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Sales conversion: what it is and how to calculate it. What is sales conversion? Definition, formula and calculation example

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Advertising companies on the Internet are good because they make it possible to track your conversion, the effectiveness of each channel and understand how much the company earned. Therefore, it is important to know how to calculate website conversions. The problem is that not everyone knows how to calculate conversions correctly.

Read in the article:

  • What is website conversion
  • How website conversion is calculated
  • How to calculate other metrics (CPA, CTR, ROI)
  • How to check conversion

What is website conversion

First you need to clearly understand what exactly you need from advertising. A goal like "Increase Site Conversion" will not work. You need to clearly understand how much you are willing to pay for one client and how many clients you are willing to process at the moment. Set realistic goals for your website, store.

What the desired actions can be on the website:

  • Purchase of goods, ordering services;
  • Registration of visitors;
  • Subscription to the newsletter;
  • A certain amount of time spent by a site visitor;
  • A certain number of web pages viewed by visitors. That is, the viewing depth;
  • The number of people who returned to the site, etc.

You can also calculate the micro-conversion of visitors on the website. For example, clicking on a link, watching a video, scrolling down a page, etc. These are also valuable because they indicate some level of interaction with the site. Such small actions of visitors can be useful in a usability site audit. Small items also need to be tracked in web analytics.

Conversion site is the percentage of site visitors who completed the desired action.

Conversion allows you to understand how effective your site is, your online sales.

How website conversion is calculated

The calculation is carried out using a simple formula.

How to calculate website conversion formula

= (the number of visitors who made the target action divided by the total number of all visitors) and multiplied by 100%.

How is conversion measured?
Site conversion is measured as a percentage (%)

How to find out the conversion of a store?
It's simple.

Consider an example: with a budget of 20,000 rubles. for contextual advertising and with a traffic of 1000 people receive 50 calls per day. Then your conversion will be 5 percent. That is, the calculation is as follows: (50 calls / 1000 people) * 100% = 5%.

An example of calculating website conversion

Let's look at another example of how website conversion is calculated. More clearly.

  • The total number of unique visitors is 1000 people.
  • The number of views of goods or services - 200. At this stage, 30 people called you.
  • The number of goods / services added to the cart is 100 pcs. Another 20 visitors called.
  • Paid for the order - 70 visitors.
  • As a result, we get: there were 30 + 20 = 50 calls in total in our sales funnel. Of these, 30 paid visitors.

Conversion site = ((70 people + 30 people) / 1000 people) * 100% = 10 percent.

Thus, you will find out which advertising channel is more effective for your store. Invest more money there. Where site conversion is low, you should check the quality of your traffic. Is your advertising campaign tuned to the target audience?

How to calculate other indicators

Let's consider a few points, namely, what opportunities are given to us by information on how to calculate the conversion of a site.

If you use contextual advertising to attract web traffic to your site, then you know exactly the cost of one visitor. Those. how much money do you pay for one attracted customer. Based on these indicators, you can understand whether contextual advertising is beneficial.

CTR is a measure of the quality of your ads. Click-through rate. How attractive your ads are to visitors. The calculation is also quite simple.

CTR = (the number of clicks on your ad divided by the total number of impressions) * 100%

Search engine promotion site

If you use search engine promotion to attract traffic, then you either again know the exact cost of one visitor (if the payment goes for clicks, as in traffic promotion), or you can calculate this cost.

It is calculated easily (formula): you take the cost of promoting one request to the top and divide it by the number of people who came from this request.

Conversion in Yandex Metrica- the number of visits within which the target action took place.

  • Transition cost;
  • Client cost;
  • Client's profit.

With this table, you can determine how profitable it is for you to invest in the Internet, that is, find your ROI (return on investment) in Internet marketing.

ROI formula

= ((Internet Marketing Profit - Internet Marketing Investments) / (Internet Marketing Investments)) * 100%

  • If ROI
  • If ROI = 100%, then income = expenses.
  • If ROI> 100%, then website sales grow.

What is a good conversion?

The conversion rate depends on many factors: the subject of the business, prices, competition, on the offered goods and services. For example: If a store sells cheap goods (pizza, stationery, ice cream, etc.), where there is no need to make serious decisions, then the conversion will be higher. Compared to a store that offers expensive goods (buying an apartment, household appliances, a car, etc.). But this does not mean that such a conversion ratio will also be in profit.

For example: Website traffic - 1,000 people, conversion for apartment sales - 10%, then the company with such an indicator will receive a huge profit. And it will be absolutely normal. And for a pizza shop, this would be considered a small conversion, with low margins.

What is the normal conversion rate?
There are no standards, no universal numbers. Each industry has its own conversion.

The conversion is considered good- if your current value exceeds the value for the previous period.

How to check website conversion

2 popular counters will help you set up and check website conversions at any time.

  • Yandex Metrica -
  • Google Analytics -


Now you know the answers to all questions. Knowing the conversion will allow you to find out more information about the effectiveness of your site, your sales, the cost of one customer attracted from different advertising channels, as well as ROI (return on investment).

Wish you high sales!

P.S. If you need a professional look at your site, then this is the place for you to increase online sales without increasing your advertising budget.

  • Select the desired action.
  • Calculate the conversion of the site.
  • Start improving the site to increase conversion.

Read other helpful articles

The meaning of the word "conversion" depends on the scope of its application. In Internet marketing, this is the name for the ratio between all site visitors and those who performed the target action: indicated an e-mail, registered for a webinar, etc. In online advertising, conversion is the ratio of banner impressions to clicks by reference. And in traditional sales, the conversion rate is the ratio between the number of all customers who showed interest in your product and those who made a purchase.

According to experts, all promotion work in the company is aimed precisely at increasing this indicator.

Counting on our fingers: calculating sales conversion

Most often this indicator is measured as a percentage, however, simple fractions can also be used. Let's try to calculate the sales conversion rate, the formula is very simple:

(Actual Clients / Potential Clients) * 100%

Let's consider: for example, this month you had 2000 closed trades, and only 2 of them were won. This means that the conversion is 0.1%:

(2/2000) * 100% = 0,1%

If we assume that the company from our example worked on the mistakes and was able to bring not 2, but 200 out of 2,000 potential buyers to a sale, then the conversion will increase to 10%:

(200/2000) * 100% = 10%

Please note that when calculating the conversion, only closed trades (won and lost) should be taken into account, since sales are still possible on open trades in the future.

Thus, we have counted overall conversion rate... If your cycle of work with a client includes several stages, forming a sales funnel, then you can calculate the conversion for each stage.

Similarly, you can calculate the conversion separately:

  • for each manager - we identify who is selling well and who needs additional training or a motivating kick;
  • for each sales channel - for example, an online store brings so many percent of customers, and a physical one - so and so;
  • for each product or service - something sells better, and something worse with a similar base of potential customers;
  • for each location - somewhere your services are in demand more, somewhere less.

Why We Need to Know This: Putting Conversion into Practice

As you understand, there is a conversion at every step of the sales funnel, and if you count them all, you get a huge set of numbers. What to do with it now?

1. "We fix" weaknesses in the sales process

By understanding how to calculate the conversion rate of sales, and knowing its exact indicators, you can find and fix mistakes in the work of the company. Have you found that the manager has a large part of the clients "merged" during the cold call stage? - and things will go better. Have you found that customers respond well to cold calls, but “fall off” at the presentation stage? This means that the presentation needs to be finalized.

For example, like this:


Measuring the effectiveness of innovations

Knowing the starting point makes it easier to assess the effectiveness of any change. Have you made adjustments to your sales funnel? Have you changed the layout of your site? Gave managers new scripts? This will immediately affect the conversion: if the indicators have grown, you are on the right track.

Dave Garr, co-founder of UserTesting, in a survey of the analytical platform Kissmetrics:
- We increased the speed of our website - and the conversion increased by 73%!

Blake Williams, cofounder of Keepsy, in a survey by analytics platform Kissmetrics:
- So far, nothing has increased our conversions more than the fact that we "stuck" in the middle of the site two big green buttons with a call to action.

We forecast costs

Let's say you sell 5 units of a product per week, and you want to sell 25. Having tracked the conversion, you understand that to sell 5 units you had to call 50 customers. So, to sell 25, you need to make 250 cold calls. Now you know exactly what task to set for managers in order to achieve the desired result and you can calculate how many resources will be required for this: in this case - 5 managers with a plan of 50 calls each.

It could be even simpler: we use a CRM system

The CRM system will help to simplify the work with conversion. Honestly, you may not even know how to calculate the sales conversion: the smart program itself analyzes the data online and displays visual reports. For example, to analyze a sales funnel, a special diagram is used: it indicates how many deals are at each stage of work and what is their sum.

Screenshot of a report on transactions in the system

Moreover, the CRM system allows you to detail the data of the funnel. For example, to display in it the deals not of the entire sales department, but of an individual manager. Or specify only those deals whose clients came from a specific source. This way you can compare the performance of different employees, search for more effective advertising channels, and much more.

You do not need to personally collect and analyze information - the CRM system will do it for you. It also contains the entire set of tools you need to quickly take action. Right now you can appreciate the convenience of working in CRM, in the program.

Conversion rate- a special indicator that reflects the ratio of positive results in any process to general indicators for a specific period of time.

Scope and essence of the conversion rate

The conversion rate parameter is used in various fields of activity:

1. Conversion rate in the stock market used for convertible securities such as preferred stock or bonds. Here Is the total number of ordinary shares that the owner of the security will receive upon completion of the "call" option on the convertible assets. Often, the conversion rate is presented as the exchange rate for the assets being converted.

The essence of converted securities (most often bonds) is that they can be exchanged for ordinary shares of the issuing company. The conversion rate may vary, depending on the type of securities, the success of the issuer and other factors.

The agreement contains a number of conditions for convertible assets, for example, the total number of shares, the method of calculating the number of assets for which the bond will be exchanged. For example, a conversion rate of 30: 1 means that each bond can be exchanged for 30 blocks of shares. There are situations when a clause on a likely change in the conversion rate is included in the agreement. Although, in practice, this is rare.

The main risk of convertible assets is that the issuing company can withdraw its own at any time, that is, force the owners to convert into shares or vice versa. In this case, the current conversion rate is always used in the calculation, and the procedure itself is called a forced conversion.

2. Conversion rate in trade used much more often. With its help, you can compare the results obtained (in financial terms) in comparison with the total flow of customers. At the same time, the achieved result is assessed taking into account the goals set by the company.

Conversion rates are relevant today :

- for shopping centers and shops... Here, the parameter shows the ratio of the total number of purchases to the total number of visitors to the store. By this indicator, one can indirectly judge how well the showcase is organized, how the staff works, whether it is convenient for the buyer to choose the product, and so on;

- for commercial sites and online stores a positive result is an increase in the number of visitors who become regular subscribers and readers. Moreover, the more people wrote a letter or made a product, the better the site itself and the higher the conversion rate.

The key indicator for calculating the ratio is the number of interested customers, that is, people who are interested in the product, but have not yet made a purchase. Thus, by the conversion rate, you can judge how well the site is performing, and not specifically the service managers or the sales department. For example, a person may be interested in a product and even call the manager, but for some reason refuse to buy. At the same time, the conversion rate remains unchanged.

In practice, the conversion parameter is of key importance for Internet resources. With its help, you can calculate the real efficiency of the site and take timely measures to improve its quality;

- for non-commercial sites. Here, the conversion rate shows how many people have solved their problems by visiting the site. To calculate this parameter, as a rule, the following parameters are taken into account - the volume of comments on the site, the number of subscribers, the number of people who downloaded certain files, the number of users who tested all the capabilities of the resource.

In general, a number of factors affect your conversion rate. :

- resource competitiveness... It takes into account the terms of delivery, price level, uniqueness, form of payment, popularity of goods or services, and so on. The level of competition and the total number of participants offering similar products are of direct importance;

- functionality- page loading speed, ease of use of the site's capabilities, interface accessibility, navigation quality, and so on;

- the number of audience. This aspect takes into account the intentions of customers, their motivation.

Calculation and methods of increasing the conversion rate

In practice, the conversion rate is most often calculated in the retail industry. With its help, you can determine the efficiency of the outlet.

Can be distinguished several ways to calculate the conversion rate (depending on the line of business) :

1. Conversion rate in a real store. This parameter allows you to assess how well the showcase is designed, whether the basic principles of merchandising are followed, whether the sales area is conveniently organized. To calculate the conversion rate in this case, special visitor counters are used.

With their help, you can calculate how many people passing by are interested in the design of the shop window. Further, the readings of the external counter are compared with the counter at the entrance to the store. It is very simple to sum up. For example, if hundreds of people walked past a shop window, and only a few people went inside, then this is an unsatisfactory result. In this case, you need to think about making significant changes.

Further, it is estimated what percentage of visitors who entered the store made real purchases. For example, 500 people visited the store per day. 10 of them bought something. In this case, the conversion rate is calculated using the formula - (10/500) * 100% = 2%.

In practice, for retail outlets in large centers, the optimal conversion rate is 10% or more. In this case, the parameter can change, depending on a number of parameters - the item of trade, the location of the shopping center and even the floor.

To increase the conversion rate, a whole range of work is being carried out to improve the quality of the design of the retail space, the correct placement of goods, the correct design of the shop window, and so on. To attract attention, any promotions, bonuses and so on can be organized.

2. Conversion rate in the online store allows you to determine the proportion of visitors who perform any actions on the site or make purchases. Here, the calculation of the conversion rate can be done in several ways:

- general conversion formula, which is used by most analysts is as follows:

Conversion rate = (Number of visits with conversions / Total number of visits) * 100% = 42/1880 * 100% = 2.23%.

The disadvantage of the above formula is that it gives too average indicators and may not be suitable for all sites. Having calculated the conversion rate in this way, it is difficult to determine the real state of affairs of the site;

- second calculation option is made taking into account the fact that conversions can be one-time or repeated for a specific visitor. For example, registering on a resource is a one-time conversion that can occur only for one user.

Therefore, instead of the above formula, it is better to use another one:

Conversion rate = (One-time conversions / Visitors) * 100% = 42/1311 * 100% = 3.2%.

In practice, this calculation allows you to get a higher conversion rate;

- in-depth calculation is possible only with a detailed analysis of the accounting of visits to the resource through Google Analytics. For example, every time you access a resource page, special cookies are generated. The most important of these is __utmb. Its task is to track the number of visits and users. This file "lives" for about thirty minutes. If the visitor does not take any action on the site for more than this time, then he "dies". Thus, when calculating the conversion rate, it is not advisable to use direct transitions to the site that have a further refusal. As a rule, the number of such transitions is about 10-15%;

- method of analyzing sessions without failure... In this case, calculating the conversion rate allows you to conclude how good the selling site is as a whole. To highlight the required parameter, you can use a special segment - “sessions without failures”. The calculation in this case is as follows:

Conversion rate = (Number of visits with conversion / Number of visits without refusal) * 100%.

Increasing the conversion rate allows you to increase the number of visitors who will perform a certain action on the site, for example, buy a product or take another action.

Wherein the conversion rate optimization process is carried out in several stages :

1. Research is underway. Here it is important to collect data about the company and the site's operation, understand the tasks that the organization is trying to solve, highlight the unique features of the offer, understand the intricacies of selling, and analyze traffic.

2. A hypothesis is formulated. At this stage, you need to understand what parameters are checked and why, who and where to check. Based on the data received, a decision is made to introduce certain changes.

3. Experiment. Here you can not only plan changes, but also calculate their potential effectiveness. In particular, it is important to decide whether adjustments will be effective, whether they will do more good than harm, and whether they are realistic.

4. Implementation... Here all ideas come true.

5. Evaluation. It remains only to assess how effective the conversion rate increase was.

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Your business can do better and make more money. You already know that. But! He can do it right now.

That is, with the initial data that we have now. All you need is to increase the conversion rate of your sales. What it is and how to get the most out of it, we will analyze in this article without cats and complicated words.

It is the conversion of sales and its increase that affects the fact that more buyers turn from potential to real.

This indicator is included in the TOP-5 mandatory for calculation. And how to do it in a store, sales office, showroom or even an online store, read on.

Oh, these concepts

Since I do not really like theory, I propose to round off with it. The only thing I want to tell you more is that currently there are many types of conversions.

However, I will highlight three main types that are most common, and which should be known as a prayer for any businessman:

  1. Conversion in advertising. This is the ratio of the number of hits / clicks on an ad to the number of impressions for that ad.
  2. Offline conversion. This is the ratio of the number of buyers to the number of people who entered the shopping area.
  3. Conversion on the site. This is the ratio of people who have performed the targeted action on the site to the number of all visitors.

Based on this, the main conclusion can be drawn. If your company uses several platforms (store, online store and office), then there will be several sales conversions and the data on them will differ.

Also, how will the conversion differ in the context of: product, target audience, region, etc. But first, start counting the minimum and simple steps, and only then go deeper.

An important addition. In business, when it comes to conversion, it is usually referred to as part of a sales funnel. Therefore, be sure to check out our article. Believe me, all this together will change the way you look at your business.

We count and forget

In our materials, we constantly reiterate that business is, first of all, numbers, not feelings.

There is a small amount of luck, but everything else is based on very real facts. And the more indicators you own, the easier it is to manage, control and develop it.

For example, how much target customers come to your advertising company or how well your salespeople work.

But! I'll be honest with you, conversion rate is not the main metric in marketing. He is important, but not the main one.

The most important thing is profit. And if every second person buys from you, but the average bill is three kopecks, then there is no point in calculating the conversion in this case.

Therefore, as already said, it is imperative to calculate the sales conversion, so you will see a lot of useful information. But conversions can be deceiving.

Always check the purity of the analysis with such additional indicators as: trade length, net profit.


Therefore, there is no ideal conversion rate in the market. Everyone will have their own. And in order to determine it, you take the first metrics from your business for a month, after which you make it a minimum plan and look for ways of development.

Introduce innovations and then look at the result. If everything goes up, then you have a new minimum bar. And so on in a loop.

Boosting methods

Recently, we have received a lot of thanks that there is a lot of sensible in our articles thanks to practical information that people can take and apply here and now.

By tradition, this article will not be an exception. And I will give some universal advice for all kinds of contacts. They will not cover the topic fully, but they will be a nice addition.

  1. Count the number of people. Both those who came and bought. Do this daily. This can be done manually or using special systems and services.

    For completely newbies, you can use the online spreadsheet in Google.Docs, which your fighters will keep, and you will see and check every day.

  2. Simplify your sales. Make navigation nice, selling price tags and. For some, this will sound trite and perhaps even a mockery, but most businesses still do not have it.
  3. Simplify your purchase. Add the possibility of buying with a card, credit or installment plan. It will be especially relevant if it is an installment plan from the store.

    For example, one of our clients introduced a similar installment plan for 4 months. The results exceeded all expectations. The no-refund rate barely exceeds 10%, while the conversion rate (especially for expensive products) increased by 20%.

  4. Organize a competition. If you have 2-3 shifts or 2-3 sales managers, then arrange a competition between them for the highest conversion.

    The meaning of the competition is that the one who has a higher conversion within a certain period of time will receive a prize.

    The only thing is, make sure that there is no collusion between these comrades, otherwise your whole idea will go to dust. More details in our article "".

  5. Add more contacts. You should have not only the phone number of the region where the office / warehouse is located, but also a free 8-800, e-mail.

    You need to make this path as easy as possible at every step. For example, on the site, remove a huge number of fields in the application form or make a call to your company without unnecessary actions with an answering machine.

  6. Implement sales scripts. The conversion of sales in the work of the staff can be easily increased by training to effectively communicate with customers.

    But you most likely do not have this. But in vain. When an employee works according to the structure of an ideal salesperson, the conversion rises.

Briefly about the main thing

When we talk about a new blog article, we choose for a long time what to write. In the case of sales conversion, we didn't think long.

It is imperative to count the conversion. Without any conversations, objections and other things. Whatever the staff say, no matter how much you dislike this innovation, implement, track and constantly work to increase the conversion of sales.

But remember about the text you read above, namely the "conversion can be deceiving" section.

This indicator is gorgeous and if you have not counted anything before, you will be surprised at the results. And if you already count, then rather go deeper and see this indicator in the context of people, products, advertising channels, time, place, etc.

Many marketers are wondering: "What is a good conversion rate for my landing page?" But the answer is not so easy.

Conversion rates depend on many factors, including your industry, offering, and marketing strategy. Hotel reservations in the travel industry are a type of conversion that differs significantly from leads in the healthcare industry. Therefore, you can evaluate your achievements only within your own field of activity.

To make this easier, Unbounce has prepared a report with data on averages and trends across various industries. To do this, in each of the categories, they analyzed the performance of thousands of landing pages.

With this information, you can easily determine whether your performance is “good” or “bad”. Also below you will find recommendations on from leading experts.


For the first report, Unbounce chose the 10 most popular industries. They are represented online by over 2,500 brands and marketing agencies.

Unbounce analyzed the behavior of 74,551,421 visitors on 64,284 landing pages. As a result, the largest industry turned out to be business services (26.5%), followed by such spheres as healthcare (12.8%), real estate (11.28%), business consulting (10.1%), lending ( 9.71%), higher education (8.16%), home improvement (7.16%), jurisprudence (5.45%), tourism (4.77%) and professional development (4.06%).

Conversion rates for the listed industries were as follows:

It's worth noting that companies use a wide variety of landing page texts, traffic generation strategies, and offers. This is why the average conversion rates across industries vary significantly.

The most successful in generating leads were the travel, lending, business consulting and professional development industries. The average conversion rate for them is over 12%. But for real estate, higher education and healthcare, a conversion above 6% can be considered excellent.

After analyzing the indicators of different industries, the experts identified the following patterns:

  • 6 out of 10 industries (real estate, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement, and law) have higher conversion rates if the text is written as simply and understandable as possible, even for schoolchildren.
  • For most industries (tourism, real estate, business services, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement), it is better to use short texts, the conversion rates are higher for them.
  • Using words that build trust can help increase conversion rates in tourism and business services, but lower conversion rates in lending.
  • Awakening a sense of fear in the text of a landing page leads to lower conversion rates in most industries with the exception of business consulting.

Unbounce took a closer look at the metrics for each industry, highlighting the following:

  1. Information about converting pages within the industry.
  2. Data about the different aspects of a page's text that affect conversion rates.

Below you will find data for each of the 10 industries listed above.

1. Tourism

  • Below average - 2.1%
  • Medium - 5.0%
  • Very good - 11.6%
  • The best - 19.7%

45.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with conversion rates below 2.1%. If your page has a conversion rate of over 19.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • In this industry, the availability of text for understanding does not significantly affect the conversion, but still it is better to use simple and understandable texts on landing pages.
  • Short landing pages convert better in this industry. Try to be short and to the point.
  • Be positive. If even 1% of the text will cause feelings of fear or anger (limited, money, endless, hot, challenge), you risk losing up to 25% of conversions.
  • Use words that build confidence (enjoyment, ideal, best, guide, economy). 7-10% will be enough to increase conversion rates by 20%.

2. Real estate

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.3%
  • Medium - 2.9%
  • Very good - 5.3%
  • The best - 8.7%

41.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.3%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 8.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • For texts written at grade 6, conversion rates are almost double that for university-level texts. Use an accessible language.
  • Be brief. Long landing pages have 33% lower conversion rates than short ones.
  • Less negative. If more than half of your copy is going to evoke a sense of fear (sublime, problem, risk, difficult, mortgage), you could hurt your conversions.

3. Business consulting

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.8%
  • Medium - 5.0%
  • Very good - 12.1%
  • The best - 21.7%

37.3% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.8%. If your page has a conversion rate of over 21.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Texts written at grade 7 and below convert much better.
  • Using more than 1.5% of text to create a sense of anticipation (predict, achievable, achieve, excel, differ) can lead to a drop in conversion rates of up to 25%.
  • Pay attention to the length of the text. For every additional 250 words on the page, you risk 20% fewer conversions.
  • Using words that generate feelings of dislike (guilt, deception, destruction, distress, violation) can hurt conversions.

4. Business services

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.4%
  • Medium - 3.5%
  • Very good - 7.2%
  • The best - 13.0%

36.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 13.0%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Be as short as possible. Pages with less than 100 words convert 50% better than those with more than 500 words.
  • In this industry, the complexity of the language and the awakening of different ones have little effect on conversion rates.
  • The only exception is a sense of trust. If more than 8% of the text will build reader confidence (governance, system, content, real, politics), you can increase your conversion rates.

5. Lending

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 2.0%
  • Medium - 5.6%
  • Very good - 11.0%
  • The best - 17.9%

43.8% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.0%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 17.9%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Simplify the page as much as possible. For texts written at grade 8 and below, conversion rates are 5% -30% higher.
  • Don't use more than 400 words. And if your text is less than 100 words, you can double your score.
  • Set aside no more than 3% of the text for words that strengthen confidence (trust, personal, economy, advice, law). If you go beyond these limits, you can lose up to 10% of conversions.
  • Words that subconsciously cause fear (mortgage, power of attorney, bankruptcy, insolvency, government) reduce conversion rates. If they make up more than 0.25% of the text, then you can lose up to 15% of conversions.

6. Healthcare

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.4%
  • Medium - 2.9%
  • Very good - 5.8%
  • The best - 9.3%

45.0% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • The complexity of the text does not significantly affect conversion rates in this industry.
  • Be brief. Pages with over 750 words convert 30% fewer visitors than pages with 500 words.
  • Every percentage of text that causes fear (pain, loss, injury, treatment, surgery) can reduce conversions by up to 10%.

7. Higher education

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.1%
  • Medium - 2.6%
  • Very good - 5.3%
  • The best - 9.3%

42.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.1%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Higher education is the only industry in which college-level and grade 7 writing are equally effective.
  • On average, texts less than 125 words in length have 15% higher conversion rates. At the same time, if you compare pages with 250 words and 750 words, the conversion rates for them are approximately equal.
  • Use at least 5% of the text to create a sense of joy (successful, improve, get, scholarship, achievement) to increase conversions.

8. Home improvement

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.4%
  • Medium - 3.3%
  • Very good - 6.9%
  • The best - 11.7%

45.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 11.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Using words that evoke joy (save, friendly, clean, perfect, safe) can hurt conversions. It is better to use no more than 1% of such expressions.
  • Avoid any aggressive words (money, limited, stable, damage, harmful).
  • Don't use words to create a sense of anticipation or persuasion (time, money, attitude, efficient, pay). Pages with 2% of similar words have half the conversion rate of those without them.
  • Be as brief as possible. Texts with 100 words convert 30% better than texts with 250 words.

9. Jurisprudence

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 1.4%
  • Medium - 3.3%
  • Very good - 7.1%
  • The best - 11.2%

39.7% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 11.2%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • In this industry, language complexity doesn't affect conversion rates.
  • It is best to use about 250 words in the text to get the best results.
  • Using 5% - 10% positive words will help increase conversion rates (experienced, expert, advocacy, fairness, information). However, don't overdo it.
  • Only no more than 1% of words that cause fear (deed, criminal, divorce, injury, accident) will not harm the conversion. Their more frequent use can reduce the rates by up to 15%.

10. Professional development

Conversion rates for the industry:
  • Below average - 2.5%
  • Medium - 6.1%
  • Very good - 11.8%
  • The best - 18.4%

47.9% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.5%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 18.4%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Simplify your text as much as possible. But don't be afraid to use terms where necessary.
  • The highest conversion rates are for texts between 300 and 400 words.
  • Avoid overusing positive words (career, information, learn, professional, knowledge). Even 5% of these expressions can cut your conversion rates in half.
  • The fewer words that cause joy (development, success, income, confidence, ideal), the better. Even 1.5% of these words can lead to a decrease in conversions of up to 40%.
  • Also, including even 0.5% of words intended to create a sense of surprise (awesome, unique, art, reward, successful) in the text can reduce conversion rates by up to 40%.

Use this data to make a general assessment of the state of affairs in different industries. But remember, your business, your marketing is unique, your landing page is unique. Therefore, what works in your industry on average may not work for you. Be sure to test all hypotheses to optimize your conversion rates as efficiently as possible.

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