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The Searcher Will Find: The Secrets of Effective Google Search. Internet search secrets and unusual search engines

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In the era of digital technologies and high-speed Internet, you can find out any information. In a few minutes we find recipes for a delicious cake or get acquainted with the theory of particle-wave dualism.

But often you have to sow the necessary information bit by bit and spend more than one hour on it. site collected for you the most effective ways to help you find precious materials in a couple of clicks.

1. Either one or the other

Sometimes we are not exactly sure that we have memorized or heard the necessary information correctly. No problem! Just enter some suitable options using the "|" or the English "or" and then select the appropriate result.

2. Search by synonym

As you know, the great and mighty Russian language is rich in synonyms. And sometimes it doesn't work at all. If you need to quickly find sites on a given topic, and not just a specific phrase, put the "~" symbol.

For example, the results of the query "healthy ~ food" will help you learn about healthy eating principles, introduce you to healthy recipes and foods, and suggest eating healthy restaurants.

3. Search within the site

4. Strength of the sprocket

When an insidious memory fails us and hopelessly loses words or numbers from a phrase, the "*" sign comes to the rescue. Just put it in place of the forgotten snippet and get the results you want.

5. Lots of missing words

But if not one word, but half of the phrase fell out of memory, try to write the first and last words, and between them - AROUND (the approximate number of missing words). For example, like this: "I loved you AROUND (7) not quite."

6. Time frame

Sometimes we desperately need to get acquainted with the events that happened in a certain period of time. To do this, add a time frame to the main phrase, spelled out with ellipses. For example, we want to know what scientific discoveries were made between 1900 and 2000.

7. Search by title or link

In order for the search engine to find keywords in the title of the article - enter the word "intitle:" before the query without a space, and to search for a word in the link - "inurl:".

Astronomical search service This resource provides a search for information on sites whose topics, in one way or another, are related to astronomy. In total, the search engine database contains about four hundred sites on astronomical topics - sites of observatories, amateur pages, libraries of scientific literature, etc.

Those whose profession is related to astronomy can only be envied - there is a certain amount of romance in the study of cosmic events. Nothing seems to a person as interesting as the area of ​​the unknown. Perhaps that is why he so often turns his attention to space and tries to find an answer to the eternal question "Is there life in the Universe?" We, too, did not differ in originality and tried to ask the search engine the legendary question "Is there life on Mars?" There were so many answers, and all of them were so interesting that, forgetting about everything, we plunged into reading hypotheses and examining photographs and mock-ups of the Martian surface. In addition to the search function, the site has a lot of other useful services, among which, for example, there is the English-Russian-English Astronomical Dictionary, a biographical reference book with detailed information about all the scientists who contributed to the development of astronomy, a glossary of astronomical terms. There is also a handy sky map that generates the position of the constellations, depending on the latitude and longitude of the observation point, as well as the time of day. - free games for every taste!

Search services are needed by everyone - both those who use them to write a dissertation, and those who want to know the weather forecast or train schedule, and even those who have carved out five minutes of free time and just want, as they say, to fool around, to play what - some simple computer game. For the latter category of users, this resource will be a real treasure of games.

It is not quite a search engine, although this is what Western observers call it (Game search engine). The site is rather a directory, a collection of 264 Flash games, collected on one page. Click any of the colorful icons and play for health. On you will find any "office fun" - from Tetris and chess to adventure quests and shooters. The plot of many games is made with great humor and will undoubtedly please not only you, but also your friends. - associative search

Each search engine has its own unique method of selecting the correct results. For example, this search engine works on the principle of associativity. This search engine tries not only to correctly select web-resources corresponding to a specific query, but also to suggest the direction of the search with associative words. So, if you enter a keyword or phrase in the query field, the result shown by the search engine will look like a set of associative words, a semantic cloud, and, of course, a regular list of sites selected by the search engine as a result of a search.

A distinctive feature of is the visualization of associative links, i.e. drawing up a diagrammatic map showing the connections between words that relate to similar topics. At first, this graph may seem like something incomprehensible and unusual, but after several attempts to search, you get used to it and use it to narrow the search area. The search service can work not only in the associative search mode, but also in the usual one. For faster work with the system, there is a "lightweight" version of the site - - a summary of any book

One can argue for a long time about whether the book will die or not, but the fact remains that today's reader is not the one who leafs through the volume of Lermontov or Tolstoy, but rather the one who can still read. Soon everyone who knows that Bender is a figment of the imagination of Ilf and Petrov, and not the hero of Futurama, and Homer is not a character in The Simpsons, but a perfectly adequate Greek who lived a couple of thousand years ago, will be able to consider himself a bibliophile. We think that the lost interest in literature is a temporary phenomenon, and there will come a time when people will return to books. In the meantime, time dictates its laws, and resources such as appear. You don't need to be particularly perspicacious to guess who this resource is intended for - of course, schoolchildren and students. Why read a whole book if you can find out in a nutshell what old Maeterlink wrote about there. The website has collected a large number of summaries for various books - from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy to Shakespeare's Hamlet and Sholokhov's Quiet Don. The content of the works is sorted on the site by authors, there is a search function. We must pay tribute to the creators of this resource - they very carefully approached the selection of the text for retelling, so most of the works are retold in literary language, everything is clear and ... interesting. Well, maybe, among those who get acquainted with the content of these books, there will be someone who wants to know the book by reading it in the original. And not from the screen of a PDA or laptop, but from the white sheets of an ordinary book, while there is still such an opportunity. - search by videos

This service searches for videos in various online video storages, both domestic, for example, and foreign. Everyone knows that the largest video archive is a service Youtube... However, in practice, it turns out that our domestic services for storing video clips are not much inferior, and in some ways even better than a service owned by Google. Firstly, domestic services are more democratic towards the uploaded video - fortunately, in our country, it never occurs to anyone to sue for the fact that a music video or a fragment of a new blockbuster has been posted on the Internet for public viewing. Secondly, the content of the clips that our users upload to the server is closer to us and understandable. For example, a report from one of the TV channels, which has already become documentary, about the events preceding the arrival of Sir Paul McCartney in Ukraine - it turns out that there is a Bitlya village in Transcarpathia, where local Hutsuls prepare "garna pisnya" for one of the "Beatles". And here is another video, where a drunken teacher from one of the capital's universities is trying to give a lecture. The chance of seeing something like this on YouTube is much lower - this is something that is close to our viewer, this is our mentality.

You can search on the service by tags, rating and keywords that are related to the content of the video. The service allows you to bookmark and create playlists from video clips. - search with resultmap

In a situation where a long search on the Internet did not bring any positive result, it is logical to assume that the search query was not made very well and should be formulated somehow differently. But the longer the user goes through the pages, the more difficult it is for him to use his imagination and figure out how to describe his problem in one or two words differently. In this case, you just need to switch and try some completely different search service, for example,

The mere presence of an unusual search resource interface can push the user to the idea of ​​formulating his request in a new way. And if we take into account that the results will be completely different from those given by the previous search engine, we can assume that the chances of finding an answer in this case will be higher. The search service is completely different from ordinary search engines - its appearance is more like a window of some application. After entering the query word, an animated character appears in the "application" window, which entertains the user while the results are prepared for display on the screen. This is followed by the construction of a map of the Internet, which determines the connections between the semantic content of various resources. This map clearly shows which area is closest to the topic of the selected resource and where to look for information. Interestingly, the links shown on the map can be edited, thereby defining the search area. On the map of Internet resources, sites are marked with different icons - those that have a larger icon size are more likely to correspond to the search query. Using the search engine is very unusual, especially at the beginning. But, nevertheless, you get used to some of the search capabilities instantly - for example, very convenient icons of sites that make it possible to judge whether you have viewed this page or not. Also, the search engine stores the history of queries, which is very convenient if you need to return to some result. To do this, you can view the list of words requested in the search engine, and remember which one led to a particular resource. The search engine, unfortunately, does not work well with Russian text. The search can be performed in one of three modes - all over the Internet, only in English-language pages and using the "parent" filter. When a search engine finds a lot of pages that match a query, the search results are divided into pages (as in any search engine) and for each of them its own Internet map is created. Any result map can be saved and then reused for searches. - Specifying the Search Scope

The visual presentation of search results is a common occurrence among alternative search engines. The closest and most understandable way to demonstrate the search area is a diagram, which, one way or another, is played up by the creators of alternative search engines in unusual interfaces. The service is an attempt to make a search engine in which the user could not only go through the results in a row, but also choose the direction of the search. The search service works very simply. The user enters a request, after which a diagram of words defining the semantic search area is built at the top of the page, and a standard list of sites that meet the request is shown at the bottom of the browser window. In the center of the diagram is the keyword that most closely matches the subject of the query. Sometimes the central word can be used to judge how "correctly" the search engine identified the meaning of the query .. Well, this is true, although, to tell the truth, it seems to us that it would be more logical to see another word in the center of the diagram, for example, "fresh IT- news "or" computer ". The inaccuracy of the results of this search engine is explained by the meager base of indexed sites, but the idea itself is interesting and, perhaps, will someday be continued. In order to be able to work with, you must have the Java Virtual Machine, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Netscape component installed. - children's search engine

When a child seeks to learn a computer, this should be encouraged in every possible way. But letting him look for answers to his questions on Google or a similar "adult" search engine is not worth it. After all, even if a search engine has the function of limiting search results taking into account undesirable content, this only means that with the filter turned on, pornography and violence will not disappear completely, but will be encountered less often on the results pages. No search service can guarantee a completely "clean" list of results. Parental control software does not completely solve this problem either.

But there is one very good way out of the situation - to offer the child to work with a special children's search engine This service is designed in such a way that it searches exclusively for those resources that were added to the database and were approved by the creators of the service. The search service can also find useful information for parents - it will tell you how to raise children correctly, how to take care of their health, etc. The site also has a children's Internet radio that broadcasts various fairy tales, children's songs, stories and much more. To make it interesting for a child to use this search engine, work with the results can take place in the visual search mode, when the found pages are shown in the form of a beautiful animated series of screenshots of the home page of sites. Adults will probably find it more convenient to work in text mode. - Search the online encyclopedia

By creating this unusual search engine, the creators sought to make it as "smart" as possible, able to fine tune to the search question. Having decided that there is no more universal base than that contained in encyclopedic articles, the creators of the service came to the conclusion that the new search engine should be based on Wikipedia, a popular online encyclopedia. Created by German programmers, visualizes search results and makes it possible to refine your search. is a very handy tool to quickly find summary information in a specific area. The search engine looks like a pie chart. In the center of this diagram is the search box. After the query is executed, the search results begin to be marked with dots in this diagram, and these results look like tags-links, helping the user to reveal the essence of the question. The links in this diagram lead to the pages of the online encyclopedia. For more convenience, the scale of the diagram can be changed using a special slider for this. Any tag moved to the query field automatically starts a new search and the chart rebuilds the result map. The search query can be refined by adding additional words that clarify the essence of the question. To the right of this diagram, there is a notepad onto which you can drag and drop comments-links to the tags of the diagram, a kind of online bookmark. - search by content of pictures

When you enter a query on most of the popular image search engines, you get results based on what text appears on the page as well as the file names. But the lesser-known search engine Picollator works in a completely different way. This system identifies what is shown in the pictures. Naturally, with this approach, the search query should not be formulated in the form of a word or phrase, but be a picture.

This is exactly what it is: upload a photo to the server or provide a link to a site where it has already been uploaded, and after a few seconds you will see thumbnails of images similar to the uploaded photo. The service has some limitations: it only works with photographs of people. In addition, to get an acceptable result, the original photo must be of good quality - the person's face on it must be clearly visible, it is also desirable that it is not rotated. - will suggest search directions

The slogan of this site under the search form "Keymap of whole Internet" fully corresponds to the essence of this search engine. The service visualizes the results found in the simplest and most visual way that you can think of - in the form of a road map, somewhat reminiscent of a subway map. The anchor points of this map are keywords found by the search engine. The point at the intersection of the paths is the central word, the same one that was entered in the search engine query field.

The search engine partly does the user's work - in case of an unsatisfactory result, you don't have to puzzle over which question to ask more precisely - just look at the visual presentation of the search results and select one of the keywords. In other words, using these key expressions, you can control the direction of your search.


The list of "strange" search services does not end there, of course. The best minds are trying to develop an ever more perfect algorithm for selecting search results on the Internet. But, despite all their efforts, so far no solution has been proposed that could arouse great interest among users. This can be explained not only by force of habit, but also by the fact that over the years of existence of Google, Yandex, Yahoo! and other search engines, many users have learned to "filter" results, skillfully operating with the syntax of a search query, no worse than alternative search engines do. We believe that the situation can change radically only when a search service appears on the horizon that uses not the engine of older systems, but its own, and which at the same time will be able to index the same huge number of pages as Google. The debate as to which of the search engines is the best is definitely doomed to an endless debate. Surely there will be many people who will argue that a person has not come up with anything better than Google or Yandex. There will also be those who say that alternative search engines are looking more precisely. Both are right. After all, your browser bookmarks have room for all the search engines that might come in handy.

With the rise of censorship and tracking, alternatives to Google and Yandex are becoming more and more interesting for users. We will tell you about three unrestricted search engines that do not collect personal information about you, but, on the contrary, protect your privacy.

Startpage: the world's most discrete search engine calls itself "the world's most discrete search engine." Since 2016, the service has been merged with the Ixquick website. As proof of the safety of its search, bills itself as the only search engine to have an EU privacy certificate. promises not to store users' IP addresses and, according to the service,does not use cookies for tracking. In addition, is accessible from the Tor network.The search engine servers are located in the Netherlands.

The site has a handy feature:search results can be viewed using the "Proxy" option, which encrypts the connection to the corresponding web page using a proxy server. Thus, this is a real search engine without restrictions: you can safely browse what your provider is blocking.

Search proxies: Startpage quietly bypasses Yandex.DNS blocking

Search proxies are the main feature of Startpage, which makes it an uncensored search engine. If you need to search without blocking, this service is for you.

DuckDuckGo: anonymous search engine from the USA

DuckDuckGo is the most widely used secure Google alternative with over ten million queries per day.Although the search engine servers are located in the US, does offer some interesting features.

If you search through, your IP address will not be saved. The system is also nDoes not use tracking cookies.DuckDuckGo uses HTTPS encryption. You can also enter a query into the search engine through the Tor network. In addition, you can use various themes to customize the display of the search page.

You cannot open sites through a proxy here. But given that the system is outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, it does not apply, for example, the "right to be forgotten" in the sense in which we understand it.The search results may not be perfect, but they are still pretty rewarding.

The right to be forgotten: DuckDuckGo finds sites with compromising evidence, blocked in the Russian Federation. Google - news only

This service is more suitable for those who primarily value anonymity and search without tracking. Or those who want to find information excluded from the search results in the Russian Federation. However, be warned: in Russia, DuckDuckGo has become a Yandex partner, so you can expect everything.

notEvil: search on the internet, which does not exist

The notEvil search engine allows you to search from the Internet using the Tor anonymous network. To do this, you do not need to install any additional software (although you will need it in order to open the search results).

This search engine allows you to search on the so-called darknet - that part of the Internet that is usually inaccessible to the average user. Due to blocking, useful services are gradually moving into it, for example, for downloading content.

Most web search engines on Tor shamelessly make money from ads: you get results from Tor, plus a handful of advertisements and tracking as a gift. notEvil basically does not do this. It is clear that we are not talking about IP tracking and the use of cookies at all.

notEvil: helps you find things in Tor that may not exist on the Internet

The site is useful for those who want to get acquainted with the contents of the invisible Internet; hardcore anonymity guaranteed. By the way, we recommend that you bookmark the link right away - URLs in the "Tor-to-web" category are very unfriendly to remember.

Anonymous search engines as a safe alternative to Google

All three search engines do not log your IP address and do not use tracking cookies. Encryption using HTTPS is provided by all named providers.

The best search results in the test were shown by the search engine DuckDuckGo, and you will get guaranteed safety when choosing an alternative search engine with the system. The EU Data Protection Certification confirms that a search engine is sticking to its promises of search anonymity. For searching on the darknet, in turn, notEvil comes in handy.

It was temporarily blocked by providers TTK, Akado, Avax and Sumtel at the direction of Roskomnadzor. But a significant proportion of the subscribers of these providers did not notice the blocking, as they use the domestic search engine.

In April 2017, Yandex was looking for something 43 million people... If you are one of them, then this short article is for you.

P.S. For those who prefer Google and DuckDuckGo, there are links in the last section.

1. How to search among the sites of a certain city, region, federal district or country?

This is how you can find information on the request "ball of graduates" among the sites of the city of Bratsk:

graduation ball cat: 11000976

To find out the number to be dialed after the operator cat:, you need to add the region code to 1100000 in the Yandex.Catalogue. For instance:

  • Moscow - 1100001;
  • Chernihiv - 1100966;
  • Voronezh - 1100193;
  • Volga region - 1100040;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1100207;
  • CIS countries - 166.

There are over 117 thousand sites in Yandex.Katalog already. Similarly, you can search for something only among resources dedicated to a specific topic. To do this, instead of region codes, you must use topic codes and add 9,000,000 to them, instead of 1,100,000.

2. How to trick Yandex about your location?

With the help of the Manual Geolocation extension for Chrome, you can mark any point on the map and the search engine will think that you are there and adjust the search results in accordance with this data. For example, you can search for objects located near your home in St. Petersburg, but is located in Moscow. Convenient when planning trips.

This item is relevant for all sites that use your location data.

3. How to search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language?

This is how you can find what Ukrainian sites write about zebras (in the ua domain zone) in Ukrainian:

zebra domain: ua lang: uk

Similarly, you can find out the opinion of sites of other states on various issues. Language codes for Yandex:

  • Russian (ru);
  • Ukrainian (uk);
  • Belarusian (be);
  • English (en);
  • French (fr)
  • German (de);
  • Kazakh (kk);
  • Tatar (tt);
  • Turkish (tr).

4. How do I search for pages on a specific site?

This is how you can search for pages only on the site:

zebra site: site

This is how you can search only among articles of certain categories. For example, among the questions in Rescue service website:

url messages: site / iNotes / q / *

And here's how to get a list of all tags that are used on the site:

5. How to search for pages created on a specific date?

This is how you can find pages created on a specific day:

steve jobs date: 20170617

And like this in the interval between two dates:

steve jobs date: 20170610..20170617

And with the help of the operator idate: you can search for pages by the date of the last indexing.

6. How to search for files of a certain type?

Find a PDF book to download to iBooks:

flowers for algernon mime: pdf

And this is how you can find all MS Word documents with the mention of the word "declaration" on the FTS website:

mime declaration: docx site:

Types of documents that Yandex indexes:

  • html;
  • docx;
  • xlsx;
  • pptx;

7. How to search only in page titles?

With this operator:

It is very convenient when you need to find an article by its exact title.

8. How to search by image file name?

You saved the picture to your computer, want to use it with the indication of the source, but do not remember where it came from? The search operator by the exact name of the image will help:

Operators for searching by attribute values ​​of HTML tags:

applet:- code of the applet tag;
script:- src of the script tag;
object:- all attributes of object;
action:- action of the form tag;
profile:- the profile of the head tag.

9. How do I find links to a specific page?

Yandex has an operator to search for mentions in a request within links. This way you can find links to a specific page.

inlink: ” / iNotes / 533552 ″

10. How do I use widgets and tips?

If you type one of the four words below in the search, gadgets appear below the search bar.

Every day we search for something on Google. I probably google for something 200 times a day. I check any information, learn something new, instantly find the answer to my question. The question arose - I typed it into the search line - and I got the result. What could be easier? But sometimes difficulties arise when searching for specific information. A few tricks will help you always find what you are looking for.

We've already written about the secrets of searching on Google more than once. I decided to check what tricks are still working and brush up on them a bit.

Search for a specific phrase

Sometimes it is necessary to find a phrase exactly in the form in which we enter it. For example, when we search for the lyrics of a song, but we only know one phrase from it. If so, you need to enclose the phrase in quotation marks.

Search for a specific site

Google is a great search engine. And it is often better than built-in search on sites. That is why it is more rational to use Google to find information on a website. To do this, we introduce site: Putin made.

Search for words in text

If you need all the words of the query to be in the text of the results found, enter before it allintext:.

If one word of the request should be in the text, and the rest - elsewhere on the page, including the title or URL, put before the word intext:, and write the rest before that.

Search for words in a title

If you want all the words of the request to be in the title, use the phrase allintitle:.

If only part of the request should be in the header, and the rest - elsewhere in the document or page, put intitle:.

Finding words in a URL

To find the pages that have your request in the URL, enter allinurl:.

Search for news for a specific location

If you need news on a specific topic from a specific location, use location: for Google News Search.

Search with some missing words

You need to find a sentence in a document or article, but you only remember the words at the beginning and at the end. Enter your query and indicate the approximate number of words between the words that you remember. It looks like this: "Near the curvature of the AROUND (5) oak tree."

Search if you forgot a word or number

Forgot a word from a saying, song, quote? No problem. Google will help you find it anyway. Replace the forgotten word with an asterisk (*).

Find sites that link to a site of interest to you

This item is useful for blog or website owners. If you are wondering who is linking to your site or even to a specific page, then just enter link: website.

Exclude results with unnecessary word

Let's imagine a situation. You have decided to go on vacation to the islands. And you don't want to go to the Maldives at all. To prevent Google from showing them in search results, you just need to enter "Holidays in the Maldives Islands." That is, put a minus before the word Maldives.

You want to find all your competitors. Or you really like the site, but there is not enough material on it, and you want more and more. Introduce related: and admire the result.

Search for "either-or"

There are situations when you need to find information concerning two people at once. For example, you want to laugh at Vova, but have not decided which one - Zelensky or something else. It is enough to enter "Vladimir Zelensky | Zhirinovsky", and you will get the result you need. Instead of the "|" English OR can be entered.

Search for different words in one sentence

You can use the & symbol to find connections between objects, or simply to find references to two individuals together. Example: Freud & Jung.

Search by synonyms

If you are as lazy as I am, then you do not have the patience to Google several times for different synonyms of the same word. For example, cheap firewood. The ~ symbol can make your life much easier. We write "~ cheap firewood" and get results for "cheap", "inexpensive", "affordable" and so on.

Search within a specific range of numbers

A very useful Google search secret if you need to find, for example, events that happened in certain years, or prices in a certain range. Just put two dots between the numbers. Google will search in this range.

Search for files of a specific format

If you need to find a document or just a file of a certain format, then Google can help you here. It is enough to add at the end of your request filetype: doc and instead of doc substitute the format you need.

10 more useful functions

1. Google can do a pretty good job of calculating it. To do this, simply enter the desired operation in the search bar.

2. If you want to know the meaning of a word, and not just look at pages by topic, add to the word define or "value".

3. You can use the search engine as a converter of values ​​and currencies. To call the converter, type a request with a translation, for example, "centimeters to meters".

4. With Google, you can check the weather and time without having to go to websites. Type the queries "weather" city of interest "," time "city of interest" ".

5. To view the results and schedule of matches of a sports team, just type its name in the search engine.

6. To translate a word into any language, write in the search line "translate the 'desired word' into English (any other) language".

7. Google shows the sunrise and sunset times for the query "sunrise" city of interest "" (for the latter - the corresponding query).

8. cache: sometimes very helpful function of site search in the Google cache. For example, when newsmen delete news. They can be read thanks to Google.

9. If you enter a flight number in the search box, Google gives you full information about it.

10. To see a table with quotes for a specific company, simply enter the query “stocks of the company of interest”, for example, “Apple stocks”.

If you have your own ways to use Google more effectively and find the information you need faster, share your tips in the comments to this article.

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