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Who are the subscribers in contact. What are VKontakte subscriptions? What are they needed for

Vkontakte personal pages have one small feature - change imperceptibly, and not for the better. The innovations introduced by Pavel Durov cannot be understood and overcome by an ordinary user. But we can do something too! For example, regulating a problem called: "VKontakte subscribers" .

It often happens that you knock on a friend's friend, but he ignores your heartfelt urge, adding not to friends, but to a herd of subscribers. And you are not even playing the formal role of a friend or acquaintance, but one of hundreds of faceless fans. It’s unpleasant, you will agree, especially when you don’t know the alleged object of adoration.

First of all, you need to understand the mechanism of the problem. There are several options for how to become a subscriber of a particular user, and very often you yourself do not notice this is happening. So, let's say you want to add a user as a friend: you make a friend request and wait for a response. If this user adds you as a friend, there are no questions. However, if he suddenly thinks that he does not want to see you in the list of friends, he chooses "send to subscribers." Thus, you do not get into the status of friends, but only subscribers.

In principle, the majority of Vkontakte users today, on the contrary, recruit as many friends and subscribers as possible, either for fun, or for more news to appear in the feed. There is also an opinion, and not only mine, that VKontakte subscribers serve as a kind of measure of the size of the "social belly". In any case, if from a “friend” you become just a “subscriber” of a user, you simply have a profile of this user in the list of “interesting pages”. Although, you can no longer view the news of this person.

The second option is when you are already friends with a certain user, however, for some reason, he decides to delete you. So you automatically become a subscriber, and then the question arises of how to remove from subscribers in contact .

In order to remove yourself from the status of "Vkontakte subscriber", you just need to go to the page of this user and under his photo (avatar) find the inscription "You are subscribed to ..." on a gray background, hover the cursor over this inscription, and you have a window will immediately pop up with the content: you sent a friend request, and also subscribed to updates. In addition to these lines, you will find the word "Cancel" there. You need to click on it and the job will be done.

In January 2011, we saw a new "subscription" option on our VKontakte pages. Innovations are always accompanied by a lot of questions. What the subscriptions in contact mean, where they came from, is not clear to everyone.

What are contact subscriptions

Consider the history and evolution of subscriptions in contact. After all, the very appearance of subscriptions is shrouded in mystery, and since that moment they have already undergone significant changes: the old subscriptions remained, but you cannot subscribe to someone again ... What happened and where did the subscribers disappear in the contact.

New features for January 2011

The trick is that previously there was an opportunity to become a fan of a member of the social network Vkontakte, who has a rating of at least 200, and you could turn out to be an idol for someone if your rating is more than 200. In January, the name "fans" was simply changed to "subscribers", and "idols" on "subscriptions". After such innovations, anyone could subscribe to your page in contact, and you would see it under your avatar. Under it is written "my subscribers", opposite there will be a certain number of people who subscribed to you. By clicking on this button, you will see who exactly is your subscriber. And most importantly, the ability to subscribe does not depend on a person's rating!

Innovations in October 2011

In October, the administration of the social network surprised users with new changes. On the page of any person under the avatar there is no longer a "Subscribe to updates" button. But the "Add to friends" button remained. As soon as you click on it, you automatically become a subscriber of this member. After he reviews your friend request, but does not want to add you, you will remain with him as a subscriber. You can act in the same way on your personal page with your friend requests. Leaving a person in subscriptions, then, if you want, you can add him as a friend at any time.

Why is this new system of subscriptions in contact made? Initially on the pages of popular people such as Leonid Veselov, for example, a huge pointless number of users were asked to be friends. I had to constantly translate them into subscribers. Most, just in case, were added to both subscribers and friends to celebrities by clicking on both links. Why create such confusion ?!

The interesting thing is that you have the right to hide your subscribers from other members of the social network. Go to the settings in the "Privacy" tab and mark who will be visible in the list of your friends and applications.

What does subscription in a contact mean, and how to subscribe

So, if you have never used the function of fans and idols, we will explain what subscribing to a contact means. By subscribing to the page of any person, you will see all changes to his page in your news feed.

Previously, many had a question, why subscribe to any of their friends, if news about this person's page already appears in the feed. The fact of the matter is that there was no point in adding friends to your subscriptions! Now, thanks to the new friend request system, there will be no such confusion. The subscription function in a contact means that the news feed displays changes not only to friends, but also to people you are interested in who are not included in the friends list. Let's say famous people who are registered in a contact cannot endlessly add all their real fans as friends.

How to subscribe to a contact for a person you are interested in:

  1. You need to find the page of the right person and go to it.
  2. Find the "Add to friends" button under his profile picture and click on it.
  3. If the user does not add you as a friend, you will remain with him as a subscriber. Now all updates of this person will appear in the news among the updates of your friends.

Who is subscribed to me, and to whom I am subscribed in contact:

  1. Open your page in contact, and on the left under the list of friends there will be a list of "Interesting pages" - these are your subscriptions, that is, those people to whose updates you subscribed.
  2. If you want to cancel your friend request (that is, a subscription), just go to the user's page and under the avatar, hover over the link "You are subscribed to ...", here click "cancel".
  3. You can also find out if anyone has subscribed to your updates. To do this, under your profile picture, see if there is a "my subscribers" button. If it is not there, then no one has subscribed to your updates yet. And if the button exists, then the number of people interested in your news is marked opposite it. By clicking on "my subscribers", a person will see who exactly subscribed and wants to watch him. You can also go to the link "My friends" and look in the tab "Applications".

Among the many social networks, the VKontakte resource stands out. Initially, it was created as a place of communication for active youth, and a little later it began to be filled with various useful and interesting services. For example, now the network has one of the largest music archives on the Runet. The success of VKontakte, among other things, can be easily explained by the fact that its development does not stand still. The design is regularly updated and new options appear that make the processes of communication and exchange of information even more fun. One of the most interesting services is the so-called subscriptions. Let's try to figure out what VKontakte subscriptions are, what they are for.

Subscription service: what is it?

The VKontakte "subscription" service appeared a long time ago and has confidently entered the life of the majority of resource users. But many still ask the question: "What are VKontakte subscriptions?" The main purpose of the option is the ability to quickly find out about the changes that have occurred on the page of the person you are interested in. In this case, the definition of "changes" includes status updates, new added photos, posts on the wall. Now that it has become clear why VKontakte subscriptions are needed, we will introduce you to the principle of their work.

How does this service work?

Subscribing is easy. To do this, just send the user you are interested in a request to add as a friend. In this case, everything will be formalized automatically, regardless of whether you were added as a friend. Of course, based on privacy protection, any user can restrict access to information by subscription. In this case, you will receive only the news that he specified in the option settings. But users do not have the opportunity to completely prohibit others from subscribing "to themselves", well, except for the option to add a specific subscriber to the black list. In all other cases, it must be remembered that any member of VKontakte can subscribe to you.

What is the service for?

If we have not yet answered the question of what a VKontakte subscription is, then it is worth clarifying that the main idea of ​​the service is the ability not to lose a person from its visibility zone, while remaining an observer from the outside or an active interlocutor. This option is relevant for celebrity users and their official fan clubs, for whom it is important to spread information about ongoing events and share news. The social network VKontakte is often used as a platform for the presentation and distribution of various goods / services. And what does a VKontakte subscription give to network entrepreneurs? Thanks to the service, they have the opportunity to send their subscribers up-to-date information about new products, promotions, posted presentation videos. Now that you know exactly what VKontakte subscriptions are, you just have to figure out how they can be useful specifically to you. All new emerging services, of course, make our communication on social networks not only enjoyable, but also useful, and in some cases - and quite profitable from a financial point of view.

At the moment, the social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most competitive and intensively developing projects on the Russian Internet. VKontakte managed to achieve such high performance due to a pleasant interface and a multitude of constantly updated and improved additional functions. All these functions have made the VKontakte social network truly convenient for communication between a wide variety of people.

Relatively recently, a new “subscription” function has appeared, replacing the similar “fans and idols” function. So, what is a subscription in a contact and what specific advantages does it give over the previous function?

The old, well-known to many, "fans and idols" feature allowed adding a user to their idols, which, in turn, made it possible to watch updates on his page. However, only the user whose rating was more than 200 points could become an "idol". The "subscription" function allows you to constantly monitor the user's page, regardless of his rating. The ability to constantly keep abreast of innovations on the page of any person who has given consent is what a subscription in a contact is.

An inexperienced user may find this function strange. In order to understand what a subscription is, imagine that there is a certain person with whom you need not only to keep in touch, but also to be aware of his activities (boss, teacher, pop star, girl you are in love with, but do not dare to confess etc.). It may not be possible to simply add this person to "friends" for some reason. In this case, you can simply go to the menu on its page and click on the "subscribe to updates" function. After that, if a high level of privacy is not set on the user's page, you will be able to see all the news and updates. If this level of privacy is nevertheless established, you will also freely subscribe, however, you will not be able to monitor the user's page. You can also subscribe to the official pages of the Vkontakte social network and various projects, studios, etc. Now you know. what gives a subscription to a contact.

When you subscribe and can see with your own eyes what subscriptions are in a contact under the "friends" window, a new window will appear on your page called "VKontakte subscribers". And you yourself will be added to the "subscribers" under the avatar of the person to whom you are subscribing to the update. In order to unsubscribe from the user's page, click on the "unsubscribe from updates" window.

Thus, the "subscription" function is very convenient, in some cases, an element of the "VKontakte" service. Having understood why you need subscriptions in a contact, and having learned how to use this new function, you can use it to achieve your goals and, simply, for ease of communication. For example, you can start communicating with famous figures of art, science or politics, follow the page of any person important to you, improve relations with your boss at work or a teacher at a university. Even more convenience for free communication between a wide variety of people - that's what a contact subscription is. As you can see, the question of what are subscriptions in a contact can be answered - this is an ideal opportunity to always be aware of everything that is happening on users' pages. This is a kind of news block that will let you know about the upcoming changes. You can also say that it is your "secretary" who brings you up to date. In addition, subscriptions in contact are also popularity, which sometimes we may miss. In short, a subscription to a contact allows you to improve your page and enjoy the flow of new information. I hope you now know what subscribers are in contact and what they give.

How to become a subscriber or friend on Vkontakte?

When you send a friend request to someone, you automatically become a subscriber of that person, then there are three possible options: your request will be rejected, then you will remain a subscriber; your request will be ignored, then you will again remain a subscriber; your request will be accepted, in which case you will become a friend. We can say that friendship on Vkontakte is a mutual subscription. You can also become a subscriber if you have been removed from your friends, in which case you simply remain subscribed to this person and can unsubscribe from him at any time.

Now let's talk about the main thing - what is the difference between friends and VK subscribers. It depends on the privacy settings of the page of the person who received the request. Depending on the settings, the subscriber may not be able to:

  • to write a message;
  • leave a message on the wall;
  • see subscriptions;
  • see music;
  • see friends;
  • see other subscribers;
  • see hidden friends;
  • view posts on the wall;
  • see personal information;
  • view photos;
  • leave comments on photos and records;
  • watch saved videos.

These are all individual traits, several points can be prohibited, or they can be all at once. If a person has none of this set in the privacy settings, it would seem that there is no difference. You are practically right. Friends will automatically pop up all their friends' posts in the feed, the subscriber can configure this, as well as notification about broadcasts. But there is one important difference: if you are a subscriber, then the person will not be able to open something personally for you. For example, his music is closed for all people, if you are his friends, then he can make an individual exception for you and only you will see the music, there is no such function for subscribers.

It's still nicer to be a friend than just a subscriber. If you send a request to a familiar person, and he does not answer it, then you should think about it. If you send a request to a popular person, then do not wait for the application to be accepted, consider that you simply subscribed to page updates in order to follow the life of the person you are interested in.

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