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Circular polarization converter what is the difference. How to choose, configure and check a satellite converter

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A satellite converter is a special device required to lower the frequency of electromagnetic waves that are transmitted satellite broadcast in two bands: Ku band (107 - 1275 GHz) and C band (35 - 42 GHz). Converter for satellite dish, in turn, lowers the spectrum of these frequencies to 900 - 2100 MHz, which is enough to avoid scattering in the cable. Today in this article we will talk about what you need to pay attention to when you choose a converter for satellite TV, as well as how to choose the right one and how to check this device for its further correct operation.

Converter selection

Choosing a device for converting signals into low frequency is one of the most important things when mounting satellite dish... There are many factors to consider here, many of which are not entirely obvious and, perhaps, incomprehensible. However, in order to make the choice of a converter for a satellite dish more correct, we have prepared several sections for you, in each of which one or another aspect that should be paid attention to was considered.

Range support

When choosing a device, you should always pay attention to several factors, the main of which is the frequency range used. As we said earlier, there are two types of bands that can be used in broadcast transmission - the Ku and C bands.

European-made satellites usually transmit Ku-waves. Russian satellites, in turn, can broadcast both in the Ku-band and in the C-band. Based on this, you should decide before buying satellite converter what type do you want to purchase. As observations show, there are plenty of devices capable of working with the Ku-band on the market and they are the most popular, although there are devices and mixed type... If you need an example of this, go to any online store and see for yourself.

Signal polarization

If we take converters working with the Ku band, then here you also need to take into account the type of LNB (it can be linear and circular). LNB is a special device that is mounted in front of a satellite dish and amplifies incoming signals. If you do not go into the details of the differences between linear and circular amplifiers, then we will immediately tell you that by purchasing universal converter for the satellite dish, you will receive linear LNB, which can be made circular at any time.

For the curious, let's say that a satellite circular converter differs from a linear one in that they work with different polarizations, of which there are two types:

  • circular;
  • linear.

Different operators use different polarizations, therefore, which converter to choose (satellite circular or linear) is up to you, adjusting to the operator. However, as we said earlier, universal converters can easily solve this problem. Also, such devices are perfect for those who are connected to several operators at the same time, which use different polarization.

Noise figure and noise temperature

If you have your eye on a Ku-wave satellite converter, then you need to pay attention to the noise figure, which displays the minimum value of the satellite signal reception level. Accordingly, the higher the value, the better.

For converters that work with C-waves, such an indicator as the noise temperature is taken into account. Here, the opposite is true: the lower the value of the noise temperature, the better the ability of the converter for satellite TV to receive incoming signals will be. The optimum for today is considered to be a noise temperature of 15 K.

In addition to the above, you should pay attention to the number of outputs of the converter, because you can easily purchase a satellite converter for 2 outputs in the case when you need more outputs. There are devices with 1, 2, 4 and 8 independent outputs. In principle, you can always purchase a device with eight outputs, however, you may not use all of them, which will only lead to a waste Money... The main principle for choosing the number of outputs is that their number should be equal to the number of televisions in the house.

Setting up the device

Converter setup always starts with correct installation the plate itself. It's easy to figure out how to do this. It's another matter to do all this in practice:

When you have achieved an acceptable antenna tilt angle, you can proceed to adjusting the converter itself for satellite TV in order to strengthen the incoming signal:

  • if you turn the satellite converter in one direction or another, you can strengthen the incoming signal;
  • it is not recommended to move the device to the mirror, since by changing the angle, the settings will have to be performed first.

When you catch the highest quality satellite signal, fix the dish and the satellite dish converter firmly and start checking the quality of TV broadcasting. Next stepsoftware setting, which will be discussed below.

How to check a satellite converter

The correct installation of the satellite TV converter can be checked by trying to find a channel:

Using the instructions described in the article, you can configure the converter for both NTV and MTS with your own hands. However, do not forget that, although in words everything may look very simple, in reality it can be much more complicated. And to make it easier for you in your endeavors, we are ready to answer all your questions on this topic in the comments below.

If you are not confident in your actions and think that you can harm your actions somehow the final state of the entire structure, then we strongly recommend that you still seek help from specialists who will help you solve this problem.

Linear and circular converters have the same structure. In the depth of the waveguide, there are small, 2-3 mm antennas, horizontal and vertical. The circular converter differs only in that at the beginning of the waveguide, in front of these antennas, there is a plastic plate that "straightens" the swirling wave. Therefore, if you have a universal converter, and you want to receive Eutelsat W4 / W7 36E (which transmits a signal in circular polarization), then you need to do the following:

you need to remove the protective cap on the converter and if it is cold season, then it is better to remove the converter, bring it into the room and wait for it to warm up and become elastic. Otherwise, when you open the cap, it may crack in the cold. But even if this happens, do not worry, then you can pull a plastic transparent bag over it and seal it with tape. To facilitate the removal process, you can "steam" the lid in boiling water. There is a rubber ring inside the cover that serves to seal the waveguide. Don't waste it!

To facilitate the process, it makes sense to remove the protective casing from the LNB. The protective casing consists of two plastic halves, connected with latches.
Any metal ruler will work well for pressing the latches. It is not recommended to press hard - you can break off the latches.

The next step is to cut out the depolarizing plate. The shape of the dielectric does not matter, the main thing is that it is flat and at an angle of 45. Cut it out of plastic with a thickness of about 2-3 mm. plate "rectangle" 40 mm long (if reception is only in circular polarization).

You can cut 2 plates from a bank-type card with a width along the diameter of the waveguide and a length of 40 mm and insert them together (to make it thicker). Or 0.5-2cm (if you want to make universal and circular at the same time). The width of the plate is equal to the inner diameter of the converter waveguide.
Next, we install the plate at an angle of 45 degrees (from 8 o'clock to 14 o'clock) to the pins almost to the end into the waveguide (just so that the pins in the waveguide do not bend! Insert about 5-10mm before the pins).

If the converter is already installed or is directed with the connector for connecting the cable down, then the plate will look like this (Front view. The cable goes down to the dysik / receiver. RED shows how the plate should be CORRECT):

But this is NOT WORTH DOING:

but if you did so, then when searching, instead of R, set H, instead of L, set V.

If you redid the UNIVERSAL (dual-band converter), then you DO NOT NEED to change the local oscillator frequency to 10750. Just set UNIVERSAL and that's it.

If it didn't work, check the following:

  • plate 40 mm long
  • Material plastic from SIM card or similar (but other material such as thin plexiglass, transparent student ruler, opaque ruler, etc.)
  • Drown it almost to the very bottom (not reaching the pins inside about 4-10mm)
  • Try two 40mm long plates stacked together
  • You can, if you want to try a plate of different lengths (30-50mm) and from different materials. Insert it at different depths. Be guided by the maximum signal.
  • If the signal drops when closing the converter cover, the plate can be shortened or made thinner
  • The tuner DOES NOT need to change the local oscillator frequency from 10600 to 10750
  • In the tuner, select the type of converter UNIVERSAL (usually by default)
  • We carefully look at the pictures and photos above.
  • Recommend setting 36e to 12265 H (L) 27500 3/4
  • By turning the converter a few degrees, you can achieve an additional increase in the signal level. The angle and direction depends on the receiving location. Do not overdo it with the turn (Do not forget to check the level on different transponders and on L and R)

Having decided to connect to satellite TV, you get many advantages over terrestrial TV: higher image quality, huge selection TV channels, the ability to use the reception system for fast download files over the Internet.

However, in the process of mastering you will have to face new terms and phenomena, one of which is “ satellite converter". This word sounds like a real guest from the sixties, the era of cosmic romance, but now it is an everyday reality.

Installing a "dish" of a satellite dish is not enough to enjoy high-quality satellite TV. On the way to blue screen the signal received by the antenna must be converted into a format understandable to the TV, a special converter is used for this. In appearance, it is usually a small box with connectors that connects on the path between the antenna and the television receiver.

What is the essence of the converter?

If we speak in everyday language, then without it the TV will not be able to perceive the signal received directly by the antenna.

From the point of view of physics, it looks like this: the first function of the converter is to convert the high-frequency waves received by the antenna into waves with a reduced frequency. This is necessary to avoid attenuation of waves as they propagate along the wire. The frequencies at which satellite TV broadcasts are extremely high: these are the range from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (the so-called Ku-band) and 3.5-4.2 GHz (C-band). For comparison, cellular the second generation operates at frequencies several times lower.

Such frequencies spread well through the air, but will be quickly damped in the cable. Satellite converter converts the signal to lower frequencies, while preserving the information transmitted to them. To stabilize frequencies in the 900-2150 MHz range (these frequencies are also called the L-band), one or two local oscillators are used - sources of high-frequency oscillations that dampen the high-frequency component of the original signal.

The signal processed in this way reaches the coaxial cable without any problems.

The second function of the converter is to amplify the signal. The initial signal received by the antenna from the satellite is rather weak, so a module called LNA (Low-Noise Amplifier) ​​is used in the converters. Amplified signal becomes quite suitable for transmission by cable and translation into an image.

Important parameters of the converter

When buying a converter, make sure that it fits all the parameters you need.

Range support. It is accepted to divide the Ku-band into Ku-FSS (10.7-11.7 GHz), Ku-DBS (11.7-12.5 GHz) and Ku-BSS (12.5-12.75 GHz). A modern universal converter must cover this entire range with all its sub-bands; such converters are equipped with two local oscillators (9750 MHz and 10600 MHz). The receiver controls their activity depending on the range of the received channel. All this information can be read in the documents on satellite converter.

Number of outputs. Typically, for a home with one TV, a single output converter is sufficient. If you have several TVs in your house, then you should pay attention to the converter with two outputs. A converter with four or more outputs is good for institutions in which several TVs are distributed in different rooms - cafes, bars.

Polarization. It can be linear or circular. When installing a set for receiving satellite television, be sure to specify what kind of polarization are used for broadcasting the channels that you want to see. The term "universal" refers to the range, but not the type of polarization, "circular" satellite dish converter will not work with satellites broadcasting in linear polarization, and vice versa.

An important parameter is noise figure. The lower it is, the less distortion it will introduce into the signal, the more correctly the information will be transmitted. The practical meaning of this parameter is for quality signal you can get by with a "plate" of a smaller diameter. This means not only savings in money, but also greater ease of installation.

Converter design. If the converter housing is sealed and durable, then it can be installed on outdoors by connecting directly to the antenna without additional protection... The converter is exposed to threats such as mechanical damage, high humidity, the formation of condensation inside due to temperature extremes - all this threatens the converter's performance. A good option structures - a double casing, consisting of a metal inner and outer plastic. Condensing between the shells, moisture drains through special holes without damaging the circuit.

There are also specialized converters for sharing on one antenna. Such converters are distinguished by a long flange and a shape that allows placing several converters side by side, there are also initially paired versions. This is necessary in order to receive the same signal from two or more satellites in parallel. This approach improves picture quality and is well suited for high definition television viewing.

How the converter is connected

The converter is installed in the focus of the antenna receiving the signal. The design of satellite dishes provides special place to install the converter directly on it. Such placement is inevitable: as we said, the signal received by the antenna will be extinguished during direct transmission over the wire. It must be processed before being output through the wire.

This means that the converter will be in the open air, and from it the signal will be transmitted via a wire to the satellite receiver located in the room.

To strengthen several converters on one antenna, are used special modules attachments and connections - multifeeds. Having fastened the converter to the multifeed, put it on the “knee” of the antenna.

By connecting all required converters to the antenna, connect them with wires to the inputs satellite receiver... After turning it on, you can start setting up the broadcast.


Of course, information about each type of converter should be found on the websites of manufacturers, forums of enthusiasts, or from sales consultants.

However, do not forget the main rule: all components of the system must be selected based on which channels you need. You cannot change the parameters of a broadcasting satellite, but you can choose equipment suitable for its broadcasting.

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Satellite broadcasts are transmitted by wave transmission at very short centimeter frequencies. For this purpose, two levels are used: Ku-band (10.7 to 12.75 GHz), C-band (3.5-4.2 GHz). At such values electromagnetic wave, having the ability to cover more than 35 thousand kilometers from the satellite to home antenna, in the cable instantly fades away. It is for an intermediate, lower indicator that satellite converters serve. According to international standards the spectrum of this frequency is in the range 900-2150 MHz. These frequencies are then passed along special cable to the microwave input of the receiver.

General working principle

To reduce the received frequency spectrum, a pair of local oscillators with source stabilizers are built into the converter. high frequencies... The decrease in the input metric is performed by subtracting the local oscillator frequency from it.

Another nuance is that the signal arrives with a low vanishing power. This is unacceptable in the paths of the receiving devices. In this regard, the second important function satellite converters - amplification of the received pulses. It should be noted that the device accumulates not only the useful signal, but also the incoming parallel noises. The device also adds its own background, like any other similar device. In the English interpretation, the converters are designated as Low Noise Block (LNB), which emphasizes the peculiarity of any device of this type in terms of low level noise.

Device and equipment

In the receiving part, between the antenna and the satellite TV converter, there are two more elements - a polarizer and a feed. All parts are assembled into a single structure, located in the focus of the antenna device. The purpose of the feed is to use the mirror surface more thoroughly and to maintain the maximum gain of the antenna gain. The polarizer serves as a setting for selecting the required type of polarization.

The complete set of the devices under consideration may be as follows:

  • Release of converters separately.
  • Models with built-in polarizer.
  • A design that combines an offset feed and a polarizer.

In the first option satellite converter ends with a rectangular flange, the second model with a round element, and the third version with a feed.

When choosing a feed, it is necessary to take into account its shape, which should fit at the joints to the antenna used. In addition, one should pay attention to the offset or direct focus type of the receiving element, as well as the ratio of the focal length to the antenna diameter. For offset models, an indicator from 0.6 to 0.8 is suitable, and for direct focus models it should be 0.3-0.5. The best option the purchase of an antenna complete with an irradiator will become a purchase, which will guarantee their compatibility one hundred percent.

Criterias of choice

Several factors influence the choice of a satellite dish converter. Chief among them is the frequency range to be used. European satellites primarily broadcast in the Ku-band. Some Russian companies operate at the same frequencies.

The second type of device is a C-band converter. These frequencies are geared towards professional reception. Some models are available with combined type converters. There are plenty of models aggregating with Ku-bands on the market. It should be noted that the width of this indicator is 2.055 GHz. It does not make it possible to synchronously translate the signal into an intermediate frequency. In this regard, it is divided into three streams (GHz):

  1. FSS - 10.7 - 11.8.
  2. DBS - 11.8 - 12.5.
  3. Telecom - 12.5 - 12.75.

Satellite converters of the second and third bands are focused on receiving certain packets.

Universal modifications

Most of the manufactured converters are aggregated with the Ku-band. They are equipped with two local oscillators that convert the high and low ranges. The elements are switched by means of a signal that is broadcast from the receiver via the cable used to receive the intermediate frequency from the converter.

Modern devices, in comparison with their predecessors, have a universal design, the switching of ranges in them is carried out by means of a tone signal. The universal circular satellite converter is distinguished by the number of signals used for band switching and polarization.

The local oscillator performance in such devices ranges from 9.75 to 10.6 GHz. This design greatly simplifies the receiver setup, up to automatic configuration after selecting the appropriate menu item.

Satellite converters for "Tricolor"

For those wishing to accept both ranges at once, several options can be advised. It is realistic to install a pair of converters on the antenna with your own polarizer and feed. In this case, one of the feeds will go slightly out of focus, which will reduce the directional factor. This path is considered quite troublesome.

The second option is to buy a C / Ku rotor type device containing both band feeds, bifurcating the incoming signal flow. Such elements are equipped with electromechanical type polarizers. This design simplifies the installation process, but has several disadvantages. First, there is a noticeable loss in the power of Ku-band pulses. Secondly, there are frequent breakdowns moving parts of the rotor, especially at subzero temperatures.

Finally, the third option is considered the simplest. You just need to install the combined converter, which has not yet received much distribution.


This device allows more efficient use of the frequency range of the transmitted waves, which doubles the number of programs broadcast. By tuning the frequency desired channel, synchronously set the required polarization. For example, a linear satellite converter, when polarized, produces vertical and horizontal waves. The circular counterpart generates left and right circular type pulses.

The polarizer filters the waves and passes only pulses of one selected polarity to the converter. It should be noted that Russian satellites have a predominantly circular effect, while European counterparts - linear system... For reliable reception of circular waves, another element is mounted - a depolarizer, which transforms circular polarity into a linear direction.

Discreteness of polarization change is another parameter of difference between polarizers. V universal models the plane is discretely changed by 90 degrees. There are also electromagnetic devices that smoothly change the plane of polarization and options with mechanical movement of the probe. Due to the presence of moving parts, electromechanical modifications are less reliable and require three control pulses from the receiver, in contrast to magnetic analogs, which are sufficient for two signals.

Phase modulation

With the advent of digital packages type "Tricolor" and "NTV Plus" popularity was gained by the European scheme of reception, based on the use of a polar antenna and universal converter... This is due to high quality signal and digital method broadcasts of most programs. Phase modulation is very sensitive to transformations, which can lead to malfunctions when using a magnetic polarizer. In addition, it requires the use of certain materials for the depolarizer plate. Dielectric brands are used as components, designed to work with microwave pulses.

If you decide to mount a magnetic polarizer, you will need to additionally purchase a converter with a rectangular flange and an irradiator. When distributing the signal to several apartments, it is optimal to use a satellite circular converter (2 outputs or 4 outputs). They are usually equipped with a built-in polarizer (voltage - 13-18 V). By the type of output pulses, such devices are subdivided into a variant with one or two pairs of identical outputs with independent switching of polarization and ranges. Similar devices suitable for connecting 2-4 apartments. The second type - with outputs, displayed vertically and horizontal polarization plus double division of ranges in the presence of 4 outputs. These devices are designed for large quantity subscribers.

Two-output converters

This type of device is convenient for those who plan to limit themselves to the reception of the upper or lower range. With such a scheme, a horizontal type pulse is sent to one input of the receiver, and a vertical signal to the other. Analogs of this modification with four outputs are used in cable networks or to organize a small group reception. In the second case, reception from the outputs of the converter is carried out through switches for subsequent distribution to subscribers.

In shared circuits, higher standards are imposed on the signal amplification factor. This value is measured in decibels, its permissible indicator varies in the range of 50-70 dB.

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