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Coursework: Information support of organization management. Organization of information support for management

In order to make effective management decisions in the conditions of the dynamic development of a market economy, an enterprise needs an appropriate information support system that objectively reflects the current economic situation. Information support is not only the key to the success and competitiveness of the company, but sometimes acts as a means of survival in the face of fierce competition. Management information support is the connection of information with enterprise management systems and the management process as a whole. It can be considered not only as a whole, covering all management functions, but also for individual functional management activities, such as forecasting and planning, accounting and analysis. This makes it possible to highlight the specific points inherent in the information support of functional management, while revealing at the same time its general properties, which makes it possible to direct research in depth. In modern conditions, information support has become an important area, which consists in the collection and processing of information necessary for making informed management decisions. The transfer of information about the position and activities of the company to the highest level of management and the mutual exchange of information between all interconnected divisions of the company are carried out on the basis of modern electronic computers and other technical means of communication. Integrated personnel management systems can be used to automate the work of the personnel department, planning, economic and accounting departments, personnel training at any enterprise. What is the basis of management activity? First of all, this is office work, covering the process of creating documents and organizing work with them. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole depends on how the workflow is organized at the enterprise. The quality of enterprise management is influenced by factors such as the efficiency and quality of document generation, reception and transmission of information, the consistency of the work of the reference and information service, the clear organization of storage, search and use of documents.

Thus, workflow automation is necessary for:

  • - formation of a complete picture of what is happening at the enterprise;
  • - coordinated work of all departments;
  • - improving the quality of customer service;
  • - effective use of human, communication, investment and other production resources.

For the first time, the requirements for working with documents were described by M. M. Speransky in 1811. He developed a methodology for conducting office work in public institutions and became the founder of the science that studies the laws of office work - document management.

The basic principles and tasks of document management have remained virtually unchanged to date. With the development of civilization, the introduction of the achievements of science and technology into everyday life, office equipment began to be used in office work. And, finally, when the computer replaced the typewriter, and correspondence became possible without the use of envelopes and postage stamps, it became quite obvious that today, when working with information, one cannot do without the use of the latest information technologies:

  • - systems in client-server architecture;
  • - scanning and text recognition systems;
  • - database management systems;
  • - document search systems;
  • - Internet/Intranet.

A number of programs offered on the market have their own specifics.

A feature of the complex of programs developed by MonolitInfo, for example, is the possibility of multi-currency accounting, multilingualism and orientation to international accounting standards (GAAP, etc.), which determines its popularity among joint ventures and foreign enterprises. The LockOffice system noticeably stands out among other offers in that it allows you to ensure the work of remote branches. However, this system is implemented on the Raima Data Manager database management system, which is not relational, does not support data distribution and transaction replication. These and other properties of the Raima database do not allow implementing a reliable management system for a dynamically developing medium or large company on its basis. However, for enterprises that do not provide for significant growth and business complexity, it is of particular interest. 1C programs have become widespread, so they deserve special attention. They combine an affordable price and good features. The introduction of programs of this family begins, as a rule, with the program "1C: Accounting".

To automate the warehouse, trade, there are appropriate programs. However, they are not ready-made products that could work successfully without customization, which is not easy to do on your own. A set of initial basic procedures, as a rule, does not meet the needs of a particular business. To set up and maintain the 1C: Trade system, it is expected to involve regional representatives of the developer. The implementation of "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Trade" often already costs customers $50, but sometimes it's cheaper to pay even that amount than to sort out the problem on your own. In the work of a manager at the present time, more and more often one can meet objects that make up the concept of new information technology. It is understood as a set of fundamentally new means and methods of data processing introduced into organizational management systems, which are integral technological systems and ensure the purposeful creation, transfer, storage and display of an information product (ideas, knowledge) at the lowest cost and in accordance with the laws of that social environment. where this technology is being developed.

The transition to new information technologies is justified if it is the result of a fundamental rethinking and radical re-planning of the corporation's activities in order to dramatically improve cost-critical indicators - quality, service and speed of production processes. The emergence of a new, information society, is seen by many only on the basis of the use of new information technologies. With the advent and mass introduction of computer networks and means of modern communication, the concept of the workplace has changed dramatically. If earlier the latter was associated with a place at the machine or a table in an institution, today the “workplace” is rather not a place of work, but the means by which it is carried out. These include a mobile phone, a laptop with a modem, and a mini printer. Thus, any room where there is a power outlet becomes a workplace. The ability to use a personal computer has now become part of the modern management culture. And this is not in vain - the computer allows you to save huge amounts of money that, under the traditional system of labor organization, would have been spent on the maintenance of various departments that performed utilitarian functions not related to the production process.

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The concept of information support. Solving substantive problems is not

possible without the implementation of auxiliary (supporting) activities that do not directly pursue normatively defined goals, but are necessary to achieve them. One of these activities is Information Support. This term will denote regular activities to obtain an information product or provide information services. Let's consider the content and give definitions of the main components of the concept of “information support”.

information need. The need for information support is caused by the fact that the vast majority of the tasks of the subjects of activity are characterized by information uncertainty and arise when the state of awareness of the employees of the organization about the significant elements of the surrounding reality does not allow to effectively solve the tasks of objective activity. In other words, the discrepancy between the actual and desired state of awareness gives rise to the problem of obtaining information of a certain quality, i.e. information that meets the needs of the subject area. From the above reasoning, it follows that information need- this is a certain state of the subject of objective activity, arising in connection with the need to obtain data that ensures decision-making in objective activity. Or otherwise: information need- a conscious understanding of the difference between individual knowledge about the subject and the knowledge accumulated by society.

In other words, under the information need we will understand the totality of those information (data) that are necessary for the effective functioning of the organization (department, employee). The content of any object, as already mentioned, is determined by the goals for which it is created. Thus, the primary, determining information needs, are the goals of the functioning of the organization.

The problem of defining, describing, measuring the information needs of employees is one of the main problems of information support in the complex. Only having determined the characteristics of the information needs of users, it is possible to formulate the requirements for information support, the composition and functions of the information system.

Purpose of information support . Information needs determine the purpose of information support, which is to provide employees (users) with information of the required quality within the specified time limits and within the framework of the existing technical and organizational and regular organization structure, legal regulation and financing. The concept of information quality (information support) will be discussed below.

Information support subject . As a subject of information

The organization can be supported by:

- specialized units, such as information centers, technical and other units that provide access to information resources or communication tools;

- employees of the organization (at the same time, information support takes the form of self-sufficiency).

Information support object . Strictly speaking, the object of in-

formational support is the psychophysiological state of personal or group awareness of significant (i.e., within the competence of the objective activity of the organization) elements of the surrounding reality. However, if we exclude from consideration issues related to the perception, understanding, interpretation and presentation of information, then the degree of awareness is determined by the availability of high-quality information.

Such a simplification is possible because in our course, the emphasis is on the technical and organizational aspects of information support. Therefore, it is less correct, but quite acceptable, to consider an employee or a group of employees of an organization united according to some attribute as an object of information support.

Information support environment . Structuring the most important components is a necessary but not sufficient condition for understanding the essence of activity, since it does not take into account a number of factors that are not directly included in the concept, but create a certain environment (environment) in which the activity is carried out.

The environment of activity is sphere of dominance and unmanaged sphere. In the general case, the sphere of dominance will include the means (resources) that the subject of activity has at his disposal, and the elements of the surrounding reality that he can influence.

The unmanaged sphere is formed by a group of elements that the subject of activity cannot influence, but which must be taken into account in the form of restrictions. Within the sphere of dominance and the unmanaged sphere, a sufficient set of actions (procedures) is determined to solve the problem.

For an adequate description of the environment, let us define in more detail the scope of restrictions and the scope of dominance of the subject of information support. Let us single out and represent in formal records the components of the environment that are most significant in terms of achieving the goal of information support:

M * =(M p ,M h ,M r ),

C * =(C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 ,C 4 ).

In (1.1), M * is the sphere of dominance; M p are the technical means of performing information procedures; M h is the organization's personnel implementing information procedures; M r are material resources.

In (1.2) C * - information support conditions; C 1 - legal framework (orders, instructions, instructions); C 2 - an organized set of methods and

rules for working with information; C 3 - control signals; C 4 - interference. Schematic representation of the information support of the organization

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1. Theoretical provisions

1.1 Problems of informatization of the enterprise management process

1.2 Features of information technology at different levels of enterprise management

1.3 Strategic planning and enterprise management

1.4 Features of ensuring the quality of information in strategic management

2. Assessment and analysis of the use of modern information tools in enterprises

2.1 Assessment and analysis of the state of information tools in the Russian Federation

2.2 Assessment of the strategic environment for the functioning of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

2.3 Diagnostic analysis and design of information flows in the system of strategic planning and enterprise management

3. Implementation of an electronic document management system

3.1 Formation of requirements for the electronic document management system

3.2 Choosing an electronic document management system

3.3 Economic justification of the developed project




At the present stage of industrial development, management information support acts as a full-fledged resource of strategic importance.

Managers must comprehensively evaluate the information support of the management of companies. This is associated with significant costs for its creation and improvement. Each enterprise needs to form a full-fledged and balanced information system, which would be equipped with modern software that fully meets modern standards. Its individual elements must be integrated into a closed network. Attention should also be paid to the professional training of employees in this area.

Information technology at the moment is a full-fledged tool that allows you to objectively make responsible decisions regarding the introduction of the latest types of products into the production process, the leading technological methods for their manufacture and the effective redistribution of enterprise resources, etc.

Information technologies in the current conditions are necessary in order to optimize the resource management processes that a modern enterprise has. This makes it possible to carry out its activities more efficiently. The extent to which the information potential of the organization is involved in the conduct of business activities of the company depends on its productivity and success.

The main difficulty for the productive activity of the company is the choice of the most appropriate strategy and its ability to adapt to a rapidly developing market. Constant monitoring and analysis of information about the state and capabilities of the company in today's market, allows you to make the right decisions and effectively manage its business activities. It is necessary to develop and integrate a system for planning the company's activities, taking into account its future prospects. In this case, one of the most important subsystems of management is a full-fledged information support.

In connection with the growth of competition between enterprises, the instability of external factors, a special approach is needed to the choice of the latest methods of managing the activities of companies and its planning. This causes changes in the ways of collecting information and in its analysis.

The toolkit with which information support is created is distinguished by the presence of various methods of analysis. It takes into account the intricacy of the processes taking place at the macroeconomic level, their significance in carrying out individual operations of economic activity, and rapidly changing external factors. Thanks to these methods, it is possible to choose from a variety of options for different solutions one, the most acceptable.

This research topic is very relevant today. This is confirmed by the presence of various contradictions in the formed system. As well as discrepancies in the requirements for this system.

The main purpose of this study is to develop practical recommendations for the analysis of the information support system for the management activities of an enterprise and for the creation of an effective information support system for the management activities of an enterprise.

Based on the goal, the objectives of this study are as follows:

study of the role of information support in the management of the enterprise;

· assessment and analysis of the use of modern information support in enterprises;

diagnostics and design of information flows in the management system of an agro-industrial enterprise and substantiation of directions for their rationalization;

· development of a mechanism for analysis and design of information support for management activities;

· implementation of the developed mechanism for information support of management activities on the example of an enterprise.

The object of this study is the enterprise of the agro-industrial complex.

And its subject is a complex of organizational and economic relations that appear in the course of the formation and integration of the information support system for the management activities of the organization.

Scientific novelty lies in the development of a mechanism for the analysis and design of information support for management activities.

Work structure. The dissertation research includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list consisting of 26 sources.

1 . Theoretical Provisions

1. 1 Problems of informatization of the enterprise management process

Each firm, regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity, must daily make various decisions regarding the release of a particular product, the provision of services, and relationships with potential consumers. To make a decision, the management of the company needs initial information. Information can be obtained in various ways from sources that are external or internal to the firm.

Informatization of company management is an organizational process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs based on the formation and use of information resources through modern information technologies and a developed infrastructure.

The following is typical:

Informatization of management processes is individual for each company, affects only its activities;

Decision-making by the manager or managerial units is based on certain pre-obtained information. At the same time, the informatization process is as important as the production of goods or the provision of services. Informatization can and should be considered the same activity as offering a new type of product to the market;

Not only the receipt of certain data necessary for making a specific decision is taken into consideration, but all processes, one way or another connected with the circulation of information in the company.

For a company operating in the harsh and sometimes cruel conditions of modern business, management informatization becomes a vital factor that provides a competitive advantage. The company must have all the necessary information about the state of affairs within the company itself, about the situation on the market, in related, supplying and trading areas of activity. If the company does not have the necessary, and most importantly, reliable information, it is impossible to make high-quality decisions that predetermine work in the short or long term.

At the current time, the process of collecting and transforming the collected information into management decisions has been greatly simplified. Paper media have been replaced by computers, wireless and cellular communications.

Each company is interested in obtaining the necessary, reliable and sufficient information to work in modern conditions. The main tasks of each company are:

Providing management and management processes with all the information necessary for full-fledged functioning:

Information flow management; separation of flows directly related to the firm;

Ensuring the ability to process the information received, regardless of the level of its receipt;

Providing access to information to interested users.

Figure 1 shows the scheme of informatization of management.

Information resources are a collection of data organized to obtain reliable information; documents and arrays of documents, separate and in information systems.

Figure 1 - Components of informatization of company management

Information space - a set of information resources, information systems and communication environment.

The information space includes:

Information Systems;

Means and technologies that allow to exchange information, transfer it through communication channels;

The infrastructure necessary for the exchange of information, collection and systematization of data.

Information culture is understood as a certain set of skills and methods, including the use of modern computer technology, which allows receiving information, processing it, systematizing and transmitting it through communication channels.

Information is a multifaceted and ambiguous concept. Information means:

A tool that allows you to organize communication at various levels, including between the control and managed systems;

Means to inform society, consumers, suppliers about the work of the company, the goods or services offered;

A means of obtaining data from an environment external to the firm.

Informatization of management allows the company to receive all the necessary and sufficient information regarding both the work of this company and the external environment. Various sources, resources, technologies and channels, technical and software tools are used to meet the information needs. All this allows the company to receive better and more reliable information for making management decisions regarding both current work and the long term.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that management informatization is a purposeful work aimed at obtaining and generating information designed to make the necessary decisions. Informatization of management involves the use of modern software and hardware as a working tool for management personnel at all levels.

The current period of time can be considered the end of the era of industrial society and the beginning of the era of post-industrial or information society. Information is becoming almost the main resource in any field of activity. New information technologies, methods of receiving and transmitting data are actively developing. This process is called informatization.

If we talk about informatization in relation to the management of a company, it is necessary to highlight the following:

Conditions must be created for receiving and processing information. Conditions can be legal, economic, technical, technological, etc. The firm must be able to obtain the necessary information with minimal time and material costs;

The firm must have all the necessary software, hardware for obtaining, processing, storing, converting and processing information and data;

The firm must take measures to constantly and steadily develop structures and mechanisms to provide management structures with the information necessary for decision-making;

The firm must use information resources to make decisions not on a one-time basis, but constantly and purposefully.

It is important to note that management informatization has a direct impact on business development, and the development of a company necessarily affects the development of the general level of management informatization. It is important to highlight two points here:

Information systems, technologies should not exist separately from the company, they should be integrated into a common system;

The company should not only observe the development of information technologies from the outside, but should actively use them in their daily work.

At this point in time, there is no single way to introduce information systems and technologies into the work of a particular company. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work, the organizational structure, the structure and nature of management, the policy pursued, the presence of traditions in the company, and much more. The firm's external environment also has an impact.

In its work, the company can no longer focus on only one factor, for example, on the current demand for goods or services. The situation on the market is constantly changing, the competitive environment is changing. And the firm must change following external and internal changes. Only in this case you can:

Provide potential customers with exactly the product they are waiting for;

Keep up with the leading companies in this sector of the economy, maintain their positions and market share;

Expand the range of products and services, improve technologies;

To ensure that employees fulfill their tasks, realize their creative potential, and contribute to solving the problems facing the company;

Develop the most promising business areas.

The firm should pay due attention to the development, construction and use of information systems. Only in this case it is possible to respond in a timely manner to changes in the external environment of the organization, to make adjustments to the development strategy.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the company should pay the necessary attention to establishing interaction between individual units, with the external environment.

1. 2 Features of information technology at different levels of managemententerprise

Most enterprises and organizations operating in modern conditions are characterized by the presence of three levels of management:

Strategic. Decisions are made regarding the long-term development of the enterprise;

Tactical. A decision may be made, for example, to withdraw any type of product from production;

Operational. Decisions are made regarding the day-to-day operation of the organization.

Every organization, regardless of the type of activity, is faced daily with the need to process large amounts of information, often repetitive, of the same type. For this, automated systems are used, mainly of the transactional type. A transaction is an elementary act of economic activity (registration, acceptance of payments, issuance of invoices, issuance of certificates, etc.).

For transactional machines and systems, several main tasks can be distinguished:

Fixing the facts of the economic life of the organization;

Preparation of the necessary information for making managerial decisions. Information can be in the format of reports indicating the planned and current values ​​of various indicators. This may be information on the most important projects or orders.

Among the most popular and in-demand AIS of the transaction type are the following systems: "ZAGS", "BTI", "Voenkomat", "Info-Accountant", "WinCMeTa", "1C", etc.

The most modern systems of the transactional type allow processing incoming information in real time.

The operational level of management is characterized by the adoption of structured decisions, which are based on well-defined algorithms and calculations.

The tactical level of decision-making is characterized by the use of more general information related to a particular area. The tactical level is the middle one between operational and strategic. The task of the AIS at this level includes both the processing of the received primary data and the implementation of the tasks set at the level of strategic planning.

Among the most important and essential tasks of the AIS at this level are the calculation of current indicators, a comparative analysis with previous periods, and the storage of the received data for later use.

Decisions made at the tactical level are semi-structured. On the one hand, they are based on available information, on the other hand, the manager prefers to use his own knowledge and experience as a base.

The tactical level is characterized by the use of the following types of AIS:

Office software for managers, secretaries and other employees.

The software may contain managerial information systems that allow you to automate the processes of decision-making, planning a working day or week. The main objective of this software is to automate routine tasks related to collecting information and generating reports for management. A number of software packages allow you to analyze the situation in case of deviations from the plan. As an example of such software, we can name programs designed for accounting services operating on the basis of the "client-server" architecture.

This type of software is mainly used as part of corporate information systems. Organizations prefer that all structures that have access to information processing or decision making work in a single system, which will avoid discrepancies and distortion of data when transferred between departments. Systems at this level may support structured or unstructured decision making. All systems are based on the processing of data received from outside and the use of various statistical or optimization models, in particular, OLAP systems, software for group information processing, navigation systems, etc. The main task of this software is to process the available information and obtain based on it new data important for a particular organization.

The strategic level of management involves the development of decisions regarding the activities of the organization in the long term. Accordingly, information for prior periods is summarized and is not subject to frequent use. Decisions made at the strategic level are unstructured.

At this level, automated information systems are faced with the task of obtaining information about new technologies and developments in a certain area, innovations in management activities. The user gets the opportunity to use various models to predict the situation and choose the best solution regarding the operation of the enterprise. Forecasts, information from outside the organization, including from insider sources in competing organizations, are used as sources of information.

Software and information systems designed for use at the level of strategic management are among the most complex.

Systems of this level give the user the following features:

Make decisions regarding the day-to-day activities of the organization. Either the established regulations or the management traditions in the organization are taken as a basis. Reports are generated for a certain period, for meetings of the board of directors, etc. The data necessary for generating a report and making a decision must be provided by subordinate services;

Make decisions regarding long-term work in a particular segment of the economy. The information necessary for decision-making is obtained from sources external to this organization, in particular, from competing organizations, official statistics, etc. Based on the data received, various scenarios for the development of events are worked out. Then the manager can choose the best option for a particular organization.

1. 3 Strategic planningand managemententerprise

In conditions of fierce market competition, the launch of new products on the market can only be successful if there is a full-fledged action plan, since market relations provide for a high degree of rigidity. Existence in the market is possible under the condition of constant monitoring of the external situation, including the magnitude of consumer demand, the volume of supply in the market, indicators of profitability of production, the magnitude of production costs, price levels, the extent of competition, and so on. As a result, it can be stated that production and economic activity is under the constant influence of a large number of time-varying factors.

On the basis of this, for any economic entity, it is required to establish a clear nature of activity in the industrial and social sphere, that is, to create an action plan for a certain time interval. All this suggests that in a market economy, planning not only does not lose its role, but also acquires new features, becoming an integral part of the management system.

The need for full-fledged planning in market conditions is explained by several fundamental factors. Among them:

· Public orientation of industrial activity;

· Application of a complex system of relations between participants in market relations;

· The need for rationalization of sectoral proportions;

· Minimal ability of the market to self-regulate, especially in times of crisis;

· Performance of the state as a full-fledged subject of relations in the economy.

Strategic planning and management is the basis of the activities of any organization, regardless of the profile and form of ownership.

Based on the development strategy, one can choose development paths, determine primary and auxiliary tasks. The purpose of the strategy is to strengthen the position of the organization in the market, obtaining competitive advantages.

But for an organization, not only the fact of having a development strategy is important, but also the quality of the strategy, the ability not only to follow the intended path, but also to modify it when external influences change.

The head, as well as the meeting of directors, when developing a strategy, must take into account many different factors that can affect the work of the organization in both the short and long term. To reduce the volume of manual calculations, various mathematical models and software tools are used to analyze the situation, identify the best ways to achieve goals, and minimize risks. Equally important, software tools allow you to calculate the budget required to implement each of the strategies, taking into account the inflation component.

Strategic planning provides the basis for all management decisions. The functions of organization, motivation and control are focused on the development of strategic plans.

All subsequent management decisions will be based on the development strategy adopted for implementation.

1. 4 Features of ensuring the quality of information in strategic management

In this case, information is understood as messages covering the situation in one direction or another.

Information provisioning is a definition with many facets. Firstly, it is a set of interrelated elements built on the basis of certain rules and principles into a single technology that allows you to transform incoming information into forms that are optimal for use in management activities.

Secondly, it is processed information intended for transmission to the addressee in order to satisfy his emerging need for information. And thirdly, information support should be considered as an integral element of control automation systems, acting instead of support in the field of software products, technical solutions, and so on.

In general, information support acts as a complex process that operates in dynamics and is focused on providing representatives of the managerial level with complete data for making objective management decisions.

The information support is based on the combination of the scientific and methodological base with the existing advanced technical means, which together ensure maximum efficiency. In turn, in strategic management, information support is understood as the full satisfaction of emerging needs for information needed for making managerial decisions. Ensuring this process is possible only if there is a fully functioning information system.

Active introduction of information systems at enterprises is possible only in cases where enterprises have a specific interest and incentive for their use. Otherwise, all attempts to implement and subsequently obtain a socio-economic effect are doomed to failure.

Thus, carrying out informatization should contribute to the acquisition of a specific economic effect or advantage by the business. It is possible to determine such an effect only by comparing the amount of costs for the implementation of the project with the amount of the benefits received from the implementation. In the process of evaluating these factors, it is required to analyze three main components: the amount of funds necessary for the functioning of the system, the amount of funds spent in the implementation process, the impact of the information system being created on the value of the main risks of the enterprise.

In turn, the total cash flow considers the difference in the costs of information support at the present time and before the implementation of the project, the change in the value of production costs after the implementation of the system, as well as the change in the amount of income received by the company after the implementation of the information system.

Practice shows that at the initial stages of implementation it is not possible to estimate the real value of the future cash flow with high accuracy. In turn, the overall results of implementation can be determined on the basis of the tasks set in the process of implementing a project in the field of creating an information system.

For example, the introduction of a control automation system in production allows us to talk about an increase in the quality of products, a reduction in the number of emergency and emergency situations, a reduction in the consumption of raw materials and energy resources, and a reduction in labor costs. At the same time, the level of safety in production is increasing, where automation is gradually replacing manual labor.

The implementation of automation processes in the field of financial and economic management is characterized by a decrease in the value of inventories, work in progress, optimization of production due to an increase in the consistency of interaction, and optimization of supplies. At the same time, overall performance indicators are increased by eliminating the stage of organizing control over credentials.

The above results have a positive impact on the performance of the organization, which is significant from the point of view of the strategic management of the enterprise.

2. Evaluation and analysis of the use of modern information tools in enterprises

2.1 Assessment and analysis of the state offormational toolsin Russia

This section discusses the results of the analysis of the transition to the use of information technology in making managerial decisions by enterprises.

The transition to the information society at the regional level in Russia involves the creation of large-scale systems for storing, processing, and receiving information. To do this, it is necessary to introduce and actively use data transmission systems, both wired and wireless, everywhere.

If we imagine that the totality of all possible elements of the infrastructure that ensures the transfer, storage and processing of data and information is an information tool, then we can distinguish individual elements, such as:

Telecommunication networks providing data transmission;

Computer networks united by production, territorial or other principle;

Switches that provide the user with access to remote information;

Server stations, etc.

It is important to note that computer networks, server stations, information transmission lines may belong to individuals, enterprises, government agencies.

Below is a diagram that reflects the costs of industrial enterprises for the purchase and implementation of information technology, communication tools. The scheme was compiled according to the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service - Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Dynamics of the distribution of expenses incurred by the country's industrial enterprises for the purchase and implementation of informatization tools in the period from 1995 to 2015 in percentage terms

Based on the data presented in the figure, the following stages can be distinguished in the process of introducing information technologies in Russia:

1. The beginning of the first stage refers to the end of the 90s of the XX century. Experts and researchers believe that this stage ended by 2010. The characteristic features of this stage are the acquisition of computers, the transition to work in the conditions of local computer networks belonging to an enterprise or other organization. It is important to note that by 2010 most enterprises had already purchased the necessary software and hardware. This may explain some of the decrease in the cost of purchasing new equipment and data processing technologies. By 2010, at least 93.8% of the total number of industrial enterprises operating in Russia processed data using computers. At least 82.4% of the total number of enterprises used the Internet for various needs.

A distinctive feature of this stage is the shortage of qualified programmers and specialists capable of maintaining computer networks and software at the proper level. The shortage was caused by the mass departure of many programmers abroad. At the same time, educational institutions in Russia use outdated technologies and equipment that have already been taken out of service.

At the same time, many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that it is enough to invite an outside specialist once to set up an information network. Only very large enterprises and concerns open their own IT departments.

2. At this stage, the owners and managers of enterprises are beginning to understand that the computer can be used not only for sending out commercial offers, but also as a means of providing a managerial function. ICT is no longer just a means of processing information and is moving into the category of tools that provide decision-making at various levels.

A significant part of managers no longer consider informatization as the need to connect a computer once. Informatization becomes continuous in time. Enterprises are actively introducing new information products and systems. At the same time, it is important to highlight that an increasing number of enterprises prefer to open their own IT department than to turn to third-party specialists.

To date, virtually no hardware or software is produced in Russia. Almost 100% of the used server, computer software is imported from abroad. At least 75% of all software used was also developed outside of Russia. At the same time, the qualifications of domestic IT specialists are such that they serve all software and hardware systems, regardless of the place of production.

In 2016, Russian enterprises spent more than half a billion rubles on the purchase of computers, information technology and other products, but only about 5% of this amount is spent on the purchase of software developed in Russia.

At the same time, it is important to note that many software and other IT products created in Russia are also actively sold outside of Russia. The annual export of IT products is 4 billion US dollars.

If even 10 years ago Russian entrepreneurs did not consider it necessary to spend money on the purchase of computers, information technologies, then at the current time the situation has changed significantly. Enterprises significantly increase the cost of acquiring IT products, taking into account the fact that the use of high-quality information systems contributes to increased profits.

In 2014, PCWeek magazine conducted a study on the costs of large Russian enterprises for the purchase of IT products. The study found that in 2014, at least 35% of the total number of surveyed enterprises considered it necessary to increase the cost of maintaining the IT structure compared to 2013. 15% of the total respondents reported that spending in 2014 was lower than in 2013. 29% of respondents noted that there was an increase in expenses compared to 2013, but not significant.

During the study, it was revealed that small and medium-sized businesses have become more active in acquiring and using IT technologies. In 2014, at least 50% of the total number of respondents answered that the costs were higher than in previous years.

Many experts attribute this increase in spending by small businesses to the advent of cloud computing. At least 46% of respondents reported that they plan to switch to working with cloud services in the near future. Cloud services (mainly based on SaaS technology) assume that the user can access their data from any device connected to the Internet.

Small businesses that are unable to maintain their own IT departments prefer to enter into contracts with third parties for the maintenance of software and hardware. As the company "Marketvisio" found out in the course of research, at least 22.3% of the total number of enterprises operating in Russia do not create their own IT departments, but turn to outsourcing services. As surveys showed in 2014, at least 25.8% of respondents planned to increase the cost of concluding contracts with third parties.

The attitude towards software systems designed for decision-making at various levels of management is also changing. If earlier the SAP software product was excessively expensive for the majority of Russian enterprises, then in 2013 395 contracts were concluded, involving the introduction of SAP products in Russia. Of the total number of signed contracts, 215 are with enterprises classified as small or medium-sized businesses.

The main drawback of most Russian enterprises is the lack of clear planning, and as a result, high costs.

High-quality information systems make it possible to reduce the periods of information processing, to exclude duplication of data or the issuance of conflicting orders. Information systems are useful where it is necessary to transfer the necessary information to a large chain of users.

Information technologies are also in demand among retailers. Information technology helps not only to collect information about past business transactions, but also to analyze it, plan purchases, expenses and, ultimately, profit. At the same time, small trading enterprises are in no hurry to switch to the use of information technology.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Russian enterprises are beginning to use information technology more actively in their work, in particular, to develop management decisions. Even 10 years ago, the cost of acquiring hardware and software was considered optional. At the current time, many entrepreneurs are sure that making a profit is impossible without the use of high-quality IT products.

The first of these documents is the "Strategy for the development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for 2014-2020 and for the future until 2025".

Among the most important goals of this strategy are:

1. Active use of the human resource for the development of the IT sector. It is necessary to change the programs of training and retraining of specialists. It is assumed that IT companies will receive subsidies from the state.

2. It is planned to create a unified database of the most promising developments and research in the IT field. The Ministry of Communications of Russia together with the Ministry of Education are obliged to allocate grants for the development of the most promising projects in the regions of the country.

3. Providing support to small businesses engaged in the field of IT-technologies. Active opening and operation of technoparks is planned.

4. Providing support to enterprises involved in the export of IT products.

5. Transition to the use of IT technologies in all areas of activity in Russia.

6. Development of measures for infrastructural support of all planned activities.

According to the developers of the strategy, several main scenarios are possible:

1. Basic scenario. It is assumed that the IT sector in Russia will develop rather slowly.

2. An alternative scenario assumes that during the period of implementation of the Strategy, revenues from software sales will grow from 270 to 620 billion rubles. It is assumed that the income will be received not only due to the increase in sales within the country, but also due to the growth of export deliveries.

The implementation of the alternative scenario involves the creation of 700,000 jobs for highly qualified specialists. The same scenario assumes that at least the entire volume of IT products produced will be sold outside of Russia. Up to 50 billion rubles will be attracted as venture investments in the production of IT products.

An equally important document is the "Development of the Information Technology Industry" plan drawn up for 2013-2018. In accordance with this plan, the Russian IT sector should overcome the existing backlog from Western countries as soon as possible.

Among the most important and complex tasks to be solved as part of the support of the IT sector for 2013-2018, the following should be highlighted:

More active use of the existing human resource, the transition to new technologies in education, the involvement of Russian students and specialists in internships in the best foreign companies;

Transfer of Russian IT enterprises to the production of competitive products;

Identification of the needs of enterprises in IT products, provision of government orders for the development and implementation of information technologies. informatization strategic planning document flow

The analysis carried out shows that in Russia it is still too early to talk about a general transition to the use of information systems. At this point in time, enterprises are still actively purchasing server and workstations, equipment for local networks. But it is important to note that the rate of sales of the corresponding equipment is gradually falling.

In general, speaking about the informatization of production, it can be noted that at enterprises that have switched to the use of information technologies, labor productivity has increased by 1.7 times or more than at enterprises operating without the use of IT products.

In Russia, various programs are currently being actively developed at the federal and regional levels. But these programs do not contain, for the most part, sufficient measures to ensure that, if not all, then most of the enterprises have switched to the use of modern information products.

2.2 Assessing the strategic environment for enterprisesagro-industrial complex

The object of study of this work is the company OOO "Dairy Plant", representing the domestic agro-industrial complex.

Molokozavod LLC is an enterprise engaged in the following activities:

Release of milk-containing products, fermented milk products, processing of raw milk;

Breeding of cattle on their own fodder base;

Production of meat and meat products;

Wholesale and retail sale of bakery products, milk, meat and products of their processing.

The selected manufacturer, despite the availability of technological capabilities and high production potential in the current market conditions, cannot fully adapt to business conditions and cannot compete with other manufacturers.

The reason for this situation is the mistakes of the management of enterprises, in particular the lack of a long-term management strategy, which is largely determined by the lack of clear information support mechanisms that allow making important management decisions based on complete data on the situation. The lack of such support is explained by both personnel problems and a general lack of information, which is typical for the entire domestic agro-industrial complex.

As a result, insufficient efficiency of decisions made in the field of management leads to additional financial losses, deterioration in business efficiency and loss of competitiveness. The analysis of the situation with management information support in the domestic agro-industrial complex made it possible to identify a number of patterns.

The material and technical side of the issue, involving the use of data transmission and processing systems, leaves much to be desired. At many enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, the operating life of computers has been exceeded in all respects. Acting as the main production assets, due to their moral and physical obsolescence, they are not able to provide the necessary data exchange. Practice shows that for effective operation, the average age of computer equipment should not exceed 5 years, otherwise computers are not able to work with modern software, which limits the functionality of their application.

The company under study is no exception. In both cases, work on the full provision of personnel with information and technical means is not being carried out. As a result, provided that the management personnel must be 100% provided with computers, this indicator at the enterprise is at a much lower level. As a result, the speed of obtaining management information, its subsequent processing and issuing recommendations for making a final management decision is significantly reduced. This situation is one of the main barriers to the integrated informatization of such enterprises.

Statistics show that in Western companies in the structure of fixed assets, computer technology accounts for about 10-12% of the total amount of funds. Today, IT technologies are considered as one of the main tools for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, the share of all types of computer technology in the structure of the assets of the enterprise under consideration does not exceed 1%, which is an insufficient indicator.

An important indicator that needs to be analyzed is the level of information saturation of labor. In general, at the present stage, experts note that this indicator significantly lags behind the amount of information flow required to ensure high-quality management activities at the enterprise, provided that in recent years the volume of such streaming information has increased six to eight times.

As a result, the existing information potential is not fully applied in practice, which negatively affects the overall efficiency of work. Huge arrays of incoming information coming from the external environment are not systematized and processed in any way, since there are no necessary technical means for this.

Statistics show that only 27% of its total volume belongs to the number of processed information. Thus, about 73% of the entire data flow is not used in the process of making management decisions, since there are no technical means for its processing. In most cases, this information belongs to the category of extra-accounting, that is, not subject to programs that allow for the systematization, evaluation and analysis of incoming information.

Molokozavod LLC today operates automated systems for solving financial problems, design and research activities and solving technological problems. Molokozavod LLC operates separate networks in the field of marketing and quality management, as well as in the segment of personnel management and payroll. Meanwhile, these systems do not have a mutual connection, and act as independent, isolated elements that are not able to lead to an increase in the level of informatization of production in the whole enterprise.

The electronic databases used by the enterprise today do not provide not only the necessary amount of information, but also the proper reliability required for use in management systems. In fact, they do not even meet the requirements of the tactical level, so their use is considered inappropriate.

In the process of assessing the quality of the information systems used, work is carried out simultaneously in several areas: the correspondence of the volumes of incoming information data to the required values, the correspondence of the quality of the functioning of the systems, the promptness of the receipt of information data, the share of useless information in the total volume, the amount of information of a biased nature.

Based on the latest data, it can be stated that only 20% of all business leaders are satisfied with the quality of existing information systems. One of the main claims of specialists is the insufficient level of equipment of enterprises with technical means that ensure the reception, subsequent processing and transmission of data. First of all, we are talking about personal computers.

By improving the existing situation, it is possible to significantly improve the overall efficiency of the functioning of the information support system for management activities at the enterprises of the industry.

In the course of the study, it was possible to establish that a significant part of the heads of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex notes the untimeliness of the incoming information, as well as its low reliability, which is explained by the numerous duplication of data at various levels of management. As problems, difficulties with the organizational structure of systems and their technical readiness are highlighted, which negatively affects the volume of information received by the enterprise. The assessment shows that, in total, only 42.4% of managers are satisfied with the volume of data coming through information channels.

Low opinion today's leaders and the speed of information. In particular, every second believes that the data is received not only late, but also in raw form. Every third person notes large flows of unnecessary information that does not carry anything valuable in itself, and clutters up the information flow. Almost one in four (23%) notes the presence of biased data in information flows.

One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of a standard and methodology for the requirements for information of a managerial nature, parallel processing of incoming data at various levels of the system without linking and notifying each other. Together with the heterogeneity of information flows, their complexity and lack of structure, the lack of uniform standards for data processing, weak technical capabilities, it is not possible to fully process and use even the incoming information for the benefit. As a result, the overall effectiveness of control activities is reduced.

The level of technical equipment with informatization tools at enterprises acts as a fundamental factor influencing the performance of information systems, both at a qualitative and quantitative level. In domestic management practice, the practice of documenting decisions in the field of enterprise management is almost completely absent, while the use of automated systems implies the mandatory entry of all data into an electronic system, and this work is carried out at all levels of management existing in the enterprise.

Accordingly, the burden on lower-level managers increases significantly, which is unusual for them. Often, it is at this level that opposition to structural innovations aimed at improving the overall efficiency of managerial activity begins.

An analysis of the situation shows that often it is the personnel who are not ready to switch to the use of information systems in their work. An assessment of the situation shows that no more than 15% of the total volume of managers are fully prepared to work in the new conditions. That is, these people not only can fully work with information based on information systems, but also want to do it.

The reason for the low level of readiness of managerial personnel is the insufficient amount of funding within the framework of enterprises for programs involving the purchase of appropriate computer equipment. In addition, managers often take a distant position in matters of information support, as they themselves are afraid to use such equipment and receive the necessary data through information systems. This is especially true for older people who have difficulty mastering computer technology and various programs.

For domestic processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, the absence of information managers as a category of position, as well as workers responsible for processing information flows, is typical. The functional responsibilities of the latter include the compression of incoming information, and its preparation for subsequent transfer to managers at various levels.

In this regard, the industry is faced with the urgent task of increasing the information potential for existing personnel, including through the training of specialists in relevant areas.

Today, the integration of all information flows in the field of management does not exceed 35%, which can be considered an unsatisfactory indicator. Accordingly, the available resources are used insufficiently rationally and efficiently. This is expressed, among other things, in the duplication of information at various levels, which leads to an increase in the load. Insufficient integration also has a negative effect on the indicators of efficiency and reliability of information transmitted for making managerial decisions at all levels. The result is a decrease in the quality indicators of managerial decisions.

An important evaluation criterion in information systems is the evaluation of information products that have external sources of origin. They are a serious element in the development of final management decisions. The possibilities of using external information are determined primarily by the technical capabilities of the enterprise for obtaining and processing data, as well as the degree of availability of the databases from which the information is received.

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The most important factor in increasing the efficiency of production in any industry is the improvement of management. The improvement of the forms and methods of management is based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the further development of informatics, which studies the laws, methods and ways of accumulating, processing and transmitting information using various technical means.

Various information and technical innovations should be perceived as a means of reducing and reducing the cost of the administrative apparatus. So, for example, the advent of the telephone, radio, television, personal computers, local computer networks and the global Internet, in turn, led to the improvement of the information support system for enterprise management. Ultimately, the role of information in the organizational management of the company is constantly increasing, which is associated with changes in the socio-economic nature, the emergence of the latest achievements in the field of engineering and technology, and the results of scientific research. The scientific and technological revolution has put forward information as the most important factor in the production process. The information process is necessary as an indispensable condition for the operation of modern technology, as a means of improving the quality of the workforce, as a prerequisite for the successful organization of the production process itself.

From the improvement of information support, the following positive results are possible:

1) Potential cost savings by reducing



Software costs

Postal expenses

Contract processing costs

Costs for the redistribution of raw materials

2) Eliminate possible costs in the future

Avoiding future headcount growth

Reduced data processing requirements

Reduced maintenance cost

3) Possible intangible benefits

Improving the quality of information

Productivity increase

Service improvement and acceleration

New production facilities

More confident decisions

Better control

Reducing late payments

Full use of the software

The concept of information is quite capacious and widespread at the present time. The term information itself comes from the Latin word information - clarification, awareness, presentation.

The process of transmitting and receiving information is shown below in the diagram (Figure 2). This is a simple scheme for passing information in one direction.

Figure 2. The process of transmitting and receiving information

The process of transferring information even in one direction goes through many intermediaries, which means that during the transfer of information, it is delayed and distorted. In addition, information can be transformed depending on who it is addressed to. So, for example, when information is transferred upwards from subordinates to a leader, it is generalized, and when transferred downwards, from a leader to subordinates, on the contrary, it is concretized. The main thing in this process is the maximum information transfer rate with the minimum allowable distortion. First of all, the correctness of the decisions made depends on this and, as a result, the profit of the organization increases.

In the management process, there is a constant exchange of information. Moreover, the direction of information movement can be vertical (from the head to subordinates or from subordinates to the head), and horizontal (between the heads of departments, subordinates of the same level). The source of information can be the level of prices in the market, the size of the company's profit in the last quarter, or the indication of the head (Figure 3).

The figure shows that the effectiveness of management decisions is influenced by many indicators:

Quality, reliability and efficiency of obtaining information

Knowledge, experience, personal qualities of a leader

Qualification composition of subordinates

Market situation

Figure 3. Object control system: Iin - input information about the state in which the control object should be; Ioc - informing information about the current state of the control object; Iy - control information as a result of comparison; U - the impact of the executive body on the control object; V - deviation of the state of the control object under the influence of the external environment

Management makes full use of objective and timely information collected, processed, stored and disseminated using modern scientific methods and technical means. Now this is an objective necessity, conditioned, in particular, by the requirements of the market to respond adequately to the problems that arise in a dynamically developing environment. It is necessary not only to have timely and accurate information, but also to be able to comprehend it, draw the necessary conclusions and effectively implement it in management decisions. Hence, the need for the presence of the information component in management is obvious, since it is the basis of the entire management process.

Information can be interpreted as a set of information, messages, materials, data that determine the measure of the manager's potential knowledge about processes or phenomena in their relationship.

The essence of information is only those data that reduce the uncertainty of the events of interest to the manager. Information in management is the sum of the necessary, perceived and conscious information necessary to analyze a specific situation, which makes it possible to comprehensively assess the causes of its occurrence and development, which makes it possible to determine a number of alternative solutions, from which it is realistic (based on a specific situation) to find the optimal management decision, to exercise control for its implementation. Information, therefore, is a necessary prerequisite for the connection and subsequent organic fusion of labor processes and personality development.

Planned sources include all types of plans that are developed at the enterprise (long-term, current, operational, self-supporting tasks, technological maps), as well as regulatory materials, estimates, price tags, project tasks, etc.

Sources of accounting information are all data that contain documents of accounting, statistical and operational accounting, as well as all types of reporting, primary accounting documentation.

The leading role in the information support of the analysis belongs to accounting and reporting, where economic phenomena, processes, and their results are most fully reflected. Timely and complete analysis of the data available in accounting documents (primary and summary) and reporting ensures that the necessary measures are taken to improve the implementation of plans and achieve better business results.

Statistical accounting data, which contain a quantitative description of mass phenomena and processes, are used for in-depth study and understanding of interrelations, and identification of economic patterns.

Operational accounting and reporting contribute to a more efficient provision of analysis with the necessary data (for example, on the production and shipment of products, on the state of inventories) compared to statistics or accounting, and thereby create conditions for improving the efficiency of analytical research.

With the expansion of computer technology, new machine sources of information also appeared. These include data that is contained in the computer's RAM, on floppy disks, and also issued in the form of various machine programs. Non-accounting sources of information include documents that regulate economic activity, as well as data that are not related to those listed above. These include the following documents:

1) Official documents that a business entity is required to use in its activities: laws of the state, presidential decrees, decrees of the government and local authorities, orders of higher authorities, acts of audits and inspections, orders and instructions of the heads of the enterprise.

2) Economic and legal documents: contracts, agreements, decisions of arbitration and judicial bodies, claims.

3) Decisions of general meetings of the collective, the council of the labor collective of the enterprise as a whole or its individual subdivisions.

4) Good practice study materials obtained from various sources of information (Internet, radio, television, newspapers, etc.).

5) Technical and technological documentation.

6) Materials of special surveys of the state of production at individual workplaces (timing, photography, etc.).

7) Oral information obtained during meetings with members of your team or representatives of other enterprises.

In relation to the object of study, information can be internal and external. The system of internal information is the data of statistical accounting, operational accounting and reporting, planning data, regulatory data developed at the enterprise, etc. The system of external information is the data of statistical collections, periodicals and special publications, conferences, business meetings, official, economic and legal documents, etc.

In relation to the subject of research, information is divided into basic and auxiliary, necessary for a more complete characterization of the subject area under study.

According to the periodicity of receipt, analytical information is divided into regular and episodic. Sources of regular information include planning and accounting data. Episodic information is generated as needed, such as information about a new competitor.

Regular information, in turn, is classified into constant, retaining its value for a long time (codes, ciphers, chart of accounts, etc.), conditionally constant, retaining its value for a certain period of time (plan indicators, standards) and a variable characterizing frequent change of events (reporting data on the state of the analyzed object on a certain date). management trade goods staff

In relation to the processing process, information can be classified as primary (data from primary accounting, inventories, surveys) and secondary, which has passed a certain stage of processing and transformation (reporting, market reviews, etc.).

In the activities of large firms, the transfer of information is an indispensable and paramount factor in the normal functioning of the firm. At the same time, ensuring the efficiency and reliability of information is of particular importance. For many firms, the intra-company information system solves the problems of organizing the technological process and is of a production nature. This concerns, first of all, the processes of providing enterprises with cooperative products coming from specialized enterprises through intra-company channels. Here, information plays an important role in providing information for making managerial decisions and is one of the factors that reduce production costs and increase its efficiency. Forecasting market processes plays a special role.

Of great importance is information about the occurrence in the course of production of deviations from planned indicators that require the adoption of operational decisions.

A significant role in decision-making is played by scientific and technical information containing new scientific knowledge, information about inventions, technical innovations of one's own company and competing firms. This is a continuously replenished general fund and the potential of knowledge and technical solutions, the practical and timely use of which provides the company with a high level of competitiveness.

Information serves as the basis for the preparation of relevant reports, reports, proposals for the development and adoption of management decisions.

Brevity, clarity of wording, timeliness of receipt;

Meeting the needs of specific managers;

Accuracy and reliability, the correct selection of primary information, the optimal systematization and the continuity of the collection and processing of information.

An important role in the use of information is played by the methods of its registration, processing, accumulation and transmission; systematized storage and issuance of information in the required form; production of new numerical, graphic and other information. In other words, it is necessary to consider the technology of information activity.

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