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The google company is international or Russian. Google success story

Google LLC.
Type of Public company
Listing on the exchange NASDAQ: GOOG
Base 4 September
Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page
Location USA USA: Mountain View, California
Key figures Larry Page - founder
Sergey Brin - founder
Sundar Pichai - CEO
Industry Internet
Products see list of Google services and tools
Equity ▲ 92.137 billion dollars (2017)
Turnover ▼ $ 59.097 billion (2017)
Operating profit ▼ $ 14.242 billion (2017)
Net profit ▲ $ 14.842 billion (2017)
Assets ▲ 131.133 billion dollars (2014)
Number of employees ▲ 85,050 (I quarter 2018)
Parent company Alphabet Inc.
Affiliated companies YouTube, DoubleClick, On2 Technologies, Google Voice, Picnik, Aardvark, AdMob
Google at Wikimedia Commons

Google operates over a million servers in data centers around the world and processes over one billion searches and 24 petabytes of user data every day. Google's rapid growth since its inception has resulted in a large number of products not directly related to the company's main product - the search engine. Google has online products such as Gmail, the social network Google+. The company also has desktop products such as the Google Chrome browser, Picasa photo software and Hangouts instant messaging software. In addition, Google is developing the Android mobile operating system, which is used on a large number of smartphones, as well as the Google Chrome OS and Google Glass devices. According to Alexa, Google's main site - - is the most visited site on the Internet, and numerous international Google sites (,, etc.) are in the top 100 in terms of traffic, as well as several other Google service sites are YouTube, Blogger, and Orkut. In May 2011, the number of unique visitors to Google sites in a month for the first time exceeded 1 billion people.

According to BrandZ, Google is the most powerful brand in the world, and according to Brand-Finance, the most valuable brand in the world in 2011. In 2011, Google was recognized as the best reputable company in the United States, ahead of Microsoft, Sony and others. The dominant position of Google services in the market leads to criticism of the company on issues of privacy, copyright and censorship.

On April 23, 2018, 118 out of 1002 known IP addresses used by Google services were blocked in Russia. The domains,, YouTube services, reCAPTCHA and AdSense are no longer available to users in different parts of Russia.



In July 2001, at the invitation of the founders of the company, Eric Schmidt took over as chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Google.

Larry Page became CEO on April 4, 2011. Eric Schmidt remained the chairman of the board of directors of Google.

As of June 20, 2010, Page, Brin and Eric Schmidt owned approximately 91% of the Class B shares, which together provide their holders with 68% of the votes. The Triumvirate has a decisive influence in resolving all issues related to the competence of shareholders.

In 2015, as a result of the reorganization of Google and the creation of the Alphabet holding, Sundar Pichai became the CEO of the company.


Corporate culture

In 2013, Google topped Fortune's list of the 100 Best Employers in the United States for the fourth time.

Google had a "20 percent" program, in which engineers can spend 20% of their time on projects that are not part of their job responsibilities, however, since 2011, the company embarked on the path of becoming maximum efficiency, and abandoned this program.


When hiring new employees, among other things, their ability to work in the existing corporate culture, in particular in a flat organizational structure and a rapidly changing environment, is assessed. A successful candidate must be talented, creative and passionate, ethical, open-minded and able to impress without a business suit.

Millions of online resumes submitted online are first processed automatically, identifying potential candidates for the company.

In an effort to attract talent, the company is hosting a Google Code Jam tournament for college students. In this tournament, programmers compete in solving problems against time. 15 finalists are invited to google headquarters for the final round.

In January 2018, former tech specialist James Daymore filed a lawsuit in court, accusing Google of discriminating against employees on the basis of skin color and political views. James Daymore himself was fired after reporting gender inequality.

Oxygen project

Google spent two years conducting a large-scale study called the "Oxygen Project", the goal of which was to develop its own model of a good leader. As a result, the following key qualities of a good leader according to Google were published in March 2011:

Services and tools


In 2004, Google created a non-profit charitable offshoot - (Google Foundation), with a start-up capital of about $ 1 billion. The main activities of this organization are to inform society and contribute to solving problems in the areas of climate change, global health and poverty. One of his first projects was in the field of hybrid and electric vehicles.

In 2007, Google became a sponsor and active participant in several gay pride parades in San Francisco, New York, Dublin and Madrid.

In 2008, Google presented the “10 ^ 100 Project”, in which everyone can come up with ideas, and then jointly choose the one that will change the world and help as many people as possible. At the beginning of the voting, more than 150 thousand ideas were proposed from people from 170 countries. 16 groups of ideas took part in the voting, of which up to 5 were selected, to help in the implementation of which Google allocated 10 million dollars.

Google and society

Violation of the right to privacy

For the first time, problems in connection with human rights violations at Google began in 2005. Images of the roof of the American White House were used to create Google Earth maps, which poses a threat to the national security of the United States. The American public was deeply outraged that would-be terrorists were given the chance to take a closer look at the White House's rooftop defenses.

The next high-profile scandal associated with Google was a lawsuit against this company by the American Boring family from Pennsylvania. In 2008, the Boring couple accused Google of violating their privacy. Images of a married couple's home and swimming pool were used to create global urban virtual Google Street View maps. Borings immediately filed a lawsuit and demanded from Google $ 25,000 in compensation for moral damages. However, their first claim was not satisfied. However, the litigation continued, and the Borings received compensation in the amount of $ 1 from the company by a court decision in 2010. However, representatives of Google said: "Unfortunately, absolute privacy does not exist in the modern world, because there are images from satellites that shoot everything, not paying attention to the signs" private territory "." However, the company's specialists can remove images from their server if asked to do so privately.

The American National Law and Policy Center (NLPC) also opposed Google. As evidence of the violation of private rights by the service, the members of the center provided information about one of the leaders of Google, collected using the company's services in less than half an hour - images of his house, the numbers of cars parked next to it, the name of the company engaged in the improvement of its territory and even the name of the security company , whose clients are his neighbors.

In connection with the large number of claims against the company, Eric Schmidt stated in 2009: “If you do not want someone to find out unnecessary information about you, then first of all, do not do anything reprehensible. [...] In fact, search engines, including Google, save this information for a while We are all subject to the authorities of the United States, so it is possible that we have to disclose information to the authorities.

In 2010, a new scandal related to Google received a great public outcry. It became known that while working on the Street View service, the company scanned the IP addresses and passwords of citizens. While filming the streets and squares of different cities from special vehicles equipped with video cameras, Google specialists also scanned the signal of wireless Wi-Fi networks. As a result, the company received passwords and other confidential information necessary to log into the e-mail of individuals and legal entities. Google representatives agreed that they made a big mistake, thus violating the right to privacy, and apologized. However, they stated that they were not aware of the problem until the German authorities approached them with claims in this regard. Google experts assured that the information received of a private nature was not used in the search engine.

In the summer of 2013, thanks to former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden, it became known that the US government was paying Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook millions of dollars to disclose information about Internet users (as part of the PRISM program). The costs, according to the documents, were covered by a division of the National Security Agency known as the Special Sources Division. In response, Google's chief attorney David Drummond posted an open letter to the US attorney general and the FBI director on the company's blog, asking for permission to release detailed information about government requests, including those based on the Oversight Act, in a regular transparency report. for the activities of foreign intelligence services (FISA). According to Drummond, the responses to these requests did not provide the US government with direct access to user data.

Google is currently being severely criticized for human rights violations related to the Google Glass project. The wearing of Google glasses is already banned in American cinemas, casinos and strip clubs. Their owners are afraid that visitors wearing such glasses will record what is happening on video. In addition, the decision to ban glasses may soon be made by American banks and parks directors. Google representatives have not yet commented on this situation.

On August 5, 2014, Google reported to US law enforcement agencies that one of the users of its subsidiary Gmail mail service had photos of children with pornographic content, after which the user was arrested.

Participation in the affairs of foreign states

Several Google experts took part in the Arab Spring, advocating for democratic values ​​and the protection of human rights. For example, Vail Ghonim, the director of marketing for Google in the Middle East and North Africa, advocated the overthrow of the Hosni Mubarak regime in Egypt during the riots in the country in 2011. He created a page on the social network Facebook, which condemned the violence against Egyptian citizens by the ruling authorities and coordinated the actions of the demonstrators. Ghonim described the Egyptian protest movement as a "Facebook revolution" and noted that the Internet played an extremely important role in it.

In addition, shortly after the Arab Spring, Google officials said they are working to facilitate access to the company's information and products in the Middle East and North Africa. In this regard, the goal of the American company is to provide access to even more of its products in Arabic. In 2011, the company launched an Arabic version of Google Voice and Google+ and introduced two museums in Qatar to the + Art Project (the Museum of Islamic Art and the Mathaf Arab Museum of Contemporary Art), and in 2012 invited the President of Tunisia to speak through the Google+ Hangout On video broadcasting service. Air. Google also has serious complaints against the Chinese leadership in connection with attempts to restrict the access of Chinese citizens to information on the Internet.

To google

Due to the popularity of the search engine, a neologism appeared in the English language to google or to google(analogue in Russian computer slang - google), which is used to refer to the search for information on the Internet using Google. It is with this definition that the verb is listed in the most authoritative dictionaries of the English language -

Even 20 years ago, it was still difficult to imagine that computers would be so firmly entrenched in the daily life of every person.

Work, play, communicate - all this can be done using a device with Internet access. And being on the World Wide Web and not knowing what Google is is like living in Paris and missing the Eiffel Tower.

Advanced search technologies and a huge number of useful services have made this company the true king of the Internet.

Who do you need to be to conquer the world? Someone will need an army of well-trained soldiers for this, and some will need beauty. But in our time, more and more people are gaining recognition and respect with their minds.

In many biographies of famous personalities, there is a description of ordinary guys who began to create in their own garage. All that they had originally were brains with bright ideas.

The history of Google began with these young people who were willing to work hard to bring their plans to life:

The road from zero to billions

A deep domestic trace can be traced in the formation and development of Google. The talented mathematician Sergei Brin, who emigrated to the United States at the age of five, stood at the very origins of the company and still manages it:

To realize the amazing transformation from "nothing" into a giant at the forefront of modern technology, it is necessary to note the most important milestones in the development of Google.

  • 1995 year. Sergey Brin volunteered to give a tour of Stanford University for the students, one of whom was Larry Page. The student and the "guide" immediately began to argue about everything in the world, which became the basis for further strong friendship and the same cooperation;
  • 1996 year. Development of a search engine, the operation of which was based on the PageRank technology, the essence of which is the ranking of sites depending on the link weight obtained through backlinks. This technology has become a real revolution, since before that the main criterion for search engines was the number of keywords on a resource page;
  • 1997 year. Google got its name. It is simply impossible to imagine how much information on the World Wide Web, so Sergey and Larry decided to choose as the name the number that is closest to “ it is impossible to imagine how many". Googol is if you assign one hundred zeros to one. The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony;
  • August 1998. The only question Andy Bechtolsheim (one of the founders of Sun) It was: " In whose name to write a check? ". One hundred thousand dollars went to the account of the still unborn Google Inc;
  • September 1998. The company moves to its first office - a garage. The staff already includes 3 employees.
  • February 1999. The company already has 8 people and rents an office in Palo Alto.
  • September 1999. Moving to your own building located in Mountain View.
  • year 2000. Google signs an agreement with Yahoo to become the world's premier search provider and largest search engine.
  • year 2001. The company expanded its influence in South America. The search engine index contains 3 billion documents.
  • 2002 year. A new office opens in Sydney.
  • 2003 year. Google buys Pyra Labs, of which Blogger was the most famous technology.
  • 2004 year. The main office moves to a new building, the number of employees has increased to 800 people. Google goes public for the first time, offering its shares on the NASDAQ. Larry Page and Sergey Brin become billionaires.

In the future, things went better and better at Google, and today it is already impossible to imagine using the Internet without the popular services that the company has developed.

Services we can't live without

Throughout its existence, Google hasn't wasted any time. The company has developed a huge number of useful services, the most popular of which should at least be listed:

  • Google+ is a social network launched in 2011. A distinctive feature is the Google Circles system:

  • Google Docs is a service that allows you to create text documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Data can be saved to cloud storage;
  • Google Drive is a virtual disk where you can store up to 15 GB of your own information and access it from anywhere in the world:

  • AdSense - contextual advertising that is automatically placed according to the topic of the page;
  • Analytics is a tool for developers and SEOs. Provides detailed statistics on the operation of a web resource:

  • Gmail - email;
  • Maps - geographical maps with which you can easily calculate the route to your destination:

  • News - news generated from the headlines of the most popular publications in the world. The composition of the categories is displayed according to the user's preferences;
  • Play - game application store;
  • Picasa is a service that allows you to work with images.

Your personal browser

One of the company's outstanding achievements was the creation of the Google Chrome browser, which immediately proved to be competitive in a market where, it would seem, there could be no rivalry:

In September 2008, the company announced the release of its own web browser, which was a big surprise, because before that, Google in every possible way denied such a possibility, citing inappropriateness.

The beta version was released only for Windows, but by December, thanks to the hard work of the developers, the browser occupied one percent of the market, which in such a short time is a colossal result.

Until 2013, Chrome was based on WebKit technology, but later switched to the innovative Blink engine.

In 2009, Chrome became a regular browser for 9% of users, and a year later - already 15%. Today, about 40 percent of people with Internet access prefer Google Chrome.

To begin with, it must be said that Google appeared in March 1996 during the implementation of a joint scientific project of Stanford University students. When writing his dissertation work, Larry Page, on the recommendation of his supervisor, chose the topic "Development of promising technologies for a single, integrated and universal digital library." Then he was joined by Ph.D. Sergey Brin, a native of Russia.

Google has become famous and loved by users of the Internet space with a simple and convenient interface. At the beginning of the entire project, the founders of the company refused to place advertising, but soon they changed their mind, and now within the framework of the Google search engine it is their main income. But it's important to note that ads are mostly text-only, consist of keywords and cost $ 0.05 per click, they don't slow down or clutter up the design. Many competitors in this market tried to enter a new market and master the promising spaces of the Internet, but for certain reasons they did not succeed, while the eminent company manages to rise rapidly to this day.

Google's mission statement is focused on the end customer

The basis is the organization and systematization of all world information, and seeks to make it as accessible and useful as possible. It allows you to convey an information message to the target audience about specific goals and objectives.

Google is known all over the world for its distinctive characteristics, let's take a look at them:

  • The company hires only the best; the company employs the most worthy and the best. Employees are selected very strictly and carefully, in terms of time it can sometimes take from six months or longer.
  • The company must comply with the golden rule "20%", which means that all employees can work on their own projects one day a week. In the event of a successful and effective project, Google promotes the employee up the career ladder and fully funds the project.
  • Particular attention is paid to quality. The philosophy is that the best thing to do is to do one thing, but it must be done extremely well and efficiently. Be it YouTube video portal, office suite, Chrome Web store or Picasa. But these are only additional directions, and Google puts the search engine itself at the head of everything - this is the basis of all activities.
  • The unique design of the Google search page is always regularly updated, whether for a holiday or for special dates, but a positive image on the home page will always delight visitors.
  • Google always has a creative approach to everything and a flexible attitude, as well as a high customer focus. It's important to always be available and have feedback with your audience. Best of all, the company does this through blogs, while their topics are very diverse. Some blogs are about products, innovations, the rest are personal blogs of employees working at Google. One of the most popular is Matt Kuts's diary, which has all self-respecting SEO specialists in its subscribers.

It should be noted that in February this year, the value of Google reached a record high, marking $ 800 per security - a share. Last fall, the search giant's price tag stood at $ 700. Then, by the end of the year, there was a leak of information about the company's poor performance in the third quarter of the year, which immediately negatively affected the share price on the stock exchange. The excitement and anxiety of many investors and securities holders followed. Due to the permanent growth of influence and dominance in the mobile device markets, as well as an increase in confidence in consistently high profits in the search engine, quotes were raised on the exchange in a short time.

Google is currently ranked fifth in the ranking of the most valuable and influential companies in the world, and the value of the American corporation is more than $ 245 billion. Experts believe that such a steady growth in the company's shares is due to the successful advertising business on Google, android activations are increasing daily, there is a very high demand for the products themselves, as well as for a fashionable tablet computer.

The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was first registered as a private company on September 4, 1998, and on August 19, 2004, it began selling its shares on the stock market. Then Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt agreed to work together for twenty years, until 2024. The stated mission of the company from the very beginning was “to organize the world's information, make it accessible and useful for everyone,” and the unofficial slogan of the company, coined by engineer Paul Buckheit: “Don’t be evil”. To be does not mean not to be In 2003, the company moved to its current headquarters in Mountain View, California.


The American company found itself at the center of a high-profile international scandal after it became known on Sunday that during the creation of global urban virtual maps in 2008 as part of the Street View project, it scanned computer addresses and passwords of ordinary citizens. This was announced by the British television channel Sky News.
One of the leaders, Alain Eustace, already apologized on Sunday about the matter and said that the company was extremely upset by what had happened. “We understand that we were very wrong and let everyone down,” he said.
According to the British media, while filming the streets and squares of numerous cities around the world with video cameras from special cars to create a virtual global map, specialists also scanned the signal of wireless Wi-Fi networks. As a result, the company received passwords and other confidential information for entering the electronic correspondence of individuals and employees of companies using this type of access to the global network.
A British police spokesman announced today that Scotland Yard is investigating the matter for possible violations of existing laws.
It is not yet clear how this information, which the company was collecting around the world, could have been used for, says the British radio station BBC, as reported by ITAR-TASS.

Interesting facts about the creation and development of the Google Company! Share with friends.

Find on Google, google, google to help you - these and many other modern catchphrases have entered our lives thanks to the fact that almost 20 years ago, two graduate students at Stanford University decided to defend a scientific project by creating a search engine.

The history of the creation of Google is really unusual, but even more interesting are the fathers of this corporation, who led their offspring to the top.

Google or what happened before it was born?

Researchers believe that Google company It began its meteoric rise in 1995, when Sergei Brin, an American of Russian descent at Stanford University, decided to tour the campus for a group of students.

Another talented American Larry Page accidentally entered this group.

The dispute that began over a trifle turned first into strong friendship, and then into fruitful cooperation.

A year later, two friends, and part-time young ambitious graduate students decided to conquer the teachers with their research project - the PageRank search engine.

The search engines that existed before this were extremely poor at their task, bringing the texts with the most keywords to the first place.

Often absolutely useless texts, thanks to overspam (a heap of keywords stuck in place and out of place), were given the first number in the search engine ...

P.S. I know that many will not understand what “keywords” are, so I strongly recommend opening a Google search engine and writing “what are keywords”! 🙂

Larry Page decided that it was necessary to act differently and took the acquisition of authority in the scientific community as an analogy.

The cooler the scientist, the more unique scientific texts he wrote, the more often his colleagues use his articles in their works, that is, they refer to them.

The PageRank search engine worked the same way: ranking was done not due to the number of keywords, but due to the quality of the texts themselves and the number of links to them, as to the primary source.

This approach revolutionized the way: users could find information using a qualitative rather than a quantitative algorithm.

Google - a brilliant history of creation

There was already an excellent search engine, but it was necessary to come up with a short and catchy name for it.

After going through about fifty options, Page and Brin opted for a modified term "googol" (a huge number: 1 with a hundred zeros).

In 1997, the new search engine was already used by all students and teachers of Stanford, who appreciated its convenience.

The original and so beloved by us design of the main page (multicolored letters on a white background) is not the result of long-term work of the design team, but the product of the lack of money for the future ... 😎

They really didn’t have the money to hire even an inferior designer, so they did it on their own, making it “simple and tasteful”.

The history of the creation of Google was coming to its logical conclusion.

But the ascent of the newborn search engine to the top was just beginning.

Further history of the development of Google ...

1998 was a pretty good year for Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

They registered Google Inc., rented their first office (well, what if it was a garage!), Hired 3 employees and received a check for $ 100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim.

  • Winter 1999 - Moved to Palo Alto and hired 8 workers.
  • Fall 1999 - Purchase of its own office space in Mountain View.
  • 2000 - Signing an agreement with the largest American corporation specializing in Internet services Yahoo.
  • 2001 - the conquest of South America.
  • 2002 - the conquest of Sydney (I remind students that this is Australia).
  • 2003 - Acquisition of Blogger, a well-known publishing service in the USA.

But the most important year in the history of the creation of Google was 2004, when the shares of an actively developing company were first thrown onto the stock market, making their creators billionaires.

How is Google doing today?

Despite the fact that Larry Page and Sergey Brin became billionaires in the early 2000s, they were not going to rest on their laurels.

The programmers decided not to limit the activities of their corporation to one search engine, introducing more and more new products.

Today we are happy to use such services as e-mail Gmail, the social network Google+, Google Docs (a program for convenient work with documents), a service for processing and publishing photos on the Internet, Picasa, and many others.

Google- an English-language service, however, thanks to specially written algorithms, it searches both living and living languages, and dead (Latin), and artificial (such as Esperanto).

This search engine is used by residents of all countries without exception.

Its popularity is breaking all records.

And on big national holidays and dates of birth of famous personalities - the design of the Google logo is updated: pictures and animation appear.

And if you hover over the logo, you can read what date is being celebrated today, and if you also click on it, the search will give you links with information.

By the way, this is an excellent excuse for self-education.

A few words about the founders of Google ...

Sergey Brin (08.21.1973, Moscow, USSR) was born into a family of mathematicians of Jewish nationality.

His parents took him to the United States at the age of five, for which Sergey is very grateful to them (he said this in more than one interview).

He graduated from high school, then entered Stanford, where he began to create his own together with Larry Page.

In 2006 he married a talented scientist, biologist Anna Vojitski, with whom he gave birth to two children: a boy and a girl.

Larry Page (03/26/1973, Lansing, Michigan, USA) was born into a family of programming teachers. He received his bachelor's degree from a higher education institution in Michigan, and his master's degree from Stanford.

One of (14th line in the Forbes list). Married to a smart (Ph.D. student in bioinformatics) and a beautiful (gorgeous blonde) Lucy Southworth.

Both lead a rather modest lifestyle, despite the billions in their accounts.

interesting facts about the creation and development of Google.

... we feed our brain only useful!

As you can see History of creation Google quite interesting and, like all unique discoveries, full of surprises.

We are certainly grateful to Larry Page and Sergey Brin for such a wonderful search engine.

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