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Short numbers. How much does an SMS to a short number from Beeline cost? How much do SMSs to short numbers cost for MegaFon subscribers

Paid SMS services have become part of our life. Now, very often on websites and on TV, payment is required via SMS, for example, in polls, for services, for registration, for melodies or payment for something. In all these cases, SMS message goes to paid, short number. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that use paid SMS services for fraudulent purposes, fraudulently appropriating money from unsuspecting people.

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How to find out the price of sending SMS to a short number?

Determine the cost of sending an SMS message to a short number, can be on this page. Many people already know what it is to send an SMS to a short number by chance or out of ignorance. From balance cell phone large amounts of money can be debited. From 10 to 1000 rubles per SMS. The most common fraud is hiding the true information about how much it actually costs to send SMS.

For example, the following ad hangs on one site "the cost of SMS to this number XXXX is from 101 to 116 rubles (depending on the operator)", but in reality it costs more - 135 rubles.

Or, for example, on one site that sells access to content for SMS, it is indicated that the price of an SMS is 10 rubles, but by sending an SMS, 300 rubles are debited. You start to find out why, it turns out that 10 rubles is for one day of using the site, and in a month it will be 300 rubles.

Another example, when registering on the site, they write "To determine that you are a real person, write the phone number, a code will be sent to it." A person writes his phone number, an SMS comes to him with the text "To complete the registration on the site, send a reply SMS with the word YES." The fact that after sending an SMS to a short number, a certain amount of money will be written off from the phone is kept silent. This is how they deceive us ...

Determination of the cost of sending SMS.

To check the cost of SMS, enter the number to which you want to send the message and press Enter.

Paying by SMS is of course convenient, a mobile phone is always at hand and it is not difficult to pay by SMS. Now your purchases will be safe for accurate value determination mobile services you can use Internet service hosted on this page.

But know, it's easy to get caught - a scam. Methods of fraud in the network and their implementation are not limited only to hiding the real cost of SMS, fraudulent schemes great amount.

Be careful, it is advisable to check the site you are going to pay before paying. For example, through a request "site XXX reviews" in Yandex or Google. After reading positive or negative reviews about the site on blogs and forums, it is easier to make a decision on cooperation and payment for the services of this site via SMS.

Date: 10 Sep 2018

Beeline mobile operator from September 18, 2018 will begin to change the cost of sending SMS messages to short numbers: three-digit and four-digit, which belong to credit, trade and service organizations.

Mobile operator Beeline

From September 18, the cost of sending such messages (to the number XXX, XXXX) will be 2.5 rubles... This does not apply to the services of content providers and entertainment and information services. Just in case, let me remind you who they are. These are the guys who will send you an anecdote-accordion for 10 rubles or provide you with access to a website with movie trailers for 30 rubles a day. Not all content providers are like that, but the vast majority are. You can find out the cost of SMS to a short number on the official website of Beeline -.

I myself do not send SMS to short numbers, so I decided to clarify with Beeline technical support how the tariffication is now carried out for three-digit and four-digit numbers that belong to credit, trade and service organizations. Here's what they answered me:

Reply TP Beeline in VK

At the moment, SMS is paid according to the terms of the tariff. On tariff plans where there is an SMS package, it is this package that is consumed. Now the package will not be spent, and the single cost of SMS for short 3 and 4-digit numbers that belong to credit, trade and service organizations will be 2.5 rubles.

There is less and less sense in the SMS package. And also mobile operators begin to introduce additional tariffication for various services. Let me remind you that recently Megafon excluded calls to landline numbers in the home region from the package of minutes on tariffs "Turn on!" Now there are also paid SMS to short numbers.

And I don't like this trend at all. What do you think about this? Write in the comments.

Video version of the publication

Modern man cannot imagine himself without cellular even for one day, a mobile phone is always with us, both at work and on vacation. First of all, a cellular network is, of course, a type of communication, but for many it is also a way of earning money, when payment via SMS is used to sell a product or service.

It is safe to say that paid SMS services have become part of our life. Nowadays, payment with by SMS, for which they just do not ask to send an SMS message to toll number: to get access, vote, for services, for registration, melodies and so on, you can list for a long time.

Unfortunately, individuals use paid SMS services for fraudulent purposes, fraudulently embezzling money from unsuspecting people. What deceivers do not go to in order to force a person to send an SMS message. For example, one of these methods is the well-known SMS blocker virus, which you most likely heard about, and maybe even encountered, like me.

The most common scam is hiding the true information about how much it actually costs to send SMS. For example, on the page of a site selling something for SMS, it is indicated that the price of an SMS is 10 rubles. But in fact, the cost of sending SMS will be much more expensive, since 10 rubles is the price of the service for one day, and payment is taken at least a month! As a result, sending an SMS to such a number will cost 300 rubles, based on 30 days.

In order not to fall for the bait of such scammers, carefully study the information posted on the selling page of the site. The real cost of an SMS is usually written small print or there is a link to it, also written in small letters. It also happens that there is no page with the cost at all.

A similar situation is also possible with the sending of MMS and USSD requests, as well as calls to paid numbers. What to do in such cases?

How to check how much SMS, MMS, requests and calls cost?

Free online services will come to the rescue.

1. First, consider a service in which you can determine only the cost of SMS to short numbers.

To check the cost of SMS, you need to go to the service website, enter the number to which you want to send a message and press the Enter button.

In the results of the check, you will see the exact cost of the message for your telecom operator.

On the right is the list paid sms to especially popular numbers. You can immediately follow the link you need and find out the cost of sending an SMS to the number you are checking.

2. The second service, in addition to determining the price of SMS for short numbers, will also help you to find out:

  • MMS cost per paid number
  • Price USSD request(example number * 888 #)
  • Cost of MT service
  • Price paid call on the voice number
  • Cost of a call to a landline toll number

    as well as

  • Find out the operator by phone number, city and region of the subscriber

Paying via SMS is convenient, a mobile phone is always at hand and paying via SMS, for example, access to a website, is much easier than going somewhere to pay a bill. Now your purchases will become safe, because to accurately determine the cost of mobile services, it is enough to spend only 5 seconds of your time.

When you need to send an SMS to a paid number, be sure to check its actual cost beforehand. This will protect yourself from unwanted financial losses.

The types of fraud and methods of their implementation are not limited only to hiding the real cost of SMS, there are a huge number of fraudulent schemes. If you want to buy something and pay via SMS, do not rush to do it, check the beginning of the site in a search engine. If there were cases of deception, then most likely this has already been discussed on forums, websites or blogs. Thus, it will not be difficult for you to decide whether to send SMS or not.


Before sending SMS for short room but, check their cost. Fraudsters often take advantage of the naivete of citizens very much, promising free service, then for one message they shoot for 300-600 rubles, or even more. In reality, you will have to pay for the message anyway, but bona fide companies using the service always announce the price. Attackers, on the other hand, catch potential victims by offering to find out information through SMS.

The payment for messages is determined by the cost of using the service - minimum amount monthly four-digit service room but it starts from 10 thousand rubles, the connection will cost several thousand, and blocking is even more expensive. Therefore, if you want to send SMS via the Internet, moreover, it is unlikely that you will succeed. In any case, there are no legal programs and services that allow you not only to send a message, but also to receive an answer to it.

Short message room is sent according to the same scheme as the usual SMS, only in the recipient field you specify a smaller number of digits. If nothing comes out, contact the operator. The message center may not have been set in the phone settings, or the blocking service has been activated. SMS for short room a.

When using some tariff plans operators do not write off clients' funds in the negative, but it is still better to inquire in advance about the cost of the service. This can be done on the following sites: - ;-;-;- /. Since the number of short room s is limited, the same combination of numbers can belong to to different subscribers... In this case, messages are sorted by a code, which is often required to be indicated in the text of the letter, for example, “send A to room... ". Therefore, services can sometimes give inaccurate information.

Useful advice

If money is debited from your account in favor of a short number, then you need to send an SMS message to it with the word "STOP" or "STOP" written in capital letters.


  • free sms to short numbers
  • Why does the phone independently send SMS for short

More and more often there are services on the Internet that offer you to get this or that information by sending an SMS for a short room... For example, you will supposedly have an individual diet. Or help determine the location of a person by room at his phone. Or they will give the opportunity to read other people's SMS, which is generally a violation of the law. In addition, you are swornly assured that the message will cost 10-30 rubles. find out real price before you open your wallet.

You will need

  • Internet.


You can the real cost of sending SMS from your operator to a specific room... To do this, you need to use the search to find one of the providing this information. See how easy you can save yours by using the services of the site

Enter the address in address bar browser and press "Enter". Wait for the site to load. You will find yourself on home page site. To find out the cost of sending SMS, click on the appropriate link.

Before you will appear new page with the field. Enter the short you are interested in room and press "Enter". Check to room was entered correctly.

Useful advice

If you have not found the cost of SMS to any number, try looking for other sites like this one. Or just fill in the search for "SMS cost to number xxxx".


  • check short number in 2019

Today a person is everywhere surrounded by tempting offers to take part in the prize drawing, download any "free" information from the Internet, upgrade a mobile phone - for this you need to send sms message for a short room... Before you can send this SMS, you need to know some details.


After you have specified the cost of sending an SMS message to a specific short room, do not rush to take it. Try to carefully study all clauses of the user agreement (usually on websites it is marked as “ Terms of use"). Yes, you have a lot of information to read, but this is the only way you can avoid possible financial losses in the future (some services, after sending an SMS message, register for a paid one without his knowledge, for which a certain amount will be debited within a month).

Short numbers it is impossible to buy, they can only be rented for a while. This service is provided by cellular operators but this way of acquiring numbers highly undesirable as it is extremely long, troublesome, costly and risky. It is much easier, faster and more profitable to get a short number with the help of a mobile marketing agency.


Decide for what purpose you will use the purchased short number. The tasks that he will perform will determine who you should contact: a mobile marketing agency or a content provider. If you need to organize a large-scale project in several regions, as well as fully develop and then implement a campaign from start to finish, contact a mobile marketing agency. If you are interested in hosting a local event, contact your content provider.

Agree with the contractor how the technical interaction will be set up. If you do not understand this issue, instruct the contractor to program the logic of the service in accordance with terms of reference.

Sign a contract with a contractor that will oblige you to carry it out technical support your event for the duration of the event. Make sure that the contract includes a clause on the provision of interim and final reports and a database to you phone numbers subscribers who took part in the promotion.


When choosing a beautiful short number, be sure to find out its history. It may happen that in the memory of many subscribers it is associated with erotic services. Obviously, it is undesirable to associate a project, for example, voting for baby food with such a piquant number.

Useful advice

Quantity beautiful rooms limited, but you can use a trick that Western marketers have come up with. with a lack of convenient numbers, it was offered in the West and after that began to be applied in Russia. Instead of a combination of numbers, purchase a combination of letters. The word beer, for example, is easy to remember. On keyboard mobile phone it will be number 2337. In this case, consumers need to be forced to memorize the word, not the number.


  • registration of a short number

Before sending an SMS message to unknown number, be sure to find out in advance how much it will cost to send. This is especially important if it is sent to a foreign subscriber or to a short number.


If you are a subscriber of the MTS mobile operator, before sending an SMS for a short message, send a message to number 2282. In the body of the message, indicate the number, the cost of services on which you would like to know. In response, you will receive a message with information about their cost. This one is called "Infocontent". More detailed information on working with it is located on the next page:
remember, that free shipping messages to number 2282 appear only when you are in home region.

If you are a Beeline subscriber, download the price list for sending SMS messages to short ones at the following link:
You can use one of the following to view this document office suites: Calc, Gnumeric, Microsoft Office Excel(including Viewer), or -service Google docs Viewer.

If you find information about the cost in the specified way sending SMS to the short number you failed, just enter this number in search engine together with the words "short number", "cost" or similar. Match the words until now until you find the URL of the provider site. On it, find information about the cost of services. It can be indicated in small print, placed in a section that is difficult to see a link to, or simply have a color that blends with the background. V the latter case, select all the text on the page by pressing Control + A.

If you fail to find information about the cost of services on a short number, contact your operator's support service for it. In the same place, find out the cost of sending an SMS message if the number is not short, but international.

If you failed to find out the cost of the service by any of the above methods, refuse to use this service altogether.


  • find out the cost of SMS to the number

Often sending SMS messages for a short room implies the receipt of a certain service on paid basis... However, many cellular network operators use short room and telephones for communication with clients, in in this case sending a message to a short room usually free.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - Internet access.


Make sure that there is no charge for sending an SMS message. To do this, enter the short specified for sending room in the search engine and see which ones are provided when using it, also if it is a special service room your operator, check the recipient on the official website of the company serving you mobile communications... Pay Special attention to footnotes.

After you have found out exactly what kind of sending an SMS message to a given room there is no fee, enter it in the "Recipient" line and click on send. After that, after a while, check for changes in the balance of your facial. If, despite the assurances that the shipment, a certain amount was debited from your account, order on the official website of the operator serving you cellular network printout

Sometimes, in order to receive a service, you need to send an SMS to a short number, but the exact cost is not indicated, so every curious and economical person asks the question: how much does an SMS to a given short number really cost? The answer to this question is both simple and complex at the same time: the cost of SMS depends both on the number to which it is sent, and from your operator... Everything is complicated by the fact that the same short number for different operators can be tied to different content providers (service providers). It is clear that and the cost of SMS in this case may differ significantly... Therefore, each operator on their website must publish the cost of SMS, including VAT, for all short numbers. Let's deal with each of the Big 4 operators:

How much does an SMS to a short number from Beeline cost?

Beeline has a special page on the website that allows you to find out the cost of SMS to short numbers. There she is . It publishes not only the cost of SMS, but also data about which content provider each belongs to. specific number... To search, just enter a short number in the field and click "find".

How much do SMS to short numbers cost for MTS subscribers?

Here is the price search page for short codes from MTS. When you enter it, you will be redirected to the MTS website in your region. Then everything is simple: enter a short number, click "Find" and you will get the exact cost of SMS or MMS.

How much do SMS messages to short numbers cost for MegaFon subscribers?

On a special page, you need to select your region, a list of all short numbers will appear. At the bottom of this list there is a search form where you can enter a short number and get the cost of an SMS to it. In addition, MegaFon has a Mobile Price service that allows you to find out the cost of SMS to a short number directly from your phone. To do this, you need to type the command * 107 * short number # and a call, for example, to get the cost of an SMS to the short number 9797, you need to dial *107*9797# and challenge. This service is free for all MegaFon subscribers.

How much do SMS messages to short numbers cost for Tele2 subscribers?

Tele2 also has a USSD command that allows you to find out the cost of SMS to a short number. Need to dial * 125 * short number # and a call, for example, to get the cost of an SMS to the short number 3353, you need to dial *125*3353# and challenge. This service is free for all Tele2 subscribers. The cost of SMS, Tele2 subscribers can also find out by calling toll free number 611.

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