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The pros and cons of a computer in education. Computer Teaching Means (CSR)

Hello dear readers! The 21st century is the age of computer technology, so now you will not find a single house where there is no computer. Laptops, processors, tablets - all this creates noise in the house, as well as helps with work and communication.

Now the Internet actively controls all spheres of human life, but this is a reality from which there is no escape. Let's discuss what harm and benefits of a computer accompany us in life today, as well as ways that will reduce the negative impact.


This does not depend on what you are using the unit for - it can be writing a business report, preparing for a test, moral rest or communication - a large number of of the time that you spend working machine, has a detrimental effect on life.

The high brightness of the screen and flickering when moving the cursor, the resulting glare make the eyes the most intense. The lens of the eye is under stress for a long time, vision falls, dry eyes appear. All this leads to cataracts in the future.

Prolonged work at the computer, eye strain, frequent flickering different pictures leads to fatigue, headache and sleep disturbances.

During the "sitting" on the Internet, the brain is saturated with a large amount of unnecessary information, which makes you get tired quickly and reduce productivity.

Sitting in one place for a long time means getting scoliosis or osteochondrosis, as fluid stagnates. From here there are pains in the head and nervous disorders.

The movements that we make with the mouse are monotonous, so blood stagnation begins, tingling in the hands, pain in the fingers and swelling.

A lot of time spent on a computer leads to frustration nervous system, which is characterized by insomnia, apathy, lethargy and severely reduced immunity.

A strong addiction arises when communicating on the Internet, as a feeling of "need" is created. The real world fades into the background, as well as the desire to communicate with real friends, because there are virtual ones.

Uncontrolled use of the Internet in children causes addiction, mental disorders, emotional upheaval, and so on.


Despite the negative factors, computers bring undoubted benefits to people's lives.

  1. Special computer programs optimize labor and work process, which increases the efficiency of working days.
  2. "Clouds" and file storage allow you to store a large amount of information in the form of a document, photograph, or some other format.
  3. There is a large amount of information and information on the Internet that will increase your horizons, find what you need and quickly learn lessons.
  4. A large number of entertainment will not allow you to get bored: listening to music, watching movies, a playground, and most importantly, free access to it.
  5. The Internet is a platform for communication with people who gather from all over the world.

Reducing the negative impact

Don't put your computer on par with real life, you must always remember that this is virtual network... There are simple rules that will help you cope with the harm from technology.

Buy modern monitor which will allow you to have a high resolution To reduce stress on the eye muscles, get a flat keyboard and a comfortable chair to sit. An LCD monitor is the safest for your eyesight.

If bought new screen, but you feel that your health is getting worse, and your eyes hurt, you should adjust the color texture. Call a wizard or search for lessons on the Internet. Correct setting flowers will help relieve stress.

Also, use the tutorial “Perfect vision without glasses! How to restore vision without surgery " to minimize eye strain.

Take the correct posture when sitting at the computer.

To do this, position yourself 60 centimeters from the monitor, straighten your back, relax your shoulders, and put the nights on the floor at a right angle or on a special platform, do not strain your hands, keep them at the same level.

Take a 10 minute break every 60 minutes to rest your eyes from work. Do squats, walk around the room, get some air, but don't change your activity to TV or mobile phone.

Make sure to walk down the street for an hour every day. Unload unnecessary information every seven days. Turn off your computer, meet with friends and go for a walk in nature. Don't pollute your memory unnecessary information from the Internet.

Stick to the system proper nutrition, drink vitamins and minerals.

Do special eye exercises once an hour during your break, such as looking into the distance and then closer. Apply chamomile or tea masks at night. Cold ice cube will quickly relieve fatigue.

At long work use glasses that are suitable for a computer, which are selected by price or functionality. This will protect your eyesight.

How to use a social network to get not only moral satisfaction, but real earnings? Will tell you about this and much more course "Blue Ocean Vkontakte" Alexandra Novikova.

We have already described the details of the course in the section.

What other precautions should you take to reduce harmful effect computer? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Give up the computer in modern age impossible, but really to reduce its harm. Follow the advice and be healthy. See you soon!

Today, a computer has become for us a common thing that simplifies life, along with a microwave oven, vacuum cleaner and other household utensils. The computer carries many functions that are capable of influencing us and our life in general in different ways. Read on to find out what impact the computer has on us.

The computer is an invention of the 20th century that changed the life of people. Now we can no longer imagine life without it, but before that no one could have thought how far technical progress would go. Consider pros and cons of a computer.

Computers and our lives

The advent of personal computers was a breakthrough in science and technology. The workflow in many specialties has acquired a new format. The accountants put paper reports aside and were able to organize everything in the program.

Advances in computer technology make our lives easier

Before that, the necessary typewriters, calculators, and various calculating devices were superseded. Now the professional skills of many require knowledge in working with a computer. There was a need for specialists who know his work perfectly. This is how a new specialty appeared - a programmer. After all Computer techologies every year they require more and more new improvements. Nowadays, a laptop, a netbook, a tablet have joined the PC, which replaced the computer. The computer has ceased to be only a work item, now it is also a means of communication, a device for finding information, and just an object for recreation and entertainment. Such a technical invention is no longer surprising. And with the development of the Internet, the need for computer devices grows exponentially every year. This means that such an element of technology is present in almost every home, every person, let alone the workplaces of many people.

Simplify your workflow

The computer makes many areas of our life accessible

Let's start with the pros. The indisputable advantage of the computer, as a technical invention, is the simplification and improvement of work in many areas of life. Mainly, these are work processes in science, architecture, and industry. It was the programs developed with the help of computer technologies that made it possible to make important discoveries in the field of medicine, chemistry, physics, to create drawings and graphic designs of industrial equipment, buildings and structures. The development of nanotechnology is closely related to computers. The “paper work” of many specialists in various fields of activity has been simplified by the advent of the PC. Now there is no need to store information in paper form, creating archives warehouses, because there is electronic media information connected to the computer.

Finding the information you need

The search for information with the advent of the computer and the Internet has become many times more convenient and faster. Now, in order to find out the latest news from various spheres of life and anywhere in the world, there is no need to listen to the radio or wait for the news on TV. If you want to cook a special dish, you don't need to run to your friends for a recipe, just go to your favorite recipe site. Or, if you want to read a bestseller, you just need to turn on your computer and download the book.

Ease of communication

Communication, communications, finding the right people have become more accessible thanks to the development of the Internet. Previously, in order to communicate with someone at a distance, it was required to perform a lot of unnecessary actions and wait for an answer. Letters to in electronic format are sent and reach the addressee instantly. It also became easier, more interesting and faster to meet, make new contacts.

When it is not possible to see a person due to the long distance, you can easily contact him via Skype, ICQ, social networks or by e-mail. This is very convenient, because in this way it is easy to keep abreast of all the new events of family and friends.


The computer increasingly serves as an audio and video player. What is a plus is that the amount of equipment in the house does not increase and space is saved. And systematized audio and video recordings are available at any time when you turn on your computer. Memorable moments from photographs will not be lost anywhere either, because they are conveniently stored on a computer.


The entertaining side of working at a computer, oddly enough, can be attributed to the pluses. Computer games allow you to relax and distract for a while or to keep yourself occupied on a rainy day. And if there are also games and educational, logical or arcade ones, you can practice your wit and dexterity. You don't even need to talk about the Internet, because it is thanks to it that you are now reading this article.

Cons of a computer

Such a number of advantages and a variety of capabilities of a computer has led to the fact that more and more people spend with it all their working time (for whom the work is connected with a computer) and all their leisure time. This adversely affects the physical condition of the person.

Back problems

Sitting at the computer for a long time usually occurs in the wrong, uncomfortable posture. Even if initially you keep your posture, then after an hour, or even earlier, you begin to slouch, pushing your neck forward or throwing your head over the back of a chair. In this case, the curvature of the vertebrae and squeezing of the vessels occurs. From this you feel weakness, dizziness and even back pain.

Effects on vision

The strain of the eyes facing the monitor screen makes itself felt by the gradual deterioration of vision. Therefore, do not be lazy to do special exercises for the eyes, and do not sit at the computer for too long.


Although there is still controversy about the dangers of radiation from computers, the impact electromagnetic waves the working technique can be felt after several hours of continuous work - one can feel general weakness and nervous tension.

Wasting time

And, of course, such a miracle of technology as a computer takes up your time, which could be spent with loved ones, friends, family. The computer prevents us from seeing our friends once again and communicating with them not on Skype, but in reality, opposite each other.

Despite all pros and cons of a computer certainly he is an important part modern life... It is difficult to imagine work and leisure without it.

Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 7 of the city of Yeisk

Municipal Formation Yeisk District

Scientific and practical conference

"First steps into science"

Section "My first educational research project"

Role of the computer and mobile phone

in the life of a modern student - "pluses" and "minuses"


student 4 "B" grade

MOU secondary school №7 of the city of Yeysk

Shcherbakov Ivan


primary school teacher

MOU secondary school №7 of the city of Yeysk

Konovalova Elena Mikhailovna

2012 r.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 2

I... History of the creation of the computer .. ………………………………….… ..4

1.1 History of computer development .. …………………………………… .5

II... Computerization in education …… .. ……………………… 8

III... Phone yesterday and today …………………………………………… 10

3.1. Positive properties of a mobile phone …………… ....... 11

3.2. Negative properties of a mobile phone ………….… ...... 13

IV... Questionnaire …………………………………….… ...................... 15

4.1. Results of questionnaire # 1 ……………………………. …… .17

4.2. Results of the questionnaire # 2 ………………………………… .18

4.3 Conclusions based on the results of the questionnaire ………………………… 20

V. Conclusion ………………………………………………………… .21

List of used literature …………………………………… 22

Appendix ………………………………………………………… .23


The relevance of research. Computerization today is quite significant and relevant, since information technologies are rapidly penetrating into all spheres of life. Like everything new, computerization also brings new problems. One of them is the influence of computers and telephones on children's health. The use of these things causes a lot of controversy, doubts among teachers, parents. Computers and telephones have become so integrated into our life that any new business is necessarily conceived with their participation. V modern world it is difficult to find a child who is not interested in a computer. It is probably just as difficult to find a parent who is not worried about the child's over-infatuation. computer games... Computers are now used in various branches of science, technology and education. The ability to handle him became necessary in order for the child to master any serious profession in the future. However, sitting for hours at the monitor, the child not only ruins his health, but also misses the chance to chat with friends, play sports, just run in the yard on fresh air... So what to do: allow or deny communication with your "metal friend"? How can you use your computer correctly, respecting the motto “Do no harm”? The problem "Computer and health" affects many aspects: gambling addiction, radiation from the computer, the impact on vision, a sedentary lifestyle and bad posture, etc.

Here are some facts confirming the global nature of this problem:

    Usage electronic means(computers, televisions, mobile and radio telephones, office equipment and household appliances) is growing every day, the number of those people who have health problems associated with electromagnetic radiation is growing proportionally.

    The range of diseases caused by a computer is very wide. It has been found that computers have a very strong effect on fertility in both men and women (this negative effect is well studied), as well as on the psyche of children. Recent studies show that in a ten-year-old child, changes in blood and urine appear 15 minutes after starting work. For a 16-year-old - in half an hour. For an adult - after 2 hours.

    There are three ranges in computers harmful radiation, and all of them are normalized taking into account the influence of strong radiation. It is enough to put a regular voice recorder next to the computer, and you will hear a crackling sound - evidence of magnetic radiation.

    Statistical data and research have revealed general patterns when examining people working with a computer for 6 hours a day. It turned out that all employees had more than 2 years of experience

disruptions in the functioning of the spleen, pancreas, and changes in the vessels of the brain were noted. This is fully consistent with regular research in this area by American and Swedish scientists. Thus, electromagnetic radiation is not so harmless for our body, although we do not feel them.

    Electronic devices in a short time, they saturate the entire space with these fields, especially for unventilated and small rooms, computer classes.

    The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a mobile phone can, in particular, provoke Alzheimer's disease or cause DNA mutation and cancer.

    Scientists at the University of Oxford (UK), who have been doing research on the effect of a cell phone on the human body, recommend minimizing the use of mobile phones, especially by children.

That is why I set myself the problem "The role of a computer and a mobile phone in the life of a modern schoolchild" and tried to some extent to find ways to solve it. Let's try to analyze the "pros" and "cons" of computer and telephone hobbies.

purpose of work- study the role of the computer in educational process student, the role of the phone in the life of a student, show the "pros" and "cons". To achieve my goal, I set myself the followingtasks:

    Investigate the influence of the computer on the development of the cognitive interest of students.

    To study the problems of interaction between a computer, a mobile phone and a person.

    Investigate the use of a mobile phone in the daily life of a schoolchild.

    Analyze the materials received.

The studies were carried out in March - April 2012.

Objects of research: students of the 4th grade of secondary school №7.

Research methods:



    Study and analysis of statistical data

I. History of the creation of the computer

It's hard to imagine life modern man without a computer and cell phone.Cellular communication has penetrated almost all corners of everyday life these days. It gives us the main property in today's fast-paced world - mobility. Being from each other for several hundred or thousands of kilometers, people can quickly contact and learn about events that have already occurred or will occur in the near future.

A few years ago, personal computers were a rarity, were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in its office. Now in every third house there is a computer, which has already deeply entered the life of a person. We meet the computer everywhere: at the airport, at manufacturing enterprise, in the hospital, at school. A computer is not a box with buttons to boot, but an electronic computer. It is able to compute, optimize, monitor, warn, communicate, produce, etc. etc. the main task computer - to make life easier for all of us.

It helps a person in managing decision-making, and also promotes the realization of creativity. The computer is capable of storing tons various information and instantly provide it to us.It has become an integral part of our daily life. And it is quite natural for people to want to know the history of this "miracle" and the names of its creators, to have at least a general, superficial idea of ​​its structure, functions, and application.

1.1. The history of the development of the computer.

The history of development computing technology is rooted in antiquity. In China, addition and subtraction were carried out on the suan - pan counts. calculation of antiquity

V ancient greece accounts were called abacus.

The abacus consisted of wooden boards and pebbles and sand were used as counting, while the Romans improved it by making the abacus marble, and they made grooves for marble balls on it.

Well, Russian abacus can still be seen in use, although less and less, rather it is a habit developed over the years or a fear of modern computing technology. After many years, in 1642, the first in the world was invented by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. calculating machine... Built around cogwheels, this machine could add two-digit numbers.

In the 40s of the twentieth century, the rapid progress of technical and scientific inventions in computer technology began.

The first computer (electronic computer) " ENIAC"was created in the USA after the Second World War, in 1946.

At the same time, they worked on projects of electronic computers in England, where the first universal computer appeared in 1949, and in the USSR, where the first electronic computer, called MESM (small electronic calculating machine), was developed in 1950, and the first Soviet main computer - BESM appeared in 1952.

The former were very large devices. One computer required a room large sizes cluttered with electronic cabinets. Computers worked on electronic tubes, which were large and also cost a lot. In those days, computers were only available large companies and institutions. The computers were serviced by a whole staff of engineers, it was necessary the right way connecting multiple wires, which took a long time.

In the mid-60s, significantly more compact external devices appeared.

However, in 1970 an event occurred that radically changed the situation and with fantastic speed turned the computer into an everyday working tool for tens of millions of people.

Engineer Martian Edward Hoff of Intel designed integrated circuit, similar in function central processing unit large computer. This is how the first microprocessor, the Intel-4004, came into being, and was released in 1971. This microprocessor was less than 3 cm in size and was more powerful than a giant machine. It is to him that we owe the emergence of a new class computing systems- personal computers, which are now used by essentially everyone - from primary school students to accountants, scientists and engineers.

The widespread sale of personal computers (PCs) on the market is associated with the names of young Americans S. Jobs and V. Wozniak, founders of Apple Computer, which since 1977 launched the production of Apple personal computers. The growth in sales has been fueled by numerous programs designed for business applications (text editing, spreadsheets for accounting calculations). It is difficult to overestimate the role that computers play in our life. Computer development are conducted to this day, and new products are constantly appearing that allow you to improve electronic brain.

Computers have evolved so much that they have become the main information tool both in the office and at home. Now almost any work is often done through a computer - be it recruiting, viewing, solving complex integral problems, searching information on the Internet. This also applies to the storage of information, and to its transfer through communication channels.

The computer is now often used as a means of communication between people. If at least two people work on the same computer, they already have a desire to use this computer to exchange information with each other. Programs are created for the exchange of user messages.

Most universal remedy computer communication is email. It allows you to send messages from almost any computer to any other, as most of the known machines running in different systems, it is supported. Email is the most common service Internet networks... Currently, approximately 20 million people have an email address. Sending a letter by email is significantly cheaper than sending a regular letter. In addition, the message sent by e-mail will reach the addressee in a few hours, while regular letter it may take several days or even weeks to reach the addressee.

II ... Computerization in education

We live in a world of new technologies. They are included in almost all spheres of human activity, society itself involves everyone in the process of informatization. The need of a person to take his place in society leads to the need to apply modern computer technologies in practice. The ability to find information with the least loss of time is a vital necessity of today.

Over the past ten years, there has been a radical change in the role and place of personal computers and information technologies in the life of society. They penetrate, and very effectively, into all spheres of human activity.

The computer fits naturally into the life of the school and is another effective technical means, with which you can significantly diversify the learning process. Each lesson causes an emotional uplift in children, even lagging children willingly work with a computer, and an unsuccessful line of thought due to gaps in knowledge prompts some of them to seek help from a teacher or to independently achieve knowledge in learning.

On the other hand, this teaching method is very attractive for teachers as well: it helps them to better assess the child's abilities and knowledge, to understand him, encourages them to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of teaching. This is a large area for the manifestation of creative abilities for many: teachers, methodologists, psychologists, everyone who wants and knows how to work, can understand today's children, their needs and interests, who loves them and gives themselves to them.

The computer itself provides many possibilities that previously could only be dreamed of. Take, for example, the ability to type text or completely on its own

make changes to it, correct, typeset; or the ability to scan and then read a book or use e-mail and teletext, which was previously not possible; or the ability to hold and manipulate vast archives different kinds data, etc. - all this greatly expands the capabilities of teachers and students, significantly increases their intelligence,thereby brings them to a qualitatively new level of learning.

A person who skillfully and effectively owns technology and information has a different new style thinking, fundamentally different approaches to the assessment of the problem and the ways to overcome it, to the organization of their activities. The need to use computer technology in teaching is obvious and undeniable. Computer technologies imply personal communication between the teacher-educator and the student, based on feelings, experiences, emotions. They do not replace the teacher, but give him a powerful and universal tool that expands the capabilities of both teacher and student..

Consider the opportunities that computer technology provides to practicing teachers and students, available to anyone:

Search for information - you can use for this purpose Internet resources, information on disks, video and audio media.

Data storage - allows you to accumulate photo albums in electronic form; creative works of students and teachers in electronic form; video archive; site; etc.

Data processing - creation of a database of employees and pupils, processing questionnaires, building diagrams, graphs in the study of the dynamics of certain processes in educational and upbringing activities.

Presentation of information - presentations and other demonstration forms, video film making, publishing, etc.

Means of communication - website, mail, forum, teleconferences, etc.


Many of us cannot imagine our life without a telephone. What do we know about him?

Even in ancient times, people were able to transmit signals over long distances. But conversations at a distance became available only with the invention of the telephone. For development telephone connection laid millions of kilometers of telephone wires and cables and created telephone exchanges.

Who invented the telephone? It turns out that the patent for the then still little perfect phone model was awarded to the Englishman Alexander Graham Bell on March 6, 1867. The history of the creation of the apparatus is very curious ... Alexander Bell, a member of the London Philological Society, worked at the Boston School for the Deaf and gave private diction lessons to people suffering from stuttering. He also worked on the problem simultaneous transmission several telegrams over one wire, for the successful resolution of which Western Union promised huge sums of money.

It must be said that the work on improving the telegraph was progressing successfully. Bell's idea was based on the vibration of tuning forks, each tuned to a specific note. The "musical telegraph" could simultaneously transmit seven telegrams, according to the number musical notes... In the middle of 1875, as a result of a malfunction of the "seven-note telegraph" model, the inventor was struck by the idea of ​​the possibility of transmitting human speech over a distance. This happened at the moment when his assistant Watson, pulling out one of the springs of the transmitting device and, not paying attention to the fact that the line was connected, caused a barely audible rattle on the other end of the wire, which Bell caught ...

A year later, the jury got to know the Bell apparatus. They sat down in front of the receiver, and the inventor walked into the transmitter booth at the opposite end of the building.

Soon, the jury heard a voice - it was Bell with feeling reciting Hamlet's famous monologue "To be or not to be." On the same day, Sunday, June 25, 1876, Bell called his invention "telephone" - from the Greek words "tele" - far and "phonos" - sound.

And when was our country telephoned?

In 1880, the first telephone line in Russia about a kilometer long was built in Chernigov. It was intended to communicate with the military stationed in this area.

congratulations. A landline telephone appeared in Nizhny Novgorod in June 1881. This happened just five years after Bell's invention of the telephone. The length of the Nizhny Novgorod telephone line was about one and a half kilometers. To call the subscriber, it was necessary to whistle loudly into a special whistle that transmits the whistle to the other end of the wire. Only five years later the telephone was "taught" to ring here.

Time flies, the phone develops and changes.

A person dreams and comes up with more and more perfect phones. Cellular communication appears in our life. And now you will hardly meet a person who does not have a hundredth phone.

The first cell phone was invented in the United States by a Ukrainian immigrant 46 years ago and it weighed over 1 kg.

Mobile phones have become widespread since the 1980s. 20th century. the phone was charged from the battery, it did not need a constant connection to the base. Mobile communications are carried out using terrestrial radio communications or satellite communications.

There are a number of transmitters on the ground, each of which is located in the center separate zone, the so-called cell, or honeycomb. Hence the second name of this system - cellular communication.

Modern cell phones are compact and sophisticated.

A mobile phone is small device, on which you can talk and which you can take with you, moving around the city, country and world.

3.1. The positive properties of a mobile phone

In appearance, a mobile phone resembles something between a pocket receiver and a small telephone receiver. On its body there are call and dialing buttons, as well as a screen, which displays various information about the device itself, its functions and menus, phone calls and much more.

Every year there are more and more mobile phone models, and their functions are constantly becoming more complex. Modern mobile device is a small computer that, in addition to establishing a high-quality connection, can connect to the Internet, shoot digital photos and even video clips; the phone screen became colored, and the calls became polyphonic.

Initially, mobile phones were used only for voice transmission, but then other services were introduced - now you can use your phone to take a photo or even a video and send it to your friends.

GPRS technology provides high-speed data exchange with the Internet and allows you to use your phone as a modem for a PDA, laptop or desktop computer.

Some mobile phones are equipped with an MP3 player, so there is no problem finding fresh tunes for them. As a rule, a sound can be recorded on a mobile phone with a built-in voice recorder and put on a call. The easiest way to download a ringtone to your phone is from a WAP-site. If this is not possible, then a simple monophonic melody can be received using an MMS message.

Providing by companies broadband expands the possibilities for obtaining the most diverse information.

If there were no games in mobile phones, how many people would not have mobile phones! Java technology- a standard for programs and games for mobile phones.

A game developer requires a minimum of effort to remake a game or program for a different phone model. A Java program or game can access all the features of the phone - download data over the Internet, manage plug-in accessories, and so on.

Written in Java mail clients what to collect and send emails, photo editors to edit the pictures taken by the camera, and much more. Some phones have their own gaming platforms - as a rule, faster than Java, often allowing you to use even a full-fledged three-dimensional graphics! They even develop special telephones designed for games.

Over time, mobile phones have become not only a means of communication, but also a luxury item, a fashionable accessory.


    A mobile phone is bought for a child by parents who want to be able to control their child. Parents are much safer when they know that they can contact their child at any time.

    The mobile phone has useful function reminders. If the child is disinhibited, uncollected, or simply small andhe has not yet developed, the phone can remind of urgent matters.

    The great power of the phone is to reduce the danger to the child. If parents have taught in critical or emergency situations to use necessary numbers, the risk of a threat to the baby's life is significantly reduced.

    Another one interesting function- the opportunity to get to know each other. For example, at school, a phone model can become an occasion for acquaintance and communication.

3.2. Negative properties of a mobile phone


    On the one hand, a mobile phone reduces the risk of life, on the other, it increases it. The phone can be stolen, especially since children love to show off their toys, books, bicycles, mobile phones. V in this case a mobile phone is a means of provocation. And how such a provocation can end is unknown.

    In the teenage group, a mobile phone is a kind of indicator social status... Moreover, it does not depend on its own , sports or hobby, but is exclusively related to how rich his parents are. In such a situation, unhealthy competition between children and the emergence of disagreements in the family can arise.

    A mobile phone is an additional expense for a family, especially if a child cannot control his or her conversations.

    The mobile phone limits the child's ability to adapt and communicate. The child's world is now often narrowed around a computer, the Internet, a mobile phone, there is no need to go out, often he does not have the experience of friendship, communication.

The researchers came to the conclusion that a person using a cell phone enjoys not the content of the conversation, but the very fact of communicating on the phone. Meanwhile, since the appearance mobile communications there is a debate about the dangers of phones to health. There is no conclusive evidence that this is really the case. But a number of facts speak for themselves.

    Cases of changes in the body have been recorded, possibly arising under the influence of electromagnetic radiation cell phones.

    People addicted toSMS-messages, are experiencing pain in the arm due to permanent work with one finger.

    A person who is constantly in touch cannot disconnect from anxiety, which manifests itself in the fear of missing an important call.

    This is how the owners of cell phones become dependent on their cell phones, into a kind of psychological slavery. They need a constant influx of someone else's energy, which they draw from the energy-informational field of the telephone.


In the course of the research, a questionnaire survey was conducted among students of the 4th grade of the secondary school №7 in Yeisk. 102 schoolchildren were interviewed.

Form # 1 contained the following questions:





3. Why do you use your phone more?

A. for talking with friends and family

B. for games

B. to listen to music

D. for all of the above

4. Could you do without a telephone for a month?



5. Are you informed about the dangers of using a cell phone?

A. Yes, I am fully informed

B. I am partially informed

Q. I am not informed

Questionnaire No. 2 contained the following questions:.

    Do you have a computer?

a) Yes b) No

    How much time a day do you spend at the computer?

a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 3 hours or more

    What information on the computer interests you the most?

    What would you do in your free time if you didn't have a computer?

a) Reading books

b) Walking in the fresh air

c) Sports

d) Watching TV

e) Something else

    Do you have a cell phone?

a) Yes b) No

    What do you need a cell phone for?

a) Play b) Call c) Go to social networks

    How much time per day do you walk outdoors?

a) I don't walk at all b) 30 minutes c) 1 hour or more

    How much time a day do you go in for sports, exercise?

a) I don't do it at all b) 30 minutes c) 1 hour or more

4.1.Results of the survey # 1.

    Do you have a cell phone?

    Do you find it convenient to have it?

    What do you use your phone for more?

    Could you do without a phone for a month?

    Are you informed about the dangers of using a cell phone?

    1. Results of the questionnaire № 2.

    1. Conclusions based on the results of the survey

1 Almost all students have a telephone and find it easy to use.

    They use all the functions of the phone, but give preference to talking on the phone.

    For many, a telephone is a daily necessity, but few students know about the dangers of cell phones.

    Most of the respondents have a computer.

    Only 15% of students spend more than 3 hours at the computer.

    Children are equally interested in learning materials, games, social networks when working with a computer.

    The guys spend enough time outdoors, go in for sports, read books, but there are also those who do not walk at all (3%) and 5% of children do not exercise.

V .Conclusion

Thus, on the basis of the research carried out, the analysis of the read literature, I can conclude that the majority of schoolchildren cannot imagine their life without telephones and computers. At the same time, they are practically not informed about the consequences of cell phone abuse.

From all of the above, we can conclude: nthe use of a computer in the life of a modern schoolchildpossible and necessary. Computer technologies contribute to an increase in interest in learning, its effectiveness, develop the child comprehensively, educate

independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develop the discipline of intellectual activity.So that the computer does not damage health, it is very important to regulate the time that the child spends at the computer. Parents, in solving this issue, need to show perseverance and consistency. To prevent the harmful influence of the computer on children - the time of classes must be determinedwith children at once. Studentsat the age of 7-8 years, this time can be extended to 30-40 minutes a day. And from 9-11 years old - no more than an hour and a half. A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can cause a lot of problems. I hope that everyone will look for a middle ground in communicating with a computer, and will not get a mechanical opponent, but a friend who helps to solve various problems.

The computer is the enemy when it is the only friend ...

To improve the existing situation, it is necessary to conduct regular educational work among students and their parents in order to bring to their attention the negative consequences of using cell phones. The information and materials of the work can be used in class hours and parent meetings.


Ozertsovskiy S. "Intel microprocessors: from 4004 to Pentium Pro", Computer Week magazine # 41 - 1996.

Frolov A.V., Frolov G.V. " Hardware IBM PC "- M .: DIALOG-MEPhI, 1992.

Figurnov V.E. "IBM PC for the user" - M .: "Infra-M", 1995.

Figurnov V.E. “IBM PC for the user. Short course"- M .: 1999.

Guk M. "Hardware IBM PC" - SPb: "Peter", 1997.


    Use cellular communication only if absolutely necessary.

    Reduce the duration of your conversations.

    Take breaks for at least 15 minutes between calls.

    Communicate with family and friends not by phone or computer, but directly.

    Working on a computer for a student of primary grades no more than 40 minutes a day.

    Conduct in middle and elementary grades a number of class hours on the consequences of abuse cell phones with the participation of medical professionals.

Information technology in education is playing an increasingly important role. Learning tools developers have long suggested educational institutions alternative to workbooks, teaching aids and a regular board. In many works, there are already such definitions as computer teaching aids (CSR), computer tools (ICS), which imply computer textbooks, simulators, reference books, as well as various monitoring and testing systems. Indeed, many students are familiar with electronic textbooks and encyclopedias widely available on the market. But due to various circumstances, these means are not used by teachers in the classroom. Let's consider the reasons for the current contradiction. First, let's highlight the advantages of CSR:

  • creating conditions for self-study teaching material(self-education), allowing the student to choose a convenient place and time of work with CSR, as well as the pace of the educational process;
  • deeper individualization of training and provision of conditions for its variability (especially in adaptive CSR, able to tune in current level training of the student and his area of ​​interest);
  • the ability to work with models of the studied objects and processes (including those that are difficult to get acquainted with in practice);
  • the ability to represent and interact with virtual three-dimensional images of the objects under study;
  • the ability to present in a multimedia form unique information materials(paintings, manuscripts, video clips, sound recordings and others);
  • the possibility of automated control and a more objective assessment of knowledge and skills;
  • possibility automatic generation a large number of non-repetitive tasks to control knowledge and skills;
  • the ability to search for information in CSR and more convenient access to it (hypertext, bookmarks, automated indexes, keyword search, full-text search, and others);
  • creating conditions for the effective implementation of progressive psychological and pedagogical methods (game and competitive forms of teaching, experimentation, "immersion" in virtual reality etc)

A number of technological advantages of CSR are also distinguished:

  • increasing the efficiency of development;
  • easier updating and development;
  • easy replication;
  • easier distribution (especially when using the internet)

Despite all the advantages of CSR, teachers do not use them in the classroom. There are both positive and negative aspects to any teaching medium. TO negative sides CSR can be attributed to:

The disadvantages caused by the illiterate design of CSR and the shortcomings made by their creators are often added to the above. It is advisable to use CSR in combination with traditional educational and methodological means.

Let's single out four main factors hindering the mass creation and distribution of CSR:

  • insufficient readiness the existing system education for the active use of CSR, their integration into the educational process and its organization based on this technology;
  • shortage of qualified developers;
  • lack of a developed methodology, the ability to serve as the basis for large-scale work;
  • lack of financial resources for the creation and widespread implementation of a large number of CSR. The primary of the above factors is the methodological factor.

So, the need for CSR is great, and they are already widely represented on the market, but teachers are in no hurry to use them in the classroom. Perhaps because this requires elementary PC skills, or the developers have not yet created such CSR that would be convenient for a simple teacher to use in a regular lesson in a familiar environment. necessary equipment... Unfortunately, there are a lot of unsuccessful CSR. For example, there are such tools in which to search the desired topic requires long scrolling or the material presented is far from the school curriculum.

When developing such tools, it should be remembered that CSR should embody the best sides traditional means and be sure to implement new qualities. In addition, it is not only the current provision of CSR that is important, but also the willingness of their developers to respond promptly to changes in educational needs, that is, to create and provide high-quality CSR to the market.

  • Computer tools in education №1.SPB: 2005.
  • E. I. Mashbits Psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of education. Moscow: 1988.
  • Bashmakov A.I., Bashmakov I.A. Development of computer textbooks and training systems. M.: 2003.
  • Sosnovsky V.I. Technical and audiovisual teaching aids: the principle of consistency and practice. Novosibirsk: 2004.
  • Entina S. B. About one rather simple and useful use of ICT in a mathematics lesson.
  • Baryshkin A.G. Shubina T.V. Reznik N.A. Computer presentations at a mathematics lesson.
  • Let's think, what is a computer for a modern person? Workplace? A place to play? Multimedia setup? Perhaps all at once, and that's all - Personal Computer ... Let's remember how our civilization is developing: literally a dozen or a half or two ago, a car was a luxury, now it is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Remember what your mobile phone was like seven years ago (if you had it at all then), and what it is now. Progress is clearly visible, and there is no doubt about it. But since our site is about computers, let's compare computers, but in a little more detail.

    The first home computers began to appear in the seventies of the last century. Before that, of course, computers were also created, but they were intended mainly for any special purposes, and in 1977, a grandiose event took place. A very young company Apple computer, released the first personal computer, which was designed for the mass population, and this creation had the name Apple II... Perhaps it was this event that became a turning point in the history of computer development.

    As the years passed, computer technologies developed, but of course not at the pace that we would like. And so, in 1995, another key event happened, which probably many of us still remember. Microsoft announced its operating system, codenamed Windows 95... Since that time, computers began to completely "populate" in the homes of all Earthlings, which became evidence that ordinary people also want to move in step with progress. With the beginning of the new century, computer technology again rose one step higher, and it began after the release of a new operating system Windows XP... So, in small steps, like a child who takes the first steps, computer technologies have evolved and are developing to this day. And now, they have already reached such a height that they could not have dreamed about ten years ago: four-core processors, hard drives, with a capacity of several terabytes, wireless keyboards and mice, after all, huge LCD monitors. All this suggests that nothing develops in this world like computers. Think about it, it took a wheel thousands of years to turn into a car. Computers, on the other hand, took less than half a century to turn from a computer with a processor power of 1 MHz and 16 kb RAM into the most powerful computing machines with gigabytes of RAM and eight-core processors.

    So, all of the above facts only say that humanity in the future simply cannot do without computers. The same is said and World Statistics Association, according to which, in 2009 alone, more than three hundred (!) Million computers were sold all over the world.

    Two types of computers are most popular with buyers, namely laptops and desktops... You can read what a laptop is and about all its advantages and disadvantages, but now we will talk about desktop computers, namely about all their advantages and disadvantages.

    If you highlight all the advantages of a desktop computer, then first of all it is worth noting that given view computers are enough productive, compared to laptops and other computers. Another plus is that maintaining desktops and replacing broken parts can cost you much cheaper than in a laptop. For example, your video card burned out in your computer and you need to replace it with a new one. If you are the owner of an ordinary PC, then it will not be difficult for you to replace the video card, the main thing is to only know which connector for the video card is in your motherboard. If we consider a laptop, then replacing a video card in a laptop is much more difficult, and sometimes it is not at all possible at all due to the originality of the assembly. Also, an undoubted advantage of PCs is that they are much cheaper than laptops with the same performance, and sometimes even less powerful. Desktop monitors are much larger in diagonal size than laptops. Today monitors measuring 22-24 inches are no longer a rarity, and the convenience of such screens cannot be compared with small laptop screens. And finally, another advantage of the desktop computer is that it has much more additional outputs for various devices, which makes the desktop computer even more universal.

    As for the cons of desktop computers, there are also a lot of them. The main disadvantage is that the PC takes up much more space, in addition, it does not have such mobility: you cannot work on it anywhere, but only at a certain workplace, where the computer is located. Another disadvantage is the fact that desktops are enough noisy especially when compared to laptops. Agree, many are annoyed by the sound emitted by the power supply unit, hard disk or a cooler. And when it all works together, it can really be very unpleasant for some people. Another fact that says no to desktop computers is absence additional devices such as a microphone or webcam, and high power consumption... In our time, when people, on the contrary, begin to save resources, including electricity, the latter problem becomes extremely urgent.

    So, in the end, summing up, we can say that desktop computers, of course, may seem inconvenient for someone, and also have a little maneuverability, but still these machines are more powerful than laptops, and sometimes it is performance that decides the main role in choosing a computer.

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