How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal

Corporate email how to create. Additional features for corporate accounts

Mail for business

Email services for business are designed to handle large volumes of mail, so search, email organizing, and spam protection are important features for these services. Of course, security is very important: antivirus, using SSL, creating backups.

Business class email services usually provide:
- contact database
- the ability to easily view the correspondence by contact
- the ability to share emails (to integrate data on counterparties)
- the possibility of mass mailing with support for personalized templates

Postal services are often integrated into organizers, CRM systems, virtual offices.

When choosing a service, you should also pay attention to the allocated amount of disk space, traffic limits and the size of attachments.

21.06.18. Yandex transfers business mail to the Connect service

Last year Yandex launched an online office for business - Yandex.Connect (an alternative to Google's G Suite). It includes mail, calendar, cloud drive, wiki, messenger and project management service. Now, in order to give an impetus to the development of Connect, Yandex is starting the forced transfer of accounts from Mail for Domains to Connect. At first, nothing will change for users, but administrators will have a new control panel in which they can connect new (above-listed) services to users. In "Connect" "Mail" is included in the free basic tariff, which includes contextual advertising, and the number of users is limited to a thousand people.

Mail.Ru for Business has been a free service for small companies until now. Now an extended version has appeared in it, which, in general, will be of interest to larger companies. It has integration with Active Directory, access to technical integration (API), there are no ads in the web interface, and it is possible to brand the interface and login page for mailboxes. As in the basic version, there is a cloud storage, a corporate calendar, a messenger and a company directory. Customers who have opted for the advanced version are provided with priority technical support. Services are provided on the basis of a license agreement, an agreement is concluded with legal entities, and they are also provided with closing documents. The cost of access to the extended version depends on the number of users and starts from 1990 rubles per month for 100 users.

2015. DMail service allows sending self-destructing messages via GMail

Perhaps sometimes at work you need to send a secret letter that only the recipient should know about. For example, you are offering a partner a kickback or a tax optimization scheme. But if you send this by email, then a copy of the letter may forever remain on one of the mail servers and then you will regret it. The Dmail service solves this problem. It allows you to send an email through your GMail mailbox and set the time after which this email will disappear forever. True, for now, you can use this service only in the Chrome browser, having previously installed a special plug-in. The recipient can use any browser and mail system. And, of course, you are wondering how it is possible to delete an email message after it has been sent and received. It turns out that everything is very simple: the recipient sees in the letter not the text, but a link to the letter, which is located on the Dmail service, and opens the letter already in the browser. And deleting a message in a third-party service is a matter of technology.

2014. IBM wants to fix Email too. Better than Google and Microsoft

Following Google and Microsoft, IBM unveiled its vision for the future of email. And she has every moral reason to do so. First, IBM started to deal with email (bought Lotus) as early as 1995, when Google was not yet born, and Microsoft walked under the table on foot. Second, all of these new attempts to rewrite Email involve artificial intelligence, and IBM has it - Watson. So, IBM has introduced a new e-mail service - Verse. Like its competitors, it allows users to focus their attention on more important messages. In addition to mail, the service contains tasks, calendar, file storage, contact manager. It also contains round avatars and a graph of your connections with employees and contractors. They promise to screw Watson a little later. The service will be available to select customers this month and will be available on the IBM Cloud Marketplace with a free version and mobile apps early next year.

2014. Mailbox - Mail from Dropbox

Dropbox remains the most popular online file storage and syncing service despite competition from IT giants like Google and Microsoft. What's his secret? Perhaps its main advantage is its convenience. So, a year ago at Dropbox they thought: "If we can win everyone at the expense of convenience in the file services market, then why not conquer the email market as well?" And they (for $ 100 million) bought a startup Mailbox, which also had the same goal. At first, this application worked only on the iPhone (and was very popular), and recently there were versions for Android and Mac. What is the special thing about this application? Firstly, it was initially focused on working with mail on smartphones and tablets (so to speak, mobile-first). Therefore, many find the (gesture-based) interface of Mailbox much more user-friendly than that of Gmail or iPhone Mail.

2013. GMail,, Yahoo Mail and Zoho Mail Share Small Business Mail Market

Over the past few days, there have been some exciting news from the most popular small business email services GMail,, Yahoo Mail and Zoho Mail. First, the Yahoo mail, along with the site-building service Yahoo Small Business, lay there for several days last week, which of course infuriated business users. Now many of them are about to move. And Microsoft (shortly before these events) just decided to poach users from GMail and Yahoo. But, unfortunately, they started with GMail and now they can't take full advantage of the moment. However, a new tool to quickly import mail and contacts from GMail to is already working.

2013. launches mail for business

Mail.Ru is now not only mail for blondes, but also mail for business. The Mail.Ru service for business allows you to attach your domain (or register a new one), create email addresses for all employees and work with corporate mail in a familiar (to many) mailbox interface. Well, given that GMail for business can now only be connected for money, this service can quite count on success and compete with Yandex mail for domains. By the way, Mail.RU has one interesting advantage - the integrated Office Web Apps, which allow you to view Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents attached to the letter in the browser.

2013. Google closes Youtube, pumps GMail and Google Apps

Google continues to shut down needed services and reinvent unnecessary ones. Youtube has been a pretty useful service for businesses. All video marketing went through it, training videos were posted on it. But it turned out that Youtube was just the site of the competition for the best video in history, and now that the competition has come to an end, it will be closed. To somehow compensate for this loss - Google introduced two major updates to its services GMail and Google Apps. The first is Gmail Blue, a brand new inbox interface. It differs in that it is completely blue. Blue buttons, blue icons, blue text. They say it's a 21st century interface (see video above). And Google Apps has added a "Fun" mode that makes calendars, letters and documents more interesting and relaxing, which improves teamwork efficiency. Video:

2011. Video Battle: GMail vs Microsoft Office 365

Remember how Marc Benioff made fun of Microsoft's anti-ad campaign? It turns out that Microsoft can do these things too. Recently, Google launched an advertising campaign to entice users from other mail systems to GMail (like it's enough to use email services in which there is not even a video chat). As part of the campaign, a video was launched (see above). You can still see the red link to this video in your GMail account. Microsoft's email systems are, of course, among the ones that Google recommends ditching. And today the following video appeared on the Internet:

2011. Zoho Mail attacks GMail

As you know, Zoho prefers to be friends with Google. Despite the fact that both companies are developing online offices for small and medium businesses, Zoho has always tweaked its applications for Google Apps, rather than trying to contrast them head-on. Zoho is the champion for the number of apps present in the Google Apps Marketplace (i.e. integrated with Google Apps). And maybe that's why Zoho hasn't touched the most sacred link of Google Apps - mail for a very long time. Those. Zoho launched its mail service (Zoho Mail) two years ago, but it was just a personal mail service. It did not lose to GMail in functionality and even allowed you to use your own domain, but it did not have an administrative panel for centralized account creation and security policy management. Those. it could not be used as a corporate mail server. Now it is possible.

2010. Remember the Milk can sync with Outlook

SprinxCRM has released a plugin for MS Outlook that allows you to synchronize tasks from Outlook with your account in the online task management service Remember the Milk. Remember the Milk is known to support offline access using Google Gears, so this plugin will primarily be of interest to Outlook users who want to access their tasks online or share tasks with their colleagues without having to install an Exchange Server. The new plugin works with the Remember the Milk API and is a small toolbar in the Outlook toolbar. You can synchronize tasks only manually - by pressing a button. I must say that synchronization takes quite a long time. Synchronization converts Outlook categories to RTM list categories. The plugin is distributed free of charge.

If you have a small project team or a list of clients, sometimes it becomes necessary to send a message to all of them. Gmail has a simple solution to this problem. First, create the desired group in the "Contacts" tab ("Address Book"). Then add the necessary contacts to it (this can be done either by selecting a new contact from their list, and then adding it to the group through the groups menu, as shown in the picture, or by going to the desired group, and then entering the addresses of the necessary contacts in the search bar). Now, when creating a new letter, just write the name of the group, or just start typing it, and then select from the auto-substitution list. Your recipients will not see the name of the group in the mailing list; the names and addresses of individual contacts will be listed there as usual. In summary, this feature is useful for small mailing lists, but Google Groups is recommended for managing large groups.

2007. Google reveals plans for 2008

Google representatives usually keep their mouths shut about future releases of their products. However, they recently surprised by revealing future plans for Google Apps. Blogger Andrew Miller made some interesting notes from a presentation by Google employee Scott Johnston, who was vice president of development at wiki startup Jotspot prior to acquiring it about a year ago. First of all, the next stage of Google Page Creator development called Google Sites will be launched in 2008. Google Sites will be based on Jotspot collaboration tools and will allow users to create, for example, internal and external corporate sites, project management sites, etc.

2007. GMail will be paid

GMail will be charged for additional storage space for emails. Currently, this email service provides approximately 2.8 GB. Users with "higher requirements" will be able to pay for additional space for their letters. The exact amounts have not yet been announced. Thus, Google plans to use the same system as for Picasa Web Albums: 250 MB is offered for storing photos in this service for free, 6.25 GB can be purchased for $ 25 per year, and 250 GB - for $ 500 per year. Of course, you can understand them - free Gmail was not cheap for the company. In 2006 alone, Google invested $ 1.9 billion in storage infrastructure. The current users of the service get a huge mailbox at their disposal, with a minimum volume of 2.8 GB. For most users, this should be more than enough space. In beta, Gmail tried to make money on contextual advertising that would be relevant to the content of the emails. However, this "feature" is constantly criticized for interfering with personal correspondence, and it is not clear how effective advertisements in the mail are.

2007. Microsoft did not complete mail rebranding

Microsoft has decided not to abandon the promoted Hotmail brand completely. Windows Live Mail - New Email Service - Renamed Windows Live Hotmail. In the nearest future MSN Hotmail will also join the new brand, and all users of the "old" service will finally switch to the new Live ID authorization system.

2005. WordPerfect introduces an email client

Corel representatives announced a special version of the office suite WordPerfect Office 12, which, in addition to the standard set of applications, also includes the WordPerfect Mail mail client. It is based on the Bloomba email program developed by Strata Labs, which was acquired by Yahoo last year. The client received good reviews in reviews, but was not very well known. Corel will supply Bloomba under a distribution agreement with Yahoo. WordPerfect Mail has a spam filter, contact manager, shared calendars, and RSS support. The mail client will be included in the WordPerfect Ofifce 12 Small Business Edition, designed for companies with up to 50 PCs. In addition, WordPerfect Mail is planned to be sold as a standalone product. WordPerfect Ofifce for Small Business also includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation editor, task manager, graphics editor, and a 90-day trial of Symantec Norton Internet Security.

A large number of free postal services greatly simplifies communication between people both in personal correspondence and in the process of business communication. The choice is really big, here you have both Gmail and Yandex.Mail, and a lot of offers based on major portals (for example,
True, what suits the average user will not always be the best solution for a business. And corporate mail for a company's domain is much better than just a set of mailboxes registered with some of the public services. Moreover, because of the general access to registration, the choice of the name for the e-mail will be significantly limited.

Let's take a look at why corporate email is needed and what benefits it provides. I will also briefly explain how it all works, and consider the features of the services that allow you to create it.

Why do I need mail for a domain?

A business is a business because its owner does nothing for nothing. Completing any task should bring some benefit, if not immediately, then at least in the long term. By connecting mail to your domain, the owner of an online store or any other business receives a number of advantages:

  • beautiful and memorable addresses... You will be able to create them by connecting mail to your domain. Agree, an e-mail of the kind sounds much better than the more that you can create an individual mailbox for each of the employees;
  • company image... Unlike addresses on popular mail services, corporate mail is part of it. It is a kind of business card that some of your clients may attach;
  • no quantity limit... With the development of the company, the number of employees will also grow. In this case, you can create any number of mailboxes with the necessary addresses that you need, indicating, for example, the title of the position or the surname of the employee;
  • authority and trust... And in the business world, this is important. The potential client has a direct association of the site with the project and mailing address. For example, when communicating with a person whose e-mail sounds like, it is immediately clear that he really works in this particular company, and does not pretend to be one of its employees;
  • separation of personal and work affairs... It makes no sense to clog your personal mail with work matters, especially if you are often in active correspondence. Nothing will be lost, everything is clear and understandable;
  • ease of control... This point just comes from the previous one. As a manager, a business owner has access to all mailboxes of employees, which allows him to track the responsiveness of, for example, managers' responses to customer requests, and also clearly understand how well the work is coordinated in the company.

Undoubtedly, at least one of the items listed above you have already noted for yourself. Now that you understand why you need mail for a company website address, let me explain in a nutshell how it all works.

How it works

In order to be able to receive and send letters from the mail in which your domain is indicated, you need to perform a number of actions. We are talking about setting up MX records in the DNS zone control panel.

The MX record is used to determine the server that accepts mail for your site. The process for configuring this parameter is the same, regardless of which service you use to receive corporate mail:

  1. receiving MX records from a mail service (for example, Yandex.Mail);
  2. authorization in the domain control panel and deletion of existing MX records;
  3. creating a new MX record and saving the changes.

It must be remembered that changes in the DNS settings do not take effect immediately and you just need to wait a while until everything works. This can take from several hours to three days.

Corporate email Gmail

Domain mail based on the popular Gmail service is offered as part of the Google Apps for Work package. However, it should be noted that the use of these services is paid, and its cost is $ 5 per month per user. Not very democratic, taking into account the current exchange rate of the national currency against the dollar, but in return you get a ready-made solution for business automation and such advantages as:

  • an interface familiar to many for working with mail, but already with addresses tied to the company's domain;
  • 30 gigabytes of space for storing letters and attachments (for each of the accounts);
  • integration with cloud office Google Docs;
  • the ability to install plugins to expand the functionality of Gmail;
  • offline mode and the ability to work with letters from any device;
  • convenient collaboration on files and management of access rights;
  • support for all popular email clients.

One of the most significant business benefits of Google Apps is the integration of all services with each other, which improves the quality of employee interaction. That is why, despite the cost of connection, most companies end up choosing a service from Google. By the way, we did it too 🙂

You can start registering and setting up corporate Gmail for your company on this page.

Yandex.Mail for Domain

Creation of corporate mail on Yandex in Russia and a number of CIS countries is popular, similar or even greater than using Google services. One of the main advantages of using Yandex.Mail for Domain is the ability to use it for free.

After registration, you get access to a convenient interface for managing employee accounts, as well as:

  • mailboxes with unlimited volume and spam protection (from 10 GB at the start with an increase in the available volume during use);
  • up to 1000 addresses by default, with the possibility of increasing the limit on request;
  • tools for convenient work with attached files (viewing office documents) and convenient sorting of incoming letters;
  • Calendar for organizing work and personal affairs;
  • email client for devices running Android and iOS.

When using this service, you can also set up work through various mail programs and work with letters from any device.

In order to start registration and get started, just follow this link, enter your website address and click the "Connect Domain" button. for business

Under this name, the corporate mail service from appeared on the market. It was launched later than the proposals from the previous two players, but the company is confident that its proposal will be popular with business owners. In addition to, in fact, working with letters, it offers integration with such working tools as cloud storage, Calendar and a messenger for communication.

Among the possibilities of

  • unlimited volume of mailbox with anti-virus protection;
  • creation of up to 5000 addresses;
  • the ability to work with several accounts at the same time (multi-authorization);
  • preview and editing of office documents;
  • integration with cloud drive and Calendar;
  • the ability to connect SMS-notification about new letters;
  • support for popular email clients and adaptation to work.

In general, the mail service from offers quite attractive opportunities that are free for businesses of any level. True, there are also annoying little things. For example, a logo cannot be attached to a signature.

The question of its choice is associated with personal preferences, since for many users, convenience and a familiar interface play an important role. Google and Yandex are more popular in this regard.

You can start connecting mail for your domain at this address:

Corporate email in Office 365

This offer can be used by subscribers of corporate plans Office 365 - a set of Microsoft Office applications for creating and editing documents in the "cloud". Subscription to corporate plans is open for Russia and a number of other CIS countries, but not available for users from Ukraine. Its cost ranges from $ 6 per year at the initial plan and up to $ 26 at the corporate plan.

In the basic plan, the volume of a mailbox is limited to 50 GB of free space, in all others there is no limit. Calendar and contacts are integrated. You can register and subscribe on the official website.

Setting up mail on hosting

The ability to configure mail for a domain is available from almost every hosting provider. After creating the necessary e-mail addresses, it will take no more than 5-6 hours to activate them, after which you can start working. If service and functionality are not in the first place for you, you can use this function without any problems.

Also, on some hosting services, additional settings are available, which simplify mail processing and add convenience. For example, forwarding letters to another address:

Having created mail on using special settings, you can add mail configured on the hosting, thus getting a corporate version that will work through a regular Gmail account.

So what should you choose?

E-mail is an important means of communication, without which it is difficult to imagine effective work in the world of modern business. Despite the emergence of many instant messengers and other similar solutions, so far none of these tools is able to replace it.
Each of the postal services is good in its own way and has advantages that are valuable for any business. Which one to choose in the end? This is already a matter of individual preference. If you are satisfied with Yandex, register your corporate mail there. If the Google ecosystem is important to you (especially the cloud office), then join this service.

It is possible that you are not sure about which of the services to make the final decision. In this case, you can just take a little time to try each of them in practice. As a result, you will certainly understand what suits you best.

Business communication involves the exchange of messages. The choice of free services is amazing. Here you have Gmail, Mail.Ru and others. If such boxes are suitable in everyday life, then it is not a fact that they will be a good option for business interaction. Corporate email is much better than a set of standard repositories. In addition, when registering on an accessible resource, you will surely face the problem of the lack of free domain names.

The online correspondent service for the exchange of information at work operates according to a standard principle. By connecting such a server, you gain a number of the following advantages:

  • Presentable address. Mail for Business allows you to create unique and customized domains. [email protected] looks and sounds much better than [email protected] You get the opportunity to improve the company's image. The second argument is that your address is easily remembered by potential clients and partners. Even if they don't write it down, they can play it back from memory, since e-mail will not be a collection of numbers or random words.
  • No restrictions. With the growth of the organization, the number of employees increases rapidly. Domain mail allows you to create mailboxes for each employee. In the nickname, you can indicate the position or department number. This simplifies communication within the company and with partners.
  • Confidence. You always know who you are communicating with. Information does not go outside the company, there is no risk of leaks or theft of ideas.
  • Convenience. The repository contains only working dialogues. You will not need to spend a lot of time searching for the required document among private messages.
  • Control. The manager will always be able to track the reaction, efficiency and workload of employees.
  • Reliability. As a rule, the director has access to the work mail of each employee. If a person falls ill or quits, all correspondence with clients and partners does not disappear with him, but remains within the company. So you can finish the work you started without any problems, without losing the customer and without breaking the deadline. In other words, you practically eliminate the risk of a human factor and ensure that tasks are completed regardless of the specific employee.

How to make a corporate email?

On the 1C-UMI constructor, you can create a mailbox in your domain directly through the site control panel. It will also be connected to message forms and notifications on your site.

To solve the problem on third-party services, you will need to perform a number of actions. First of all, take care of setting up MX records, they are needed for forwarding messages. They are located in the control panel of your domain's DNS zone. If a domain is purchased through 1C-UMI, then the setting of records will be right in the control panel. This is necessary to select a server that will receive mail. You don't need to worry if your corporate mail on Yandex or another service doesn't work. The authorization process takes from 2 hours to 3 days.

Corporate email Gmail

Users and entrepreneurs are offered a corporate package Apps for Work with the connection of an internal communication resource. You will have to use the site for money. You will need to pay about $ 5 per person per month. The cost is not entirely democratic and can be frightening. In return, you get the following benefits:

  • Familiar and intuitive service interface. Previously registered domains are bound to the internal domain.
  • Each account receives a built-in electronic memory. It is 30 GB.
  • Integration with Google Docs takes place automatically.
  • You can easily install plugins and extensions to improve functionality.
  • Turn on offline mode.
  • Viewing letters from stationary and mobile devices.
  • Simplified viewing, reading, editing of files, full regulation of access rights to documentation.
  • Support for demanded and popular clients.
  • Connection with applications from Google Play is activated.
  • The new account is offered updated sorting filters.
  • Supported by Google Chat.
  • Sites that were created in advance will remain available. "Fresh" services will already be assigned to the updated profile.
  • Uptime guarantee - 99%.

An additional feature is that all services are interconnected. This has a great effect on the interaction and cohesion of the team. The advantages overlap the cost of the service, which is why such a commercial proposal is popular.

The company offers a short description, a tour of all functional parameters. On the support site, you will find detailed answers to your questions.

Yandex corporate mail

Such formation of correspondence in the company is the most popular among the CIS countries. The main advantage is free services. Mail for business Yandex has the following advantages:

  • Unlimited storage.
  • Comprehensive spam protection.
  • At the start, 10 GB of memory is given. It increases depending on the frequency of use.
  • Yandex.Mail for Business has a Russian-language interface.
  • Simple and intuitive operation.
  • By default, up to 1000 address names are provided. The application limit is increased upon request.
  • You can always add a logo or company emblem.
  • The setting is carried out in two clicks.
  • Postal protocols are protected and completely secure.
  • A complete list of tools for processing attached files opens.
  • Incoming letters are sorted, the box does not turn into a "dump".
  • Additional functionality: built-in reminder calendar for business and personal meetings.
  • Yandex (corporate mail) functions without problems on Android and iOS.

Setting up the service is easy. The basic algorithm for performing the procedure is described below.

Be sure to register on the presented site. Follow the link:

  • First, add the mail domain to the interface. Confirm the rights to it. The best option is to attach a verification text on the site. Connect via FTP and create a text file in the root section. Requirements for the name are put forward by the site itself. Copy the verification data displayed in the open window directly into a text document.
  • Creation of corporate mail on Yandex is complemented by a rights check. It can be performed instantly or in a day. In case of failure, it is recommended to contact support.
  • Configure hosting management through the ISP panel. If you do not want to suffer with MX, then you can delegate hosting. After that, Yandex.Mail corporate opens the addition of specific components in the form of profiles for each employee.

To protect yourself from constantly getting into the spam section, activate DKIM. When you enter your personal account, a code will open in the upper right corner. You don't need to read it, just copy it. Paste it into new DNS and save. Activation will take place within 24 hours. A signature will be assigned to your messages. The mail servers of the world will correctly perceive the forwarded materials. Successful delivery guaranteed!


Free offers are attractive. Unfortunately, not every company can boast of a seamless implementation of the system. What difficulties can you face:

  • Unlimited number of accounts is a pitfall. If the number is more than 1000, then a problem may arise. Additional storage boxes are opened if the activity and attendance are high enough.
  • Bulk mailings to external addresses are prohibited. There is only multicast within a domain.
  • From technical support, there is only a feedback form. But the answer can be expected for a very long time and painfully.
  • The spam filtering tool (SPF) does not always protect against receiving mailings from strange IPs.
  • There is a size limit. In reality, it turns out to send messages "weighing" no more than 41 MB. and the organization of commercial activities

The principle of operation and application is known to many. The developers have taken care of increasing the range of possibilities. Basic list: viewing letters, full integration with the cloud page, calendar and messenger. Functional:

  • Unlimited volume, full anti-virus protection.
  • Supports up to 5000 accounts.
  • Multi-authorization.
  • Extension for previewing and editing office materials.
  • Connecting SMS notifications about actions.
  • Full adaptation for mobile devices.

The only drawback is that it is impossible to attach a logo to the signature.

Mail for a website or any institution is the basis of established communication. Microsoft Office applications help you create and edit documents in the cloud. Free subscription is open for Russia and the CIS countries. Users from Ukraine will need to pay between $ 6 and $ 26. The cost fluctuates depending on the level of implementation.

The basic level, or plan, has a limitation. The volume is 50 GB. There is no such requirement on "advanced" plans. The connection with the calendar and contacts is automatic. Registration and subscribing is carried out on the official portal.

Development on hosting

Almost all hosting providers offer the CP customization function. You can create and activate an e-mail in 5-6 hours. After that, you can immediately proceed to use. Such a simple option is suitable for those who are indifferent to the service and advanced functionality. When registering, do not forget to mark add-ons, for example, redirects.

Implementation and cost

After registering the documentation web service, you will be able to:

  • Enter your personal account using the same username and password that was registered before.
  • Work with pre-existing emails and out-of-the-box contacts.
  • Submit materials not only from the created, but also from the old account.

Don't be intimidated by paid offers. By transferring money, you receive qualified service. The total amount is formed from two payments:

  1. For placement on the site.
  2. For a domain name.

Please note that the second payment will be charged once a year solely for the renewal. You can also buy a unique nickname that is written after the @ symbol. This personalization is guaranteed to increase your level in the eyes of partners or customers. After purchasing a custom name, register it. All contact parameters that are specified during registration will be included in the domain catalog of owners. They can be made confidential if necessary. It is enough to uncheck the item "Publicly available information". What happens when you hide contact metrics:

  • Instead of your contacts, they will display information from information security providers.
  • Online users will not be able to find out your authentic information. They will have to contact the supplier. Messages sent will be forwarded to you. The sender will only be able to see the authentic information after you reply to the email.

Yes or no?

Still in doubt and thinking, is it worth it? The answer is obvious - of course! It doesn't matter if you have a trust fund or a small coffee shop. The leader, administrator and performers must always stay in touch. Communication with customers and suppliers, internal chat, are the components that will help to establish joint productive work. What can we say about the expansion of commerce or entrepreneurship. It is impossible to imagine this without normal communication in the team and with partners. Technical support will help to cope with any difficulties that may arise during the stages of the task. Corporate mail will become a useful working tool and improve your own image. It will make all processes in the company more streamlined and efficient, as a result of which your business will become more profitable.

Corporate mail allows you to use addresses:

[email protected], [email protected], etc., where is the address of your site.

Benefits of Corporate Mail:

  • the status of your Company;
  • memorability of your Company;
  • security of corporate correspondence;
  • security of communication lines with your Clients.

Corporate email is an integral part of modern business culture. Since now all companies are actively using information technology products, the company today should have not only a website on the Internet, but also its own e-mail in a corporate format.

The corporate mail of the company looks in such a way that after the usual "dog" icon, the domain of the organization's website is written, and not the name of the mail services, to which the mailbox belongs, as with ordinary users. You can create a mailbox (email) for corporate mail with the help of services of specialists in the field of information technology.

Why do you need corporate mail?

You need to create a corporate-type mailbox in order to look presentable in front of clients. An organization is most trusted if the manager decides to make mail on the domain of his company. Company contacts in the form of corporate mail look presentable and solid. Therefore, the corporate format for email has a positive impact on the reputation of the company and also increases its rating in the eyes of customers.

How to create mail with your own domain?

In order to create a corporate mail, you need to contact a technical specialist who is able to accomplish this task. If your company does not have such an employee, then this is not a problem. After all, how to create mail with your own domain is well known to specialists from a specialized organization that specializes in this industry - dm-design.

To create corporate mail, you will need hosting, which will store all the company's mail. You can rent this hosting from a respective provider so that all your company's corporate mail is stored on your hosting. You can also configure everything so that mail comes to the hosting of one of the popular mail systems, namely:

  • @gmail
  • @
  • @ Yandex

Additionally, there is a technical possibility to duplicate e-mails. That is, your employees can give clients, as well as indicate on business cards a corporate address, which is mail with its own domain, but letters will come both to work mail and to personal, that is, they will be duplicated or redirected. This function is necessary so that important emails do not end up in spam or accidentally deleted.

How to create a corporate email?

Internet solutions studio dm-design specializes in creating technical solutions for business. The range of services includes the creation of corporate mail for commercial organizations, as well as the creation, configuration and maintenance of corporate mail with the individual wishes of the client.
Dm-design specialists will bring your company's email to a new level!

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Let's start with what I mean by medium business. I do not know the exact classification and have not looked or checked anywhere. It seems to me intuitively that this is from 10-15 users to 200-300. I will consider the segment up to 100 users, since almost all the time I work exclusively in this niche. The problems and needs of larger companies are not known to me for certain. Although I'm not sure that something will be fundamentally different from 100 people, I think the approaches will be the same, only the hardware is more powerful. Problems of load distribution and clustering here most likely will not arise yet.

We have a small company for several dozen people. We need a mail server. Despite the fact that technology has stepped forward a long time ago, providing a lot of all kinds of communication means, e-mail is still firmly in its positions and is not going to give way to them yet. At the same time, in such a small team, they do not impose great demands on the mail server. Most often, it is enough for the mail to simply work, without any special functional delights. Either a mail client and imap protocol, or a web interface will suffice. It will be good if it will be possible to set up an auto-reply, create shared folders, a unified address book, but you can live without it.

Among all the possible options for the mail service, I single out 3 fundamentally different approaches to the implementation of the necessary functionality:

  1. Services based on free Google, Yandex or mail services.
  2. Your own mail server based on free software.
  3. Exchange server from Microsoft.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Free mail from google, yandex and

I’ll make a couple of comments right away. I'm not sure if you can register corporate mail for free with Google now. Everyone who signed up before can use it for free, and now only paid subscriptions are available for new users. But this is not fundamental and does not directly relate to the topic of the article. If Google has become completely paid for business, then we will simply exclude it from our list. Yandex and are still definitely free. I myself administered mail domains in google apps and in Yandex. I didn’t work with, only I know that something similar is implemented there. Somehow I don't like the company itself since the old days. Although now they seem to have turned to face the users, but Amigo is still alive and well, so they have not turned completely yet.

Let's consider the advantages of these mail services.

  1. The most important advantage is that a full-fledged mail is ready immediately after registration. There are no costs for buying hardware and setting up... A more or less advanced user who, according to the instructions on the site, will be able to connect a domain and create mailboxes is enough. And the mail can already be used.
  2. Easy to administer and manage users, the web service provides all the necessary equipment for this. They are convenient and intuitive (although not always) understandable.
  3. Convenient and familiar web interface... Everything works quickly, from anywhere with the Internet and a browser. There is a good mobile application.
  4. Wide functionality ready right after creating the box. Various filters, mail collectors, good antispam (from Google) and much more.

Like everything, I missed nothing. It would seem that the advantages are obvious and significant. But before drawing conclusions, let's consider the cons.

  1. You are not in control of this mail. It doesn't belong to you is not on your servers. You don't know what's going on with her. If you have a very delicate and private correspondence, then suspicions and doubts arise about the use of popular postal services. It may sound paranoid, but this is a real concern for users and business owners and should not be dismissed.
  2. You are not immune from system failures and cannot prevent them in any way. And failures, although not often, do happen. Since the services are free, no one will guarantee you anything... And if some kind of force majeure happens and the data disappears, they will simply say sorry. If your own IT structure is not very reliable, the likelihood of technical problems on your personal server will probably be higher. But you can control this and theoretically you can build a system with a level of reliability that satisfies you.
  3. Backup methods are not obvious and recovery of mailboxes in such services. There are situations when all letters are deleted from the mailbox. Let's say you can save them in various ways, just by downloading, and then how to return them back to the box, keeping all the dates original?
  4. There is no way to analyze incomprehensible situations. For example, you send a letter, but it does not arrive at the addressee. What to do? In the case of cloud mail, you will not do anything, since you do not have any tools to analyze the situation. Just try to send a letter from another mailbox. Sometimes a letter does not come to you, and you cannot understand in any way why it is not there. And it can be trivial in an incorrectly configured filter. This is a common situation when there are many filters, plus if some other forwardings are configured. It can be difficult to understand the situation without access to the server logs.... And if there is a mail server log, then it immediately becomes clear why the letter is not sent, or what happened to it after receiving. You can probably find out if the remote server received your letter or not.
  5. There are no easy ways restrict access to mailboxes, for example, only from the local network of the office. Public service mailboxes are always accessible via the Internet. It is possible to solve this problem in google apps through authorization in third-party services. In Yandex and mail, I have not seen the opportunity to implement such functionality.
  6. You also need to understand that free cheese is known where it is... It is not completely clear how postal services use the information received from users. Well, if only to show them relevant ads. I think not only for this.

When I first started working about 10 years ago, there was no question of which mail to use in the organization. All set up their mail servers and administer them. At that time, free mail services did not provide any tools for business to manage mail. When such tools began to appear, I thought that soon no one would need their mail servers, since they would no longer make sense. And all my torment (I do not like working with them) with mail servers will become meaningless.

I was given the opportunity to administer domains based on public mail services. After that, the list of minuses written above appeared. And for me personally, these disadvantages outweighed the pros, and now I still set up mail servers myself. Ultimately, it is more convenient and reliable when considered together the pros and cons of use and administration.

The biggest disadvantage I see is the lack of full-fledged mail logs and a good backup scheme. It is inconvenient to analyze problems without logs. It will not be possible to quickly and easily restore a deleted message to its original location, although for open source mail servers this is a simple matter.

Free software based mail server

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of your own mail server based on free software. In principle, this includes some paid ones, for example Kerio Mail Server, which is also often used. I think it can also be attributed here, since it provides similar functionality. I am considering all mail servers in aggregate, without highlighting individual representatives. Although in Linux, except for postfix and exim, I personally have not seen anything in production. I always use postfix myself, as I am used to it and know it well. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of such servers.

  1. You have complete control over all information that comes by mail and is stored on your server. You can restrict access to mail at your discretion by various technical means. You can centrally configure the rules for deleting, for example, private information in letters, according to various criteria that you yourself can set.
  2. The level of availability of the mail service depends only on you. With the right approach, you can provide the reliability you want system operation.
  3. Flexible backup system. There are a lot of funds for its organization, including free ones. It all depends only on your needs, skills and capabilities. You can store various slices by dates, by mailboxes, by domains, organize any suitable scheme.
  4. Almost unlimited functionality... Within reasonable limits, of course :) You can create mailboxes with the possibility of only local correspondence, you can centrally manage the receipt and sending of mail, maintain your own white and black lists. You can configure various restrictions for mailboxes and domains. You can easily centrally manage duplicate mail of the required mailboxes, do all kinds of forwarding and much more.
  5. All server monitoring tools are in your hands. You can deal with any incomprehensible situation, having on hand the logs of the mail server. This service is well logged. I almost never had any problems when it was not clear where the letter went. Most often, traces are found and one can unequivocally say what happened to the letter.
  1. Necessary buy or rent equipment to organize your mail server. In the case of a Linux server, the performance requirements will not be large. I usually have enough virtual machines for 4 cores and 4 GB of RAM. Much more important is the disk subsystem. Here, the faster the disks, the better. Don't forget about backup. It also needs hardware resources.
  2. Setting up a full-fledged, multifunctional mail server requires at least average knowledge of linux system administration. That is, just an admin-enikey will not work here. Need a specialist with experience... He should have a decent salary. If there is no such administrator on staff, I recommend hiring someone for a one-time setup job. Most often, after setting up, no special work is required to support the server if you do not change the functionality. It is enough just to keep track of free disk space and manage mailboxes via the web panel.
  3. Convenience of work through the web interface will be lower than free postal services. Whatever one may say, but the same gmail is implemented very conveniently. Quick searches, filters, sorts, tags, etc. It's really convenient. I am very used to it and cannot use anything else.

Such disadvantages of your mail service seem to me. The most significant for me is the last one. I myself am used to working with mail via the web. I don't like to use email clients, although I have to. Web interfaces to free mail servers in terms of convenience and speed are far from gmail or Yandex, it makes no sense to compare. And nevertheless, I believe that for an average organization this is the most optimal option.

Pros and cons of Microsoft Exchange Server

I don't have much experience in administering exchange. I tested it a long time ago when I was deciding which mail servers I would work with. I installed and studied the functionality. Then I once set up a mail server for the organization. They wanted exactly exchange. There were no problems, I quickly set up on numerous guides on the Internet. The threshold for entering the exchange mail server customizers is very low. Even an enikey can handle the basic functionality.

For medium-sized organizations, I consider common calendars to be really useful and difficult to replace functionality. And, of course, the convenience of integrating with AD, if any. And most often there is AD, since I cannot imagine administering a network for more than 20-30 people without Active Directory. I think that it makes no sense to save money here and you need to buy Microsoft Server.

Let's now look at the pros and cons of Microsoft Exchange Server. I warn you again, just in case. I am telling only my vision, there is little experience with the server, so I would like to receive comments on it myself in the comments in order to have a more adequate assessment of this system. Exchange Pros:

  1. Great functionality with relative ease of setup. Deploy a server with basic functionality for any admin. Moreover, this basic functionality may be more than that of any assembly under Linux.
  2. Integration with Active Directory... You create a new user account and the mailbox is ready for him right away. No special settings are needed if the user has Microsoft Outlook. The connection to the server is configured in a few mouse clicks.
  3. Comfortable administration tools in the form of ready-made snap-ins of Windows Server. Everything here is traditional for solutions from Microsoft.

The cons of Exchange Server are the same as the pros for most Microsoft products:

  1. Price, price and price again... Microsoft Exchange Server is expensive. It is necessary to count and figure out whether it will be justified to acquire it. To use all the built-in functionality, you will need to buy a Microsoft Office edition with an outlook for each workplace. These are additional costs.
  2. Good performance requires much more powerful iron, compared to Linux servers. And to support large mailboxes, for example, 50 gigabytes, you need very powerful hardware. Although such boxes for the same dovecot do not present any particular problems. In exchange, you will most likely use quotas to limit the maximum mailbox size.
  3. For a backup, you will most likely have to also purchase decent hardware and paid software... Here I just assume, I really don't know what is needed for a convenient exchange backup. I know paid software from popular vendors. Perhaps there is something free.

My conclusion on Exchange Server is that it is good in almost everything, except for the price. If it was free, I would most likely use it. For quite objective reasons, this is impossible. Good and convenient software does not appear by itself. You need to create it, and on this you need to spend funds that you want to return with a profit.

As of today, given the cost of Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office, I do not use these Microsoft products. Few are willing to shell out the required amount for a mail server. I would like to take a closer look at Exchange in real conditions, at least 60-80 people, in order to evaluate this server more objectively. But so far such an opportunity has not presented itself.


Let me summarize my reasoning about a mail server for a small average organization. Although the conclusion, I think, is already clear. I myself prefer the second option I described - a mail server based on free software on linux. But I would not discount the other two options. Free mail from public services will be uniquely convenient for a very small team - for 10-15 people. There is no point in fencing your server for such a number.

I would recommend using Exchange Server if you have one and don't mind spending money on its purchase. The product is unambiguously convenient, functional and easy to configure and administer. In simple terms, you need to understand that this is conditional. The configurations can be very complex, but in this case I am considering the entry level.

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