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  • Minutes to hours converter. How to convert minutes to hours and vice versa: examples, methods, interesting moments

Minutes to hours converter. How to convert minutes to hours and vice versa: examples, methods, interesting moments

When working with time in Excel, sometimes there is a problem of converting hours into minutes. It would seem an easy task, but often it turns out to be too tough for many users. And the point is all about the peculiarities of calculating the time in this program. Let's see how you can convert hours to minutes in Excel in various ways.

The whole difficulty of converting hours into minutes is that Excel considers time not in the way we are used to, but in days. That is, for this program, 24 hours are equal to one. The time 12:00 is represented by the program as 0.5, because 12 hours is 0.5 of a day.

To see how this happens in an example, you need to select any cell on the worksheet in the time format.

And then format it to the general format. It is the number that appears in the cell that will reflect the program's perception of the entered data. Its range can range from 0 before 1 .

Therefore, the issue of converting hours into minutes should be approached precisely through the prism of this fact.

Method 1: apply the multiplication formula

The simplest way to convert hours to minutes is to multiply by a certain factor. Above, we found out that Excel perceives time in days. Therefore, to get minutes from the expression in hours, you need to multiply this expression by 60 (number of minutes in hours) and on 24 (number of hours in a day). Thus, the coefficient by which we need to multiply the value will be 60 × 24 = 1440... Let's see how it will look in practice.

Method 2: using the CONVERT function

There is also another way to transform hours into minutes. To do this, you can use special function CONVER... It should be taken into account that this option will only work when the original value is in a cell with a common format. That is, 6 hours in it should not be displayed as "6:00", but as "6", but 6 hours 30 minutes, not like "6:30", but as "6.5".

As you can see, converting hours to minutes is not such an easy task as it seems at first glance. This is especially problematic with time-formatted data. Fortunately, there are ways that you can convert to this direction... One of these options is to use a coefficient, and the other to use a function.

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Volume and Units Converter culinary recipes Temperature converter Pressure converter, mechanical stress, Young's modulus Energy and work converter Power converter Power converter Time converter Converter linear speed Flat Angle Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Economy Converter Numbers to Converter different systems Number Conversion Unit Converter Currency Rates Women's Clothing and Shoes Sizes Men's Clothing and Shoes Sizes Angular Velocity and Rotation Rate Acceleration Converter Angular Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Volume Converter Moment of Inertia Torque Converter Torque Converter Torque Converter Specific Heat of Combustion (by Mass) ) Energy Density and Heat of Combustion (by Volume) Converter Temperature Differential Converter Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Converter Thermal Resistance Converter Thermal Conductivity Converter Specific Heat Capacity Converter Energy Exposure and Power Converter thermal radiation Heat Flux Density Converter Heat Transfer Coefficient Converter Volumetric Flow Rate Converter Mass Flow Rate Converter Molar Flow Rate Converter Mass Flux Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration in Solution Converter Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Converter kinematic viscosity Surface Tension Converter Vapor Permeability Converter Vapor Permeability and Vapor Transfer Rate Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Level Converter sound pressure(SPL) Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Luminance converter Luminous intensity converter Luminance converter Resolution to resolution converter computer graphics Frequency and wavelength converter Optical power in diopters and focal length Optical power in diopters and lens magnification (×) Converter electric charge Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Bulk Charge Density Converter Converter electric current Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Converter electrical resistance Resistivity Converter Converter electrical conductivity Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Capacitance Inductance Converter American Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), Watts, etc. Magnetomotive Force Converter Tension Converter magnetic field Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay Radiation converter. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculating Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 minute [min] = 0.0166666666666667 hour [hour]

Initial value

Converted value

second millisecond microsecond nanosecond picosecond femtosecond attosecond 10 nanoseconds minute hour day week month synodic month year Julian year leap year tropical year sidereal year sidereal day sidereal hour sidereal minute sidereal second fortnight (14 days) seven years tenth anniversary time of year (Gregorian) sidereal month anomalistic month anomalous year draconic month draconic year

Power in diopters and lens magnification

More about time

General information. Physical properties of time

Time can be viewed in two ways: how mathematical system created to help our understanding of the universe and the course of events, or as a dimension, part of the structure of the universe. In classical mechanics, time does not depend on other variables and the course of time is constant. Einstein's theory of relativity, on the other hand, asserts that events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference can occur asynchronously in another, if it is in motion with respect to the first. This phenomenon is called relativistic time dilation. The above difference in time is significant at speeds close to the speed of light, and has been experimentally proven, for example, in the Hafele-Keating experiment. The scientists synchronized five atomic clocks and left one motionless in the laboratory. The rest of the hours flew around the Earth twice in passenger planes. Hafele and Keating found that "travel clocks" lag behind stationary clocks, as predicted by the theory of relativity. The effect of gravity, as well as an increase in speed, slows down time.

Time measurement

The clock defines current time in units of less than one day, while calendars are abstract systems representing longer intervals of time, such as days, weeks, months, and years. The smallest unit of time is the second, one of seven SI units. The standard of a second is: "9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom."

Mechanical watches

Mechanical watches usually measure the number of cyclic oscillations of events given length, as, for example, the oscillations of a pendulum that makes one oscillation per second. The sundial tracks the movement of the sun across the sky during the day and displays the time on the dial with a shadow. The water clock, widely used in antiquity and the Middle Ages, measures time by pouring water between several vessels, while the hourglass uses sand and similar materials.

The Long Now Foundation in San Francisco is developing a 10,000-year-old clock called the Clock of the Long Now, which should last and remain accurate for ten thousand years. The project is aimed at creating a simple, understandable and easy-to-use and repair structure. No precious metals will be used in the watch construction. Currently, the design involves human service, including the watch winding. Time is tracked using dual system consisting of an imprecise but reliable mechanical pendulum and an unreliable (due to weather) but accurate lens that collects sunlight. At the time of this writing (January 2013) a prototype of this watch is under construction.

Atomic clock

At present, atomic clocks are the most accurate instruments for measuring time. They are used to ensure accuracy in broadcasting, in global navigation satellite systems, and in world-wide precision time. In such a watch, the thermal vibrations of atoms are slowed down by irradiating them with laser light of the corresponding frequency to a temperature close to absolute zero. Time is counted by measuring the frequency of radiation resulting from the transition of electrons between levels, and the frequency of these oscillations depends on the electrostatic forces between the electrons and the nucleus, as well as on the mass of the nucleus. Currently, the most common atomic clocks use cesium, rubidium, or hydrogen atoms. The cesium-based atomic clock is the most accurate in long-term use. Their error is less than one second in a million years. Hydrogen atomic clocks are about ten times more accurate for shorter periods of time, up to a week.

Other timing devices

Among the others measuring instruments- chronometers measuring time with an accuracy sufficient for use in navigation. With their help, they determine the geographical position based on the position of the stars and planets. Today, a chronometer is commonly available on ships as a backup navigation device, and maritime professionals know how to use it in navigation. However, global navigation satellite systems used more often than chronometers and sextants.


All over the world, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used as universal system measuring time. It is based on the International Atomic Time (TAI) system, which uses a weighted average of more than 200 atomic clocks around the world to calculate accurate time. Since 2012, TAI is 35 seconds ahead of UTC because UTC, unlike TAI, uses average solar days. Since a sunny day is slightly longer than 24 hours, leap seconds are added to UTC to coordinate UTC with a solar day. Sometimes these seconds of coordination cause various problems, especially in areas where computers are used. To similar problems did not occur, some institutions, such as the server department at Google, instead of seconds of coordination use "leap blur" - lengthening a series of seconds by milliseconds, so that the sum of these lengthenings is equal to one second.

UTC is based on atomic clocks, while Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is based on the length of a sunny day. GMT is less accurate because it depends on the Earth's rotation period, which is not constant. GMT was widely used in the past, but UTC is now used instead.


Calendars are made up of one or more levels of cycles, such as days, weeks, months, and years. They are divided into lunar, solar, lunar-solar.

Lunar calendars

Lunar calendars are based on the phases of the moon. Each month is one lunar cycle, and the year is 12 months or 354.37 days. The lunar year is shorter than the solar year, and as a result, the lunar calendars are synchronized with the solar year only once every 33 lunar years. One of these calendars is Islamic. It is used for religious purposes and how official calendar in Saudi Arabia.

Time-lapse shooting. Blooming cyclamen. The two-week process is compressed to two minutes.

Solar calendars

Solar calendars are based on the movement of the Sun and the seasons. Their frame of reference is a solar or tropical year, that is, the time it takes for the Sun to complete one cycle of the seasons, for example, from the winter solstice to the winter solstice. The tropical year is 365.242 days. Due to the precession of the Earth's axis, that is, a slow change in the position of the Earth's axis of rotation, a tropical year is about 20 minutes shorter than the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun once relative to fixed stars (sidereal year). The tropical year is gradually becoming 0.53 seconds shorter every 100 tropical years, so reform will likely be needed in the future to keep the solar calendars in sync with the tropical year.

The most famous and widely used solar calendar is the Gregorian calendar. It is based on the Julian calendar, which in turn is based on the old Roman calendar. The Julian calendar assumes a year with 365.25 days. In fact, the tropical year is 11 minutes shorter. As a result of this inaccuracy, by 1582 the Julian calendar was 10 days ahead of the tropical year. The Gregorian calendar was used to correct this discrepancy and gradually replaced other calendars in many countries. In some places, including the Orthodox Church, the Julian calendar is still used. By 2013, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars is 13 days.

To synchronize the 365-day Gregorian year with the 365.2425-day tropical year, a leap year of 366 days is added to the Gregorian calendar. This is done every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400. For example, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 was not.

Time-lapse shooting. Blooming orchids. The three-day process is compressed to one and a half minutes.

Lunar-solar calendars

Lunar-solar calendars - a combination of lunar and solar calendars. Usually the month in them is equal to the lunar phase, and the months alternate between 29 and 30 days, since the approximate average length of the lunar month is 29.53 days. To keep the lunisolar calendar in sync with the tropical year, every few years to the year lunar calendar the thirteenth month is added. For example, in the Hebrew calendar, the thirteenth month is added seven times over nineteen years — this is called the 19-year cycle, or the Metonic cycle. The Chinese and Hindu calendars are also examples of lunisolar calendars.

Other calendars

Other types of calendars are based on astronomical events, such as the movement of Venus, or historical events, such as the change of rulers. For example, the Japanese chronology (年号 nengo, literally, the name of an era) is used in addition to the Gregorian calendar. The name of the year corresponds to the name of the period, which is also called the motto of the emperor, and the year of the reign of the emperor of this period. Upon accession to the throne, the new emperor confirms his motto, and the countdown of a new period begins. The emperor's motto later becomes his posthumous name. According to this scheme, 2013 is called Heisei 25, that is, the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Akihito of the Heisei period.

Do you find it difficult to translate a unit of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and you will receive an answer within a few minutes.

Let's take a look at how to convert minutes to hours and vice versa. To begin with, let's agree that we will definitely need knowledge of arithmetic. After all, calculations are indispensable here. If you can't do them mentally or on a piece of paper, then use a calculator. Below will be presented almost all the options for how to convert minutes into hours.

From ancient times to modern times

Look at the dial. It has 60 divisions, that is, 60 seconds (minutes). Those who are friends with mathematics have noticed long ago that this science is like a trick, mysticism, and thus amuses. The ancient people were no more stupid than our contemporaries, on the contrary, they even succeeded in something.

What we have today:

Of course, 3600 seconds is multiplied by 60 minutes * 60 seconds. Let's take another look at the dial: for example, the hour (short hand) is at 12, and the minute (long) shows that it is 20 minutes. That is twenty minutes past twelve. Now let's look at how to convert minutes to hours with this example.

Simple and complex calculations up to 1 hour

Think back to arithmetic in primary school and 5th grade: there were fractions. What are we driving at? 1 hour = 60 minutes And we only have 20 minutes. It can be incorrectly noted that only 20/60 hours have passed. But we know that fractions can be canceled. Let's do that:

In total, 1/3 of an hour has passed, or, if we divide, then 0.33.

Consider another option: what does a quarter of an hour mean? How to convert minutes to hours in reverse?

1/4 hour = 15 minutes. How did it happen?

15 min. / 60 min. = 1/4.

How to correctly record 10 minutes in hours? The solution technique is identical:

10 min. / 60 min. = 1/6 hour = 0.167 hours. It is clear that such an entry is incorrect, therefore it is recommended not to translate 10 minutes.

Over an hour

Many of us have seen how, for example, it is written in the annotation for the film its duration: 150 minutes. How to convert minutes to hours in this case? Please note that there will be no fractions. Why? Because in the previous section it was about time that lasted less than 1 hour. And now everything is on the contrary. It will be easy to look from one side, but in reality it is more difficult.

So back to 150 minutes. In order not to think for a long time, let's mentally summarize 60 minutes until we get to the cherished 150: 60 minutes. + 60 min. = 120. We must stop, because if we add another 60 minutes, then it will be 180, and we have a movie only 150 minutes. Back to our 120 minutes. Of course, this is 2 hours. Now, subtract 120 from 150 minutes. It turns out 30.

You can do it differently. Stop at 120 minutes and mentally catch up with the missing half hour. Here's the result: 150 minutes. = 2 hours 30 minutes = 2.5 hours.

And how to get minutes from 1.5 hours? Immediately imagine 1 hour 30 minutes: 60 + 30 = 90 minutes.

Another option: an arithmetic fraction of one whole and five tenths, which after transformation has the form: 15/10 = 3/2. Basically, 1.5 hours is 3/2 hours.

Imagine a lesson in grade 3 that deals with fractions. There were also colored pictures that clearly showed what 5/6 or 1/2 means.

Why are such difficulties required?

Imagine studying the train schedule. As a rule, they write, for example, travel time: 1 hour 5 minutes. Everything seems to be clear. But let's imagine how much it is in minutes? 65 minutes. Other: 2 hours 35 minutes? Let's calculate:

2 hours = 120 minutes, add another 35 minutes. As a result: 120 + 35 = 155 minutes.

So we looked at how to convert minutes to hours and vice versa. In order to be able to quickly calculate, it is desirable to know the basics of mathematics. If you can't mentally calculate, it is worth solving the problem on a piece of paper.

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Bulk and Food Volume Converter Area Converter Culinary Recipe Volume and Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus Converter Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Converter Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Efficiency Numeric Conversion Systems Converter of Information Measurement Systems Currency Rates Women's Clothing and Shoes Sizes Men's Clothing and Shoes Sizes Angular Velocity and Rotation Rate Converter Acceleration Converter Angular Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Volume Converter Moment of Inertia Converter Moment of Force Converter Torque converter Specific calorific value (mass) converter Energy density and specific calorific value (volume) converter Temperature difference converter Coefficient converter Thermal expansion coefficient Thermal resistance converter Thermal conductivity converter Specific heat capacity converter Thermal exposure and radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Volumetric flow rate converter Mass flow rate Molar flow rate converter Mass flux density converter Molar concentration converter Mass concentration in solution converter absolute) viscosity Kinematic viscosity converter Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Vapor permeability and vapor transfer rate converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound pressure level converter (SPL) Sound pressure level converter with selectable reference pressure Luminance converter Luminous intensity converter Light intensity converter Resolution to computer converter chart Frequency and wavelength converter Optical power to diopter x and focal length Optical power in diopters and lens magnification (×) Electric charge converter Linear charge density converter Surface charge density converter Bulk charge density converter Electric current linear current density converter Surface current density converter Electric field strength converter Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Converter Electrical Resistivity Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Capacitance Inductance Converter American Wire Gauge Converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBmW), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay Radiation converter. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typography and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculating Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 minute [min] = 0.0166666666666667 hour [hour]

Initial value

Converted value

second millisecond microsecond nanosecond picosecond femtosecond attosecond 10 nanoseconds minute hour day week month synodic month year Julian year leap year tropical year sidereal year sidereal day sidereal hour sidereal minute sidereal second fortnight (14 days) seven years tenth anniversary time of year (Gregorian) sidereal month anomalistic month anomalous year draconic month draconic year

Metric and SI

More about time

General information. Physical properties of time

Time can be viewed in two ways: as a mathematical system designed to help our understanding of the universe and the course of events, or as a dimension, part of the structure of the universe. In classical mechanics, time does not depend on other variables and the course of time is constant. Einstein's theory of relativity, on the other hand, asserts that events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference can occur asynchronously in another, if it is in motion with respect to the first. This phenomenon is called relativistic time dilation. The above difference in time is significant at speeds close to the speed of light, and has been experimentally proven, for example, in the Hafele-Keating experiment. The scientists synchronized five atomic clocks and left one motionless in the laboratory. The rest of the hours flew around the Earth twice in passenger planes. Hafele and Keating found that "travel clocks" lag behind stationary clocks, as predicted by the theory of relativity. The effect of gravity, as well as an increase in speed, slows down time.

Time measurement

Clocks define the current time in units of less than one day, while calendars are abstract systems that represent longer intervals of time, such as days, weeks, months, and years. The smallest unit of time is the second, one of seven SI units. The standard of a second is: "9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom."

Mechanical watches

Mechanical clocks usually measure the number of cyclic oscillations of events of a given length, such as the oscillation of a pendulum that oscillates once per second. The sundial tracks the movement of the sun across the sky during the day and displays the time on the dial with a shadow. The water clock, widely used in antiquity and the Middle Ages, measures time by pouring water between several vessels, while the hourglass uses sand and similar materials.

The Long Now Foundation in San Francisco is developing a 10,000-year-old clock called the Clock of the Long Now, which should last and remain accurate for ten thousand years. The project is aimed at creating a simple, understandable and easy-to-use and repair structure. No precious metals will be used in the watch construction. Currently, the design involves human service, including the watch winding. Time is tracked by a dual system consisting of an imprecise but reliable mechanical pendulum and an unreliable (due to weather) but accurate lens that collects sunlight. At the time of this writing (January 2013) a prototype of this watch is under construction.

Atomic clock

At present, atomic clocks are the most accurate instruments for measuring time. They are used to ensure accuracy in broadcasting, in global navigation satellite systems, and in world-wide precision time. In such a watch, the thermal vibrations of atoms are slowed down by irradiating them with laser light of the corresponding frequency to a temperature close to absolute zero. Time is counted by measuring the frequency of radiation resulting from the transition of electrons between levels, and the frequency of these oscillations depends on the electrostatic forces between the electrons and the nucleus, as well as on the mass of the nucleus. Currently, the most common atomic clocks use cesium, rubidium, or hydrogen atoms. The cesium-based atomic clock is the most accurate in long-term use. Their error is less than one second in a million years. Hydrogen atomic clocks are about ten times more accurate for shorter periods of time, up to a week.

Other timing devices

Other measuring instruments include chronometers, which measure time with an accuracy sufficient for use in navigation. With their help, they determine the geographical position based on the position of the stars and planets. Today, a chronometer is commonly available on ships as a backup navigation device, and maritime professionals know how to use it in navigation. However, global navigation satellite systems are used more often than chronometers and sextants.


All over the world, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used as a universal time measurement system. It is based on the International Atomic Time (TAI) system, which uses a weighted average of more than 200 atomic clocks around the world to calculate accurate time. Since 2012, TAI is 35 seconds ahead of UTC because UTC, unlike TAI, uses average solar days. Since a sunny day is slightly longer than 24 hours, leap seconds are added to UTC to coordinate UTC with a solar day. Sometimes these leap seconds cause various problems, especially in areas where computers are used. To avoid such problems, some institutions, such as the server department at Google, use "leap smearing" instead of coordination seconds - lengthening a series of seconds by milliseconds so that the sum of these lengthenings is equal to one second.

UTC is based on atomic clocks, while Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is based on the length of a sunny day. GMT is less accurate because it depends on the Earth's rotation period, which is not constant. GMT was widely used in the past, but UTC is now used instead.


Calendars are made up of one or more levels of cycles, such as days, weeks, months, and years. They are divided into lunar, solar, lunar-solar.

Lunar calendars

Lunar calendars are based on the phases of the moon. Each month is one lunar cycle, and the year is 12 months or 354.37 days. The lunar year is shorter than the solar year, and as a result, the lunar calendars are synchronized with the solar year only once every 33 lunar years. One of these calendars is Islamic. It is used for religious purposes and as the official calendar in Saudi Arabia.

Time-lapse shooting. Blooming cyclamen. The two-week process is compressed to two minutes.

Solar calendars

Solar calendars are based on the movement of the Sun and the seasons. Their frame of reference is a solar or tropical year, that is, the time it takes for the Sun to complete one cycle of the seasons, for example, from the winter solstice to the winter solstice. The tropical year is 365.242 days. Due to the precession of the Earth's axis, that is, a slow change in the position of the Earth's axis of rotation, a tropical year is about 20 minutes shorter than the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun once relative to fixed stars (sidereal year). The tropical year is gradually becoming 0.53 seconds shorter every 100 tropical years, so reform will likely be needed in the future to keep the solar calendars in sync with the tropical year.

The most famous and widely used solar calendar is the Gregorian calendar. It is based on the Julian calendar, which in turn is based on the old Roman calendar. The Julian calendar assumes a year with 365.25 days. In fact, the tropical year is 11 minutes shorter. As a result of this inaccuracy, by 1582 the Julian calendar was 10 days ahead of the tropical year. The Gregorian calendar was used to correct this discrepancy and gradually replaced other calendars in many countries. In some places, including the Orthodox Church, the Julian calendar is still used. By 2013, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars is 13 days.

To synchronize the 365-day Gregorian year with the 365.2425-day tropical year, a leap year of 366 days is added to the Gregorian calendar. This is done every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not divisible by 400. For example, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 was not.

Time-lapse shooting. Blooming orchids. The three-day process is compressed to one and a half minutes.

Lunar-solar calendars

Lunar-solar calendars - a combination of lunar and solar calendars. Usually the month in them is equal to the lunar phase, and the months alternate between 29 and 30 days, since the approximate average length of the lunar month is 29.53 days. To keep the lunisolar calendar in sync with the tropical year, a thirteenth month is added to the lunar year every few years. For example, in the Hebrew calendar, the thirteenth month is added seven times over nineteen years — this is called the 19-year cycle, or the Metonic cycle. The Chinese and Hindu calendars are also examples of lunisolar calendars.

Other calendars

Other types of calendars are based on astronomical events, such as the movement of Venus, or historical events, such as the change of rulers. For example, the Japanese chronology (年号 nengo, literally, the name of an era) is used in addition to the Gregorian calendar. The name of the year corresponds to the name of the period, which is also called the motto of the emperor, and the year of the reign of the emperor of this period. Upon accession to the throne, the new emperor confirms his motto, and the countdown of a new period begins. The emperor's motto later becomes his posthumous name. According to this scheme, 2013 is called Heisei 25, that is, the 25th year of the reign of Emperor Akihito of the Heisei period.

Do you find it difficult to translate a unit of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and you will receive an answer within a few minutes.

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