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Corporate mail is better. How to improve the security and privacy of corporate mail

For effective interaction of company employees, mail for a domain is needed - a technology that makes it possible to organize registered mail on your own domain. However, some hosting providers do not provide mailboxes, and even if they do, these boxes take up a lot of space on the hosting, so you have to constantly delete read letters and correspondence.

Site name mail is an electronic mailbox with an address that contains the name of the company: for example, [email protected] Using this service, you can send email on behalf of the site to the addresses of employees and other registered users. It is also convenient for the recipient: email address it is identified with the brand, which increases brand awareness and the recipient's trust in letters that come from a known sender.

Free domain mail from Yandex

The Yandex company offers any owner of a personal domain with a valid account on Yandex.Mail free solution to create a mailbox with the owner's domain name.

Offer features:

  • provision of free corporate mail up to 1000 boxes (subject to certain conditions - more than 1000 boxes);
  • user-friendly interface in Russian;
  • support for standard mail protocols (POP3, SMTP, IMAP);
  • correspondence is stored without taking up space on the hosting;
  • scanning emails for viruses;
  • many themes for the interface;
  • the ability to add a company logo;
  • spam protection;

Step-by-step instructions for registering and setting up mail from Yandex

Mail with a site domain name from Yandex is available to those who have an account on Yandex, so to connect it, you first need to register or log in with your username and password. After that, you can go to the registration section of the mailbox.

Step 1. We go to The following page opens before us:

In the corresponding field after the @ sign, enter the name of your domain (highlighted in the screenshot with a red rectangle) and click "Add".

Step 2 You need to confirm your rights to the domain, that it belongs to you. You can do this in 3 ways:

  • posting text file(txt) in the root directory of your site;
  • by creating a subdomain with a name offered by Yandex with a CNAME record;
  • changing contact address.

The easiest way is to use the first method. To do this, you need to connect to the site via FTP and create a file with the name in the root directory, as recommended by Yandex. In this case, inside the file, you need to insert the test text from the interface. but this method not very convenient in terms of the fact that during CMS updates you will have to constantly drag and drop other people's files in the root directory.

You can use the second method. To do this, add an entry in the domain control panel with the following parameters: yamail- . In each specific case, the combination of letters and numbers that you need to enter instead of name is generated by Yandex individually. Select the CNAME record type and the following data: .

As for the third method, to change the contact address, you need to go to the control panel on the registrar's website. Then specify a new contact address: (instead of login we write our login, instead of key - the code that is indicated on the confirmation page). However, this method is not suitable for zones.rf, .ru

Regardless of the confirmation method chosen, after the actions taken, click "Check Domain Ownership". If you chose the first method and did everything correctly, the new file will be available via a link from the browser. Check this feature before further configuration.

Now it remains to wait for confirmation from Yandex: this process may take a day, or maybe a couple of minutes. Press the test button periodically.

Step 3. Once you've verified ownership of your domain, you'll need to set up MX records.

In order not to waste time on this, the easiest way is to delegate the domain to Yandex: the records will be changed automatically. This does not mean that now it will be serviced by Yandex: the service still remains on your hoster, while Yandex acts as an intermediary and nothing more.

The domain is delegated as follows: in its settings (you can open them using the link provided by your domain registrar) you need to make changes to the DNS servers:

  • we call the primary DNS server "";
  • secondary - "".

Note that a dot is placed after net. Having done this, save the DNS records and wait until they are updated (on average it takes from 4 to 24 hours). Until the update takes effect, you will see the following status:

Refresh the page from time to time until you see the following:

An inscription highlighted in green appears.

Creating mailboxes with your own domain

Actually, the previous step was the final one, the setup is finished. Now you can add the address in the form of specific mailboxes and enter regular mail Yandex through the newly created login and password from the organization's mailbox. To do this, find the "Add mailbox" field and enter a name and password.

The interface of this mail is the same as that of regular mail, but letters will already be sent with your domain in the address, for which everything was done. At the same time, to create a mailbox, you can enter any name, letters, numbers: you will not encounter the fact that the name is already taken, as is often the case when trying to create new box in regular mail.

When logging in to your new mailbox, you will be asked to fill in your personal details, after which you will be redirected to the "Complete Registration" page.

Here you just need to fill in all the fields and save, after which you can fully use domain mail. You can enter it in several ways:

  • open Yandex.Mail and specify a username and password;
  • open the address, where yourdomain is the name of your domain, and specify the login and password of the corporate mailbox;
  • through a form on your site.

Cons of free mail from Yandex

Though free offer attractive already because it is free, but the capabilities of the service and the ease of management are not suitable for every company. Let's analyze the main disadvantages of such mail:

1. Limited number of boxes

It is stated that e-mail from Yandex allows you to create an unlimited number of mailboxes. But if your business dictates the need to create more than 1,000 boxes, you may run into a limitation. More than 1000 boxes can only be provided if the attendance and user activity on them is high.

2. Inability to send mass mailings via mail

Yandex Mail does not allow mass mailing to external addresses, i.e. those that are not registered on your site. You can only send group mailings within a domain.

3. No technical support

If the user encounters any problems, then he simply has nowhere to call. It remains only to use the form feedback but you may not get an answer.

4. Illogical SPF

Yandex Mail allows you to create and configure an SPF record - a means of filtering out spam on behalf of a domain and preventing forgery of its owner's email addresses. However, the practice of using this tool at Yandex does not prohibit receiving messages from illegitimate IP addresses.

5. Small message size limit

It is impossible to send messages larger than 41 MB through the Yandex mail service.

From all this, we can conclude that free Yandex mail is good only for the smallest business, which cannot afford to pay even a small subscription fee for professional hosting solutions.

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Corporate mail is email address, in which instead of the well-known free service, there is a specific company domain. offers non-profit organizations, educational institutions, as well as individual entrepreneurs and companies to use the personal domain name connection service to create concise and memorable addresses.

Benefits of connecting a domain name to

By connecting your domain to the service, you get basic set servants, which include the ability to add up to 5,000 boxes. In addition, each user gets the opportunity to use cloud storage for workgroups, hot and cold data. Additionally, you can use the following benefits:

  • Unlimited mailboxes;
  • Modern mobile applications, access via IMAP;
  • Integrated calendar, address book and messenger;
  • Reliable protection from spam and viruses;
  • SMS notifications for incoming emails and some other features.

Messages from other mailboxes can be imported to the new address. It is also possible to create mailing lists within a domain. This is a particularly popular feature when sending out to all or a group of users.

As disadvantages of the service, one can single out advertising in the box, which cannot be disabled without using special modules, and the lack of confidentiality of user data, including the content of sent and received letters. According to the user agreement, the data is collected and processed for improved monetization of the service through the display of advertising.


Personal mail is an electronic mailbox, in the address of which, instead of a free service, there is the name of the company itself, the name of the business owner, or any other data.

Alphabet (a brand of Google) offers its custom domain name connection service, which is team-oriented and features a wide range of administration and settings. At the same time, even a private user can connect to it.

Benefits of connecting a domain name to Google

The main pluses in Google are high spam protection and user-friendly interface. However, in addition to this, the service has other advantages:

  • Providing mailboxes for each user;
  • Aliases (aliases) for the mailbox and domain, a special general chat;
  • Migration of messages from other mailboxes;
  • Spelling check of letters before sending, translator functions;
  • Answering machine;
  • Filtering messages, canceling sending a letter;
  • Two-factor authentication;
  • Convenient mobile application.

The number of mailboxes in Google is only limited by the user's budget. A few years ago it was completely free for everyone, but today it remains so only for educational institutions. At the same time, each client can try a free 30-day version of Google Apps for Works and independently evaluate the service.

Among the shortcomings of the service, one can note the high advertising overload of the user interface, as well as the aggressive collection of confidential data (scanning the contents of the mailbox) for subsequent sale to advertisers.

Mailbox from the company "Trendence"

For those companies that have special requirements for the quality of the hosting service, we offer a profitable service - domain mail for the company from the site. Our mail hosting protects users from spam and viruses, ads and other spam messages. Key Benefits suggestions:

  • unlimited mailbox size;
  • as a gift (when ordering from 10 addresses);
  • free testing (up to a month);
  • round the clock technical support.

To configure, you need to delegate the domain to the DNS servers site All users are provided with 3 independent DNS servers for free. To protect the addresses served from spam, viruses, forgery and other cyber threats, the company uses the site deep integration mail server with a protected DNS zone. Integration involves making various service records in the zone, such as TXT.

Many third party DNS services do not support required records or records of sufficient length, so for the reliable functioning of the mail server, it is recommended to use the DNS site. At the same time, the website can remain on the current hosting, there is no need to transfer it. Updating information in the DNS may take up to a day, after which the service of corporate addresses will be connected to the hosting site

To order a service or ask any questions, please contact us convenient way. You can do it by email by ordering back call or call the phone numbers listed on the site.

Test for free!

Mail for business

Email services for business are designed to work with large volumes of mail, so important functions for these services are search, mail organizers, and spam protection. Of course, security is very important: antivirus, using SSL, creating backups.

Business class email services typically provide:
- contact database
- possibility easy viewing correspondence by contact
- the ability to share emails (for integrating data about counterparties)
- possibility mass mailing with support for personalized templates

Email services are often integrated into organizers, CRM systems, virtual offices.

When choosing a service, you should also pay attention to the amount of disk space allocated, traffic limits and the size of attachments.

21.06.18. Yandex transfers business mail to the Connect service

Last year, Yandex launched an online office for business - Yandex.Connect (an alternative to Google's G Suite). It includes mail, calendar, cloud drive, wiki, messenger and project management service. Now, in order to give an impetus to the development of Connect, Yandex is starting a forced transfer of accounts from Mail for Domains to Connect. At first, nothing will change for users, but administrators will have new panel management, in which they will be able to connect users to new (above-listed) services. In Connect, Mail is included in the free base rate, which has contextual advertising, and the number of users is limited to a thousand people.

Until now, Mail.Ru for Business has been a free service for small companies. Now it has an extended version, which, in general, will be of interest to larger companies. It has integration with Active Directory, access to technical integration (API), no ads in the web interface, and the ability to brand the interface and mailbox login page. As in the basic version, there is cloud storage, a corporate calendar, a messenger and a company directory. Customers who choose the premium version receive priority technical support. Services are provided on the basis license agreement, an agreement is concluded with legal entities, they are also provided with closing documents. The cost of access to the extended version depends on the number of users and starts from 1990 rubles per month for 100 users.

2015. DMail service allows you to send self-destructing messages via GMail

Perhaps sometimes at work you need to send a secret email that only the recipient needs to know about. For example, you offer a partner a kickback or a tax payment optimization scheme. But if you send this by email, then a copy of the letter may forever remain on one of the mail servers and then you will regret it. Service Dmail - solves this problem. It allows you to send email through your email Gmail box and set the period after which this letter will disappear forever. However, for now, you can use this service only in Chrome browser by installing a special plug-in. The recipient can use any browser and mail system. And, of course, you are interested to know how it is possible to delete an email message after it has been sent and received. It turns out that everything is very simple: the recipient sees in the letter not the text, but a link to the letter, which is located on the Dmail service, and opens the letter already in the browser. And deleting a message in a third-party service is a matter of technology.

2014. IBM also wants to fix Email. Better than Google and Microsoft

Following Google and Microsoft, IBM presented its vision for the future of email. And she has every moral reason to do so. First, IBM started doing email (bought Lotus) as early as 1995, when Google more was not born, and Microsoft walked under the table. Secondly, all these new attempts to remake Email are associated with the use of artificial intelligence, and IBM - just it is available - Watson. So, IBM introduced a new e-mail service - Verse. Like competitors, it allows you to focus the user's attention on more important messages. In addition to mail, the service contains tasks, a calendar, file storage, and a contact manager. And it also has round avatars and a graph of your connections with employees and contractors. Watson promise to fasten a little later. The service will be available to select customers this month and will be available on the IBM Cloud Marketplace early next year with a free version and mobile apps.

2014. Mailbox - mail from Dropbox

Dropbox remains the most popular service for online storage and file synchronization despite competition from IT giants like Google and Microsoft. What is his secret? Perhaps its main advantage is convenience. So, a year ago, Dropbox thought: "If we can win everyone at the expense of convenience in the file services market, then why not conquer the email market as well?" And they (for $100 million) bought the startup Mailbox, which also had the same goal. At first, this application worked only on the iPhone (and was very popular), but the other day there were versions for Android and Mac. What is the feature of this application? Firstly, it is initially focused on working with mail on smartphones and tablets (mobile-first, so to speak). As a result, many find Mailbox's (gesture-based) interface much more user-friendly than Gmail or iPhone Mail.

2013. GMail,, Yahoo Mail and Zoho Mail share the market for small business mail

Over the past few days, a number of interesting news have come in from the most popular services small business email - GMail,, Yahoo Mail and Zoho Mail. First, Yahoo Mail, along with Yahoo Small Business website builder, sat for days last week, which, of course, pissed off business users. Now many of them are about to move. And Microsoft (shortly before these events) just decided to poach users from GMail and Yahoo. But, unfortunately, they started with GMail and now they cannot fully seize the moment. However, a new tool to quickly import emails and contacts from GMail to is already up and running.

2013. launches mail for business

Mail.Ru is now not only mail for blondes, but also mail for business. The Mail.Ru for business service allows you to add your own domain (or register a new one), create email addresses for all employees and work with corporate mail in a familiar (to many) mailbox interface. Well, given that GMail for business can now be connected only for money, this service can count on success and compete with Yandex mail for domains. By the way, Mail.RU has one interesting advantage - integrated Office Web Apps that allow you to view in a browser Word documents, Excel and PowerPoint attached to the letter.

2013. Google closes Youtube, pumps GMail and Google Apps

Google keeps shutting down necessary services and invent unnecessary ones. Youtube was pretty useful service for business. All video marketing went through it, training videos were placed on it. But it turned out that Youtube was just a competition site for the best video in history, and now that the competition has come to an end, it will be closed. To somehow compensate for this loss, Google introduced two big updates to its GMail and Google Apps services. The first one is Gmail Blue, a new mailbox interface. It differs in that it is completely blue. Blue buttons, blue icons, blue text. They say it's a 21st century interface (see video above). And Google Apps has added a "Non Boring" mode that makes calendars, emails, and documents more interesting and relaxing, making teamwork more efficient. Video:

2011. Video battle: GMail vs Microsoft Office 365

Remember how Marc Benioff laughed at Microsoft's anti-advertising campaign? It turns out that Microsoft also knows how to do such things. The other day Google launched advertising campaign to poach users from other mail systems on GMail (like it’s enough to use email services that don’t even have video chat). A video was launched as part of the campaign (see above). You can still see the red link to this video in your GMail account. Microsoft mail systems are, of course, considered to be among those that Google recommends to get rid of. And today, this video appeared on the Internet:

2011. Zoho Mail takes on GMail

As you know, Zoho prefers to be friends with Google. Although both companies are developing online offices for small-to-medium businesses, Zoho has always matched its apps to Google Apps rather than trying to pit them head-on. Zoho is the champion in terms of the number of applications present in the Google Apps Marketplace (i.e. integrated into Google Apps). And maybe that's why Zoho didn't touch the most holy part of Google Apps - mail for a very long time. Those. Zoho launched its mail service (Zoho Mail) two years ago, but it was just a personal mail service. It was as functional as GMail and even allowed you to use your own domain, but it did not have an administrative panel for centralized account creation and security policy management. Those. it could not be used as a corporate mail server. Now it has become possible.

2010. Remember the Milk can be synced with Outlook

Developers from SprinxCRM have released a plug-in for MS Outlook that allows you to synchronize tasks from Outlook with your account in the Remember the Milk online task management service. As you know, Remember the Milk supports offline access using Google Gears, so this plugin will be primarily of interest to Outlook users who want to access their tasks online or share tasks with their colleagues without having to install an Exchange server. New plugin works with the Remember the Milk API and is a small toolbar on the Outlook toolbar. You can only synchronize tasks manually - by pressing a button. I must say that synchronization takes quite a long time. When you sync, Outlook categories become RTM list categories. The plugin is distributed free of charge.

If you have a small project team or a list of clients, sometimes it becomes necessary to send a message to all of them. Gmail has a simple fix for this problem. First, create the desired group on the "Contacts" tab ("Address Book"). Then add the necessary contacts to it (this can be done either by selecting a new contact from the list, and then adding it to the group through the groups menu, as shown in the picture, or by going to the desired group, and then entering the addresses of the desired contacts in the search bar). Now, when creating a new letter, just write the name of the group, or just start typing it, and then select from the auto-substitution list. Your recipients will not see the group name in the mailing list, there will be names and addresses as usual individual contacts. Summarizing everything previously said, this function is useful for small mailing lists, for managing the same large groups it is recommended to use Google Groups.

2007. Google reveals plans for 2008

Usually, Google representatives keep their mouths shut about future releases of their products. However, they recently surprised quite a bit by revealing their upcoming plans for Google Apps. Blogger Andrew Miller made some interesting notes from a presentation by Google employee Scott Johnston, who was VP of Engineering at wiki startup Jotspot before acquiring it about a year ago. First of all, the next evolution of Google Page Creator called Google Sites will be launched in 2008. Google Sites will be funded joint work Jotspot and will allow users to create, for example, internal and external corporate sites, sites for project management, etc.

2007. GMail will be paid

GMail will charge for extra space to store letters. On the this moment this email service provides approximately 2.8 GB. Users with "high requirements" will be able to pay for additional space for their letters. Specific amounts have not yet been named. Thus, Google plans to use the same system as for Picasa Web Albums: 250 MB of photo storage is offered for free in this service, 6.25 GB can be purchased for $25 per year, and 250 GB for $500 per year. Of course, they can be understood - free Gmail cost the company a lot. In only one 2006 Google year invested $1.9 billion in storage infrastructure. Current users of the service get at their disposal a huge mailbox, with a minimum of 2.8 GB. For most users, this space should be more than enough. In the beta version of Gmail, I tried to make money on contextual advertising, which would be relevant to the content of the letters. However, this "feature" is constantly criticized for interfering with personal correspondence, and it is not clear how effective advertisements in the mail.

2007. Microsoft did not go for a complete rebranding of mail

Microsoft decided not to completely abandon the hyped Hotmail brand. Windows Live Mail - the new email service - has been renamed to Windows Live Hotmail. In the nearest MSN Hotmail will also merge into new brand, and all users of the "old" service will finally switch to the new Live ID authorization system.

2005. WordPerfect has an email client

Corel representatives announced a special option office suite WordPerfect Office 12, which, in addition to the standard set of applications, also includes the WordPerfect Mail email client. It is based on the Bloomba email program developed by Strata Labs, which was acquired by Yahoo last year. The client received good reviews in the reviews, but was not very famous. Corel will supply Bloomba under a distribution agreement with Yahoo. WordPerfect Mail has a spam filter, contact manager, shared calendars, and RSS support. The mail client will be included in the package WordPerfect Office 12 Small Business Edition, designed for companies with up to 50 PCs. In addition, WordPerfect Mail is planned to be sold as a standalone product. WordPerfect Office for Small Business also includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation editor, task manager, graphics editor and Symantec 90-day trial Norton Internet security.

A course that will make you a marketable test automator and change your idea that testing is boring and just a step before working as a developer. I recommend getting to know online course "QA Automation Engineer" in OTUS. The course is not for beginners, for admission you need to pass.

Let's start with what I mean by medium business. I do not know the exact classification and have not looked anywhere, have not checked. It intuitively seems to me that this is from 10-15 users to 200-300. I will consider the segment up to 100 users, since almost all the time I work exclusively in this niche. The problems and needs of larger companies are not known to me for certain. Although I'm not sure that something will be fundamentally different from 100 people, I think the approaches will be the same, only the hardware is more powerful. The problems of load distribution and clustering will most likely not arise here yet.

We have a small company with several dozen people. We need mail server. Despite the fact that technology has stepped forward a long time ago, providing a lot of various means of communication, e-mail is still firmly in its positions and is not going to give them up yet. At the same time, in such a small team, there are no big requirements for the mail server. Most often, it is enough that the mail just works, without any special functional frills. Either an email client and the imap protocol, or a web interface will suffice. Well, if it is possible to set up an auto-response, create shared folders, a single address book, but you can live without it.

Among all options mail service, I single out 3 fundamentally different approaches to the implementation of the necessary functionality:

  1. Services based on free mail services of Google, Yandex or mail.
  2. Your mail server based on free software.
  3. Exchange server from Microsoft.

Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Free mail from google, yandex and

I'll make a couple of comments right now. I'm not sure that Google can now register free corporate mail. All who have registered before use for free, and for new users only paid subscriptions are now available. But this is not fundamental and does not directly relate to the topic of the article. If Google has become completely paid for business, then we will simply exclude it from our list. Yandex and are still definitely free. I administered myself mail domains in google apps and in Yandex. I did not work with, I only know that something similar is implemented there. I somehow do not like the company itself since the old days. Although now they seem to have turned to face the users, but Amigo is still alive and well, so they have not turned around yet.

Consider the advantages of these mail services.

  1. The most important advantage is that full-fledged mail is ready immediately after registration. There are no costs for the purchase of hardware and configuration. Is it enough for a more or less advanced user who, following the instructions on the site, will be able to connect a domain and create mailboxes. And you can already use the mail.
  2. Easy to administer and manage users, the web service provides all the necessary tools for this. They are convenient and intuitive (although not always) understandable.
  3. Comfortable and habitual web interface. Everything works quickly, from anywhere where there is an internet connection and a browser. There is a good mobile application.
  4. Wide functionality, ready immediately after creating the box. Various filters, mail collectors, good anti-spam (from Google) and much more.

Everything seems to be missing nothing. It would seem that the advantages are obvious and significant. But before jumping to conclusions, let's look at the cons.

  1. You do not control this mail. She doesn't belong to you, is not on your servers. You don't know what's happening to her. If you have very sensitive and private correspondence, then suspicions and doubts arise about the use of popular email services. This may sound paranoid, but this is a real concern for users and business owners, and should not be discounted.
  2. You are not immune from failures in the system and cannot prevent them in any way. And failures, although not often, but they do happen. Since the services are free no one will guarantee you anything. And if some kind of force majeure happens and the data is lost, you will simply be told sorry. If you yourself do not have a very reliable IT structure, the likelihood technical problems on your personal server it will probably be higher. But you can control this and theoretically be able to build a system with a level of reliability that satisfies you.
  3. Unobvious backup methods and recovery of mailboxes in such services. There are situations when all letters are deleted from the mailbox. Let's say you can save them in various ways, just by downloading, but how can you return them back to the box, keeping all the dates original?
  4. There is no way to analyze incomprehensible situations. For example, you send a letter, but it does not reach the addressee. What to do? In case of cloud mail you will not do anything, since you do not have any tools to analyze the situation. Try to just send a letter from another box. Sometimes you don't receive a letter, and you can't figure out why it's not there. And the case can be trite in an incorrectly configured filter. This is a common situation when there are a lot of filters, plus if some other forwarding is configured. Without access to server logs, it can be difficult to understand the situation. And if there is a mail server log, then it immediately becomes clear why the letter is not sent, or what happened to it after it was received. You can definitely find out whether the remote server received your letter or not.
  5. Not simple ways restrict access to mailboxes, for example, only from the local office network. Mailboxes of public services are always available via the Internet. It is possible to solve this problem in google apps through authorization in third party services. In Yandex and mail, I have not seen the opportunity to implement such functionality.
  6. It is also necessary to understand that free cheese is known where it happens. It is not completely clear how mail services use the information received from users. Well, if only to show them relevant ads. I don't think it's just for that.

When I first started working about 10 years ago, there was no question what kind of mail to use in the organization. Everyone set up their mail servers and administrated them. Free mail services did not provide any tools for business at that time to manage mail. When such tools began to appear, I thought that soon no one would need their mail servers, since they would no longer make sense. And all my torment (I do not like to work with them) with mail servers will become meaningless.

I was given the opportunity to administer domains based on public mail services. After that, the list of cons written above appeared. And for me personally, these cons outweighed the pros, and now I still set up mail servers myself. Ultimately, it is more convenient and reliable when you consider the pros and cons of use and administration together.

The biggest disadvantage I see is the lack of full-fledged mail logs and a good backup scheme. It is inconvenient to analyze problems without logs. Quick and easy to restore deleted letter in former place will not work, although for open source mail servers this is a simple matter.

Mail server based on free software

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of your own mail server based on free software. In principle, some paid ones can also be included here, for example, Kerio Mail Server, which is also often used. I think it can also be attributed here, since it provides a similar functionality. I consider all mail servers in aggregate, without singling out individual representatives. Although in Linux, apart from postfix and exim, I personally have not seen anything in production. I always use postfix myself, because I'm used to it and know it well. Consider carefully the advantages of such servers.

  1. You are in complete control of all information, which comes by mail and is stored on your server. You can restrict access to mail at your own discretion. technical means. You can centrally configure the rules for deleting, for example, private information in letters, according to various criteria that you can set yourself.
  2. The level of availability of the mail service depends only on you. With the right approach, you can provide the reliability that suits you system operation.
  3. Flexible backup system. There are a lot of funds for its organization, including free ones. It all depends on your needs, skill and capabilities. You can store different slices by date, mailbox, domain, organize any suitable scheme.
  4. Virtually unlimited functionality. Within reasonable limits, of course :) You can create mailboxes with the possibility of only local correspondence, you can centrally manage the receipt and sending of mail, maintain your own white and black lists. You can set up various restrictions on mailboxes and domains. You can easily centrally manage mail duplication the right boxes, make all kinds of shipments and much more.
  5. All means of monitoring server operation are in your hands. You will be able to deal with any incomprehensible situation, having mail server logs on hand. This service is well logged. I almost never had problems when it was not clear where the letter had gone. Most often there are traces and you can definitely say what happened to the letter.
  1. Necessary buy or rent equipment to organize your mail server. In the case of a Linux server, the performance requirements will not be large. I usually have enough virtual machines for 4 cores and 4 GB of RAM. Much more important disk subsystem. Here the faster the disks, the better. Do not forget about the backup. It also needs iron resources.
  2. Setting up a full-fledged, multifunctional mail server requires at least average knowledge in system administration linux. That is, just the admin-enikey will not work here. Need an expert with experience. He should have a decent salary. If there is no such admin in the state, I recommend hiring someone for a one-time setup job. Most often, after setting up, special work on maintaining the server is not required if you do not change the functionality. Just enough to follow free space on disks and manage boxes through the web panel.
  3. Ease of use via web interface will be lower than in free postal services. Like it or not, but the same gmail is implemented very conveniently. Quick search, filters, sorting, labels, etc. It's really convenient. I'm very used to it and can't use anything else.

I see such disadvantages of my mail service. The most important for me is the last one. I myself am used to working with mail via the web. I do not like to use mail clients, although I have to. Web interfaces to free mail servers in terms of convenience and speed do not fall far short of gmail or Yandex, it makes no sense to compare. Nevertheless, I think that for an average organization this is the best option.

Pros and cons of Microsoft Exchange Server

I don't have a lot of exchange administration experience. I tested it a long time ago when I decided which mail servers I would work with. Installed, studied the functionality. Then I set up a mail server for the organization once. They wanted exactly exchange. There were no problems, I quickly set it up according to numerous guides on the Internet. The threshold for entering the exchange mail server configurers is very low. Even enikey can handle the basic functionality.

For medium-sized organizations, I consider shared calendars to be a really useful and hard-to-replace functionality. And of course, the convenience of integration with AD, if any. And most often there is AD, since I can’t imagine network administration for more than 20-30 people without Active Directory. I think that it is pointless to save here and you need to buy Microsoft Server.

Consider now the pros and Microsoft cons Exchange Server. I warn you again just in case. I tell only my vision, I have little experience with the server, so I would like to receive comments on it myself in the comments in order to have a more adequate assessment of this system. Exchange pros:

  1. Great functionality with relative ease of setup. Deploy a server with basic functionality for any admin. Moreover, this basic functionality can be more than any assembly under Linux.
  2. Integration with Active Directory. You create a new user account and the mailbox is immediately ready for him. No special settings are needed if Microsoft user outlook. Connection to the server is configured in a few mouse clicks.
  3. Comfortable administration tools as ready-made Windows Server snap-ins. Everything is traditional for solutions from Microsoft.

The minuses of Exchange Server are as characteristic as the pluses for most Microsoft products:

  1. Price, price and more price. Microsoft Exchange Server is expensive. It is necessary to consider and estimate whether it will be justified to acquire it. To use all the built-in functionality, it will be necessary to buy an edition of Microsoft Office with Outlook in the kit for each workplace. These are additional costs.
  2. Good performance requires much more powerful iron , in comparison with servers on Linux. And to support large mailboxes, for example, 50 gigabytes, you will need very powerful hardware. Although such boxes for the same dovecot do not present any particular problems. In exchange, you will most likely use quotas to limit the maximum mailbox size.
  3. For backup, you will most likely also have to purchase decent hardware and paid software. Here I'm just guessing, I really don't know what is needed for a convenient exchange backup. I know paid software from popular vendors. Maybe there is something free.

My conclusion about Exchange Server is that it is good in almost everything, except for the price. If it was free, I would most likely use it. For quite objective reasons, this is impossible. Good and convenient software does not appear by itself. You need to create it, and spend money on it that you want to return with a profit.

Today, given the cost of Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office, I do not use these Microsoft products. Few people agree to lay out the necessary amount for the mail server. I would like to take a closer look at Exchange in real conditions at least 60-80 people to evaluate this server more objectively. But so far this opportunity has not presented itself.


Let me summarize my reasoning about the mail server for a small average organization. Although the conclusion, I think, is already clear. I myself prefer the second option I described - a mail server based on free software on linux. But I wouldn't discount the other two options. Free mail from public services will definitely be convenient for a very small team - for 10-15 people. It makes no sense to fence your server for such a number.

I would recommend using Exchange Server if you have it and you don't mind spending money on purchasing it. The product is uniquely convenient, functional and easy to configure and administer. Speaking simple, you need to understand that this is conditional. Configurations can be very complex, but in this case I'm looking at the entry level.

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Corporate mail allows you to use addresses:

[email protected], [email protected], etc., where is the address of your site.

Benefits of Corporate Mail:

  • the status of your Company;
  • memorability of your Company;
  • security of corporate correspondence;
  • security of communication lines with your clients.

Corporate email is an integral part of modern business culture. Since now all companies are actively using the products of the sphere information technologies, then the company today should have not only a website on the Internet, but also its own e-mail in a corporate format.

The corporate mail of the company looks in such a way that after the usual “dog” icon, the domain of the organization’s website is written, and not the name of the mail service to which the mailbox belongs, as with ordinary users. You can create a mailbox (email) for corporate mail using the services of specialists in the field of information technology.

Why do you need corporate mail?

Create mailbox corporate type You need to look presentable in front of your customers. An organization is most trusted if the manager decides to make mail on his company's domain. Company contacts in the form of corporate mail look presentable and solid. That's why corporate format for email renders positive influence on the reputation of the company, and also increases its rating in the eyes of customers.

How to create mail with your own domain?

In order to create corporate mail, you need to contact a technical specialist who is able to implement this task. If your company does not have such an employee, then this is not a problem. After all, how to create mail with your own domain is well known by specialists from a specialized organization that specializes in this industry - dm-design.

To create corporate mail, you will need hosting, which will store all the mail of the company. You can purchase this hosting for rent from the appropriate provider so that all your company's corporate mail is stored on your hosting. You can also configure everything so that mail arrives at the hosting of one of the popular mail systems, namely:

  • @gmail
  • @Yandex

Additionally, there is a technical possibility to duplicate emails. That is, your employees can give clients, as well as indicate on business cards a corporate address, which is mail with its own domain, but letters will come both to work mail and to personal mail, that is, they will be duplicated or redirected. This feature is necessary to ensure that important emails do not end up in spam or are not accidentally deleted.

How to create a corporate mail?

The dm-design internet solutions studio specializes in creating technical solutions for business. The range of services includes the creation of corporate mail for commercial organizations, as well as the creation, configuration and maintenance of corporate mail with the individual wishes of the client.
dm-design specialists will take your company's email to a new level!

Management of corporate mail settings

Do you have any questions?

Registering a corporate email address

  1. What you need to know before creating a corporate email address

    The restrictions that apply to corporate email addresses are described below. Please note that their list may change over time.

    You will need a Gmail account

    • You will need a Gmail account. If you don't have one, create a Google account. If you need a corporate Gmail account, sign up for G Suite.
    • Important! If you turn on advanced features, such as adding users, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked. If you revoke your corporate email address in your G Suite account, . Learn more about this and other restrictions...
    • If you have multiple Gmail addresses, you can only associate one of them with your new corporate email address. To add other accounts to your domain, .
    • To create a corporate email address of the form [email protected] , you will need to purchase a new domain from Google or use your own. During the registration process, you must:
      • choose a domain name of the form for your corporate email address you need to purchase a domain);
      • verify ownership of the domain (if you already have one) and change mail settings so that the Google server can send and receive emails using the selected address in this domain.
    • If you have your own domain and email using aliases, you can't use them to forward emails to the main account in your domain using your corporate email address. See Migration of email aliases not yet supported for more details. If you purchase a new domain, you will be able to create aliases for your corporate email address by enabling additional .
    • Only a Gmail account originally registered in a country where G Suite Basic is available (excluding Antarctica and Bouvet Island) can be linked to a corporate email address.
    • Your Gmail account must be set to English as the primary language.
    • If your Gmail account has an additional calendar or Google site, or is using delegation, you can't create a corporate email address yet. Details this and other restrictions can be found in the article Important information about registration, enabling additional features and discontinuing the service .
    • If you have a Gmail account and want to use the new Inbox service, you need to enable additional functions in G Suite settings.
  2. Why should you buy a domain?

    To create a corporate email address, you need to purchase a new domain or use an existing one. A domain is the unique name after the @ symbol in an email address and the www prefix in a URL. For example, if you own a domain, then you can have a personalized email address like [email protected] . Typically, a domain consists of the organization name and a standard domain suffix, such as or

    If you have your own domain, you can create a personalized corporate email address as well as a website for your company.

    Domain registration

    Once you buy a domain, you need to register it. The contact details provided during registration are placed in the registrants directory where they can be found by other users. You can make this information public or private.

    If contact information will be public:

    • It will be visible in the results of a WHOIS directory search.
    • Any Internet user can find it.

    If you choose to hide contact information:

    • Instead, contact information provided by a third-party privacy service provider will be issued.
    • Any Internet user will be able to find the third party privacy provider's email address. Emails sent to him will be forwarded to you. The sender will not see your confidential email address until you reply to their email.
  3. How to use your own domain?

    If you already have a domain, you can link it to it when registering your corporate email. During registration, we will verify your ownership of the domain to ensure that it is not being used for corporate email by someone else. You can then change your email settings so that the Google server can send and receive emails using the address you choose.

    Additional Information

  4. Corporate mail

    Service After registering...
    Gmail Filters
    Google Play


    Google Now hints
    Google Photos integration with Google Drive


    G Suite
    Google Play

    Panel Corporate email management

    • If you turned on additional functions
    • account or corporate mail ...

    • . Learn more about deleting a domain...

    • account or corporate mail ...
    Service After cancellation...
    Google Domains .
    Disk space
    Google Play
    Calendar How to change your password

    If you have forgotten your password and want to reset it or change it for security reasons, enter strong password, which you do not use in other accounts.

    • To reset your password, click Password.
    How to add or change a recovery phone number

    So that you can quickly, easily and safely restore access to your account at any time, add a recovery phone number. This will make it easier for you to access your account if it is blocked or you forget your password.

    • To add a recovery phone number, click Recovery options.
    How to turn on two-step verification

    To prevent the disclosure of personal information in your account, set additional protection based on two-step authentication. In this case, you will need a password and a code or an electronic key created on your phone to access your account.

    To enable 2-Step Verification:

    1. Click 2-Step Verification. The Security and Login page opens.
    2. Find a section Sign in to your Google account.
    3. Click 2-Step Verification. The 2-Step Verification Setup Wizard opens.
    4. Click Proceed and follow the instructions.
    How to set up security and privacy measures

    Additional security and privacy settings subject to the Data Processing Amendment and Terms amendment standard contract for EU countries. Please read and accept these documents if your organization needs to comply with the security requirements of the European Union's Data Protection Directive .

    Click Enable advanced security settings to start using the following features:

    • registration of a data protection officer or representative in the EU in accordance with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

    Important! .

    Email settings

    How to choose an email address to send

    You can send and reply to emails from either your Gmail address or your corporate email address. To select the sender address specified in the field From, use the function Send email from address in Gmail. However, you can also change the name that appears in the letters you send.

    How to create an email signature

    To add contact or company information to emails, create a signature with text and images.

    How to subscribe to news and mailing lists

    By subscribing to corporate mail in G Suite, you will receive Latest updates and improvements from Google, including tips and tricks, Special offers for G Suite users, feedback and testing opportunities. To specify which emails you want to receive from G Suite, click Interaction settings.

    • Select the newsletters you are interested in and click Save Changes.

    Creating Addresses for a Team

    With access to additional G Suite features, you can create personalized email addresses for new employees in your company. An additional account for one user costs 5 USD or 4 EUR per month. New employees will be able to use Gmail and other Google services such as Drive, Docs, Forms and Hangouts.

    Important! Once you enable additional features, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked. If you opt out of your corporate email address in your G Suite account, the original Gmail account will also be terminated.

    Create an alias

    Your corporate mail account is your main address for logging in and receiving emails. If you need a different address to receive emails, you can create an email alias. To do this, you need to enable free additional features in your G Suite subscription.

    Important! Once you enable additional features, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked. If you opt out of your corporate email address in your G Suite account, the original Gmail account will also be terminated.

    Site creation

    By registering a corporate email address, you can create a website for your domain, for example add start page, which visitors will go to when they enter your domain name in a browser, or other pages with information and graphics.



    When registering a corporate email address, you issue paid subscription for your account. After that, we will bill monthly for corporate mail and annually for domain registration. With a G Suite plan, you can track transactions, change payment settings such as credit card information, and edit your payment profile.

    Domain management

    If you purchased a domain when registering, you can customize its settings using Google Domains.

    If you already have the domain that you used when registering, then subscription management and setting changes are done directly through the domain host.

    If you no longer want to use your corporate email address, you can cancel your G Suite subscription. After that, you will not be able to send or receive messages using this address (in the example above - [email protected]). Instead, you will return to the previous address, such as [email protected] At the same time, you will retain access to all messages received at the address [email protected]

    What happens after canceling a subscription

    You will be billed early next month for your use of G Suite until the cancellation date.

    In addition, you will lose access to the panel Corporate email management.

    You may also lose access to some data associated with or created with your business address.

    • To unsubscribe to corporate mail, under Subscriptions, click Unsubscribing to a corporate mail account . Please read carefully the consequences of canceling your subscription, and then click Cancel Subscription.

    Users of corporate mail addresses can contact the support service around the clock by phone and e-mail. To verify your identity, you will need to provide your PIN at the beginning of a telephone conversation with the support team.

  5. Basic information about paying for a corporate mail subscription

    To work with a corporate email account, you need a paid subscription to G Suite. This article describes how to pay for subscriptions.

    Important information about paying for a G Suite subscription

    Payment by credit card

    To pay for a corporate email subscription, you must set up a monthly automatic payment plan. You can use to pay credit card. Google accepts payments for Visa cards® , Mastercard ® and American Express ® .

    Monthly automatic payments

    When you set up a paid G Suite subscription, you must specify a payment method. With it, payments for the past month will be collected. The payment method can be changed at any time. However, please note that a valid payment method must always be associated with your billing account in order for email to work smoothly.

    How to purchase additional corporate email addresses for employees

    You can easily purchase additional corporate email addresses for new hires (your monthly payments will increase).

    Account Suspension

    If an automatic payment fails, you must resolve the payment issue within 30 days. Otherwise, the G Suite service will be blocked for you. To prevent this, make sure your primary payment method is always up to date. If we've suspended your services, please fix the issue with your primary payment method and pay off your balance to restore access.

    How to cancel a subscription

    If you no longer want to use your corporate email address, you can cancel your paid G Suite subscription at any time. After canceling a subscription:

    • You will lose access to some data that is associated with or was created with your corporate address.
    • If you not included additional features, you will be able to continue using a free Gmail account (such as [email protected] )
    • If you included advanced features, if you cancel your corporate email address in your G Suite account, that action will also be applied to your Gmail subscription.

    After you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be charged after your last 30-day billing cycle. If you have an outstanding balance, the last payment will be automatically deducted from your primary payment method within 31 days of canceling your subscription. Please note that this payment may include unpaid charges that accrued before the cancellation of the subscription, as well as those that may have arisen after it.

  6. Managing a subscription to a corporate email account

    By registering a business email address, you've started using a paid G Suite subscription. With a G Suite plan, you can set up automatic monthly payments with a credit card to keep your account active. You can change your payment method at any time, track all transactions, and edit payment and contact information.

    To get started, open your corporate email settings.

    How to go to the "Transaction History" page

    For information about costs, payments, and other transactions associated with your G Suite billing account, see Transaction History.

    1. On the page Payments click View transaction details.
    2. Find a table with all transactions made in your billing account. They are grouped by month. You will see the following columns:
      • Starting balance. Your balance as of the first day of each calendar month.
      • Debit. The total spend for all your users for a given day.
      • Payments / accruals. The amount of each payment, as well as the amount of any adjustments applied to the account.
      • Remainder. The difference between accrued expenses and the amount of payments. Sum in column Debit raises your balance (i.e. debt) and the amount in the column Payments/charges- reduces it. The remainder corresponds to the difference between them.

    How to view transaction details

    Default transaction history shown in mode Details. A separate record corresponds to each day when payment actions were performed.

    In column Description the following information is available:

    • Subscription renewal. The number of jobs added or removed for the corresponding day. Click on the link to view detailed information.
    • Automatic payment scheduled. Over the next few days, funds will be debited from the bank account. This status is indicated only if the main payment method is a bank account.
    • Performed. Payment or adjustment in progress.
    • Payment. A prepaid payment was made in the admin console.
    • Automatic payment. Your account has been automatically charged.
    • Payment declined. A prepaid payment made in the admin console was rejected.
    • Automatic payment declined. Failed to automatically debit your account.
    • Service adjustment. Promotional coupons or soft credits provided by a Google specialist.

    How to sort transactions by type

    If necessary, information on the page Transaction History can be sorted by transaction type per month. To do this, select the item from the drop-down menu. General information(instead of Details).

    For each month, the total amount for each type of transaction is shown, for example, payments or expenses.

    How to filter transactions by date range or type

    To quickly find a specific transaction, filter the data using the options in the second drop-down menu above the list. Transactions can be filtered by the following categories:

    • Date range. Select an option on the right upper corner tables. You can view data for a specific day, several months, a quarter, a year, or specify a different date range.
    • Transaction types. Select an option from the dropdown menu All Transactions to filter operations by type.
      • All Transactions: all of the following types of operations.
      • Expenses: your subscription costs.
      • Payments: payments received by us.
      • Adjustments: adjustments applied to the account.
      • Taxes: taxes added to your subscription costs.
    How to choose another payment method

    When you add a credit card to your G Suite billing account, you can change some details in your billing settings, such as your name or billing address. To change your card number or CVC code, add your card as a new payment method using the instructions below.

    How to change the owner name, CVC code or expiration date

    How to add or change a billing address

    How to change the card number

    1. On the page Payments click Payment methods management.
    2. Find a section Selected settings and press Add payment method.
    3. Select credit or debit card, and then enter its number and other data.
    4. To select a card as main payment method, check the corresponding box. Otherwise, it will be considered reserve.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Delete old map from your billing account.
    How to make changes to your billing account profile

    To help us contact you regarding your business email subscription fees, please ensure that your payment profile is up-to-date. It should include the company address that appears on your invoices and receipts, as well as email addresses where we can send important payment alerts.

    How to change company address

    How to verify your billing email address

    1. Open your email and find the email with the subject Required: Confirm your email address, sent from Google Domains.
    2. Follow the link provided in the body of the email.

    Ready! Now all information about payments will be sent to this address.

    What to do if the verification link has expired

    1. Bottom of page Payments press .
    2. Find a section Contact Information.
    3. Click the button Resending confirmation email opposite the desired address.

    How to add or change contact details

    You will then need to verify your email address as described above. Until the address is confirmed, the status is indicated next to it Awaiting confirmation.

    How to unsubscribe from a corporate email account
  7. Website development for your company

    If you purchased a domain when registering your corporate mail, you can create a website for your company using Google Domains.

    How to create a website using Google Domains

  8. Domain management

    Your domain is managed by G Suite. The domain is automatically renewed every year. Shortly before the renewal date, you will receive a reminder, but you do not have to do anything. After payment, the domain registration period will be extended for a year.

    How to manage domain settings

    Google Domains allow you to use the domain with maximum benefit. For example, you can redirect traffic coming to your domain to an existing site.

    How to manage domain settings on Google page Domains

    You can find Google Domains settings in your browser at .

    The following actions are available on the Google Domains page.

    • another Google Domains account or other registrar.
    • to unregister it immediately. After that, your corporate mail and website will stop working.

    Attention! Before choosing last option, carefully read about deleting a domain.

  9. Service management

    On the Advanced Services Settings page, you can enable or disable additional services available for your company. The settings specified in the console will also apply to new users.

    How to manage services

    Next to the names of the services, their statuses ("ON" or "OFF") are displayed.

  10. Additional features of G Suite

    1. Additional features for corporate accounts

      After registering a corporate email account, you can create corporate email addresses for employees, set up groups for team communication, and take advantage of other G Suite features. It is very easy to do this.

      How to enable additional features

      Important! After you turn on additional features, such as adding users, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked. If you opt out of your corporate email address in your G Suite account, the original Gmail account will also be terminated.

      By enabling additional features in your account, you can:

      • Create corporate email addresses for employees
      • Create corporate email aliases
      • Unlock advanced security settings
    2. How to improve the security and privacy of corporate mail

      You can review and accept the additional terms of the security and privacy policy and enable security features for your corporate email account.

      Open security and privacy settings

      Read the security and privacy policies

      If your organization operates in the European Union (EU), in order to comply with EU security requirements, you may need to read and agree to the Data Processing Amendment and EU Model Agreement Terms .

      Turn on advanced security settings

      Click Unlock advanced security settings to start using the following G Suite features:

      • registration of a data protection officer or representative in the EU in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
    3. How to Create a Corporate Email Address for Employees

      By enabling advanced G Suite features, you can create new user accounts, manage advanced security settings, and view usage reports. These accounts cost $5 per user per month. Your employees will not only be able to work with Gmail, but will also have access to Google services such as Google Drive, Docs, Forms and Hangouts.

      To create a corporate email address for an employee, you first need to create an account for them.

      To create a corporate email address for employees, you need to enable G Suite advanced features.

      Important! Once you turn on G Suite extras, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked. If you revoke your corporate email address in your G Suite account, this action will also be applied to the Gmail subscription. More about the consequences...

      Step 2: Create Corporate Addresses for Employees

      Now you need to create accounts for employees.

      To create an account in corporate mail:

      Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for a new user account to be added to the G Suite search-enabled directory. You can also hide a user in the G Suite directory by changing the sharing settings.

      If you want to add multiple users at once or invite them via email, see Adding User Accounts.

    4. Create an alias for corporate email

      After purchasing a domain and corporate email address, you can create an email alias. Additional G Suite features allow you to add up to 30 aliases for each employee.

      What is an email alias

      The corporate mail account is yours main address to log in and receive emails. If you want to receive mail to a different address, add email alias.

      An email alias is an alternate address associated with a corporate email account. Messages sent to it and to the user's primary address (created for corporate account) end up in the same corporate email inbox.

      For example, for an address [email protected] you can create an alias [email protected] . As a result, messages sent to any of these addresses will be included in his inbox.

      To create a corporate email alias, you first need to enable advanced G Suite features using the instructions below. After that, you will be able to manage all corporate mail through the Google Admin Console. From the admin console, you can manage employee mail, add new users, reset passwords, and more.

      Step 1: Turn on advanced G Suite features

      To get started, you need to enable additional G Suite features using the instructions below.

      Once you turn on advanced G Suite features, you won't be able to go back to free account Gmail if you cancel your G Suite subscription. More about the consequences...

      Step 2: Create a corporate email alias

      Now you need to add aliases to your account.

      1. In the admin console, click Users.
      2. In the list of users, click on your name.
      3. On your account page, click Account.
      4. In section Aliases click Adding an alias.
      5. In field Add an alias enter a username. This is the part of the email address that precedes the @ symbol.

        Note. The new email address must be unique and different from existing primary addresses and aliases.

      6. Click Save.

      The alias will be available within 24 hours.

    5. What happens after registering a corporate email address, enabling additional features, or canceling a subscription

      Before registering your domain and corporate email in G Suite, please read this article. It describes all the features and consequences of using this Google service.

      Once registered, the changes will take effect within a few hours.

      Corporate mail

      What is useful to know before registering
      Service After registering...
      Corporate email address

      Registering a corporate address does not affect your current Gmail address. You can continue to use two addresses. On Google services, your content may have one or both URLs associated with it, which will be visible to you and other users. If you don't want your corporate email address to be associated with your current Gmail address, create a new Gmail address.


      You can still receive and send email using your existing Gmail address.

      You can also email using your new corporate email address, which will become your primary email address.

      Gmail Filters

      To add a new corporate email address, you may need to update all Gmail filters for your address.

      Google Play

      Apps you purchased from Google Play Store, will be available for use with the new corporate email address. However, in-app purchases purchased from other sources may not be available.


      Calendar invitations sent to your existing Gmail address (like will be sent to the new corporate address. Users who send you invitations will see your new corporate address.

      Google Now Google Now functionality is limited. Some tooltips, such as flight, hotel, and car rental information, are not yet supported in G Suite.
      Google Photos integration with Google Drive is not yet supported in G Suite.
      Good to know before enabling additional G Suite features

      Before you enable additional G Suite features, find out how it will affect other services.

      Additional features include:

      • Create corporate email addresses for employees
      • Create an alias for corporate email
      • Adding security features such as compliance amendments and password management

      Note. When enabling additional features, the same will happen as when registering, unless otherwise specified.

      What you need to know before enabling additional G Suite features
      If you cancel your corporate email address in your G Suite account, this action will also apply to your Gmail subscription. Once you turn on G Suite extras, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked.

      Service After enabling advanced features...
      gmail Your Gmail address will be permanently linked to your corporate G Suite email address.
      G Suite You will still be able to use personal account gmail.
      Since your G Suite and Gmail accounts are linked when you enable additional G Suite features, if you cancel your corporate email address in your G Suite account, your Gmail subscription will also be CANCELED.
      Google Play

      Google Play purchases made from your Gmail account will be permanently linked to your G Suite account.

      Corporate email management

      Panel Corporate email management will be unavailable. You will use the Google Admin Console to manage your G Suite subscription.

      Good to know before canceling a subscription

      You can opt out of corporate email or domain at any time.

      • If you haven't enabled any of the optional G Suite features, when you revoke your corporate email address, you can revert back to free version gmail.
      • If you turned on For additional features, such as adding a different custom email address or its alias, please note the information below.
        If you cancel your corporate email address in your G Suite account, this action will also apply to your Gmail subscription. Once you turn on G Suite extras, your G Suite and Gmail accounts will be permanently linked.
      • Before unsubscribing, you can download some of your data using Google Archiver, as well as transfer ownership of the domain to another user. Learn more about how to download account or corporate email data.

      If you cancel, you will be billed for your G Suite subscription until the date of cancellation. You will receive an email with the final invoice early next month.

      What happens to the domain registration if the subscription is cancelled?

      • If you purchased a domain during registration, but have not unregistered or transferred your domain to a third party, you will retain ownership of it until its registration expires. You can change your domain settings at . Learn more about deleting a domain...
      • If you owned the domain prior to registration, ownership of the domain will remain with you until the expiration of its registration with the registrar. To cancel or renew your registration, go to your registrar's website.

      What will happen to the data in the account?

      If you have enabled advanced features

      • If you revoke your corporate email address in your G Suite account, your Gmail and G Suite accounts will be deleted.
      • Before canceling your subscription, you can download some of your data using Google Archiver. Learn more about how to download account or corporate email data.

      If you haven't enabled advanced G Suite features

      Before canceling your subscription, please see the table below for information on how the service data will change. All letters, contacts, individual calendar events and documents, as well as other client data will be saved in your account. Some information related to your domain can be exported using Google Archiver.

      Once cancelled, the changes will take effect within a few hours.

      Service After cancellation...
      Google Domains You will retain ownership of the domain, but automatic renewal his registration will be disabled. The Google Domains management console will be used to manage the domain.
      Disk space The amount of disk space will return to its previous level. You won't be able to create files in Drive until the amount of your data fits within the new limits.
      Google Play

      Apps you purchased from the Google Play Store will remain in your account after you cancel your subscription. However, in-app purchases purchased from other sources may not be available.


      Gmail mobile app for iPhone or iPad

      To quickly receive mail on your iPhone or iPad, use the Gmail mobile app, which takes advantage of the best features of a well-known web service. So, with it, you can receive real-time alerts, search for information in mailbox and do many other things.

      For more information and to download the Gmail mobile app, visit the Gmail App for iPhone and iPad Overview page.

      Configuring third-party email clients that use the IMAP protocol

      In addition to Android and iOS, Gmail service can be adjusted to other mobile devices ah where used IMAP protocol. For details on this, see Use Gmail with Outlook, Apple Mail, and other clients. See the IMAP client documentation for your mobile device for supported features and other details.

      Choosing an email address

      You can send and reply to emails from either your Gmail address or your corporate email address. To select the sender's address in the "From" field, use the function Send email from address: It allows you to change the display name in outgoing emails.

      If you want your Gmail, Calendar, and other mobile apps to update faster after you make changes, follow our tips.


      It will take some time before the new corporate email address appears on your mobile device. To speed up its appearance, use the following tips:

      Restart your device. If after that the new address does not appear:

      1. Select > Accounts > Add account.
      2. Add an account for your corporate email address.


      If you're using the built-in iOS email client, update your profile with your new corporate email settings and sign in again.

      How to update your profile

      1. Select Settings > Mail, addresses, calendars.
      2. Select an existing Gmail account and click Account.
      3. Replace the old email address with the new corporate email address.
      4. Click Ready.

      How to delete an existing address profile

      To delete an existing @gmail address profile in the Gmail for iOS app:

      1. Launch the Gmail app for iOS.
      2. Select .
      3. Delete your old Gmail address.

      How to add a new corporate email profile

      1. Click Add account.
      2. Sign in with your corporate email address and your Gmail account password.
      3. Click Ready.

      Third Party IMAP Email Clients

      You may be using an IMAP email client on a different type of device.

      In this case, you can remove your existing Gmail address from your phone and add a new corporate address.

      Additional Help

      1. Sign out of your Google (Gmail) account.
      2. Add a new corporate email address to your profile.
      3. Sign in with your new corporate address.
      4. If you are having problems working with a corporate address in mail client for mobile devices, see our troubleshooting tips.
    6. Comparison of corporate mail features

      Do not know in which service to register corporate mail? Do you want to switch from your current mail service to a more functional one? Compare the features of different packages.

      Peculiarities gmail Corporate mail
      G Suite
      G Suite Basic G Suite Business G Suite Enterprise
      Special corporate email address ( [email protected] )
      Maximum number of users per account One One No limits* No limits* No limits*
      Volume google storage Disk per user 30 GB 30 GB 30 GB No limits** No limits**
      24/7 technical support by phone and email
      Access to many applications (Disk, Documents, Forms, Hangouts, etc.) from one account ()
      Administrative functions Main Extended Extended Extended
      Add and manage users and services (such as Hangouts or Drive) to your domain ✔ ✘
      Guaranteed service availability 99.9% of the time

      *There is a monthly fee for each additional account.

      **If there are less than five users in an account, each gets 1 TB.

    7. Registration through a third-party service provider with confidentiality of contact information

      If you're buying a domain when you buy a business email address, you'll need to register it with Google with your contact information. At the same time, you can keep confidentiality your personal data.

      If you choose to register with confidential contact information, the contact information will not be listed in the public WHOIS directory. When someone tries to find your domain contact information there, contact information provided by a third-party privacy provider will appear instead.

      To keep your domain contact information private by confirming it during registration, click Make my information private to online searches (Do not display my contact information in search queries) in section Privacy settings.

      Confidential registration is done through a third party service provider and is subject to additional terms and conditions. Please review the terms of use for the WHOIS privacy service before choosing this method.

    8. What is a WHOIS directory?

      WHOIS is a public directory of domain names that lists information about the individuals or entities associated with them. It is used to determine the owners of domain names. So, when registering a domain of the form .com the WHOIS directory stores your contact information . Access to it is open to everyone.

      Closed registration

      At closed registration only the name and contact details of the third-party service provider are available in the directory, thereby maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information.

    9. Unsubscribing from a corporate email account

      You can opt out of your corporate email address and domain at any time. Before canceling your subscription, please read the information about possible consequences. Note. To avoid disruption postal service The domain can be renewed up to a month before the next payment date.

      Your corporate email address Once you opt out, you won't be able to send or receive emails using your corporate address (such as [email protected] ) and return to your free Gmail account.
      Your domain If you purchased a domain when registering a corporate email address, then the domain will remain your property, but it will not automatically renew. If the domain is purchased from a third party registrar, the subscription is managed through the domain host.
      Your data Emails, Drive files, and contact information will still be in your account, but your Google Drive storage will be reduced.
      entrance You will only be able to sign in with your original Gmail address and current password.
      Your groups Groups created within the domain will be deleted.
      Your sites Sites created within the domain will be deleted.
      Technical support You will no longer be able to use 24/7 support.

      How to opt out of a corporate email address

    10. Support for corporate mail

      If your business address is registered with G Suite, you have 24/7 phone and email support. To verify your identity, you will need to provide your PIN at the beginning of a telephone conversation with the support team.

      How to contact support

      How to find your support PIN

      The phone support PIN is only valid for one hour. To get a new PIN, click Extend.

      To help us resolve the issue as soon as possible, please include all relevant product information when contacting us.

      Requests are processed and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. An initial response is provided within 24 hours.

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