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Sales conversion - what is it, its calculation in a simple way. A simple formula for calculating sales conversion

The Internet is a great field for business. Here you can share information, provide consulting services, sell products and do a lot of other profitable activities. But sometimes even a resource with good traffic has an extremely low financial return. In this case, an increase in conversion is required. To do this, you will have to carry out serious work on the bugs and introduce new measures.

Website conversion: definition of the concept

Before proceeding with any active actions, you need to understand the terminology. An increase in conversion is an increase in the number of active visitors who performed a certain action (subscription, call to the dispatcher, ordering goods, etc.) in relation to the total number of page views.

It is also worth paying attention to such a thing as microconversion. It characterizes the number of visitors who went to the contact tab or the application form. At the same time, some of them will prefer personal communication in the office, while the rest will perform an action on the site. The latter form the microconversion indicator.

Conversion Factors

The increase in conversion depends on many indicators. Here are the key factors to focus on:

  • Site layout. This refers to the visual presentation, the arrangement of elements, the quality of the graphics, the color scheme, and many other points that create the first impression of your resource for visitors. Of course, if you work in a specific industry with little competition, it is enough to limit yourself to a simple design without frills and "chips". But if you have to fight for a place in the market with a lot of similar resources, you need an exclusive design.
  • Content. This is the content of your site (texts, multimedia files, graphic elements, etc.). Everything should have a presentable appearance, and most importantly - carry useful information. Text fragments should be written correctly and structured. If you post photos or videos on the site, it is desirable that they be unique. To understand how to fill your site, carefully study the leading resources.
  • Usability. If you translate this word into Russian, it becomes clear that this is the ease of use of the site. The structure of the resource should be such that the user does not have to spend hours figuring it out. Everything should be intuitive (menus, search, applications, calculators, etc.). If the site visitor does not have questions about navigation, then you did everything right.
  • The technical condition of the site. All pages should load quickly, links should be fast, without any errors and failures. You must provide for the moment that visitors can access the site from different devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones). If these requirements are not met, people will simply leave the site without receiving the necessary information. You can monitor the technical condition of your resource on your own or with the help of automatic services.
  • semantic core. This is one of the main factors of website traffic and its conversion. It is necessary to formulate the request correctly. If you sell radiators, for example, you should promote "radiators for sale", not just "radiators". Otherwise, people will come to your site in search of theoretical information and will leave it without finding anything they need. To make sure that you did everything right, also use the services of automatic SEO analysis.

Priority measures to increase website conversion

Despite the fact that the Internet has become a fairly dense part of our lives, not everyone understands all the intricacies of the global network. Of course, you can work on upgrading yourself, but it is better to contact a specialist. The minimum set of changes and improvements, which includes a commercial proposal to increase the site's conversion, is as follows:

  1. Checking the correctness of the site display in search engines and browsers. This can be done using online services. But for greater reliability, the work is done manually.
  2. Contacts. Information on how to contact you should be placed on each page of the site. If you consider it inappropriate to indicate the address and phone numbers everywhere, make the link to the "Contacts" page publicly available. Contact information should be as detailed as possible. You need to provide detailed company details. If you have a physical office, in addition to the address, there should be an explanation of how to get to it. The presence of maps is welcome, as well as real photographs of landmarks on the ground.
  3. Prices. Information about the cost of goods or services must be up-to-date. The user must have direct access to it. The buyer should see the value of the value directly next to the product or service. To do this, he does not have to make additional clicks on links or make any calls. This is one of the conditions under which there is an increase in conversion.
  4. About company. Every self-respecting organization should include such a section in their network resource. Most often it is located on the main page. This is not just a brief history of the organization. Certificates, licenses and other documents confirming the quality should also be presented here. If there are any awards, they are also worth mentioning.
  5. Price lists. Sometimes the buyer needs time to think, as well as comparing prices on different resources. It would be nice if site visitors would be able to download the price list in some popular format in order to print it or view it without an Internet connection. But this is only an additional, and not the main way to indicate prices.
  6. Catalog. You should understand that not only professionals visit your site. Therefore, the catalog should contain a brief but detailed description of each product. There must be a filter by parameters. The absence of the need to sort through hundreds of titles leads to an increase in conversion.
  7. Confidence. A potential client must trust you. An increase in sales conversion will be possible if you create a separate page with a portfolio or a list of well-known organizations that use your services.
  8. Minimum action. The purchase should be made in just a couple of clicks. Do not create any extra cells in the application form.
  9. Easy navigation. If the site has a complex structure caused by a large amount of content, the so-called breadcrumbs should be present in the interface, which will help you quickly get to the desired menu item.
  10. exit points. An increase in sales conversions can be ensured by the presence on each page of quick links to go to the catalog or direct application form.

What else can be done?

If your resource meets all the requirements, and increasing the conversion on the site remains a dream, you can use a number of other tricks. Experts recommend the following:

  • Payment. You must make sure that your customers can pay for goods or services in any way convenient for them. These can be cards of different payment systems, electronic wallets and so on.
  • Open your face. An increase in the conversion of the store is possible if real photos of the director, managers and even ordinary employees appear on the site, indicating names and positions. This is an illustration of the fact that you are personally responsible for the quality of goods and services.
  • Thematic blog. Share with your customers useful information in the field in which you work.
  • Free services. There should be something on your site that will stir up interest in it. It can be a free online consultation, gifts and a bonus system.
  • Reviews. Give your clients the opportunity to leave feedback about their work. It will also attract new ones. To encourage them to write reviews, you can give some bonuses.
  • Conversion Widget. Both you and your customers will be interested in receiving information about site traffic, the number of purchases on it.
  • Call to action. The text should be written in a motivating mood.

Increase conversion with pay per result

At the moment, almost every company has its own website. But given that not all entrepreneurs understand the intricacies of networking, they have to turn to specialized agencies to optimize the resource and improve traffic. There may be some distrust here, because external changes are easy to assess, but it is not always clear whether the investment is justified. In this regard, such a trend as an increase in conversion with payment for the result is gaining momentum. The essence of the method is that the client pays the agency not to increase the total number of site visitors, but only targeted actions (purchase, subscription, etc.). Thus, the agency develops a sense of responsibility for the work performed (after all, this will affect the final profit).

Online Services

At the moment, any entrepreneur who is dissatisfied with the performance of their site can use the online conversion increase service. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Eyequant - predicts with 95% accuracy how effective your site will be and what points visitors will pay attention to first. This can be achieved thanks to the eye-tracking system.
  • Perezvoni is a conversion increase service that tracks visitor behavior on the site. The main specialization is phone calls and speeding up the connection with the manager.
  • Similarweb is a free service that allows you to evaluate website traffic. You will be able to evaluate not only the quantitative component, but also the geography and popularity in social networks.
  • Kissmetrics - not only demonstrates statistical data, but also explains what is happening on the site. By tracking the entire click chain of each individual client, it will be easier for you to identify ways to increase conversions.
  • Vwo is an excellent English-language resource that allows you to evaluate not only the site as a whole, but also its individual fragments.
  • Witget - allows users to place on their site a number of tools (widgets) for customer feedback.

Retail Store Conversion Specifics

By analogy with Internet resources, the conversion of a real store is the ratio of the number of visitors to those who made some kind of purchase. Unfortunately, the culture of trade in the domestic market is not developed in the same way as in the West. The main factors influencing the increase in store conversion are as follows:

  • the client always sees the seller, and the latter is always ready to help and provide the necessary advice;
  • each product has a price tag and a description that is true;
  • each product is assigned a barcode that is correctly read by the scanner;
  • the location of counters and goods on the trading floor is logical, the client can easily navigate in space to find the desired unit;
  • sellers are proficient in the technique of concluding commercial transactions;
  • queues of more than five people do not gather at the cash desk;
  • shelves and showcases are not empty, but are completely crammed with goods.

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Conversion - the number of users who completed the target action, relative to the number of visitors during a certain period of time.

By itself, the figure is absolutely unrepresentative, but when analyzed over a long distance, compared with indicators for previous days, weeks and competitors, it allows you to understand how well things are going and in what direction it is worth developing.

Conversion types

Typically, marketers divide the conversion into two types:

Macro- the direct target action that the visitor performed, something that brings direct benefit to the owner of the site and makes him happy. When talking about conversion and its increase, they mean exactly this type.

micro conversion- an action that brings the macro conversion user closer, for example, subscribing to a newsletter, requesting a callback, or registering on a website - whatever. It all depends on the diagnosis of the marketer. Micro conversion is an integral part of the sales funnel, and we will talk about it in another article.

How is site conversion calculated?

The simplest formula for calculating conversion is “the percentage of the number of targeted actions to the total number of visitors to the resource.”

Example: 10,000 unique visitors to an online store per day, of which 100 made a purchase, gives (100/10,000 * 100%) 1% efficiency.

Most often, site performance is calculated over a longer period of time and, when compared with previous indicators, is an excellent litmus test. The easiest way is to take the indicators for the month and compare with the reporting periods of previous months.

Comparison of indicators for the period of the advertising campaign is also practiced, which allows you to determine its effectiveness and make a few notes for the future.

How to find out the conversion of a site using services?

Example: a person was solving a pipe leak problem, he didn't want to buy anything. On a site selling plastic pipes, I read an article (“How to fix a leaking metal pipe without hitting the headstock”), which solved his problem. If he still wants to change outdated communications, he is more likely to go to the site that has already helped him.

  • Value for money

Another factor from Captain Evidence. The better and cheaper the service is provided or the goods are sold, the more orders there will be.

How to increase website conversion?

To increase conversion, it is not at all necessary to dance with a tambourine in Altai. There are several obvious ways to influence buyers.

I'll warn you: some of them are invisible when done well. And cause bloody tears when done badly. Let's get started.

  • Adaptive design

The resource must be displayed correctly in all browsers and gadgets, not only modern ones. Not everyone uses the latest version of Safari, not everyone knows what a browser is. And making a purchase in the mobile version on some sites is done in such a way that it is easier to squeeze out a laptop in the nearest coworking and complete the order through it.

  • Contact details

Each page of the site should contain a link to contacts and the opening hours of the store/operators. This information should be conspicuous and comprehensive.

This information must be accessible and up-to-date. Access to the prices of the store via downloadable price list or through the operators of the center significantly reduces the conversion, unless it is a yacht boutique. For other stores, you can leave it as an additional option for those who need everything at once.

  • Registration

In addition to prices, you need to design a product page with high quality. It should contain a description of the product with reviews and photos. It is desirable to add the ability to compare with analogues and reviews.

  • Certificates and awards

Building trust in a resource by flaunting awards gives a loyal audience. It is also a powerful argument in a dispute with competitors.

  • Navigation

The number of clicks from the entrance to the site to the purchase should be as small as possible. No one likes to play Cookie Clicker while shopping for a T-shirt. If there is no way to fix this, it is better to place breadcrumbs so that at any time the visitor can immediately go to the right place.

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Advertising companies on the Internet are good because they make it possible to track your conversion, the effectiveness of each channel and understand how much the company has earned. Therefore, it is important to know how to calculate the conversion of a website. The problem is that not everyone knows how to calculate the conversion correctly.

Read in the article:

  • What is website conversion
  • How is site conversion calculated?
  • How to calculate other indicators (CPA, CTR, ROI)
  • How to check conversion

What is website conversion

First you need to clearly understand what exactly you need from advertising. A goal like “Increase website conversion” will not work. You need to clearly understand how much you are willing to pay for one client and how many clients you are currently ready to process. Set realistic goals for your website or store.

What desired actions can be on the website:

  • Purchase of goods, ordering services;
  • Registration of visitors;
  • Newsletter subscription;
  • A certain amount of time spent by a website visitor;
  • A certain number of web pages viewed by visitors. That is, the viewing depth;
  • The number of people who returned to the site, etc.

You can also calculate the microconversion of visitors on the website. For example, clicking on a link, watching a video, scrolling down a page, etc. These are also valuable because they indicate some level of interaction with the site. Such small visitor actions can be useful in a website usability audit. Small items also need to be tracked in web analytics.

Conversion site is the percentage of site visitors who completed the desired action.

Conversion allows you to understand how effective your site is, your online sales.

How is site conversion calculated?

The calculation is carried out according to a simple formula.

How to calculate website conversion formula

= (number of visitors who completed the target action divided by the total number of all visitors) and multiplied by 100%.

How is conversion measured?
Website conversion is measured as a percentage (%)

How to check store conversion?
Everything is simple.

Consider an example: with a budget of 20,000 rubles. for contextual advertising and with an attendance of 1000 people, receive 50 calls per day. Then your conversion will be 5 percent. That is, the calculation is as follows: (50 calls / 1000 people) * 100% = 5%.

Website conversion example

Consider another example of how a website conversion is calculated. More visually.

  • The total number of unique visitors is 1000 people.
  • The number of views of goods or services is 200. At this stage, 30 people called you.
  • The number of goods / services added to the cart - 100 pcs. Another 20 visitors called.
  • Paid for the order - 70 visitors.
  • As a result, we get: there were 30 + 20 = 50 calls in total in our sales funnel. Of these, 30 visitors paid.

Conversion site = ((70 people + 30 people) / 1000 people) * 100% = 10 percent.

Thus, you will find out which advertising channel is more effective for your store. That's where you put more money. Where the site conversion is low, you should check the quality of your traffic. Whether your advertising company is set up for the target audience.

How to calculate other indicators

Let's consider a few points, namely, what opportunities information gives us on how to calculate the site's conversion.

If you use contextual advertising to attract web traffic to your site, then you know exactly the cost per visitor. Those. how much money you pay for one attracted buyer. Based on these indicators, you can understand whether contextual advertising is profitable.

CTR is a measure of the quality of your ads. Click-through rate. How attractive are your ads to visitors. The calculation is also quite simple.

CTR = (the number of clicks on your ad divided by the total number of impressions) * 100%

Search promotion site

If you use search promotion to attract traffic, then you either know the exact cost of one visitor (if you pay for clicks, as with traffic promotion), or you can calculate this cost.

It is considered easy (formula): you take the cost of promoting one request to the top and divide it by the number of people who came from this request.

Conversion in Yandex Metrica- the number of visits during which the target action occurred.

  • Transfer cost;
  • customer cost;
  • Client profit.

With this table, you can determine how profitable it is for you to invest in the Internet, that is, find your ROI (return on investment) for Internet marketing.

ROI Formula

= ((profit from Internet marketing - investment in Internet marketing) / (investment in Internet marketing)) * 100%

  • If ROI
  • If ROI = 100%, then income = expenses.
  • If ROI > 100%, then site sales are growing.

What is considered a good conversion?

The conversion rate depends on many factors: business topics, prices, competition, offered goods and services. For example: If the store sells cheap goods (pizza, stationery, ice cream, etc.) where no major decisions are required, then the conversion will be higher. Compared to a store that offers expensive goods (buying an apartment, household appliances, a car, etc.). But this does not mean that such a ratio of conversion will be in profit.

For example: site traffic is 1,000 people, the conversion rate for the sale of apartments is 10%, then the company will receive a huge profit with this indicator. And it will be absolutely normal. And for a pizza shop, this would be considered a small conversion, with a low profit margin.

What conversion rate is considered normal?
There are no standards, some universal figures. Each industry has its own conversion.

The conversion is considered good- if your current value exceeds the value for the previous period.

How to check website conversion

2 popular counters will help you set up and check your website conversion at any time.

  • Yandex Metrika —
  • Google Analytics -


Now you know the answers to all questions. Knowing the conversion will allow you to find out more information about the effectiveness of your site, your sales, the cost of one client attracted from different advertising channels, as well as ROI (return on investment).

High sales to you!

P.S. If you need a professional look for your site, then you are here to increase online sales without increasing your advertising budget.

  • Select the desired action.
  • Calculate the site's conversion rate.
  • Start improving your site to increase conversions.

Read other helpful articles

What is conversion and what does it eat with ...
Conversion in trade is the same delicious percentage of visitors turning into buyers, and the higher this percentage, the better and good for business.
The conversion is calculated according to the following method, in fact it is the percentage relationship between visitors and buyers
During the day, 450 visitors came in and 300 of them made a purchase.
CONVERSION = 300/450x100% = 60% - 60 percent of visitors make a purchase and leave happy and joyful!)

Everything is good, but how can we get the number of visitors and the number of buyers in the chain of stores ... Buyers in trade are tied to knocked out checks, and information about visitors is provided by the MegaCount counting system.
These parameters are purely statistical, so the conversion itself is an average statistical parameter showing the quality of the business, one task is to drive traffic to the outlet, the other task is to convert this traffic into knocked out checks, so by varying the various parameters of service, design and pricing policy, you can determine the very thread that allows you to keep the percentage of conversion with stable dynamic growth without losing and keeping your business in good shape.

How does it all work in the program MegaCount Statistics
Data on the attendance of retail outlets is collected and processed by displaying it in tabular data, the calculation can be carried out in the Excel program using the download, it can be carried out directly from the program using the tools developed by us.
By analyzing the statistics of the dynamics of conversion changes, you can find those influencing factors that affect the profitability of a business, such factors may include service, design, assortment, quality, aroma, lighting, prices, etc., any nuance that encourages a visitor to make a purchase.
Therefore, there is little effort to make visitors visit the point of sale, it is still necessary to spend efforts to make the visitor become another happy customer;)

How does it work network program MegaCount.
The program collects data on the attendance of all outlets in the network and automatically sums up the amount of visits from each site, and at the same time the program calculates the amounts for different periods of time.
To account for customers, a marketer needs to enter the number of broken checks and revenue into the program to estimate the average check:

Two strategies are possible in the program!
1] Conversion Calculation monthly- the fastest and most convenient option, you must enter the number of checks for each month
Reports can be sorted by any column, thereby analyzing numbers

2] Conversion Calculation daily- the most accurate option, you must enter the number of checks for each day
The pictures below show a tabular report of two objects

Reports can be sorted by any column, thereby analyzing the numbers, in the picture sorting by Input

Reports can be sorted by any column, thereby analyzing the numbers, in the picture sorting by Conversion


Date - the date the data was displayed.
Name - the name of the level.
Entrance - the sum of entries per day.
In. rev. - the dynamics of the change in the input to the previous day.
Output - the sum of outputs per day.
Ex. rev. - the dynamics of the change in the output to the previous day.
Mean - The average value between input and output.
Wed rev. - the dynamics of the change in the average value.
Revenue - revenue from the facility per day, in rubles.
Amount of checks, rub. - the number of checks from the object per day.
Average check, rub. - average bill per buyer, in rubles.
Buyers - the number of buyers relative to visitors, in percent.

Calculation depth 10 minutes Hour Hours Days Month Months Year Years

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