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  • A brief overview of paid providers of Internet Service Provider Independent IPTV (OTT TV). Satellite (paid) TV market in Russia

A brief overview of paid providers of Internet Service Provider Independent IPTV (OTT TV). Satellite (paid) TV market in Russia

Good day Habrosoobshchestvo. Visited the idea to connect a good high speed internet for the home to watch IPTV independent of the Internet provider (OTT TV). IPTV from two Internet providers who were not satisfied. The first had 19 channels. The second has 38, but they could only be viewed through a browser. I wanted to find some paid independent supplier IPTV services(OTT TV) (rather than collecting free playlists on the net that are banned daily) to upload his playlist to VLC media player"and live happily, having high-speed Internet and paid IPTV (OTT TV) independent of the Internet provider.

I found 4 such independent IPTV service providers (OTT TV):

About company:
Head office in London, and tech. support in Germany. In addition to the classic IPTV on the computer, it also sells its set-top boxes for TVs (the delivery of which you pay yourself).

It is possible to get a free trial access for 3 days ( If earlier it was sent to email (after authorization through social networks), now you need to get a scratch card, erase the protective layer and activate the promo code. Scratch cards are given only by promoters and distributors.

Number of channels:
145 channels, 17 radio stations + video library (which does not have many films and mostly not top new items)

Annual subscription 174 euros (which is approximately equal to 7609 rubles per year / 634 rubles per month).
Plus another 54 euros (which is approximately equal to 2361 rubles) for the cheapest TV set-top box (if you need it).

What is the result:
There are three ways to view:
1) Through the browser

Spoiler screenshot:

But looking through the browser is somehow inconvenient in my opinion, the feeling of something is not right.
2) Through your own IPTV player for computer (KartinaTV Player)

Spoiler screenshot:

3) Through your own IPTV player for iOS / Android devices (moreover, after reading the negative reviews about it, we can conclude that there are only two ways to view it)

I wrote in those. support for Kartina TV, the question is how to open their IPTV in VLC media player, but they technically shaved me off: “Theoretically, this can probably be done, but you will need to configure the VLC media player yourself.”

About company:
Again, the company is not local, located somewhere in Germany.

Free trial access (though only for 5 channels).

Number of channels:
Approximately 32 channels + video library

Annual subscription 92.88 euros (which is approximately equal to 4061 rubles per year / 338 rubles per month).

What is the result:
The number of channels is poor.

One way to view is through the browser only. At first I read the instructions for installing VLC media player "on their website, but this is only so that the browser picks up the plug-in from it. In a word, you cannot watch through the VLC media player.

Spoiler screenshot:

About company:
Located somewhere in the USA. The service is not provided on the territory of Russia (but those who want can bypass it - judging by the forums). Mostly vtyuhivayut their TV set-top boxes.

Number of channels:
According to advertising on the site - more than 500 + video library (but in reality, about 150 will probably be useful as well). The exact list of channels was not found.

The cheapest set-top box + 1 year of viewing costs 326.63 dollars (which is approximately equal to 10484 rubles per year / 873 rubles per month)

What is the result:
Again, viewing only through the browser (without considering TV set-top boxes). Again, you can’t watch through the VLC media player (although they require it to be installed for the plugin).

Spoiler screenshot:

Perhaps there will be problems when paying from Russia.

About company:
The company is located in the USA in Florida. The service does not work in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries. As the consultant girl said: "This is due to the problems of the legislation of your country." Of course, theoretically, you can use different proxy servers and redirect traffic, but this is already overkill.

Number of channels:
Approximately 200 channels (according to them, because complete list I didn't get to see it)

The annual subscription is $143.99 (which is approximately equal to 4622 rubles per year / 385 rubles per month).

What is the result:
And again, the ability to view only through the browser (although the installation of VLC media player is required in order to install the plugin from it).

Addition 1) Rocket-TV

( (Feedback from )

About company:
Works via ACE Stream Media (must be installed). There is free view through a browser (when registering on the site, additional channels) and a VIP subscription (with it: 1 - all advertising is removed from the site; 2 - it becomes possible to view on various devices; 3 - channel buffering is accelerated, i.e. they should not slow down).

Number of channels:
Approximately 200

2.99 euros (approximately 134 rubles) for a monthly VIP subscription
35.88 euros (approximately 1617 rubles) for an annual VIP subscription

What is the result:
In fact, it is a torrent TV, where users themselves broadcast their channels (broadcasts) to each other. All this is buffered and distributed to the rest. When buying a VIP subscription, you can view it on various devices in addition to the browser one (VLC media player, Samsung Smart TV, Android, Apple (OS X), Linux, Dune HD, MAG 250/Aura HD, Dreambox). The playlist works through Proxy. Once every couple of minutes it slows down a little. Since I use free browsing through a browser, I can’t say if this slowdown will go away when buying a VIP subscription. But even just by registering on the site, you will have a sick number of channels.

Spoiler screenshot:

Addition 2)

( (Feedback from Colleagues from work)

About company:
Broadcasts streams of channels that are distributed by people or someone else through the browser.

Free viewing.

What is the result:
View only through the browser. There are no other alternatives.

Spoiler screenshot:

Addendum 3)

( (Feedback from a colleague from work)

About company:
A colleague advised me, since they still have a free IPTV beta test. Need to register.

Number of channels:

Listed on the site.

What is the result:
1) Works through the browser.

Spoiler screenshot:

2) Also works fine via VLC media player via playlist (generated on website).


In the comments you can see "real" and "live" feedback from Habr users, in which there are many interesting and really good solutions. Unfortunately, there is almost no free time to consider them all. For this reason, I just added them to the post as a list below. To all who have commented, thank you very much.

TelecomDaily: Penetration of pay TV services exceeded 75%

The total number of Pay TV subscribers in Russia in 2018 amounted to 43.385 million households. The annual increase was 1,255,000 households (in 2017, the increase was 930,000), and the quarterly increase was 330 thousand subscribers. Penetration of pay TV services exceeded 75%. At the same time, the average bill per subscriber (ARPU) amounted to 175 rubles. per month, the information and analytical agency TelecomDaily shared data on January 30, 2019.

Almost the entire volume of new connections, more than 90%, for the fourth quarter fell on the top five largest operators on the market.

TMT Consulting notes that the pay TV market continues to slow down the growth of the subscriber base: the growth in 2018 was 2.1% against 3.6% in 2017. However, the dynamics of revenue remains stable (in 2017 it was 10.6%). The agency attributed this to the fact that some operators raised the cost of subscription fees, and their customers began to consume more additional services: video on demand, delayed viewing, and so on. In addition, some market players have changed the methodology for calculating revenue (in the report "TMT Consulting" there is no information about which companies in question and how the methodology was changed).

In general, according to preliminary data from TMT Consulting, the growth dynamics of the Russian telecommunications market in Russia in 2018 will be 3.4% (the highest dynamics in the last five years), and its volume will reach 1.70 trillion rubles. At the same time, in 2018, providers’ revenues from the provision of fixed telephony services (minus 8.4%) and inter-operator services (minus 5.8%) decreased, but the segments of mobile communications and Internet access continue to grow - by 5% and 3.2%. % respectively.

Authorities oblige satellite operators to work in the outback for free

The corresponding document in the form of amendments to the Law "On Communications" was submitted to the Parliament by a number of deputies, including Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, Yevgeny Revenko and the head of the State Duma Committee on information policy, information technology and connections of Leonid Levin. In the past, Tolstoy and Revenko were leading federal TV channels.

The bill prohibits satellite TV operators from refusing residents settlements deprived of the opportunity to receive a digital terrestrial TV signal, to conclude free of charge contracts for viewing and listening to mandatory all-Russian public television and radio channels and channels broadcasting through digital multiplexes throughout the country.

Which channels in the outback can be watched for free Mandatory public channels are channels included in the first digital television multiplex. These are 10 TV channels: Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 24, Russia K, Match TV, NTV, TV Center, Karusel, Public Russian Television and Channel Five . The same multiplex includes the Mayak, Yunost and Radio Rossii radio stations. The second multiplex includes 10 more TV channels: Ren TV, STS, TV-3, Spas, TNT, MuzTV, Mir, Zvezda, Friday and Domashny.


J'son & Partners Consulting

Russian pay TV operators are actively developing additional services- this is confirmed by the J'son & Partners Consulting report. According to it, pay TV revenue from the provision of basic TV broadcasting services in the country reached 83.4 billion rubles in 2017, which is 8.8% more than in 2016. The share of value-added services in companies' revenues is still small - just over 4%, but the segment is noticeably accelerating its growth. Thus, the total revenue from additional pay TV services in Russia is estimated at 3.8 billion rubles, which is 40.7% more compared to previous year.

The pay TV market is gradually changing the structure by signal delivery types. The share of satellite TV remained virtually unchanged (39.6% in 2017 compared to 39.8% in 2016). But cable TV is giving way to IPTV . Their shares in 2017 amounted to 42.6% and 17.7%, respectively, while a year earlier the ratio was somewhat different - 44.4% and 15.8%.

Relative to 2016, the shares of Rostelecom, Tricolor TV, MTS and ER-Telecom increased in the total subscriber base. Moreover, for the first three operators, this happened due to the attraction of new subscribers, while ER-Telecom increased the number of subscribers primarily due to active buying up of telecom operators in the regions. More than half of the market is occupied by the two largest players - Tricolor TV (29.3%) and Rostelecom (23.3%), while the share of the third largest player - ER-Telecom - is only 7.7%.


Results of the year


iKS Consulting

The main players with a subscriber base share of more than 5% are Tricolor, Rostelecom, MTS, ER-Telecom and Orion-Express. The subscriber base of the market leader Tricolor TV reached 11.8 million subscribers, which is 881 thousand households more than in 2014. TOP-5 providers with

Active growth of digital TV while declining analog connections is one of the main market trends recent years. As a result, as of the end of 2015, about 61% of the total number of pay TV subscribers use digital TV services.

Such a rapid movement towards digital TV is associated with the development of new technologies (IPTV, OTT), the reduction in the cost of digital TV equipment, provided by many operators with the possibility of renting it or free use, and also due to the widespread availability of satellite TV.

J'son & Partners Consulting

In 2015, the pay TV subscriber base in Russia grew to 39.8 million subscribers.

The main contribution was made by satellite TV (+8% of new subscribers) and IPTV (+23.9%). According to the baseline forecast until 2020, these segments will continue to grow: satellite dishes due to the lack of alternatives outside the cities, and IPTV due to increased penetration broadband access in Internet. The share of cable TV will decrease, while subscribers within the segment will switch from analogue to digital TV.

In the fight for a subscriber in 2015 major operators used aggressive marketing campaigns, bundling a large number of services in one offer and promotional discounts. But the main argument for the viewer continues to be a large set of TV channels (the operator's maximum offer is 276) and the presence of HD versions (up to 60). The number of HD channel viewers increased by 40% over the year and amounted to 14.3 million households.

Most new subscribers were attracted by Tricolor-TV and Rostelecom operators. As a result, they now account for more than half of all pay TV subscribers in Russia (Fig. 2). At the same time, due to different tariff policies, the Top 5 rating of operators by revenue looks different:

  • Rostelecom.
  • Tricolor TV.
  • Er-Telecom.
  • NTV Plus

The total revenue of operators from the provision of pay TV services grew in 2015 by 5% and reached 69.8 billion rubles.

TV content market

TV channels underwent a significant transformation in the analyzed year due to new legislative norms. As a result of mergers, acquisitions and consolidations, 18 aggregators and distributors have emerged. Three of them are the largest in terms of the number of channels (National Media Group, Gazprom Media and Signal Media). The total number of non-terrestrial channels available in the country is 363, of which more than 80% is distributed on a paid basis.

Pay TV Industry Forecasts

The pay TV market in Russia will continue to grow in the coming years both in terms of subscribers and revenue. J "son & Partners Consulting experts predict the average annual growth rate of the entire market for the period up to 2020 not higher than 2-3%, which is due to a decrease in the growth rate of the subscriber base, a decrease in real disposable income of the population and active competition among operators.

Increasing the income of operators is possible, first of all, through the development of additional services, such as VOD (video on demand), Timeshift (delayed viewing) or Multiroom (connection of several TV sets in the household). At the same time, services that were previously positioned as separate (for example, mobile TV) are combined into Multiscreen (the ability to watch programs and movies on any device as part of a general subscription). This is a consequence of changes in consumer demand, replacement of the TV fleet (growth in the share of SmartTVs) and an increase in the number of mobile devices.

As part of the scenario of advanced development of penetration of new technologies, J "son & Partners Consulting predicts that in 2019 the total number of pay TV subscribers and subscribers of OTT services may exceed the number of households in Russia.

Digital TV Research

At the end of 2015, the number of pay TV subscribers in Russia amounted to 39.5 million - this is the fourth largest indicator in comparison with other countries of the world. The top three are China (263.7 million), India (148.5 million) and the United States (97.6 million). Japan closes the top five (25.1 million). This is evidenced by data from a study by Digital TV Research.

As for Russia, in terms of the penetration of pay TV services, it took 35th place, and in terms of income (less than $1.13 billion) - 21st.

According to the study, global pay-TV penetration rose from 40.4% in 2010 to 74.6% last year. During the reporting period, 584 million households in 138 countries around the world began using pay TV services. At the same time, the number of households connected to digital TV doubled and amounted to 1.1170 million.

Between 2010 and 2015 156 million households began to use digital terrestrial television (DTT), digital cable TV - 231 million, IPTV - 88 million, satellite TV - 67 million. The report notes that at the end of 2015, 398 million subscribers still used analogue TV services. In 2010, this figure was 863 million.

year 2014

J'son & Partners Consulting

According to analysts' forecasts, this market will grow and by 2019 the number of subscribers will increase to 45.2 million households.

At the end of 2014, the Russian pay TV market consisted of 37.6 million households connected to cable, satellite and IP TV technologies. According to J "son & Partners Consulting, the growth of the pay TV subscriber base in Russia will continue, and by 2019 the number of subscribers will increase to 45.2 million households, and the penetration of pay TV services will reach 81%.

More than half of the subscriber base is generated by the Volga and Central federal districts. In terms of the number of pay TV subscribers, the Central federal district– 34% of the Russian market as a whole.

At the end of 2014, the volume of the pay TV market in Russia amounted to 66.5 billion rubles. The largest segment is cable television (32.5 billion rubles). Service revenue satellite broadcasting reached 22.5 billion rubles, while the income of IPTV operators approached 11.4 billion rubles.

The largest players in the pay TV market in Russia in 2014 are Tricolor TV (29% market share), Rostelecom (21%), MTS (7%), ER-Telecom (7%) and Orion Express” (7%), the study also says.

iKS Consulting

Compared to the same period in 2013, the number of Russian pay TV subscribers grew by 7% and, according to the preliminary results of 2014, amounted to almost 37.5 million users. Service penetration was 67% Market growth drivers were:

  • Subscriber base growth satellite operators which have been actively developing despite difficult economic conditions
  • Increase in the number of subscribers IPTV operators- first of all, at Rostelecom
  • Average Account Per Subscriber (ARPU) Growth in IPTV and Digital Cable TV Segments

In 2014, the largest pay TV segment, cable TV, showed a 2% increase. Growth rates of cable TV are slowing down, yielding to satellite and IPTV.

It should be noted a noticeable shift towards an increase in the share of digital cable TV. The number of digital cable TV subscribers increased by 33% over the year, while the number of analogue cable TV subscribers decreased by 2%. Such active growth of digital cable TV is due to the efforts of ER-Telecom companies (which released this year new prefix and positioning it as competitive advantage), as well as Akado and MTS. These operators not only actively connect new subscribers, but also switch existing customers to digital TV, thus increasing the average bill per service consumer.

Most of all, in absolute terms, by more than 1.7 million, the number of paid subscribers satellite TV. In a number of regions, satellite TV is the dominant technology – for example, in the Southern Federal District its share is 83%. The IPTV segment became the market leader in terms of growth rates - the number of subscribers using this technology increased by 17% compared to 2013.

As a result, the market structure by technology has noticeably changed over the year: The share of satellite TV increased by 1 p.p., the share of IPTV - by 1 p.p., the share of cable TV decreased by 2 p.p. over the year.

In 2014, the TOP-7 Pay TV operators with a subscriber base of more than 1 million users had a market share of subscribers exceeding 77% of the entire market. Among the original "records" of the past year, the following results of the operators' activities should be noted:

  • The growth of the subscriber base of Orion-Express amounted to 30% compared to 2013, which is 4 times more than the average growth rate of the market. Such dynamics brought the company close to ER-Telecom and MTS
  • MTS, which began to lose pay TV subscribers in 2013, in 2014, on the contrary, entered a positive trend and showed excellent growth rates in one of the most competitive markets in the country - Moscow (due to increased penetration of GPON)
  • NTV-Plus, which adjusted its trade offer at the end of 2013, continued to actively increase its subscriber base in 2014 (while reaching almost a million subscriber base)

According to iKS-Consulting forecasts, by the end of 2015 the Pay TV market, despite the difficult economic situation, will continue to develop: the market volume will exceed 64 billion rubles, the number of subscribers will reach 38.8 million. population with a service, and in terms of optimization family budget Russians will rather refuse an extra trip to the cinema or a cafe.

TMT Consulting

The volume of the pay TV market in Russia in 2014 grew by 6.1% and amounted to 57 billion rubles, the subscriber base of operators increased by 8.3%, to 37.8 million households, according to the data presented in the report of TMT Consulting.

According to the company's analysts, pay TV penetration in Russia was 68%. In 2015, the market is projected to grow by 4.2%, to RUB 59.4 billion, and the subscriber base to increase by 3.8%, to RUB 39.2 million. Service penetration is expected to exceed 70%.

According to the researchers, the composition of the largest players in 2014 has not changed. The first place is occupied by Tricolor TV with 29% of the market, the second - by Rostelecom (21%). Also in the top five are MTS, ER-Telecom and Orion-Express, each with about 7%.

At the same time, the share of cable TV in the market structure by income is much higher (60%), which, according to researchers, is due to the low ARPU of the largest satellite TV operators. As a result of the introduction of new tariffs by NTV Plus, the ARPU of satellite TV decreased by 21% over the year, which led to a reduction in the average bill per subscriber in the market as a whole to only 131 rubles. As a result, satellite TV now accounts for 23% of revenues, IPTV - 17%.

Among the main trends in 2015 in the pay TV market, analysts name the development of digital broadcasting. It is expected that by the end of 2015 the channels of the first multiplex will be able to receive 97% of the population of Russia, in connection with which a decrease in the growth of the subscriber base of satellite TV, which was previously uncontested in remote areas, is predicted.

In addition, experts expect outstripping growth digital technologies pay TV. The growth of analog cable TV has practically stopped, and since 2015 we can expect a reduction in this segment due to the migration of subscribers to the offering more possibilities digital TV, the report notes.

In addition, TMT Consulting predicts the spread of OTT video services. According to experts, the growth of Internet access speeds and the growing supply of OTT video service providers are leading to an increase in the popularity of the TV and video viewing model via the Internet.

Finally, analysts do not exclude that due to the ban on advertising on pay TV channels, which has been in effect since 2015, some of the channels operating on the advertising model will be closed. Moreover, the overall negative impact of the current economic situation on the Russian pay TV market is expected. "In connection with the termination of a number of agreements with foreign copyright holders, we can expect a noticeable reduction in the volume of foreign content in proposals Russian operators", say the experts.

year 2013

DISCOVERY Research Group

Four companies are engaged in the production of satellite dishes in Russia: AlMet, Siberian Antenna Plant, Russat, Prankor. According to experts DISCOVERY Research Group the volume of the Russian market of satellite dishes in 2013 amounted to 1.5 million units. Compared to 2012, the market volume has decreased. The share of imported products per Russian market is no more than 15%. In 2013, according to a rough estimate, about 0.3 million satellite dishes were imported into Russia.

Half of satellite dish imports come from the following manufacturers: Svec, Dolin Electronics, Variant, Openmax and Electronic Huba. The main supplier of satellite dishes to the Russian market is China, however, in terms of value, the share is high, from where powerful expensive antennas are brought for broadcasting a television signal. The export of satellite dishes from Russia is insignificant - a few hundred pieces. The only manufacturer of satellite receivers in Russia - international company GS Group, which entered the CIS market in 2012 and in 2013 announced the expansion of production capacity in Russia to meet demand both in the Russian market and abroad. In 2013, 3.1 million satellite receivers were produced in Russia, with an annual growth rate of 20% over the past few years.

According to the experts of DISCOVERY Research Group, the volume of the Russian market of satellite receivers in 2013 amounted to 6.5 million units. Compared to the previous year, the market volume increased by 6%. Imported products account for almost 50% of the Russian market of satellite receivers. The main trends in the market of satellite receivers are the growth in demand for receivers that support HD-signals (here the widespread digitalization of the population has an impact, the growing interest of satellite television operators in the HD-format - in 2014 Tricolor TV announced plans to replace old equipment with new ones HD receivers; conducting first test screenings in the more modern Ultra HD format); replacement of outdated MPEG-2 equipment with a more modern MPEG-4 (in connection with the transition to a new satellite in 2013, NTV-Plus began to transfer its subscribers to new-type receivers); miniaturization - reducing the size of satellite receivers; an increase in demand for hybrid satellite receivers capable of simultaneously providing other services (radio, Internet) along with television, as well as for satellite receivers with a hard drive for recording broadcasts. The Russian market of satellite dishes and receivers directly depends on the situation on the satellite television market. The key players in the Russian satellite TV market are Tricolor TV (more than 80% of the satellite TV market uses GS Group products), Orion-Express, NTV-Plus, Raduga TV. The satellite TV market in Russia is not yet saturated, further growth is forecasted, mainly due to the growth of new subscribers in the regions. In 2014, new satellites are expected to be launched to cover Siberia and the Far East.

J"son & Partners Consulting

According to J "son & Partners Consulting, the Russian pay TV market will continue to grow. In 2013, 35.1 million subscribers (households) used Pay TV services in Russia, which is 10% higher than in 2012. Pay TV penetration was 64% in 2013.

In 2013, the volume of the pay TV market in Russia reached 57.1 billion rubles. Market ARPU amounted to 136 rubles per month. The level of the highest penetration of Pay TV in Russia in 2013 was observed in the North-West Federal District - 80.4%. The minimum penetration in the federal districts in the North Caucasus and Siberian federal districts is 47% and 41%, respectively.

The pay TV market subscriber base will reach 40.9 million HH by 2018, which will exceed the subscriber base in 2013 by 17%. will be 3%.

iKS Consulting

The volume of the Russian pay TV market increased in 2013 by 16% and amounted to 54 billion rubles, according to the results of a new study by iKS-Consulting.

The pay TV subscriber base grew by 11% over the year and reached 34.6 million, thus, the penetration of the service was 62%. It is noted that for the first time in 2013 the number of households connected to digital television(18.9 million or 34% of all Russian households) exceeded the number of ʻanalogue` subscribers.

Market growth drivers were: growth of the subscriber base of satellite operators `Orion-Express` and `Tricolor TV`; increase in the number of subscribers from IPTV operators - first of all, from the company `Rostelecom`; growth in the average bill per subscriber (ARPU) in the segments of IPTV and digital cable TV.

Among the factors negatively affecting the market are low prices for the service, especially in the satellite TV segment, as well as a shift in consumer interest towards OTT services.

In 2013, the growth of the cable TV segment practically stopped. The subscriber base of cable operators grew by only 1.5% over the year. However, this was primarily due to the reduction in the number of analog TV subscribers for MTS. Other cable operators grew by an average of 5%.

It is worth noting a noticeable shift towards an increase in the share of digital cable TV - the number of digital cable TV subscribers doubled over the year, while the number of analog cable TV subscribers decreased by 4%. As a result, the share of digital cable TV increased from 12% to 15%.

In absolute terms, the growth leader is satellite TV (another 2.3 million paid subscribers are connected). In a number of regions, satellite TV is the dominant technology. Thus, in the Southern Federal District its share is 71%. It should be noted that if in 2012 the subscriber base of `Orion Express` was 1.05 million subscribers, then in 2013 there were 1.98 million of them. subscription fee up to 600 rubles a year, up to the level of the price offered by `Tricolor-TV`, and the equipment was sold at half the price.

But in terms of growth rates, the IPTV segment became the leader - the number of subscribers using this technology increased by 29% compared to 2012. Thus, the structure of the market by technology has changed over the past year. The share of satellite TV increased by 3%, the share of IPTV - by 2%, and the share of cable TV decreased by 5% over the year.

In 2013, 7 pay TV operators had a market share exceeding 5%. In terms of revenue, Rostelecom is far ahead of its competitors - the federal operator owns over a fifth of the market. The company `Tricolor TV`, despite the leadership in terms of subscribers (29% of Russian subscribers fall to the share of the operator), the share in income is almost 1.6 times lower. This is due to the low cost of the operator's services - the average bill per subscriber (ARPU) is 67 rubles. The third largest operator, MTS, has been losing market share for the third year in a row - back in 2010, the company occupied 14% of the market. This was caused by a decrease in the number of analogue TV subscribers in connection with the digital television development strategy chosen by the company.

The spread in service penetration across federal districts remains significant - from 49% to Far East up to 80% in the Central Federal District, including Moscow, where, despite the fact that about 1 million households are already connected to two operators - Mostelecom and one of the digital TV operators - the growth of connections continues. Thus, following the results of 2013, the number of subscribers in the capital increased by 6%. At the same time, 2/3 of new connections fell on satellite `Tricolor TV`. Penetration of digital TV in Moscow at the end of the year was 36%.

iKS-Consulting analysts predict that in 2014 the Pay TV market will grow by 10%, and the market volume will exceed 59 billion rubles. The subscriber base will grow by 5% and reach 36.2 million subscribers.

year 2012

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, the Russian Pay TV market is one of the largest in the world: at the end of 2012, it has 31.9 million households (HH) connected to cable, satellite and IP television technologies. According to J'son & Partners Consulting, the growth of the pay TV subscriber base will continue, and by 2017 the number of subscribers will increase to 40.2 million households, and the pay TV service penetration will reach 74%.

J "son & Partners Consulting in its 2012 market research divides television users into the following categories:

  • Pay TV subscribers- these are users of communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting, the provider of which is the operator that provides the opportunity to view a large number predominantly non-terrestrial (paid) TV channels (more than 30).
  • Subscribers of social small-channel television- these are users of communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting, the provider of which is an independent urban (rural) cable operator, which provides the opportunity to watch a small number (less than 30) of predominantly terrestrial (free) TV channels (but does not provide the opportunity to watch multichannel television), payment for the use of which, as a rule, is included (if any) in a single payment document and corresponds to the tariffs for communication services for the distribution of all-Russian television and radio programs.
    • (Example: subscribers of OJSC Dolgoprudnensky Telecommunication Systems (Dolgoprudny), LLC Gorodskaya cable network"(Samara), MP "Ozyorsk cable television" (Ozyory).

According to the methodology of J`son & Partners Consulting, subscribers of social small-channel TV do not belong to pay TV.

  • Free TV subscribers are users of the broadcast analog television, as well as communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting, within which the user gets access to open TV channels without subscription fee.

Pay TV subscriber base, 2010-2012

At the end of 2012, the pay TV subscriber base in Russia amounted to 31.9 million HH, which is 11% higher than in 2011. Pay TV penetration was 58%.

The largest subscriber growth occurred in the satellite TV and IPTV segments.

For the period 2011-2012. IPTV subscriber base increased by 1.6 times. The growth rate of satellite television was 20% over the same period.

Growth in satellite TV was driven primarily by the low cost of the service compared to other pay TV technologies, as well as independence from fixed networks and availability throughout the country. The increase in satellite TV subscribers was mainly due to the Tricolor TV operator. In 2012, the company connected 2.4 million new subscribers, increasing its base to 11.9 million households. J'son & Partners Consulting in the pay TV subscriber base takes into account only paying subscribers (see Methodology above), the growth of which in the Tricolor TV operator in 2012 amounted to 1.4 million households (8.9 million paying subscribers in 2012 against 7.5 million paying subscribers in 2011). In general, in Russia, the satellite TV segment increased by 1.9 million households over the year, thus the contribution of Tricolor TV to the growth of the segment amounted to 74%.

The rapid growth of IPTV, in turn, was facilitated by the development of broadband access services: according to J'son & Partners Consulting, at the end of 2012, broadband penetration reached 48%. One of the main advantages of IPTV is the ability to provide a video-on-demand service and access to interactive services. The leaders in the IPTV market are the operators Rostelecom, VimpelCom and MTS.

Cable TV growth is slowing down. At the same time, the cable TV segment is undergoing an active transformation associated with the modernization of networks by operators and the transition to DVB-C technology, which allows the provision of a digital TV service with additional access to services such as video on demand, catch-up TV and others.

AKADO "(4%).

Tricolor's subscriber base increased by 19% in 2012 due to the company's high market activity in the market. In 2012, the Tricolor TV company connected foreign brands to the TV channel packages, and also introduced the Tricolor TV HD multiplex in the first half of 2012. Tricolor TV offers its customers the lowest subscription fee - for an extended package ("Optimum") - 50 rubles per month.

Pay TV Market Structure by Technology

In 2012, cable TV accounted for more than half of the total pay TV market (57%), a figure that was down 5 percentage points compared to 2011. The share of satellite TV was 35%. Share of IPTV

In 2012, the distribution of the subscriber base by federal districts did not change significantly.

Main results and trends of the Pay TV market

Results of the industry development in 2012:

  • The growth rate of Pay TV subscribers in 2012 was 11% compared to 2011. According to J'son & Partners Consulting forecasts, the market growth rate is expected to slow down to 2.5% by 2017.
  • Pay TV penetration in 2012 was 58%. By 2017, penetration is expected to reach 74%.
  • Among all technologies, the IPTV segment shows the highest growth rate: the growth rate was 62% by 2011. The lowest growth rates are observed in the cable TV segment: the growth rate is 2%.
  • The growth of the satellite TV market was 20% in 2012. The market leader in terms of the number of subscribers is Tricolor TV.

Industry development trends in 2013-2017:

  • The digital pay TV market in the context of all existing technologies will grow.
  • Operators will expand their channel lineup through HD packages and digital TV channels.
  • As a result of the high demand for video viewing over the Internet among the population, competition from non-linear TV is expected to increase due to the growth of broadband service penetration.
  • The cable TV market will be characterized by a slowdown in growth rates in all regions of the Russian Federation.


J'son & Partners

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, in 2010 the number of pay TV subscribers in the world amounted to 700 million subscribers, and by 2014 this figure will grow to 846 million households. Thus, the average growth will be about 4.7% per year.

The subscriber base of cable television, which occupies about 70% of the pay-TV market in the world, totaled 475 million households in 2009. Satellite television is the second largest market with a 25% share and a subscriber base of about 165 million households. It is followed by IPTV with a subscriber base of 35 million households and a market share of 5%. According to forecasts of Western analysts, in 2010 revenues in this market will grow to $171 billion, and by the end of 2014 they will amount to more than $222 billion.

According to iKS-Consulting, by the end of 2010 the number of Pay TV users in Russia will reach 20.5 million paid channels). The market volume will exceed 33 billion rubles. Service penetration will be 40%.

The development of pay TV markets in the post-Soviet space occurs at different rates, while analyzing the trends in these markets, we can divide them into 4 categories according to the territorial basis:

  • Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia),
  • countries of the European part of the CIS (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova),
  • countries of the Transcaucasian part of the CIS (Azerbaijan, Georgia, which is former country CIS),
  • countries of the Central Asian part of the CIS (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan).

The total share of the pay TV market in the CIS and the Baltic countries in 2009 amounted to about 1% of the global pay TV market. The total number of subscribers has reached more than 6 million households. A significant market share (63%) is occupied by the countries of the European part of the CIS (Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova).

Total subscriber base of Pay TV services in 2009 in the Baltic States exceeded 1.3 million connected households, with Lithuania's share in the total subscriber base amounting to 39%, Estonia's share – 27%. The remaining 34% came from the Latvian market. Pay TV subscriber base in the countries of the European part of the CIS in 2009 exceeded 3.7 million connected households.

The experts estimate the pay TV subscriber base in the Transcaucasian part of the CIS following the results of 2010. in 1 million subscribers.

The total subscriber base of the Central Asian region in 2010 exceeded 1.5 million connected households, most of which (60%) belong to the Kazakhstan market. The share of Kyrgyzstan in the subscriber base of the region was 5%.


The first satellite antennas appeared in Russia in the late 90s, then offset antennas made of metal were the most popular, then Chinese antennas made of cheap and thin metal entered the market, and transparent antennas also appeared. But neither one nor the other took root in Russia because of Low quality and its fragility. The situation changed in 2007, when satellite dishes made of fiberglass material appeared on the Russian market.

V Lately received widespread various options"television over the Internet". Globally, such projects can be divided into IPTV and OTT. Although, strictly speaking, OTT is a subset of IPTV, they are usually treated as separate services.

It is generally accepted that IPTV is a service within the operator's network that provides a "live" broadcast of channels, and OTT (short for Over The Top) is any video service (not only broadcasting channels, but also a cinema, i.e. video on demand ) provided through "unmanaged" networks, including the Internet.

Many common operator platforms support both options within the same service, so it makes no sense to talk about a strict separation of IPTV and OTT.

Equipment for IPTV or OTT

TV manufacturers have not yet agreed on common standard IPTV (OTT) services and, moreover, its support in their products. Therefore, while users are limited in the options for connecting this service:

    • For some Smart TVs, operators provide applications to connect the service. It is important that here you can not use third party solution: the only one who can release such an application for a given specific network, - the operator providing the service (so you should look for the application immediately on the provider's website).
    • For any, both old and new TVs, operators usually offer set-top boxes (similar to "terrestrial" or "cable" set-top boxes). Those. possibility to connect to this TV IPTV is determined by the presence in the TV of connectors for connecting a set-top box.

The cost of such devices, however, is somewhat more expensive than that of "ethereal" set-top boxes. There are even "universal" devices supported on networks different operators(reconnection may require changing the firmware of the device, but at least, not buying a new "iron"), as well as acting as a home "media center" (for example, Dune HD).

  • Many operators provide the ability to view channels on a computer. However, often the "computer" package is smaller; HD channels are less likely to be found there (this is due to the restrictions of copyright holders who are trying to counteract piracy in this way).
  • Television is also actively penetrating mobile devices. But more on this later. Note that HD, 3D and even 4K channels can be broadcast in IPTV. But to view them, you need a set-top box and a TV that supports the appropriate standards and resolutions.

TV on mobile devices

Some time ago, large telecom operators tried to set up full-fledged mobile television projects in Russia, introducing a kind of “terrestrial” digital standard. However, due to the lack of demand, which was a consequence of the low prevalence of receiving terminals, the projects gradually came to naught. But the idea of ​​mobile television was revived by combining high-speed mobile internet and IPTV.

Advantage of IPTV (OTT) in comparison with "terrestrial", "cable" and "satellite" digital standards that potentially television signal can be received not only on specially released devices, but also using any mobile device, incl. smartphone or tablet. The device does not need to have any "special" hardware module, you can limit yourself to software "add-ons".

This is used by many telecom operators who have previously deployed IPTV (OTT) projects. In fact, they do not care which device to transmit a signal over the network, as long as the device has enough resources to quickly decode this signal. Such resources are now available even on cheap smartphones. At the same time, modern compression algorithms make it possible to form a stream for viewing TV channels in decent quality even through mobile devices.

To work with encoded content, telecom operators release applications for mobile devices. Moreover, often such applications allow you not only to view channels, but to connect to a subscriber account, to which the “main” device is also connected (for example, a home TV through a set-top box).

Such a combination allows you to manage a subscription to channels or a “home” set-top box, switch between devices while maintaining a viewing stop point, etc. (the latter service received the marketing name Multiscreen).

Paid cinemas, such as Amediateka, offer subscription content

By the way, many projects have recently appeared that are not related to any “classic” telecom operator at all, but only offer video content for users with mobile devices and Smart TV. Among them, there are both paid “cinemas” (for example, Amediateka,, offering subscription content) and free ones (for example, IVI,, where viewing is “paid” by you watching commercials. Both of these projects have mobile applications for different platforms, including Smart TV.

Photo: manufacturing companies


There are many craftsmen who find various ways decoding and viewing paid channels. One of these methods is channel emulation. Most modern receivers are equipped with software with emulators. The only thing that is needed in this case is with the help of special code go to the closed section of the menu and register the keys there.

But this method is very imperfect. After all, if the package of paid TV channels changes the encoding algorithm, then those who try to crack the encoding will be disappointed. Either he will not be able to hack it at all, or it will be unprofitable for him. If the keys are updated every 10 seconds, then viewing "hacked" in this way will be impossible.

Recently, cardsharing has been gaining popularity. This method is very simple, but for its implementation you need to constantly keep the receiver connected to the Internet. The method of communication with the world wide web depends on.

During the reception of the encoded signal from the satellite, the transmitting party sends from time to time certain requests. They should be decoded by a paid official card according to a certain algorithm. Thus, keys are obtained, which are then transferred to the receiver. Without receiving the key at all or receiving the wrong one, the receiver will not be able to decode the channel. Cardsharing uses the method of transferring the necessary keys, in which the key is sent to the receiver over the network through the cardsharing server.


  • how to connect paid channels

View paid satellite channels can be carried out legally and not quite in a legal way, the latter is not prosecuted in Russia. In the first case, it is enough to have a satellite receiver recommended by the TV provider, in the second case, a DVB-card for a computer or a firmware tuner and a terrestrial Internet connection. This is necessary in order to receive decoding keys from the cardsharing server.

You will need

  • - DVB-map;
  • - plugin csc;
  • - access card.


Install the SkyStar 2 type DVB card into the computer motherboard slot. Before that, install the software for it on the PC. Install the ProgDVB program on your computer. Customize DiSEqC parameters, if available, or specify a satellite. Download the csc plugin from the Internet and unpack the archive into root folder ProgDVB, then move the msvcr70.dll file to the WINDOWSSYSTEM32 directory, do not copy, otherwise, if it hangs on same place, the program will not start. Check the installation, to do this, run ProgDVB, go to the "Plugins" menu. The CardServer Client section should appear in it.

Configure the plugin. To do this, run the ProgDVB program. Connect to the cardsharing server and get connection parameters. Go to the "Plugins" menu, then "CardServer Client" and "Configure Server". Enter the following values ​​in the opened window: Protocol - newcamd525; User name - login for sharing access; Password - password for sharing access; Card Server IP Address - 81.ХХХ.ХХХ.ХХХ, where "X" is the server address of the balls; Port - connection port (will be specified when connecting); Optional Parameters - 0102030405060708091011121314, no spaces.

Click successively on the "Add Item" and "Save Configuration" buttons, the window should close. The configuration has ended. Connect to the Internet via a landline - ADSL, GPRS, Wi-Fi, etc. For example, if you purchased an NTV + channel package, then after pointing and setting up your PC on Eutelsat satellite W4/W7 36E, scan its transponders. Save them and they will appear on the left side of the ProgDVB window. Turn on desired channel, move the cursor over it in the program window on the right. Click right button mouse and select Channel Properties. In the table that appears, double-click on the required CA type (ID), issued upon connection. Click "Apply" and "OK". The picture will appear after a few seconds.

Set up paid channels on the receiver. To do this, purchase a satellite tuner with a CI slot for access cards. Connect to a TV provider and buy this card from him. Insert it into the slot and set the receiver to desired satellite.

Installation satellite dish opens up access to a huge number of television channels, the existence of which you had not even imagined before. But what if, among hundreds of extra channels Didn't find the one you need the most? It turns out that the situation can be corrected.


Not the best in terms of material costs, but an effective way to increase the number of TV channels is to add another dish. Additional antenna fasten next to the existing one, set it up and connect the linear converter to the switch (disek) to which the active antenna is connected. In this way, the additional signal after the appropriate setting will be received by your TV.

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