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Lecture new information technologies in science. Computer networks

At present, the role of information technology in people's lives has increased significantly. Modern society has become involved in a general historical process called informatization. This process includes the accessibility of any citizen to information sources, the penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, and a high level of information service. The processes taking place in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the intellectualization of all types of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, which ensures the development of human creative potential.

One of the priority areas of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated to collect, process, store, distribute and use information in the interests of its consumers. Therefore, at present in Russia there is a formation new system education focused on entering the global information and educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process, associated with the introduction of adjustments to the content of teaching technologies, which should be adequate to modern technical capabilities, and contribute to the student's harmonious entry into the information society.

Analysis of the concept of "information technology" in education.Information technologies in education

Information Technology(IT) learning is a pedagogical technology that applies special ways, software and technical means(cinema, audio and video equipment, computers, telecommunication networks) for working with information.

The purpose of IT is the qualitative formation and use information resources according to the needs of the user. IT methods are data processing methods. As IT tools are mathematical, technical, software, information, hardware and other tools.

IT methods

IT tools

IT is divided into two large groups: technologies with selective and full interactivity.

1) The first group includes all technologies that ensure the storage of information in structured form. This includes banks and databases and knowledge, video text, teletext, the Internet, etc. These technologies function in the electoral interactive mode and greatly facilitate access to a huge amount of structured information. V this case the user is only allowed to work with existing data without entering new ones.

2) The second group contains technologies that provide direct access to information stored in information networks or any media that allows you to transfer, change and supplement it.

Technologies with selective interactivity

Technologies with full interactivity.

Information technologies should be classified primarily by the scope and degree of use of computers in them. There are such areas of application of information technologies as science, education, culture, economics, production, military affairs, etc. According to the degree of use of computers in information technologies, computer and non-computer technologies are distinguished.

In the field of education, information technologies are used to solve two main problems: teaching and management. Accordingly, computer and non-computer technologies of education, computer and non-computer technologies of education management are distinguished. In teaching, information technologies can be used, firstly, to present educational information to students, and secondly, to control the success of its assimilation. From this point of view, information; technologies used in teaching are divided into two groups: technologies for presentation of educational information and technologies for knowledge control.

Non-computer information technologies for presenting educational information include paper, optotechnical, and electronic technologies. They differ from each other by the means of presenting educational information and, accordingly, are divided into paper, optical and electronic. Paper-based teaching aids include textbooks, educational and teaching aids; to optical ones - epiprojectors, overhead projectors, overhead projectors, film projectors, laser pointers; to electronic TVs and laser disc players.

Computer information technologies for presenting educational information include:

Technologies using computer training programs;

multimedia technology;

Distance learning technologies.

Computer IT presentation of information

Modern computer technology can be classified as:

Personal computers are computing systems with resources fully dedicated to ensuring the activities of one managerial employee. This is the most numerous class computer science, which includes personal computers IBM PC and compatible computers, as well as personal Macintosh computers. The intensive development of modern information technologies is due precisely to the wide distribution since the beginning of the 1980s. personal computers, combining such qualities as relative cheapness and wide enough functionality for a non-professional user.

Enterprise computers (sometimes referred to as minicomputers or main frames) are computing systems that enable collaborative activities. a large number intellectual workers in any organization, project when using unified information and computing resources. These are multi-user computing systems that have a central unit of high computing power and significant information resources, to which a large number of workstations with minimal equipment are connected (usually a keyboard, mouse positioning devices and, possibly, a printing device). Personal computers can also act as workstations connected to the central unit of a corporate computer. Scope of use corporate computers- provision management activities in large financial and industrial organizations. Organization of various information systems to serve a large number of users within the same function (exchange and banking systems, booking and selling tickets to the public, etc.).

Supercomputers are computing systems with the ultimate characteristics of computing power and information resources and are used in the military and space fields, and fundamental scientific research, global weather forecasting. This classification is rather arbitrary, since the intensive development of electronic component technologies and the improvement of computer architecture, as well as their most important elements, lead to blurring of the boundaries between computer technology.

Today, the education system has accumulated many different computer programs for educational purposes created in educational institutions and centers of Russia. A considerable number of them are distinguished by their originality, high scientific and methodological level. Intelligent learning systems are of high quality new technology, the features of which are the modeling of the learning process, the use of a dynamically developing knowledge base; automatic selection rational learning strategy for each student, automated accounting new information entering the database. Multimedia technologies (from the English multimedia - a multi-component environment), which allows you to use text, graphics, video and animation in an interactive mode and thereby expands the scope of computer use in educational process.

Virtual reality (from the English virtual reality - possible reality) is a new technology of non-contact information exchange, which creates the illusion of real-time presence in a stereoscopically presented “screen world” using a multimedia environment. In such systems, the illusion of the user's location among objects is continuously maintained. virtual world. Instead of a conventional display, television monitor glasses are used, in which continuously changing events of the virtual world are reproduced. Management is carried out using a special device implemented in the form of an "information glove", which determines the direction of the user's movement relative to the objects of the virtual world. In addition, the user has a device for creating and transmitting sound signals.

An automated training system based on hypertext technology allows you to increase comprehensibility not only due to the visibility of the information presented. Using dynamic, i.e. changing, hypertext makes it possible to diagnose the student, and then automatically select one of the optimal levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext learning systems provide information in such a way that the student himself, following graphic or text links, can apply various schemes work with material. All this allows you to implement a differentiated approach to learning.

The specifics of Internet technologies - WWW (from the English. World wide web - The World Wide Web) lies in the fact that they provide users with a huge choice of information sources: basic "information on the network servers; operative information sent by e-mail; various databases of leading libraries, scientific and educational centers, museums; information about floppy disks, CDs, video and audio cassettes, books and magazines distributed through online stores, etc.

It is necessary to single out the main didactic requirements for ITO in order to increase the effectiveness of its application in the educational process.

These include:

Motivation in the use of various didactic materials;

A clear definition of the role, place, purpose and time of use of the CPC;

The leading role of the teacher in conducting classes;

Close relationship of a particular class of CPC with other types of applied TSS;

Introduction to the technology of only such components that guarantee the quality of education;

Compliance with the methodology computer learning overall strategy conducting a training session;

Taking into account the fact that the introduction of CEP into the training package requires a review of all components of the system and a change in the overall teaching methodology;

Ensuring a high degree of individualization of training;

Providing sustainable feedback in training and others.

The modern period of development of a civilized society is characterized by the process of informatization, one of the priority areas of which is the informatization of education. An essential component of informatization processes is the development and use of pedagogical software tools based on various information technologies. V Lately one of the most relevant is the direction based on the use of computer networks in pedagogical software.

The use of computer networks in the learning process of various academic disciplines requires the teacher to have knowledge both in the field of script preparation training course taking into account the possibilities tools development of programs, and knowledge in the field of teaching methods of a particular discipline. This is due to the wide possibilities of using computer communications and networks in practice.

Information technology in education is currently necessary condition the transition of society to an information civilization. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change the nature of the organization of the educational process, completely immerse the student in the information and educational environment, improve the quality of education, motivate the processes of perceiving information and gaining knowledge. New information technologies create an environment for computer and telecommunications support for organization and management in various fields of activity, including education. The integration of information technologies into educational programs is carried out at all levels: school, university and postgraduate education.

Continuous improvement of the educational process, along with the development and restructuring of society, with the creation unified system continuing education is feature education in Russia. The reformation of the school carried out in the country is aimed at bringing the content of education in line with state of the art scientific knowledge, increase the effectiveness of all educational work and prepare students for activities in the context of the transition to information society. Therefore, information technologies are becoming an integral component of the content of education, a means of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, and also contribute to the implementation of many principles of developmental education.


The main areas of application of IT in the educational process of the school are:

    development of pedagogical software for various purposes;

    development of websites for educational purposes;

    development of methodological and didactic materials;

    management of real objects (training bots);

    organizing and conducting computer experiments with virtual models;

    implementation of a targeted search for information of various forms in global and local networks, its collection, accumulation, storage, processing and transmission;

    processing the results of the experiment;

    organization of intellectual leisure of students.

Most widely in this moment integrated lessons with the use of multimedia tools are used. Educational presentations are becoming an integral part of learning, but this is just the simplest example of IT application.

Recently, teachers have been creating and implementing author's pedagogical software, which reflects some subject area, in one way or another, the technology of its study is implemented, conditions are provided for the implementation various kinds educational activity. The typology of pedagogical software used in education is very diverse: teaching; simulators; diagnosing; controlling; modeling; gaming.

In the educational process of a higher educational institution, the study of IT involves solving problems of several levels:

    the use of information technology as a tool for education, knowledge, which is carried out in the course "Informatics";

    information technologies in professional activity, which is the aim of the general professional discipline "Information technologies", considering their theory, components, methodology;

    training in applied information technologies focused on the specialty, designed to organize and manage specific professional activities, which is studied in the disciplines of specializations.

For example, the discipline "Information technologies in economics" and synonymous with it "Information technologies in management" are included in educational program teaching students of economic specialties. A modern economist should be able to make informed decisions based on information flows, in addition to traditional economic knowledge, a student should be familiar with the process of data processing and have the skills to build information systems.

Methodical materials on these disciplines are numerously presented in the press, in electronic versions, are accompanied various applications and application programs. It is quite difficult to understand such an abundance of the proposed material on your own. If we take, for example, only the fact how many sources are offered on the Internet: a list of recommended literature, interactive manuals and online tutorials, abstracts, etc. The Google search engine provides more than 400 thousand links to the user's request "Discipline" Information Technology in Economics ".

Understand the current situation and help in mastering educational material only a qualified specialist-teacher can help: he not only organizes independent work of students (abstracts, testing, control and term papers), but in the conditions of time regulations for the study of the discipline, he is able to choose the most important aspects for study. Currently, teachers, pursuing such goals, create author's pedagogical software, implemented in multimedia and hypermedia form on CDs and DVDs, on Internet sites.

Postgraduate education is also focused on the introduction of IT: in educational plans graduate students and applicants of many scientific directions includes disciplines related to the study and implementation of information technology in scientific and professional activities. At the Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture, graduate students and applicants of all specialties study the discipline "Information Technologies in Science and Education" already in the first year of graduate school. The purpose of this course is to master the basic methods and means of applying modern information technologies in research and educational activities, to increase the level of knowledge of a novice scientist in the field of using computer technologies when conducting a scientific experiment, to organize assistance to a graduate student in his scientific research, in the design of articles, theses , reports and dissertations.

Increasing the level of computer training of students, increasing the number and expanding the varieties of author's pedagogical software, the use of new information technologies in science and education in general, are one of the main directions for improving secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education in our country.


When teaching chemistry, the most natural is the use of a computer, based on the characteristics of chemistry as a science. For example, for modeling chemical processes and phenomena, laboratory use of a computer in interface mode, computer support for the process of presenting educational material and monitoring its assimilation. Simulation of chemical phenomena and processes on a computer is necessary, first of all, to study phenomena and experiments that are almost impossible to show in a school laboratory, but they can be shown using a computer.

The use of computer models makes it possible to reveal the essential connections of the object under study, to reveal its patterns more deeply, which ultimately leads to better assimilation of the material. The student can explore the phenomenon by changing the parameters, compare the results, analyze them, draw conclusions. For example, by setting different concentrations of reactants (in a program that simulates the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction on various factors), the student can follow the change in the volume of the released gas, etc.

The second direction of using a computer in teaching chemistry is the control and processing of data from a chemical experiment. IBM has developed a "Personal Science Laboratory" (PNL) - a set of computers and programs for them, various sensors and laboratory equipment, which allows conducting various experiments in the chemical, chemical-physical and chemical-biological areas. Such use of a computer is useful in that it instills in students the skills of research, forms a cognitive interest, increases motivation, and develops scientific thinking.

The third direction of using IT in the process of teaching chemistry is software support course. The content of educational software used in teaching chemistry is determined by the objectives of the lesson, the content and sequence of the presentation of educational material. In this regard, all software used for computer support of the process of studying chemistry can be divided into programs:

    reference manuals on specific topics;

    solution of computational and experimental problems;

    organization and conduct of laboratory work;

    control and evaluation of knowledge.

At each specific lesson, certain programs can be used, based on the objectives of the lesson, while the functions of the teacher and the computer are different. Software tools for effective use in the educational process should correspond to the course of specialized education in chemistry, have a high degree of visibility, ease of use, contribute to the formation of general educational and experimental skills, generalization and deepening of knowledge, etc.

Computer technologies in teaching chemistry at school: state of affairs and prospects.

With regard to teaching chemistry, along with increasing the motivation of learning through the use of a computer in the classroom, increasing the level of individualization of learning and the possibility of organizing operational control over the assimilation of knowledge, computer technologies can be effectively used to form the basic concepts necessary for understanding the microcosm (the structure of the atom, molecules), such important chemical concepts as "chemical bond", "electronegativity", in the study of high-temperature processes (non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy), reactions with toxic substances (halogens), long-term chemical experiments (hydrolysis of nucleic acids), etc. It is known, however, that at this stage computer technologies are rarely used in teaching chemistry at school. There are reasons for this, both objective and subjective. Among the first type of reasons, of course, the main ones are the insufficient provision of general education schools with modern computers and the clearly insufficient number of appropriate computer programs. Nevertheless, the process of computerization of schools, although slowly, is underway. As a subjective reason, it is fashionable to mention the so-called "computer phobia", which is attributed to subject teachers. This factor seems to be contrived. Subject teachers have a significant interest in the use of computer technology, regardless of age and length of service. More importantly, modern educational standards give the teacher a certain freedom in choosing topics and emphasizing the presentation of the discipline he teaches. The experience of using computer technologies in teaching chemistry at school allows us to conclude that in order to obtain a high learning effect, it is important to use them systematically, both at the stage of studying the material and at the stage of operational control for the assimilation of knowledge, and this also requires a wide range of pedagogical software tools (PPP). New opportunities identified as a result of the analysis of the teaching practice of using teaching staff can significantly improve the educational process. This is especially true for subjects of the natural science cycle, including chemistry, the study of which is associated with processes hidden from direct observation and therefore difficult to perceive by children. PTS allow visualization of such processes, while at the same time providing the possibility of repeated repetition and advancement in learning at a speed favorable for each child in achieving an understanding of a particular educational material. Pedagogical software, being part of the software for educational purposes, also provides the opportunity to join modern methods work with information, intellectualization learning activities. As a result of a survey conducted among teachers, compiled according to concepts taken from the monograph by I. Robert "Modern information technologies in education", the use of these pedagogical software in teaching chemistry makes it possible:

    to individualize and differentiate the learning process due to the possibility of studying at an individual rate of assimilation of the material;

    exercise control with feedback, with the diagnosis of errors and the evaluation of the results of educational activities;

    exercise self-control and self-correction;

    carry out training in the process of assimilation of educational material and self-training of students;

    visualize educational information with the help of a visual representation on the computer screen of this process, including hidden in the real world;

    conduct laboratory works under simulation conditions computer program real experience or experiment;

    to form a culture of educational activity of the student and the teacher.

The possibilities listed above change the structure of traditional subject-object pedagogy, in which the student is treated as a subject of educational activity, as a person striving for self-realization. And the virtualization of some processes with the use of animation serves to form the student's visual-figurative thinking and more effective assimilation of educational material.

Thus, the experiments on the use of teaching and control programs in the process of teaching chemistry showed the feasibility of using such tools in the educational process and the need to continue work on their implementation.

Another important conclusion is that not only teaching staff are important, but also the methods of their use, that is, recommendations for organizing lessons. As a rule, it is not difficult for an experienced teacher to develop an appropriate lesson based on a computer program. For this, young teachers need help in the form of outline plans, methodological recommendations on the use of teaching staff at different stages of the lesson and in classes with different levels of student preparation.

Thus, the most pressing task, the solution of which will make it possible to move the introduction of computer technologies into the teaching of subjects in the natural science cycle from the “dead point”, is the development of teaching staff and methods for their use. It would be very useful to combine the efforts of interested chemistry teachers from different regions of the country. The exchange of experience will certainly accelerate the computerization of the school educational process.

Application of computer models in teaching chemistry

Among the various types of pedagogical software, those that use computer models stand out. The use of computer models allows not only to increase the visibility of the learning process and intensify it, but also to radically change this process.

Models can be used to solve various problems. R.Yu. Shannon distinguishes five types of models according to their functional purpose: means of understanding reality, means of communication, forecasting tools, means of setting up experiments, means of teaching and training. The latter type of models is also called educational computer models (ECM).

In the study of a school course in chemistry, there are several main areas where the use of UKM is justified:

    visual representation of objects and phenomena of the microworld;

    study of the production of chemical products;

    modeling of a chemical experiment and chemical reactions.

All models used in the teaching of chemistry can be divided into two groups according to the level of represented objects: models of the microcosm and models of the macrocosm. Models of the microworld reflect the structure of objects and the changes taking place in them at the level of their atomic and molecular representation. Models of the macroworld reflect the external properties of the simulated objects and their change. Models of such objects as chemical substances, chemical reactions and physico-chemical processes can be created at the level of the microcosm, and at the level of the macrocosm.

When studying chemistry, students come across objects of the microworld literally from the first lessons, and of course, CCMs that model such objects can become invaluable helpers, for example, in studying the structure of atoms, types of chemical bonds, the structure of matter, the theory of electrolytic dissociation, chemical reaction mechanisms, stereochemical views, etc. All these listed models are implemented in the programs “1C: Tutor. Chemistry”, ChemLand, “Chemistry for All”, CS Chem3D Pro, Crystal Designer, “Assemble a Molecule”, “Organic Reaction Animations”, etc.

Models of chemical reactions, laboratory work, chemical production, chemical devices (computer models of the macrocosm) are implemented in the following programs: “Chemistry for All - 2000”, “ChemClass”, ChemLab, IR and NMR Simulator, etc. Similar models are used in cases where when for some reason it is not possible to carry out laboratory work in real conditions and there is no opportunity to actually get acquainted with the studied technological processes.

The use of the above software in chemistry lessons has the following advantages:

    a significant amount of material covering various sections of the school chemistry course;

    the visibility of the presentation of the material is improved due to color, sound and movement;

    the presence of demonstrations of those chemical experiments that are dangerous to the health of children (for example, experiments with toxic substances);

    acceleration by 10-15% of the pace of the lesson due to the strengthening of the emotional component;

    students show interest in the subject and easily assimilate the material (the quality of students' knowledge improves).

However, some software products not free from flaws. For example, one of the main drawbacks of the program “1C: Tutor. Chemistry” is the lack of dialogue between the student and the computer when he masters the educational material and performs calculation tasks. This complicates and limits the use of this computer product by the teacher in the educational process at school.

Only organic cooperation between a teacher of computer science and a teacher of chemistry will improve the process of teaching chemistry. In computer science lessons, students study various information technologies presented in the Microsoft Office package. For example, students studying the PowerPoint program can already create a presentation (a mini-textbook in the form of slides) on a separate material from a chemistry textbook. And to implement the possibility of training, testing and monitoring the knowledge of students, the programming language built into Microsoft Office is used. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which allows you to place forms and controls on the slides for conducting a dialogue (interactive master templates).

Great opportunities for personal development are provided by the use of the Internet in the educational process of secondary educational institutions. Work experience shows that in the conditions of an innovative educational institution with an appropriate material base, the use of Internet / Intranet technologies opens up fundamentally new opportunities for cognitive and creative self-realization of all subjects of the educational process.

The self-development of teachers of various subjects is promoted by independent mastery of working on the Internet, the use of information posted in it, in the classroom and in extracurricular work.

Students with a high level of cognitive activity, using the Internet, get expanded access to the information they are interested in. They independently search for messages about competitions, olympiads, conferences, testing, etc.

Working on the Internet allows an educational institution and each participant in the educational process to successfully join a single educational space. Currently, a multi-subject project for distance learning "Internet School" is being implemented. An important educational aspect of such network activity is the awareness of a sense of responsibility for one's work, because the result of it can be appreciated by millions of Internet users.

The main directions of the rational use of IT in scientific research: 1. Collection, storage, search and issuance of scientific and technical information (NTI). 2. Preparation of scientific research programs (SR), selection of equipment and experimental devices. 3. Mathematical calculations. 4. Solution of intellectual-logical problems. 5. Modeling of objects and processes. 6. Management of experimental facilities. 7. Registration and computer input of experimental data. 8. Processing of one-dimensional and multidimensional (images) signals. 9. Generalization and evaluation of the research results. 10. Registration and presentation of the results of scientific research. 11. Management of research work (R&D).

IT IN THE COLLECTION AND PRE-PROCESSING STAGE The purpose of this phase is to answer the following questions: 1. What authors or scientific groups are involved in a similar topic? 2. What are the known solutions for the research topic? 3. What known methods and means are used to solve the problems under study? 4. What are the disadvantages known solutions And how are they trying to overcome them? An in-depth study of information on the subject of research allows you to eliminate the risk of wasting time on an already solved problem, to study in detail the entire range of issues on the topic under study and to find scientifically technical solution corresponding to a high level. The main source of information is scientific documents, which, according to the method of presentation, can be textual, graphic, audiovisual and machine-readable.

SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTS ARE DIVIDED INTO primary and secondary, published and unpublished. Primary documents are books, brochures, periodicals (journals, works), scientific and technical documents (standards, guidelines). Patent documentation (publications containing information about discoveries, inventions, etc.) is also important here; Unpublished primary documents include: scientific reports, dissertations, deposited manuscripts, etc.; Secondary documents contain a brief summary of information from one or more primary documents: reference books, abstract editions, bibliographic indexes, etc.

WAYS OF COLLECTING AND PROCESSING NTI questionnaires, interviews, expert surveys, etc., work with scientific and technical documents, which includes the search, familiarization, elaboration of documents and systematization of information. The search is carried out in catalogues, abstracts and bibliographic publications. Automation of this procedure is ensured by the use of specialized information retrieval systems (IPS) of libraries and research institutes (NII), electronic catalogs, search in machine-readable (DB), as well as using search programs on the Internet.

WAYS OF OBTAINING INFORMATION work with literary material; requests to organizations holding information (state and public educational organizations); engagement of consultants or experts; search for information in automated information systems; search in computer network resources; own observations. Information retrieval maybe - targeted (on formal grounds); - semantic (in meaning, content); - documentary; - factual, etc.

CLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION SEARCH SYSTEMS documentary, allowing to work with full texts or addresses of documents; factual, which give out necessary information from available documents; information-logical (intelligent) represent information obtained as a result of a logical search and targeted selection in an automated mode. If there are full texts of documents in the database, these tools make it possible to implement the familiarization procedure. Often abstracts or annotations of documents are quite sufficient for this. The labor intensity of organizing tabular databases can be significantly reduced using optical recognition systems (for example, FineReader), which provide processing of scanned documents and their export to a database.

IT IN THEORETICAL INVESTIGATIONS The scope of TI depends on the specifics and complexity of the problem. In the general case, it may include the following steps: 1. Setting the task, where the objectives of the study are determined, the most effective ways of implementation. Sometimes a hypothesis is formed that tentatively explains the phenomenon. 2. Development of a model of the process of functioning of the object under study. TI usually uses mathematical, informational or logical models phenomena. 3. Choice of methods for constructing the model and their verification. 4. Development of algorithms and software tools for the implementation of models. 5. Execution mathematical calculations or processing of information algorithms. 6. Analysis of the results obtained using logical reasoning and conclusions, formulation of research results.

IT IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Most often, IT is used in mathematical calculations. Software for this direction conventionally divided into the following categories: 1. Program libraries for numerical analysis, which are also divided into general-purpose libraries (SSP, NAG packages) and highly specialized solution-oriented packages a certain class tasks (MicroWay - matrices, Fourier transform). 2. Specialized systems for mathematical calculations and graphic manipulation of data and presentation of results (Phaser - differential equations, Statgraph - statistical analysis), Eureca, Statistica. 3. Dialogue systems mathematical calculations with declarative languages ​​that allow formulating problems in a natural way (MuMath, Reduce, MathCad, Matlab, Mathematica). 4. Spreadsheets(ET), which allow you to perform various calculations with the data presented in tabular form(Supercalc, Quattro Pro, Excel).

IT IN SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT, MODELING AND RESULTS PROCESSING experimental studies(EI): 1. Purposeful observation of the functioning of an object for in-depth study of its properties. 2. Verification of the validity of working hypotheses for the development of the theory of phenomena on this basis. 3. Establishing the dependence of various factors characterizing the phenomenon, for the subsequent use of the found dependencies in the design or management of the objects under study. EI includes the stages of preparing the experiment, conducting research and processing the results.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES preparatory stage the goals and objectives of the EI are determined, the methodology and program for its implementation are developed. This stage also includes the selection necessary equipment and measuring instruments. When developing an EI program, they tend to reduce the volume and complexity of work, simplify the experiment without losing the accuracy and reliability of the results. In this regard, this stage of EI requires solving the problem of determining the minimum number of experiments (measurements) that most effectively covers the area of ​​possible interaction of influencing factors and ensures their reliable dependence. This problem is solved by means of the section of mathematical statistics - experiment planning, which presents the necessary methods for the rational organization of measurements subject to random errors.

DESCRIPTION OF THE STAGES OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The stage of carrying out the actual research is determined by the specifics of the object under study. According to the nature of the interaction of the means of experiment with the object, ordinary and model EI are distinguished. In the first, the interaction is directly on the object, in the second - on the model that replaces it. The method of modeling objects and processes is the main one in a scientific experiment. Distinguish: Physical modeling performed on special installations. VTs are used to control the process of the experiment, collect registration data and process them. For analog modeling, analog computing machines, which allows you to create and explore analog models that can be described by the same dif. equations with the process under study. Mathematical modeling includes research not only with the help of purely mathematical models. Informational, logical, simulation and other models and their combinations are also used here.

MATHEMATICAL MODELING It is advisable to use PS developed by specialists using the latest advances applied mathematics and programming. The capabilities of modern software systems, in terms of computer graphics, including parametrization, the use of fractal methods, color dynamics, animation, etc., provide sufficient clarity of the results. VT finds the widest application for: logical, functional and structural modeling of electronic circuits; modeling and synthesis of systems automatic control; modeling of mechanical and thermal regimes of structures, mechanics of gases and liquids. In this case, hundreds of functionally oriented software systems are used (for example, MICRO - Logic, ANSYS, DesignLAB), as well as systems of universal application (ET - Excel, QuattroPro, MathCad system).

IT IN FORMING THE RESULTS OF THE NI Results of the NI can be presented in the form of a report, report, article, etc., in the design of which IT tools are currently widely used. The process of creating a scientific document includes: 1. Preparation of a text part containing formulas and special characters. 2. Formation of tables and their graphic display. 3. Preparation of illustrations in the form of diagrams, drawings, drawings, graphs, diagrams. 4. Grammatical and lexical control. 5. Import drawings and graphic images from other systems. 6. Direct and reverse transfers. 7. Document formatting and printing.

PS FOR CREATING SCIENTIFIC TEXTS except text editors are used: 1. For the formation tabular information– ET tools (Excel, QuattroPro) using the capabilities graphic display. 2. To create complex graphic illustrations - business graphics systems (Corel Draw) and geometric modeling (AutoCAD). 3. For effective grammatical control of the text - specialized systems such as Orfo, Lingvo Corrector, Propis. 4. To create a photographic image - optical recognition tools, editing tools and digital photography(FineReader, Adobe Photoshop etc.). 5. For automated translation - Prompt, Socrat systems.

DIRECTIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE CREATION OF DOCUMENTS 1. The use of integrated software systems, providing within one system the creation of text, tables, graphs (Framework, Works). 2. The use of complexes of interrelated programs within one operating shell(MS Office includes independent MS Word, Excel, etc., which have a mechanism for effective data exchange). 3. Hypermedia and multimedia systems.

PRIORITY SCIENTIFIC AREAS OF APPLICATION OF NETWORK IT the field of ecology, protection environment, medicine, biology are associated with methods for assessing environmental parameters, methods for analyzing and predicting disasters, technologies for assessing the risk of environmentally hazardous industries, analyzing forecasting and making decisions in connection with emergency situations, systems for designing environmental equipment, systems for diagnosing and making decisions in medicine and biology (including telemedicine)


Aksyukhin A.A., Vitsen A.A., Meksheneva Zh.V.

FGOU VPO "Orel State Institute of Arts and Culture", Orel, Russia

Information technology (IT) in education is currently a necessary condition for the transition of society to an information civilization. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change the nature of the organization of the educational process, to completely immerse the student in the information and educational environment, to improve the quality of education, to motivate the processes of information perception and knowledge acquisition. New information technologies create an environment for computer and telecommunications support for organization and management in various fields of activity, including education. The integration of information technologies into educational programs is carried out at all levels: school, university and postgraduate education.

Constant improvement of the educational process, along with the development and restructuring of society, with the creation of a unified system of continuous education, is a characteristic feature of education in Russia. The reform of the school carried out in the country is aimed at bringing the content of education in line with the modern level of scientific knowledge, increasing the efficiency of all educational work and preparing students for activities in the transition to the information society. Therefore, information technologies are becoming an integral component of the content of education, a means of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, and also contribute to the implementation of many principles of developmental education.

The main areas of application of IT in the educational process of the school are:

    development of pedagogical software for various purposes;

    development of websites for educational purposes;

    development of methodological and didactic materials;

    management of real objects (training bots);

    organizing and conducting computer experiments with virtual models;

    implementation of a targeted search for information of various forms in global and local networks, its collection, accumulation, storage, processing and transfer;

    processing the results of the experiment;

    organization of intellectual leisure of students.

The most widely used at the moment are integrated lessons using multimedia tools. Teaching presentations are becoming an integral part of learning, but they are only the simplest example IT applications.

Recently, teachers have been creating and implementing author's pedagogical software, which reflects a certain subject area, to some extent implements the technology of studying it, and provides conditions for the implementation of various types of educational activities. The typology of pedagogical software used in education is very diverse: teaching; simulators; diagnosing; controlling; modeling; gaming.

In the educational process of a higher educational institution, the study of IT involves solving problems of several levels:

    The use of information technology as a tool for education, knowledge, which is carried out in the course "Informatics";

    Information technologies in professional activities, which is the aim of the general professional discipline "Information Technologies", which considers their theory, components, methodology;

    Training in applied information technologies focused on the specialty, designed to organize and manage specific professional activities, which is studied in the disciplines of specializations.

For example, the discipline "Information Technologies in Economics" and its synonymous "Information Technologies in Management" are included in the educational program for students of economic specialties. A modern economist should be able to make informed decisions based on information flows, in addition to traditional economic knowledge, a student should be familiar with the process of data processing and have the skills to build information systems.

Methodological materials on these disciplines are numerously presented in print, in electronic versions, accompanied by various applications and application programs. It is quite difficult to understand such an abundance of the proposed material on your own. If we take, for example, only the fact how many sources are offered on the Internet: a list of recommended literature, interactive manuals and online tutorials, abstracts, etc. The search engine gives about 400,000 links to the user's request "Discipline" Information Technology in Economics ".

Only a qualified specialist-teacher can help to understand the current situation and help in mastering the educational material: he not only organizes independent work of students (abstracts, testing, control and term papers), but in the conditions of time regulations for studying the discipline, he knows how to choose the most important aspects for study. Currently, teachers, pursuing such goals, create author's pedagogical software, implemented in multimedia and hypermedia form on CDs and DVDs, on Internet sites.

Postgraduate education is also focused on the introduction of IT: the curricula of graduate students and applicants for many scientific fields include disciplines related to the study and implementation of information technologies in the scientific and professional activity. At the Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture, graduate students and applicants of all specialties study the discipline "Information Technologies in Science and Education" already in the first year of graduate school. The purpose of this course is to master the basic methods and means of applying modern information technologies in research and development educational activities, increasing the level of knowledge of a novice scientist in the field of application of computer technologies when conducting a scientific experiment, organizing assistance to a graduate student in his scientific research, in the preparation of articles, theses, reports and dissertations.

Increasing the level of computer training of students, increasing the number and expanding the varieties of author's pedagogical software, the use of new information technologies in science and education in general, are one of the main directions for improving secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education in our country.


1. Lavrushina E.G., Moiseenko E.V. Teaching computer science at the university.

2. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Information Technology in the Humanities vocational education// Pedagogical informatics. Scientific-methodical journal VAK. No. 5. 2006. S. 8-16.

3. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Multimedia technologies in the conditions of formation educational environment universities of arts and culture // Historical and cultural relations between Russia and France: the main stages: a collection of articles / Comp. I.A. Ivashov; ch. ed. N.S. Martynov. - Eagle: OGIIK, ill., OOO PF "Operational printing", 2008. S. 19-25.

Aksyukhin A.A., Vitsen A.A., Meksheneva Zh.V. Information technologies in education and science // III International Scientific Conference"Modern problems of informatization in modeling systems, programming and telecommunications".
URL: (date of access: 03/27/2019).

Information technology (IT) in education is currently a necessary condition for the transition of society to an information civilization. Modern technologies and telecommunications make it possible to change the nature of the organization of the educational process, to completely immerse the student in the information and educational environment, to improve the quality of education, to motivate the processes of information perception and knowledge acquisition. New information technologies create an environment for computer and telecommunications support for organization and management in various fields of activity, including education. The integration of information technologies into educational programs is carried out at all levels: school, university and postgraduate education.

Constant improvement of the educational process, along with the development and restructuring of society, with the creation of a unified system of continuous education, is a characteristic feature of education in Russia. The reform of the school carried out in the country is aimed at bringing the content of education in line with the modern level of scientific knowledge, increasing the efficiency of all educational work and preparing students for activities in the transition to the information society. Therefore, information technologies are becoming an integral component of the content of education, a means of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, and also contribute to the implementation of many principles of developmental education.

The main areas of IT application in the educational process are:

1. development of pedagogical software for various purposes;

2. development of websites for educational purposes;

3. development of methodological and didactic materials;

4. management of real objects (training bots);

5.organization and conduct of computer experiments with virtual models;

6. Implementation of a targeted search for information of various forms in global and local networks, its collection, accumulation, storage, processing and transmission;

7. processing of the results of the experiment;

8. organization of intellectual leisure of students.

The most widely used at the moment are integrated lessons using multimedia tools. Educational presentations are becoming an integral part of learning, but this is just the simplest example of IT application.

Recently, teachers have been creating and implementing author's pedagogical software, which reflects a certain subject area, to some extent implements the technology of studying it, and provides conditions for the implementation of various types of educational activities. The typology of pedagogical software used in education is very diverse: teaching; simulators; diagnosing; controlling; modeling; gaming.

In the educational process of a higher educational institution, the study of IT involves solving problems of several levels:

§ The use of information technology as a tool for education, knowledge, which is carried out in the course "Informatics";

§ Information technologies in professional activity, which is the aim of the general professional discipline "Information Technologies", which considers their theory, components, methodology;

§ Training in applied information technologies focused on the specialty, intended for the organization and management of specific professional activities, which is studied in the disciplines of specializations.

For example, the discipline "Information technologies in professional activity" is included in the educational program for teaching students of pedagogical specialties. Modern teacher elementary school and the teacher of additional education should be able to make informed decisions based on information flows, in addition to traditional knowledge, the student must be familiar with the process of data processing and have the skills to build information systems.

Methodological materials on these disciplines are numerously presented in print, in electronic versions, accompanied by various applications and application programs. It is quite difficult to understand such an abundance of the proposed material on your own. If we take, for example, only the fact how many sources are offered on the Internet: a list of recommended literature, interactive manuals and online tutorials, abstracts, etc. The search engine gives about 400,000 links to the user's request "Discipline" Informatics and in professional activities".

Only a qualified specialist-teacher can help to understand the current situation and help in mastering the educational material: he not only organizes independent work of students (abstracts, testing, control and term papers), but in the conditions of time regulations for studying the discipline, he knows how to choose the most important aspects for study. Currently, teachers, pursuing such goals, create author's pedagogical software, implemented in multimedia and hypermedia form on CDs and DVDs, on Internet sites.

Postgraduate education is also focused on the introduction of IT: the curricula of graduate students and applicants for many scientific fields include disciplines related to the study and implementation of information technologies in scientific and professional activities. In the Kemerovo Pedagogical College, students of all specialties study the discipline "Information Technologies in Science and Education" already in the first and second year. The purpose of this course is for students to master the basic methods and means of using modern information technologies in research and educational activities, to increase the level of knowledge of a novice scientist in the field of using computer technologies when conducting a scientific experiment, to organize assistance to a student in his scientific research, in the preparation of articles, theses , reports. Increasing the level of computer training of students, increasing the number and expanding varieties of author's pedagogical software, the use of new information technologies in science and education in general, are one of the main directions for improving secondary specialized education in our country.


1. Lavrushina, E.G., Moiseenko E.V. Teaching computer science at the university.

2. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Information technologies in humanitarian higher professional education // Pedagogical informatics. Scientific-methodical journal VAK. No. 5. 2016. S. 8-16.

3. Dedeneva A.S., Aksyukhin A.A. Multimedia technologies in the conditions of formation of the educational environment of universities of arts and culture // Historical and cultural relations between Russia and France: main stages: collection of articles / Comp. I.A. Ivashov; ch. ed. N.S. Martynov. - Eagle: OGIIK, ill., OOO PF "Operational printing", 2017. S. 19-25.

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