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A course of lectures on computer networks 1. Lectures on computer networks

Almost every organization in Moscow strives to complement the office with modern office equipment. Priority tasks for organizing office activities are performed by computers, which often work on the basis of an operating room. Windows systems. Microsoft products have a friendly interface, are regularly updated and are perfectly adapted to work with different software.

To provide effective work information systems you can use the server administration services provided by our company. Our company is among the leaders in server maintenance services in Moscow.

High-quality service of server computers allows:

  • reduce costs;
  • ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation of the server;
  • get the job done local network;
  • timely adjust the IT infrastructure according to the needs of the company;
  • timely fix breakdowns that can negatively affect the work of the organization.

Work with the server may include the following services:

  • diagnostics and management of hardware and software;
  • setting up services and services;
  • installation of programs;
  • remote administration;
  • safe transmission data, safety control;
  • topical repair and maintenance;
  • optimization of the server.

Maintenance of Windows-based servers is carried out using Windows programs Server various Year of release. Installing the packages of these tools differs from normal installation software on PCs and laptops.

Everything Windows tools Server is perfectly adapted for remote administration. Windows program Server 2012 is an improved version and is especially popular. It included useful changes that enhance performance and safety.

New functions improve network diagnostics and simplify the administrator's work, reduce the probability of failure. This system allows for data recovery, as it provides protection against network failures, scales applications and distributes the load between the local host and the cloud service.

Remote Server Administration Tools for windows 10 are no less comfortable to use and install than Windows Server 2012, but they can only be installed on Windows 10 computers.

Remote Server Administration Tools for windows 10 is designed for the Windows 10 x64 and x86 architectures. When installing this type of software, you must remove all old versions of packages and packages for different languages and keyboard layouts.

Setting up and maintaining computers and servers is a chain of actions that make the work of a company more comfortable. Since the local network of the organization is tied to the server, its failure can lead to the complete termination of the infrastructure.

It is best to entrust the implementation of these works to the professionals of our company, who have the most positive reviews from their clients in Moscow. They will expertly make the necessary adjustments.

Work with servers is carried out in the following areas:

  • installation and configuration of mail for corporate needs;
  • domain structure maintenance;
  • organization of the proxy server, its modernization and configuration, setting the rules for use, restoration;
  • work with fax services;
  • service file storage;
  • backup and restore.

What is a server for?

File server

You have accumulated a lot of files that do not fit on your computer, what if they all disappear? Your employees need general access to files?

Someone has deleted or changed again important file and you don't know how to restore it?

Then file server just for you, he will solve these and many other problems.

Mail server

Business correspondence is the foundation of a successful business. Don't trust free mail?

Do you want to know who the employees are chatting with? Are there any suspicions that information is leaking through the mail?

Just fix these problems by installing mail server and get full control over the correspondence of employees.

Server remote access

Do you like working on a computer when everything is customized for you? Or maybe you are on a business trip and need to connect to your office computer? Do you want all employees to store data in one place and work in a single "cloud"? A remote access server (terminal server) will allow you and your employees to connect from anywhere in the world and continue working from the moment you left off.

1C server

Does the requested 1C report take an infinitely long time? The employee turned off the computer and you cannot connect to 1C? Is your company growing and 1C cannot cope with the load? There was a force majeure, but there is no copy of the 1C database anywhere?

Let's install a 1C server and solve all these difficulties.

Employee control server

A perennial problem - what are the employees doing in the workplace keeping you awake?

Do you suspect an employee of working for competitors, but there is no evidence?

Deals are burning, and the staff is doing something incomprehensible? Tired of the time your employees spend on social networks? Install an employee control server and be confident in the work of your company.

Get a full report on their working day, and blocking individual sites and applications will be a nice bonus for you.

How we are working

Warranty for work
2 years

We work on
agreement and VAT

All work is done
Full construction

10% discount on works at
ordering a server from us

We are talking to you
in one language

We will teach new
work with the server

We use
proven solutions

We will provide technical
user support

Server support

It is important to install the server correctly. It is even more important to ensure its smooth operation in the future. We offer installation of servers based on Widows and Linux - proven and reliable software products... We will implement virtualization systems Hyper-V, VMware ESX, Linux-KVM - they will help optimize server performance.

Practice shows: one good decision replaces 10 bad ones.
Based on this, we always pre-plan the implementation of the server.

It is more profitable to hire professionals in setting up servers than to pay monthly for the work of a full-time programmer who will constantly fix his shortcomings.

We offer a range of services for installing, configuring and maintaining the server:

The cost of our services and terms

In our company
works hourly

The prepayment is 30%.
The rest you pay
seeing the result

The contract is drawn up
in view of VAT. You save
up to 18% of the cost

We are working

Lecture 13 Network diagnostics

Lecture 13

Topic: Network Diagnostics

a. Network administrators who form the network environment (overwhelming minority).

b. Netizens who are forced to master this environment and live in it.

The second category, due to its numerical superiority, is able to ask so many questions that the first, even being just as numerous, could not answer. Questions can be simple, such as "Why isn't my email working?" (although it is known that on the second day for non-payment, the entire computing center). There are also complex ones: "How to reduce the response delay if the channel is congested?"

Number computer networks it is growing like an avalanche, the number of large (> 10 PCs) and multi-protocol networks (802.11, 802.16, 802.17, etc.) is growing. As the network grows, its maintenance and diagnostics become more complicated, which the administrator faces at the first failure. The most difficult to diagnose multi-segment networks where PCs are scattered across a large number rooms far apart from each other. For this reason, the network administrator must begin to study the features of his network already at the stage of its formation and prepare himself and the network for future repairs.

In the event of an emergency situation, the administrator must be able to answer a number of questions:

There is a hardware or software problem;

The failure was caused by software corruption, incorrect configuration choices, or erroneous operator actions.

Network diagnostics is the acquisition and processing of information about the state of the network.

Documenting the network

You need to start with a comprehensive documentation of the hardware and software of the network. The administrator should always have at hand a network diagram that corresponds to the real situation at the moment, and detailed description software configuration with indication of all parameters (physical and IP addresses of all interfaces, masks, names of PCs, routers, MTU, MSS, TTL and other system variables, typical values ​​of RTT and other network parameters measured in different modes.).

Within the local network, troubleshooting is possible by temporarily dividing it into parts. As the network becomes more integrated into the Internet, such simple measures become insufficient or unacceptable. But one should not neglect such by simple means as a check for a break or short circuit in the network cable.

Remember that network diagnostics is the foundation of network security. Only an administrator who knows everything about what is happening on the network can be sure of its security.

The lecture will assume that the network is on physical level uses the Ethernet standard and uses the TCP / IP (Internet) protocol for internetworking. This list does not exhaust the variety of network environments, but many techniques and software diagnostic tools can be successfully used in other cases. Most of the programs under consideration work in the UNIX environment, but there are analogues for other operating systems.

The source of diagnostic information can be a computer, its processor, network interface, operating system installed on the machine, network switches, routers, etc.

With the transition to transmission standards 1 and even more so 10 Gbit / s, additional problems arise. Processing these streams for diagnostic purposes can significantly slow down the machine. Similar problems arise when building IPS / IDS systems, as well as anti-virus programs. However, this problem becomes serious also due to the fantastic growth in the number of signatures (millions) of attacks and viruses. One of the ways to solve the problem is to use hardware, as well as the organization of several processing threads, which is realistic enough for machines with several processors.

Diagnostic software

There are many publicly available specialized diagnostic software products on the Internet: Etherfind, Tcpdump, netwatch, snmpman, netguard, ws_watch.

Such tools are also included in the distribution kits of most standard network packages for MS-DOS, UNIX, Windows NT, VMS and others: ping, tracetoute, netstat, arp, snmpi, dig ( / pub), hosts, nslookup, ifconfig, ripquery. The diagnostic programs listed above are a necessary tool for debugging programs that send and receive packets.

OS Diagnostic Commands

Table 1.

Team name Purpose

arp Displays or modifies the ARP (IP to MAC Address Conversion) table

chnamsv Serves for changing the configuration of the name service on the computer (for TCP / IP)

chprtsv Changes the configuration of the print service on a computer client or server

gettable Get computer tables in NIC format

hostent Directly manipulates the records of the address correspondence of the computer in the configuration database of the system

hostid Sets or displays the host ID

hostname Sets or displays the name of this host

htable Converts computer files to the format used by network library programs

ifconfig Configures or displays options network interfaces Computer (for TCP / IP protocols)

ipreport Generates a packet route message based on the specified route file

iptrace Provides packet tracing at the interface layer for Internet protocols

lsnamsv Displays DNS database information

lsprtsv Displays information from the network print service database

mkhost Creates a PC table file

mknamsv Configures the client PC naming service (for TCP / IP)

mktcpip Sets the required values ​​for running TCP / IP on a computer

namerslv Directly manipulates the nameserver records for the local DNS program in the system configuration database

netstat Displays network status

no Configures network options

rmnamsv Removes the TCP / IP naming service from the host

rmprtsv Removes the print service on the client or server machine

route Serves for manual manipulation of route tables

ruptime Displays the state of each computer on the network

ruser Directly manipulates records in three separate system databases that regulate the access of external computers to programs

securetcpip Enables network security

setclock Sets the time and date for computers on the network

slattach Connects serial links as network interfaces

timedc Send information about the timed daemon

trpt Tracks the protocol implementation for TCP sockets

In order to diagnose a situation in a network, it is necessary to understand the interaction of its various parts within the framework of the TCP / IP protocols and to have some idea of ​​how Ethernet works.

Networks, following recommendations Internet, have local server names (DNS, RFC-1912, -1886, -1713, -1706, -1611-12, -1536-37, -1183, -1101, -1034-35; bold numbers correspond to document codes containing descriptions standards), which is used to convert the symbolic name of a network object into its IP address. Typically this machine is UNIX based.

The DNS server maintains a corresponding database that stores a lot of other useful information. Many PCs have SNMP residents (RFC-1901-7, -1446-5, -1418-20, -1353, -1270, -1157, -1098) serving the management MIB (RFC-1792, -1748-49 , -1743, -1697, -1573, -1565-66, -1513-14, -1230, -1227, -1212-13), the contents of which will also help you learn a lot about the state of your network. The very ideology of the Internet assumes rich diagnostics (ICMP protocol, RFC-1256, 1885, -1788, -792).

Using ICMP

The ICMP protocol is used in the most popular diagnostic program ping (included in the delivery of almost all network packets). A possible form of calling this program is:

ping<имя или адрес ЭВМ или другого объекта>[packet size] [number of parcels]

In various implementations, the ping program has many various options that measure the statistical characteristics of the link (for example, loss), determine the delay in the channel (RTT), display the packets sent and received responses, and determine the route to the object of interest. Ping is used to determine the availability of a service provider, etc.

Below is an example of using the tracetoute command, which is largely equivalent to ping (but is based directly on IP using the appropriate options):


The traceroute program sends three packets each with increasing TTL values; if no response is received, a * is printed. Large delays (RTT) in the given example are determined by satellite communication channels (signal propagation time to the satellite!).

In order to properly respond to emergency situations, you need to have a good idea of ​​how the network should work in normal conditions... To do this, you need to study the network, its topology, external connections, software configuration of central servers and peripheral PCs. It should be borne in mind that changing the configuration is usually the privilege of the system administrator and in any doubt you should contact him. Unqualified actions when reconfiguring a system can have disastrous consequences.

Using DNS for Diagnostic Purposes

As noted above, one of the most important parts of any site on the Internet is the name server (DNS). The DNS server configuration is defined by three files: named.boot, and named.local. The zone information is contained in the named.rev file, and the local domain information is in the named.hosts file. Debugging, monitoring and diagnostics of the DNS server is carried out using the nslookup (or dig) programs.

The DNS server is a very important object of the node; the speed of servicing requests and the reliability of the system as a whole depend on it. For this reason, in addition to the main one, any node has several secondary DNS servers.

The ifconfig program is used to monitor the status of network interfaces, configure and test them. This command assigns an IP address, subnet mask, and broadcast address to the interface.


One of the most informative commands is netstat (for an exhaustive description of options and methods of application, refer to the documentation for your network software).

This command can give you information about the state of the interfaces on the PC where it is executed: netstat -i

V recent times there are several complex (public) diagnostic packages (NetWatch, WS_watch, SNMPMAN, Netguard, etc.). Some of these packages allow you to build graphic model the network under test, highlighting with color or using a variation of pictures, working computers. Programs using the SNMP protocol check for the availability of the SNMP daemon by means of a special request, use the ICMP protocol to determine the operability of the computer, and then display variables and data arrays from the MIB control database (if this database has a public access level). This can be done automatically or at the request of the operator. The SNMP protocol allows you to monitor the variations in the load of individual network segments with UDP, TCP, ICMP, etc. packets, registering the number of errors on each of the active interfaces. To solve this problem, you can use the appropriate program that regularly polls the MIB of the computers you are interested in, and the resulting numbers are entered into the appropriate data bank. In the event of an abnormal situation, the network administrator can view the flow variations in the network segments and identify the time and cause of the system failure. Similar data can be obtained using a program that sets the Ethernet interface to receive all packets (mode = 6). Such a program allows receiving data on all types of packets circulating in a given cable segment.

The ttcp diagnostic program may be of some interest, as it allows you to measure some characteristics of TCP or UDP exchanges between two nodes.

With the transition of networks to the gigabit range of speeds, in particular to 10Gbps, difficulties arise in monitoring the state of the network.

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