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  • Brief description of zones for international domains. Domain zones

Brief description of zones for international domains. Domain zones

(and 18 - since the creation of the World Wide Web), and people have not fully mastered the issue of choosing a domain name for a site.

There is still a ridiculous superstition that third-level domains are less attractive than second-level domains; moreover, not so long ago I had to deal with allegations that a domain in the .info zone is indecent - and why? only because of the low price!

For those who still do not feel confident enough in this matter, as well as for some of those who feel quite confident, I decided to tell you what considerations, in my opinion, should be guided by when choosing a domain zone.

The basic principle

The zone should be selected based on the purpose of the resource and adhere to the semantics of top-level domains.

Brief educational program

A domain name consists of several words separated by dots. By the number of these words (which I will call steps) is determined domain level: so, is a second-level domain; or - third; - fourth. The hierarchy falls from right to left. In particular, the rightmost rung is called the top-level domain.

As a rule, a domain can be divided into three main semantic parts:

  1. Domain zone
    The right part of a domain name, which includes one or two (more - rarely) steps. It is not the property of the resource, but a public domain intended for registration of domain names in it.
  2. Resource name
    Own resource name. For example, if this is a corporate site, then the name of the company. Usually contains one step.
  3. Subdomain
    The optional left side of the domain name. Denotes a single subsection of a resource that contains logically separate information or performs its own designated role. For example, a resource may have ftp subdomains for an FTP server, www for the main site, forum for a forum, etc.

Examples: - google com - google images google - vasia.pupkin name ftp pupkin

This article is devoted to the issue of choosing a domain zone.

Classification of domain zones

The domain zone, as you noticed, can consist of one stage (in this case it coincides with the top-level domain) or two. More than two is rare.

Top-level domains (TLDs) are formally divided into country domains (ccTLDs), general purpose domains (gTLDs), and service domains (iTLDs). The latter are of no use to us.

Among the general purpose domains there are some domains that are distinguished by language, culture or territory, so I propose to regroup ccTLDs and gTLDs into territorial, language and thematic domain zones.

Territorial-linguistic domain zones

These domains are for specific countries, languages, or cultures.

Rule: the territorial-linguistic zone should be chosen when the resource is aimed at residents of one country or speakers of one language or one culture. For example, this is a purely Russian-language site or the site of a company operating within Ukraine.

Country domains are always two letters long and, with rare exceptions, follow the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard:

General purpose domains, distinguished by culture or territory (a number of such top-level domains are under consideration - they are marked with asterisks):

Some of the territorial-linguistic zones impose certain requirements on registrants. For example, in the Ukrainian zone, you can register a domain only if you have a trademark of the same name. Other countries allow everyone to register domains, including residents or citizens of other countries.

Thematic domain zones

These are, in short, those gTLDs that are not classified above as language/territory. They all consist of more than two letters and define some area of ​​activity.

Rule: a thematic domain zone should be chosen when the resource fully (or at least mostly) corresponds to its purpose.

com Actually the domain of the general (common) purpose.
biz Commercial organizations.
net Organizations providing network services.
gov* government organizations.
mil* military departments.
edu* Educational institutions.
aero Airlines.
jobs Recruiting organizations.
travel Travel agencies and travel agencies.
coop* Cooperatives.
mobile Websites optimized for mobile devices.
Museum Museums.
info information sites.
org non-profit organizations.
name individual people or characters.
pro Certified professionals (such as doctors or lawyers)

Many gTLDs have one historical and very frustrating limitation for us: they are designed to only for the United States. So, gov means US government organizations, mil - US military departments. These domains are marked with asterisks (and besides, I have doubts about aero, jobs, travel).

How to be the rest of the countries is described in the next subsection; here it should also be noted that thematic domains that are not subordinate to the States imply, on the contrary, worldliness or internationality. That is, net - an organization that provides network services at the international level; biz is a commercial organization whose activities are not limited to one country.

Rule: a domain should be registered in a worldwide (international) thematic area only if its audience or activity is really not limited to one country.

Some domain zones require compliance with the declared subject for registration; some allow everyone to register. Unlike countries, this most often leads to negative consequences when sites are registered in the zone that absolutely do not correspond to its purpose. The most famous example is the .com domain, intended for commercial (commercial) organizations, but not putting forward the appropriate restrictions; as a result, everything was registered in it, it was overcrowded, completely lost its purpose and was rethought as a general purpose domain; de facto, .com has come to be seen as short for common, and the original function of .com has been taken over by .biz, which already has the necessary (albeit mild) registration restrictions.

Rule: registering a domain in a thematic domain zone that does not correspond to its purpose is bad.

Some of the ccTLDs are also often used as thematic due to consonance, for example:

This is sometimes even officially supported by the organizations that manage the domains and by the states themselves (such as Tuvalu).

Rule: you can register a domain in a consonant zone if you really want to.

Regional-thematic domain zones

Most ccTLDs have second-level domains that duplicate some subject areas, such as:,, However, not all domains made up of a combination of gTLDs and ccTLDs are domain zones: for example, was acquired by a certain Valentina Nikolaeva even before the creation of .info and did not become a domain zone.

On the other hand, some second-level domains that are not combinations of gTLDs and ccTLDs are domain zones (for example, - intended for domain registration à la (eng. "music in Ukraine")).

In some countries, regionally-thematic domain zones may have slightly changed names: for example, in the UK, is used instead of

Regional-thematic zones may have their own restrictions on registration: for example, allows registration not for any educational institution in Ukraine, but only for the highest, and not lower than the third level of accreditation.

It is the regional-thematic zones that are needed when the thematic domain is limited to the United States (.gov - the US government, - the government of Ukraine, - is not used).

It is the regional thematic zones that should be used when the resource exactly corresponds to one of the thematic zones, but is not intended for a worldwide (international) scale.

An example of a bad choice in this case is the Ukrainian mobile operator Kyivstar, whose site was first located in the domain, and recently moved to

What error? The first domain means "company providing network services on a worldwide or international level"; the second domain means "a company providing a very wide range of services in Ukraine." Both of them do not correspond to the activities of the company.

What are options? or are wrong is a zone of sites optimized for mobile devices, not mobile operators. means "a place of business in Ukraine" and does not contain sufficient subject matter; remains the option, which should choose in this case.

Rule: When a resource matches both the purpose of a thematic domain and the specialization for a particular country, the domain should be registered in the regional-thematic zone.

In the absence of a suitable regional-thematic zone (let's imagine that the zone did not exist, and our choice would be limited to and, the decision is quite difficult to make; perhaps, in this particular case, would still be better, but it is not a fact that in other situations a domain in the thematic zone would not be preferable.

Sub-regional domain zones

These second-level domains are for specific regions of the country. For example, - Lugansk region of Ukraine; - Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The principle of choice is approximately the same as for the territorial zone, only with a narrowing to a separate region of the country. It should be remembered that thematic sub-zones (such, as a rule, do not exist.

Rule: a domain should be registered in a sub-regional zone if the resource orientation to the region significantly outweighs the thematic one.

Long sub-regional zones, at least in Ukraine, may have short synonyms:

It can be assumed that not all countries have such sub-regional zones.

Choosing a domain zone

So, in order to choose the right domain zone, you must first answer the following questions:

  1. Does the resource focus on one of the topics corresponding to thematic areas?
  2. If so, is this thematic area limited to US jurisdiction?
  3. Is the scope or audience of the resource limited to any country?
  4. If yes, and if there are sub-regional zones in this country, is the scope or audience of the resource limited to one of the regions of this country?
  5. If the answers to the 1st and 3rd questions are positive, is there a regional-thematic zone corresponding to the thematic and regional zones selected in paragraphs 1 and 3?

After that, you can make a decision, guided by the above rules and, in conflict cases, thoughtfully setting priorities.

There is nothing shameful in using the .info zone if your site is an information blog, or if you carry out commercial activities within Ukraine. If desired, you can call resources in zones (there was not enough money for a domain), but not correctly selected domains - regardless of the price of registration and the level of the domain.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you want to start personal site(for a personal blog or portfolio, for example), then you don’t need to choose anything here. There is a .name zone for this. In it, you can register third-level domains like, while automatically receiving an e-mail like [email protected] The second-level domain in this case remains public for all other Pupkins who wish to register.

Registrars often do not allow linking a domain to hosting, limiting themselves to a redirect (when logging in to, the user is redirected to However, not so long ago, the usual option became available for the .name zone with the registration of a second-level domain and binding to hosting.

And one more thing, remember: after choosing and registering a domain, do not forget to register similar domains in all other available zones in order to avoid fraud. If your domain is called, users may mistakenly try to log in to, for example, or; Naturally, it will not be very good if these domains belong to scammers who harvest from the popularity of your resource.

Good luck choosing a domain!

How long does a domain transfer take?

Usually domain transfer takes 5-7 days. Therefore, if you want to transfer a domain, do it at least 2 weeks before the end of the domain delegation period so that the domain does not turn off during the transfer process.

About 5-7 days.

How to change the owner of a domain registered with you?

How to transfer the .ua to you for service?

To transfer a domain in zones You need to notify your current registrar that you wish to transfer your domain to the registrar LLC SVAI (our registrar ID After the registrar gives the go-ahead for the transfer, let us know and we will send a request for a domain transfer. If you are already our client, upon completion of the transfer, the domain will be added to your account in the billing system.

Notify the current registrar that you want to transfer the domain to the registrar SVAI)

How to transfer an international domain to you for service?

To transfer international domains such as . com. net. org. info. biz you need to do the following.

1. Get a secret key from your registrar.

2. Check if the domain is blocked from the transfer (if it is, ask the current registrar to remove it).

3. Make sure that your contact e-mail is in the domain owner's record and that it is a working one (when transferring, a transfer request is sent to this e-mail, which you will need to confirm).

4. Check whether the domain has Privacy Protect enabled (hiding personal data), if it is enabled, it must be disabled.

After completing all these steps, you need to top up the balance in our billing system for the amount of the domain zone extension; when transferring the domain, it will automatically be extended for 1 year in advance.

Having done all these points, tell us the name of the domain you want to transfer and we will send a transfer request.

Disable the blocking of the domain for the transfer and get the secret key from the current registrar.

What are the conditions for registering a domain in the .UA zone?

Domain in the zone. UA is delegated only to owners of trademarks registered on the territory of Ukraine, to start the domain registration procedure, you need to provide the number of the certificate for the mark for goods and services and send us a copy of the certificate in paper form, certified by the wet seal of your organization within 7 days.

To start registration, it is enough to indicate the number of the trademark certificate.

Can I reserve a domain?

There is no concept of reservation in domain names. To reserve a domain, you need to order and pay for it. We also draw your attention to the fact that the execution of the order is not yet a successful domain reservation. The domain is successfully delegated only after the payment is received on our account.

To do this, you need to pay for a domain name.

Can I manage a domain's DNS records?

Yes, when registering a domain, select the Default DNS option and after registering the domain in your account, the billing system will provide the ability to edit DNS records.

Yes, there is such a possibility.

Can I register a domain that is not on your list?

Yes, we can register many of the domains that we don't have listed on the site. To clarify the possibility and cost of registering a domain in such domain zones, please contact our technical support service and indicate in the text of the letter which domain names you want to register.

Who is the domain name registered to?

Domain names are registered to the data provided by the client, which he fills in the billing profile. In case of domain zone restrictions, the domain can be registered to a trustee in the interests of the client (for example, for domains .eu if the client is not a resident of any country in Europe)

Fill in the profile with real data to avoid problems with the domain in the future.

Why is it worth registering a domain with "SVAI"?

1. Years of experience in the field of domain names.

2. Continuous improvement of software to ensure automatic registration and management of domains (as a rule, registration of international domains occurs in a matter of minutes).

3. Ability to consolidate domain names of different zones in one place, thanks to a wide choice.

4. DNS management allows you to independently redirect the domain name to the right place.

5. We are the official registrar in the zone. U.A.

6. And of course, this is support available and attentive to your questions.

I want to transfer the domain to your hosting, what are your NS servers?

For domains to work on our hosting, you need to specify the following NS:

If you use our hosting in Europe, you need to specify the following NS:

In Ukraine
In Europe

What do I need to transfer a domain to another registrar?

To transfer a domain to another registrar, you need to fill out an application and send it to us. For individuals, it is required to attach a copy of the first page of the passport to the application; for legal entities, you need to write an application on letterhead and put a wet seal.

The application form can be taken

You need to fill out an application and send it to us.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is a unique alphanumeric designation (including letters, numbers, and the hyphen "-") that forms an Internet address. A domain name is a unique address for a website on the Internet. A domain name may begin and end with a letter or number, and a hyphen cannot be at the beginning or end. Domain name example: website,,

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About 20 years ago, the Internet firmly entered our lives, but until now, most users do not quite understand, and by what criteria they choose it. The most popular misconception is that the 3rd level domain is undervalued and rarely used. Is it really indecent to use it, for example, by online stores, and what should be followed when choosing? And also what is the difference between the concepts - domain, domain name, domain zone?

Concept and classification

So, first a little about definitions. A domain name, or domain, is the symbolic name of a site to identify it on the Internet. For example, is a second-level domain name. The domain zone is the ending following the dot, in this example it is .ru, which means that the site belongs to the Runet.

Most often, domain zones are divided into groups on a territorial basis:

  • national (if binding to a specific country is required - .by, .ru, .ua, etc.);
  • international (if there is no such binding - .com, .info, .biz, etc.).

Another classification involves dividing them by topic:

  • .info - for news and information portals;
  • .am and .fm - for radio stations;
  • .tv - for TV channels;
  • .biz - for commercial sites;
  • .name - for resources associated with some person, etc.

Some use organizational domain zones:

  • .net - for Internet companies;
  • .com - for business;
  • .org - for non-profit enterprises;
  • .edu - for educational programs.

These domain zones belong to the first level domains. If you add a word before the dot, you get a 2nd-level domain (for example,, and if you add one more dot and a word ahead, then you get a 3rd-level domain (

How is the zone?

Of course, first of all, you should decide who the site will be aimed at.

For the Russian-speaking audience, the .ru domain zone is suitable, for the Belarusian one - .by, for the, etc. If you do not need to bind to a specific country, then it is better to choose the international .com zone. Large companies with an extensive online trading structure prefer to have a site with the same name in several domain zones at once. For example, - for Ukrainian buyers, - for Russian, - for international payments.

To clarify a specific country or region, use the list of domain zones.

Russian domains

A feature of the domestic Internet is the use of not only Latin letters, but also Cyrillic letters in the site address - this is the domain zone .rf, .moscow, .online (for live broadcasts), .children (for sites with a children's audience), .org (for public organizations ), .site (for personal portals, blogs, etc.) and some others.

You can often find domain names associated with certain cities and regions - (St. Petersburg), (Moscow), (Novgorod region), etc.

How to choose a site name?

There are more and more Internet resources, it becomes more and more difficult to find a unique site name. Therefore, options with two or three words through a hyphen are gaining popularity. For example, The abbreviation can be used, but on condition that it is well known, for example, the National Bank of Belarus - An incomprehensible abracadabra of several letters is not the best option, because the user is unlikely to remember it and will not be able to type it from memory in the future.

The main thing is that the domain zone should be easy to remember and reproduce later. Do not use misspelled words - or Ask your friends to write down the address by ear. If, when pronouncing, a person was able to accurately enter it, then other users will be able to find you.

If the name of the company is not important for you, try using a keyword (phrase) in Latin in the name, for example,

What are third-level domains for?

In some situations, it is more appropriate to apply, for example, when it comes to a blog or portfolio. In this case, .name can act as a domain zone. An example is At the same time, the second-level domain will be available to all other Ivanovs.

But of course, most often resort to 3rd level domains when they do not want to pay for the site. For example, if this is not a commercial resource, if the administrator wants to practice the basics of web programming in this way, if this is a trial version of the site. How to get a domain for free is described below, but for now we will analyze what is required to open a 2nd level domain.

How to get a domain?

So, the site name has been invented, it remains only to check it for uniqueness and register it so that the site can start functioning. To do this, you first go to the WHOIS information service and check if the domain is free.

If the name is unique, go to the website of the accredited registrar of Rucenter - Here, domain zone registration will require the following steps:

  1. Acquaintance with the rules for the provision of services and the conclusion of an offer contract in electronic form. If you wish, you can conclude a paper version by arriving at the main office of RU-CENTER or by sending a printed version by mail in a double copy (the second one will be returned to you after signing).
  2. Filling out the questionnaire (as an individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur), submitting documents. This stage should be taken with special responsibility, because with the slightest mistake, data mismatch, you will not be able to transfer the rights to the domain to another person in the future and you yourself may lose the ability to manage it.
  3. Creating an order for a domain and related services.
  4. Formation of cost and payment in various ways - cash, non-cash, Internet payment, etc.

For those who for some reason do not want to pay money for a site or take their first steps in site building, there are free domain zones. What are they and how do they work?

How to get a free domain?

It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s almost impossible to get a 2nd level domain for free. And if you come across such an offer, then, most likely, in a year you will still have to pay for a place, and a lot.

Free 3rd level domains are much more common. How to find them?

One of the options is to turn to free hosting and website builders -,

The second option is to enter free domains in the search engine to get to English-language resources, where there are more chances to get a high-quality domain. Among the first you will find the website, where you can not only register a second-level domain in the GA, TK, CF, ML zones for free, but also bind your DNS, and then manage your own website for a fee. There are a lot of similar resources here, for example,,, and many others.

New domain zones are gaining popularity -,,,,, and others.

As for domestic services, (private person) offers good conditions for obtaining a free domain. Here you can conveniently place any personal website or personal blog.

The main question associated with such domains is how relevant is the search engine to them and is it possible to promote the site to the top on such platforms? To do this, enter the query or (for Google) or url="* in the search engine of interest and see if such domains are indexed in the search.


A zone is something without which no site can function. Summarizing all of the above, we can distinguish 5 key stages of connecting a domain and creating a website:

  1. Choosing a domain zone according to the principle most suitable for you - territorial or thematic.
  2. Creating a domain name and checking it for uniqueness through a special WHOIS service.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement for obtaining a domain with the Russian center RU-CENTER.
  4. Connection of additional services.
  5. Payment in a convenient way.

That's all there is to getting a paid domain. If you want to do it for free, there are only 2 steps - find a suitable service that will provide a 3rd-level domain on conditions convenient for you, and create a unique domain name.

The only thing is that in this case there may be a problem with site promotion, because search engines prefer paid second-level domains, which means that your site is unlikely to get to the first lines of a search query.

COM- from English. commercial. Generic top-level domain for commercial organizations. Introduced in 1985. Now used without restrictions. Allowed number of characters in a name: from 3 to 63. At the beginning of 2010, there were more than 86 million names in the zone.

NET- from English. network. Generic top-level domain for network structures. Introduced in 1985. Now used without restrictions. Allowed number of characters in a name: from 3 to 63. At the beginning of 2010, there are more than 12 million names in the zone.

ORG- from English. organizations. One of the first top-level domains. Introduced in 1985. Originally intended for organizations. Now used without restrictions. Allowed number of characters in a name: from 3 to 63. At the beginning of 2010, there are more than 8 million names in the zone.

BIZ- from English. business, a generic top-level domain for business structures. The domain was created in 2001 in order to solve the problem of a shortage of domains that arose as a result of the oversaturation of the COM, NET and ORG zones. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

INFO- from English. information. Generic top-level domain for information sites. Introduced in 2001. Now used without restrictions. Allowed number of characters in a name: from 3 to 63. At the beginning of 2010, there are more than 5 million names in the zone.

NAME— Generic top-level domain for personal sites. Introduced in 2001. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

ME— national top-level domain for Montenegro. Introduced in 2007. It is actively used for personal projects of any subject.

TEL- the first second-level domain that does not require hosting, information is stored on DNS servers. Public registration opened in 2009. Allowed number of characters in a name: from 3 to 63. At the beginning of 2010, there are more than 200,000 names in the zone. .

ASIA is a generic top-level domain intended for Internet companies and organizations in the Asian region. Registration is possible only for residents of Asian countries. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

MOBI— a common top-level domain used for sites adapted for viewing on the screen of mobile devices (phones, communicators, etc.). Introduced in 2006. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

TV— country code top-level domain for Tuvalu (Pacific state in Polynesia). Introduced in 1996. Now used without restrictions. Because TV is a common abbreviation for the word "television", then companies associated with television have a lot of interest in this domain. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

US- national top-level domain for the United States. Introduced in 1985. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

IN ccTLD for India. Introduced in 1992. Registration was opened for everyone in 2005. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

CC is a ccTLD for the Cocos Islands. Introduced in 1997. Registration is now open to everyone. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

WS— national domain of Western Samoa, a small island nation in Polynesia. Introduced in 1995. Thanks to Global Domains International, since 2000, the .WS domain has become one of the most popular generic domains. Domains of any organizations can be registered in the .WS zone, regardless of the specifics of their activities. Many companies choose the .WS domain because of the attractiveness of this abbreviation, which can be deciphered as Web-Site. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 4 to 63.

BZ is a ccTLD for Belize, located in Central America. Thanks to the efforts of University Management LTD (UMLTD), .BZ domains have been positioned as business domains since 2000. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

MN— national top-level domain for Mongolia. Registration is open to everyone. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 3 to 63.

KZ- national top-level domain for Kazakhstan, Introduced in 1994. Allowed number of characters in the name: from 2 to 63.

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