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  • Komsomolskaya Pravda read the online archive. Radio kp web camera

Komsomolskaya Pravda read the online archive. Radio kp web camera

Lane 1

  • Newspaper headline: "We All Won't Die!"

    Alexander Evsin - Head of the Situation Center, Deputy Head of the TsODD (Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government). At the moment, the shift on duty is involved in large-scale anti-epidemiological measures in the city - in particular, it ensures the organization of traffic in the area of ​​construction of a new infectious diseases hospital.

  • Newspaper headline: Putin refused to "run in a herd"

    In the conditions of modern warfare, the task of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is to direct actions against the enemy from a well-protected bunker somewhere deep in the rear. However, the coronavirus is a very insidious, but at the same time, very specific enemy. The president can also meet with him face to face - of course, while at the same time dressed up in an epidemiological overalls.

  • Moscow Region medicine against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the number of infectious beds, purchasing resuscitation equipment, inviting additional doctors and nurses to work. At the same time, the governor of the region, Andrei Vorobyov, appealed to residents with a request not to risk their health in vain. This is especially true for the elderly.

  • Newspaper Headline: Eat, Pain, Pay

    Any catastrophe, cataclysm, epidemic is a time when people mobilize, support each other, help in any way they can. Special sympathy and attention at such moments is expected from the state - after all, we pay taxes to it and have the right to protection.

  • Newspaper Headline: Getting sick at home is easy

    As of March 25, 410 COVID-positive patients were recorded in Moscow. The increase in the number of cases has led to the emergence of a new decree of the Department of Health, according to which only severe patients will be hospitalized, as well as patients from risk groups (over 65 and chronic patients), and the lungs will be treated at home. Experts believe that this is the only way to avoid the development of events according to the Italian scenario.

Band 2

    The Moscow Union of Journalists has long been fighting for the decision to erect in the city a monument to journalists who died in the line of duty. Mayor Sobyanin signed the corresponding decree back in 2016, but the exact location has not yet been determined. Most likely, it will be Nikitsky Boulevard - next to the House of Journalists.

  • Newspaper Headline: Criminal Quarantine

    Next week, the State Duma will pass a bill on huge criminal fines and imprisonment for up to 7 years for "violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules", which led to massive illness or death of people. For those who did not give a damn about quarantine, but did not infect anyone, severe administrative penalties will be prescribed separately.

  • Newspaper Headline: Vacation Canceled, But You Don't Fuss

    About a third of domestic travel companies will leave the market this summer. Maya Lomidze, Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), spoke about this. Losses of outbound tourism may amount to 25 billion rubles, inbound tourism - 12 billion. But these are only preliminary estimates of the possible consequences.

Band 3

  • Newspaper headline: Distant payment is red

    The coronavirus has transferred all Russian students to distance learning, and it looks like this system will continue until the summer. On Wednesday, Education Minister Valery Falkov suggested that universities postpone practices and sessions to a later date and prepare for the fact that the final certification will also need to be carried out remotely.

  • Newspaper headline: A terrible dream of a salesman

    The coronavirus has already left Muscovites without entertainment, fitness and travel. The last bastion, reminding the townspeople of normal life before the pandemic, is shopping malls and supermarkets. The correspondent of "MK" found out how they protect themselves from the virus and what are those who are afraid of those who stand behind the counter every day and serve hundreds of visitors.

  • Newspaper headline: New attack - "mouse" fever?

    It looks like the world is waiting for another attack, and again - from China. A resident of Yunnan province became the first Chinese citizen to die of a new virus - hantavirus. This was announced on Wednesday by Chinese Central Television. As it turned out, Rospotrebnadzor knows about this firsthand, and in recent years, massive outbreaks of the disease caused by hantavirus have been recorded. Russian scientists have explained who is the carrier and how often people suffer from it.

  • Newspaper headline: "State of Siege" by Camus

    I dream of staging this play. Immediately. Right now. It is called - "State of Siege". The author is Albert Camus. For this play and other works he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Long ago, already in 1957. Parable. The tone is sublime. The vocabulary is eloquent. Irony in everything.

Lane 5

Band 6

  • Newspaper Headline: Two Weeks No COVID Test

    In the Stavropol Territory, the scandal continues to unfold with the infection of Irina Sannikova, a freelance adviser to the Minister of Health on infectious diseases. The lady left for Spain in the midst of the epidemic, upon her return she did not isolate herself, talked with hundreds of people, and then ended up in intensive care on a ventilator: COVID-19.

  • Newspaper headline: Patriarch's Ponds: renovation against the will of the townspeople

    Moscow is rapidly emptying and self-isolating, but some construction projects are going on as usual. For example, on the Patriarch's Ponds around the famous pavilion, a massive fence has appeared: they are usually not erected unless major works are planned outside the building. Let us remind you that a month ago, city rights activists and residents of the Patriarchs were already worried about the repairs that had begun inside the pavilion. And the owner of the object assured that he would do without distorting its appearance.

  • In addition to health risks, the coronavirus infection brought with it other economic consequences to Moscow. Due to the transition to self-isolation, the profits of temporarily closed fitness clubs and theaters inevitably decrease, beauty salons and restaurants are fighting for each client. Everyone is concerned about one question: what to do with the payment of rent and taxes for this unsuccessful period? Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin proposed several solutions to business, and also announced targeted support measures.

  • Newspaper headline: Moscow deals new blow to coronavirus

    Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin on Wednesday, March 25, signed a new decree that should increase social distancing by reducing "optional" contacts between people.

Strip 7

  • Newspaper Headline: Tango in an Oil Swamp

    The oil war that erupted after the collapse of the OPEC + deal is in full swing. The participants - oil producing countries - exchange blows every day. As it turned out, US President Donald Trump supported Saudi Arabia, which, by increasing oil supplies, is going to oust Russia from the global black gold market. Although cooperation between the Saudis and the Americans looks tempting, Washington and Riyadh are unlikely to be able to quickly reach an agreement.

  • Newspaper headline: Konstantin Bogomolov against broadcasts

    While all theaters have turned on online broadcasts of their performances (for money and for free), the new leader of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Konstantin Bogomolov, says: "We will not offer video broadcasts of our performances." Although he himself launches his own online project - BrONAIR.

Lane 1

  • Newspaper headline: "We All Won't Die!"

    Alexander Evsin - Head of the Situation Center, Deputy Head of the TsODD (Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government). At the moment, the shift on duty is involved in large-scale anti-epidemiological measures in the city - in particular, it ensures the organization of traffic in the area of ​​construction of a new infectious diseases hospital.

  • Newspaper headline: Putin refused to "run in a herd"

    In the conditions of modern warfare, the task of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is to direct actions against the enemy from a well-protected bunker somewhere deep in the rear. However, the coronavirus is a very insidious, but at the same time, very specific enemy. The president can also meet with him face to face - of course, while at the same time dressed up in an epidemiological overalls.

  • Moscow Region medicine against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the number of infectious beds, purchasing resuscitation equipment, inviting additional doctors and nurses to work. At the same time, the governor of the region, Andrei Vorobyov, appealed to residents with a request not to risk their health in vain. This is especially true for the elderly.

  • Newspaper Headline: Eat, Pain, Pay

    Any catastrophe, cataclysm, epidemic is a time when people mobilize, support each other, help in any way they can. Special sympathy and attention at such moments is expected from the state - after all, we pay taxes to it and have the right to protection.

  • Newspaper Headline: Getting sick at home is easy

    As of March 25, 410 COVID-positive patients were recorded in Moscow. The increase in the number of cases has led to the emergence of a new decree of the Department of Health, according to which only severe patients will be hospitalized, as well as patients from risk groups (over 65 and chronic patients), and the lungs will be treated at home. Experts believe that this is the only way to avoid the development of events according to the Italian scenario.

Band 2

    The Moscow Union of Journalists has long been fighting for the decision to erect in the city a monument to journalists who died in the line of duty. Mayor Sobyanin signed the corresponding decree back in 2016, but the exact location has not yet been determined. Most likely, it will be Nikitsky Boulevard - next to the House of Journalists.

  • Newspaper Headline: Criminal Quarantine

    Next week, the State Duma will pass a bill on huge criminal fines and imprisonment for up to 7 years for "violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules", which led to massive illness or death of people. For those who did not give a damn about quarantine, but did not infect anyone, severe administrative penalties will be prescribed separately.

  • Newspaper Headline: Vacation Canceled, But You Don't Fuss

    About a third of domestic travel companies will leave the market this summer. Maya Lomidze, Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), spoke about this. Losses of outbound tourism may amount to 25 billion rubles, inbound tourism - 12 billion. But these are only preliminary estimates of the possible consequences.

Band 3

  • Newspaper headline: Distant payment is red

    The coronavirus has transferred all Russian students to distance learning, and it looks like this system will continue until the summer. On Wednesday, Education Minister Valery Falkov suggested that universities postpone practices and sessions to a later date and prepare for the fact that the final certification will also need to be carried out remotely.

  • Newspaper headline: A terrible dream of a salesman

    The coronavirus has already left Muscovites without entertainment, fitness and travel. The last bastion, reminding the townspeople of normal life before the pandemic, is shopping malls and supermarkets. The correspondent of "MK" found out how they protect themselves from the virus and what are those who are afraid of those who stand behind the counter every day and serve hundreds of visitors.

  • Newspaper headline: New attack - "mouse" fever?

    It looks like the world is waiting for another attack, and again - from China. A resident of Yunnan province became the first Chinese citizen to die of a new virus - hantavirus. This was announced on Wednesday by Chinese Central Television. As it turned out, Rospotrebnadzor knows about this firsthand, and in recent years, massive outbreaks of the disease caused by hantavirus have been recorded. Russian scientists have explained who is the carrier and how often people suffer from it.

  • Newspaper headline: "State of Siege" by Camus

    I dream of staging this play. Immediately. Right now. It is called - "State of Siege". The author is Albert Camus. For this play and other works he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Long ago, already in 1957. Parable. The tone is sublime. The vocabulary is eloquent. Irony in everything.

Lane 5

Band 6

  • Newspaper Headline: Two Weeks No COVID Test

    In the Stavropol Territory, the scandal continues to unfold with the infection of Irina Sannikova, a freelance adviser to the Minister of Health on infectious diseases. The lady left for Spain in the midst of the epidemic, upon her return she did not isolate herself, talked with hundreds of people, and then ended up in intensive care on a ventilator: COVID-19.

  • Newspaper headline: Patriarch's Ponds: renovation against the will of the townspeople

    Moscow is rapidly emptying and self-isolating, but some construction projects are going on as usual. For example, on the Patriarch's Ponds around the famous pavilion, a massive fence has appeared: they are usually not erected unless major works are planned outside the building. Let us remind you that a month ago, city rights activists and residents of the Patriarchs were already worried about the repairs that had begun inside the pavilion. And the owner of the object assured that he would do without distorting its appearance.

  • In addition to health risks, the coronavirus infection brought with it other economic consequences to Moscow. Due to the transition to self-isolation, the profits of temporarily closed fitness clubs and theaters inevitably decrease, beauty salons and restaurants are fighting for each client. Everyone is concerned about one question: what to do with the payment of rent and taxes for this unsuccessful period? Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin proposed several solutions to business, and also announced targeted support measures.

  • Newspaper headline: Moscow deals new blow to coronavirus

    Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin on Wednesday, March 25, signed a new decree that should increase social distancing by reducing "optional" contacts between people.

Strip 7

  • Newspaper Headline: Tango in an Oil Swamp

    The oil war that erupted after the collapse of the OPEC + deal is in full swing. The participants - oil producing countries - exchange blows every day. As it turned out, US President Donald Trump supported Saudi Arabia, which, by increasing oil supplies, is going to oust Russia from the global black gold market. Although cooperation between the Saudis and the Americans looks tempting, Washington and Riyadh are unlikely to be able to quickly reach an agreement.

  • Newspaper headline: Konstantin Bogomolov against broadcasts

    While all theaters have turned on online broadcasts of their performances (for money and for free), the new leader of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Konstantin Bogomolov, says: "We will not offer video broadcasts of our performances." Although he himself launches his own online project - BrONAIR.

Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda is an information and conversation radio station. The station broadcasts news about the main events in Russia and the world. Frequent guests in the studio are politicians, leading economists, political scientists and businessmen, famous musicians and directors. On the air, the presenters receive calls and read out SMS from those wishing to speak.

Radio KP web camera live

  • The broadcasting frequency of the radio station in Moscow: 97.2 FM

Past broadcasts, radio station archive, broadcasts, guests in the studio, live concerts

Radio KP is a network information and conversation radio station that went on the air in 2009.

    More than 800 journalists (including international affairs) of the famous "Komsomolskaya Pravda" are working on the air of the radio station. News releases tell about the main events in Russia and the world.
    Political scientists and businessmen, leading economists, famous musicians and directors often come to the studio, discuss the most pressing and topical topics with journalists from the Publishing House KP and experts.

Particular attention is paid to the opinion of radio listeners: on the air, the presenters receive calls and read out SMS from those wishing to speak. More than 50 copyright programs and special projects are regularly aired.

Synergy Publishing House KP and all its projects (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Sovetsky Sport, Football weekly, Express Gazeta, website, press center) are the basic platform for creating a unique radio station.

    Cities and broadcasting frequencies of Komsomolskaya Pravda

    - Moscow - 97.2 FM

    - Abakan - 105.3 FM

    - Almetyevsk - 97.2 FM

    - Barnaul - 106.8 FM

    - Belgorod - 90.7 FM

    - Biysk - 100.9 FM

    - Bratsk - 99.5 FM

    - Vladivostok - 90.4 FM

    - Vladimir - 104.3 FM

    - Volgograd - 96.5 FM

    - Vologda - 99.2 FM

    - Voronezh - 97.7 FM

    - Gubkin - 88.6 FM

    - Donetsk - 106.0 FM

    - Yekaterinburg - 92.3 FM

    - Zlatoust - 89.3 FM

    - Izhevsk - 107.6 FM

    - Irkutsk - 91.5 FM

    - Kazan - 98.0 FM

    - Kaliningrad - 107.2 FM

    - Kamyshin - 90.7 FM

    - Kemerovo - 89.8 FM

    - Kerch - 103.6 FM

    - Kirov - 88.3 FM

    - Krasnodar - 91.0 FM

    - Krasnoyarsk - 107.1 FM

    - Lipetsk - 103.7 FM

    - Miass - 89.8 FM

    - Find - 107.2 FM

    - Nizhny Novgorod - 92.8 FM

    - Novosibirsk - 98.3 FM

    - Noyabrsk - 104.0 FM

    - Orichi - 87.9 FM

    - Perm - 96.6 FM

    - Cockerels - 105.5 FM

    - Pyatigorsk - 88.8 FM

    - Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk - 89.8 FM

    - Salavat - 100.4 FM

    - Samara - 98.2 FM

    - Sarapul - 96.4 FM

    - Saratov, Engels - 90.6 FM

    - Sayanogorsk - 102.3 FM

    - Sevastopol - 107.7 FM

    - Serov - 89.5 FM

    - Simferopol - 107.8 FM

    - Stavropol, Armavir - 105.7 FM

    - Sterlitamak - 100.4 FM

    - Tver - 99.3 FM

    - Tyumen - 99.6 FM

    - Ulan-Ude - 90.4 FM

    - Ussuriysk - 99.4 FM

    - Khabarovsk - 88.3 FM

    - Chelyabinsk - 95.3 FM

Lane 1

  • Newspaper headline: "We All Won't Die!"

    Alexander Evsin - Head of the Situation Center, Deputy Head of the TsODD (Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government). At the moment, the shift on duty is involved in large-scale anti-epidemiological measures in the city - in particular, it ensures the organization of traffic in the area of ​​construction of a new infectious diseases hospital.

  • Newspaper headline: Putin refused to "run in a herd"

    In the conditions of modern warfare, the task of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is to direct actions against the enemy from a well-protected bunker somewhere deep in the rear. However, the coronavirus is a very insidious, but at the same time, very specific enemy. The president can also meet with him face to face - of course, while at the same time dressed up in an epidemiological overalls.

  • Moscow Region medicine against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the number of infectious beds, purchasing resuscitation equipment, inviting additional doctors and nurses to work. At the same time, the governor of the region, Andrei Vorobyov, appealed to residents with a request not to risk their health in vain. This is especially true for the elderly.

  • Newspaper Headline: Eat, Pain, Pay

    Any catastrophe, cataclysm, epidemic is a time when people mobilize, support each other, help in any way they can. Special sympathy and attention at such moments is expected from the state - after all, we pay taxes to it and have the right to protection.

  • Newspaper Headline: Getting sick at home is easy

    As of March 25, 410 COVID-positive patients were recorded in Moscow. The increase in the number of cases has led to the emergence of a new decree of the Department of Health, according to which only severe patients will be hospitalized, as well as patients from risk groups (over 65 and chronic patients), and the lungs will be treated at home. Experts believe that this is the only way to avoid the development of events according to the Italian scenario.

Band 2

    The Moscow Union of Journalists has long been fighting for the decision to erect in the city a monument to journalists who died in the line of duty. Mayor Sobyanin signed the corresponding decree back in 2016, but the exact location has not yet been determined. Most likely, it will be Nikitsky Boulevard - next to the House of Journalists.

  • Newspaper Headline: Criminal Quarantine

    Next week, the State Duma will pass a bill on huge criminal fines and imprisonment for up to 7 years for "violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules", which led to massive illness or death of people. For those who did not give a damn about quarantine, but did not infect anyone, severe administrative penalties will be prescribed separately.

  • Newspaper Headline: Vacation Canceled, But You Don't Fuss

    About a third of domestic travel companies will leave the market this summer. Maya Lomidze, Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), spoke about this. Losses of outbound tourism may amount to 25 billion rubles, inbound tourism - 12 billion. But these are only preliminary estimates of the possible consequences.

Band 3

  • Newspaper headline: Distant payment is red

    The coronavirus has transferred all Russian students to distance learning, and it looks like this system will continue until the summer. On Wednesday, Education Minister Valery Falkov suggested that universities postpone practices and sessions to a later date and prepare for the fact that the final certification will also need to be carried out remotely.

  • Newspaper headline: A terrible dream of a salesman

    The coronavirus has already left Muscovites without entertainment, fitness and travel. The last bastion, reminding the townspeople of normal life before the pandemic, is shopping malls and supermarkets. The correspondent of "MK" found out how they protect themselves from the virus and what are those who are afraid of those who stand behind the counter every day and serve hundreds of visitors.

  • Newspaper headline: New attack - "mouse" fever?

    It looks like the world is waiting for another attack, and again - from China. A resident of Yunnan province became the first Chinese citizen to die of a new virus - hantavirus. This was announced on Wednesday by Chinese Central Television. As it turned out, Rospotrebnadzor knows about this firsthand, and in recent years, massive outbreaks of the disease caused by hantavirus have been recorded. Russian scientists have explained who is the carrier and how often people suffer from it.

  • Newspaper headline: "State of Siege" by Camus

    I dream of staging this play. Immediately. Right now. It is called - "State of Siege". The author is Albert Camus. For this play and other works he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Long ago, already in 1957. Parable. The tone is sublime. The vocabulary is eloquent. Irony in everything.

Lane 5

Band 6

  • Newspaper Headline: Two Weeks No COVID Test

    In the Stavropol Territory, the scandal continues to unfold with the infection of Irina Sannikova, a freelance adviser to the Minister of Health on infectious diseases. The lady left for Spain in the midst of the epidemic, upon her return she did not isolate herself, talked with hundreds of people, and then ended up in intensive care on a ventilator: COVID-19.

  • Newspaper headline: Patriarch's Ponds: renovation against the will of the townspeople

    Moscow is rapidly emptying and self-isolating, but some construction projects are going on as usual. For example, on the Patriarch's Ponds around the famous pavilion, a massive fence has appeared: they are usually not erected unless major works are planned outside the building. Let us remind you that a month ago, city rights activists and residents of the Patriarchs were already worried about the repairs that had begun inside the pavilion. And the owner of the object assured that he would do without distorting its appearance.

  • In addition to health risks, the coronavirus infection brought with it other economic consequences to Moscow. Due to the transition to self-isolation, the profits of temporarily closed fitness clubs and theaters inevitably decrease, beauty salons and restaurants are fighting for each client. Everyone is concerned about one question: what to do with the payment of rent and taxes for this unsuccessful period? Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin proposed several solutions to business, and also announced targeted support measures.

  • Newspaper headline: Moscow deals new blow to coronavirus

    Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin on Wednesday, March 25, signed a new decree that should increase social distancing by reducing "optional" contacts between people.

Strip 7

  • Newspaper Headline: Tango in an Oil Swamp

    The oil war that erupted after the collapse of the OPEC + deal is in full swing. The participants - oil producing countries - exchange blows every day. As it turned out, US President Donald Trump supported Saudi Arabia, which, by increasing oil supplies, is going to oust Russia from the global black gold market. Although cooperation between the Saudis and the Americans looks tempting, Washington and Riyadh are unlikely to be able to quickly reach an agreement.

  • Newspaper headline: Konstantin Bogomolov against broadcasts

    While all theaters have turned on online broadcasts of their performances (for money and for free), the new leader of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Konstantin Bogomolov, says: "We will not offer video broadcasts of our performances." Although he himself launches his own online project - BrONAIR.

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