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Coursework: Technical support of automated information systems. Organizational structure of MTO

Technical support is a complex technical means designed to ensure the operation of the information system, as well as the relevant documentation for these tools and technological processes.

The complex of technical means consists of:

    used computers of any models;

    devices for collecting, accumulating, processing, transmitting and outputting information;

    data transmission devices and communication lines;

    office equipment and devices for automatic data retrieval;

    operational and expendable materials and other.

The documentation includes the preliminary selection of technical means, the organization of their operation, the technological process of data processing, technological equipment. Documentation can be roughly divided into three groups:

    system-wide, including state and industry standards for technical support;

    specialized, containing a set of methods for all stages of the development of technical support;

    normative-reference used when performing calculations for technical support.

To date, two main forms of organizing technical support (forms of using technical means) have developed: centralized and partially or completely decentralized.

Centralized technical support is based on the use of large computers and computing centers in the information system.

Decentralization of technical means involves the implementation of functional subsystems on personal computers directly at workplaces, but does not exclude the use of large computers for solving tasks that require significant resources.

A promising approach should be considered, apparently, a partially decentralized approach - the organization of technical support based on distributed networks consisting of personal computers and big computer for storing databases common to any functional subsystems.

Mathematics and software

Mathematical and software is a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and computer programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of the complex of technical means. The software implements algorithms for working with information, the implementation of all information processes in the information system. And these algorithms, in turn, are developed on the basis of methods and models that often require the use of tools and achievements of modern mathematics. Therefore, such methods and models are often referred to as the software of an information system, although they are not always purely mathematical methods and models.

The software tools include:

    management process modeling tools;

    typical tasks of management and implementation of information processes in the information system;

    methods mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, the theory of algorithms, the theory of queuing and others.

The level of development and quality of implementation of the software of an information system determines the quality of its work, the efficiency of information processes in it, as well as the quality of the output information, for example, its novelty, the scientific validity of the information received by the user, etc. The unsuccessful implementation of the mathematical software of an information system, as a rule, cannot be compensated by the functioning of its other subsystems.

The information system software implements the methods and models of its software. Only with the help of modern computer programs can one really automate the execution of certain information processes, since only with the help of computer programs can one manage the operation of modern computers.

Part software includes general system and special software products, as well as technical documentation.

System-wide software includes software complexes focused on users and designed to solve typical problems of information processing. They serve to expand the functionality of computers and communications, to control and manage all information processes in general. General system software is of the greatest importance for managing the processes of input, data processing and data output.

General system software includes, in particular, operating systems, software shells, browsers and other software tools for working in global computer networks, drivers for controlling the operation of external devices of modern computers, fonts, and others. All these programs are designed to solve common tasks users in computer information systems ah, i.e. tasks that need to be solved by each user or the program launched by him, regardless of their specialization. Often, system-wide software can be the same for different information systems. For example, many computer information systems are built on the basis of operating Microsoft systems. Based on these operating systems, information systems can be developed and operated for a variety of applications: in science, education, economics, state and municipal administration, in the field of culture, and others.

Special software is a set of programs developed during the creation of a specific information system to solve problems that correspond precisely to its purpose and functions. It includes packages application programs, realizing the developed models of varying degrees of adequacy, reflecting the functioning of a real object.

For the development of special software, a survey of the organization or field of activity is first carried out. Based on the analysis of the data collected during the survey, a so-called information-logical (or, in short, infological) model of this organization or field of activity is built, including a description of the main information processes with their relationships, which will need to be automated. The development of an infological model allows you to develop special software in the form of a system of interconnected software modules that are able to implement the functions and relationships of the elements of the infological model. The infological model becomes a scheme for the functioning of the information system, and special software implements this scheme of functioning in practice.

Technical documentation for development software tools should contain a description of the tasks, a task for algorithmization, an economic and mathematical model of the task, test cases. The technical documentation should describe in sufficient detail and in detail, understandably for the personnel and users of the information system, the methods of its functioning, as well as the methods of its use to solve user problems, methods of its verification, testing, etc. Detailed and understandable technical documentation increases the efficiency of the information system and the reliability of its operation.

One of the important tasks in the design automated systems information processing is the choice of a set of hardware and software tools for the implementation technological process information processing. The main difficulty with this choice is that there are a number of complex lines and feedback between technical and technological support. The manifestation of these relationships is both in the influence of the complex of hardware and software on the designed technological process, and in the reverse influence of the technological process on the hardware and software.

Among the factors of such influence, it is necessary to highlight the following:

Compatibility - one of the main requirements for modern data processing systems is hardware and software compatibility with standard platforms;

Composition of technological operations of data input/output;

Hardware requirements of the software used;

Ergonomic requirements;

Economic forces;

Technological requirements for supporting work with a local area network;

Volumes of processed data and requirements for the speed of their processing.

In order to automate the collection and processing of data, it is necessary to design software that satisfies functional purpose workstation and select technical means that meet functional requirements(table 3).

Table 3 Characteristics of a PC for working in Access 2007

During the operation of the automated workplace of an employee of the department for the execution of administrative legislation of the traffic police of the city of N-ka, access to the database is carried out, Special attention need to pay attention to the selection criterion of technical support, such as capacity hard drive and processor manufacturer. However, other parameters computing system must be maintained at a level sufficient for normal operation. operating system level. The selected set of technical means is able to provide reliable performance information system, with the existing load.

Substantiation of design solutions for information support

Information support is a reflection of information arrays and flows of that subject area, for which the workstation is being designed. Information support includes a set unified system information flows - options for organizing workflow; classification and coding systems economic information; unified documentation system; various information arrays stored in machine media. off-machine Information Support includes system economic indicators, information flows, classification and coding system, documentation. Intramachine information support - system in a special way organized data to be automated processing, accumulation, storage, search, transmission in a form convenient for perception by technical means.

Information support of the developed workstation for an employee of the department for the execution of administrative legislation consists of the following main parts:

Off-machine information support, including input and output documents;

Intramachine information support, including processed information;

Intramachine information support, including conditionally permanent information (reference books).

Off-machine information support is predetermined and, therefore, is used in the problem being solved without change. In-machine information provision, including semi-permanent information, can be implemented using existing bases data from background information. In our case, such reference base the computer legal program Garant can serve, which includes all the regulatory documents that are required in the work of a specialist of any qualification.

The data formed into information arrays form information base data that is used to solve the problem. For efficient access to the database, it is necessary to define the model of the logical structure of the database.

In the design option, choose relational model, since it is the simplest and most familiar form of presenting data in a table. The most convenient variant of the database format for implementation is the format Microsoft Office, whose merits will be discussed in the next section.

Substantiation of software design decisions

General software (software) ensures the functioning computer science, development and connection of new programs. This includes operating systems, programming systems, and utilities.

The professional orientation of the workstation is determined by the functional part of the software (FPO). This is where the focus is on specific specialist, the solution of problems of certain subject areas is provided.

Professionals often have to work with large amounts of data in order to find the required information for the preparation of various documents. To facilitate this kind of work, database management systems (DBMS: DBASE, RBASE, ORACLE, etc.) were created. DBMS allow you to store large amounts of information, and, most importantly, quickly find the right data.

Our choice was DBMS Microsoft Access is the most popular desktop database management system today. Its success can be attributed to the excellent advertising campaign hosted by Microsoft or by incorporating it into the rich environment of the Microsoft Office family of products. The root of the success, most likely, lies in the excellent implementation of the product, designed for both novice and advanced users.

Despite their focus on end user, Language is present in Access Visual programming Basic for Application, which allows you to create arrays, your data types, call DLL functions, using OLE Automation to control the operation of applications that can function as OLE servers. You can even create entire databases with coding when the need arises.

Of all the considered development tools, MS Access has, perhaps, the richest set of visual tools.

The main quality of Access that attracted us is its tight integration with Microsoft Office. For example, copying the graphic image of the table to the clipboard, opening Microsoft Word and applying the paste from the buffer, we immediately get in the document finished table with data from the database. Besides, Access tables from the DBMS can be transferred and adapted to spreadsheet processor MS Excel. This operation also has the opposite effect.

All work with the database is done through the database container window. From here, access to all objects is provided, namely: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, modules.

Through ISAM drivers, you can access table files of some other formats: DBASE, Paradox, Excel, text files, FoxPro 2.x, and through ODBC technology - to files in many other formats.

A complex of enterprises aimed at providing troops with weapons and military equipment, missiles, ammunition and military equipment, maintaining them in good condition and ready for combat use, restoring weapons and military equipment (WME) in case of damage and returning them to service; type of support for military (combat) operations.

That. tasks are solved: planning, preparation and implementation of measures to create a scientific and technical reserve; development (modernization) of weapons, other military equipment and military-technical property; testing, mass production, acceptance, distribution and supply of weapons and military equipment; accumulation, separation, maintenance of stocks and provision of troops (forces) with them; operation and repair, storage, and disposal (liquidation) of weapons and military equipment; mobilization training of technical support bodies; professional training of engineering and technical staff and junior specialists.

That. subdivided into: missile and technical support, engineering and aviation support, engineering and missile support, artillery and technical support, tank and technical support, automotive support, radiation, chemical and biological protection, T.o. communications and automated control systems, thus. for rear services, metrological support.

The technical support of combat operations of the Strategic Missile Forces is a set of measures to provide troops with missile weapons (RVO) and other equipment, maintain them in good condition and in the established degree of technical (combat) readiness for combat use (use for their intended purpose).

Purpose T.o. - achieving and maintaining at the required level the values ​​​​of indicators of the technical (combat) readiness and reliability of RVO and other equipment that guarantee the combat use of missile weapons (R.O.) for the entire period of combat duty at any time or in set time with a given efficiency. Achieved through organization unified management process of functioning of all constituent parts That.

Main tasks T.o. in the Strategic Missile Forces: organization and implementation of effective management of all types of TO; order, control of the development and manufacture of RVO and other military equipment; staffing formations (parts) with missile weapons and equipment and property; operation of missile weapons and military equipment; technical support for the use of missile weapons and military equipment and their use for their intended purpose with a given efficiency; ensuring the survivability of weapons and other equipment in the conduct of hostilities; ensuring safe and trouble-free conditions for the operation of missile weapons and military equipment and compliance with environmental safety requirements; training of personnel for solving technical support tasks at the stages of advance and direct preparation and during the conduct of hostilities; ensuring the safety of weapons and military equipment; ensuring the life of personnel at all stages life cycle missile systems.

That. in the Strategic Missile Forces, it is organized by the Deputy Commanders of the Strategic Missile Forces and the commander (commander) of an armament formation (formation, unit) and is carried out in all types of activities of the Rocket Forces. Instructions of the deputy commander of the formation (unit) for armaments on issues of Т.о. are obligatory for the commanders of units (subdivisions) and chiefs of services (departments) of the formation (unit).

Types of T.o. subdivided into main and types of technical support general purpose. The main type is missile support (RTO). The types of general-purpose technical support include artillery and technical support, tank technical support, automotive technical support, engineering and aviation support, engineering and technical support, electronic warfare technical support, NBC protection technical support, communications and automated control systems technical support, rear services technical support, metrological support. Their goal is to create conditions for the effective functioning of missile-technical, as well as combat and logistics support by maintaining the equipment and other technical materiel of the relevant services of formations (formations, units) in readiness for their intended use.

Under the technical support understand the composition, forms and methods of operation of various technical devices needed to complete information procedures: collection, registration, transfer, storage, processing and use of information.
The elements of technical support include: a set of technical
means, organizational forms of use of technical means, personnel who work on technical means, instructional materials on the use of technology.
The complex of technical means is a set of interconnected technical means intended for automated data processing.
The requirements for the CTC are as follows: high performance; reliability; defence from unauthorized access; efficiency of functioning at admissible cost characteristics; minimization of acquisition and operation costs; reliability; protection against unauthorized access; rational distribution by processing levels.
The complex of technical means includes:
A. Means of collecting and recording information: automatic sensors and counters for fixing the occurrence of any events, for calculating the values ​​of individual indicators; scales, watches and other measuring devices; personal computers for entering information of documents and recording it on machine media; scanners for automatic reading of data from documents and their transformation into graphic, digital and text representation. />B. Complex of means of information transmission: computer networks(local, regional, global); means of telegraph communication; radio communication; courier service, etc.
B. Storage media: magnetic disks(removable, stationary); laser discs; magneto-optical disks; DVD discs(digital video discs).
D. Data processing tools or computers, which are divided into classes: micro-computers; small computers; mainframe computers; supercomputer.
They differ in technical and operational parameters (memory capacity, speed, etc.).
D. Information output means: video monitors; printers; plotters.
E. Means of organizational technology: production, copying, processing and destruction of documents; special means(ATMs), detectors for counting banknotes and checking their authenticity, etc.).
Currently on information market a variety of computers are offered, ranging from pocket PCs to supercomputers.
Personal Pocket Computers (PCs) complete with cell phone, fax modem and mobile printer provide corporate users with a full-fledged mobile electronic office, allowing to implement remote access to the object's local network.
Pocket PC companies include Psion, Apple Computer, 3Com, and others. Windows systems CE. For example, Microsoft has developed a Pocket PC that has: a pop-up on-screen keyboard, Pocket Outlook information system, Voice Recorder, offline Internet Channel Browser, Active-Sync wireless infrared communication software for desktop PC. Pocket PCs usually have RAM not less than 4 MB, and their weight does not exceed 200 g. Some are equipped with a liquid crystal display, a barcode scanner.
Notebook PCs ( laptop computers, laptops), first appearing on the market in 1981, progressed rapidly: their weight was reduced from 11 kg to 2 kg with a sharp increase in functional, graphic, service and technical capabilities, equipped with Intel Celeron microprocessors, Intel Pentium III, SVGA and thin film transistor (TFT) displays, CD-ROM drives, DVD-ROM, etc.
PCs introduced since 1998 in the field of automation household(Home PC) covered a wide range of areas - from equipping the alarm system, electronics and energy resources in the house to watering home flowers, fulfilling orders in stores, maintaining Email, home bookkeeping etc. A number of companies have put forward strategies for the development of this class of PCs aimed at facilitating the transfer of digital multimedia data, access to audio systems, televisions and other electronics (refrigerators, washing and other machines, air conditioning) at any point in a residential building.
Basic desktop PCs under $2,000 have since 1995 become the broadest class of PCs for users from different areas activities. These PCs are based on powerful versions microprocessors - Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium III, AMD K6, Pentium IV, etc.
Key factors influencing the choice of desktop PCs for a solution economic tasks: Establishing the purpose of using the computer. Belonging of the purchased computer to the UM RS family. Technical and operational characteristics (speed, memory and
etc.). Price depending on the assembly ("red", "yellow", "white"). Warranty for at least three years. Preparedness of personnel for the use of equipment. Possibility of technical support of the computer - " hotline". Safety when working with a PC. Satisfaction with the conditions of competitive selection (FZ No. 94).
networked computers are an evolution of the basic desktop PC with reduced network support costs, integration remote control based on various equipment and software complex.
Server entry level can support small (up to 40 users) local network.
Multiprocessor workstations and servers high level distinguish 2-8 most productive processors. They are mainly focused on meeting the needs e-business: ensuring the security of data transmission over the Internet, round-the-clock service for customer orders, simplifying Internet access, reducing the cost of Internet communications, etc.
However, a number of tasks related to meteorology, military affairs, the atomic sphere, etc. are solved only with the help of supercomputers and cluster systems.
The combination of machines that acts as a single entity for the operating system, system software, application programs and users is called cluster system.
Organizational forms of computer use
Ways of using a computer are usually called organizational forms of using machines. In practice, they are of two types:
Computing centers.
Local workstations and computer networks.
Computing centers are used on large enterprises, banks, government bodies. These are specific information processing enterprises. They are equipped with large and ultra-large computers, and mini-computers, micro-computers are used as auxiliary ones. The CC has a management system (manuals), departments for setting tasks, programming, machine maintenance, as well as production units: groups for receiving documents, transferring information to media, administration of data banks, information release, reproduction of materials, etc.
For workstations of specialists, it is typical to place computers at workplaces, according to separate sections works.

More on the topic Hardware and its composition:


Organization and implementation of technical correct use, maintenance, repair of military equipment in order to maintain it in constant readiness for use; type of support for combat operations of troops (forces).
Technical support is carried out by types of military equipment and is divided into engineering-missile, engineering-aviation, engineering-radioelectrotechnical, tank-technical, artillery-technical, ship-technical, technical support of systems and means of communication, autotechnical, engineering-technical, chemical-technical, technical support for rear services, metrological, etc. The main measures of technical support are: organization of the technical correct operation of military equipment; timely carrying out of its evacuation and repair; provision of troops (forces) with military equipment and technical equipment; organization of the development of technology by personnel (see Technical training) and management of the forces and means of technical support. The implementation of technical support measures is carried out by special units and subunits. These include: maintenance units, repair and recovery and repair and restoration units and units, repair shops, mobile and stationary repair plants, warehouses and bases with stocks of various technical equipment. Technical support units and subunits may be part of associations, formations and units or attached to them.
Maintenance of military equipment during its use (storage) in accordance with the established frequency is carried out by the crews (calculations, drivers), as well as the personnel of the involved technical support units. In this case, in the first place, refueling of vehicles with fuel and lubricants, replenishment of ammunition and elimination of identified malfunctions are carried out. Repair and evacuation of military equipment is carried out by repair and evacuation units, units and institutions. In accordance with their purpose, they carry out current, medium or major repairs. Mobile and stationary repair plants carry out major repairs. Evacuation units evacuate damaged, stuck (sunken) military equipment, concentrate it on evacuation routes or in areas where repair units and subunits are deployed, at loading stations for shipment to stationary plants, and also participate in the organization of rescue and evacuation services when troops overcome water barriers and in ensuring the passage of hard-to-reach areas of the terrain. Warehouses and technical property bases are designed to provide troops (forces), repair units (subdivisions, institutions), repair plants with the necessary spare parts, materials, tools and equipment; in the course of hostilities, mobile depots and bases are deployed and moved along with other rear subunits and units in accordance with the evolving situation.
Technical support is organized on the basis of the decision of the commander (commander) and the instructions of the senior chief in the service. At the same time, measures are determined to ensure the reliability of the operation of military equipment, the place and timing of these measures, the composition of the groupings of repair and evacuation equipment put forward to provide troops (forces), their tasks, the distribution of stocks of technical equipment, measures for the protection and defense of units and subdivisions of the technical provision, measures for technical training personnel. When organizing technical support, first of all, measures are taken to restore the combat capability of troops (forces).

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