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The left side of the tablet is not working. The touchscreen (sensor) does not work well in a phone or tablet running Android

These days, conventional push-button telephones continue to be used mainly by people over 40, and young girls and boys prefer to swap their mobile devices for touchscreen smartphones. Having a cool smartphone with a touchscreen (Touch Screen) is fashionable and stylish, and using it is much more convenient and pleasant than push-button models. However, touchscreen devices must be handled with great care as they may become unresponsive after being dropped or swallowed by liquids.

Accidental shocks, falls, shock, moisture, hypothermia, overheating and pressure of solid objects directly on the screen to breakdowns touchscreen display, causing the sensor to not be correctly recognized when touched. In case of partial and complete inoperability sensor the best that a user who does not understand their mobile device can do is take it to a service center. Professionals in their field will quickly change or repair the touchscreen, and if the phone's warranty has not expired, you can try to return it to the store.

If you have little experience in repairing TV and radio equipment, then you can disassemble a mobile phone with a broken touch screen yourself. A broken sensor can be repaired in cases where the body of the phone moves away from the touchscreen and you can visually see a barely noticeable gap. You can also restore broken ones on your own. contacts in the phone filling after water gets into it.

The most common in mobile phones are resistive and capacitive touch screens. A resistive touchscreen is a glass panel and a flexible, transparent membrane above it that is coated with a conductive (resistive) coating. Pi tapping with your finger on the screen at this point panel and the membrane is closed, a voltage arises on the electrodes and microprocessors automatically determine the coordinate from it.

Resistive touch screens are not multitouch. Realize the present multitouch, which allows you to track the coordinates of each press, is possible only in projected capacitive touch screens. Fast response times are key advantages of projected capacitive touchscreens. on touch and more accurate coordinates. Such high-quality multitouch screens are used in iPhones and iPads. If the multitouch touchscreen does not work on a mobile device, then you should not try to fix it yourself. It is better to entrust your expensive gadget to the master of the service center, who will replace his display with a new one.

Resistive and surface-capacitive screens are of a simpler design, and therefore, if they break, you can try to fix the phone yourself. For this you need:
1. Carefully examine the touch screen of your phone - if there are any small cracks in it, which in 55% of cases lead to the device "glitching". If traces of screen deformation are found, its reliable operation can be resumed only by replacing its display with a new one.

2. If the phone screen is intact, and the glare of light on it is displayed on a flawlessly smooth surface, then first try calibrate your cell phone. To do this, go to the "Settings" item on your phone, then to the " Calibration"and tap on it. This process is used to customize the touchscreen so that the phone listens to you the way you want it to. You only need to calibrate the touchscreen when the screen is working but does not correctly recognize finger touches. For example, when trying to enter any number Pressing your fingers on the screen will display a different number Calibration will help you align the touch screen and correct these problems.

3. In the event that the touch screen does not respond to touch at all, you will have to reincarnate as a cell phone repair engineer. To do this, you should have at hand a flat and Phillips screwdriver, an unnecessary plastic card, rubbing alcohol, eraser, toothbrush and napkins. Before disassembling the phone, enter your phone model in the search engine and add the word "disassembly" next to it. Then check out the video or instruction dismantling your phone and, following it, carefully disassemble the body of your mobile phone to pieces. In the process of disassembly, lay out the screws and other parts strictly according to the diagram so that during reassembly you do not have to look for them. Rub the accessible places of the phone first with alcohol, then with an eraser and a napkin. Use a toothbrush for general cleaning of corroded PCBs. Ultimately the surface of everyone details and parts of the inside of your phone should be clean and dry.

4. Most often, the reason for the performance of the touchscreen is its displacement or flaking. You can use a conventional hair dryer to replace the touchpad. The fact is that the screen is glued to the body with a special glue, which softens under the influence of hot air and releases the sensor, which makes it easy to put in place.

It is necessary to assemble the disassembled mobile phone very carefully, observing the sequence of screwing the parts and not forgetting to put all protective screening elements with microcircuits strictly in place.

Unlike their progenitors, modern smartphones are controlled using a touchscreen and several auxiliary buttons. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a situation worse than the one when the screen on the phone does not work.

This is manifested in its complete inoperability, loss of some important functions or accidental sensor operation. It is especially unpleasant when the black screen of the phone catches the user at the most inopportune time.

There are several reasons why the phone has a black screen:

  • the apparatus fell;
  • the microcircuit is out of order;
  • the connecting train flew out;
  • moisture has entered the device.

It is almost impossible to understand right away why the phone screen does not work. The only exceptions are obvious damage resulting in cracks or deformation of the case on the display. But first things first.

The phone fell

To disable the display, just one fall of the gadget from a small height is enough. The greatest risk is a collision with asphalt or rocky soil when the impact hits a specific part of the safety glass.

If after this, the user's display no longer works, the glass could crack on the device, resulting in damage to the touchscreen along with the display, or a loop could jump out. It would be reasonable to refer the gadget to a specialist for diagnostics, be sure to note that you dropped it.

Breakage of the screen control chip

Another extremely common phenomenon is the failure of the graphics chip. The display stops receiving information from the device and no longer displays images. It is extremely difficult to identify this problem at home. In this case, all components must be completely replaced. This operation will fail if the device is smashed to smithereens.

Loop worn or disconnected

Compared to most hardware components, the ribbon cable can be replaced without additional re-soldering of the device board. Usually, the solution to such a problem takes several hours, even when the cable is completely broken.

It is possible that the display no longer lights up, not because of a broken cable, but because it was disconnected from the main board as a result of a strong shock. Repair work will take only a few minutes, the cost will vary depending on the complexity of the gadget's internal structure.

Moisture and liquid penetration into the phone case

One of the worst options for why the screen does not light up can be the contact of the hardware with moisture. Whether it is steam or a few drops of liquid, they can provoke destruction of the board contacts, arrange short circuits or manifest themselves from a specific side when the sensor does not respond to your touches or divide the image into several zones.

The solution to this problem will depend on the amount of oxide formed. After delaying the repair, thorough cleaning may not be enough and you will have to resort to replacing damaged modules.

Elimination of oxide

Fight oxide, perhaps on your own. Immediately after moisture gets into the gadget, it is recommended to completely disassemble the device and check it for the presence of electromechanical corrosion. The affected area is treated with 96% medical alcohol, for the best effect, use a toothbrush soaked in alcohol, dry the board.

It is worth warning right away that such a personal intervention can only aggravate the condition of the smartphone. It is better to give the device to the craftsmen, where they will treat it with a water-repellent solution and provide high-quality washing with an ultrasonic bath. It is dried in an oven at a certain temperature. It is often impossible to say for sure whether the device can be saved due to extensive damage to the hardware of the board.

Benefits of specialized service centers

An obvious advantage is the complete diagnostics of the device with the subsequent replacement of the failed parts. Unlike carrying out these manipulations at home, the risk that the master touches an important knot inadvertently is minimized.

Additionally, you will receive a warranty for the entire device, and not for a separate part that was subject to replacement. Only original spare parts are used as replacement parts, not using low quality Chinese counterparts.

Rather than trying to fix the problem yourself, it is better to immediately contact the wizards who have experience in restoring mobile devices and the necessary tools for this. This is especially true for those who need an urgent screen replacement.


The display of a mobile device is very fragile and can be damaged not only as a result of a strong impact, but also due to moisture ingress into it. It becomes almost impossible to save your device without using special tools, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, the intervention of an inexperienced user leads to complete damage to the hardware board or individual modules.


The more you paid for your new phone, the greater the fear of waiting for problems with its work. Unfortunately, sometimes we do not even know about the sources of malfunctions in the equipment for various reasons. In most cases, this concerns ignorance of some of the features of use, as well as a lack of respect for technology. For example, after replacing the touchscreen, part of the screen does not work, and you were sure that you would solve the problem with this method. Obviously, it will not be possible to solve it if the attitude to technology remains the same. Therefore, we will consider all the possible reasons why a part of the touchscreen does not work.

Part of the screen is not working on the phone

So, experts almost always advise using the elimination method. The fact is that part of the screen on an iPhone sometimes does not work due to the simplest little things, which can be easily eliminated, and sometimes you have to completely change the details of the technique.

It is likely that part of the touchscreen on the phone is not working due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Sometimes part of the touchscreen does not work due to a simple memory overload. In pursuit of getting great opportunities and the desire to store information as much as possible, we do not notice how we simply overload the equipment. As a result, there are no more resources for the touchscreen. And sometimes there is a failure of the equipment system, then you will have to resort to the so-called deep reboot.
  2. Part of the screen does not work after careless handling of it. When was the last time you cleaned the screen? When dirt and greasy stains accumulate on it, the contact becomes worse and the sensitivity decreases.
  3. Technique does not tolerate temperature changes. This is one of the reasons why it is not recommended to carry your phone in a jacket pocket in winter. By the way, such drops can lead to condensation, which also leads to malfunctions. Oxidation of the contacts begins and the sensor jams. In such a situation, it is enough to wipe the contacts with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  4. In a cramped bus or just in a sharp movement, you will not even notice how you damage your phone. Part of the screen on the phone does not work after the appearance of the smallest cracks.
  5. It is likely that part of the touchscreen on the phone is not working after a slight displacement or partial peeling of the touchscreen itself. Here you can use the heating method with a hairdryer. The fact is that the sensor is fixed with a small layer of glue, which can be heated and installed in place.

Ergonomic touch devices arrived. What has changed with the new technology? Almost everything related to management functionality. Therefore, a tricky situation when the sensor on the phone does not work requires immediate permission. Moreover, in some cases, the user has every chance to make repairs on his own. However, we read about this and many other things below.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There can be an incredible number of reasons. Despite the high manufacturability, in most cases, a fragile and rather "finicky" control element. The functional abilities of such a modern "miracle" are completely dependent on a variety of influencing factors:

  • weather conditions,
  • mechanical damage,
  • ingress of conductive liquid.

A software failure, spontaneous system failure can also be the culprit for the fact that the sensor on the phone does not work. Of course, all these shortcomings are conditional, because it plays the main role in the life of the used mobile device. Specifically, the performance of the device and its efficiency in operation depend on our actions.

Typical touchscreen faults

Mechanical damage most often leads to various breakdowns. Falls and deformations are a kind of record holders of a widespread excuse: “I didn’t do anything, I just rode in a crowded minibus” ”or“ It’s not my fault that it’s so slippery ”. The consequences of a blow and excessive pressure on the apparatus can be different. From an innocent chip on the case lid to the spider-like pattern of a split display. The case may "tolerate", but the touchscreen and screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor on the phone does not work, you should pay special attention to the structural parts of the mobile phone. In the case when the body part of the device moves away from the touchscreen and you visually see the gap formed or find that it has shifted, you need to install the parts in place. Sometimes a smartphone loses its sensory performance due to a small amount of liquid trapped inside the gadget. And often you do not even know how the water ends up in the bowels of the device. Although you should know that the condensate will pick up the most unfavorable moment in order to show its destructive abilities. Check the pads and sockets of the connectors for oxidation. Physical defects: screen flickering, image distortion and other non-standard manifestations in the phone's operation may indicate that the device needs urgent repair. Delay and delay with professional help is not in your best interest ...

What You Can Do: By yourself does not mean counterproductive.

If the sensor on the phone does not work well, first of all, calibrate the touchscreen. Usually this function is available in the main window of your device's settings. Such actions are carried out when the device is clearly working, when the body is intact, no traces of deformation or oxidation were found, and the sensor reflects the glare of light with an impeccably smooth surface. With not entirely rosy forecasts, you will have to transform into a mobile device repair engineer. Since the subsequent actions require certain skills and specific knowledge.

Oxide elimination and touch panel positioning

Arm yourself with a special (mobile) tool: a Phillips and flat screwdrivers, an unnecessary plastic card (bank or other type). Prepare some rubbing alcohol, a clean toothbrush, eraser, and regular table napkins.


In case of a favorable outcome of all your manipulations, your touchscreen should work. If everything remains unchanged and the sensor on the phone also does not work, then only replacing this component of the control system will help you. What to do at home is not recommended. Therefore, you cannot avoid a visit to the workshop. Take care of your sensor!

Push-button phones have been replaced by touch-sensitive devices. What has changed after this technology has firmly entered our lives? Almost everything that is in some way connected with the functioning of the device. That is why the situation in which the sensor stops working requires immediate resolution. Moreover, in many cases, a person has almost every chance to restore his device. We will talk about this in more detail later.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There are many reasons why the sensor on the phone does not work (what to do is described below). Given the manufacturability of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this control is quite fragile and finicky. Its performance depends as much as possible on weather conditions, damage, as well as liquid ingress.

If a software failure or spontaneous failure of the system occurs, then problems with the operation of the sensor may appear. These disadvantages, in principle, are conditional, they can be easily avoided. We can seriously say that a person is the most important factor in the performance of a mobile device. It will depend on the actions of the owner how long the device will be in operation and why the sensor on the phone does not work.

Typical touchscreen faults

Often, breakdowns are formed due to mechanical damage. If the phone is dropped or deformed, the device will not function properly. Various consequences can occur due to shock or other mechanical influences. Typically, they can be normal lid chips at best, or a cracked display at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect the operation of the gadget in most cases, then the screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor stops working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. If there is a body part slightly away from the display and you can see a gap, then you should immediately carry the phone for repair.

Sometimes a smartphone may stop working if liquid gets into it. It is completely incomprehensible to many how water manages to get to the board, but this is a common problem.


If the sensor on the phone does not work, it is not clear what to do, then you must first go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. This feature can often be found in the main settings. These actions can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the case is intact, there are no traces of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a flawlessly smooth surface, then it is likely that the touchscreen has simply turned off.

If the forecasts are not entirely optimistic, the sensor on the phone still does not work, what should I do? It is better to immediately start looking for a solution to your problem. In order to perform the following actions, you must have certain skills.

Elimination of oxide

In order to eliminate the oxide, it is necessary to use a special tool - this is a Phillips and flathead screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card will also work. You should take rubbing alcohol, a toothbrush, an eraser and tissues. Before disassembling your device, you need to watch the video, which describes how to do this. To do this, you just need to type your phone model in a search engine and look at reviews on it.

Care must be taken when separating body parts. There is a risk that a person can fly a train, break wires or break any parts. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and lay out the screws according to the drawing. All accessible places where liquid can get into should be wiped with alcohol, then with an eraser and then blotted with a napkin.

In order to eliminate the corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason that the phone's sensor has failed. Where the loops are connected, especially when it comes to the touch screen connector, it is necessary to treat with alcohol and remove the plaque with an eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

If there is a flaking or displacement of the screen, then this is probably the problem. Often in such cases, the phone's sensor fails. In order to put the screen back in place, you must use a hair dryer. You can remove the touchscreen from the display by simply heating it. The glue will dry out and it will be easy to move the sensor to the desired location.

The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, the installation must be in sequence. Do not forget about screwing in the screws. It is also necessary to put protective housings back on the microcircuits.

Other ways: how to fix the problem

There are many other reasons why a sensor can fail, so a person's actions will directly depend on the failure. Sometimes you can solve this problem yourself, remembering that repairing touchscreen phones is an expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then it is necessary to wipe the screen with liquid. You should also use a soft cloth. This is necessary if the question arises about what to do - the sensor on the phone does not work.

If the protective film was installed incorrectly and the lower part of the sensor on the phone now does not work, you need to replace this cover by cleaning the screen from dirt. Often dust and dirt gets under the film. This is what makes it difficult to work with the sensor.

In other cases, the cause may be a software failure. It is easy to solve this problem by resetting the settings or flashing the device. In the most urgent cases, you should contact the service center. We'll talk about this below.

If the sensor on the phone does not work for no apparent reason

If the sensor stopped working for unknown reasons, then it is better to contact the service center and carry out a full diagnosis of the phone. This is the only way to find out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without harm to yourself and additional money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, then you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, experts answer the question of why the sensor on the phone does not work quite quickly. This method is the most effective. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact a service center as soon as a breakdown appears. If you are not confident in your abilities, you should not try to solve this problem on your own.


Summing up, it is imperative to say that the phone should be treated as carefully as possible. Replacing a sensor on a phone is a rather complicated process and also expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device with the most ideal working conditions. You don't need to ditch it or treat it carelessly. It is imperative to periodically wipe the screen, change the protective film, only then you can really achieve excellent and long-term operation of the touch screen. If the gadget is under warranty, then replacing the sensor on the phone will be a free service.

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