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billing company. Billing in banking: a settlement system that is convenient for everyone

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Billing in banking: a settlement system that is convenient for everyone

The range of services of almost any bank includes the implementation of operations for the receipt of utility and budget payments and their subsequent transfer to the recipient organization. With all the seeming simplicity of providing this service, this type of operation has always been quite time-consuming, as it involved several stages of work with the execution of a significant amount of banking documentation. Such a system was not very convenient for customers either: service payers were often forced to stand in queues, and utility organizations had to wait several days for the amounts to be credited to their accounts.

The situation has changed dramatically since the moment when banks began to introduce into their activities a new settlement system called " billing". This complex involves full automation of the process of receiving various payments and transferring them to the recipient's account. The Bank enters into an agreement with a housing and communal organization or a company providing communication services to switch to a billing system. After that, this enterprise provides the bank with its details for the transfer of amounts, as well as the client base with a breakdown of the debt for each subscriber. The provided data is updated within the terms specified in the contract.

When switching to billing, customer service is carried out through an ATM or terminal, which eliminates the need to stand in queues and tedious filling out receipts. A banking specialist once ties the client's plastic card to the name or identification number of the payer indicated by him. Thus, he can not only pay off the monthly debt for gas, water or telephone, but also receive timely information about its condition.

This system is also applicable for the payment of one-time payments, if the organization has concluded an appropriate agreement with the bank. Thanks to the billing system, the client can pay the amount of tax or mandatory fee using the number of the receipt issued by the tax office or other budgetary organization.

For enterprises that receive payments from the public, billing is also the most convenient and reliable system, since the automation of settlements eliminates the possibility of crediting funds to the wrong recipient. In addition, the use of this banking service significantly reduces the time for receipt of payment amounts to the current account of the organization.


2.4 Traffic Inspector

3. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of billing systems



In a highly competitive environment, operators are constantly expanding the range of services provided to subscribers. More and more consumers of communication services regularly use several types of telephony at home and at work, using information communication channels. How to integrate various billing systems in this situation to calculate various services? (voice, IP, etc.). Due to the growing popularity of data transmission services, the correctness of calculations and distribution of income between the telecommunications operator and the Internet provider becomes relevant.

Billing systems are used by providers that keep records of the traffic consumed by customers, offices connected to the Internet, which have recently appeared in a large number of home networks and end users. Such systems can also be used to control information flows within local networks.

The purpose of the work is to conduct a comparative economic analysis of the implementation of four different billing systems.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the work:

· consider the concept and characterize billing systems;

· review modern billing systems;

· evaluate the economic efficiency of billing systems implementation.

1. The concept and characteristics of billing systems

The heart of any billing system is the technology of rating and billing based on various event parameters. Only a system with sufficient flexibility can track events in real time. The billing system must be configured to not only recognize new services and correlate them with the relevant parameters, but also allow the telecom operator to create innovative tariff plans based on information on the use of next generation services.

A very important characteristic of a billing system is how quickly it allows the operator to respond to changing market demands and introduce new complex tariff plan schemes for its subscribers. For example, if an operator notices a sharp increase in Internet SMS traffic, they need to quickly and effectively use this change in order to extract more profit through the introduction of special tariffs or discounts and stimulate a further increase in traffic and, accordingly, their own profits. In addition, the billing system should enable the operator to create special business rules and marketing programs for billing not only traditional types of services, but also services of the future, the parameters of which are still unknown.

Therefore, the rating and billing mechanisms must be designed in such a way that the operator can easily add, retrieve and modify services and their associated business rules. The role of a billing system developer is not only to provide a static billing tool, but also to provide the operator with such mechanisms, the business logic of which can be quickly changed and configured by the operator himself in real time and in accordance with his requirements.

The most effective rating mechanism allows you to accurately and logically define a set of sequential business processes. This technology is called a "decision tree" (DO Tree) and is based on a system of nodes and branches. It is built using a graphical user interface that allows you to develop innovative tariff plans in the form of a logical tree. Each of its nodes is a type of decision based on call duration, subscriber balance, table of geographic areas, etc., and may contain an action or set of actions to be taken when a certain event occurs (providing discounts or services, sending a message, etc.).

The decision tree can refer to any event attribute: subscriber balance, subscriber information, event attribute, etc. It can trigger any type of action and any number of actions in the system (for example, billing, double billing, provision of a service, calculation of discounts and premiums, sending messages or writing scripts). A single rule system can handle all aspects of the event (every 20 SMS sent by a subscriber triggers a $1 bonus event in the DO Tree). As soon as a new service is defined, the decision tree immediately associates it with the corresponding attribute and performs the necessary actions.

Defining business rules in a natural and logical flow by replacing the outdated billing tables and billing rules used in many existing billing systems is the main advantage of such a mechanism and provides the operator with the ability to quickly introduce new services and evaluate new services with yet unknown parameters.

Thanks to this, telecom operators and content providers have the opportunity to bill not only for the time the client is online, but also based on other parameters, for example, for each client action.

Today, the range of services for subscribers is quite wide, and each of them should be evaluated differently. This requires a system that maintains such distinctions: whether the user wants to look at Mars, receiving a picture from the satellite, or go to the website of the US Library of Congress - the files must be recognized and evaluated accordingly.

Thus, the billing system is not only necessary, but also one of the most important components of the telecom operator's software infrastructure. The choice and implementation of a billing system from an economic point of view belongs to the category of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise, since it implies the use of a technological solution that is new for a given company, requiring appropriate investments in equipment, software, system installation processes, personnel training, etc. and allowing in the course of its operation to receive a certain profit by providing customers with certain services. There are various methods for assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects in an enterprise, however, since the billing system is a complex technical product, for the correct application of any of these methods, it is necessary to take into account a number of specific characteristics inherent in this product and formalize them.

There are two main tasks of billing systems: collection of statistics on the use of network traffic and automatic accounting of funds for consumed services.

We list the usual features of billing systems:

Maintaining a detailed record of traffic by ports, protocols, autonomous systems, interfaces on the router, etc.;

the ability to work in "promiscuous" mode, that is, installation not on a router, but inside a non-switched network;

management via Web-interface.

You can also highlight optional, but sometimes required functions:

correct data processing when using address translation (NAT) or caching proxy servers;

· division into Russian/foreign traffic (according to network masks);

· setting quotas for traffic consumption (including the so-called "soft" quotas);

support for IP-telephony;

· retrieval of statistics from several routers.

Structural billing systems include at least three main components:

1. a module for collecting statistical data from network devices that route IP streams, or directly from network packets in "promiscuous" mode;

2. module for storing and converting statistical information;

3. a module for sampling data on traffic from the side of the administrator and end users of the system.

2. Overview of modern billing systems

2.1 MSISAServer

Connecting networks and their users to the Internet poses security challenges. ISA Server provides an organization with all the necessary tools to manage and monitor the use of network connections. ISA Server protects networks from unauthorized access, performs traffic analysis, and warns the administrator of attacks over the Internet.

High speed Internet access. The Internet provides great opportunities for organizations to increase their productivity, but this is only true if access to Internet resources is fast and cost-effective. ISA Server's caching feature minimizes problems accessing remote resources and reduces network load by quickly providing previously downloaded information.

Standardized controls. Combining a corporate firewall and cache server in one product, ISA Server provides a one-stop management infrastructure that reduces management costs. ISA Server is tightly integrated with Windows 2000, providing powerful system-consistent controls for user access, configuration, and system rules.

Expandable, open platform. Security policies vary from organization to organization. The high network load and the variety of packet and message formats used also often create additional problems. Under these conditions, no single product can be fully suitable in all situations. For this reason, ISA Server was designed and built to be as scalable as possible. When you get started, you'll find a comprehensive developer resource kit (SDK) for self-development, a huge selection of ready-made solutions in the form of add-ons created by independent developers, and an easily extensible administration module.

Characteristics and purpose of billing systems;
Structure and functions of the billing system;
The main subsystems specific to billing;
Billing system standards

Key words: billing, multilanguage, multicurrency, roaming, standard.

Characteristics and purpose of billing systems

Billing System . The cycle of operations performed by them is called billing. Billing system (BS) is an accounting system, software developed specifically for telecommunications operators. Billing systems are used both in telephony (wired and cellular), and in data networks (Internet providers), and also takes place in IP telephony. Any BS is created on the basis of a certain database management system (DBMS). Most of the BS in the world were created on the basis of the Oracle DBMS. Among other DBMS, Sybase and Informix can be singled out as designed for large amounts of information. And here are the names of some billing systems: BIS, Flagship, CBOSS, Arbor, Bill-2000-prepaid. It is worth mentioning that BS usually means the hardware involved in the organization of billing.
There are several names of the billing system: ACP - automated settlement system; IBS - information billing system.
One of the important qualities of a BS is its flexibility, that is, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. The flexible system is adapted not only to the immediate needs of the operator; due to such qualities as customizability, modularity and openness, it allows you to solve promising problems. The modular principle of building a system - ϶ᴛᴏ ᴛ which principle, in which the entire system is assembled from separate parts (modules). The BS also consists of such modules - subsystems. The BS includes, for example, a data pre-processing subsystem, a billing operational management subsystem, and a customer notification subsystem. The openness of the system means the openness of the source code of the software product, which allows the operator not to depend on the developer in the future and independently maintain and upgrade the system. Closely related to the flexibility of the BS is the next quality of automated calculation systems - scalability.
Load scalability. With the growth of the subscriber base, the appearance of additional services, there should not be a need to change or modify the software part of the BS. The increase in the capabilities of the BS should be achieved by upgrading the hardware of the system. When designing scalable systems, it is necessary to use DBMS designed for large amounts of data. The DBMS must be compatible with various computer platforms in order to support multiprocessor operation.
Reliability is one of the main requirements for any system. The reliability of the BS is determined by the reliability of the DBMS and the technologies used in the development of the system. The reliability of the supplier (developer) of application software is far from the last place: the time of its operation on the market and, as an indirect indicator, the percentage of presence of the systems developed by it in the telecommunications market. At the same time, the reliability of the BS is also ensured by the observance of certain standards during their development.
Multilanguage - the ability to set different languages ​​for presenting information.
Multicurrency - the ability to work with any currency
Postponed billing - billing in which settlements are made after the completed calls.
Hot billing - account balance is changed during the conversation, and information about your account balance can be obtained immediately after the call.
Billing optimization - improvement, improvement by the operator of his BS.
Large BS - systems used by large operators.
Billing posting - fixing billing calculation results; after calculations, the results become available to users (distributed, printed).
Since the BS is designed to automate settlements with the client, it must provide automation from the conclusion of an agreement to the issuance of invoices for cellular services, and correctly. With the help of subsystems of automatic services and automatic data collection, the ACP should provide subscribers with the possibility of self-service. Some BSs allow subscribers to place connection orders and pay for services via the Internet.

Structure and functions of the billing system
The billing organization scheme is not complicated: information about connections and their duration is recorded by the switch and, after preliminary processing, is transferred to the billing system. The billing system "knows" the rates. It identifies the call and performs the necessary calculations, thereby forming the subscriber's account. Obviously, the system memory should store not only regulations, tariffs and information about services, but also data about customers, contracts concluded with subscribers and third-party communication service providers (if any), as well as the cost of transmitting information through different channels and directions (the system must also provide for the presence of dealers: they may have other prices, for example, for connection). In addition, any BS must have a database that stores the history of payments: only this information allows you to control the payment process and automate the so-called activation / deactivation of subscribers. This function of the BS can also be called protective, since it does not allow those who do not pay for them to use communication services.

Rice. 11. Structure of the billing system
According to the functionality, BS can be divided into three classes: designed for transnational telecom operators, custom national scale and middle-class systems for regional networks.
BS belonging to the first class must ensure the interaction of networks at the international level, in different time zones, i.e. they must be multicurrency and multilingual.
Custom systems on a national scale are created for a specific operator. The operator may need a new BS compatible with an existing settlement system. Of course, the cost of such single systems is much higher.
On a regional scale, you can completely get by with standard BS. At the same time, such systems should also have the qualities listed above: flexibility, scalability, and reliability. Any BS is created and configured for the business process of a specific telecom operator, has its own set of functions corresponding to the technological cycle of providing services, and can work with specific network equipment that supplies it with information about calls and connections - that is, the BS is not a "boxed" product . But there is also a standard set of functions supported by almost all BS. It includes:
operations performed at the stage of preliminary processing and analysis of the initial information, for example, the function of obtaining data on connections and services (requests to the switch);
network equipment management operations: functions of activation/deactivation (blocking/unblocking) of subscribers and commands for changing subscriber subscription conditions, transmitted directly to the switch;
the main functions of the DBMS application, including: billing of the switch records about calls and services; formation and editing of tables of the database of the settlement system; invoicing and printing; credit control of accounts; making report; archiving.
As already mentioned, the BS must be flexible or modular. Each element of the ACP ensures the implementation of a specific section of the technological chain of customer service. The main subsystems specific to billing are: connection data preprocessing subsystem, operational billing management and customer notification subsystem.

About a year and a half ago, we faced the problem that our billing system (written by someone and once, supported by local control, in which the author was no longer there) could no longer cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Ordering the development of a new system for your tasks is too expensive and too long. Therefore, the task arose - to find a suitable solution. The choice eventually fell on BGBilling. As a result, we have been working with this system for a year now and are generally satisfied with everything. Why we chose the system and why it is good (I will also try to highlight the cons), I will try to describe in detail below.

What modules will be needed? Without a subscription fee module - nowhere. We take it, the maximum price for an infinite number of licenses (infinite starts from 10,000 licenses) is ~ 100tr.
Now let's see what we're doing? The CATV operator essentially does not need anything else. The provider would also have a network module. This is either IPN or DialUP - both of them also cost about 100tr maximum.
The telephony module is one of the most expensive. About 240tr.
The remaining modules - voiceip, digital television module - in my opinion are not so popular, we will not consider them. If you're interested, check it out on the site.

Support, community

Controversial support issue. She is paid. When purchasing a license, it is proposed to conclude a technical support contract and purchase a package of calls. For 25tr you can get 50 hits per year. For 9tr - 15 appeals, also for a year. Is it a lot or a little? We used 5 calls in a year. Bug reports do not count for hits, but they still need a batch with at least one hit to report them.

Free support is provided by the developers on the forum, but in non-guaranteed terms. If an answer is given through a personal account on average in a couple of hours, then through the forum you will have to wait a day or two. But on the other hand, there are a lot of users on the forum like you, who sometimes prompt and help more quickly.

Which brings us to the question of community and wikis. I really liked the community. On the forum you can find help on almost any issue. Recently, they began to contact me in ICQ with questions, I’m happy to suggest if I know what and how.

Performance and fuckups

Official data is presented on the corresponding page of the site - In general, they can be trusted. AP are written off quite quickly. The radius (we use the DiapUP module to access the network) holds the load with simultaneous authorization of 1000-1500 users (loss of light in the area, and then turning on) is quite normal. The radius is engaged in the calculation of netflow statistics. Copes with the flow of 6 tsisok with a gigabit of traffic on each.

Except for the fakups caused by their crooked hands, there was one rather unpleasant fakap on January 1, 2010. New balance tables are automatically created for each month. Due to some flaw in the logic in 2010, new tables were not created. Therefore, at the time of writing off the AP, everyone had 0 on their account. Fortunately, the database is very well documented and there are functions for group operations - this was eliminated very quickly (before most of the subscribers moved away from a hangover and climbed into the Internet).

Launch, transfer of existing databases

Setting up and starting the system is quite simple, there is nothing special to highlight. Unpack the archive, add the .sh executables to autorun, load the table structure from the dump file, and perhaps that's all - it will already work =).

Interesting moment. The main components of the system - server, radius, scheduler - can be separated to different servers, specify IPs in the settings and everything will work fine, cling to the server and distribute the load.

Speaking of load distribution. All tasks fall into the queue, which is processed by the scheduler. Moreover, it is practically not connected with the server in any way. Those. the task of unloading statistics, recalculating traffic - will load the scheduler, but will not affect the performance of the billing server itself - it will work in normal mode, adding tasks to the queue, will give access to the database to the radius and other modules.

Conclusion, comparison with other systems

In general, I am satisfied with the billing. Now I am finishing my interface (again, I am glad that the database is documented - it is very easy to write the necessary queries to the database)

There were no special opportunities to compare with other systems. According to the reviews of those who move from UTM - heaven and earth - documentation and openness of the database, the ability to add your own scripts, implement your own business logic.

PS If you have any questions - ask, I will try to answer.

Thinking about the pressing problems and reducing debit to credit, thinking about how to make payments, saving time, and at the same time not losing money, I came to the conclusion that electronic payment is the most convenient form of mutual settlement with a service provider for me.

With a regular bank card, I can make any purchases and pay, top up my mobile phone and conduct business. And at the same time, do not stand in long lines at the bank's cash desk or wait until they write out a receipt for payment with a note in the corner. It turned out to be the perfect solution for me. I took it into service, but notes of doubt still crept into my mind. How beneficial is this for me? What is the probability of error when paying by electronic payment? The stereotype is strong, "what without a piece of paper, you ...". Yes, and I have heard about various cases of loss of payment or disappearance of money from the mobile.

I decided to figure everything out: how does it all happen and who controls it. I read a lot of information and found out how it all works. It turns out that there is such a system - billing is not a physical law, but an ordinary program for conducting mutual settlements. That is, in ordinary words and for an ordinary person, a billing system is a separate computer with a simple layman will only need to know the principle of the system and not bother with all the abstruse information that I read.

Do you want to know what is billing?

Billing in slang means payment, and, it turns out, the system of such a calculation has long been entrenched in our lives. I never even thought about how money is withdrawn from a mobile phone. It turns out that this is controlled by a billing system that stores data about the client, his tariffs, and the direction of calls. Complete information about what is happening. In online mode, data is exchanged between the subscriber and the billing center. The phone bill can be checked immediately after the call, and they have already calculated it for you and debited it from the balance. Everyone uses billing: mobile terminals, telecommunications providers, mobile operators, Internet banking, hosting providers, and so on. Absolutely all companies and private entrepreneurs involved in information technology and payment by electronic payment use billing technology.

What is billing and how does it work?

Software for billing systems is developed individually, according to the specifics of the customer. It can be both multifunctional applications for an online store, and corporate development (like MTS functionality). Everything happens automatically, under the control of the program. calculation for each client individually, according to a prepaid or contract tariff plan - everything is taken into account. Any little things. Not a single second or kilobyte of traffic will remain unaccounted for, everything is calculated and billed. And often not at all in favor of the consumer. The tricks that some companies resort to in the field are simply amazing, and their earnings increase by an order of magnitude.

The main task of billing is the transfer of client funds to companies for the services provided. Or in the opposite direction - accrual of package services in the amount paid, according to the tariff plan, by the client. Everything, of course, is much more complicated if you thoroughly analyze what billing is. There are a lot of things that billing considers and controls, but you should not bother with this, unless, of course, you want to become a developer. To do this, you will have to study much deeper the whole "kitchen" of telecommunications and communications.

After wasting several hours in search of the truth, I came to the conclusion that the billing system does an excellent job and can be trusted. After all, it is she who protects against scammers. It controls financial flows and distributions between service providers and subscribers. Now you know what billing is.

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