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Course work: Technical support of automated information systems. Software


Introduction ………………………………………………………………. …………… ...… 1 p.

Service software (utilities). ………………………………… ... 2 p.

Maintenance programs …………………………………………… ..4 p.

Archiving ……………………………………………………………………………… 6 p.

Antivirus programs …………………………………………………………… 7 p.

Service software (utilities).

Service software Is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expand the capabilities of operating systems.

By functionality, service tools can be subdivided into:

Improving the user interface:

· Protecting data from destruction and unauthorized access;

· Restoring data;

· Accelerating the exchange of data between the disk and RAM;

· Archiving-unarchiving;

· Antivirus tools.

By the way of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by: shells, utilities and stand-alone programs. The difference between shells and utilities is often expressed only in the versatility of the former and the specialization of the latter.

Shells provide the user with a qualitatively new interface and free him from detailed knowledge of the operation and OS commands. The functions of most shells, for example, the MS-DOS family, are aimed at working with files and directories and provide a quick search for files; creating, viewing and editing text files; issuing information about the location of files on disks, the degree of occupancy of disk space and RAM.

All shells provide some degree of protection against user error, which reduces the likelihood of accidental file destruction.

Norton Commander is the most popular shell available for the MS-DOS family.

Utilities- programs used to perform auxiliary data processing operations or computer maintenance.

The most commonly used utilities are for the following purposes:

- Backup programs - create backup copies of information on disks.

- Antivirus programs - designed to prevent infection with a computer virus and eliminate the consequences of infection.

- Packing programs allow, through the use of special methods of "packing", to compress information on disks, as well as to combine copies of several files into one archive file. For DOS PKZIP and ARJ .

- Russifier programs, adapt another program to work with Russian letters and texts (and sometimes translate its menus and messages into Russian).

- Application uninstaller programs. Many software packages contain installation programs, but do not contain tools for removing these complexes. For the correct removal of software complexes, application uninstallation programs are used.

- Disk optimization programs allow you to provide faster access to information on disk by optimizing the placement of data on disk. These programs move all sections of each file to each other, collect all files at the beginning of the disk, etc. Of the programs for optimization, it is widely used SpeeDisk .

- Data access restriction programs. In many cases, you need to protect your computer from unwanted users. Program Norton DiskLock password-protecting your computer, preventing unauthorized people from booting your computer, prompting for a password after a break in work, etc.

- Memory management programs provide more flexible use of the computer's RAM.

- Disk caches speed up access to information on a disk by organizing a cache buffer in RAM that contains the most frequently used parts of the disk.

The utilities provide the user with additional services (which do not require the development of special programs), mainly for the maintenance of disks and the file system.

Utilities most often allow you to perform the following functions:

· maintenance of disks (formatting, ensuring the safety of information, the possibility of its recovery in case of failure, etc.);

· Serving files and directories (similar to shells);

· Creation and updating of archives;

· Providing information about computer resources, about disk space, about the distribution of RAM between programs;

· Printing of text and other files in various modes and formats;

· Protection against computer viruses.

Of the utilities that have received the greatest popularity, we can name the multifunctional complex Norton Utilities.

Maintenance programs.

Maintenance programs mean a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors during the operation of a computer or a computing system as a whole.

They include:

· means of diagnostics and test control of the correct operation of the computer and its individual parts, including automatic search for errors and malfunctions with a certain localization of them in the computer;

· Special programs for diagnostics and control of the computing environment of the information system as a whole, including software and hardware control, which automatically checks the operability of the data processing system before starting the computing system on the next production shift.

Complex of maintenance programs

The peculiarities of the composition of computer hardware are taken into account by a complex of maintenance programs (MTO). This complex includes adjustment, verification and diagnostic test programs.

Commissioning programs provide autonomous configuration and testing of individual computer devices. They are usually functionally independent of OS programs. Verification test programs are intended for periodic checks of the correct functioning of devices, for example, after turning them into operation. Diagnostic programs are used when it is necessary to classify equipment failure and localize the fault location. The initiation of the operation of these programs is usually carried out by the OS modules after fixing the failures and failures of the monitoring equipment.

Screening Test - Programs have a special place in the CTE. Their execution immediately before the calculations makes it possible to make sure that the technical means of the system are in good working order, and therefore, to increase the reliability of the data processing results.

In the IBM PC, these tools have a peculiar structural and functional organization. Some of these tools are stored in the computer's ROM. Each time the PC is turned on and rebooted, it is preliminarily checked by executing the POST (Power On Set Test) test program, which consists of more than a dozen separate program fragments. The sequence of checks is as follows. First, the system unit is checked for performance. To do this, all registers of the machine are "reset to zero", and they are sequentially checked by entering individual constants, performing simple operations on them and comparing the results with reference values. After that, the cells of the RAM are checked (tests of the RAM when the system reboots from the keys ++ignored). After that, the standard peripherals are checked: keyboard, disk drives, display, etc. In case of any errors at each step of the test, certain sound signals are generated, accompanied by appropriate messages on the display screen.

In addition to the built-in control facilities, the PC software also includes autonomous control and diagnostic facilities. The number of such sets of programs is quite large, and each of them allows you to detail system information: determining the complete configuration of the PC and the characteristics of its individual parts (type of processor, presence of a coprocessor, type of motherboard, types of disks used, amount of RAM and its distribution, connection of additional peripherals etc.).

In addition to monitoring health, they can reflect how efficiently resources are being used and reallocate them.

All users try to replenish the PC software with auxiliary system utility programs. These programs are not used directly in the computational process, but provide the necessary and varied services when preparing tasks by users. Some of these programs can be combined into packages. Such packages as Norton Utilites, PC Tool Deluxe, etc. have become widespread. Examples of such programs can be: archiving programs, antivirus programs, disk maintenance programs (disk optimization, disk compression, disk state detection), etc.


Archiver is a program that compresses a file or group of files into one archive file in order to reduce their size. In this case, not a bit of information is lost, and any file can be extracted from the archive. What does archiving give? Firstly, it saves disk space, secondly, a large amount of information can be transferred on a floppy disk, and thirdly, it is possible to send large files by e-mail.

The technical basis of information support is represented by a set of automated technical means, interconnected by a single board, collecting, accumulating, processing, transmitting, outputting and presenting information, document processing tools and office equipment, as well as communication means for carrying out information exchange between various technical means.

The main element of the complex of technical means intended for automatic information processing in the process of solving managerial problems is an electronic computer, or a computer, which can be combined into computer networks. Computer networks can be of two types: peer-to-peer and dedicated server.

The enterprise has 80 computers connected to a network using a twisted pair cable according to the "Star" topology.

With the help of the server, communication with the network in the main company is carried out, on which the network in the subdivision directly depends.

Employee workstations:

Stationary PCs - 80 pcs.

Core 2 duo 7600 / i3-2100; RAM 2 Gb; HDD 160/320 Gb; Windows 7.

Office equipment:

HP 2055dn Printer - 2 pcs.

Canon MFP MF4570dn - 3 pcs.

Software and mathematical subsystem

Software (SW) - a set of programs that allows you to organize the solution of problems on a computer. The software and architecture of a machine form a complex of interrelated and diverse functional means that determine the ability to solve a particular class of problems. The most important classes of software are system and special (applied), represented by a package of applied programs (PPP).

System software is a set of programs that provide: creation of an operating environment for the functioning of other programs, reliable and efficient operation of a computer and computer networks, diagnostics and prevention of computer hardware and networks.

The system software organizes the processing of information in a computer. Its main part is the operating system (OS).

Most computers run Windows XP. However, there are several computers that run Windows 7.

Application software is designed to solve specific user problems and represents the level of software addressed to a person who does not develop programs himself, but only uses them in his activities.

The following programs are installed on each working computer of a company employee:

Opera - Internet browser designed to work in the global internet.

Microsoft Office is an office suite of applications created by Microsoft for the operating systems Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. This package includes software for working with various types of documents: texts, spreadsheets, databases, etc. Microsoft Office is an OLE object server and its functions can be used by other applications as well as by the Microsoft Office applications themselves. Supports scripts and macros written in VBA.

For each employee, a mailbox is created that looks like [email protected]

Skype is a client for Internet telephony, designed for communication with clients and conferences.

Adobe Reader 6.0 CE - A program designed for viewing and printing documents in PDF format. The PDF (PortableDocumentFormat) format is one of the most common and convenient formats for electronic presentation of various documents.

IrfanView - Compact and convenient viewer and converter of graphic (and not only) files.

Windows Commander is a file manager.

Security subsystem

The development of new information technologies and universal computerization have led to the fact that information security is not only becoming mandatory, it is also one of the characteristics of IP. There is a fairly extensive class of information processing systems, in the development of which the safety factor plays a primary role.

Security is understood as the security of the system from accidental or deliberate interference in the normal process of its functioning, from attempts to steal information, modify or physically resolve its components.

Information security threat refers to events or actions that can lead to a decrease, unauthorized use of information resources of the managed system, as well as software and hardware.

Deliberate threats to information security are passive and active.

Passive threats are mainly aimed at the unauthorized use of information resources of the IS without affecting its functioning.

Active threats are aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the IS by purposefully influencing its components.

In order to ensure the security of information, the company has organized various levels of protection. First of all, this is protection at the physical level, that is, the doors are locked with locks, and metal bars are installed on the windows.

Protection of personal workstations is based on the differentiation of access rights through Active Directory policies.

Passwords are set on the BIOS and on the system login. There are passwords for starting Windows, each user of the system has its own password. This is about protecting information from unauthorized access. To protect data from viruses, the AviraControlCenter antivirus is installed on employees' workstations. The main anti-virus protection is Kaspersky Business Spoace Security.

Next, let's analyze the rules for using personal computers. The company has a safety engineer. The enterprise conducts introductory briefing with all those who are hired and instructs at the workplace. An entry is made about this in the “Workplace Briefing Log” with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor.

As we see in the organization, there is good technical security. Plus there is also a security subsystem. Which is very good for the enterprise, since all computers have internet access.

Formal description of workflow

Incoming and outgoing documents make up 95% of the work of the HR department (Figures 1.1 and 1.2). Also, the personnel department is obliged to maintain a personal card for each employee.

Figure 1.1 - Basic documents coming from the HR department

Figure 1.2 - Basic documents included in the personnel department

Human Resources Department - Accounting

The HR department sends the following documents to the accounting department:

Job orders;

Orders for personnel transfer;

Dismissal orders;

Vacation orders;

Sick leave certificates.

Human Resources Department - Management

The management has the right to demand from the HR department a report of an arbitrary structure for management purposes. The date of the request is not predetermined, the structure of the report can be completely arbitrary, although there are some "favorite" management reports.

The following main types of management reports can be distinguished:

Individual information on the employee;

Employee lists;

Events (appointments, dismissals, transfers, sick leave, etc.);

Staffing table.

Human Resources Department - Statistical Bodies

At different intervals, the personnel department is obliged to submit several reports to the statistical authorities. Among them there are such as "Accepted / Dismissed", "Report on the average headcount", etc.

As we can see, the workflow in the HR department is quite large, there are a lot of incoming and outgoing documents.

Federal state educational institution

higher and professional education



College of Economics


On the topic of:"Technical support of AIS"

Subject: AIS

Full-time student

Groups No. 2007-3-ACS


Asmerzaeva Karina Igorevna

Scientific adviser:

Bordyugova T.



1.2 Structure and organization of AIS TO

1.3 Calculation of the optimal AIS maintenance

Chapter 2. Development of information support for the registration of vehicles of the "Technosila" store



The evolution of technical support, which includes hardware, communications, software, is uneven, leaps and bounds. The development of computer technology is still taking place in geometric progression. The performance of computers doubles every four years.

Classification of computer technologies by the type of user interface (how the user of the technology interacts with the computer) - rocket, dialogue, network. In the first case, the user receives only the results of the technology, in the rest he interacts with it on an individual computer or a computer connected to a computer network.

Modern technical means of ensuring the management of information resources are very diverse in their composition and functionality. Computer technology, communication technology, organizational technology.

Computer equipment is intended mainly for the implementation of integrated technologies for processing and storing information and is the basis for the integration of all modern technical means of ensuring the management of information resources.

Communication equipment is intended mainly for the implementation of information transfer technologies and assumes both autonomous functioning and functioning in conjunction with computer equipment.

Organizational technology is intended for the implementation of technologies for storing, presenting and using information, as well as for performing various auxiliary operations within the framework of certain technologies of information support for management activities.

To date, there are two main forms of organization of technical support (forms of using technical means): centralized and partially or completely decentralized.

Centralized technical support is based on the use of large computers and computing centers in the information system.

Decentralization of technical means involves the implementation of functional subsystems on personal computers directly at workplaces.

A promising approach should be considered a partially decentralized approach - the organization of technical support based on distributed networks consisting of personal computers and a mainframe for storing databases common to any functional subsystems.

The aim of the course work is to study the organization of technical support for automated information systems (AIS) using the example of the Technosila store.

The objectives of the course work: consideration of the basic requirements and characteristics of modern and the use of technical means of AIS, to study the structure and organization of TO AIS, to analyze the features of the organization of optimal TO AIS, as well as to develop information support for the accounting of the TS store "Technosila".

Chapter 1. Theoretical features of the organization of technical support

1.1 Basic requirements and characteristics of modern and the use of technical means of AIS

An automated information system (AIS) is a complex of information, software, technical, organizational, methodological and other necessary means for collecting, processing, storing, transmitting data, as well as manipulating them to solve various problems.

As a rule, the AIS includes:

Information resources presented in the form of databases (knowledge bases) storing data about objects, the connection between which is set by certain rules;

Formal logical-mathematical system, implemented in the form of software modules that provide input, processing, search and output of the necessary information;

An interface that provides communication between the user and the system in a form convenient for him and allows him to work with database information;

Personnel determining the procedure for the functioning of the system, planning the procedure for setting goals and achieving goals;

Complex of technical means.

Information resources include machine and non-machine information. Machine information is presented in the form of databases, knowledge bases, data banks. Databases (banks) of data can be centralized or distributed.

The complex of technical means (CTS) includes a set of computer technology (computers of different levels, operator workstations, communication channels, spare elements and devices) and a special complex (means of obtaining information about the state of the control object, local means of regulation, actuators, sensors and devices control and adjustment of technical means).

Software (SW) consists of general software (operating systems, local and global networks and complexes of maintenance programs, special computing programs) and special software (organizing programs and programs that implement control and management algorithms).

Personnel and instructional and methodological materials constitute the organizational support of the system.

Procedures and technologies are developed on the basis of logical and mathematical models and algorithms that form the basis of the mathematical support of the system, and are implemented using software and CTS, as well as an interface that provides user access to information.

For example, the expert system (ES) includes:

An interface that allows you to transfer information to the database and contact the system with a question or for an explanation;

Working memory (DB), which stores data about objects;

Dispatcher who determines the procedure for the functioning of the ES;

An inference engine is a formal logical system implemented as a software module.

Knowledge base (KB) is a collection of all available information about the subject area, recorded using formal structures of knowledge representation (a set of rules, frames, semantic networks).

The most important component of ES is the block of explanations. It allows the user to ask questions and receive reasonable answers.

Technical support is understood as the composition, forms and methods of operation of various technical devices required to perform information procedures: collection, registration, transfer, storage, processing and use of information.

The elements of technical support include: a set of technical means, organizational forms of using technical means, personnel who work on technical means, instructional materials on the use of technology.

A set of technical means is a set of interconnected technical means designed for automated data processing.

Requirements for a set of technical means:

Minimization of acquisition and operation costs;


Protection against unauthorized access;

Rational distribution according to processing levels.

The complex of technical means includes:

A. Means for collecting and registering information:

Automatic sensors and counters for recording the occurrence of any events, for calculating the values ​​of individual indicators;

Scales, watches and other measuring devices;

Personal computers for entering document information and recording it on media;

Scanners for automatic reading of data from documents and their transformation into graphic, digital and textual representation.

B. Complex of means of information transmission:

GPS communication;

Computer networks (local, regional, global);

Telegraph communication facilities;

Radio communication;

Satellite communications, etc.

B. Storage media:

Optical discs (CD, DVD);

USB drives (flash, HDD);

Hard drive (2.5 ", 3.5").

D. Data processing tools or computers, which are divided into classes:



Pocket computer.

They differ in technical and operational parameters (memory size, speed, etc.).

E. Means of information output:




E. Means of organizational technology:

Production, copying, processing and destruction of documents;

Special facilities (ATMs), detectors for counting banknotes and checking their authenticity, etc.

1.2 Structure and organization of AIS technical support

Technical support is a set of technical means intended for the operation of an information system, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

The complex of technical means consists of:

Computers of any model;

Devices for collecting, accumulating, processing, transmitting and outputting information;

Data transmission devices and communication lines;

Office equipment and devices for automatic information retrieval;

Operating materials, etc.

By now, there are two main forms of organization of technical support (forms of using technical means) - centralized and partially or completely decentralized.

Centralized technical support is based on the use of large computers and computing centers in the information system.

Decentralization of technical means involves the implementation of functional subsystems on personal computers directly at workplaces. A promising approach should be considered, apparently, a partially decentralized approach - the organization of technical support on the basis of distributed networks consisting of personal and large computers for storing databases common to any functional subsystems.

Mathematical and software - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means.

The means of software include:

Management process modeling tools;

Typical control algorithms;

Methods of mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, etc.

The software includes system-wide and special software products, as well as technical documentation, Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Information system software

System-wide software includes software complexes aimed at users and designed to solve typical tasks of information processing. They serve to expand the functionality of computers, control and manage the data processing process.

Special software is a collection of programs developed when creating a specific information system. It includes software packages that implement the developed models of varying degrees of adequacy, reflecting the functioning of a real object.

The technical documentation for the development of software should contain a description of the tasks, a task for algorithmization, an economic and mathematical model of the task, test examples.

Organizational support is a set of methods and means that regulate the interaction of employees with technical means and among themselves in the process of developing and operating an information system. Organizational support is created based on the results of a pre-project survey of the organization. Organizational support implements the following functions:

Analysis of the existing organization management system, where the information system will be used, and identification of tasks to be automated;

Preparation of tasks for solving on a computer, including terms of reference for the design of an information system and a feasibility study of efficiency;

Development of management decisions on the composition and structure of the organization, methodology for solving problems aimed at increasing the efficiency of the management system.

Legal support - a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and operation of information systems, regulating the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information.

The main purpose of legal support is to strengthen the rule of law. The legal framework includes laws, decrees, decisions of state authorities, orders, instructions and other normative documents of ministries, departments, organizations, local authorities.

In legal support, one can distinguish a general part that regulates the functioning of any information system, and a local part that regulates the functioning of a specific system. The legal support of the stages of development of an information system includes standard acts related to the contractual relationship between the developer and the customer and the legal regulation of deviations from the contract.

Legal support for the functioning of the information system includes:

Information system status;

Rights, duties and responsibilities of personnel;

Legal provisions of certain types of management process;

The procedure for creating and using information, etc.

Requirements for a set of technical means: minimization of acquisition and operation costs; reliability; protection against unauthorized access; rational distribution of processing levels.

The methods of using technical means are usually called organizational forms of using machines. In practice, they are used in 2 types: 1) computing centers ; 2) local automated workstations (AWS) and computer networks .

Computing centers are used at large enterprises, banks, government agencies. These are specific information processing enterprises. They are equipped with mainframes, and personal computers and terminals are used as auxiliary ones. The computing centers have a control system (management), departments for setting tasks, programming, servicing machines, as well as production units - groups for accepting documents, transferring information to media, administration of data banks, issuing information, duplicating materials, etc.

For automated workstations (AWPs) of specialists, it is typical to place computers at workstations, in separate accounting areas that can be connected in a network, connected to a large computer.

1.3 Calculation of the optimal technical support for AIS

As you know, the implementation of each main technological process requires the presence of auxiliary (secondary) processes that ensure effective activities for the provision of information services. All planned activities, processes, complexes of hardware and software must be supported by appropriate services that need to be prepared, organized, trained, which requires appropriate financial costs, determined by environmental factors.

Thus, the optimization model at each level forms the corresponding output parameters while minimizing economic (financial) indicators taking into account external factors.

The main sources of funding for the information center are: budget; self-supporting activity; sponsorship (individual, corporate, associative); grants; targeted (departmental) financing.

It should be noted that the ratio between the volumes of these types of financing depends on the economic and social policy of the state. In modern conditions, budgetary and targeted funding directed to the replenishment of fixed assets is constantly decreasing. Therefore, for the necessary replenishment of information resources, the missing part of the funds is allocated from self-supporting income. Funding for the acquisition of funds under the grant is not provided for by the rules for its provision.

The listed sources of funding are not equally used to support certain library and information processes. So, for example, budget allocations, self-supporting funds, sponsorship, and targeted funding are used to replenish information resources. The sources of financial support for scientific and practical, analytical, methodological developments are self-supporting income, funds allocated under grants, and sponsorship.

Thus, the application of the optimization model of target program planning in the information exchange management system allows for the rational distribution of the generalized financial potential for the main activities of the information center, taking into account all the necessary resources when achieving the main strategic goal. The choice of the main target functions (criteria) and the system of restrictions allow formulating, according to the goals, a set of strategies that determine the behavior of the center's leadership when making a decision. As a result, the necessary list of measures is formed to ensure an effective information exchange management system. This formulation of the optimization problem makes it possible to determine the real need for resources necessary to achieve the set goals, taking into account the complex feasibility or effectiveness of their implementation, depending on the timing and scale of the introduction of new technologies and the results of scientific developments.

Thus, the information exchange management system is an integrated hierarchical system that includes subsystems with common information bases of economic, technical, quality indicators of the center's activities and their coordination ties. It is very important to comply with the following requirements:

1. The management system should provide each manager with the information necessary to analyze and choose between alternative courses of action, to plan the final results, as well as actions aimed at achieving these final results and the implementation of corrective actions.

2. The system should provide for the collection and processing of factual data.

3. The system must correspond to the organizational structure of the information center so that the controlled parameters of the work of each structural unit can be measured in terms of its contribution to the overall activity of the library and information center.

4. The system should be integrated to such an extent that information is aggregated at the levels of the hierarchy, that is, information at a lower level should be more specific than at a higher one.

5. In the system, the information used for planning should be different from that used for control, although the formation of each of these types requires accounting of a different type.

6. The information provided by the system must be timely; they should cover the past, present and future and reflect all the key performance indicators of the center.

7. The system should be flexible enough to provide the possibility of operational management of new structures (processes) and their control.

8. When developing control actions, it is necessary to take into account both the information received during the implementation of the main processes and the opinions of the managers who provide it.

9. The system should take into account as fully as possible and select information about such factors of production and the environment, on which the success and efficiency of the functioning of the library and information systems most depend.

10. In order to achieve an acceptable balance, it is necessary that the subsequent audit trail is consistent with the management style of the heads of the relevant departments.

11. Special reporting materials should cover the most important periods of time and reflect the achievements of the center, assist in checking the implementation of plans, include only real facts. They should also be readable and understandable, have a clear purpose, be based on specific plans, and be built in accordance with the document flow technology.

12. It is necessary to actively use automated systems for the management process and decision-making.

13. There should be room for improvement and modernization of the management system, but constant rework on every minor issue is unacceptable.

This system is implemented in the RMBITS MH RT and ensures its efficient operation for many years in the information services market.

2.1 General characteristics of the technological support of the Technosila store

The retail chain of stores of household appliances "Technosila" was founded in 1993. Today "Technosila" is one of the leaders of the Russian market of household appliances and electronics and has 242 stores in 191 cities of Russia. Since 2005, the Technosila online store has been operating.

The chain stores have spacious halls, modern and convenient trade equipment, and a convenient display of goods. The store takes on the responsibility of delivering bulky goods to the buyer's home.

Promotions and special offers are held on a regular basis. In all cities where Technosila stores operate, there are service centers of the trading network certified by leading manufacturers of electronics and household appliances.

The company provides buyers with many different types of equipment. In this regard, I would like to use as data not all the assortment of goods offered on the market. Let's dwell on air conditioners, air cleaners and fans.

Before starting work on creating a base, it is necessary to form a concept of objects, facts and events that this system will operate on. In order to bring these concepts to one or another data model, it is necessary to replace them with information representations. One of the most convenient tools for unified data presentation is the entity-relationship model, or ER-model.

This model is based on some important semantic information about the real world and is designed to logically represent data. It defines the meaning of data in the context of its relationship to other data. It is important that all existing data models can be generated from the entity-relationship model. Therefore, it is the most general one.

Domain modeling is based on the use of graphical diagrams that include a small number of heterogeneous components. The basic concepts of this model are entity, relationship, attribute.

Entity - a real or representable object, information about which will be stored and should be available.

A link is a graphically depicted association established between two entities. It is binary and can exist between two different entities or between an entity and itself.

2.2 Building an ER-model of AIS information support

Let's consider the ER-model of our database. As I have already noted, in order to avoid cumbersomeness, we will consider certain types of products offered by the store. The database will use three tables: quantity in stock, price and selling price. Let's define the links between the two tables and represent the ER-model.

Figure 2.1 - ER-model of the infobase

When developing ER-models, we should receive the following information about the subject area:

1. List of domain entities.

2. List of attributes of entities.

3. Description of relationships between entities.

ER diagrams are convenient because the process of extracting entities, attributes and relationships is iterative. Having developed the first approximate version of the diagrams, we refine them by interviewing subject matter experts. In this case, the documentation in which the results of the conversations are recorded are the ER diagrams themselves.

Suppose we are faced with the task of developing an information system commissioned by some wholesaler. First of all, we must study the subject area and the processes taking place in it. To do this, we interview company employees, read documentation, study order forms, invoices, etc.

For example, during a conversation with a sales manager, it turned out that he (the manager) believes that the designed system should perform the following actions:

Store customer information.

Print invoices for released goods.

Monitor the availability of goods in the warehouse.

Let's select all the nouns in these sentences - these will be potential candidates for entities and attributes, and analyze them (we will highlight incomprehensible terms with a question mark):

The buyer is a clear candidate for the entity.

The invoice is a clear candidate for an entity.

A product is a clear candidate for an entity.

Warehouse - in general, how many warehouses does the company have? If there are several, then it will be a candidate for a new entity.

The presence of a product is most likely an attribute, but an attribute of which entity?

An obvious connection between entities immediately emerges - "buyers can buy many goods" and "goods can be sold to many buyers". The first version of the diagram looks like this:

Figure 2.2 - ER-model "Buyer - Product"

Having asked additional questions to the manager, we found out that the company has several warehouses. Moreover, each product can be stored in several warehouses and be sold from any warehouse.

Where should the entities "Invoice" and "Warehouse" be placed and with what to link them? Let us ask ourselves, how are these entities related to each other and to the "Buyer" and "Product" entities? Buyers buy goods, while receiving invoices, which include data on the quantity and price of the purchased goods. Each customer can receive several delivery notes. Each invoice must be issued for one buyer. Each invoice must contain several goods (there are no empty invoices). Each item, in turn, can be sold to multiple customers through multiple delivery notes. In addition, each invoice must be issued from a specific warehouse, and many invoices can be issued from any warehouse. Thus, after clarification, the diagram will look like this:

Figure 2.3 - ER-model "Buyer - Invoice - Warehouse - Goods"

It's time to think about entity attributes. Talking with the company's employees, we found out the following:

Each buyer is a legal entity and has a name, address, bank details.

Each product has a name, price, and is also characterized by units of measurement.

Each invoice has a unique number, date of issue, a list of goods with quantities and prices, as well as the total amount of the invoice. The waybill is issued from a specific warehouse and to a specific customer.

Each warehouse has its own name.

Let's again write out all the nouns that will be potential attributes and analyze them:

Legal entity is a rhetorical term, we do not work with individuals. Pay no attention.

Buyer's name is a clear characteristic of the buyer.

The address is a clear characteristic of the buyer.

Bank details are a clear characteristic of the buyer.

The name of the product is a clear characteristic of the product.

Product price - It looks like this is a characteristic of the product. Does this feature differ from the price on the invoice?

A unit of measure is an explicit characteristic of a product.

The invoice number is a clear unique characteristic of the invoice.

Invoice date is an explicit characteristic of the invoice.

List of goods in the invoice - the list cannot be an attribute. Probably, you need to separate this list into a separate entity.

The quantity of goods in the invoice is an obvious characteristic, but a characteristic of what? This is a characteristic of not just "goods", but "goods in the invoice".

The price of the goods in the invoice - again, this should not be just a characteristic of the goods, but the characteristics of the goods in the invoice. But the price of the product has already been met higher - is it the same thing?

The invoice amount is an explicit characteristic of the invoice. This characteristic is not independent. The invoice amount is equal to the sum of the values ​​of all goods included in the invoice.

The name of the warehouse is an explicit characteristic of the warehouse.

During an additional conversation with the manager, it was possible to clarify the various concepts of prices. It turned out that each product has a certain current price. This is the price at which the item is currently being sold. Naturally, this price can change over time. The price of the same product in different invoices issued at different times may be different. Thus, there are two prices - the price of the goods in the invoice and the current price of the goods.

With the emerging concept of "List of goods in the invoice", everything is pretty clear. The Invoice and Product entities are related to each other by a many-to-many relationship. Such a relationship, as we noted earlier, must be split into two one-to-many relationships. This requires an additional entity. This entity will be the "List of goods in the invoice" entity. Its connection with the entities "Invoice" and "Product" is characterized by the following phrases - "each invoice must have several entries from the list of goods in the invoice", "each entry from the list of goods in the invoice must be included in exactly one invoice", "each product can be included to several records from the list of goods in the invoice "," each record from the list of goods in the invoice must be associated with exactly one item ". The attributes "Quantity of goods in invoice" and "Price of goods in invoice" are attributes of the "List of goods in invoice" entity.

Let's do the same with the relationship connecting the Warehouse and Product entities. Let's introduce the additional entity "Goods in stock". The attribute of this entity will be "Quantity of goods in stock". Thus, the goods will be listed in any warehouse and the quantity in each warehouse will be different.

2.3 Creation of a database for accounting and sales of vehicles

When working with a database, the user, as a rule, does not need to see at the same time all the information that is stored in a particular database table. On the contrary, it is often necessary to display the contents of several tables at once that meet certain conditions.

Access provides a powerful tool for manipulating data in linked tables that allows you to display the information you want to meet your specific requirements — a query.

There are two main types of queries: a fetch query and a data change query.

The sampling request is the most common. When it is executed, a set of records is formed, information for which is taken from one or several tables. We will use it in our database.

Let's create four requests: a request for the quantity of an item, for a price, a cost, and for an item.

Note that using queries, we can only display the information that is currently needed. We don't have to flip through entire tables to find the data we need, which saves both time and effort. In our example, the tables are relatively small. But in most cases, you have to operate with a large number of tables and data. Therefore, the role of queries in working with a database can hardly be overestimated.

Working with data in the database is carried out directly in tables and queries. At the same time, the proposed possibilities for changing the structures of tables and the data they contain are useful more to the developer than to the user. In addition, for ease of use, Access has ample opportunity to create a user interface using forms. When creating a form, the developer pursues several goals:

Displaying and modifying data. Most often, forms are used just for this. In this case, the developer can set any type of information display;

Data input. Forms can be used to enter new data into a table. In this case, the input will be performed by the user in the format specified by the developer. In other words, the user can only enter values ​​for those fields that are presented on the form;

Seal. Despite the fact that reports are used to print data in the database, the contents of the form can also be printed;

Messages. An additional opportunity to use forms is to create with their help various messages that are displayed later in a given situation to facilitate the user's work. As such, forms are used in applications.

Depending on the purpose for which the form is created, the developer determines the features of its appearance. Let's highlight the following:

Multipage - record fields are displayed in one column. In this case, at the same moment in time, the form displays only the contents of the current record (for example, the form "quantity of goods");

Ribbon - all fields of the record are displayed in one line, while all records are displayed in the form (for example, the "sales price" form);

Tabular - records are displayed in the form of a table.

Reports are designed to provide printed information from a database in Access. Compared to other printing methods, when using reports, in addition to displaying the contents of fields from tables and queries, you can calculate various totals and also group data. The Technosila database contains reports on the quantity in stock, the cost and the selling price.

MicrosoftAccess contains various types of macros to automate the operation of your application. A macro is a set of one or more commands that perform specific operations. Here are examples of situations when it is convenient to use macros in applications: - to perform simple tasks such as opening and closing forms, displaying and hiding toolbars, or launching reports;

In cases where you do not need to track and handle errors;

To define the general assigned keys;

To create a custom menu bar as well as submenus for forms;

To execute a macro or set of macros when the database is opened.

Macros allow you to:

Open a table, query, form, or report in any available mode. They also allow you to close an open table, query, form, report;

Open the report in preview mode or directly output either the entire report to the printer, or only a selected part of it;

Run a fetch request or change request;

Perform actions based on values ​​in a database, form or report;

Navigate to any record or search for data that matches the search conditions in the form data source;

Execute commands on the Access menu, etc.

Our database contains a macro that calls a report on the cost and on the selling price.

Now let's make a cascade model of the life cycle of the Technosila AIS.

A life cycle model is a structure that defines the sequence of execution and the relationship of processes, actions and tasks performed throughout the life cycle.

The most widespread are two main life cycle models:

1) cascade model 2) spiral

The waterfall method is the division of the entire development into stages, and the transition from one stage to the next occurs after the work on the current one is completely completed.

1. Analysis:

When analyzing the AIS Technosila, a number of requirements were identified:

AIS "Technosila" must have data on the product, its price and availability;

The client must be provided with an information base about the goods of the store;

2. Design:

All data about the product, its availability and price are entered into the general Database for further use. The general database includes three tables with a description of the product and all data about it.

3. Implementation:

The created Database for AIS "Technosila" should be fully or partially available to employees. To do this, you need to launch the Database into the corporate network.

4. Implementation:

After introducing the Database into the corporate network, it is necessary to monitor its performance.

5. Accompaniment:

At the end of the service life, it is necessary to identify all changes in the Software in order to fix errors and introduce new functionality.

So, we have created a database of a hardware store, while creating tables containing product information, queries, reports and macros. This database will help organize data into a single whole, provide flexible access and more convenient work. Reports, queries, and macros generated in the process are not universal. The user, independently or with the help of a wizard, can supplement the database with new queries, reports and macros necessary for him. It will not be difficult, if desired, to expand the base. To do this, you need to create new tables, enter the necessary data into them, and then make new connections between the existing tables and the created ones.


Our life is so full of various information that it is almost impossible to store it without the help of computer technology. Working with large amounts of information without the help of a computer is already unacceptable both from the point of view of storage costs and from the point of view of information management and speed of access to it.

Thus, such an urgent need to organize data and create a database is quite obvious. The dynamics, the tendency to the variability of information forces us to look for new methods and means that allow us to manage this dynamics, and not strictly adapt to it. Thus, the system we have considered, which just allows you to manage data, will undoubtedly find application not only in the trade business, but also in other sectors of the national economy.

List of used literature

1. "1C: Accounting", User's Handbook. - M .: 1999.

2. Bank V.R., Zverev B.C. Automated information technologies in economics: Textbook / AGTU. - Astrakhan: Publishing house of ASTU, 2000.

3. Braga V.V. Computerization of accounting. - M .: Finstatinform, 1996.

4. Vasina E.N., Partyka T.L., Popov I.I. Automated accounting information systems. - M .: Infra-M, 2010.

5. Elochkin M.E. Information Technology. - M .: Peace and Education, 2009.

6. Sapkov V.V. Information technology and computerization of office work. - M .: Academia, 2010.

7. Chistov D.V. Information systems in the economy. - M .: Infra-M, 2010.


on the course "Informatics".

TOPIC 1. Hardware and software of a personal computer. Operating system MS DOS.

1. Personal computer (PC). Technical support.

2. Software.

3. Operating system. Its varieties.

4. Operating system MS DOS.

4.1. Determination of the operating system.

4.2. File system. Directories.

4.3. Drivers for external devices.

4.4. Computer language processor.

4.5. Basic concepts and designations.

1. The word computer translated from English means "calculator".

In a broader sense, a computer is a device for processing information. A personal computer is evaluated according to two main indicators: hardware and software. Technical software refers to the totality of all technical devices that relate to a computer.

Technical means are divided into:

Information input devices (keyboard, mouse, trackball, scanner, graphics tablet);

Information output devices (monitor, printer, plotter);

A device for storing and processing information (central processor);

Information storage devices (floppy and hard disk drives, cassette drives, optical CDs).

2. Software is a collection of all data that contains instructions and information for a computer.

The software is divided into:

Operating Systems (OS);

Instrumental systems (languages ​​or programming systems);

Applied or common systems (function-oriented, general-purpose, problem-oriented, integrated packages).

3. An operating system is a basic set of programs for managing all systems and resources of a computer. It provides two main tasks:

A) maintaining the operation of all programs, ensuring its interaction with the equipment;

B) providing the user with the possibility of general control of the machine.

One of the first successful operating systems for 8-bit PCs was the CP / M system, developed in the mid-70s by G. Kildahl, an employee of Digital Research. The basic ideas of CP / M were so fundamental that they became the basis for the development of all further operating systems for the PC.

The de facto standard for more powerful 16-bit PCs is Microsoft's MS DOS operating system, which has been around since 1981.

A very good, rich and efficient operating environment, especially for programmers, has the UNIX operating system, most of whose modules are written in the CI language. It was not a commercial success on 16-bit PCs, but the 32-bit class is predicted to be native to UNIX.

4.1. Operating system MS DOS (Microsoft System Disk Operation System) is a set of programs that is loaded when the computer is turned on and organizes a dialogue with the user.

MS DOS requires:

File system;

External device drivers;

Command language processor.

4.2. A file is a place of permanent storage of information, programs, data, texts, encoded images. The files are implemented as memory zones on external magnetic media.

Each file has a name that consists of 2 parts: the name itself and the extension, which are separated by a period. The file name can contain from 1 to 8 characters, and the extension can contain up to 3 characters. The complete set of characters that can be used in file names and extensions include:

File changes must begin with a letter or number.

File changes are recorded on magnetic media in directories or directories. Directories are a special place on disk that stores file names, information about their size and the date of last modification. Each directory has a name that is composed in the same way as the file name, but without the extension.

Each disk always has a root directory. It is created automatically when the user formats the disk and starts filling it with files. Files and subdirectories of the 2nd level, etc. are registered in the root directory. Thus, a file structure is created, which is called a multilevel or hierarchical directory system.

If directory X is registered in directory Y, then X is called a subdirectory and Y is called the parent directory.

The directory the user is in is called the current directory.

When a new directory is registered, MS DOS automatically creates two special shorthand entries for the current and corresponding parent directories. For the current - ".", And for the parent - "..".

4.3. In addition to standard external devices (monitor, keyboard, floppy and hard disks, printer), additional input-output devices, a city planner, a mouse, a scanner, etc. can be connected to a computer via serial and parallel communication directories. with the help of drivers - programs of a special type designed to control external devices. The standard device drivers collectively form the basic input / output system (BIOS), which is stored in the permanent memory of the PC. Accessory drivers are dynamically connected to the operating system when the machine starts up.

4.4. Referring to directories, formatting external media, launching programs and others allows the command language to be executed. The analysis and use of user commands is carried out by the command processor.

4.5. Storage devices. Magnetic disks are designated by the Latin letters A, B, C, D, ..., followed by a colon. For example, A :, B :, C: etc ..

The path to the file. To accurately identify the file, in addition to the name, indicate its location - a chain of subordinate directories, in which each next directory is a subdirectory of the previous one. This sequence of directory names, separated by a "\" (left slash), is called a file path. If the path begins with a "\" character, then the location of the file is from its current directory.

VS DOS prompt MS DOS prompts you to enter commands when it is waiting for some user action. The standard DOS prompt specifies the name of the current drive.

For example: A> C> The user can include in the invitation an indication of the current directory, time, date. Filename pattern. The filename pattern is often used to tag multiple files at once or to abbreviate filenames. The patterns use the "*" character, which denotes an arbitrary number of any characters, and the "?" Character, which allows you to mask any one character in the file name or extension.

For instance:

* .bat - all files with the bat extension

Doc - all files with the doc extension that have no more than 2 characters in the file name.

MS DOS commands. Commands are entered by the user from the keyboard in response to a DOS prompt. Each command has a name and, possibly, parameters, which are separated from the command name and one from one by blanks. Teams are divided into internal and external. Internal commands are executed by the command processor. External commands are to execute files that run under normal DOS rules. The names of such programs are the same as the names of the commands.


1. What is the structure of a computer?

2. What are the characteristics of a personal computer?

3. What is an operating system? What is it for?

4. What is a file? How are filenames composed?

5. What are catalogs for? What types of catalogs do you know?

6. What is a file path?


1. Bryabrin V.M. Software for personal computers, -M: "Science", 1990.

2. Klyuev A.V. MS DOS user. Reference manual, -MP "Contact", 1992.

3. Myachev A.A., Stepanov V.N. Personal computers and microcomputers, the foundations of the organization, - M .: "Radio and communication", 1991.

4. P. Corton, R. Jorden Working with a hard-hitting IBM PC, -M .: "World", 1992.

5. Smirnov N.N. Personal computer software, -Len.: "Mechanical engineering", 1990.

6. Gerhard Franken MS DOS 5.0 for the user. -K .: "Trade and Publishing Bureau BHV", 1992.

7. Gilbert Held IBM PS / 2. User's guide, - M .: "Radio and communication", 1993.

8. Finogenov K., Chernykh V. MS DOS 6. - G., 1993.


TOPIC: Studying the commands of the MS DOS operating system.

1. Make the current drive:

2. View the root directory of the G: drive.

3. Make the current Windows directory. Display its content. Print information about all files in the directory that have the INI extension.

4. Make current drive X :. Browse the LEXICON catalog. Browse the LEXICON catalog screen by screen. Print information only about the names of files in this directory. Print the information and contents of the LEXICON.DOC file.

5. In the root directory of drive G: create a series of subdirectories:

R1 - R2 - R3 - R4 (R1 is a 1st level subdirectory, R2 is a 2nd level, ..., R4 is a 4th level).

6. Enter into the R3 directory from the keyboard 2 text files named A.TXT and B.TXT - your first and last name.

7. Copy the files from the R3 directory to the R2 directory with the same names.

8. Copy the files from the R3 directory to the R1 directory so that the file extension changes to DOC.

9. Remove the R1 directory. Complete all tasks on a computer and write down the commands that are needed to complete them in a notebook.

TEST. Methodical instructions.

1. The test is performed in a separate notebook. On the cover of the notebook it is written on what subject the test was written, surname, name, patronymic.

3. Test work must be flawlessly competent, set out clearly, in a certain logical sequence.

4. Test work is submitted by the student in terms defined by the curriculum.

^ OPTION # 1.

1. File. Types of files. File names.

2. From the proposed list of files, select the files with the correct names:

11 $ A.B AS: 1.COM 123 B \ 22.EXE Ф11.EXE ADR.COS1 A.T.TXT 111.2 STORNET11.TXTFLP. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files in the current directory that have no more than 2 characters in their names and whose extension begins with the letter "P".

4. In the root directory of drive D: create 2 series of subdirectories:

Z1 - Z2 - Z3 N1 - N2 - N3 - N4 The current is the root directory of the D: drive.

5.In the directory N 2 write 2 files from the keyboard with the names N21.TXT and N22.TXT. In N21.TXT enter a list of commands that are used to work with files, and in N22.TXT - a list of commands that are used to work with directories.

6. Display the contents of the N22.TXT file.

7. Copy files N21.TXT and N22.TXT from directory N2 to directory Z3.

8. Copy files N21.TXT and N22.TXT from directory N2 to directory N4 so that the second character in the file name is the number "4" and the file extension is changed to DAT.

9. Rename the N41.DAT file to the P41.DAT file.

10. To remove the catalog Z1 and N1.

11. On drive B: create a system diskette.

^ OPTION # 2.

1. Directories. Types of catalogs.

2. From the proposed list of files, select the files with the correct names: MFS. $$$ FERRUM11.DOC DOC.DOC1 OS = 77.B DECOR.S 7% 18 TEN_A.A_A MOF.TXT ASSEMBLER.TXT. Describe each mistake.

3. Print information about all files in the current directory that have the extension "EXE" and "N" as the third character in the name.

4. In the root directory of drive E: create a series of subdirectories R1 - R2 - R3 - R4. The current directory is the root directory of the A: drive.

5. In the R2 directory, write a file named R2.TXT from the keyboard. In R2.TXT add the withdrawal commands.

6. In the R3 directory, copy all files that have the DOC extension and are contained in the root directory of the A: drive.

7. Display information about the file R2.TXT

8. Rename all files in the R3 directory so that the first character in the name of each is the letter "R".

9. Copy the R2.TXT file to the R4 directory.

10. Remove the R1 directory.

11. Format drive D :.

^ OPTION # 3.

2. From the list of files provided, select the files with the correct names: 13718 PORT.DOC S.S ABC.T.T STORY.EXE ASS \ N.TXT 2A% _1.T 1 $. $ FIN.EXCP AN-1. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files in the current directory that have no more than 4 characters in their names, begin with the letter "M" and have the extension "EXE".

4. In the root directory of drive G: create a series of subdirectories:

P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5. The current one is the root directory of the C: drive.

5. Copy to the P1 directory all files that begin with the letters "FIN" and are contained in the FINEX directory of the first level of disk B:

6. In the P5 directories, write a file with the names P5.TXT from the keyboard. Add commands to work with directories.

7. Copy Р5.ТХТ into Р3.

8. In Р3, rename the file Р5.ТХТ to Р3.DAT.

9. Output the contents of the P3.DAT file.

10. Remove catalog P2.

11. The PC has one floppy drive. Prepare a system diskette on it.

^ OPTION # 4.

1. File. The path to the file.

2. From the list of files provided, select the files with the correct names: SEND GR \ 11.COM 171.11 A_B.A_B FIN1. $$. 1 GROSSBOOK1.DAT PUSK.EXE GRE1. & SOLUTION.11 EN_F.ABC. Describe each mistake.

3. Print information about all files in the current directory whose names begin with the letter "R" and the extension - with the letter "K".

4. In the root directory of drive F: create 2 series of subdirectories:

Z1 - Z2 - Z3 M1 - M2 - M3 Current is the root directory of drive A :.

5. In the M1 directory, write from the keyboard 2 files with the names M11.DAT and M12.DAT. Enter the commands for working with files in M11.DAT, and commands for working with directories in M12.DAT.

6. Copy the files М11.DAT and М12.DAT to the Z3 directory so that their names change to Z11.ТХТ and Z12.TXT, respectively.

7. Rename files М11.ТХТ and М12.DAT to М111.DOC and М121.DOC respectively.

8. Output the contents of the file Z12.ТХТ.

9. Browse catalogs M2 and M3.

10. Remove directories Z1 and M1.

11. Format drive D :.

^ OPTION # 5.

1. Operating system. Definition, composition.

2. From the proposed list of files select the files with the correct names: TRN.DAT1 P.EXE 1 $. $ TR N11 ASS.COM STORYF111.TXT FR1.F ENГOB1.111 S: 1 \ 2.TXT. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files in the current directory, the name of which contains no more than 3 characters, and the extension ends with the letter "F".

4. In the root directory of drive E: create a series of subdirectories S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - S5 Current is the root directory of drive B :.

5. In the S3 directory, copy the files that begin with the letter "A", have the TXT extension and are contained in the directory of the 1st level R1 of the X: drive.

6. In S5, write a file with the names S51.TXT from the keyboard. Add commands to checkout files and directories.

7. Copy the files from the S3 directory to the S1 directory.

8. Display information about all files in the S1 catalog.

9. To remove the catalog S4.

10. Rename the files of the S1 directory so that they have the DAT extension.

11. Make a system diskette. Use drive B :.

^ OPTION # 6.

1. Storage devices. Their names. Change the current drive.

2. From the proposed list of files select the files with the correct names: 1.1 AS1.COM1 FR.WR1 PR.TXT D1 \ T3.EXE G1. $$ GROSSBOOR1.EXE TR1_1.111 A_B.B_A PERL.DAT. Describe each mistake.

3. Print information about all files in the current directory that have no more than 2 characters in the name and no more than 1 character in the extension.

4. In the root directory of drive G: create 2 series of subdirectories:

R1 - R2 F1 - F2 - F3 - F4. The current directory is the G: drive.

5. Write a file named A.DAT into the F2 directory from the keyboard. Add commands to work with directories.

6. Copy the A.DAT file to the F4 directory.

7. In the F4 directory, rename the A.DAT file to the A1.TXT file.

8. In the R2 directory, copy the files with the TXT extension, which are contained in the root directory of drive A:

9. Remove directory F1.

10. View catalog R2.

11. Create a system diskette. Use drive A :.

^ OPTION # 7.

1. File system. File names.

2. From the proposed list of files, select the files with the correct names: P_D-1. $% PENTIIMPR.TXT 315 MOR: S Z.Z111 T \ T1.EXE N.N.EXE MIC.FRI FO.COM N.N. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files in the current directory that begin with the letter "B" and end with the letter "R".

4. In the root directory of drive E: create a series of subdirectories M1 - M2 - M3 - M4. The current directory is the root directory of the A: drive.

5. Copy all files with the DOC extension from the 1st level LEX directory of disk F to the M3 directory:

6. Rename the files in the M3 directory so that they have the new TXT extension.

7. In the M1 directory, write a file named M1.TXT from the keyboard. Write down commands for working with directories in it.

8. Display the contents of the M12.TXT file

9. View catalog M1.

10. To remove the M1 catalog.

11. Format the floppy disk. Use Drive B:

^ OPTION # 8.

1. Information storage devices. Storage devices. Their names.

2. From the proposed list of files, select the files with the correct names: ST1_111.1 1% _1.A PRIMUS M.M 11_11 FTRRUM111.EXE ЦО1.111 MONO.TXT GR \ 1.EXE FRAMEW.P. Describe each mistake.

3. In the root directory of drive D: create a series of subdirectories F1 - F2 - F3 - F4 - F5. The current directory is C :. 4. From the keyboard, write a file named F11.TXT to the F2 directory. Write the checkout commands and create directories to it.

5. In the F4 directory, copy files that have no more than 2 characters in the name, begin with the letter "A", have the EXE extension and are contained in the 1st level LEX directory of disk A:

6. View information only about the file names of the F4 catalog.

7. Rename the F11.TXT file to the P1.DOC file.

8. Output the contents of the file P1.DOC.

9. In the F4 directory, view the F1 directory.

10.Remove directory F1.

11. Make a system diskette. Use drive A :.

^ OPTION # 9.

1. Central processing unit.

2. From the proposed list of files select the files with the correct names: T.T TRENT111.COM1 1 $ PNT Ф11.TXT 1% _1. $ N32_72_5.7 TOBAR.BR P35: 1.EXE FR \ 1.TXT. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files of the 1st level R1 directory of the A: drive, which have the COM extension and begin with the letter "P".

4. In the root directory of drive F: create a series of subdirectories F1 - F2 - F3 - F4. The current one is the root directory of the C: drive.

5. In the F1 directory, write a file named B.TXT from the keyboard. Output commands for working with files into it.

6. Copy B.TXT to F4 directory. Give it a new name F4.FAT.

7. Copy to the F3 directory all files that begin with the letter "F", have the TXT extension and are contained in the root directory of the B drive:

8. Browse the catalog F3.

9. Output the contents of the F4.DAT file

10.Remove directory F1.

11. Format drive D :.

^ OPTION # 10.

1. Parent and current directories. Directory names.

2. From the proposed list of files select the files with the correct names: TNR.T M.M11 P_P_P T \ F11.EXE 1% $. 1 FERBOOK11.TXT ПЕ1.TXT DR.COM FR.EXE1 58ANK.A_A. Describe each mistake.

3. Display information about all files in the current directory whose names end with the letter "S" and the extension begins with the letter "F".

4. In the root directory of drive D: create a series of subdirectories R1 - R2 - R3 - R4. The current directory is the 1st level F1 of the F: drive.

5. In the R3 directory, write a file named R.TXT from the keyboard. Write all commands for working with directories in it.

6. In the R2 directory, create a series of S1 - S2 subdirectories.

7. Copy the R.TXT file to the S2 directory with a new name S.FAT.

8. Output the contents of the S.DAT file.

9. Copy the file with the COM extension from the root directory of the B: drive to the R4 directory.

10. Remove the R1 directory.

11. Format drive E :.


I. Technical support of a personal computer.

When studying this issue, it should be borne in mind that most of the known PC models consist of separate functionally completed modules that are not united by a common design. The composition of the modules is almost standard. It requires a system unit and a set of peripheral devices (PU). The system unit contains a processor, PCBs, and a power unit. Most PC models also have a built-in floppy disk drive and hard disk drive. The basic configuration of the PC is the system unit, monitor and keyboard. The set of additional hardware ways that a computer can be supplemented with is very diverse and can be divided into the following functional groups:

Input Devices. Mouse type device, scanner, light pen, digitizer, trackball.

Output devices. Printer (matrix, laser, inkjet, thermal printers, etc.), plotters.

Communication devices. Interface cards, modems, etc.

Information storage devices. Cassette drives, or tape drives, which write information to a magnetic tape cassette (cartridge), optical CD drives, which can be divided into three groups:

1. Read only - CD-ROM, O-ROM, partially rewritable P-ROM.

2. For one record only - WORM.

3. Magneto-optical (can be rewritten) - ROD. A modern processor usually contains a math coprocessor block that quickly and accurately performs operations on floating point numbers. If the random access memory does not provide a sufficient speed of operations, the fastest cache memory is additionally installed.

When studying basic PC devices, special attention should be paid to the structure of the keyboard. The keys are arranged in blocks. They are divided into alphanumeric and special.


1. Key edits:

BS - deletes the character that is to the left of the cursor, DELETE - deletes the character that is above the cursor, INSERT - turns on / off the character setting mode.

2. Keys for modifying codes: CAPS LOCK - fixes the upper case mode, SHIFT - causes switching to upper case, CTRL, ALT - work in conjunction with other keys.

3. Cursor keys - move the cursor one position in the corresponding direction. HOME - moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, END - moves the cursor to the end of the line, Page Up - moves the cursor one page up, Page DOWN - moves the cursor one page down.

4. Function keys F1 ... F12, which are used by application or utility programs.

5. Keys for entering "hot" commands. Break (Pause) - stops displaying information on the screen (to continue, press any key). CTRL + Break - interrupts the execution of a program or command, PRINT SCREEN - prints a screen image on a printer, SCROLL LOCK - is used by application or living systems.

6. The Enter key means the end of a line, the ESC key cancels commands and the Num Lock key turns on the numeric block. Information on the structure of a personal computer is described in more detail in the manuals:

1. Klyuchev A.V. MS DOS user. Reference Guide. - K.: M "Contact", 1992.

2. Myachev A.A. Stepanov V.N. Personal computers and microcomputers. Fundamentals of the organization. - G.: "Radio and Communication", 1991.

3. Gerhard Franken. MS DOS 5.0 for the user. - К .: "Trade and Publishing Bureau BHV", 1992.

4. Gilbert Held. IBM PS / 2. User manual. G.: "Radio and Communication", 1993.

5. IBM PC user manual. - К.: "TECHNIKOM", MIP "Arfa", 1991.

II. Operating system MS DOS.

It is necessary to realize that the operating system is an integral part of a personal computer, that it provides memory management, I / O operations, file system, process interaction, process dispatching, protection, accounting for resource use, command processing, and computer network operation.

It is important to consider that one of the most important functions of the OS is the organization of the file system. A file is an area of ​​memory on a physical medium that bears a name. Files are divided into text and binary. The file name consists of the actual name and the extension, between which a period is put. The file extension is optional. It describes the contents of the file, so many programs generate the filename extension automatically. Files with the extension COM, EXE, BAT mean ready-to-run programs. MS DOS commands.

There are two types of MS DOS commands: internal and external. Internal commands are part of the command processor. They are loaded into the computer's memory and are therefore executed immediately. To run an external command, you must have the corresponding file on one of the storage media.

Basic commands:

1. Change the current drive (drive). Command format: drive name :.

To change the current drive, you must specify the name of this drive with a colon.

For example, C :; D :; E :.

2. Changing the current CD directory (CHANGE DIRECTORY) - change the directory. Command format: cd / drive: / path "//" means optional parameter. For example 1. From the current directory, go to the NC directory cd R1 \ R2 \ R3.

DIR / drive: // path // \ // file name // / P // / W /. If there is no path, information about all files and piddirectories of the current directory is displayed. If there is no drive, information about the directory of the current drive is displayed. If the command specifies a name about this file, the file name can be grouped. The / P parameter specifies the display of the contents of the directory on a screen-by-screen basis. The / W parameter displays information only about the names of files in the directory (5 on each line).

For instance:

1. View the current directory DIR.

2. The current drive is G :, the current directory is root. Browse the TRK directory located in the root directory of the B: DIR B: \ TRK drive

3. View all files in this directory with the DOC extension DIR B: \ TRK \ *. DOC.

4. Outputting the contents of the TYPE file. Command format: TYPE / drive: // path \ / file name. The file name cannot contain the characters "*" and "?"

For example: Output the contents of the file TRK.DOC TYPE B: \ TRK \ TRK.DOC.

5. Create a new directory md (make directory) - create a directory.

Command format: md / drive: / path. For example: In the root directory of drive G: create a series of subdirectories Z1 - Z2 - Z3.

Option I:

Md Z1 md Z1 \ Z2 md Z1 \ Z2 \ Z3;

Option II:

Md Z1 cd Z1 md Z2 cd Z2 md Z3.

6. Entering the file from the keyboard COPY CON. Necessary:

1. Output the command COPY CON file name.

2. Press ENTER.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Set the end of the file using the CTRL + Z key combination.

5. Press ENTER.

6. Deleting files: DELETE (DEL) - deletion. Command format:

DEL_ / drive: // path \ / file name. The file name can contain "*" and "?" Characters. For example: DEL *. * - removes all files from the current directory DEL A: \ LEX - removes all files in the LEX directory. DEL A: \ LEX \ LEX.DOC - removes the LEX.DOC file from the LEX directory.

7. Removal of directories RD (remove directory) - removal of a directory. Command format: RD / drive: / path.


1. You can only remove an empty directory.

2. The directory can be checked out from the parent directory or from some directory up one level.

8. Copying COPY files. Command format:

I COPY / drive: // path \ / file name / drive: // path \ / file name;

II СOPY / drive: // shlah \ / file name / drive: // path /.

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