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  • Young soldier's course: On the design of software documentation (documentation). Description of the program and description of the application

Young soldier's course: On the design of software documentation (documentation). Description of the program and description of the application

Program text


Program specification

The specification section provides the exact name of the program and its composition. The specification form is given in Appendix 2. The specification columns are filled in as follows:

1. in the "Designation" column indicate the designation of the main software

2. in the column "Name" indicate the full name of the corresponding component;

3. in the column "Note" - additional information related to To programs written in the specification.

The executable file of the Labyrinth Game program has the name Labirint.exe and is located on disk F in the Student \ Kursov \ Labirint directory. Project composition:

Name Designation Note
Acl Floor plan file Created in the application
Helpi Help file Created in the application
Labirint.Dof Project settings file Contains current project settings: compiler and linker settings, service directory names, conditional directives
Labirint.Dpr Project file Links all the files that make up the application
Labirint.Dsk File containing Desktop-project settings Contains information about which windows are open and in what positions they are located
Labirint.Res Resource file Contains pictograms, graphic images
Unit 1. Pas Program module file for form No. 1 Defines the functionality of form # 1.
Unit2.Pas Program module file for form No. 2 Defines the functionality of form # 2.
U "it3.Pas Program module file for form No. 3 Defines the functionality of form # 3.
Unitl.Dfm Form file # 1 Contains a list of properties of all components included in form # 1.
Unit2.Dfm Form file # 2 Contains a list of properties of all components included in form # 2.
Unit3.Dfm Form file # 3 Contains a list of properties of all components included in form # 3.
Uuitl.Dcu Object file for Unit1. Pas Compiled version of Unit1.Pas.
Uuit2.Dcu Object file for Unit2.Pas Compiled version of Unit2.Pas.
Unit3.Dcu Object file for Unit3.Pas Compiled version of UnM.Pas.

The complete listing of the program is given. There are listings of all modules with comments.

The section "Description of the program" according to GOST 19.402-78 should contain the following subsections:

· General information;

· functional purpose;

· Description of the logical structure;

· Used technical means;

· input data;

· output.

Individual sections can be combined. Some points of this section repeat the sections of the technical project. Such repetitions are provided for by GOST, since at the stage of the working project there are some additions or changes in the composition of the technical means or the program. More specific and accurate data are provided here.

The subsection "General information" should contain: designation and name of the program; software required for the operation of the program; programming languages ​​in which the program is written.

The subsection "Functional purpose" should indicate the classes of tasks to be solved and (or) the purpose of the program and information about the functional restrictions on the application.

The subsection "Description of the logical structure" should indicate the methods used; the structure of the program with a description of the functions of the constituent parts and the relationship between them; links of the program with other programs. The description of the logical structure of the program is performed taking into account the text of the program in the source language.

The subsection "Used technical means" should indicate the types of computers and devices that are used in the operation of the program.

In the "Call and Load" subsection, the method of calling the program from the corresponding data carrier, the entry points into the program must be indicated.

The subsection "Input data" should indicate: the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the input data, the format, description and method of encoding the input data.

The subsection "Output" must indicate: the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the output data, the format, description and encoding of the output data.

The description of the program (GOST 19.402-78) should contain:

1 General information about the program - the full name, designation, its possible applications, as well as the software necessary for the operation of the program, and the programming languages ​​in which it is written. For instance:

The program "Automated workstation of the ACS developer" is intended for ... implemented on ... The program supports ...

The program is written in the language ... using the compiler ...

2 Functional purpose- the purpose of the program and a general description of the functioning of the program, its main characteristics, information about the restrictions imposed on the scope of the program. For instance:

The program is designed to solve problems ... The program is the core of an automated workstation ...

The user has the ability to ..., implement ..., run ..., analyze ..., get the results of analysis and processing ..., build ... etc.

3 Description of the logical structure- the methods used, the algorithms of the program, the description of the structure and logic of the program (with reference to the text of the program in the source language) and its constituent parts, their functions and connections between them, as well as the links of the program with other programs. The content of this section should be specific and based on the text of the program.

Choice solution method presupposes the determination of the theoretical possibility of solving the problem and the finding of a formal rule for its obtaining. This stage is poorly formalized, which is associated with an extremely wide variety of tasks and methods for their solution.

The solution method can be presented:

- in the form of a system of formulas (unconditional or conditional);

- in the form of a verbal presentation of the sequence of actions;

- in the form of their combinations.

The description of the method may contain restrictions on the original data imposed by the method.

Diagrams of algorithms, programs, data and systems in this section should use the step-by-step drill-down method. Moreover, the level of detail should be such that the various parts of the program and the relationship between them are clear as a whole. In other words, you first need to describe the generalized scheme of the algorithm, breaking the program into logical blocks, and then consider in detail the schemes of algorithms for the operation of each of these blocks. Symbols and rules for the execution of schemes are determined by GOST 19.701-90 (Appendix B).

The program includes the following modules:

- user interface;

- module for determining paths in the graph;

- module for calculating the transfer function;

- module for constructing amplitude and phase frequency characteristics;

- a module for constructing a response to a polynomial action;

- text editor.

The interface module is built on two types of dialogs: the "question - answer" dialog and the "menu" type dialog. The interface module controls ...

Definition modulepaths in the graph based on the use of the method ... It is ...

Calculation moduletransfer function implements the method ... and so on.

Algorithmthe definition of paths in the graph has the form: ...

4 Used technical means- types of computers and devices used in the operation of the program. For instance:

The program is operated on a personal computer (PC) of the IBM PC / AT type. To work in dialog mode, a display screen, a keyboard and a mouse are used. An adapter is required to support graphics modeS VGA. The input data is stored on floppy and / or hard drives. The program runs under the OS ...

- the method of calling the program from the corresponding data carrier and the entry points into the program, as well as the name of the load module, information about the use of RAM, the size of the program and a description of the entire procedure for calling and loading the system. For instance:

6 Input data- the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the input data, their format, description and coding method.

Description of the input data structure includes specifying data types, ranges of their values, presentation formats, etc.

The same section should contain an enumeration of anomalies in the input data (values ​​for which the implemented solution method cannot be applied) and the program's responses to them.

The input data for the program is a text file describing the extended incidence matrix of the graph of the system under study. This file has the following structure ...

The used determination method ... cannot be used with ..., therefore these values ​​are invalid, and the program reacts to them by displaying a message ...

7 Output- the nature and organization of the output data, their format, description and method of coding.

The description of the structure of the output data includes the indication of data types, ranges of their values, presentation formats, etc.

The output is:

- graphic and text information displayed on the screen (results of system analysis);

- files in one of the graphic formats - copies of the image of the constructed characteristics (frequency response, phase response, etc.);

- text files - reports on the conducted research in the format ...;

- diagnostics of the system state and messages about any errors that have occurred.

Depending on the features of the program, the introduction of additional sections is allowed.


To describe program, start with a general introduction. Describe the main problem the user is facing. Naturally, this should be the very problem that the described program solves. By the way, this is a way to immediately outline the target audience of users. Those who find it useful and necessary will download or buy it. Other users will save time and will not move on. Also in the introduction, describe the main features of the program. For this, 1-2 sentences are enough.

Describe the interface and workspace. To describe program more clearly, use its different working windows and. Describe the main toolbars, the location of menu items, status bars, etc.

Impossible to describe program without telling in detail about its main functions. This can be done in the form of a list or a list. However, it is important to be specific in this paragraph. For example, the phrase "effective work with projects" does not carry any semantic meaning. More precisely, the semantic load, of course, is, but it is relative and does not convey any facts to the reader.

Having indicated the main functions of the program, describe its additional functions that may be especially convenient and useful to the user. For example, this can be the possibility of quick integration with other software, improvements in the speed of work, easy-to-use design elements, etc.

To describe program new version, tell us about the changes that it has undergone since its previous update. Describe what functionality was removed, what problems were solved, what was new, what was changed, refined and improved. Differences from previous versions can also be presented in the form of a list.

Without a doubt, we can say that the target audience is a key figure in any business, those for whom the whole business is, in fact, organized. Simply put, these are the buyers of your goods or services.


The key to a successful business is now complete and reliable knowledge of your target audience. Find out as much as possible about your customers, at least answer a certain minimum of questions. First, find out the gender of your target audience.

The point is that perceptions and values ​​are different for men and women. Men will pay more attention to rational arguments prompting them to buy, while women are more interested in the emotional component of a product or service. For men, such parameters as status, prestige, brand popularity, ease of use, warranty service and additional services are important. Safety and simplicity, discounts and bonuses are important for a woman.

Second, pay attention to the age segment of your target audience. The older your customers are, the more solvent they are, but the greater the demands they will make on the product.

The conservatism of the older generation will push them to buy a product that they will use for a long time (up to 5-6 years). Young people are already accustomed to rapid technological progress and love to try everything new. As a rule, the time for using a new product is rather limited and ranges from six months to two years, depending on the complexity and manufacturability of the product.

Conduct surveys and pay attention to parameters such as income (low, medium, high, and other variations), educational level, family composition, preferred media (press, radio, television, Internet), hobbies and interests, time spent in work and on the road.

Next, gather a focus group - 10-15 people who meet your parameters, and invite them to be the first to test new products and describe their impressions. Thus, you will be able to correct mistakes in time and minimize losses when bringing a product or service to a large market.

As a popular proverb says, they are greeted by their clothes, and escorted by their minds. The first impression we make on a potential employer, spouse, work collective, by and large, depends on the way in which subsequent relations will develop. Despite the fact that the initial opinion about a person is often deceptive, emotions are deposited at an unconscious level and it is not so easy to change them in the future, it is almost impossible.


Useful advice

Everything is good in moderation. Self-confidence, moderation, a clear understanding of the goals that you want to achieve, utmost honesty (but not stupidity) - this is what will allow you, without deceiving others, to find the shortest path to the desired goal.

Requirements for writing educational programs in schools were developed and approved 8 years ago. Since then, every teacher knows how to write an activity plan for the year. But, despite this, teachers constantly have questions about what exactly should be reflected in this educational program.


First, the content of such a program must meet several parameters. It should touch upon the issues of the achievements of the world and the Russian, the traditions of their country and others, and the program should also cover the issues of the cultural and national characteristics of the regions. When you write educational, be sure to take into account the age of those for whom it is designed. Indeed, for the younger, there are some standards, and for the elders, absolutely different. It is desirable that in the development plan of children for the year there are items on additional educational programs. For example, it can be a socio-pedagogical direction, military-patriotic, socio-economic and others. Also, teachers should be modern and take into account modern educational technologies in their curriculum (that is, those that are the individuality of children, the effectiveness of their school activities and other aspects).

In the content of the educational program, do not forget to describe what conditions are created for the development of the child's personality, how a student can increase the motivation for learning and creativity. Also, teachers in their own should take into account and describe how they will ensure the emotional well-being of the child, as well as how they plan to explain and teach the child universal values. At the request of the Ministry of Russia, teachers are required to prescribe in the program how they intend to create conditions for the child to be able to self-determine both as a person and as a professional already in.

Also, do not forget to mention the physical development of the students, namely: what physical training classes you will conduct with them, in what order and at which meetings with parents can be held in order to discuss with them joint tactics of raising a child.

In addition to recommendations on the internal content of the educational program, there are also a number of requirements for the design of such a document. So, for example, it must necessarily have a title page, an explanatory note, a curriculum-thematic plan, the content of the course being studied, a description of the teaching materials and books used for additional education. And, of course, this scientific teaching work should end with a list of literature.

An exe file in the Windows operating system is an executable file for programs. It is a specially processed code written by a programmer, compiled and converted into an executable type. Therefore, you cannot take notepad and write an exe file, as it can be done with bat- or inf-files.

You will need

  • - knowledge of programming.


Decide on the tasks your program should perform. If these are simple tasks (for example), then immediately start writing a bat file. More complex actions must be described using a programming language. Which language to choose depends on the specification of the tasks. You must have standard knowledge of the programming language in order to write a small program to perform any specific tasks.

After choosing a programming language, learn the basics of coding in that language. Install a development environment and try your hand at writing simple programs. After understanding the logic of the environment and the compiler, you can proceed to the implementation of the tasks.

After writing the program, compile the code files into an executable application, adding the required libraries and resources. Check the work result on your own computer and then on a tester computer to rule out unexpected errors. Typically, you can use the standard programming environment compiler. There is also special software that allows you to compile various programs.

GOST 19.402-78

Group T55


Unified system of program documentation


Unified system for program documentation. Program description.

ISS 35.080

Date of introduction 1980-01-01

By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR on standards of December 18, 1978 N 3350, the date of introduction was established 01.01.80

EDITION (January 2010) with Amendment No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81).

1. This standard establishes the composition and requirements for the content of the program document "Description of the program", defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard is fully consistent with ST SEV 2092-80 *.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here can be obtained by following the link to the site - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

2. The structure and design of the document is established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

The compilation of the informational part (annotation and content) is mandatory.

3. The description of the program should contain the following sections:

general information;

functional purpose;

description of the logical structure;

used technical means;

input data;


Depending on the features of the program, it is allowed to introduce additional sections or combine separate sections.

4. The section "General information" should contain:

designation and name of the program;

software required for the operation of the program;

programming languages ​​in which the program is written.

5. In the "Functional purpose" section, the classes of tasks to be solved and (or) the purpose of the program and information about the functional restrictions on the application must be indicated.

6. The section "Description of the logical structure" should contain:

algorithm of the program;

methods used;

the structure of the program with a description of the functions of the constituent parts and the relationship between them;

links of the program with other programs.

The description of the logical structure of the program is performed taking into account the text of the program in the source language.

3-6. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

7. In the "Used technical means" section, the types of electronic computers and devices that are used in the program should be indicated.

method of calling the program from the corresponding data carrier;

entry points into the program.

It is allowed to indicate the download addresses, information about the use of RAM, the size of the program.

9. In the "Input data" section, the following should be indicated:

the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the input data;

format, description and method of encoding input data.

10. In the "Output data" section, the following should be indicated:

the nature and organization of the output;

format, description and method of encoding the output data.

11. It is allowed to illustrate the content of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, graphs.

12. In the appendix to the description of the program, it is allowed to include various materials that are inappropriate to include in the sections of the description.

7-12. (Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
official publication
Unified system of program documentation:
Collection of national standards. -
M .: Standartinform, 2010

GOST 19.101-77 defines a program description as a set of information about the logical structure and operation of the program. The program description should have four main parts: title part, informational part, main part, part of registration of changes.

Main part should contain the following sections: general information, functional purpose, description of the logical structure, used technical means, call and load, input data, output data.

Depending on the features of the program, it is allowed to introduce new sections or combine separate sections. When describing a software product containing several program units (programs, subroutines), a description according to the indicated scheme is given for each program unit, while adhering to the hierarchy of the general software product composition. So, for example, if the general Control program includes a call to the FileExist function and the Brackets procedure, which in turn refers to the Error procedure, and the general diagram of the hierarchy of this software product is shown in Figure 6, then the description must begin with the Control program unit, then describe the program units FileExist, Brackets, Stack, then describe the Error code of the Brackets

An example of a hierarchy of a complex software product is shown in Figure 6.

Control program

brace placement

in programs

Brackets FileExist Stack

Test procedure Test function Module

the correctness of existence for work

parentheses of a file with a stack


InitStack Procedure EmptyStack InStack OutStack

Explanations Procedure Function Procedure Procedure

initialization errors check if fetch is enabled

stack empty stack element element

to stack from stack

Figure 6 - Structural diagram of the program

In chapter "General information" indicates the designation and name of the program, software (operating environment, application programs) required for the functioning of the described program. If different application programs are required for different machining modes, a table should be given which shows which software is required for each mode. It is necessary to indicate the programming language in which the program is written.

In chapter "Functional purpose" the class of tasks to be solved and (or) the purpose of the program is determined. This paragraph should clearly list all the functions that the program performs in the prescribed manner or at the user's choice. It is necessary to indicate restrictions on the application of the program.

In chapter "Description of the logical structure" the structural diagram of the program is given, in which the names and purpose of the constituent modules and subroutines are indicated (Figure 6). The verbal description of the structural units of the program is accompanied by the presentation of enlarged schemes of algorithms, in general, no more than three sheets. The first sheet contains an enlarged diagram of the algorithm for the functioning of the main program. In addition, schemes of algorithms of those subroutines that reflect the essence of the method for solving the problem are presented. Examples of algorithms are shown in Figures 7, 8, 9, 10.

The design of the diagrams of algorithms must comply with the requirements of GOST 19.701-90 "Diagrams of algorithms, programs, data and systems". The first block in any scheme is the START (or BEGIN) block:

Connecting lines in the diagram, otherwise called flow lines, must not intersect; for this, in-page connectors are used

and off-page connectors

12 [from sight ...

12 [on the sheet ...

An arrow pointing towards the connector means that control is transferred to the block whose number is indicated inside the connector. An arrow pointing away from the connector means that control is being transferred from the block whose number is indicated inside the connector. Each algorithm diagram for a separate program unit is shown in a separate figure. Figures are numbered in a row within one document. Each drawing has a name, which is written above the drawing, and a number, which is written under the drawing. The name of the figure depicting the algorithm diagram can be the name of the corresponding program unit, for example: "Algorithm diagram of the control program" or "Algorithm diagram of the Error subroutine". Examples of algorithms are shown in Figures 7, 8, 9, 10.

Figure 8 - Function FileExist Figure 9 - Procedure Error

Figure 10 - Scheme of the algorithm of the Brackets procedure

When accompanying a software tool, the description of the logical structure is the material used to locate that part of the program text that needs to be modified or modernized. When describing the logic of the program in accordance with the given scheme of the algorithm, it is necessary to describe the work performed by each block.

In chapter "Used technical means" it is necessary to indicate the types of computers, the configuration of the computing complex for which the described software has been developed. If the program takes into account the peculiarities of the operating environment, then you should indicate the operating environment in which this program runs.

the method of calling the program from the corresponding data carrier and the input parameters when starting the program are indicated. It is allowed to indicate the size of the program, information about the use of RAM and external memory. It is necessary to indicate how the program execution actually starts, what messages are expected during this initial period.

In chapter "Input data" it is necessary to indicate the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the input data. It is necessary to describe all types of input data, the purpose of each type. If the input information can be represented by a sequence of some large logical units, then it is necessary to describe how to combine the input data into these larger logical units. You must specify the format and purpose of all fields of the logical data record. It is also necessary to indicate restrictions on the size and amount of input data. The output is described in the same detail as the input. If the output data is one or more messages, then it is necessary to indicate how the user should interpret each message, how he can use the information contained in each message.

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