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  • Laboratory of infectious viruses. Where they study the death of the Special Laboratory, this virus was called

Laboratory of infectious viruses. Where they study the death of the Special Laboratory, this virus was called

Microbiological laboratories are part of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Centers (TSGSEN), infectious diseases and large hospitals, skin and venereal and tuberculosis dispensaries. Depending on departmental affiliation, diagnostic work is carried out in bacteriological, virological, mycological and other laboratories, which is regulated by relevant instructions and legislation. In accordance with these acts of legislation, each of the laboratories can only work with certain groups of microorganisms.

The bacteriological laboratories of the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service work with microbes of groups III and 1U, conducting etiological diagnostics of infectious diseases of airborne, intestinal, purulent-inflammatory, etc. nature.

Virological laboratories carry out virological diagnostics of diseases caused by viruses (influenza, poliomyelitis, herpes, etc.), as well as chlamydia (ornithosis, genitourinary diseases, etc.) and rickettsiae (Q fever, typhus, etc.).

Laboratories of especially dangerous infections diagnose especially dangerous microbial infections (plague, cholera, anthrax, brucellosis, tularemia, etc.), and some of them also of viral etiology (Marburg, Ebola, smallpox, etc.). The work is carried out according to particularly strict regulations.

The dermatovenerological group of diseases and tuberculosis are diagnosed in the appropriate dispensaries.

bacteriological laboratories TsGSEN should be located in typical buildings or premises, designed for the amount of work carried out, according to the purpose. Each bacteriological laboratory should have a complete set of subdivisions necessary for them. : reception desk for taking tests and issuing results, boxes for working with bacteria of different groups, a room for immunodiagnostic and molecular genetic tests, rooms for preparing nutrient media, sterilization, washing, a vivarium with boxes for healthy and experimental animals is possible.

Each room is equipped with appropriate equipment and apparatus.

The sterilization room must contain a steam sterilizer of a certain model - vertical or horizontal, etc.

Of the equipment for growing, storing microorganisms and other work, you must have:

Refrigerators for separate storage of cultures and other biological preparations, according to the instructions.

Centrifuges for sedimentation of corpuscular substances, including microorganisms. Centrifuges must be refrigeration.

Thermostats, for growing cultures of bacteria at a given temperature.

Micro balloons, for growing under anoxic conditions bacteria called anaerobes.

Distiller for distilled water.

Apparatus for making cotton-gauze plugs of various sizes.

In the box rooms it is necessary to have: biological immersion microscopes (to them - an illuminator of a phase-contrast device, a dark-field condenser), water baths, refrigerators, a set of tools (bacteriological loops, needles, scalpels, tweezers, spatulas, etc.), sets of dyes, alcohol , reagents, filter paper, glass pencils, acids, alkalis, spirit lamps and gas burners. Banks with disinfectant solution (signed, with the date of preparation of this disinfectant solution). Glassware : pipettes, test tubes, flasks, vials, Petri dishes, mattresses, pasterkas, etc.

The laboratory should have a certain stock of commercial nutrient media, test systems and diagnostic sera, and various sets of diagnostic preparations.

Some rules for working in microbiological laboratories:

1. All employees work in medical gowns, caps, slippers. Wear a mask if necessary.

2. It is forbidden to smoke, eat, drink water in the laboratory, except in specially designated places.

3. The workplace is kept in exemplary order.

4. If an infected material gets on a table, floor or other surface, it is necessary to treat this place with a disinfectant solution.

5. Storage, shipment, issuance of cultures of microorganisms is carried out in accordance with the prescription.

6. At the end of the work, hands are thoroughly washed with soap. If necessary, hands can be treated with one of the disinfectant solutions, etc.

Virological laboratories. They must be completely isolated from other units. There are certain differences in the structure of virology laboratories, depending on the specialization, but there are main divisions : freezer, washing, disinfection, pure cell cultures and infected, boxes for working with viruses, room for immunodiagnostic studies, vivarium, room for chick embryos - clean and infected.

The virological laboratory must have : locker room - for changing clothes, shoes, tiled floors covered with linoleum. Meshed windows. UV lamps. Refrigerators are needed - at 4 o C and an ultra-refrigerator at -20-40 o C or more, porcelain mortars, homogenizers, pestles, tools (scissors, needles, syringes, scalpels, tweezers, etc.). Centrifuges with cooling up to 5-6 thousand rpm and ultracentrifuges up to 30 thousand vol. per minute or more. Luminescent microscope. Incubators at 37 ° C, for the purpose of keeping chicken embryos in them and tools for working with them. Thermostats with automatic parameters, for incubation of infected chicken embryos. Glassware and test tube racks, burners, etc.

Some rules for working in virological laboratories:

1. Only employees are allowed to enter the virology laboratory. Dressing is obligatory in special clothes, according to the work performed (robe, cap, shoes).

2. Before entering, be sure to have a mat moistened with a disinfectant solution.

3. All types of work with contaminated or suspected material should be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions.

4. Work in the boxes is required with additional attributes in clothing: mask, double coat, gloves, towel, goggles, etc.

6. In the event of an "accident" (spraying of virus-containing material), you should call the manager or another doctor (without leaving the box, by pressing the bell button) and decontaminate together according to the instructions.

7. In necessary cases, get vaccinated according to the instructions.

8. The spent virus-containing material is destroyed by autoclaving at 1.5 atm for 30 minutes.

9. After completing the work, you should change into a normal dressing gown and shoes, a cap or a scarf in the dressing room, wash your hands with soap and disinfect if necessary.

10. Boxes are treated with formalin vapors and ultraviolet light before work. After work, they are treated with a 2% solution of chloramine, etc.

Rules for the work of students at the Department of Microbiology and Virology :

1. Duties of the attendants:

Together with the laboratory assistant, check the availability and quantity of instruments (bacterial loops, tweezers, etc.), material intended for classes (test tubes and cups with cultures, pencils for inscriptions on glass, pieces of paper with gentian violet, dyes, etc.), the condition of microscopes, subject and coverslips, etc. Make entries in the appropriate journal for those on duty. Accept educational material from the laboratory assistant and distribute to students. Take individually cups and test tubes with cultures of microorganisms.

At the end of classes, the duty officer checks the condition of the work tables, eliminates all defects in their cleaning, checks for the availability of instruments, microscopes, etc. Test tubes and cups with crops are handed over to the laboratory assistant, fills out the duty book, rents the room to the laboratory assistant, turns off the light.

2. Responsibilities of students :

Before starting work. Put on a medical gown, fasten it, put on a hat or scarf. Put portfolios and books in a desk drawer or in bags. Check the condition of the desktop and microscope. Put a notebook, pen, pencils, including colored pencils, on the desktop.

During work. Handle the microscope, utensils, instruments, etc. with care. Be attentive to all stages of work with bacterial cultures. Sign dishes with germs. Sterilize the loop at the end of the work with cultures. In the event of an accident (contamination of the surface of the table, floor, clothing, skin, etc. with an infectious material), report the incident to the teacher and jointly eliminate the contamination.

After work. Tidy up your workspace. Inoculated cups, test tubes hand over to the duty officer. Hand over the used material to the duty officer. All used tools should be burned over the fire of an alcohol lamp, glasses should be lowered into jars with a disinfectant solution. Tidy up the microscope and work table. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.

Enter and work in study rooms without a gown or cap. Eating in the premises of the department. Smoke, litter. Put briefcases, hats, textbooks on the table and window sills. Damage equipment. Dirty tables. Talk and laugh loudly, run around and interfere in the work of the department.

Mutations of viruses in the laboratory

We talked about TMV mutants created by nature. Today, we already know his laboratory mutants. The first of them saw the light in the laboratory of G. Schramm.

Schramm in his experiments proceeded from the possibility of replacing the amino group (-NH 2) in the cytosine molecule with a hydroxyl group (-OH) using nitric acid. With this substitution, cytosine is converted to uracil. We know that both are contained in RNA molecules.

Schramm set himself the goal of changing the arrangement of nucleotides in RNA by the action of nitric acid and thereby affecting its properties. This proved to be no easy task. First, it was necessary to isolate RNA from viruses, and then act on it with nitric acid and again “dress” the already altered RNA with a protein “shell”. However, Schramm succeeded in all this, and as a result of the experiments, TMV mutants were obtained, which were distinguished by a special form of action on tobacco plants. More than 10 such artificially created TMV mutants are already known, and their properties are now being carefully studied. Some of them even differ in the composition of the amino acids present in the protein subunits. The reader knows that a change in the order of nucleotides in RNA also causes changes in the set of amino acids in proteins, since nucleotides are, as it were, the “genetic alphabet” in protein synthesis.

We saw how many biological mysteries, how many important questions of genetics helped us solve the world of microorganisms. We managed to understand and explain a lot. But much has not yet been decided. What can be expected from further research? Let us ask Frenkel-Konrath, one of the participants in the research, who has already done a lot in this field, to answer this question. He's writing:

“We are only taking the first, timid steps so far. We begin to unravel the code that reveals to us the secret of the relationship between the structure of proteins and nucleic acids. Gradually, the way of transferring genetic information becomes clearer to us. Many scientists working in the field of chemistry, little by little, shed light on the mechanism of action of enzymes in the cell. And when the study of genetic information and the study of enzyme functions merge into a single effort, then perhaps our children - or perhaps only our grandchildren - will begin to understand that highly organized mutual game of enzymes and genetic material, the game of energy and reproduction processes, which we call life. ".

From the book Microbiology: lecture notes author Tkachenko Ksenia Viktorovna

1. Morphology and structure of viruses Viruses are microorganisms that make up the Vira kingdom. Distinctive features: 1) contain only one type of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA); 2) do not have their own protein-synthesizing and energy systems; 3) do not have a cellular

From the book Microbiology author Tkachenko Ksenia Viktorovna

2. Interaction of viruses with the host cell The interaction takes place in a single biological system at the genetic level. There are four types of interaction: 1) productive viral infection (interaction resulting in the reproduction of the virus, and

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 1 [Astronomy and astrophysics. Geography and other earth sciences. Biology and Medicine] author

3. Cultivation of viruses The main methods of cultivation of viruses: 1) biological - infection of laboratory animals. When infected with a virus, the animal becomes ill. If the disease does not develop, then pathological changes can be detected at autopsy. Animals

From the book Oddities of Evolution 2 [Mistakes and Failures in Nature] author Zittlau Jörg

11. Cultivation of viruses. Antiviral immunity The main methods of cultivation of viruses: 1) biological - infection of laboratory animals. When infected with a virus, the animal becomes ill; 2) cultivation of viruses in developing chicken embryos. Chicken

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From the book Journey to the land of microbes author Betina Vladimir

Drosophila: born for the lab, killed for sex Biology students forget after a few semesters that Drosophila also exists in nature. After all, the fruit fly (sometimes also called the vinegar fly, because it is always where something has fermented)

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How Labs Affect the Medical Corps The entire medical corps reads and knows the Daily Medical Newspaper well.

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Infectious RNA and the reconstruction of viruses Evidence that the RNA of viruses is the genetic material, provided us with the same TMV. First of all, scientists managed to change the TMV particles by removing the protein component from their composition. In this state, viruses

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The Threat of Viruses One of the books on viruses is very aptly titled "Viruses are the enemies of life." And not only influenza viruses, but also other viruses that infect humans, “on the conscience” of tens of thousands, and maybe millions of lives. Rubella should be considered an unsafe disease. it

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From the book The Logic of Chance [On the Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution] author Kunin Evgeniy Viktorovich

Chapter 2. Continuation in the laboratory What you don't take, it's better to forget, What you can't count, can't be, What you can't weigh, doesn't work, And what you didn't minted doesn't count. Goethe In the previous chapter, I took poetic liberties:

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"Glynn Laboratories" The world at Glynn House was blown up when one day Mitchell decided to look through a stack of scientific journals from the last two or three years. With hope he leafed through the pages of numerous articles on bioenergetics. What happened to his hypothesis? Perhaps received

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Natural selection in nature and in the laboratory The action of selection is studied not only in laboratory experiments, but also in the course of long-term observations in nature. The first approach allows you to control the environmental conditions, highlighting from the countless real life

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Chapter 10 The world of viruses and its evolution Per. G. Janus Viruses were discovered as something completely unremarkable, namely an unusual variety of infectious agents, and possibly a special kind of toxins that cause plant diseases, such as tobacco mosaic. Since these agents

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Discovery of filterable viruses Viruses… Living creatures that could only be seen by an electron microscope at a magnification of tens of thousands of times, and a fine structure - a hundred thousand times or more. Virology is the science of viruses, the flowering of which became possible only in our century.

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3.1. The genetic material of viruses and prokaryotes The genetic material of viruses is represented by a single nucleic acid molecule (either DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protective protein shell - capsid. The functioning of viruses occurs in different ways, depending on their


(article from the journal "National control. RF")

Epidemics of previously unseen diseases - new strains of Ebola, AIDS, SARS, "bird" and "swine flu", strange diseases and deaths of public and state figures objectionable to the West - everything suggests that even in the absence of military conflicts there is a "quiet" but a monstrously deadly world war.
The United States, under "humanitarian" pretexts, is forcing all countries to destroy stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, while at the same time developing and using more and more new means of mass destruction.

"Just the Flu"

Heat, intense
"pulmonary" cough, decreased immunity,
prolonged disability. new,
unusual for a warm May epidemic
virus infection in Moscow,
St. Petersburg, other major
cities of Russia. many had to
hospitalized, were fatal
cases. Common "seasonal flu"
accounted for only 1% of the total
sick. The rest are due
new pandemic influenza A/H1N1.

"It's a job
Americans,” wrote many
journalists, despite the lack of
direct evidence. Why not
and no? the United States by imposing sanctions actually
declared us another cold war.
Russia is a good
target for infection
infections as from the air (with the preservation
American base in Ulyanovsk
US military aircraft officially overfly
through our airspace, having
excellent opportunity to spray over
us anything), and from the earth.
You can supply us with contaminated products
(which we can't do without
with a collapsed own agricultural
farm), pills and vaccines, even
clothing and textile products. If a
there is a possibility of undermining health
"potential adversary" -
why not do it?


has dubious fame
"pioneers" in mass application
biological weapons. First under the knife
bioterror hit natives
America. According to known
historians D. Stannard, K. Sale,
B. Kirnen in the "American Holocaust"
up to 100 million people were killed!
Moreover, along with the "ordinary" means
extermination (gunshot and cold
weapons) for the first time since the 18th century in mass
scale applied "biotechnology" -
under the guise of "charity" to the tribes
sent bed linen from the sick
smallpox, plague, cholera, tuberculosis
and leprosy. Didn't have to spend
on bullets and shells - in epidemics
tens of thousands of "redskins" died.

First scientific
government-sponsored program
initiated in 1878, and was
dedicated to the study of epidemics and ways
their distribution. One of the centers
became the "Laboratory of Hygiene", headed by
Dr. Joseph Kinyoun. Enough
he quickly managed to find an opportunity
human infection through mycoplasma
(bacteria that do not have cell
walls) isolated from tobacco leaves.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Kinyoun used
her to start epidemics among
animals and birds. And in 1918-19.
the Spanish flu virus destroyed in the very
deadliest in human history
epidemics of about 50 million people
in different countries of the world - in two
more than once more than all the losses
during the first world war! it
was an influenza virus modified
"avian mycoplasma", against which
humanity has not acquired

object: but even the name
points not to the USA, but to Spain?
The fact is that the epidemic has been going on for years
world war, when all its participants
(including the USA) with the help of
strict censorship hid the true
the scale of the tragedy. Spain has announced
about neutrality, there was no censorship,
so it turned out that the biggest
number of new disease reports
came from this country. However, undeniable
fact is that the first patients
with a deadly virus appeared
in Boston, USA.
In 1919 the epidemic stopped
just as weird as it started.


American virologists on influenza
remained their trademark.
In the 1930s, the topic of virus transmission
flu from animals - dealt with people
Richard Shope, who led
laboratory at Rockefeller
Institute of Medical Research
(founded in 1901), which became
major virus development center

with the flu, others did not forget there
viruses. Under the leadership of the chief
US virologist" T. Rivers in the 30s -
In the 1950s, experiments were carried out on dozens of
thousands of Hispanics who
infected (under the guise of "vaccination") with smallpox,
cholera, malaria, venereal
diseases, cancerous cells,
poliomyelitis viruses, agents
causing infertility. Especially
savage methods distinguished "luminary"
Institute Dr. Cornelius Rhodes.

In 1957
escaped from American laboratories
a new strain of influenza, whose victims
became more than one million people.

In 1976
the wave has swept again in the USA
hitherto unknown influenza. First
sick was a certain Private Lewis,
who appears to have been infected during
one of the experiments. The president
Ford Called All Americans
vaccinated, but it turned out that
the vaccine caused a lot of losses,
than the flu itself. Hundreds of people have
"Julian-Barré Syndrome", paralyzing
central nervous system.

In 2009
mass hysteria broke out in America,
associated with the H1N1 influenza epidemic,
who, by all accounts, was
developed in secret American
laboratories. He was associated with the strain
"swine flu" that they worked on
virologists in the United States, and eventually turned out to be
not too heavy. However, it is curious
that vaccination did not weaken, but strengthened
disease epidemic. Independent Experts
from the Czech Republic tested the vaccine and found
in a number of batches supplied from the USA
the presence of the latest pathogens

In this way,
in the United States has developed a very profitable
"business project": American laboratories
developing novel influenza strains
(and other diseases). The doctors
in different countries get infected
vaccine and (often without knowing it)
spread the disease, and the epidemic,
in turn contributes to the unheard of
enrichment of "antivirus" laboratories,
manufacturers of vaccines and anti-influenza

The flu could wipe out half of humanity?

confirmation that the "Spaniard" is still
was "American" came in 2012
Researcher Jeffrey Taubenberger
from the Institute of Armed Pathology
US forces" stated that he succeeded
(supposedly from the frozen remains
American soldier who died
from "Spanish" almost a hundred years ago)
completely "revive" this virus.

from different countries immediately declared
about how impossible it is. Quicker
in total, serious losses of America itself
(during the epidemic, about
half a million Americans!) forced
them in 1919 put aside test tubes
"until better times". And, (if, of course,
Taubenberger's invention is not
bluff) presumably for the past
decades of vaccine development
against a lethal disease that can
localize it on opponents,
avoiding losses among "their own".

stated that his modification of the "Spanish"
based on the "bird flu" H5N1 much
deadlier than its predecessor
(in 1919 the death rate was 10%
cases, and the new strain gives a monstrous
lethality figure - 50%!) and is capable of
spread not only through
direct contact, but also through
skin - that is, sprayed in the form

Taubenberger, published in scientific
magazines, caused a real panic
especially among "quiet Americans",
who know firsthand that
all the latest "achievements" of microbiology
The US is testing them first. Authorities
responded in an original way
for the "stronghold of democracy": according to the idea
"National Council for Biological
security of the United States", it was decided
tighten censorship of publications
in American scientific periodicals

"Purple Death"

The fact that
many modifications of "ARVI" are
from the experiments of J. Kinyoun
confirmed even in the names
diseases. "Spanish" in due time
called the "Purple Death" because
that the patients were suffocating, coughing up blood
and died in terrible agony.
But nowadays this name
migrated to "SARS" -
also (it's almost not hidden)
inventions of American virologists.
SARS or SARS in Russian (severe acute
respiratory syndrome) is caused
avian-like coronavirus
the flu."

that it was used as one of the first
types of "ethnic weapons", as
SARS is the most common
in China and Southeast Asia. However
there were many cases in the United States
and Canada. Americans write that the disease
appeared on its own back in 2002.
in the Chinese province of Guangdong, however
these data are denied by the government
China. The first documented
case of the disease, as usual, occurred
with some "American businessman
of Chinese origin, which
at the beginning of 2003 came to Vietnam,
I felt bad there and
a few days despite all efforts
doctors, died. It is believed that through the system
hotel ventilation sickness
moved to other guests
and then quickly spread
throughout the region.

Thanks to
organizational efforts of Asian
countries (strict quarantine, application
local effective drugs) epidemic
managed to eliminate. Died about
thousands of people. However, American
and European virologists have stated,
that SARS is easily modified, therefore
"new outbreaks can be expected." And they can
organize new, "fashionable" now

Yes, at the beginning
May of this year there was a message
that of the Paris Pasteur Institute
(occupied with the study, and, possibly,
and the creation, on US orders, of new
viruses) "mysteriously" disappeared
30 cases of "atypical" virus
pneumonia" (2600 test tubes). This dose
according to experts, is capable of
completely destroy the population of the "large
European country". So what remains
just wait when 'unknown
terrorists" (but in fact
Western intelligence officers) will bring
this infection in the "rogue countries". All will be
attributed to the activities of the mythical
villains from al-Qaeda or others
organizations created by intelligence agencies.

Inoculation of fascism

bioterrorism is closely linked to politics.
We are currently seeing
almost the same as what you experienced
Europeans in the 30s - complete
link between liberalism and fascism.
Liberal governments of Europe
“lay down” under Hitler, anticipating “drang
nah Osten" and the collapse of the hated
them of Russia. Huge aid to the fascists
came from the USA. Liberal kinship
and fascists appeared after
defeat of Nazi Germany, when
the role of the main striking force directed
against Russia, passed to the USA. All
Nazi "professionals" who tarnished
yourself with the blood of thousands of innocent victims,
were in demand in the US.

Even before the war
American biologists worked closely
with the Nazis, and their experiments
over the "second class people" in Asia,
Africa and Latin America are few
were different from each other. However
during the war these atrocities reached
climaxes in the Nazi concentration camps.
"Medical torture" ending
death of tens of thousands of prisoners,
were infected by all known
humanity with diseases, chemicals,
toxic substances, application
injury, freezing, heating,
radioactive exposure (to check
limits of human endurance

After the war
in Nuremberg, the well-known “trials
German Doctors" ended
death sentences, life sentences
terms of imprisonment. The ethical
code" of physicians. However, very soon
it turned out that most of the fanatics
do not hang out in a loop, but calmly
migrated to the USA. covert operation
for the transfer of hundreds of Nazi
"specialists" were called "Paperclip" - "Clip"
(when registering prisoners of war
in American filtration camps
employees were forced to mark dossiers
with "especially valuable" Germans stationery

Nazi doctors and biologists Erich
Traub (who spent time in concentration camps
experiments to infect prisoners
encephalitis, viral meningitis,
foot-and-mouth disease), Eduard Mai (who studied methods
infecting the enemy with a deadly
malaria with a new breed
mosquitoes that could be dispersed
from aircraft), Aribert Chaim (with sophisticated
sadistic killer in experiments
thousand prisoners of Mauthausen), Kurt
Blome (infecting experimental prisoners
plague, other contagious diseases
and viruses leading to infertility),
Gerhard Rose (who experimented
with exotic diseases
common in the tropics
climate), Ari Hagen (impact of various
gases, herbal supplements on the body
man), Major General Walter Schreiber
(chief physician of the Reich, who led all
concentration camp experiments!) and hundreds
others added new impetus to the American
secret virology. Wasn't forgotten
and the most famous among the fanatics
Josef Mengele, who under the covert
tutelage of the Americans continued his experiments
with twin children in Latin

For the "best
of the best" in the United States stood out whole
medical centers. So, Traub was in charge
secret laboratory at Fort Terry
(New York State), doing their own
"favorite" topics of FMD transfer,
brucellosis, plague, African swine
fever, avian malaria
per person.

To hundreds of fascist
Dozens of "experimenters" were added
Japanese fanatics led by Shiro
Ishii, who infected the Russians,
American and Chinese prisoners of war
tetanus serum, typhoid viruses
and plagues, exploded bombs next to them,
stuffed with viral preparations (for
ascertaining the degree of their effectiveness),
infected women with syphilis
monstrous surgeries without
anesthesia (changing human organs
places). When he handed over after the war
all materials to the American command,
it (instead of holding it up
on the nearest lamp post) in the face
Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces
in the Pacific by Douglas MacArthur
gave the fanatic complete immunity.
The Japanese moved to the States and served
there in a secret laboratory in the Fort

All this host
with triple force
to develop new types of infection,
intended for the main enemy -
Soviet Union. Experiments
carried out like over American
citizens, and over "experimental
rabbits" from third world countries.
Recently, President Obama was forced
formally apologize to the people
Guatemala for medical experiments,
which were carried out by the American
physicians in the late 40s - early 50s
years of the twentieth century. Unsuspecting
people were sterilized under the guise
vaccinations infected with syphilis
and gonorrhea, then observed
for the spread of infection.

Difficulties with the Iron Curtain

how the Soviet Union established parity
in nuclear weapons, it became clear that
in the usual way (bombardment,
armed invasion) of the enemy
don't win. A new
strategy that emphasized
for biological and chemical
weapons, actions of sabotage detachments,
"narrowing the perimeter" around the USSR due to
interventions and pro-American
coups in the countries of the "third
world”, creation of a network of “agents of influence”
in socialist countries.

weapons played a central role.
But the Soviet Union was
almost impregnable fortress. Although there were
sabotage (infection in the 50s
poliomyelitis of thousands of Soviet children
after the sale of vaccine lots, sending
hitherto unknown Colorado potato beetle,
destroying crops), but good
organized society located
self-supporting and protected
"Iron Curtain" easily coped
with all attempts to organize

For the time being
had to work on new
viruses and test them in countries
"Third World" and the Americans!
The main developers of the infection
concentrated at Fort Detrick,
Maryland (full name -
"Medical Research Institute
U.S. Army for Infectious Diseases
USAMRIID). There is also an army
division for conducting
special operations.

At the beginning
60s personnel of this unit
used special "suitcases"
for aerosol hay
fevers at bus stops
in Washington DC, Chicago and San Francisco
in order to clarify the various
characteristics of the infection of Americans
(age, gender, ethnic, etc.).
Similar operations were carried out at airports
Washington, New York, Boston
and Los Angeles. hay fever
not included in the list of "pathogenic
diseases", although it causes respiratory
infections, food poisoning and contagion
blood. Then similar experiments
carried out with smallpox pathogens,
transformed into deadly
spray reagent.

As part of
secret operations "Shad" and "Transit"
(1956) warships in the bay
San Francisco had to pass
through clouds with bioweapons (including
tularemia, smallpox, plague and botulism),
after which the characteristics were clarified
morbidity among sailors.

In the south of the USA
sprayed over the Negro quarters
substances containing the malaria virus,
and also used infected
mosquitoes to figure out the scale
the spread of the disease.

considered by the American "hawks"
in the 60s as one of the best means
biological warfare. In one
from army reports are described
the following "attractive" aspects:
"1/ The causative agent of smallpox is highly contagious
in close contact. He is fast
spread from the host
to the people around; 2/ long
incubation period allows
operational staff responsible
for the operation, leave
country before the first case
infection will be diagnosed;
3/ duration of illness for those
who does not perish is quite large.

dozens of various "products"
secret laboratories had new strains
anthrax, Ebola, smallpox,
tularemia, brucellosis, dengue fever,
butulism, Argentine hemorrhagic
fever, bird flu, typhoid, yellow
fever, encephalitis, plague, various
plant and animal diseases and mass
other deadly viruses.

In declassified
recent documents contain facts
use of biological weapons
and toxins for "paramilitary situations".
And this word "semi-military"
(paramilitary) belonged (and applies
until now) to the category of "rubber".
It can also be used for mercenaries,
who kill civilians
in El Salvador, Honduras, Ukraine. His
can be used for any
undeclared war with "rogue states".
Leaders in such countries think that
they are at peace
with the "empire", and she considers the situation
"semi-military" and pollinates the citizens of this
countries with deadly bacteria
and viruses.

the goal is "depopulation"

acknowledge that all research in the field
chemical and biological weapons
have reached a dead end; its application can
lead to uncontrollable
consequences for all parties, fraught
disaster for humanity." These
words of wisdom uttered in 1969 by no one
other than President Nixon in response
at the suggestion of the Soviet Union
sign a total ban
biological weapons. In 1972 USA
ratified the international convention
on the prohibition of the development, production
and accumulation of stocks of bacteriological
(biological) and toxin weapons
and about their destruction.

Union, sincerely wishing for "detente"
and keeping the peace, believed in vain
in wise words, and solemnly
treaties signed with the Americans.
These means, starting with relationships
with the Indians, were in the US arsenal
always just a bluff, a "smoke screen"
in order to fool the enemy.

Like nothing
there were no secret laboratories
continued to modernize the biological
weapons, as well as special technical
means for carrying out terrorist attacks.
biological poisons
developed as part of a secret
CIA NAOMI project. "Exotic" methods
terrorist attacks were mastered by the Department
technical means of the CIA at the head
with Dr. Sydney Gottlieb. Other
bioweapon programs
were codenamed "DORK"
New impetus for projects
gave the strategic goal of "radical
reduction" of the population. First
it was voiced in 1969 by the Minister of Defense
USA R. McNamara (future head of the World
bank): “Children who die are much
happier than the millions who live
and drag out a miserable existence, being
ugly physically and mentally."
In 1970 this "humanist" declared that
population of 10 billion will
"impossible to control." And there is
only two ways to survive -
reduce the birth rate and increase

If the words
The McNamaras reflected the views of the ideologues
"Club of Rome" and "world behind the scenes",
then the famous "Memorandum-200" of the Council
US National Security,
developed by G. Kissinger
and signed by President J. Ford
in 1975 was an official document
the US government, which
the goal of reducing world population.
Four methods have been identified -
war, famine, declining birth rate
and epidemics. And the bioweapon has become
main component in all these

Over the past
A lot has changed in politics in 40 years
USA, but not this misanthropic
strategy. In a speech in 2009
Z. Brzezinski confessed: “If
it used to be easier to rule over millions
people than to destroy them - now
much easier to destroy millions than
engage in their device. ”Unprecedented
hitherto outbreak of a deadly epidemic
ebola virus in west africa,
which threatens to spread to the European
continent. AIDS destroying dozens
million people, others unknown
previously terrible diseases of people, animals,
plants. Where do they fall on our
head? What role do they play in this?
secret laboratories of the CIA and the military
US departments?

New generation viruses: cancer

"Can not
to be! Cancer is not contagious! All these are fabrications
like "conspiracy theory" or meetings
with the Martians! This is how they reacted
US authorities on charges
the government of Venezuela is that
great leader of the Bolivarian Revolution
Hugo Chavez was destroyed by infecting him
cancer virus.

experts believe that such a large
number of Hispanic cancer cases
leaders (moreover, of the left direction!)
around the same time
cannot be explained by natural
reasons. Among them, along with Chavez,
Argentine President Nestor Kirchner,
who replaced him as Christina
Kirchner, Brazilian President I. Lula
da Silva, who came to power after
followed by Dilma Rousseff, Paraguayan
President Fernando Lugo (who
overthrown during the right putsch
2012 hosted by the CIA; and soon
then diagnosed with cancer of the immune
systems). Cuban leader Fidel Castro
barely survived after the mysterious
bowel cancer,
which struck him after the "People's
summit" 2006 in the Argentinean
city ​​of Cordoba.

it is known that long before the brutal
concentration camp experiments in German
death camps during World War II
wars, the Americans carried out similar
experiments on the inhabitants of Latin America
under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute
medical research."

of the fanatics, Cornelius Rhodes in 1931
wrote to his friend: "Here in Puerto Rico
everything is great except
Puerto Ricans. They are undoubtedly
the dirtiest and laziest degenerates
from the thief race that inhabits this
hemisphere. For public health
some means is needed to
destroy them all. And I did
everything to speed up this process -
killed eight during the experiments, and many
infected with cancer. sickness insurance
and there are no social benefits here -
it inspires admiration among doctors,
who can heal freely
to death and torture your unfortunate

administered intravenous biological
cancer causing substances and at least
at least 13 patients died due to
these cruel experiments.

In the 50s
Rhodes became director of research
programs in chemical and biological
weapons at Fort Detrick Army Center
(Maryland), test sites
in the Utah desert and
Panama Canal, then entered
to the American Energy Commission,
which subjected the unsuspecting
Americans exposed to radiation
to determine the level of "safe
radiation” and cases of occurrence
malignant tumors due to
these experiments.

After death
Rhodes American Cancer Association
established an award in his name. However
in 2004, on the wave of scandalous
revelations of his savage experiments,
Chairman of the Association S. Horwitz
declared that the highest award
US oncologists will no longer be bound
with Rhodes's name due to "controversial
nature of his activities.

Such scoundrels
from science in the USA there was at least a dime a dozen
and they tested almost all invented
them contagious initially in Latin America
(not forgetting about experiments on their own
citizens). After the war, the field narrowed
due to the fact that many began to turn
for medical and scientific assistance
to the USSR. But after the collapse of the Soviet
Union before these flayers opened
truly incredible prospects.

Obama already
several times had to bring
apologies to latin american countries
for experiments on people in the 40s -
50s, which led to the spread
syphilis and other venereal
diseases, mass infertility, various
epidemics. However, such apologies
(only after the publication of irrefutable
testimonies!) will not be revived
millions of dead and injured
from US bioterror, as they will not lead
to stop such "experiments"
in the future (according to the principle “not caught -
not a thief").

From the end
60s accelerated development began
and creation of various modifications
cancer virus. The work was coordinated
with the National Institute of Oncology,
who officially developed the means
treatment of the "disease of the century", and unofficially
involved in CIA projects
on the use of the cancer virus in the military
and political purposes.

for the solemn signing in 1972.
in Moscow, London and Washington
Convention on the Prohibition of Development,
production and stockpiling
bacteriological (biological)
and toxin weapons and their destruction
(BTWC), work in Fort Detrick was in full swing
with might and main and by 1977 it was produced
60 thousand liters of carcinogenic
and immunosuppressive viruses.

In works
Professors R.
Purcell, M. Hillerman, S. Krugman and R.
McCollum who used the "cocktail"
from the hepatitis B virus in combination
with oncogenic substance for experiments
not only over rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees,
but also over American students
from Willowbrook State
schools for the mentally retarded
In 1971 the American
pharmaceutical company "Lytton Bionetics"
entered into contracts with a number of African
countries for the study of cancer patients
with Birkett's lymphoma associated
with infectious oncovirus
Epstein-Barr, as well as leukemia
and sarcoma. Curiously, lymphoma
Birketa was discovered in the western
Uganda for the first time after being there
the laboratories of the National
US Cancer Center, and
other medical institutions
sponsored by Rockefeller.

of the experts, R. King, said in the 80s
years that specialists from the USA infected
people with sarcoma in order to "highlight
virus genome by reclamation,
hybridization, recombination of viruses,
mutations and other techniques.

In hearings
Church Senate Commission in 1975.
Dr. Charles Senseni, who worked
in the laboratory of Fort Detrick, confessed
in the fact that for the destruction of objectionable
figures of the CIA used biologically
active substances that caused
transient heart disease
and cancer. He showed samples
weapons that were used to infect
intended victims. Among them was an umbrella,
who fired miniature darts
when opening, as well as a special
blow gun for shooting needles,
made from frozen
poisonous substance. Being thick
with human hair and length
a few millimeters, these needles
passed through tissue without damage.
clothes and, when injected, caused pain
the feeling is not stronger than a mosquito bite,
dissolving instantly under the skin.

Among the "novelties"
American bioterrorists were also
demonstrated aerosols for
infection of "targets" with deadly
diseases after spraying from aircraft,
as well as "jumping viruses",
spread by insects (fleas,
spiders, mosquitoes) that jump over
or fly from infected
animals per person. the CIA became
"pioneer" and in the methods of infection:
through injections, inhalations, contact
with the skin of contaminated clothing, through
digestive system when taking
food, drink and even use

A number of experts
believe that one of the first objectionable
US political leaders infected
new cancer bioweapon
Angolan President Agostinho Neto.
He died in the Moscow Central
clinical hospital in 1979.
aged 57 from unknown
hitherto forms of transient cancer. More
one victim was a former president
Chile Eduardo Frey, who openly
opposed the protege of the United States, General
Pinochet. Frey died in Santiago hospital
in January 1982, having contracted
unknown transient illness after
undergoing standard medical

So that,
maybe in 50 years they will be declassified
CIA archives, and secrets will be revealed
death of Hugo Chavez and other world
leaders. There is such a huge
number of usage documents
American intelligence agencies viruses
cancer that the existence of this weapon
raises no questions.
The only question is how
"brought" and who was direct

"Absolute Virus" - AIDS

"In the coming
5-10 years it will be possible to create
a synthetic virus that
does not exist in nature, and which
cannot be suppressed by the immune
human system; new, artificial
created viruses will be impregnable for
drugs, it's useless against them
use conventional treatments
infectious diseases, antibiotics,
vaccines and antidotes. So sensational
the statement was made by the chief of the army
expert virologist D. MacArthur, speaking
in 1969 before congressional committees
United States (the "Sykes Commission"), which is to
was to make recommendations for
budget funds for the army. And requested
a little - only about 10 million dollars!

The money was
selected and recruited
hundreds of researchers and experts.
One of the creators of the AIDS virus,
apparently was Dr. Robert Gallo, who
in 1987 even received from the ministry
US health care patent establishing
his priority in inventing the "virus,
suppressing the human immune system.

escaped from the laboratories and for the first time
was discovered in the spring of 1981 in California
(USA). And had nothing to do
(as the Americans are trying to convince us)
to Africa and the "little green

In May
1987 appeared in the London Times
an article that stated that
smallpox vaccination in Africa
(at the initiative of the "humanists"
from the Ministry of Health
United States) caused the AIDS outbreak. And vaccination
Millions of people have passed! Then a similar
"vaccination" was carried out in Haiti,
Brazil and other countries.

USA in the manufacture of the AIDS virus
started in the mid 80s.
Professor at the University of Berlin
Humboldt's name, Jacob Segal, claimed
that this virus is a product
experiment done in the laboratory
conditions in order to create a biological
weapons." In the US media, all this was presented
as "Soviet propaganda". But in the 90s
years, Dr. Gallo himself reported that
that he tested another one,
an "alternative" strain of AIDS that
can enter the body through
epithelial cells (that is, through the skin),
increasing the risk of getting sick
through the spraying of the active substance
in the atmosphere.

Doctor S.
Monteith was one of the first to
in 1981 described a huge epidemic
the potential of a new virus, potentially
its catastrophic consequences
application by the "global elite", as well as
proved its artificial nature.

And it's new
quality hinders so far any
attempts to develop an AIDS vaccine.
That is why for many years there was no
created no effective
drug for this disease.

still infected with AIDS
is not known, since even in the USA
government prevents everyone
initiatives aimed at least
for an approximate estimate. According to different
An estimated 50 to 100 million people are infected with AIDS.
human. Most in Africa
in some countries (Uganda, Kenya)
more than 50% of the population suffer from this terrible

what's up with her by now
About 40 million people died from AIDS.
people are almost the same as
died during the second world war!

"We always
we are close to the victims"

According to
World Organization
health care, in the west of the "black
continent" killed more than 600 people,
infected with Ebola.

outbreak has become the largest
throughout the history of medical
In Nigeria, Liberia
and other African countries
on the borders set special
cordons, doctors are subjected to careful
control of all entering and leaving.
Ebola is considered deadly
dangerous disease that
most susceptible are humans, primates
and pigs. Vaccines for it
does not exist.

started in Guinea in March this
of the year. By now the disease
captures new territories
in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali.
There are fears that it will spread
not only throughout West Africa,
but also penetrate into Europe.

that in the centers of the epidemic there has been a sharp increase in
cases of attacks by local residents
to the offices of an international organization
Doctors Without Borders. locals
blame doctors for
they brought the virus into the region.
There were mass demonstrations
protest against African governments
countries that do nothing for
correcting the situation.

offices of the "respected international
organizations” are represented in the Western
printing as examples
"irrationality and absurdity". Tem
more than that "doctors without borders" in every possible way
exalt their ethical principles,
assuring that they "are always near
with victims." But isn't it their
their own victims - as they say
"unreasonable" Africans?

Western doctors stubbornly do not leave
Guinea, Liberia, Mali and Sierra Leone?
'Cause these countries are engulfed in chaos
civil wars and conflicts
in which the most active participation
accepted by European countries and the United States.
France alone spent hundreds
million euros for military operations
in Mali.

Everything for
restoration of colonial power
in western and northern Africa.
And it is these territories that are being “cleansed”
from the local population during
epidemics of Ebola and other infectious
diseases. And surprisingly
only the locals suffer
but not "peacekeepers" from France.

And the doctors
without borders" do not pass medicines
and equipment to local authorities
and do not leave the conflict zone.
This is what gives solid grounds
local residents to suspect foreign
"Aesculapius" in that they
spread new strains of infection
among Africans.

How do they think
many experts, new things are being tested there
"ethnic" weapon that works
selectively - only on Africans.
But apparently there are modifications for
other racial and ethnic groups.
In 2006, one of the leading American
virologists Eric Pianka, speaking
at a ceremonial meeting in Texas
university, said that with the help of
new strain of Ebola (according to its
words, "possessing a fantastic
lethality") can be "for the benefit
planet" reduce humanity by 90%.
Americans present in the hall
virologists unanimously
stood up and gave him a standing ovation...

and gene weapons

Since the 70s
in the United States were accelerated development
"ethnic weapon". And it is believed
many experts, by now
new strains of deadly
viruses that can spread
only in a certain ethnic

So, atypical
pneumonia" affects the most Chinese
and residents of Southeast Asia, fever
Ebola and AIDS - Africans.
Israeli scientists are trying to create
a similar bioweapon aimed
against the Arabs.

the medical association recently stated,
that "the progressive development of genetics
capable of becoming in the coming years
cause of unprecedented
on the scale of ethnic cleansing.

on the establishment of "biological
domination over the world" is ripening not only
in the minds of crazy cannibal virologists,
but in the calculations of politicians, military
strategists, experts! So, recently this
the idea was voiced by respectable
US neoconservative politicians
in the report "New frontiers of defense

It is written there
that, of course, military dominance over
peace must first of all ensure
ballistic and cruise missiles,
radio-controlled aircraft ("drones")
and submarines, satellite weapons.
But, along with this, "during
coming years the art of warfare
in the air, on land and sea will be
completely different from today
and the battles will be fought in new
measurements - in space,
cyberspace, and
on intracellular and microbial
level." And then it says,
that "advanced forms of biological
weapons to be chosen as
targets certain human
genotypes will be able to deduce this direction
from the world of terror to a worthy place
among politically justified means!

Terror among biologists

US authorities
well learned the lessons of "Manhattan
project”, in particular, the transfer
world leading data physicists
on atomic weapons to the Soviet Union.
American scientists did it
not for money, but based on sober
assessments of their government, which,
would not hesitate to bomb the USSR
and all other potential competitors
on the way to world domination.

That's why
now for developers
new viruses involved the most severe
rules for eliminating "undesirable
witnesses." Mortality among them
ten times higher than the average

American experts counted more than
hundreds of "mysterious" deaths (in aviation
and car accidents, from "unknown"
diseases, "accidents") among
virologists and microbiologists working
under contracts for the CIA and the Ministry

In 2001,
immediately after the explosion of the "blink towers"
all Americans were excited by the message
about letters with disputes of the Siberian
ulcers that were sent to the editors
magazines, newspapers, TV companies, political
figures. 17 people were infected, five
died. These letters were the main
cause for a political turn
directing US aggression against Iraq.
Al-Qaeda has moved into the shadows, and in all
The media sounded that "the largest
biological attack in US history"
organized by Saddam Hussein.

When this
turn has been fixed (and used
later to accuse Hussein of developing
biological weapons, which has become one
of the arguments for invading Iraq),
it quickly became clear that the strain of the virus
could only be obtained from the laboratory
CIA at Fort Detrick. They found "weak
link" - virologist Bruce Ivins,
who, being a zealous Catholic,
often complained that, due to religious
motives do not like work. And in July
2008 he allegedly committed suicide
suicide by swallowing
potent drugs. After
this FBI pointed him out as
on the "crazy terrorist",
who sent letters with an infection.
No autopsy was performed
there was no investigation, and the case
closed quickly.

that he repeated the fate of one
from the leading microbiologists of the 50s
Frank Olson, who also worked
with anthrax and applied
resignation from Fort Detrick,
unwilling to participate in the development
deadly weapon. And after a few
days, in November 1953, according to the report
FBI, "in a state of nervous breakdown
jumped out of the 10th floor of the hotel

One of the most
known cases became "suicide"
the largest British expert
on bioweapons by David Kelly. Dozens
times in various UN missions
he visited Iraq with inspections.
After the invasion, he spoke
with a sensational (first!) statement
that all "documents" about the presence
at S. Hussein chemical
and bacteriological weapons,
submitted by the US and British authorities
at the UN and served as a pretext for
wars are "gross fakes". His
summoned to parliament, where at hearings
essentially not allowed to open his mouth,
lashing out at him with reproaches
and accusations.

And through
a few days on July 17, 2003, he, as
always went for a morning walk,
and his corpse was discovered the next
a day a mile from home. In the official
conclusion, it was said that he committed suicide
with you by swallowing 30 tablets
sleeping pills, and then cutting with a knife
a vein in my left wrist.
But the ambulance doctors (apparently not knowing
about the "order") noted that under the corpse
there was no blood. Therefore, Kelly
poisoned himself, cut a vein, and then,
bloodless, he got to that
where it was found!

In the USA one
of the loudest events has become
plane crash in March 2002,
in which Stephen Mostow died -
leading virologist who worked
at the Colorado Medical Center. His
was called "Mr. Flu", because basically
he specialized in

Among the dead
there were many people from our
countries that, for various reasons
went to "seek happiness" in the West.
Most notable was a "heart attack"
in 2001 at the microbiologist V. Pasechnik,
who was in excellent health.
The West used him (like many
other Russians) by 200% - and how
specialist, and as a "whistleblower
the Kremlin's terrible conspiracies against the United States
and the entire free world.

In 1989
he went to England and worked there
in one of the virological
centers. Made money along the way
tales of "binary biological
weapons" of the Soviets under the name "Novichok",
that all known viruses have already
have long been mastered in secret laboratories
KGB, and new ones have already appeared. They can
summon the unsuspecting
Americans such "monstrous diseases"
like sclerosis and arthritis.

These horror stories
were useful, as they gave rise to
extortion of budgetary funds for
"biosecurity" (in fact, for
development of new deadly strains).
But then they decided that the chatty beekeeper
talks too much about virology
center in Salisbury, where he worked
10 years, and sent to another world ...

The death of the Boeing: new versions

rocket”, “the hand of Moscow”, “Putin, you killed
my son!" - such headings
magazines and newspapers of the West were full of
after over the sky of Ukraine on July 17
passenger was shot down this year
Boeing flying from Holland
to Melbourne. This hysteria has begun
immediately after the President's speech
US Obama, who stated that it is -
"a crime of unthinkable proportions"
and put the responsibility on Russia.
Immediately in the hands of White's press secretaries
houses and the State Department appeared some
blurry photos that were
obtained from the CIA and "irrefutably
testified" that the liner
was shot down by a Russian Buk missile.

This event
gave rise to a full-scale
deployment of economic sanctions
against Russia, bringing to them
EU countries (before the disaster they
hesitated whether to support
USA), the use of almost all prohibited
means of war to suppress resistance
in Novorossiya (including phosphate
bombs, ballistic missiles, cluster
warheads, etc.), implementation of plans
cobble together an anti-Russian military
block with the participation of Ukraine, Moldova,
Poland, Georgia, Baltic countries.

Only through
month, materials began to appear about
that holes in the cockpit
and the fuselage prove that the aircraft
was shot down in the air, most likely
Ukrainian Air Force fighter. This version
confirms the dramatic change
Boeing route immediately before
disaster. However, it has already been
done, about the plane all Western media
immediately forgotten, and the sanctions
and all-out war against
Russian people in eastern Ukraine
not only act, but also continue

Everything is there
signs of a "trigger event" (trigger
event) or "fake incident"
(false flag incident) - so masters of provocations
from the CIA called terrorist attacks that
designed to turn public opinion
in the right direction for the US, launch
chain of events that will lead to the realization
the goals of the empire. It's always been that way in history
USA - the explosion of his own battleship
"Main", which became the pretext for
declaration of war against Spain in 1898;
planned sinking of a passenger
steamship "Lusitania" for entry
at an opportune moment in World War I
war; deliberate suppression
information about an impending attack
Japanese to the American base
at Pearl Harbor in 1941 for
entry into the Second World War;
provocation with the shelling of the American
destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin
to declare war on Vietnam in 1964;
the explosion of the twin towers in 2001 for
the start of the "war on terror"
and preparations for the invasion of Iraq
and Afghanistan.

How often
happens in such terrorist attacks is pursued
not one, but several goals. In this
case, it is of great interest
information about what's on board MH17
there were more than a hundred microbiologists,
who flew to the international
AIDS Congress in Australia.
And among them - J. Lange, presenter
virologist at the University of Amsterdam.

loss of the greatest seer and titan
in the study of AIDS”, “the tragic
the death of the world's leading specialist
for the treatment of the disease of the century "- so
was written in obituaries,
published in scientific journals.
And, indeed, Lange's laboratory
has been at the forefront of research
AIDS and its treatments, including
combined use of drugs,
antiretroviral therapy, developed
ways to prevent virus transmission
from mother to child. During
for several years (2002-2004) he headed
international wrestling organization
with AIDS. With him on board
were his Dutch colleagues
Jacqueline van Tongeren, M. Adriana de Schutter,
L. Vann Mens and other scientists.
It is possible that they brought with them
results of many years of work
be even a long-awaited cure for this
monstrous disease - after all, not long ago
before the conference Lange staff
said that his performance should
make a sensation in the scientific world.

In the same
Boeing (supposedly, by fateful coincidence
circumstances), flew a representative
World Health Organization
(WHO) Glenn Thomas, who "got wrong"
by giving an interview where he mentioned
about the criminal role of their organization
in the spread of the Ebola epidemic
in western Africa.

European AIDS researchers,
as well as an honest functionary of WHO
Americans have thus taught a lesson
to all those who sincerely make efforts
to cure AIDS and Ebola: "Don't
treat and prevent these diseases,
they are very useful for us to destroy
bred human rabble."

Not by chance
in a number of articles recalled that in 1998.
crashed over the Atlantic
Swissair aircraft, on which
was one of the brilliant
AIDS Researchers Jonathan Mann
with his wife M. L. Clements, also
renowned virologist. Mann led
a WHO structure designed to
the fight against AIDS, and, as they wrote it
colleagues, his death dealt a powerful blow
on all plans for organizing the struggle
with this terrible disease. The reasons
catastrophes are still unexplained
(none of the serious experts believe
to the official version that
one of the pilots lost his cigarette butt
cigarettes and it caused a fire inside
aircraft skin).

Russia at a crossroads

USA use
against us is a huge arsenal of bioweapons:
GMOs and transgenic plants and organisms
(many of which, according to
western experts cause suppression
immune system, cancer, infertility
and brain diseases), organize
dozens of epidemics of new viruses every year
flu, animal diseases ("swine"
and "bird flu"), plants,
spread various allergic
diseases, sell medicines and vaccines
with unknown to us "side effects
effects", nutritional supplements, etc.
All new viruses are being developed:
deadly "hantavirus", recombinant
"Australian killer virus" based on
smallpox, a new generation of "non-lethal"
(only completely "incapacitating")
diseases, "bioregulators" capable of
create on a massive scale
depression, altered heart rhythms,
lead to insomnia. It is possible
that biological "bookmarks" are being created -
latent viruses that should
activate after a certain

Around Russia
US military is being created
biolaboratories: in Georgia (where, how
experts believe that in 2013 an epidemic began
"swine fever"), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
the Baltics. The US authorities allocate huge
funds for the development of new
viruses, and biosecurity (only
for the Bioshield program annually
more than 6 billion dollars are spent).

We have
after the collapse of the Soviet Union
almost no time was given
this important area of ​​protection
countries. Institutes and centers closed,
young professionals went to the West.
Only enthusiasts and the elderly remained
scientists who work for a meager
salary (18 thousand - senior scientific
employees, 27 thousand - professors,
Doctor of Science).

buildings, obsolete equipment,
pressure from the liberals
officials. It got to the point that in 2000.
for "underpayment" Chubais "Mosenergo"
tried to turn off the power
at the Institute of Virology named after
Ivanovsky. Not only would it be
unique collection destroyed
microorganisms, but part
virus samples could escape
in atmosphere! Then only by a miracle
managed to fight off "effective
managers." And last in time
the “reform” of the Russian Academy of Sciences dealt a blow - in fact
case, its liquidation and transfer
management in the hands of "effective"
accountant from Krasnoyarsk.

did not interfere with the real hunt
CIA agents on patriotic scientists,
which were simply destroyed on the territory
our own country! In January 2002
was stuffed with baseball bats (to
knew where the liquidation order came from!)
and strangled in the entrance of his house
in Moscow Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Director of the Institute of Psychology
Brushlinsky, psychologist and biologist, author
work on identifying terrorists.
Two years after his death, he was killed
his deputy is Prof.

In November
2002 Professor B. was shot.
Svyatsky - specialist in children's
infections from the Russian State Medical University. Pirogov.
Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the largest
virologist and microbiologist, specialist
on bioweapons L. Strachunsky, was beaten
in 2005 with baseball bats in his
a room in a Moscow hotel
"Slav". Geneticist killed in 2006
and biologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.

loss for domestic microbiology
was the death of the head of the department
microbiology, RSMU, professor
V. Korshunov, one of the world's leading
virologists, recognized specialist
on biological "anti-weapons".
56-year-old scientist "unknown hooligans"
beaten with bats in 2002 after a few
days after the publication of the newspaper
article which stated that
scientist stands on the threshold of the greatest
discoveries - universal vaccine
against any bioweapon! As a result
Korshunov's death was stopped
work in the most important direction
science. Hundreds if not thousands of people
in Russia due to the cessation of research
were doomed to death.

pages of modern history convince
that the United States is capable of any,
the most barbaric and criminal acts
in your manic urge
to world domination. indicative,
that the countries they invade under
under the pretext of "protection of human rights",
"humanism", "democracy" become
not only the arena of the sharpest civil
wars, but also accompanied by epidemics
various new, previously unknown
diseases. Huge masses of people in Vietnam,
Yugoslavia and Iraq were subjected to
exposure to mutagenic substances that
led to dire consequences.
Terrible deformities among babies,
creating a whole generation of degenerates,
irreversible genetic changes
level that will affect
for all future generations
some of the consequences of "humanitarian

currently under
full US control international
organizations, including the UN,
play the role of "cover" in the implementation
this genocide. World Organization
Health (WHO), "Doctors without
borders", others, previously authoritative,
authorities write their "objective reports"
under the dictation of the West, and now they
cannot be trusted. They operated in one
in connection with the aggressors in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Libya.

In anticipation
US invasion of Iraq they obediently
gave a conclusion that S. Hussein
possesses "huge reserves of biological
and chemical weapons", which served
for the United States one of the main arguments
to start a war. In the past
year they accused the Syrian government
in the use of chemical
and biological weapons against their
people, when about 300 people died
in August from a nerve
sarin gas in the suburbs of Damascus. Although
by that time, strong
evidence that sarin was used
militants from al-Qaeda, and he was
received not from anywhere, but from American

Exit - anti-globalism

destruction of competitors and, in fact,
US biological tyranny is destroying
sovereignty of peripheral countries of the world,
makes them rely on help,
expertise, drugs from abroad.
Such colonial dependence undermines
the security of peoples, makes them hostages
West, "guinea pigs" for
various medical and biological
experiments against
their health and life

empire of bioterror can only be
rejection of vicious "globalism",
building a multipolar world. All
countries must, step by step, refuse
from cooperation with the USA and NATO,
existing pro-American
international organizations. Necessary
conclude agreements on the international
level. Thus, in Africa, states
must fight together against new
introduced strains of Ebola.
In Southeast Asia - against
acute new syndrome "atypical
pneumonia." It is at the national
level, you need to take care of your science,
create their own national institutions
and laboratories, powerful research centers
to counter the virus
and genetic weapons.

Nikolay IVANOV

Nikolai IVANOV - wellinternational journalist,
historian, political scientist, graduated from the Moscow
State Institute of International
relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PhD Historical
Sciences. Worked as editor-in-chief and editor
socio-political programs
leading TV and radio stations. Article author
and publications on US history and politics,
Europe, Latin America. Business trips
to "hot spots" (Afghanistan, Iraq), and
also USA, Spain, Latin countries
America. Senior Researcher
Center for Latin American Studies
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

VIROLOGICAL LABORATORY- an institution engaged in the study of viruses and viral diseases or the production of viral preparations (vaccines, diagnosticums, antiviral immune sera, etc.).

V. l. separated from bacteriological and began to exist as independent units in the 20th century. In the USSR, the first V. l. were created in the 1930s. Now in the country there are some in-t honey. virology uniting V. l. various profiles where viral diseases are studied, the nature of viruses is investigated, viral preparations are developed and produced (Inst. of Virology named after D. I. Ivanovsky, Inst. of poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis, All-Union Research Institute of Influenza, Moscow Research Institute of Viral Preparations, etc.) . V. l. there are also in most federal and republican institutes of microbiology and epidemiology, usually profiled in relation to the study of one or more diseases. In addition, there is approx. 150 V. l. at republican, regional and city dignity. - epidemiological, stations, and also laboratories at large to lay down. institutions; they are mainly engaged in diagnostic work. In addition to honey V. l., there are laboratories for studying viral infections of animals and plants.

Sizes and states V. l. depends on the purpose and scope of work. In all cases, it is imperative to ensure the safety of personnel and the possibility of working in sterile conditions.

V. l. consists of the laboratory itself and utility rooms - for processing and sterilizing dishes, preparing nutrient media (for growing cell cultures, detecting bacteria and mycoplasmas), lyophilization of viruses, an incubator, a vivarium, etc. If V. l. is part of a larger institution (in-that, dignity. epidemiological, stations, etc.), utility rooms may be common to a number of laboratories or the entire institution.

Actually V. l. is built according to the type of bacteriological laboratory (see), taking into account the specifics of work - growing cell and tissue cultures, ultracentrifugation, storing viruses at low temperatures, etc. It is equipped for diagnostic work (isolation of viruses and serological reactions), to study the properties of viruses, their structure , conducting genetic research, etc.

Room V. l. should be easy to clean and disinfect with disinfectant solutions. To this end, the walls are painted with oil paint or tiled, the floor is covered with linoleum or tiles. The room is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with approximately 10-fold air exchange; it must be provided with cold and hot water, as well as lighting gas. It is desirable to have a centralized system of compressed air (pressure up to 1.0-1.2 atm) and vacuum (up to 700-760 mm Hg residual pressure). Shower rooms for employees should be provided. When working with especially dangerous viruses, it is necessary to neutralize (by boiling) wastewater.

In V. l. it is obligatory to have a separate room for sterile work, consisting of two compartments separated by a glass partition. The inner room - a box - should be small (6-8 m 2), with a low ceiling (see Boxes, microbiological). The door should open into the dressing room, which serves to put on additional clothes, separated by a second partition from the rest of the room. To sterilize the box and the prebox, bactericidal lamps made of uviol glass with a predominant wavelength of 254 nm are used (see Bactericidal irradiators). For this purpose, you can use BUV lamps, which are installed at the rate of 2-2.5 W per 1 m 3 of the room; average lamp life 1500 hours. It is obligatory to provide boxes with sterile air due to forced ventilation during 4-5-fold exchange; for air sterilization, LAI K filters made of Petryanov fabric - FPP type can be used.

The box should contain only the tools and utensils necessary for work, a sterilizer for tools, wide-mouth jars with a disinfectant solution, a tank with a lid for contaminated material. When working with pathogens of especially dangerous infections (natural smallpox, encephalitis, etc.), an additional desktop box is installed in the box, in which both incoming and outflowing air is sterilized by filtration. The basic rules for working with especially dangerous pathogens are regulated by a special instruction.

For disinfection in V. l. most often lysol 1 - 5%, chloramine 1-5%, formalin 2.5-5% are used.

In addition to the usual bacteriological dishes, V. l. should have a homogenizer for tissue grinding, magnetic stirrers, microscopes (light for research in ordinary and ultraviolet light, as well as electronic ones), centrifuges of various capacities (3-5 thousand rpm, as well as with cooling at 12-15 thousand rpm). and 60 thousand rpm), having a set of rotors. Thermostats are needed that simultaneously operate at different temperatures (from 25 to 40 °), including with the supply of carbon dioxide, or thermostatic rooms. V. l. equipped with refrigerators or refrigerators with t° +4°, -20° and -40°. Cell cultures require liquid nitrogen Dewar flasks or refrigerators with temperatures below -90°C.

Laboratories studying the biochemistry of viruses are equipped according to the chemical type. Work with radioactive isotopes is carried out in a specially equipped room.

In the departments for the preparation of media, in addition to the usual chemical. dishes, it is necessary to have installations for water treatment, edges are distilled twice in glass apparatuses or deionized on columns with ion-exchange resins. To sterilize solutions that cannot be autoclaved, Seitz asbestos sterilizing plates are used, mounted in Salnikov-type filters (F-140, FS-3, FS-7, etc.); filtration is carried out at a pressure of 0.5 atm. For the same purpose, you can use glass plates (candles) and Millipore filters with a pore size of 0.22 to 1.2 microns (see Bacterial filters).

The vivarium (see) must be separated from the room itself by V. l. It must have rooms for quarantine of incoming animals, for their infection and separately for autopsy. Work with small laboratory animals is carried out behind protective glass. Decontamination of cages for keeping animals is best done with steam. It is also necessary to have a crematorium for burning animal corpses and garbage.

Bibliography: Kravchenko A. T. Principles of organization and mode of operation of virological and rickettsial laboratories, Guidelines for Laboratory, diagnosis of viral and rickettsial diseases, ed. P. F. Zdrodovsky and M. I. Sokolov, p. 219, M., 1965; Laboratory diagnosis of viral and rickettsial diseases, ed. E. Lenneta and N. Schmidt, trans. from English, p. 9, 123 and others, M., 1974; Guide to the laboratory diagnosis of smallpox for smallpox eradication programs, Geneva, WHO, 1969; Virologische Praxis, hrsg. v. G. Starke, Jena, 1968, Bibliogr.

Stages of laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases. The device of the virological laboratory.

1) Indication (detection) of the virus in the pathological material:

Express methods:

a) Virion detection:

(1) Electron microscopy;

(2) Light microscopy (smallpox);

b) Detection of viral AG in serological reactions (RIF, ELISA, RSK, RDP, RNGA);

c) Detection of inclusion bodies by light and fluorescent microscopy;

d) Detection of viral nucleic acids by PCR, DNA probes;

e) Detection of hemagglutinins in RHA;

f) Detection of infectious activity of the virus in the bioassay.

2) Isolation (isolation) of the virus from the pathological material. Isolation is carried out regardless of the results of the first stage by the biological test method in three "blind" passages. Passage is the infection of a living system in order to obtain a new population of the virus. "Blind" passage- infection without visible signs of virus reproduction. After three passages in the cells of the living system, the virus accumulates, which is accompanied by the appearance of signs of reproduction, visible at the level of the macroorganism. For example, when animal bioassay: clinical signs, death, pathological changes; on the chicken embryos- death, pathological changes, hemagglutination; on the cell culture– CPE, haemadsorption, plaques, RIF, etc. Such infected living systems are defined as a positive bioassay. However, it is not yet possible to accurately determine the type of infectious agent. Therefore, pathological material is taken from a positive bioassay, which is conditionally considered secondary, i.e. selected from a living system with signs of a positive bioassay. A virus-containing suspension or swabs-imprints (isolated virus) are prepared from it.

3) Identification (determination of the species) of the isolated virus in serological reactions or by PCR analysis. In rare cases, identification by other signs is possible, for example, by intracellular inclusions (Babes-Negri bodies for rabies).

4) If necessary, proof of the etiological role of the isolated virus. For this, serological reactions are used, in which an isolated virus is used as an antigen and paired blood serum samples in two-fold serial dilutions are used as antibodies. A positive result, proving the etiological role of the isolated virus, is an increase in antibody titer in the second blood serum sample compared to the first one by 4 or more times.

5) Retrospective diagnosis. For this purpose, paired blood sera taken at the stage of recovery are used, which are examined in serological reactions with a standard specific antigen in accordance with a preliminary diagnosis of a viral disease. An increase in antibody titer by 4 or more times in the second sample compared to the first testifies to an active infectious process occurring in the animal's body during the period of taking blood from it. In this case, the disease is caused by the virus to which an increase in antibody titer in paired sera has been established.

The device of the virological laboratory.

To organize a diagnostic laboratory, an isolated compartment is used, consisting of at least 5-6 rooms.

Under the laboratory allocate a bright room. Rooms for working with viral material should be well lit and consist of an anteroom and a box separated by a glass partition with doors. Only tables, chairs and accessories for work are placed in the boxes. The surface of the tables is covered with stainless steel, plastic or glass, and bactericidal lamps are installed above the work surface. At the entrance to the box, a rubber spongy disinfection mat soaked in disinfectant is placed. In the pre-box there are sterile clothes and equipment corresponding to the purpose of the box. The laboratory is provided with cold and hot water and ventilation with sterile air supply.

For registration of incoming pathological material is intended reception, where several tables are placed, upholstered in galvanized tin, and containers with disinfectants (3% chloramine, sodium hydroxide or 5% phenol).

In the material pretreatment room ( opening) open corpses and select material for further research.

Room-boxes are equipped depending on the purpose.

Dishes, nutrient media, equipment, nutrient media are sterilized in an autoclave, and infectious material is neutralized. It is necessary to have two autoclaves: for clean materials and for infected ones.

Washing is intended for washing dishes, equipment and appliances.

The vivarium must have a quarantine department, rooms for healthy and experimental animals, and utility rooms.

For a virological laboratory of any type, a benchtop box, or preferably a box with laminar air supply, is an obligatory part of the laboratory.

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