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Where did nnm club move to?

How to get to

  1. Attention!

    We have moved to new domain NNMCLUB.TO

    The domain is operational, encryption (SSL) and IPv6 are working, it remains to fix some links, RSS and other issues related to the move. And most importantly - dry! torrents are downloading! 🙂

  2. ss found the site
  3. Through anonymizer sites.
    Here is a link to one:
  4. Thank you so much!))
  5. Our Club is currently unavailable. To gain access to the site - you need to fix host file by writing the following lines:

    We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

    UPD: Launched a TEMPORARY mirror:

    P.S. The measure is TEMPORARY. Later, after repairing the site, these lines should be deleted!

  6. Thanks to all. Used several methods. Sun works.
    is or is not on this site licensed windows 7? where the key is.
    give a direct link please. (win 7 64/86)
  8. everything works as it should at least I have a TTK (just registered Google DNS), use vpn for example securitykiss (free acc for 300 megs, get 10 such accounts for temporary emails with temp-mail .ru) or use proxy
  9. Everybody. There are no more options. And it will get even worse, because the authorities are not going to change the law. They're just going to make it tougher.
  10. Option

    Browzar Black - Small and fast browser, using the kernel Internet Explorer. All new pages open in the tabs of the main window. With this browser, you can surf the Internet without leaving any visible traces on the computer you are working on. No one will be able to get personal information about the user's activities on the Web, because there is no cache or connection history in the browser at all. After the session ends, all cookies will be deleted immediately, and the URLs you worked with will not be remembered either. The browser does not require installation and can be run from a floppy disk or removable media.

  11. Yesterday I logged in, today it is blocked again 🙁
  12. friGate - extension for Chrome browsers, Opera, Firefox which will open any blocked site without any settings and machinations
  13. On the site, the moderators are Ukrainian Nazis, the very ones who sincerely rejoiced at the burning of living people in Odessa on May 2, 2014 ...
    Do you like it when everything you write is moderated by Bandera? And if your picture of the world does not coincide with his miserable picture of the world, then he will really ban you, maybe even for life.
    For Khokhol moderators alone, this site should be closed forever!
  14. Anti-censorship AntiCenz
  15. Hello again
  16. Dear NNM-Club users!

    If you can't get to our site, it means that your ISP has blocked this feature.

    We will not talk about the legitimacy of this decision now, but we want to tell you how to get into our Club without any problems, as simply and briefly as possible:

    Try to change DNS to free ones (for example and An example setup is here.

    Download and use the TOR browser to access blocked sites.

    In the Opera browser, use the "turbo" button.

    If this does not suit you, then there are many more different ways, which will not fit within the framework of this message, so here are a few links:

    A great option is to use VPN services. Free list here.

    What if there is no kina

    Five easy ways to access blocked sites

    How to bypass the blocking of the site by the provider

    Also, the Club is already available on the i2p network and via IPv6

“The strength of the government rests on the ignorance of the people, and it knows this and therefore will always fight against enlightenment. It is time for us to understand this. "

L.N. Tolstoy

On July 2, 2013, bill No. 292521-6 was signed, which provides for the blocking of Internet pages with links to Possibly! misplaced content. That is, starting from August of this year, various sites are expected to be blocked at the level of federal providers. Under this law, providers are required to block not the entire site, but only the page, presumably! violating something there the copyright holder. But providers do not have such capacities.

Even Rostelecom modestly wrote about this in Izvestia Mordovia, so the sites will be blocked entirely:

Rostelecom does not have technical feasibility block specific Internet pages that contain information recognized as prohibited. Access to a prohibited site is blocked by its IP address. Moreover, one IP address may belong not only to resources subject to a court decision.

And it does not matter that hundreds of other, absolutely innocent sites may suffer in this case. The main thing is to fulfill the instructions (I can’t even dare to call THIS a law) of the parties and governments. It’s the same as they said to catch Petrov in the city, and here they are, sick, rowing and imprisoning all Petrovs, rowing and imprisoning ..

And everything would still be nothing if it concerned only modern, Russian films. We would be happy to delete such crafts, leaving your comments, in order to discourage going to the cinema (if it is, of course, in your city, village or village, because Moscow is not all of Russia, as our deputies think), having bought into a beautiful advertising wrapper. But it turns out that even such a patriotic film, shot in 1971, as "Officers" designed to educate young people exactly as it should, has a copyright holder who will not fail to take advantage of the new law among the first. And when this happens, the Club will soon be blocked.

This will not affect the operation of the site in any way, however, access will be denied to users with a Russian IP address!

In this regard, we need to master in advance programs and methods for effectively replacing IP addresses, namely TOR and VPN, as well as transfer knowledge to our friends and acquaintances.

The most accessible, convenient and free way is a browser with built-in TOR. Download it once, install it and the entire Internet space is open for you again!

8. And do not forget that the Club has an IPv6 address, good instruction by setting is .

and further...

Tor + Vidalia + Proxomitron + Freecap-

OperaTor- Opera + Tor + Polipo -

Portable Tor- portable Tor package, which does not require installation on a computer -

vuze- BitTorrent file-sharing client with built-in Tor support -

Good manual for configuring Tor-

Full list of supported options -

Setting hidden services-

If you know more effective and simple ways achieve our goals, voice them in the comments.

If on one "beautiful" day you couldn't get into the Club and some formidable window opened instead, don't worry, the Club is working. Remember this topic, uncover TOR's and VPN's and continue to delight yourself and your loved ones with fresh information.

CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Chapter 2. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen, Article 23:
2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications. This right may be restricted only on the basis of a court decision.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Where else to get information about NNM-CLUB.

Information on blocking sites (only for users from Russia)

If you don't already know, then on August 1st a law will come into force in Russia to block access to sites that are accused of copyright infringement.
This information applies only to the Russians (outside the Russian Federation, nothing changes, you don’t even have to read)
The blocking will be applied to everything - old and new films / series, Russian and foreign, and formalities, such as the lack of a licensed translation, will not change anything.
If you have already solved the question for yourself, then good, but the point of this news is to bring a simple solution to 95% of users who are not technically savvy.


And so the decision this issue for users:

SOLUTION 1(most correct)
Install extension friGate(Frigate) for browser Google Chrome from the official extension store at the link:
Also a link to friGate(Frigate) can be found on the official website this extension:

friGate(Frigate) allows you to access various sites through a proxy server. Extension friGate(Frigate) for browser Google Chrome put in one click and does not require special skills and knowledge. The database of sites is constantly updated. This decision useful to you later to access other blocked sites. Browser extension Mozilla Firefox according to the developers - it will also be, but a little later.

Configure IPv6 on your computer for uninterrupted access to blocked sites.

How to set up IPv6 can be read at the link:
Or here:
Well, or search in your favorite search engines " how to set up ipv6".

Install Tor and walk through it. Download Tor you can follow the link from the official website do not forget to select desired language distribution.

Tor(abbreviated from English the onion router) - free software to implement the second generation of the so-called "onion routing". This is a system that allows you to set anonymous network connection, protected from listening. Considered as anonymous network, which provides data transmission in encrypted form.

Use browser Opera in the version with the old engine enable " turbo mode", and in versions with the new engine " compression mode" .

Use anonymizers such as:
2."Hide My Ass Proxy Extension"
When using these extensions, the following changes: country, ip-address, provider. Everywhere a proxy is used, but in one case it is not possible to recognize that a proxy is being used (to the one who monitors) and the ip-address after the proxy is not visible.

An expansion is also planned for the near future. Mozilla browser Firefox, which allows you to bypass blocking.

On November 14, the torrent tracker NNM Club (also known as NNM Club) was permanently blocked by Roskomnadzor for copyright infringement. Many users lost access to hundreds of thousands of giveaways on the site, which contained music, movies, books, games, educational materials and many rare files that are not available anywhere else on the network. After that, some users "buried" the tracker and considered that it was closed. However, I hasten to please you - NNM Club is still open!

Today I will tell you about new addresses and mirrors of NNM Club 2018, as well as methods . After reading this article, you will know exactly how to bypass the blocking of Hnm Club and how to enter the site and get access to a huge amount of useful information.

Attention! Use only the site mirrors that are presented in the article- they are official and do not contain viruses and will never steal your data. Both are quite real if you're trying to search new address site in search engine and enter your credentials on dubious "clones" of the resource.

So, without further ado, let me introduce you full list all addresses and mirrors of the HHM Club that are relevant in 2018. You should not look for new torrent tracker sites - the site has always been and will be one. It's just that portal owners sometimes launch new mirrors to bypass resource blocking. In this article, I will always maintain an up-to-date list of these HHM Klum torrent addresses

Important! According to the law, Roskomnadzor can block not only the offending site, but also its mirrors and “clones”. Thus, site mirrors will not work without effective methods to bypass NNM Club blocking.

To get started, choose a method for your operating system and a browser that will allow you to enter the HHM Club, and then feel free to click on the new site addresses presented above. But first, I would like to warn you against a new scam related to our favorite Smart Tracker that is rampant on the internet.

Fix NNM Club - download and run

On some unscrupulous "clones" of the NNM Club, you can find the following call:

"Due to blocking main servers, Search and Personal Area can't work without our client. Run the fix-NNM-Club file and refresh the page"

Do not under any circumstances do this! This file has nothing to do with the official site, this client does not represent access to a resource - in best case you will infect your device with viruses, at worst you will lose your data, personal information and money!

Some users even try to find an updated Fix nnm club file on the net - don't do it! It won't help you.

All you need is to use one of the many ways to bypass blocking and then go to the site using one of the links above to the new 2018 mirrors.

Bypass blocking NNM Club in 2018: all ways

If you are constantly using mobile device on Android based or iOS, then you can install free vpn from Opera for your device. You install the application Opera VPN to your smartphone and all your traffic will go through the company's servers abroad. Thus, you will get access to all sites blocked in Russia, including the ability to bypass the blocking of HHM Club. You don't need to configure anything - just install free program, run it, click on big button in the center of the screen - and you're done! VPN can be disabled at any time.

Bypass NNM Club blocking with Psiphon

Suitable for: Windows, Android, iOS

If the first method did not work for you or you are using other browsers, then I highly recommend that you pay attention to the development of Canadian Psiphon programmers. Despite the fact that the name does not sound very pleasant in Russian, the program is very high quality and free of charge.

All you need is to download the file for Windows and run it, then click on the button. After that, you can safely access any blocked sites, including NNM Club.

For Android and iOS, you can install Psiphon apps directly from official stores- everything is also simple there, you need to press a maximum of one "Connection" button on the main screen, you will not miss. Also for iOS platforms there is Psiphon Browser. VPN is already built in there - just install it and enjoy huge amount unlocked content.

Proxies and VPNs from ProstoVPN.AntiBan

Suitable for: all platforms

The ProstoVPN.AntiZaprat project has been providing its proxies and VPNs for everyone for several years absolutely free of charge. The official website has instructions for setting up a proxy for Firefox browsers, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and VPN for iPhone/iPad and Android. Even a beginner will understand.

Tor and NNM Club

Suitable for: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS

As you already understood, NNM Club has a mirror in Tor networks. You have probably already heard what Tor is - it is a decentralized network that allows you to access any blocked resources. However, some sites, like the HHM Club, have their own mirror on the network, which no country can block, since the network is decentralized. In order to access the tracker site on the Tor network, you need to download a browser for your operating system. Minus this way - internet will work slower, but you will be able to hide your presence in the network and will be able to access any site from anywhere in the world. For Android and iOS, there are also solutions based on Tor - Orbot and Onion Browser.

IPV6 for NNM Club: setup and address

Suitable for: Windows, Mac, Linux

If the IPV6 protocol is configured on your OS, you can go to the NNM Club IPV6 mirror. There are a lot of instructions for setting up the protocol on the net, I will post a short version here.

In order to enable the IPV6 protocol in Windows, we will use the bat file . All you have to do is run it as Administrator and it will do everything by itself.

Attention: if your network interface has a name different from the standard one, you need to open the downloaded bat file Notepad and correct adapter name “Connect via local network” to your name network adapter, which is used to access the Internet.

  • In Windows 7 and 8, you need to go along the path "Control Panel" - "Network and Control Center public access»» and there we look at the name of the active adapter
  • Windows 10, press Win + X, select "Network Connections" - "Network and Sharing Center" - "Change adapter settings" and look at the name of the adapter

After making changes (if necessary), run our bat file.

Now we check the operation of the IPV6 protocol:

If everything is OK, go to the NNM Club website in IPV6


So, today we learned about all the new NNM Club mirrors of 2018, and also learned all the new addresses of the NNM Club. We realized that you should not run and download the Fix nnm club file, as it can be dangerous. After that, we got acquainted with all the ways to bypass the blocking of the NNM Club torrent tracker.

If you failed to log in to NNM Club thanks to these instructions, be sure to write in the comments and I will help you. Save this article to your bookmarks and share it with your friends - it will be constantly updated, so you can always log into your favorite torrent tracker.

AT recent times More Internet resources are subject to blocking with subsequent restriction of access for Internet users. In this regard, many users have questions about how to access their favorite resource. Today we will talk about the popular torrent forum - NNM-CLUB.

To begin with, we need to figure out what caused the blocking this resource and how the blocking mechanism works. Then we will try to fix the problem with access to your favorite site.

On this moment blocking of Internet resources, such as NNM-CLUB, is carried out at the request of Roskomnadzor. Based on various rulings federal services and judgments, Roskomnadzor requires from Internet providers to block access to prohibited resources for their users.

In turn, the Internet provider blocks access to a particular resource.
But key moment is that it is impossible to block the Internet resource itself if it is based on foreign hosting, because our laws do not apply to the laws of other countries.

As a rule, these types of sites are hosted on foreign internet hosting, as a result of which we understand that the Internet provider is blocking only IP access. Based on this, we conclude that we can enter the desired Internet resource by bypassing the IP blocking. But how to do that?

Here don't worry- there are many such bypass tools, and we will talk about some of them. First option - VPN services. This is an option for bypassing various blocking, and the only negative is that you will have to spend a little. The second option is proxy and anonymizer services. This option has many of its advantages, but there is also a minus - this is the complexity of the setup.

The third option, probably the best one to date, is browser button. These buttons already immediately have everything necessary settings to bypass various blockings, and to start using, we only need to download and run this utility, without the need for settings and dancing with tambourines.
As we can see, today blocking an Internet resource at the request of Roskomnadzor does not entail a complete blocking of the resource, and all access bans can be easily bypassed.

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