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Computer device. The main components of the computer

6 Personal computer device 1

6.1 Basic hardware configuration of a personal computer 1

6.1.1 System unit 1

6.1.2 Monitor 2

6.1.3 Keypad 2

6.1.4 Mouse 4

6.2 Internal devices of the system unit 5

6.2.1 Motherboard 5

6.2.2 Hard disk 5

6.2.3 Floppy disk drive 6

6.2.4 CD-ROM drive 7

6.2.5 Video card (video adapter) 7

6.2.6 Sound card 9

6.3 Systems located on the motherboard 9

6.3.1 RAM 9

6.3.2 Processor 10

6.3.3 ROM Chip and BIOS 12

6.3.4 Nonvolatile memory CMOS 12

6.3.5 Mainboard bus interfaces 13

6.3.6 Functions of the microprocessor set (chipset) 14

6.4 Personal computer peripherals 14

6.4.1 Character data input devices 14

6.4.2 Command control devices 15

6.4.3 Graphics Input Devices 15

6.4.4 Output devices 16

6.4.5 Storage Devices 17

6.4.6 Communication devices 17

  1. Personal computer device

    1. Basic hardware configuration of a personal computer

A personal computer is a universal technical system. His configuration(equipment composition) can be flexibly changed as needed. However, there is a concept basic configuration, which is considered typical. This kit usually comes with a computer. The basic configuration is subject to change. Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration (Fig. 3.1):

System unit;



      1. System unit

The system unit is the main unit within which the most important components are installed. Devices located inside the system unit are called internal, and devices connected to it externally - external. External additional devices for input, output and long-term storage of data are also called peripheral.

In appearance, the system units differ in the shape of the case. Cases of personal computers are produced horizontally (desktop) and vertical (tower) execution. Vertical enclosures are distinguished by their dimensions:

full-size (big tower), mid-size (midi tower) and small (mini tower). Among the cases with horizontal design, there are flat and especially flat (slim).

In addition to the shape, a parameter is important for the body, called form factor. The requirements for the placed devices depend on it. The previous standard for personal computer enclosures was the form factor AT, v currently mainly used form factor enclosures LTH. The form factor of the case must be consistent with the form factor of the main (system) board of the computer, the so-called motherboard(see below).

Personal computer cases are shipped with a power supply, and thus the power supply capacity is also one of the chassis parameters. For mass models, a 250-300 W power supply is sufficient.

      1. Monitor

Monitor is a device for visual presentation of data. This is not the only possible, but the main output device. Its main consumer parameters are: type, size and pitch of the screen mask, maximum refresh rate, protection class.

Today, the most common monitors are of two main types based on cathode ray tube (CRT) and flat-panel liquid crystal (LCD). CRT monitors provide the best image quality, but LCD monitors are favored by their compactness, low weight, ideally flat screen surface.

Monitor size measured diagonally between opposite corners of the visible portion of the screen. The unit of measurement is inches. Standard sizes: 14 ", 15"; 17 ", 19", 20 ", 21". Currently, the most versatile are 15 "(LCD) and 17" (CRT) monitors, while 19-21 "(CRT) monitors are desirable for graphics operations.

The image on the screen of a CRT monitor is obtained as a result of irradiation of the phosphor coating with a sharply directed beam of electrons dispersed in a vacuum flask. To obtain a color image, the phosphor coating has dots or stripes of three types, glowing in red, green and blue.

To ensure that all three beams converge strictly to one point on the screen and the image is clear, a mask is placed in front of the phosphor - a panel with regularly spaced holes or slots. Some monitors are equipped with a vertical wire mask, which enhances the brightness and saturation of the image. The smaller the pitch between holes or slots (mask step), the clearer and more accurate the resulting image. The step of the mask is measured in fractions of a millimeter. Currently, the most common monitors with a mask pitch of 0.24-0.26 mm. Outdated monitors can have a pitch of up to 0.43 mm, which negatively affects the organs of vision when working with a computer. Higher priced models may have a value less than 0.24 mm.

On a liquid crystal monitor, an image is produced by the passage of white light from the backlight through the cells, the transparency of which depends on the applied voltage. The elementary triad consists of three green, red and blue cells and corresponds to one screen pixel. The diagonal size of the monitor and the screen resolution unambiguously determine the size of such a triad and, thus, the graininess of the image.

Refresh rate (refresh) image shows how many times in a second the monitor can completely change the image (therefore it is also called frame rate). This parameter depends not only on the monitor, but also on the properties and settings video adapter(see below), although the maximum capabilities are determined by the monitor.

The refresh rate is measured in hertz (Hz). The higher it is, the clearer and more stable the image, the less eye fatigue, the more time you can work with the computer continuously. With a refresh rate on the order of 60 Hz, fine flickering in the image may be visible to the naked eye. This value is considered unacceptable today. For CRT monitors, the minimum value is 75 Hz, the norm is 85 Hz and the comfortable value is 100 Hz or more. With LCD monitors, the image is more inertial, so flicker is automatically suppressed. For them, a refresh rate of 75 Hz is already considered comfortable.

Protection class the monitor is defined by the standard that the monitor complies with in terms of safety requirements. Currently, the following international standards are considered generally recognized: MPR- II, TSO-92, TSO-95, TSO-99(shown in chronological order). Standard MPR-II limited levels of electromagnetic radiation within the limits, safe for humans. In the standard TSO-92 these norms have been preserved, and in the standards TSO-95 and TSO-99 - tightened. Ergonomic and environmental standards first appeared in the standard TSO-95, and the standard TSO-99 set the most stringent standards for the parameters that determine the quality of the image (brightness, contrast, flicker, anti-reflective properties of the coating).

Most of the parameters of the image obtained on the monitor screen can be controlled programmatically. Software tools designed for this purpose are usually included in the system software suite - we will look at them when examining the operating system of a computer.

In our time, it is no longer possible to imagine your life without a personal computer. He has penetrated into all corners of our existence. Up to the point that some users spend days on it.

Five years ago, it was impossible to imagine what possibilities a personal computer would bring into our everyday life. Now you do not need to go to the Bank in order to make any payment. I think it will come to the point that you don't have to go to the store either. We will order everything via the Internet. I think that against this background, every non-advanced user should know the device of his computer, so in this article I will tell you what it consists of.

I will not go deeply, for an ordinary user it will be enough to know the main device. A deeper study requires separate large articles. If you still do not know anything and have no idea what components your PC consists of, then this article is for you, and then decide for yourself whether you need a deeper knowledge of its device or will get by with what you learn from this article.

So, the first thing to say about the device of a personal computer (I think everyone knows this, but for the sake of completeness of the article, you still need to talk about it).

The first is the system unit

And the first mistake of an inexperienced user is that they call him “Processor” (I don’t know why). R12 processor; this is completely different, and after reading the article to the end, you will understand that the system unit is not a processor.

Second, this is a monitor

I think there is no need to explain what a monitor is, everybody knows that.

Third is the mouse

With the help of it, almost all manipulations in the operating system are performed. The expression R12 even fits her; Without a mouse as without hands.

If anyone else does not know (which I doubt very much) there are two types of mice R12; wired and wireless. Both types of mice have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of wireless mice are that they do not have a wire, but the disadvantage is that you often have to change batteries very often (depending on their quality). For wired mice, everything is exactly the opposite.

Fourth is the keyboard

With the keyboard, everything is exactly the same as with the mouse, we can say they are inseparable friends and complement each other very well.

So, these were the main components of a personal computer without which work on it would not have been possible. There are also additional components, such as printers, scanners, webcams and other pribluda, which, in principle, are not so important for the functioning of a PC and are installed as needed.

Now let's look at the structure of the system unit. The basic element of a computer.

To find out what the system unit consists of, you need to look inside it, which inexperienced users are often afraid to do.

The main parts of the system unit

The first thing we see when opening the side cover of the PC is the motherboard.

Main parts of the motherboard:

1. Socket where the processor with the cooler is installed.

2. Connector for a video card.

3. Connector for RAM.

4. SATA connectors for connecting hard drive or DVD ROM.

5. Connector for power supply.

The second is the power side. This is how it looks like

He is responsible for powering all devices of the computer system unit.

The third is the video card. This is how it looks like

it looks like a more modern video card

The video card is responsible for displaying the image on the monitor. The more powerful your video card, the faster the video performance will be, especially for computer games.

Fourth is the hard drive

The hard drive is responsible for storing information. This is a kind of warehouse for yours, photos, films, music, etc. etc. In general, everything that you have on your computer is stored on your hard disk. (To make it completely clear, I will give an analogy of R12; the principle of a hard disk, like for example a video cassette, recorded something on it, so it will remain on it until you erase it)

Fifth, it's a DVD-ROM

I think there is no need to explain anything here. Everyone knows what a DVD-ROM is and what it is for.

And this is how the assembled system unit looks like.

1. The power supply is located here.

2. There is a cooler that cools the processor. Actually, the processor is located under it.

3. This is a video card

4 and 5. The hard drive is located here

6. There is usually a DVD-ROM.

In principle, this is the main device of a personal computer, which, in my opinion, every non-advanced user should know. At least in order to have at least some idea of ​​what it works on.

Today everyone is familiar with a computer. Even if he does not spend a lot of time with him, then at least sometimes he collides.

If you are faced with any problems with computers or laptops, you can contact us, our experienced masters will help you.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know the structure of the computer system unit, at least superficially.

After all, a computer (PC) has, for example:

  • work speed
  • performance
  • data storage

and it would be nice to know what they depend on and how to improve them.

Moreover, since information is stored on a PC, it is very important not to lose it. Knowing some of the rules, you can significantly improve the security of data storage, because no one would like to lose their accumulated home videos or photos, movie collections, important work data, and so on.

Therefore, we will consider the device of the system unit and find out what each component is responsible for and whether it can be improved or updated.

And so, the system unit (sistemnik, SB) is an iron box under the table, which contains the main parts of the PC.

It is thanks to them that we see everything that appears on the monitor screen. In order to get into the SB, you need to unscrew its side cover.

Inside it (in the standard version) holds:

  1. Power Supply
  2. Motherboard
  3. CPU
  4. RAM
  5. Video card
  6. Hard disk (hard drive)
  7. DVD disc drive

In general, these are all the details that are needed for the normal functioning of the PC. It is clear that there are also some other details inside (a separate sound card, an additional video card, etc.), but they are not so important for an ordinary user to understand well the structure of the computer's system unit.

Computer device. What does computer consist of?

Let's consider each detail separately, what it is for, whether it can be updated or improved, how to take care of them in order to extend their working time.

Let's start with the power supply unit (PSU). It is located, usually at the top left, and is an iron box with multi-colored wires.

It is needed to convert electric current from the outlet into the desired current for the parts inside. It should be said right away that when buying a power supply, in no case can you save on it. It depends on him how stable the system will work, and whether breakdowns will occur, including with data loss.

More details about choosing a power supply can be found in the article. In order to extend its normal operating time, you should pay attention to a special uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

It is needed so that when there is a surge or unstable current from the outlet, drown out this interference or convert it into a normal one, or even shut down the PC.

It was said for a reason, very often it is precisely because of the low-quality current in the electrical network that the PC parts fail.

Plus she connects them all and organizes joint work. It does not have important characteristics for ordinary users. Therefore, you can buy an inexpensive modern version. Of course, the purchase has its own nuances, so you can see more detailed information about motherboards.

It’s difficult to prolong her work from outside. Probably only if there is a good power supply and uninterruptible power supply, as described above.

Processor (percent, stone). It's brains, so to speak. It performs various computational and other operations.

For normal work on a PC (movies, small games, music, social networks), the simplest processor model is also suitable. But, if you want to play powerful games, such as GTA 5, then you need a productive copy.

The processor, due to its high power and impressive work, emits a lot of heat, which is what the above-described cooling system is provided for. That is, it heats up, and the radiator takes heat, and the cooler, in turn, blows over the radiator. Thus, we get a cooling of the core.

Many familiar problems are hidden here - the fan is noisy, the processor is heating up, you can read more about them by following the link Cleaning your computer from dust. Also, normal and long-term operation depends on a high-quality power supply unit and an uninterruptible power supply, plus cleaning from dust with replacement of thermal paste.

It is a good knowledge of the structure of the computer system unit that allows you to avoid problems with overheating.

Random access memory (RAM) is often confused with the permanent memory of a computer. Let's figure it out.

Random access memory from the word "operational", that is, fast, fast. This means that information is not stored for long. In a PC, RAM is needed to save data about operations while the PC is running. It is while it is working that all our actions, be it copying files, watching movies, playing games and other actions, go through the RAM.

The more there is, the more data it can skip. As soon as we turn off the computer, all data from the RAM is deleted.

Assembling the computer system unit. Assemble / Build system unit.

That is, we conclude that the RAM is needed while the PC is running, all the operations performed by us are carried out through it. And it has nothing to do with read-only memory (hard disk), on which information is remembered and stored after the PC is turned off. About her below.

Behind the system unit, a cable from the monitor goes to it. Responsible for displaying the image on the monitor (not to be confused with the monitor, it is needed to display the image that this card has already created). For non-demanding users (movies, music, small games, social networks), the simplest one, even a built-in mat, is suitable. fee.

If you need to run powerful modern games on a PC, then the video card must be correspondingly powerful. More details about their characteristics and advice on choosing when buying can be found in the article Which video card is better. You also need a good power supply, plus dust cleaning.

Here we are, in the question about the device of the computer system unit, got to a detail that, unlike RAM, stores information constantly (at least until it breaks down) - a hard disk (hard drive, screw).

Outwardly, it looks like a small iron box, to which two wires go. One from the power supply unit to give the required current for operation, and the second from the mat. boards in order to connect it to other devices for general operation.

We repeat, it is needed for the constant memorization of information. Does not tolerate shocks, falls, vibration due to its high-tech device and settings. It is important to avoid any drops, bumps, etc. Plus, as always, a good power supply is important.

A DVD disc drive is needed to read or write data onto magnetic disks. Now the need for this device is constantly falling, in view of the development of the Internet (everything is there, for what, something to write to discs) and an order of magnitude more convenient and fast flash memory, that is, ordinary flash drives for recording information.

These are the details that make up the computer system unit. This article provides an overview of these devices. Read about them in more detail in the links given next to them. After all, just reading them, you can solve a number of sometimes arising questions, for example, why the PC slows down, how to make powerful games start working, or how to assemble an inexpensive PC for movies, surfing and social networks.

Summing up, I would like to note that for a good long-term operation of the system unit, it is very important to choose a power supply and, if possible, purchase a good uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Of course, all other components should not come from cheap obscure manufacturers, plus balance is important.

If, for example, you have already decided to take action to purchase or update the configuration, then show the final version to someone else, for a side view. And so, in general, everything. We examined the issue - the structure of the computer system unit. We hope that the information presented will be useful to you and you will be more prepared in your further actions. Thank you for your attention.

Personal computer (PC) - it is an electronic computer that can be operated by a user who is not a professional programmer. It is characterized by a developed ("friendly") human-machine interface, small dimensions, weight, low price and versatility of use.

Modern computers are built on the principle of open architecture, which means that when designing a computer, only the principle of operation of a computer and its configuration (a certain set of hardware and methods of connection between them) are regulated and standardized. As a result, it becomes possible to assemble computers from individual assemblies and parts, developed and manufactured by independent manufacturers. The user can upgrade the computer and expand its capabilities with a variety of devices in accordance with their personal preferences.

The definitions are taken from the dictionary of computer terms by A.Ya. Friedland.

Motherboard - a printed circuit board made of dielectric material that controls internal connections and communicates via interrupts with other external devices.

Processor - an integrated microcircuit that processes information during the execution of a given program, and also controls the entire computing process and coordinates the actions of other devices of a computer . The processor includes a control unit, an arithmetic logic unit and a cache memory. (Processor characteristics - degree of integration, bit depth, clock frequency, type of connection, manufacturer).

Arithmetic logic unit(ALU) performs the main work of processing information stored in RAM. It performs arithmetic and logical operations. In addition, the ALU generates control signals that allow the computer to automatically choose the path of the computational process, depending on the results obtained. The ALU has a set of software-accessible high-speed memory cells called processor registers, constituting the basis of the processor architecture. Register- a device designed for intermediate storage of binary information in the process of performing computational operations, as well as for their transformation.

Control device - part of the central processor that generates a sequence of internal and external control signals distributed in time and space, ensuring the sampling and execution of instructions.

Processor instruction set

  1. Data transfer commands
  2. Arithmetic operations (the main one is addition: subtraction is reduced to addition, multiplication and division are performed using special commands)
  3. Logical operations: comparison, AND, OR, NOT; analysis of individual code bits, their reset and installation
  4. Shifts binary left and right
  5. Input and output commands for exchange with external devices
  6. Control commands that implement nonlinear algorithms: conditional jump, unconditional jump, subroutine call (jump with return), loop organization.

There are 2 directions for building a command system: CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer) - a computer with a full set of instructions; RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computer) - a computer with a limited set of instructions.

RAM (RAM, RAM) - a functional block that stores information for a control device (CU) - commands and for ALU - data of the currently executing program. Memory consists of cells capable of storing information. Memory cell- the repository of a piece of information in the computer's memory, available for processing by a separate command. The amount of information recorded or retrieved from memory in one call is called machine word. Random access memory is volatile, i.e. can store information only when the computer is turned on. (Modern RAMs: DDR SDRAM, RDRAM )

Persistent memory (ROM, ROM) - nonvolatile memory used to store programs and data required for internal testing of devices after the computer is powered on. Data in ROM is entered during the manufacture of the computer and is intended for permanent use by the processor.

Chipset - a set of integrated circuits installed on the motherboard to ensure the operation of the central processor with peripheral devices. The chipset includes controllers for the main connected devices of a multimedia computer (mouse, keyboard, sound processing, local network, etc.).

Bus - a set of electrical lines for the exchange of data between parts of a computer. Types of buses: local (connected to the processor pins), system (connecting controllers of external devices) and peripheral.

The interconnection of function blocks in a computer is carried out using the following bus system:

data bus, through which information is exchanged between computer units;

address bus, used to transfer addresses (numbers of memory cells or I / O ports that are being accessed);

control bus used to transmit control signals.

The combination of these three buses is called the system bus, system bus, or system interface. Physically, the bus is located directly on the motherboard and connects the processor, RAM, computer device controllers, as well as expansion connectors (slots) on the motherboard for connecting various I / O controllers. Expansion cards (cards) are inserted into these connectors, which either themselves represent a device or provide communication with other devices (i.e., they are controllers).

Types of tires:

System bus(ISA, PCI, AGP, PCI-e) is designed to provide data transfer between peripheral devices and the central processor, as well as RAM.

Local bus(FSB, BSB, DIB) is usually called the bus directly connected to the microprocessor pins, that is, the processor bus.

Peripheral buses(USB - Universal Serial Bus, Firewire 1394) are intended for connecting peripheral devices.

Tire characteristics: frequency, bit width, baud rate

External devices are connected via input-output ports (serial, parallel, gaming, keyboard), as well as through the outputs of peripheral buses USB or 1394.

Controller - device for controlling peripheral equipment and preprocessing processor data.

Display- an external device for input-output of information used to reproduce on the screen information in the computer memory in the form of texts and images. The display can be based on the following physical principles: based on a cathode-ray tube (monitor); gas plasma matrix (PDP); liquid crystal indicator (LCD); electroluminescent panel (FED); light-emitting diode matrices (LED); luminous polymer semiconductors.

Video adapter - a device (controller) that controls the display and provides the output of graphic images. Determines the resolution of the display, the number of colors. It may include video memory, signal converter, graphics accelerator.

Keyboard - an external device for manual data entry, presented in the form of a set of keys, which are divided into alphanumeric, command, function and cursor control. Specific operations can be programmed behind the command and function keys.

Modem(Maud ulator- dem Modulator) - a device that converts binary data into analog signals suitable for transmission over some analog communication channel, received analog signals back into digital form. It can be internal and external.

LAN card- a device for high-speed intercomputer exchange of digital information over short distances. In modern computers, they are built into the chipset.

Scanner- a device for entering graphic information into a computer. There are manual and desktop ones.

A printer - a device for outputting text or graphic information on paper. There are matrix, thermal, inkjet and laser.

Plotter - device for outputting large-format graphic information on paper (plotter).

Digitizer- a device for entering graphic data into a computer, the contour of the image is traced with a special pen and the coordinates of each point of this image are sent to the computer.

To the system bus across controllers connected external devices that communicate with RAM... Communication between computer devices is dictated by the limitations of the functions performed by these devices and must be programmed. The executable program is stored in random access memory computer and through the system bus sends commands to the processor to perform certain operations. CPU on their basis, it generates its own control commands, which are sent to the corresponding devices via the system bus. To perform data processing operations, the processor transfers the addresses of the necessary data to the RAM and receives them. The processing results are sent to the RAM. Data from RAM can be transferred to storage in external storage devices, displayed on display, printed out, transmitted over the computer network.

The personal computer has long been present in almost every family. Thanks to the rapid development of technology and electronics, computers that occupied entire halls some 40-50 years ago now fit quite well on a desk. A modern person no longer perceives the presence of a personal computer in the house as a luxury; today it is both a tool for work, and an entertainment center, and a means for finding the necessary information. Each user should know what parts a computer consists of, so that, while upgrading or handing it over for repair, he does not become a victim of unscrupulous sellers or repairmen, but to spend the invested funds as efficiently as possible.

General computer device

Any modern computer consists of plug-in external devices (peripherals) and internal modules located in the system unit. Peripherals include printers, monitors, mice, keyboards and many other devices that are connected to the computer system unit and are structurally separated from it. What are the main parts of a computer?

It depends on the purpose for which a particular personal computer is used. Conventionally, it can be divided into office, multimedia, workstations and gaming stations according to the tasks to be solved. The presence or absence of some components inside the system unit depends on the purpose for which the PC is used. Below we will take a closer look at what parts a computer consists of. This is very important to know, because there are basic components that you cannot do without, as well as those that are not present in every personal computer.

What parts does a computer consist of?

The first thing we see when looking at a personal computer is a case, inside which, in fact, the rest of the internal parts are fixed. Computer cases vary in size and, accordingly, the size of the supported motherboards. Next, we will take a closer look at those elements that are hidden inside the PC case.


The basis of the entire computer, without which no PC can function is the motherboard. It is the link between the rest of the computer. It acts as a nervous system, transmitting signals from the brain, the processor, to the rest of the PC. Motherboards differ in size (mATX, ATX, E-ATX, ITX, etc.), socket (socket where the processor is inserted), type of supported memory (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), presence and number of slots (interfaces or buses) to connect all kinds of expansion cards (video cards, network, sound, etc.).


The central processing unit is the heart and brain of any computer. It processes all the data that comes from running programs, and manages the flow of this data. Processors, except for the manufacturer (the largest - Intel and AMD), differ in clock frequency - the most important parameter showing the number of operations performed per second, the number of cores (the number of processors engaged in parallel processing of data located in one physical case), the type of supported RAM and design (socket). Any processor needs cooling, therefore, looking inside the system unit, you will see a heatsink with a fan, which is completely pressed by special latches to the motherboard and prevents the processor from overheating.


Designed to store information that may be required by the processor in the shortest possible time (data of running programs, operating system services, etc. are placed here). Unlike hard disks, a power source is required to store information, that is, when the computer is turned off, all information from the RAM is deleted (which is why the data of open programs are not saved when the PC is powered off unscheduled).

Random access memory differs in type (DDR, SO-DIMM DDR3, etc.), frequency, registered (for servers) or not.


A hard disk is a device for storing information. Unlike RAM, hard disk memory is non-volatile, which allows data to be retained even when the computer is turned off. Currently, there are 2 different types of solid state drives in use: HDD (Hard Disc Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive). The main ones are volume (the maximum amount of information that can be written to a disk) and read / write speed.

Video card

A video card is a device for displaying images from a computer on a monitor screen. There are built-in video cards (the video core is built into the motherboard chipset or into the central processor) and external ones, which are connected to the computer's motherboard through a special PCI-Express connector. As a rule, integrated video cards have rather mediocre characteristics and are designed to work with office applications, watch videos and undemanding games. The main characteristics of a video card are the frequency of the graphics processor and memory, the bus width and the amount of video memory.

Sound card

Sound card - a device designed to output a sound signal to external devices (headphones, microphone, speakers, etc.) In the vast majority of computers, the sound card is soldered on the motherboard. But there are also external sound cards that differ from the built-in ones in higher quality of the reproduced sound.

LAN card

A network card is a device that is necessary to connect a computer to a network with other computers, which makes it possible to exchange information at high speed between them. Just like a sound card, in modern computers, the network card is wired to the motherboard.

Power Supply

A power supply is a device that converts energy from a household electrical outlet into electricity with specified parameters, which is necessary for the operation of all parts of the computer. The main characteristics of the power supply are its power and efficiency. It is important that the power is sufficient for the operation of all plug-ins, otherwise the computer will simply turn off during peak loads.

Above, we examined what parts the computer system unit consists of. Without these devices, no computer can fully function. But besides them, many other devices can be connected through various interfaces inside the system unit, such as additional ports for connecting external devices (USB, LPT, etc.), TV tuners, sound and network cards. However, they are optional and are used only when necessary.

External computer parts

Answering the question of what parts a computer consists of, mention should be made of external devices. These include a monitor, keyboard, mouse, video camera, and speaker system. Monitors differ in diagonal, type of matrix and used backlight (we are talking about liquid crystal monitors, since monitors with cathode-ray tube are no longer produced and are almost everywhere replaced by more technologically advanced TFT monitors), image refresh rate. Also, external devices of a computer include numerous means for input and output of various information: printers, scanners, MFPs, projectors, joysticks, etc.


In this article, we examined what a personal computer consists of. Computer science at school gives more detailed and detailed knowledge. By studying it, you can understand the basic principles of assembling a PC with your own hands. But in order to delve deeper into the essence of work and operation, for example, to figure out what parts a computer bus consists of, it is recommended to study the technical characteristics of the equipment, which is beyond the scope of this article.

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