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A comfortable font for reading. Which font is better

Site font- this is one of the main design issues for your site. The correct size, color and type of font can solve the problems of readability, beauty and efficiency of the resource as a whole.

TOP 10 of the best and most used fonts

All the fonts below are considered basic, so they can be used on the site even without uploading the font file (* .ttf) to the directory with the site

1. Tahoma

2. Verdana

3. Arial / Arial Black / Arial Narrow

4. Times New Roman

5. Palatino Linotype / Palatino

6. Impact

7. Century gothic

8. Helvetica

9. Georgia

10. Gill sans mt


11. Courier new

12. Calibri

13. Trebuchet MS

14. Lucida Sans Unicode

Several rules for using fonts on the site

1. The basis of readable text is headings. They act as a kind of beacons that allow the reader to focus attention on the desired part or passage, without annoying him with the flow of general information. Also try to highlight your keywords!


First paragraph

Second paragraph paragraph

2. The site should have some general concept, so try to use no more than 2-3 fonts per site. Below is the CSS code

Body (font: 14px / 100% Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif)
14px font size, 100% indentation between lines, Tahoma font used
3. After design, the text should be readable - observe the contrast (black text on a white background, white on blue, etc.). Try not to use bright colors for either. There are exceptions, but it does not fall under standard practices.

4. When designing your text, try not to use more than 2-3 colors. Note that the best designs stick to 2-3 colors at most. Follow this rule and you

5. The text must be readable! Try to make paragraphs, indents for sub-paragraphs or reference information.

The text of the first paragraph. Long and interesting.

But the text of the second paragraph will not merge with the second, since there will be an indent between them.

Thank you for the attention! And good luck with project design!)

The font is important. Like air that you don't notice while everything is in order. Most people have no idea what fonts are called or how they differ (which is fine), but they have an unmistakable feeling that there is something wrong with your site if the font you are using does not fit your project.

What is font weight

Font readability

Whichever font you choose, it should read well. Especially if you are using a background photo. If you put a thin typeface on a photo with small details, the text will not be readable. Always pay attention to this.

What can be done? First, use a photo suitable for the background: with large, uniform elements. Secondly, muffle the photo with a filter, it will become smoother and the text will read better. Thirdly, it is possible to increase the saturation of a particular block by applying the "inline style". This means that you do not set the settings for the entire site, but only for a part of the text. You need to select the text and set the parameters through the editor.

A style that is applied this way, on top of the global settings, will always take precedence. Therefore, if you suddenly change the parameters in the site settings, and the changes are not visible, then the "inline style" is applied in this place. To remove it, you need to select the text and click the "clear" icon.

Example 1: The text is not very readable

Example 2: The text reads well

If the topic of choosing a font interests you, find good sites close to your project and see what fonts they use. The What Font browser extension will help determine this.

You can also check out the Independent Typography Archive at, a resource that collects and sorts samples of websites and print media by type of font used.

In one of my diaries I read a discussion about which font is best to use in my notes. And here's what a professional with 15 years of experience thinks about it ...

In my opinion, a font that is easier to read is better. However, text reads differently on paper and on a monitor screen. Therefore, the font that is best suited for the site is not always worth using in print.

Remember the rule: on paper it is best to read a serif font, from the screen - a sans serif font.

I think that the reason for this is that information is displayed differently on paper and on a monitor screen. So, in typographic printing for a font, the norm is considered to be from 700 dpi (dots per inch - the number of dots per inch), and the clarity of the image on the monitor screen is only 72 dpi - ten times less ...

But back to our question - which font is better? An unequivocal answer to it can be given in relation to websites: this is Verdana. Moreover, this is not my point of view, but a scientifically proven fact. This font is really the best screen readable!

This font has a pretty interesting history.

It was developed specifically for Microsoft in 1996 as a font that is easy to read on the screen, even with small letter sizes. Thanks to its lack of serifs, wide character sizes and large spacing, Verdana is truly legible!

Another thing is that with amazing readability, it is very cute: after all, you want the text to be not only easy to read, but also to look beautiful (although like / dislike is a matter of taste). Then you need to look for an alternative - good, they are.

Top 4: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and Georgia fonts

In a survey of 35 web designers by Smashing Magazine, two typefaces rank first: Helvetica and Arial. (For general education, I will say that Helvetica was developed by Swiss designers more than half a century ago, and the Arial font is twenty years younger.) These fonts are the most common on the Internet, and therefore can claim to be the best.

The exquisite Georgia font is very popular (and widely loved). Despite the fact that this font is serif, it is very widespread on the Internet. For example, it is used as the main font in the online version of Forbes magazine.

In fact, if you look at decent websites on the Internet, you will find that the above four fonts are ubiquitous. Other fonts are the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, summing up, we can summarize that the best fonts for the site are Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and Georgia.

As for fonts for reading from paper, there are so many of them (several thousand) that it is almost impossible to single out some of the best ones. However, as trite as it may sound, Times New Roman and its variations are widespread in print. Therefore, we will leave the laurels of the best offline font to him.

P.S. By the way, Serif and Sans Serif are translated from French: serif and sans serif.

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Good afternoon everyone !!! Today we'll talk about fonts. And a foreign comrade will help us in this. We carefully read and learn from experience.

Undoubtedly, the choice of the font solution plays a huge role in the perception of the site. After all, most sites consist of texts almost entirely.

Tomas Laurinavicius was interested in what typefaces web designers like to use the most in their work.

He conducted a small case study to identify the most popular and beloved fonts among website and blog designers.

He also took a short interview with web designers to find out which typeface is most appropriate for a particular situation. Thomas shared the results of his survey on

In the survey, web designers named 73 different fonts - 46 free and 27 paid.

The most favorite fonts of web designers are: Helvetica, Arial, Georgia, Gotham, Myriad Pro, DIN, Futura, League Gotic, Cabin, Corbel.

It should be borne in mind that not all of the presented fonts are Cyrillic, especially in the free version.

Top 10 Favorite Free Fonts for Web Designers

The designers interviewed selected the 10 best fonts for web graphics. This did not take into account the fonts installed by default in the operating system, such as Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, Georgia or Tahoma. (This is a bit strange - in the first place is the font that is in the operating system).

Top 10 Favorite Paid Fonts for Web Designers

The following list contains the most popular paid fonts used in web graphics and design. Some are very expensive, but the quality speaks for itself and justifies the cost.

In my opinion, a font that is easier to read is better. However, text reads differently on paper and on a monitor screen. Therefore, the font that is best suited for the site is not always worth using in print.


Remember the rule: on paper it is best to read a serif font, from the screen - a sans serif font.

I think that the reason for this is that information is displayed differently on paper and on a monitor screen. So, in typographic printing for a font, the norm is considered to be from 700 dpi (dots per inch - the number of dots per inch), and the clarity of the image on the monitor screen is only 72 dpi - ten times less ...

But back to our question - which font is better? An unequivocal answer to it can be given in relation to websites: this is Verdana. Moreover, this is not my point of view, but a scientifically proven fact. This font is really the best screen readable! This font has a pretty interesting history.

It was developed specifically for Microsoft in 1996 as a font that is easy to read on the screen, even with small letter sizes. Thanks to its lack of serifs, wide character sizes and large spacing, Verdana is truly legible!

Another thing is that with amazing readability, it is very cute: after all, you want the text to be not only easy to read, but also to look beautiful (although like / dislike is a matter of taste). Then you need to look for an alternative - good, they are.

Top 4: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and Georgia fonts

In a survey of 35 web designers by Smashing Magazine, two typefaces rank first: Helvetica and Arial. (For general education, I will say that Helvetica was developed by Swiss designers more than half a century ago, and the Arial font is twenty years younger.) These fonts are the most common on the Internet, and therefore can claim to be the best.

The exquisite Georgia font is very popular (and widely loved). Despite the fact that this font is serif, it is very widespread on the Internet. For example, it is used as the main font in the online version of Forbes magazine.

In fact, if you look at decent websites on the Internet, you will find that the above four fonts are ubiquitous. Other fonts are the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, summing up, we can summarize that the best fonts for the site are Arial, Helvetica, Verdana and Georgia.

As for fonts for reading from paper, there are so many of them (several thousand) that it is almost impossible to single out some of the best ones. However, as trite as it may sound, Times New Roman and its variations are widespread in print. Therefore, we will leave the laurels of the best offline font to him.

P.S. By the way, Serif and Sans Serif are translated from French: serif and sans serif.

Related links:

On the InspirationBit website, you can read the results of the aforementioned survey of web designers in the post 16 Best Fonts for Web Design.

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It is believed that a redesign is simply a new design for an old site, and it is needed to make the site look more modern. This is a very superficial point of view that has little to do with reality: in fact, everything is much more serious ... and interesting.

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