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Lecture new information technologies in science. Token Ring topology


Aksyukhin A.A., Vitsen A.A., Meksheneva Zh.V.

FGOU VPO "Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture", Oryol, Russia

Information technology (IT) in education is currently a prerequisite for the transition of society to an information civilization. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change the nature of the organization of the educational process, completely immerse the student in the information and educational environment, improve the quality of education, and motivate the processes of information perception and knowledge acquisition. New information technologies create an environment for computer and telecommunications support for organization and management in various fields of activity, including education. The integration of information technologies into educational programs is carried out at all levels: school, university and postgraduate education.

Continuous improvement of the educational process along with the development and restructuring of society, with the creation of a unified system of continuous education, is a characteristic feature of education in Russia. The reformation of the school carried out in the country is aimed at bringing the content of education in line with the modern level of scientific knowledge, increasing the efficiency of all teaching and educational work and preparing students for activities in the transition to an information society. Therefore, information technology is becoming an integral component of the content of education, a means of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, and also contributes to the implementation of many principles of developmental education.

The main areas of application of IT in the educational process of the school are:

    developing pedagogical software tools for various purposes;

    development of educational websites;

    development of methodological and didactic materials;

    control of real objects (training bots);

    organizing and conducting computer experiments with virtual models;

    implementation of a targeted search for information of various forms in global and local networks, its collection, accumulation, storage, processing and transmission;

    processing of the results of the experiment;

    organization of intellectual leisure of students.

The most widely used at the moment are integrated lessons with the use of multimedia tools. Educational presentations are becoming an integral part of training, but this is just the simplest example of IT applications.

V Lately teachers create and implement author's pedagogical software, which reflects a certain subject area, to some extent implements the technology of its study, provides conditions for the implementation of various types of educational activities. The typology of pedagogical software used in education is very diverse: teaching; simulators; diagnosing; controlling; modeling; gaming.

In the educational process of a higher educational institution, the study of IT involves solving problems of several levels:

    The use of information technology as a tool for education, knowledge, which is carried out in the course "Informatics";

    Information technology in professional activity, which is the focus of the general professional discipline "Information technology", which considers their theory, components, methodology;

    Training in applied information technologies focused on a specialty, designed for the organization and management of specific professional activities, which is studied in the disciplines of specializations.

For example, the discipline "Information technology in economics" and synonymous with it "Information technology in management" is included in the educational program for students of economic specialties. The modern economist should be able to accept informed decisions on the basis of information flows, in addition to traditional economic knowledge, the student must be familiar with the data processing process and possess the skills of building information systems.

Methodical materials in these disciplines are presented in large numbers in print, in electronic versions, accompanied by various applications and application programs. It is quite difficult to figure out such an abundance of the proposed material on your own. If we take, for example, just the fact how many sources are offered on the Internet: a list of recommended reading, interactive manuals and online textbooks, abstracts, etc. The search engine gives out about 400 thousand links to the user's request "Discipline" Information Technologies in Economics ".

Only a qualified teacher-teacher can help to understand the current situation and help in mastering the educational material: he not only organizes the independent work of students (abstracts, testing, control and term papers), but under the conditions of the time schedule for the study of the discipline, he is able to choose the most important aspects for study. Currently, in pursuit of similar goals, teachers create author's pedagogical software, implemented in multimedia and hypermedia form on CDs and DVDs, on sites on the Internet.

Postgraduate education is also focused on the implementation of IT: in educational plans graduate students and applicants in many scientific areas include disciplines related to the study and implementation of information technologies in scientific and professional activity... At the Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture, graduate students and applicants of all specialties study the discipline "Information technology in science and education" already in the first year of graduate school. The purpose of this course is to master the basic methods and means of applying modern information technologies in research and educational activities, to increase the level of knowledge of a novice scientist in the field of using computer technologies in conducting a scientific experiment, to organize assistance to a graduate student in his scientific research, in the design of articles, abstracts. , reports and dissertation work.

An increase in the level of computer training of students, an increase in the number and expansion of varieties of copyright pedagogical software, the use of new information technologies in science and education in general, are one of the main directions of improving secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education in our country.


1. Lavrushina E.G., Moiseenko E.V. Teaching informatics at the university.

2. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Information technologies in humanitarian higher professional education // Pedagogical informatics. Scientific-methodical journal VAK. No. 5. 2006. S. 8-16.

3. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Multimedia technologies in the formation of the educational environment of universities of arts and culture // Historical and cultural ties between Russia and France: main stages: collection of articles / Comp. I.A. Ivashova; ch. ed. N.S. Martynov. - Oryol: OGIIK, ill., LLC PF "Operative polygraphy", 2008. S. 19-25.

Aksyukhin A.A., Vitsen A.A., Meksheneva Zh.V. Information technologies in education and science // III International scientific conference "Modern problems of informatization in systems of modeling, programming and telecommunications".
URL: (date of access: 27.03.2019).

Currently, the role of information technology in people's lives has increased significantly. Modern society has joined the general historical process called informatization. This process includes the availability of any citizen to sources of information, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, high level information service. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creative potential.

One of priority directions the process of informatization of modern society is informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software technical means integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information in the interests of its consumers. Therefore, at the present time in Russia there is a formation new system education focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with making adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which should be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and contribute to the harmonious entry of the student into the information society.

Analysis of the concept of "information technology" in education.Information technology in education

Information technology (IT) training is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video equipment, computers, telecommunication networks) to work with information. "

The goal of IT is the high-quality formation and use of information resources in accordance with the needs of the user. IT methods are data processing methods. Mathematical, technical, software, information, hardware and other means are used as IT tools.

IT methods

IT tools

IT falls into two broad groups: selective and fully interactive technologies.

1) The first group includes all technologies that provide information storage in structured form... This includes banks and databases and knowledge, videotext, teletext, Internet, etc. These technologies operate in a selective interactive mode and greatly facilitate access to a huge amount of structured information. In this case, the user is only allowed to work with already existing data, without entering new ones.

2) The second group contains technologies that provide direct access to information stored in information networks or any media that allows you to transfer, modify and supplement it.

Selective interactivity technologies

Technologies with full interactivity.

Information technology should be classified primarily according to the field of application and the degree of use of computers in them. Distinguish between such areas of application of information technology as science, education, culture, economics, production, military affairs, etc. According to the degree of use of computers in information technology, computer and non-computer technologies are distinguished.

In the field of education, information technologies are used to solve two main tasks: teaching and management. Accordingly, there are computer and computerless teaching technologies, computer and computerless education management technologies. In teaching, information technologies can be used, firstly, to present educational information students, secondly, to control the success of its assimilation. From this point of view, informational; technologies used in teaching are divided into two groups: technologies for presenting educational information and technologies for controlling knowledge.

Non-computerized information technologies for presenting educational information include paper, optical and electronic technologies. They differ from each other by the means of presenting educational information and, accordingly, are divided into paper, optical and electronic. Paper-based teaching aids include textbooks, teaching and teaching aids; to optical - epiprojectors, overhead projectors, overhead projectors, film projectors, laser pointers; to electronic televisions and laser disc players.

Computer information technologies for presenting educational information include:

Technologies using computer training programs;

Multimedia technology;

Distance learning technologies.

Computer IT presentation of information

Modern computer technology can be classified as:

Personal computers are computing systems with resources entirely aimed at supporting the activities of one managerial employee. This is the most numerous class computing technology, which includes personal computers IBM PC and compatible computers, as well as Macintosh personal computers. The intensive development of modern information technologies is due precisely to the widespread use since the early 1980s. personal computers that combine such qualities as relative cheapness and functionality that is wide enough for a non-professional user.

Corporate computers (sometimes called minicomputers or mainframes) are computing systems that enable collaborative activities a large number intellectual workers in any organization, project using unified information and computing resources. These are multi-user computing systems with a central unit of large computing power and significant information resources, to which a large number of workstations are connected with minimal equipment (usually a keyboard, mouse positioning devices and, possibly, a printing device). Personal computers can also act as workplaces connected to the central unit of a corporate computer. The scope of use of corporate computers - software management activities in large financial and industrial organizations. Organization of various information systems to serve a large number of users within one function (exchange and banking systems, booking and selling tickets to the public, etc.).

Supercomputers are computing systems with extreme characteristics of computing power and information resources and are used in military and space fields, and fundamental scientific research, global weather forecasting. This classification rather conventional, since the intensive development of electronic component technologies and the improvement of the architecture of computers, as well as their most important elements, lead to a blurring of the boundaries between computer technology.

The education system today has accumulated many different computer programs educational purposes created in educational institutions and centers of Russia. A considerable number of them are distinguished by their originality, high scientific and methodological level. Intelligent training systems are of high quality new technology, the features of which are the modeling of the learning process, the use of a dynamically developing knowledge base; automatic selection of a rational teaching strategy for each student, automated registration of new information entering the database. Multimedia technologies (from the English multimedia - multicomponent environment), which allows the use of text, graphics, video and animation in an interactive mode and thereby expands the scope of the computer in the educational process.

Virtual reality (from the English virtual reality - a possible reality) is a new technology of non-contact information interaction, which, using a multimedia environment, creates the illusion of being present in real time in a stereoscopically presented "screen world". In such systems, the illusion of the user's location among objects is continuously maintained. virtual world... Instead of a conventional display, telemonitor glasses are used, in which the continuously changing events of the virtual world are reproduced. The control is carried out using a special device implemented in the form of an "information glove", which determines the direction of the user's movement relative to the objects of the virtual world. In addition, the user has a device for creating and transmitting sound signals.

An automated training system based on hypertext technology makes it possible to increase the digestibility not only due to the clarity of the information presented. Using dynamic i.e. changing, hypertext makes it possible to diagnose the student, and then automatically select one of the optimal levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext learning systems provide information in such a way that the student himself, following graphic or text links, can apply various schemes for working with the material. All this makes it possible to implement a differentiated approach to training.

Specificity of Internet technologies - WWW (from the English World Wide web- the world wide web) lies in the fact that they provide users with tremendous opportunities to choose sources of information: basic "information on the servers of the network; operative information sent by email; various databases of leading libraries, scientific and training centers, museums; information about floppy disks, CDs, video and audio cassettes, books and magazines distributed through online stores, etc.

It is necessary to highlight the basic didactic requirements for ITE, in order to increase the efficiency of its application in the educational process.

These include:

Motivation in the use of various didactic materials;

Clear definition of the role, place, purpose and timing of the use of the CPC;

The leading role of the teacher in conducting classes;

Close relationship of a specific class of CPC with other types of applied TCO;

Introduction to technology only of those components that guarantee the quality of training;

Compliance with computer-aided learning methodology overall strategy conducting a training session;

Consideration that the introduction to the kit training facilities CPC requires a review of all components of the system and a change in the general teaching method;

Providing a high degree of individualization of training;

Ensuring sustainable feedback in training and others.

The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization, one of the priority directions of which is informatization of education. An essential component of informatization processes is the development and use of pedagogical software based on various information technologies. Recently, one of the most relevant is the direction based on the use of computer networks in pedagogical software.

The use of computer networks in the learning process of various academic disciplines requires the teacher to know how to prepare a script training course taking into account the capabilities of tools for developing programs, and knowledge in the field of teaching methods of a specific discipline. This is due to the wide possibilities of using computer communications and networks in practice.

2) A certain set of tools - technical devices, apparatus, laboratory equipment, etc. - used in scientific activities. Currently, this component of science is acquiring great importance. The degree of scientific work equipment determines the degree of its effectiveness.

3) A set of methods used to obtain knowledge.

4) A special way of organizing scientific activities. Science is in modern conditions the most complex social institution, which includes three main components: research (production of new knowledge); applications (bringing new knowledge to their practical use); training of scientific personnel. All these components of science are organized in the form of appropriate institutions: universities, institutes, academies, research institutes, design bureaus, laboratories, etc.

Thus, each scientist, embarking on scientific research, receives at his disposal the factual material accumulated in the course of the development of his scientific field - the results of observations and experiments; the results of the generalization of factual material, expressed in the relevant theories, laws and principles; factual scientific assumptions, hypotheses that need further verification; general theoretical, philosophical interpretation of principles and laws discovered by science; ideological attitudes; appropriate methodology and technical equipment. All these aspects and facets of science exist in close connection with each other.

1.3 The role of information technology in science and education

At the present stage of development of society, information technologies (IT) are beginning to play an increasing role, mediating and shaping the interaction of people, the receipt and exchange of information. In the scientific literature, the main characteristics of information technologies are highlighted, among which the following can be noted and the transfer of information in a short time to different points - storage of a large amount of information, its transmission at any distance in a limited time, the possibility of interactive communications and integration with other software products.

The field of science and education has undergone a significant introduction of information technology in the process of its activities. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become a ubiquitous practice in both schools and higher education institutions. Personal computers, interactive whiteboards, online learning are elements of a common, unified, global network. Information technologies in science and education contribute to the automation and efficiency of the educational and cognitive process due to the acceleration in the processing and transmission of information, the implementation of labor-intensive tasks.

You can also find a number of similarities in the field of scientific activity and education, the automation of which through the use of new information technologies significantly speeds up the process of education. Recently, the amount of scientific and educational information has increased significantly in volume. Storing such information in paper form is a difficult task, as well as environmentally unsafe, while information technology is a convenient way that reduces the cost of natural resources and contributes to the convenience of storing scientific and educational information. The collection and processing of information, large amounts of data thanks to information technology is also automated, which is facilitated by Internet search programs, the latest developed software packages for information processing, databases in libraries and many other information technologies that reduce the complexity of working with information for both humanitarian and technical specialties. In preparation scientific works in the field of natural sciences there is no need to make calculations manually, mathematical, chemical and other formulas containing several stages of calculations are solved much faster thanks to engineering programs, as well as thanks to the use of specialized information editors (MathCad). Scientific data visualization is possible thanks to graphic editors, among which CorelDRAW can be noted, mathematical modeling is implemented through the AutoCAD program, the transfer of educational documents is simplified through the use of printers, scanners, and in the editing of documents and photographic images, as well as in their recognition, the Adobe software package is actively used, where the leaders in use are FineReader and Adobe Photoshop.

An ever-increasing volume of scientific and technical information is freely available. However, education and training are needed to know how to access this information and how to use it effectively in order to realize the potential benefits that it can bring for the benefit of society as a whole.

At the same time, IT is essential for research itself: it enables scientists to carry out basic and applied research, collaborate and form international scientific consortia, conduct experiments, collate data, coordinate laboratory activities, and share results with colleagues and the public. The informational, digital world is both the result of scientific activity and the main factor for further research and educational activities. Information technology largely determines what further knowledge about the world will be, how it will be created and used 10.

In scientific activity, information technology contributes to the acceleration of both theoretical development and applied research. In theoretical terms, information technology is necessary for:

    Data analysis and mathematical calculations, compilation of spreadsheets (Excel, Statistica, SPSS);

    Graphic modeling;

    Automated translation (PROMT);

    Text recognising;

    Decision making systems.

At the stage of processing the results of scientific research, software tools are most used that provide mathematical calculations using probability theory, error theory, mathematical statistics, vector and raster image analysis, greatly simplifying the research process and making its results more accurate and clearly presented in the form of diagrams. infographics and other means.

Processing of research information, which is most often presented in tabular form, is also very efficient using tabular processors. Spreadsheets are used at all stages of the study.

Public presentation of the work done is an integral part of the learning process, which is facilitated by presentations and presentations. Information technology helps to prepare illustrative material, as well as to qualitatively improve both the process and the result of preparation. It is impossible to overestimate the new information and technical capabilities in the educational process.

The student is given a key role in the educational and cognitive process, while the task of education is to master the necessary information on the discipline under study, the subject of training. However, it is necessary not only to provide information, but also to ensure its memorization and develop the skill of using the obtained material in everyday practice, which is greatly facilitated by information technology. The two main ways of gaining knowledge are declarative and procedural. In the first case, computer textbooks, tests, control programs, educational audio materials and videos are used, in the second case, simulation models, game programs for students.

For teachers, IT in education can be used to solve the issues of preparing lecture material, electronic textbooks, creating information and methodological support for the courses being studied, preparing demonstration means to support the conduct of classes, automating the testing of students' knowledge.

The currently existing means of computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education make it possible to implement almost the entire cycle of training from lectures to control events. The use of computer technology in education makes it possible to improve the quality of teaching, create new teaching aids, means of effective interaction between a teacher and a student, and accelerate the transfer of knowledge. The use of training IT is an effective method for self-education systems, continuing education, as well as for advanced training and retraining systems. The main advantages that the use of IT in education gives in comparison with traditional education are as follows.

  • General


    The course "Computer technologies in science and education" is intended for graduate students in the direction 020100.68 Chemistry. At the end of the course, fluency skills should be formed modern methods search and processing of scientific information using specialized software and Internet resources, as well as the use of computer technology in the pedagogical process.

  • Information and society

    Information and society

  • Computer networks. Classification and topologies

    Classification and topology of computer networks

    Computer network concept. Classification of networks by area covered

    Computer network (computer network, data transmission network) - a communication system of computers and / or computer equipment(servers, routers and other equipment). To transfer information, various physical phenomena, as a rule - various types of electrical signals or electromagnetic radiation.

    By the size of the covered territory, the networks are divided into the following:

    • Personal Area Network (PAN)
    • Local area network (LAN, Local Area Network)
    • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
    • Wide Area Network (WAN)

    a) Personal network(English Personal Area Network, PAN) is a network built "around" a person. These networks are designed to unite all personal electronic devices user (telephones, PDAs, smartphones, laptops, headsets, etc.). The standards of such networks currently include Bluetooth, (Zigbee, Pikonet).

    b) Local computing network(LAN, local area network, slang. Lokalka; English Local Area Network, LAN) - a computer network that usually covers a relatively small area or a small group of buildings (home, office, company, institute). There are also local networks, the nodes of which are geographically separated by distances of more than 12,500 km (space stations and orbital centers). Despite such distances similar networks are still referred to as local.

    c) City computer network(Metropolitan area network, MAN) (from the English. "Network of a large city") - unites computers within the city, is a network smaller than the WAN, but larger than the LAN.

    d) Global area network, WAN (Wide Area Network, WAN) is a computer network that covers large areas and includes tens and hundreds of thousands of computers.

    Network topology

    All computers in local network connected by communication lines. The geometrical arrangement of communication lines in relation to network nodes and the physical connection of nodes to the network is called physical topology. Depending on the topology, networks are distinguished: bus, ring, star, hierarchical and arbitrary structure.

    Distinguish between physical and logical topology. The logical and physical network topologies are independent of each other. Physical topology is the geometry of a network, and logical topology determines the direction of data flow between nodes on the network and how data is transmitted.

    Currently, the following physical topologies are used in local networks:

    • physical "bus" (bus);
    • physical "star" (star);
    • physical “ring”;
    • physical "star" and logical "ring" (Token Ring).

    Bus topology

    Bus topology networks use a linear mono channel (coaxial cable) for data transmission, at the ends of which terminating resistors (terminators) are installed. Each computer is connected to a coaxial cable using a T-connector (T-connector). Data from the transmitting network node is transmitted along the bus in both directions, reflected from the terminal terminators. Terminators prevent signal reflections, i.e. are used to suppress signals that reach the ends of the data link. Thus, information goes to all nodes, but is received only by the node to which it is intended. In the topology of the logical bus, the data transmission medium is used jointly and simultaneously by all PCs in the network, and signals from the PC are distributed simultaneously in all directions over the transmission medium. Since signaling in the topology of the physical bus is broadcast, i.e. signals propagate simultaneously in all directions, the logical topology of this local network is a logical bus.

    Figure 1 - Bus network topology

    This topology is used in local area networks with Ethernet architecture (10Base-5 and 10Base-2 classes for thick and thin coaxial cable, respectively).

    The advantages of bus topology networks:

    • failure of one of the nodes does not affect the operation of the network as a whole;
    • the network is easy to set up and configure;
    • the network is resistant to malfunctions of individual nodes.

    Disadvantages of bus topology networks:

    • a cable break can affect the operation of the entire network;
    • limited cable length and number of workstations;
    • difficult to identify connection defects

    Star topology

    In a star-topology network, each workstation is connected by a cable (twisted pair) to a hub or hub. The concentrator provides parallel connection PCs and thus all computers connected to the network can communicate with each other.

    Figure 2 - Star network topology

    Data from the transmitting station of the network is transmitted through the hub over all communication lines to all PCs. Information arrives at all workstations, but is received only by those stations for which it is intended. Since the signaling in the physical star topology is broadcast, i.e. signals from the PC are distributed simultaneously in all directions, then the logical topology of this local network is a logical bus.

    This topology is used in local area networks with 10Base-T Ethernet architecture.

    Benefits of star topology networks:

    • easy to connect a new PC;
    • there is the possibility of centralized management;
    • the network is resistant to malfunctions of individual PCs and to interruptions in the connection of individual PCs.

    Disadvantages of star topology networks:

    • a hub failure affects the operation of the entire network;
    • high cable consumption;

    Ring topology

    In a network with a ring topology, all nodes are connected by communication channels into a continuous ring (not necessarily a circle) through which data is transmitted. The output of one PC connects to the input of another PC. Having started the movement from one point, the data eventually gets to its beginning. The data in the ring always moves in the same direction.

    Figure 3 - Network topology of the "ring" type

    The receiving workstation recognizes and receives only the message addressed to it. A network with a physical ring topology uses token access, which grants a station the right to use the ring in a specific order. The logical topology of this network is a logical ring.

    This network is very easy to create and configure. The main disadvantage of ring topology networks is that damage to the communication line in one place or failure of the PC leads to the inoperability of the entire network.

    As a rule, the “ring” topology is not used in its pure form due to its unreliability, therefore, in practice, various modifications of the ring topology are used.

    Token Ring topology

    This topology is based on a star-connected physical ring topology. In this topology, all workstations are connected to a central hub (Token Ring) as in a physical star topology. The central hub is an intelligent device that, using jumpers, provides serial connection exit of one station with the entrance of another station.

    In other words, with the help of a hub, each station is connected to only two other stations (the previous and the next station). Thus, workstations are connected by a loop of cable, through which data packets are transmitted from one station to another, and each station relays these sent packets. Each workstation has a transceiver for this, which allows you to control the flow of data in the network. Physically, such a network is built in a "star" topology.

    The concentrator creates the primary (main) and backup rings. If a break occurs in the main ring, then it can be bypassed using the backup ring, since a four-core cable is used. A station failure or a broken workstation link does not result in a network failure as in a ring topology, because the hub will shut down the faulty station and close the data ring.

    Figure 4 - Token Ring network topology

    In the Token Ring architecture, the token is passed from node to node along a logical ring created by a central hub. Such marker transmission is carried out in a fixed direction (the direction of movement of the marker and data packets is shown in the figure by arrows of blue color). A station with a token can send data to another station.

    To transfer data, workstations must first wait for a free token to arrive. The marker contains the address of the station that sent this marker, as well as the address of the station to which it is intended. After that, the sender transmits the token to the next station in the network so that it too can send its data.

    One of the network nodes (usually a file server is used for this) creates a token that is sent to the network ring. Such a node acts as an active monitor, which makes sure that the marker is not lost or destroyed.

    Token Ring Topology Advantages:

    • topology provides equal access to all workstations;
    • high reliability, since the network is resistant to malfunctions of individual stations and to interruptions in the connection of individual stations.

    Disadvantages of Token Ring topology networks: high cable consumption and, accordingly, expensive wiring of communication lines.

    Physical transmission medium

    Historically, the first Ethernet networks were built on 0.5 "coaxial cable. Subsequently, other specifications of the physical layer for the Ethernet standard were defined, allowing the use of various data transmission media as common bus... The CSMA / CD access method and all Ethernet timing remain the same for any physical media specification.

    The physical specifications for Ethernet technology today include the following transmission media:

    10Base-5- coaxial cable with a diameter of 0.5 ", called" thick "coaxial. Has a wave impedance of 50 ohms. The maximum segment length is 500 meters (without repeaters).

    10Base-2- a coaxial cable with a diameter of 0.25 ", called" thin "coaxial. Has a wave impedance of 50 ohms. The maximum segment length is 185 meters (without repeaters).

    10Base-T- cable based on unshielded twisted pair (UTP). Forms a star topology with a hub. The distance between the hub and the end node is no more than 100 m.

    10Base-F - fiber optic cable... The topology is the same as the twisted pair standard. There are several variants of this specification - FOIRL, 10Base-FL, 10Base-FB.

    The number 10 denotes the bit rate of these standards - 10 Mb / s, and the word Base - the method of transmission on a single base frequency of 10 MHz (as opposed to standards that use multiple carrier frequencies, which are called broadband).

    Network protocols and their structure

    To begin with, a protocol is simply an established "language" for communication between programs. In general, what is data forwarding? A sequence of "bits" - zeros or ones is sent over the cable. But why does this stream reach the target computer and what is it going to do with this stream? Naturally, there must be some rules for the formation of data, and these rules are described by standard protocols.

    Protocols are also commonly said to have nesting levels. network protocols... What does this mean? First, there is the so-called physical layer. This is just a list of definitions what should be network cable, the thickness of the veins, and so on. Let's say now the cable is working properly. Then data packets can be sent through it. But which computer will accept the packet? The so-called link layer- the packet header indicates the physical address of the computer - a certain number hardwired into network card(not an IP address, but a MAC address).

    Figure 1 - Package structure

    Link layer = Ethernet layer. As you can see, the packet contains some Ethertype parameter that specifies the packet type. The data itself depends on this type and its content is already on network layer... There are two most common protocols: ARP, which is responsible for translating IP addresses into MAC addresses; and the most essential protocol is IP. Let's give the structure of the IP packet (detailing the "Data" field of the previous figure)

    Figure 2 - Detailing the package "Data"

    All data transferred over IP is already being sent to specific IP address(this does not prevent sending broadcast requests to all computers on the local network - just a special IP address is indicated, for example, The IP protocol also has varieties - in a packet in established format a number is transmitted indicating the type of protocol. For example, one type of IP-subordinate protocol is ICMP, used by ping command to check if the computer is responding.

    But the most common are the following two types: TCP - Transmission Control Protocol and UDP - universal datagram protocol (by the way, we have already risen to the transport layer). The difference between these protocols is as follows: about TCP protocol they say that it is "reliable", that is, in the process of data exchange, constant check: Did the package reach the target? And the UDP protocol does not provide for any control - send a datagram and forget. When is this needed? Very easy, for example when listening to internet radio. If there was a failure and the packet did not reach you on time, it is no longer needed - the interference just slipped through - and you continue to listen. Here is the structure of the TCP packet (detailing the "data" field from the previous figure).

    Figure 3 - Detailing of the "Data" field

    As we can see, the packet indicates the port number to which the packet is sent. Typically, the port number determines the type of protocol at the application layer - to which application this data is sent. However, nothing prohibits the use of non-standard ports for their services - it will simply be less convenient for users. The most famous protocols are http (browsing the Internet), pop3 (receiving mail). In order not to repeat myself, I will refer to the list of standard ports. The data itself received by the application is embedded in a TCP packet (the "data" field).

    Thus, we got a kind of package nesting hierarchy. An Ethernet packet contains an IP packet, a TPC or UDP packet, and data intended for a specific application.

  • Information technology in scientific activity

    The fruitful development of pedagogical science can occur only under the condition of a creative rethinking of the theoretical and practical experience, i.e. in progress research activities... It is known that research is based primarily on specific facts that can be obtained only in the course of experiments. The current trend in the field of research is to improve the quality and quantity of analysis of information received during research.

    The rapidly developing process of informatization of all spheres of society's life makes it possible to raise new level organization and quality of research work.

    You can conditionally highlight five stages of constructing the logic of research.

    The first stage is the accumulation of knowledge and facts:

    - choice of problem and research topic,

    Justification of its relevance, level of development;

    Acquaintance with the theory and history of the issue and the study of scientific achievements in this and related fields;

    Studying the practical experience of educational institutions and the best teachers;

    Determination of the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study.

    To review the state of the problem under consideration, the young scientist usually went to the library and there he searched for literature on the issue of interest. Often, finding articles (and even more so, conference materials) on the required topic in the funds of large libraries is not an easy job, laborious and does not always give the desired result.

    The study of the available literature makes it possible to find out which aspects of the problem have already been sufficiently studied, on which scientific discussions are underway, what is outdated, and which issues have not yet been studied. At this stage, we see several opportunities for using information technology:

    1. for literature search:

    a) in the electronic catalog of a real university library, as well as ordering literature through the internal network of libraries;

    b) on the Internet using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc., various search engines (,,,,,,,,, etc. .).

    Today through the Internet from Russian-language resources are available electronic versions many Russian newspapers and magazines devoted to the issues of upbringing and education, the base of abstracts, dissertations, coursework and theses, encyclopedias, electronic explanatory dictionaries, virtual textbooks on some subjects of higher education for daytime and distance learning, information about some important events and activities in the field of pedagogical science and education. Of interest are digital libraries, such as the Russian State Library, the Electronic Library of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Electronic Library, as well as the search systems for books in electronic libraries, www. The Internet also provides an opportunity for communication and exchange of views among researchers in forums such as the Youth Scientific Forum

    2. to work with literature during:

    Compilation of bibliography - compilation of a list of sources selected for work in connection with the problem under study;

    Referencing - a concise presentation of the main content of the work;

    Outline - keeping more detailed records, the basis of which is the selection of the main ideas and provisions of the work;

    Annotations - a short note of the general content of a book or article;

    Citations - a literal record of expressions, factual or numerical data contained in a literary source.

    Using a text editor MS Word, you can automate all of the above operations.

    3. for automatic translation of texts using translation programs (PROMT XT) using electronic dictionaries (Abby Lingvo 7.0.)

    4. storage and accumulation of information.

    The teacher-researcher can store and process large amounts of information using CDs, DVDs, external drives on magnetic disks, Flash drives

    5. to plan the research process.

    System Microsoft management Outlook allows you to store and timely provide information about the timing of an event, conference, meeting, or business correspondence related to research.

    6. communication with leading experts.

    It is advisable to contact leading experts in the area of ​​interest, to learn about their new achievements. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with their publications, know the place of work and the address for correspondence. Information technologies used at this stage: the global Internet, e-mail, search engines Internet.

    The second stage is the stage of theoretical comprehension of the facts:

    The choice of methodology - the initial concept, basic theoretical ideas, provisions;

    Constructing a research hypothesis;

    The choice of research methods and the development of research methods.

    The third stage is experimental work:

    Constructing a research hypothesis - a theoretical construction, the truth of which is to be proved;

    Organization and implementation of the ascertaining experiment;

    Organization and conduct of a clarifying experiment;

    Testing the research hypothesis;

    Organization and implementation of a formative (control) experiment;

    Final test of the research hypothesis;

    Formulation of research findings.

    Information technologies are used at this stage of research work to record information about the subject and to process the information received.

    Capturing research data at its experimental stage, it is carried out, as a rule, in the form of a researcher's work diary, observation protocols, photographs, film and video documents. Thanks to the development multimedia technologies the computer can collect and store today not only textual, but also graphic and sound information about research. For this, digital photo and video cameras, microphones, as well as appropriate software for processing and reproducing graphics and sound are used:

    Universal player ( Microsoft Media Player);

    Audio players (WinAmp, Apollo);

    Video players (WinDVD, zplayer);

    Image viewers (ACD See, PhotoShop, CorelDraw,);

    A program for creating diagrams, drawings, graphs (Visio), etc.

    To process the quantitative data obtained during the experiment, mathematical research methods are often used using statistical software packages.

    It should also be noted the possibility of using a spreadsheet editor for data processing. Microsoft Excel. This editor allows you to enter research data into spreadsheets, create formulas, sort, filter, group data, perform quick calculations on a sheet of a table using the "Function Wizard". Statistical operations can also be performed with tabular data if a data analysis package is connected to Microsoft Excel.

    The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor using the built-in chart wizard also makes it possible to build various graphs and histograms based on the results of data processing, which can later be used at other stages of the study.

    Thus, at the stage of collecting and processing research data, the computer can be considered indispensable today. It greatly facilitates the work of a researcher in registering, sorting, storing and processing large amounts of information obtained in the course of experiment, observation and other methods of research work. This allows the researcher to save time, avoid errors in calculations and draw objective and reliable conclusions from the experimental part of the work.

    The fourth stage is the analysis and presentation of the research results:

    Substantiation of final conclusions and practical recommendations;

    Scientific report, articles, teaching aids, monographs, books;

    Research presentations.

    At the stage of registration of research results in the form of a dissertation, for preparation scientific reports, articles, teaching aids, monographs, books on the topic of research, information technology should also be actively used. In this case, the previously mentioned text editor MicrosoftWord and a spreadsheet editor MicrosoftExcel... For processing graphic images and poster making programs like PhotoShop.

    The fifth stage is the promotion and implementation of the research results:

    Speeches at departments, councils, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia, etc .;

    Mass media publications

    • publications on the Internet.

    For speaking at departments, councils, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia information technology can be used as a means of presenting graphic and text information that illustrates the report. In this case, you can use the program to create presentations and business graphics. MicrosoftPowerPoint... Using the program MicrosoftPublisher it is possible to prepare and print handouts and illustrative materials for conference participants: brochures, bulletins, information sheets, etc.

    In addition, today there is opportunity publish articles and monographs in Internet using packages FrontPage, FlashMX, DreamWeaver to create web pages. Publishing on the Internet is by far the most fast way to convey the latest information about the progress and results of the study to interested parties.

    Summing up, we can say that the organization and conduct of not a single modern research can do today without the use of information technology. It is obvious that in the future, with the expansion of the computer's capabilities for processing information and the development of artificial intelligence, as well as a new software, the computer will become not only a multifunctional research tool, but also an active participant in theoretical and experimental work. Perhaps he will be able to formalize and describe the phenomena that were previously considered inaccessible for mathematical processing and analysis; will independently express hypotheses, make predictions and make suggestions during the research.

  • Information technology in education

    Information technology training- a set of methods and technical means of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting, and presenting information that expands the knowledge of people and develops their capabilities to manage technical and social processes.

    E.I. Mashbits and N.F. Talyzin consider information technology of education as a certain set of training programs different types: from the simplest programs providing knowledge control to training systems based on artificial intelligence.

    V.F.Sholokhovich proposes to define IT from the point of view of its content as a branch of didactics engaged in the study of a systematically and consciously organized process of teaching and assimilation of knowledge, in which the means of informatization of education are used.

    A meaningful analysis of the above definitions shows that currently there are two explicit approaches to the definition of IT. In the first of them, it is proposed to consider it as a didactic process, organized using a set of fundamentally new means and methods of data processing (teaching methods) that are introduced (embedded) into training systems, representing the purposeful creation, transfer, storage and display of information products (data, knowledge, ideas) at the lowest cost and in accordance with the patterns of cognitive activities of students. In the second case it comes on the creation of a specific technical learning environment in which the used information technologies play a key role.

    Thus, in the first case, we are talking about information technologies of teaching (as a learning process), and in the second case, about the use of information technologies in teaching (as the use of information tools in teaching).

    ITE should be understood as an IT application for creating new opportunities for the transfer and perception of knowledge, for assessing the quality of education and for the comprehensive development of the individual.

    In scientific, methodological and popular literature, the term new information technologies (NIT) is often found. This is a fairly broad concept for various practical applications. The adjective "new" in this case emphasizes innovative, that is, fundamentally different from the previous direction of technical development. Their introduction is an innovative act in the sense that it radically changes the content of various types of activities in organizations, educational institutions, everyday life, etc.

    By using modern teaching aids and workbenches, beautifully designed software products that do not introduce anything new into the development of learning theory. In this case, we can only talk about the automation of certain aspects of the learning process, about the transfer of information from paper media to a computer version, etc.

    It is possible to talk about a new information technology of education only if:

    • it meets the basic principles pedagogical technology(preliminary design, reproducibility, targeting, integrity);
    • it solves problems that were not theoretically or practically solved earlier in didactics;

    the means of preparing and transmitting information to the trainee is computer and information technology.

    Table 1

    Information technologies used in higher education in Russia

    IT name

    English name


    Electronic textbook

    electronic textbook

    Multi-environment system

    multimedia system

    Expert system

    Computer-aided design system

    computer aided design

    Electronic library catalog

    electronic library

    Data bank, database

    Local and distributed (global) computing systems

    Local and Wide area networks


    Electronic bulletin board

    Teleconferencing system

    Automated research management system

    Computer research system

    Automated organizational management system

    Management information system

    Desktop electronic typography

    dest-top publishing

    Thus, what has been said, under the information technology of education in the professional training of specialists, it is proposed to understand the system of general pedagogical, psychological, didactic, methodological procedures for the interaction of teachers and students, taking into account technical and human resources, aimed at designing and implementing the content, methods, forms and information means of teaching, adequate to the goals of education, the characteristics of future activities and requirements for professional important qualities specialist.

    ICT tools:


    • Computer- universal information processing device
    • a printer- allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.
    • Projector- radically increases:
      • the level of visibility in the teacher's work,
      • the opportunity for students to present the results of their work to the whole class.
    • Telecommunication block(for rural schools - first of all, satellite communications) - gives access to Russian and world information resources, allows you to conduct distant learning, to correspond with other schools.
    • Devices for entering text information and manipulating display objects - keyboard and mouse (and various devices for similar purposes), as well as devices handwriting... Appropriate devices play a special role for students with motor problems, for example, with cerebral palsy.
    • Devices for recording (input) visual and sound information(scanner, camera, camcorder, audio and video tape recorder) - make it possible to directly include in studying proccess information images of the surrounding world
    • Data loggers(sensors with interfaces) - significantly expand the class of physical, chemical, biological, ecological processes included in education while reducing the educational time spent on routine data processing
    • Computer Controlled Devices- enable students of various levels of ability to master the principles and technologies of automatic control
    • Intra-class and intra-school networks- allow more efficient use of available information, technical and temporary (human) resources, provide general access to the global information network
    • Audio Video the funds provide an effective communicative environment for educational work and public events.


    • General purpose and related to hardware (drivers, etc.) - make it possible to work with all kinds of information (see above).
    • Sources of information- organized information arrays - encyclopedias on CD, information sites and Internet search engines, including those specialized for educational applications.
    • Virtual constructors- allow you to create visual and symbolic models of mathematical and physical reality and conduct experiments with these models.
    • Simulators- allow you to develop automatic skills in working with information objects - entering text, operating with graphic objects on the screen, etc., written and oral communication in a language environment.
    • Test environments- allow the design and use of automated tests, in which the student receives the task in full or in part through the computer and the result of the task is also fully or partially evaluated by the computer.
    • Comprehensive training packages(electronic textbooks) - combinations of software of the types listed above - to the greatest extent automate the educational process in its traditional forms, the most laborious to create (upon reaching a reasonable quality and level of usefulness), the most restricting the independence of the teacher and student.
    • Management information systems- ensure the passage of information flows between all participants educational process- students, teachers, administration, parents, the public.
    • Expert systems- a software system that uses the knowledge of a specialist-expert to effectively solve problems in any subject area.


The role of information in the history of the development of civilization. The main types of information. The global nature of the informatization of society.

Information society. The problem of overcoming the digital divide. Public policy in the field of information society formation. The role of science and education in the formation of a knowledge society.

Purpose and objectives of the course.


Topic 1. Science in the information society

Scientific knowledge. Scientific information: specificity, attributes. Open exchange of scientific information as a condition for the transition to a knowledge society. Prospects for the formation of open science through the international use of scientific knowledge in the era of globalization.

Scientific picture of the world in the information paradigm. Development of information sciences.

Computer science as a science. Philosophical problems of computer science.

Synergetic Approach in Informatics and Cybernetics. Information and Cybernetic Epistemology.

WorldWideWeb as a result of the development of fundamental and applied scientific research.

Topic 2. Formation of a unified information and educational space

Unified educational information space: concept, structure, construction models. Problems of the formation of an educational information space on the scale of an educational institution, territory, state, at the interstate level.

Computer networks as the basis for the formation of educational information space. Internet. Intranet.

Hardware and software ICT: typology, purpose, conditions of use in science and education.

Topic 3. Information technology: general characteristics

Basic concepts of information technology. The main components of information technology. Directions of development of information technologies.

Databases, knowledge bases, electronic libraries, expert systems, intelligent Information Systems... Formation and possibilities of use in research and educational activities.

Information systems: basic concepts. Types of information systems. Functions of information systems. Integrated information systems. Providing AIS. Overview of AIS in application areas.

Topic 4. Information security

Information Security. Mental and physical health when working at the computer. Social, emotional and personal aspects of computer lessons.

Information ethics and legal aspects information protection. Internet safety. Technologies and means of protecting information from destruction and unauthorized access. Computer viruses and protective equipment.

Features of information legal relations on the Internet. Copyright and the Internet. Registration of objects of intellectual property. Plagiarism problems.


Topic 5. Directions of the use of computer technology
in research

Application of information and communication technologies in the collection of scientific information, processing of research results, interpretation and presentation of results.

Electronic scientific publication... Registration of intellectual property objects by means of the Internet.

Search for scientific information in electronic information resources.

Research management.

Organization of scientific communications based on information and communication
technologies. Virtual groups of scientific communication.

Corporate research projects. Research grant support.

Topic 6. Computer technologies as a tool of scientific knowledge

Specific software for collecting and processing sociological information (questionnaires, mathematical processing); design (IDEF technologies); modeling (3D-Max, mathematical models); scientific analytics: monitoring, forecasting, diagnostics (Datamaining).

Geographic information systems. Artificial intelligence systems. Systems virtual reality... Computer experiment (simulations).
Hypertext technologies in the work of a researcher. Multimedia technologies for modeling the investigated processes.

Internet services for measuring the quality and productivity of scientific research. Webometry. Citation indices.


Topic 7. Theoretical and methodological foundations of informatization
educational activities

Directions of informatization vocational education... The use of computer technology in education. Computer as a learning tool. The role of the teacher in the learning process using computers.

Information and communication technologies in education. Classification and characteristics of computer software for teaching.

Multimedia in the educational activities of the university.

Design educational activities. Social services The Internet as a means of training and the formation of a professional information space. Intelligent information technologies in educational activities.

Information technology and technical equipment.

Topic 8. Information and communication technologies
as a learning tool

The main types of technical teaching aids and their characteristics. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the use of technical means of teaching and upbringing. The method of using technical teaching aids in the educational process. Social interaction and network learning.

Electronic educational publications: classification, purpose, consumer properties, requirements for use.

Computer training systems. Basic principles of information technology teaching. Types of training programs. Computer modelling
in teaching. Special-purpose teacher programs. Development of training programs. Problems and Prospects.

Computer testing technology. Computer testing as an example of a control program. Technology for designing computer tests of the subject area. Advanced research in the development of control programs.

Distance education technologies. Distance learning concept
using global computer networks. Basic principles of distance learning. Tutor in the distance education system.

Topic 9. Information and communication technologies as a subject of study

Continuity of the content of informatics courses at different levels of education (school - secondary specialized - higher - post-university education).

Topic 10. Automation of educational activities management

Computer in control educational institution... Automated workplaces. Automated control systems (ACS) of an educational institution. Modular principle of construction of ACS.

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