the last decade is probably associated with an improvement in the quality of computer equipment, and, first of all, monitors.
All of the symptoms mentioned are often caused by prolonged work at a computer or laptop monitor. For them, foreign sources even introduced a special term - "LCD Syndrome", i.e. "liquid crystal display syndrome". A complex deterioration in well-being in a person who spends a lot of time at the screen of a computer, laptop or tablet is caused by the fact that the display can negatively affect not only vision, but also directly on the human brain, on its biorhythms, as well as on the general hormonal background.

What computer monitor settings have a negative impact on health.

The main adverse factors when working with a computer display are (as the degree of danger decreases):

  • flickering (pulsation) of image brightness;
  • increased image brightness levels;
  • unsatisfactory conditions of external lighting;
  • poor image quality (clearness, contrast, focus, uneven brightness, etc.);
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • improperly equipped workplace;
  • electromagnetic radiation;
  • poor ergonomics and poor monitor design (glossy screen, bright details or indicators on the front panel, poor screen adjustment, etc.).

The flickering brightness of the image at the same time negatively affects both human vision and brain function. The effect of pulsations is described in more detail in the section “The effect of monitor flicker on vision and the human brain”.

Ripple on the monitor screen can be caused by several reasons, which are described in the article “Disadvantages of LCD monitors. The causes of image flicker are backlight, VCOM, lighting, grounding, and electromagnetic fields."
Requirements for safe levels of electromagnetic radiation, brightness, ambient lighting and image quality on the monitor screen are formulated in sanitary standards, an excerpt from which is given in the material “Computer Screen. Sanitary standards. Requirements for location, image quality, radiation level, workplace arrangement.
Almost all types of modern monitors emit some amount of ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation while working at a computer monitor adversely affects human vision. This is a serious problem. Read more about it in “LCD monitor backlight. Harm of fluorescent lighting.
Is it possible to reduce the harm to health from a computer monitor? Definitely yes. Of course, it is best to choose the most secure and high-quality model already when buying a display or laptop. To do this, read the material "How to choose and buy a safe monitor", where we give recommendations on choosing the most safe model in terms of negative impact on health.
And, finally, in the article "How to properly set up a computer monitor" we give advice on how to make working with a computer display or laptop screen not only not harmful to health, but also be as comfortable and productive as possible. Make your computer monitor your real assistant and partner!

It is the mysterious radiation of the monitor that is usually first of all meant when talking about the impact of a computer on health. In fact, this is far from the worst of the "computer" hazards. However, we shouldn't forget about it either.

When you hear the word "radiation", first of all you start thinking about some kind of radiation, about something radioactive. So. The monitor is not a source of radioactive radiation! Neither alpha, nor beta, nor gamma particles fly out of the monitor! The cathode ray tube of the monitor is a source of small doses of x-rays. In some models of very old monitors produced in the 80s or earlier and which can still be found in some places now, X-ray radiation reached rather large values ​​and could, during daily work, several hours a day, really undermine the health of the operator, including provoke the appearance of various tumors. But from modern monitors, X-ray radiation is so scanty that it is not necessary to talk about any harmful effects on health.

But the monitor really generates electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields. And their impact on the health of the user can be very noticeable, as, in fact, it was with monitors of older models (again, from the 80s and earlier).

In addition, the electromagnetic radiation of monitors harmed not only health. Some of the old monitors created such interference that it was impossible to watch TV in the next room. And it also made it possible, with the help of special "spy" devices, to read all the information displayed on the screen at a distance of several tens of meters.

The first successes in the fight against electromagnetic radiation, real or imaginary, at one time caused the appearance of the famous inscription "Low Radiation", which was, in fact, an advertising ploy of monitor manufacturers. And it was the regulation of the levels of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields generated by monitors that became the main part of the first monitor safety standards (MPR-II, TSO-92).

The restrictions on electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields introduced by the TCO-95 and TCO-99 standards are so strict that monitors that meet these standards are almost completely safe even for children and pregnant women.

An important note: all of the above applies to cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors, which now, one might say, have become exotic. In modern liquid crystal monitors, even the simplest and cheapest models, X-ray radiation is completely absent, and the levels of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields are so low that they fit into the most stringent of the available standards with a huge margin.

Summarizing, we can say: if you work with a CRT monitor that meets the TCO-95 or TCO-99 standard, and even more so on a modern liquid crystal monitor, then you can not be afraid of any radiation. And if you have to use a very old monitor (or even if one works in the next room) - be vigilant and careful! And better - change such a monitor to a new one (or change jobs and leave the "company" that does not care about its employees).

The computer is one of the most remarkable achievements of the human intellect. The possibility of a direct dialogue between users through a computer and the huge resources of a PC has led to the fact that millions of people spend more and more time in front of its screen. Over time, computer users develop a set of specific health complaints.

This makes us think about the impact of radiation from a computer on human health. There are many reasons for such thoughts. A number of scientists associate health problems with exposure to electromagnetic radiation from household microwave sources.

What is the harm of computer radiation

We are the first generation of people who live in an ocean of vast amounts of visible and invisible radiation. Therefore, there are still no reliable statistics summing up all the research of scientists on this topic. So what do pundits say?

Each PC is a source of low-frequency and radio-frequency radiation. Health experts say:

  • both types of rays are carcinogenic;
  • they increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and hormonal disorders;
  • as well as Alzheimer's disease, asthma and depression.

All parts of a computer can be harmful. The processor generates this very microwave radiation, which “with pleasure” propagates in space in the form of electromagnetic waves, often carrying misinformation to the human electromagnetic field.

To determine in which direction from the monitor the harmful radiation is maximum, it should be remembered that its front part has a protective coating. But the back wall and side surfaces are not protected. Manufacturers of computer equipment considered the safety of the operator sitting in front of the screen to be paramount, so the opinion that the radiation from the monitor from behind and from the sides is stronger is quite justified.

Monitors with a cathode-ray tube, thank God, are becoming rarities of history. The damage from them was very significant. The liquid crystal monitors that replaced them are certainly safer, but they still emit radiation. By the way, the word radiation, indicated in the documentation of a computer, is translated as radiation, but not as radioactivity.

Due to the heating of the motherboard and case, air is deionized and harmful substances are released into the environment. That's why the air in the rooms, with constantly running computers, is very difficult to breathe. For people with a weak respiratory system, such a factor can have a detrimental effect, triggering asthma. It is aggravated by the influence of the electrostatic field of the computer and monitor on dust particles suspended in the air. Having become electrified, they form a “dust cocktail” that makes it difficult to breathe.

The presence of a touch screen does not guarantee you the absence of radiation. After all, your fingers, making manipulations on the screen, are in contact with it all the time, and a few millimeters from the wi-fi antenna.

Of particular note is the problem of radiation from laptops, which were conceived as portable devices for work on the road. The use of these convenient and multifunctional devices for a full working day may well cause all sorts of pathologies and diseases. After all, it, like an ordinary computer, is a source of electromagnetic radiation, and even located in close proximity to a person. Many users even imprudently place it on their knees, in close proximity to vital organs.

Computer radiation and pregnancy

Pregnancy is an extremely important time in a woman's life. From the moment of conception to the birth of a child, the growing fetus is extremely sensitive to adverse external influences. Therefore, intrauterine damage to the embryo by an electromagnetic field can occur at any stage of its development. Particularly dangerous in this regard are the early stages of pregnancy, when miscarriages most often occur and malformations of the unborn baby develop. Therefore, the issue of the influence of computer radiation on pregnancy should be treated very responsibly by the expectant mother.

Despite the compactness of the laptop, the radiation from it during pregnancy is no less dangerous than the same effect from a regular computer - the intensity is the same, plus the effect of the Wi-Fi transmitter. In addition, many women, even during pregnancy, do not part with the habit of keeping this portable device on their knees, that is, in close proximity to the developing baby.

Ways to protect against the harmful effects of a computer

The reverse side of technological progress is the dangers associated with it. How can they be avoided or at least minimized? How to reduce radiation from a computer? Information about its harmful effects should logically be accompanied by recommendations on how to protect against its radiation.

Do plants help protect against computer radiation?

Even among reputable office workers, there is an opinion that some plants protect against computer radiation.

So which flower protects from computer radiation? Preference here is traditionally given to the cactus. Under this myth, even a “scientific base” has been summed up: the role of antennas is attributed to the needles of a plant, formulas are given and calculations are made. If there was a grain of truth in this statement, then in the homeland of cacti, Mexico, there should be problems with the operation of radars, but they are not.

The reality is that neither a cactus nor any other plant will protect against computer radiation!

A flower near a computer is able to cheer you up, decorate a strict working atmosphere, become a positive emotional component in everyday work. And the "emotional placebo" is able to level the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Concluding all of the above, we conclude that protection against microwave radiation from a computer begins from the moment you choose this companion of your family in the store. And it ends with a reasonable approach to its operation and a dosed time spent in front of an invitingly flickering screen.

Electromagnetic radiation is invisible and imperceptible. Man can only observe the remote effects of his influence. And yet, the World Health Organization has included electromagnetic radiation in the list of environmentally hazardous factors fraught with catastrophic consequences for the environment.

Electromagnetic radiation: what is it?

All devices powered by the mains affect the electromagnetic field around them - a physical field that interacts with all bodies that have at least a minimal electric charge. The human body also belongs to such bodies. Our body generates a lot of electrical impulses. Signals of the nervous system, contractions of the heart muscle and a number of other functions are carried out using the current of electrical impulses through living fibers. Electromagnetic radiation from devices creates disturbances in the physical field. At the moment, the total "mass" of such disturbances has already become critical and has turned into a kind of environmental pollution that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Most often, we do not feel the influence of electromagnetic radiation, but if it reaches an enormous power, then a person feels it as a heat emission. Sufficiently powerful radiation can be detected using special equipment. But the impact that our daily “communication” with electrical appliances and computer technology has on us remains unnoticed.

Why is electromagnetic radiation dangerous?

What's wrong with invisible perturbations of the electromagnetic field? As we have already noted, the human body is riddled with electrical impulses - there is a tiny grain of truth in the story of Frankenstein. There is even an EEG - an electroencephalogram, a special procedure that captures the electrical currents of the human brain. Electrical impulses "run" along the nerve fibers, collecting information from the receptors and transmitting it to the brain. These same impulses transmit "commands" to the internal organs, skin, our arms and legs. If we imagine the circuit in a simplified way, then a lot of tiny fibers transmit momentum to each other, as in an Olympic relay race. A failure that occurred at any stage of such a relay race could turn into ... hallucinations. Memory loss. Violation of coordination of movements. But electromagnetic radiation "hit" primarily on the brain and nervous system.

Number two on this fatal list is the heart and the entire cardiovascular system to boot. Immunity and hormonal levels also noticeably suffer, the state of which directly depends on the circulatory system. Under the action of radiation in the blood, the number of protective cells is reduced, which weakens the immune functions. At the same time, disturbances in the electromagnetic field lead to an increase in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. An increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood turns into an increase in the load on the heart. In addition, the amount of oxygen in the blood is reduced - the blood thickens. This, at first glance, an insignificant change noticeably affects libido - sexual desire simply decreases.

Today, many researchers say that long-term, albeit weak, electromagnetic radiation is enough to provoke such serious diseases as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, cancer, erectile dysfunction, as well as all sorts of sleep and memory disorders. Of course, children suffer the most from this negative influence. And this is another reason why it is worth limiting the time spent by the younger generation in front of the monitor screen. Electromagnetic radiation also negatively affects the development of the fetus, so pregnant women are also at risk.

Worst of all, regular use of a computer, TV and microwave oven is reflected in human health. Of all electrical appliances, this trinity has the strongest radiation and, moreover, emits microwave waves. The monitor also creates serious electromagnetic disturbances. Manufacturers of equipment are aware of this feature, so the front of the monitor often receives a protective coating. But the side and rear walls - no.

In addition to all of the above, PC deionizes the environment and releases harmful substances into the air. This happens when the case and motherboard are heated. In other words, in a room where computers are constantly working, the air is dry, deionized and difficult to breathe. If the respiratory organs are a “weak spot” in the body or have already suffered from some other factors, there is a high risk of developing an allergy or other respiratory disease.

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation?

Today, we cannot abandon computing technology, but we can remember to ventilate the room, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and not turn on the equipment unnecessarily. Those who update home appliances should be careful. Choose devices that meet health and safety standards. Electromagnetic radiation is not new for a long time, so conscientious manufacturers are trying to minimize its impact.

Owners of laptops and all portable devices derived from them are in for an unpleasant surprise: you are at risk the most. Laptops have exactly the same impact on human health as desktop PCs. However, due to the fact that they are located much closer to the person, the impact is stronger and more noticeable. Definitely worth it once and for all to give up the habit of putting the laptop on its knees.

To minimize the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. When choosing a monitor, it is better to give preference to the liquid crystal version. The emission of monitors with a cathode ray tube is much stronger than that of LCD counterparts.
  2. Try to place the monitor in a corner. The walls will absorb the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the side and rear walls.
  3. Don't forget to turn off your monitor if you leave your desktop for a while.
  4. The use of special protective screens is still relevant, especially if there are children in the family.
  5. The monitor should be no closer than an arm's length from your chair. Don't bring it too close to your face or lean towards the screen.

There are also a number of universal rules for working at a computer that will help you maintain your own health and extend the life of your equipment:

  1. The system unit should be located as far as possible from you. Do not put a computer next to the bed, or better yet, do not place a computer desk in the bedroom at all - this is an ideal option, which, unfortunately, not everyone can afford.
  2. Do not leave your computer on when you are not using it. And, accordingly, do not turn it on unnecessarily. Among other things, it will also reduce the wear and tear of equipment.
  3. Try to reduce the time you spend at the computer. If your professional activity takes place in front of the monitor screen, interrupt work as often as possible to take a short walk or just drink tea. In your free time, try not to sit in front of the monitor.

We should not forget about the most obvious consequences of constant communication with a computer, even if they are not related to electromagnetic radiation. TV and computer hold the palm among the causes of myopia and a number of other eye diseases. This is not surprising, because the eyes are in constant tension when working at a PC. The specific flickering of the monitor not only tires the eyes, but also leads to the fact that we blink less often. This is a purely reflex movement, which is designed to maintain normal eye moisture. Many people have to use special drops to avoid drying out of the mucous membrane - the so-called dry eye syndrome.

What are the risks for avid gamers?

It has long been no secret to anyone that hours spent in front of a TV or monitor do not bring health benefits. And yet, many young and not very people prefer computer games, consoles or game consoles that connect to the TV to all other types of leisure. Such entertainment exposes you to all the risks described above: vision loss, memory and nervous system deterioration in general, cardiovascular diseases and hormonal disorders. After all, no one has canceled the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation. However, the passion for such sedentary games brings the greatest harm to children. Gambling battles for five or more hours are fraught with headaches, and even an increase in body temperature. This is a direct manifestation of electromagnetic radiation. For the unpleasant symptoms to disappear, the body needs time, and it is desirable that it passes outside the range of electrical appliances. If you cannot imagine your life without consoles or computer games, try to dose your game sessions. And spend more time outdoors.

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