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Computer networks setting up servers and workstations. Opening the "Network Connections" folder

If your computer is equipped with a network Ethernet card, then after configuring it (see p., a special system folder network ... Opening it double click, we get the window shown in Fig. 12. By trying to open the icon The whole network in this window, we get the result shown in Fig. 13. This suggests that access to local network is missing, and the reason for this is most likely because the workstation is not configured to work on the network.

The procedure for setting up the network is as follows.

By clicking right key mouse on the folder network to summon context menu and choose a team Properties Another way: Start - Programs - Settings - Control Panel - Network.;

In the opened window Net(fig. 14) on the tab Configuration check what devices and protocols are installed on this workstation... If the computer is from network devices has only network card If the computer is also equipped with a modem, the window may contain additional lines for remote access, but it is preferable to configure remote access in a different way (see below)., then the tab should contain one line corresponding to this device, one line corresponding to the TCP / IP protocol, and a line corresponding to the client program for working on the Microsoft network. In addition, it may contain the line: File and Printer Sharing Service Microsoft networks ... If this line is not there, then press the button Access to files and printers and in the window that opens (Fig. 15), check the boxes responsible for making the files and printers of this workstation available to other computers on the network;

· for settings network addresses allocated network administrator , highlight the line TCP / IP and press the button Properties... In the opened window TCP / IP properties(fig. 16) there are several tabs. If this network does not have DHCP server automatically allocating addresses to workstations, then on the tab IP address(Fig. 16) fill in the IP address and subnet mask fields. If the addresses in the network are allocated automatically, then you must set the appropriate selector;

In the tab Gateway(fig. 17) fill in the field of the address of the server acting as a gateway and press the button Add There can be several gateways .;

In the tab DNS configuration(fig. 18) turn on the selector Enable DNS, record the workstation and domain names recognized by the DNS server, as well as the server's IP address DNS DNS servers there can also be more than one. and close the window TCP / IP properties;

In the tab Identification window Net(fig. 19) fill in the fields Computer name, Working group and Description of the computer. Computer name- it network name computer, that is, the name under which this workstation will be visible on the network. Working group is a union of workstations belonging to one organizational unit. Computer Description- this is a comment that will allow you to determine the belonging of a workstation if the network name is not informative enough;

Configuring workstations

In order to join workstations to the domain, do the following.

Go to the computer properties on the “Computer name” tab and click the “Change” button. In this window, specify the new computer name (if necessary) and the visan.local domain.

After that, you will need to specify the name and password of an account with rights to join the domain.

And if everything is specified correctly, then we will see the following window in which there will be an inscription “Welcome to the visan.local domain”. Then you will need to restart your computer.

After restarting the computer, when you log into Windows, you will need to provide the username and password of the user that we created earlier in Active Directory... This completes the configuration of connecting the workstation to the domain. The same must be done with the rest of the workstations.

Setting up Internet access

After the modem is physically connected to the central hub of our LAN via the Ethernet channel and to the line telephone connection according to the ADSL standard, you need to configure it.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Launch a web browser and address bar type the IP address of the modem (by default, after which we should see a window with an invitation to enter the password.

2. After entering the password, we will get to home page modem web configurator.

3. Going to the Network - LAN page, on the IP, DHCP Setup, Client List tabs, configure the IP address of the modem and the subnet mask; set up a DHCP server (the initial IP address for the DHCP server and the number of IP addresses to be distributed); add a list of clients (indicating IP and MAC addresses network card).

5. Then we configure the firewall to Security page- Firewall - General. We permit (permit), deny (drop), or do a reject (reject) on the transmission of packets. V in this case the reject property allows you to configure the rules for transmitting packets over TCP / IP for each user individually.

At this stage, the modem configuration is completed. Now, in order to make sure that the modem is configured correctly and its firewall is working, we will ask the provider to attack our IP address. Our modem successfully repels an attack (port scanning), and we can assume that the LAN is secured against intrusions from outside.

Internet access for LAN users through a proxy server

Proxy server (from the English proxy - "representative, authorized") - a service in computer networks allowing clients to make indirect requests to others network services... First, the client connects to the proxy server and requests some resource (such as a file) located on another server. Then the proxy server either connects to the specified server and gets a resource from it, or returns a resource from its own cache. In some cases, the client's request or the server's response can be changed by the proxy server in certain purposes... Also, a proxy server allows you to protect a client computer from powerful network attacks.

Proxy servers are used for the following purposes:

· Providing access from computers of the local network to the Internet.

Data caching: if you frequently access the same external resources, then you can keep a copy of them on the proxy server and issue them on request, thereby reducing the load on the channel during external network and speeding up the receipt of the requested information by the client.

Data compression: a proxy server downloads information from the Internet and transmits the information end user in a compressed form. Such proxy servers are used mainly to save external traffic.

Protection of the local network from external access: for example, you can configure the proxy server so that local computers will access external resources only through it, and external computers will not be able to access local ones at all (they "see" only the proxy server).

Restricting access from a local network to an external one: for example, you can deny access to certain websites, restrict the use of the Internet to some local users, set quotas for traffic or bandwidth, filter ads and viruses.

· Anonymization of access to various resources.

  • Tutorial

Good afternoon everyone. I would like to tell you about installation and configuration Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials. This article is not a call for the ubiquitous Windows installation or propaganda Microsoft products... I would just like to tell you about an interesting product and maybe someone will be interested in this product and come in handy in their work. I tried to write the article for an unprepared reader, so there is a minimum of terminology and a maximum of generalization of some concepts.

A little about the Essentials edition
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials is one of the server operating system editions from Microsoft... However, it has many differences from the Standard and Datacenter editions. What Essentials can do:
  1. Authorization and authentication of users on your network (domain service controller Active directories Directory)
  2. File Storage (File Server Role)
  3. Remote access to corporate network(VPN and DirectAccess server)
  4. Remote access to file storage via the web interface (configured for this IIS)
  5. Remote access to desktops of client machines (Remote Desktop Gateway)
  6. Backing up client machines (windows backup)
  7. Backing up the server itself (windows backup)
  8. Integration with cloud technologies Microsoft (Office 365, Azure backup, etc.)
  9. Essentials unified configuration console, which will allow you to configure the capabilities described above even for an inexperienced system administrator.
To summarize, the Essentials edition has the majority Windows Roles Server. Some of these roles are configured, some are available in in full some like Hyper-V with severe limitations. Compensation for all these limitations is more low price included 25 client licenses, centralized and easy setup... I would also like to point out that the licensing process is very different. You can use this edition only for organizations where the number of users does not exceed 25. But again, you do not need to purchase any client licenses.
This makes Essentials very well suited for small organizations that would like to use most of the modern solutions to ensure the security of a corporate network, storage of documents, remote access, possibly postal systems... For those organizations that do not want to spend a lot of money both on the IT infrastructure itself, and on the work of highly qualified system administrators.
Installation and initial setup
Installing this OS is quite standard procedure... If you have ever installed Windows Vista/7/8/8.1, then you can install Essentials without any problems. However, if you have not installed any of the above OSes or any of latest versions server OS, then I recommend either trusting a professional or at least a sophomore.
The only thing I would recommend at the time of installation, if you have one hard drive, is to split it into two partitions. Those. make it so that after installation in the system there is a second already formatted HDD... Of course, this is only a recommendation, you can prepare the second disk in the future, but you will have to transfer some folders.
After the first login to the newly installed OS, the "Configure Windows Server Essentials" wizard will start, which will guide you through the initial configuration.

In the first step, you need to configure the date and time settings.

In the second step, you need to fill in on English language Company name. The domain name and server name will be generated automatically in this case, although of course you can change them.

On the next step you need to fill in the administrator name and set his password.

At the last step, you must specify the method of updating the operating system and click configure

After that, a process will start that will make all the necessary initial settings... It will take about 30 minutes and will require several reboots. During this time, the OS will have time, in particular, to install the necessary roles and configure the server as a domain controller for the new domain.

The product is very large and extensive, I would like to tell you about the most basic capabilities settings such as creating users, configuring remote access, creating folders, connecting clients.
All configuration takes place in the dashboard, you can access it from the desktop, the panel quick launch and the start screen.

User creation
When you start this panel for the first time, you will be presented with the installation tab, where you can perform a number of server configuration tasks.
I'll start by adding users. We click the link to add accounts.

Choosing the level of access to shared folders that were created. On the initial stage there is only one - the Organization. In the future, you can change access permissions both from the user properties and from the folder properties.

The account has been created. We press close.

Many accounts can be created in this way. Of course, you can use both the familiar and familiar Active Directory Users and Computers interface, but in this case you will have to issue permissions with pens.

Adding Server Folders
To add folders, there is another wizard that will help you create a folder on disk, and general access configure for it, and issue permissions. To launch it, you need to click the corresponding link in the dashboard.

In the wizard window that opens, enter the name. You can change the location and add a description. Click on next.

On the next page indicate the required permissions. If necessary, we make it inaccessible for remote access.

WITH last step from this wizard, you can run the Backup Configuration Wizard. Click close.

Setting up remote access
One of the most difficult stages Windows settings Server 2012R2 Essentials. The setting is also done with the help of the wizard. The wizard is traditionally launched from the dashboard.

The first thing you need to configure is your router - the wizard informs you about this. Actually you need to configure port forwarding on your router. To do this, the router must have a "white" IP address. And on the server itself, it is better to configure a static IP address. You need to redirect the following ports 80, 443, 1723, 987 to the IP address of your server. In general, the setup procedure can be performed by the wizard itself, if your router supports UPnP. I did the adjustment with the knobs, so I skipped this step.

After that it opens new master domain name settings. Click on next.

The wizard will prompt you to enter an external domain name or create a new one. For your own domain, you will need a certificate, so let's consider here the option of setting up using a Microsoft domain. Choose a different domain name and click next.

Consider the option with a Microsoft domain.

Enter the domain name and check the availability, click configure.

Well, that sorted out with the domain name. We continue - further.

Choosing which features will be available.

We choose whether remote access will be available for current users.

Well that's all you can try to go to the site

From this website it is possible to access shared folders and access user desktops.

Connecting workstations
If we open the dashboard this time and go to the page for connecting computers, we will see there only instructions for action.

Following the instructions on the client in the browser, open the page http: //<Имя сервера>/ connect. Click on the download link.

We choose to execute.

We accept the license and wait.

Enter username and user password this computer or administrator. I entered the user account.

We reboot the server.

We choose who will use the computer.

We enter a description of the computer.

Archiving options.

Hooray! Ready.

We go to the computer under a user account.

You can work. The desktop already has all the necessary shortcuts.

Post scriptum
Of course, Windows Server 2012R2 Essentials is not a panacea. Much is automated in it, but not everything. However, for small organizations, it is very interesting solution and it needs to be considered. In this article, I have only talked about the most basic settings Essentials. If you would like to get to know the product a little closer, you can watch my video reports on the website.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials first look: - here you can carefully study the Essentials installation process.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials setting: - considered setting up all the features, showing setting up remote access for your domain.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Office 365 integration: - integration with cloud office from Microsoft.

WSUS Update Server is well known for being flexible and convenient tool organizing a centralized update of systems and products from Microsoft. With its help, you can not only control the distribution of patches and collect information about the security of the entire network, but also significantly save external traffic.

The SUS / WSUS server installed on one of the computers in the local network replaces Microsoft Update and periodically syncs with the Microsoft site by downloading administrator-approved updates. Client systems with Automatic Updates installed and configured accordingly do not download patches, drivers, and service packs directly from Microsoft Update, but from internal server... This approach has several advantages, the main ones being: total control for updates and saving traffic. The latter is achieved due to the fact that updates from the Microsoft website are downloaded only once. Since all files are located on the local network, the installation of updates is much faster (it is important when it comes to fixing critical errors and vulnerabilities in the corporate environment).

To set the WSUS server for client computers necessary:

All settings must be made with administrator rights!

2. In the object editor group policy expand the nodes Computer configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows components and select Windows Update .

3. In the details pane, double-click the Specify intranet Microsoft update service location.

4. Set the mode Included and enter url WSUS server in both fields Specify an intranet update service to search for updates and Specify a statistics server on the intranet, to do this, enter in both text fields and press the button OK.

5. If there is a need to configure other parameters, change them at your discretion (there is a detailed description for each parameter on the explanation tab)

So, you have successfully installed the operating system on your computer. Windows system Server 2003 (you can read about the installation process). There is a fun set-up process ahead, which you can easily walk through with this illustrated guide. Of course, you are free to choose the order of these procedures, but here they are presented in the optimal sequence that allows you to achieve your goal in the shortest way. Let's get started.

The first step is to turn off the password prompt when logging into the system. In the "Start" menu, select "Run", and enter the command control userpasswords2:

A dialogue will appear ", Accounts users ", in which it is necessary to uncheck the box" Require username and password ",:

After clicking OK, the system will ask for the current (valid) password.

Politics Windows security 2003 provides control over reboots and shutdowns of the machine. In everyday life, this is unnecessary, so let's turn off this function... Using the above method, we issue the gpedit.msc command:

The MMC console will open, in which you need to find the parameter "Display event tracking dialog" ,. Look at the screenshot for where to find it:

It needs to be given the state "Disabled".

You can't just take advantage of additional drives, such as USB Flash disks. They need to be forced to assign free letters from "Disk Management" ,. However, the function auto mount volumes can be included. We type diskpart

will open command line, in which you should type automount enable:

After hitting Enter confirmation will appear

The automount parameter was first introduced in Windows Server 2003. Don't try to set it in Windows XP, it won't work.

For convenience, you can disable driver signature verification. This is done from the "System Properties" dialog, which can be invoked by the WIN + Break key combination

Checking is disabled by selecting the appropriate item and pressing OK.

It should be remembered that this action carries a certain risk that could entail unstable work equipment.

If you have an expensive or slow Internet connection, it may be wise to opt out of Windows services Update.

Select "Never use Windows Update to find drivers" and click OK.

After clicking on the button "Options", we get to "Performance Options", where on the tab ", Visual effects", you can customize appearance... Experience shows that the use of items ", Use typical tasks for folders ",

", Casting shadows on desktop icons", ", Show window contents while dragging", and "Show transparent rectangle on selection", creates additional comfort while working without causing a noticeable decrease in performance.

After clicking on the "Apply" button, go to the "Advanced" tab, where the main parameters of performance control are located.

In the section "Allocating Processor Time", the choice should be made in favor of programs. For the section "Memory Usage", not everything is so simple. Systems with a small amount random access memory it is shown to optimize the work of programs. If the memory is 512 MB or more, it may be worth optimizing the work system cache... In this case, switching between applications will be faster.

Let's go to the "Data Execution Prevention" tab. If you are experiencing application problems causing the message "Memory cannot be read", select "Enable DEP for essential Windows programs and services only"

Using the function ", Error Reporting", on home computer under Windows control Server 2003, to put it mildly, is doubtful ...

You can disable the function like this:

Very different attitudes of users towards automatic updates systems. Usually, users who do not have unlimited Internet access disable this feature. We are also of this opinion. ", System Properties", tab ", Automatic Updates",

Now let's take a look at the desktop and screen settings. Right button mouse on the desktop, call the context menu, in which we select "Properties" ,. Next, go to the "Screen" tab.

Using the button "Desktop settings", we will call a new dialog.

In it, we mark those elements, the presence of which on the desktop we need.

Going to the "Screensaver" tab, you should uncheck the "Password protection" item, if you do not want to re-enter this same password every time after several minutes of inactivity.

The ", Power" button will open the power saving settings.

In many cases, they can be skipped to the owners stationary computers but if you have a laptop, a visit is a must.

On the "Sleep" tab, check the box if necessary.

After that, go back to the "Advanced" tab, and uncheck the box that appears "Prompt for a password when exiting sleep mode".

On the "Power Schemes" tab, make the settings according to your needs. Clicking the OK button will take us back to the screen properties settings. Let's go to the "Options" tab, and then click on the "Advanced" button.

Attention! This is a very important part of the setup. If you skip it, you will not be able to use the computer's graphics card to its full potential. Open the "Diagnostics" tab and move the "Hardware Acceleration" slider to the maximum.

In addition to the actual hardware acceleration, thanks to this procedure, we become available settings video cards, you can see them later, after installing the drivers.

Default Internet Explorer pretty aggressive. On the network server, this is justified, since the risk of infection by viruses and hacker attacks, but for everyday use unacceptably. Therefore, you should remove the Enhanced Security Configuration. From the control panel open "Add or Remove Programs".

By pressing the button, Install Windows components", we will get a window for selecting components. Uncheck the box", Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration ",

What's next? For many programs, it turns out to be critical that there are some libraries that were not initially in the system. We recommend that you immediately, so as not to experience any difficulties later, install the following components available for download (link):

If you want to install skins from other (non-Microsoft) manufacturers, you will need next file, which should replace the existing one:

(dll files are installed simple copying to the% SYSTEMROOT% \ System32 directory)
Today it is just as difficult to do without the .NET Framework, so let's install it as well:

The latest version of NET.Framework 3.5 SP1 can be downloaded.
If you need support for the 4th version of NET.Framework, download it.

Now you can install the device drivers. It should be noted that not all hardware officially supports server systems, so if during the installation of drivers you see a message like this

just click the "Yes" button. As a rule, there are no problems after that.

From the "Start" menu, go to administration, where select "Services". The corresponding snap-in will open. Need to run Windows Audio, Image Download Service (WIA), and if you want to use XP themes, Themes service. How to do this can be seen below:

Finally, you need to enable DirectX acceleration. Type in the dialog "Run", dxdiag, and then "DirectX Diagnostic Tool" will open, in which you need to go to the "Display" tab,

Press successively on all available buttons to enable acceleration. Go to the "Sound" tab, on which put the full hardware acceleration audio.

Now in the Control Panel find "Sounds and Audio Devices". Check the checkbox "Show icon in the taskbar" ,.

The setup is complete.

When installing programs not intended for server platforms, you may have some difficulties. As one of the possible solutions, you can try the NTSwitch utility, which makes changes in the system that mislead the installer of the program. Most likely, a normal boot will follow, then boot the computer into safe mode and install the program. Then put the system back into server mode. Attention! This is a violation license agreement! Moreover, this action can lead to a complete inoperability of the OS! Proceed at your own peril and risk!

Solving migration problems already installed system for new equipment is described in the article

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