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Commands for resetting network settings. Reset tcp ip protocol settings in windows xp


Close all applications, including IE if it is running. If your computer is running Windows XP, click "Start" and "Run" in sequence. Type inetcpl.cpl into the command window. If you are using Windows Vista, enter this command in the "Start Search" window.

In the "Property: Internet" window, go to the "Advanced" tab. Under Options, click Reset. The Reset IE Settings window opens. Confirm your decision by clicking Reset. This command restores browser, add-on management, and history settings to default. Once the process is complete, click "Close" on the dialog box and launch IE.

To restore the default TCP/IP protocol settings, open the input box from the start menu and type cmd command.

In the console window write next line:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt.

Reboot. The reset command will change the registry keys that are used by the TCP/IP protocol and write the changes to the resetlog.txt file you created for this purpose:



To restore default settings Opera browser, run it and type in address bar opera:config text. In the "Settings Editor" window that opens, check the "Show all" box. Click the "Default" button next to the settings you want to restore to default. This method will require a lot of time and patience from you.

To restore all settings to default, select the "Search" option from the "Start" menu. Click on the "Files and Folders" command. In the search box, enter the name of the operaprefs.ini file - Opera contains the current settings in it. In the "Search In" window, select " local disk WITH:". Then mark " Extra options” and check the boxes next to the items “Search in system folders”, “Search in files and folders” and “View subfolders”. Click Find. After the search is complete, click on the file name right key mouse and select the "Delete" option from the drop-down menu. The next time you start the browser, it will re-create the settings file.

Return to default settings operating system is not such a laborious process. Often this is required in cases where it is impossible to find out exactly which changes adversely affected the operation of the system.


Save everything you need further work files used in applications. Save also required parameters accounts, for example, logins and passwords from browsers, addresses of pages you frequently visit, links to interesting resources, because the system rollback to its initial settings will destroy the changes made by the user up to the current moment.

Finish working on documents, saving all changes beforehand. Open the Start menu, select Programs. Go further to the standard directory, and then utility programs. Select "system restore".

In the window that appears in front of you on the screen, select the item "Restore an earlier state of the computer" on the right. Click "Next. In a new window, you will see a calendar of previously created system restore points. Some of them were created by you, and some in automatic mode, for example, before installing any programs that could affect the operation of the system. You can also choose any other date for recovery, however, to return to the original settings, it is best to return to the very first position.

Use the arrows to scroll through the calendar for creating restore points to the date of the very first one. If two checkpoints were created on that day, select the one that was made at the very beginning.


Be careful, system rollback means complete removal of all programs installed by you for the period of using the system.

Helpful advice

Create more frequently checkpoint, including when installing the operating system.


  • how to reset windows settings

If you experience any problems with the Opera Internet browser, most IT professionals recommend resetting settings in the initial state(default). Older versions of the browser did not have a factory reset option, but this operation can be done manually.

You will need

  • Internet browser Opera.


This browser is designed in such a way that files settings can be restored automatically if they are overwritten by others or deleted. Therefore, you only need to delete the configuration files in order to reset settings. First of all, check all categories of settings, as after deleting files settings will be practically impossible.

Launch your browser and refer to the "Help" section in top line menu. If the menu is , press Opera button in the top left corner and select Help. In the menu that opens, select "About".

In the page that opens, find the "Paths" section manually or using the internal search (press the combination Ctrl keys+F). In the section, the first line will indicate the save path configuration files browser is usually C:Documents and SettingsUserApplication DataOperaOperaoperaprefs.ini. Copy given way by pressing the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V and close the browser.

Open any file manager, such as "Explorer" or Total Commander. Paste the copied path into the address bar, put the cursor at the end of the line and press the Backspace key to delete operaprefs.ini, then press Enter. In the folder that opens, find the operaprefs.ini file and make it backup, i.e. copy to another directory, for example, to the desktop.

Then delete the file from your browser folder. After deleting the configuration file, the program will automatically create a new one with default settings. To do this, just launch it by double-clicking on the shortcut on the desktop. If for some reason the browser is not, use the recently saved copy of the file, replacing it with old version.

Return to mobile phone initial settings possible at any time. However, it must be taken into account that in this case the user will lose all previously set parameters - from calls to changes in the call log and a number of other settings.

One of critical components to connect to the Internet in Windows is the TCP/IP protocol. Sometimes this protocol is damaged and the computer does not connect to the Internet. Because the TCP/IP protocol is part of Windows kernel, it cannot be uninstalled, but it can be reinstalled. If your computer cannot connect to the Internet and you have already tried everything you can, it may be due to a corrupted TCP / IP protocol. It can be reset to default settings using utility utility netshell.

Possible symptoms of TCP/IP problems:

1. The computer does not receive an ip address

2. Unable to connect to the Internet or local network, although all settings are correct.

3. The connection is established, but in the settings network connection you don't see your computer getting an ip address. There is also no information about the gateway and DNS servers.

4. The computer receives an IP address like 169.254.*.*.

5. Node pings by ip, but not by name

6. When you turn on the computer, there is Internet, but after a while it disappears. The download speed is very slow. Files are downloaded "broken".

What causes TCP/IP corruption?

It's hard to say for sure. The most common causes of TCP/IP protocol corruption are:

  • the effects of viruses (even if you have already removed them)
  • installation incorrect drivers network card
  • operating system damage

How to reset TCP/IP and Winsock?

Attention! All network settings will be reset. Rewrite them before performing any action.

Reset TCP/IP with MicrosoftFix.

The easiest way to reset the TCP/IP protocol is using MicrosoftFix. Download the file, run it and follow the prompts of the wizard. Everything is elementary and simple.

If for some reason this method does not suit you, then take the opportunity to reset the TCP / IP protocol using command line.

Resetting TCP/IP and Winsock with Netshell

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

3. Press Enter and restart your computer.

4. If it doesn’t help, try the commands

netsh int reset all

netsh winsock reset

Reboot after every command.

If these steps did not help, most likely it is not a damaged TCP / IP protocol or Winsock. You can also try to check your computer for malware using the programs from the article.

Friends, hello everyone! In this article, we will talk about reset again. network settings Windows 7 and 10. Although nothing has changed in this regard over time, which means that for the good old XP this instruction will fit too.

If you remember, it was already on this topic, but the other day when troubleshooting network problems, it did not help me. The fact is that the combination of commands indicated in it did not work this time. By unknown reasons the command line reported that it does not know such parameters.

So I got into the official help again Microsoft to find a way out of the current situation. And here's what I ended up with.

How to reset Windows 7, 10 and XP network settings with one command?

First you need to run the command prompt as an administrator. How to do it was detailed. Next, we write in it just one line like this:

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

After that, be sure to reboot the experimental computer. That's all, now everything to the network should be a thing of the past. By the way, if you want to see in detail the results of the netsh command (Network Shell - a shell for configuring TCP / IP parameters) using a log file named resetlog.txt, then you can also issue this command:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

Now at the root system disk The above file will appear. But main point in that the filename at the end of the command must be specified in order for the reset to succeed. Also, before starting the process, be sure to write down your valid settings network card.

After all, the treatment procedure described in this article will lead to the removal of all effective values IP addresses. Well, friends, this article on resetting network settings Win 7 and 10 has come to an end. If so, ask your questions in the comments. And now, as always, let's watch another interesting video.

Sometimes, it happens that the Internet connection settings get lost or simply does not want to connect to the network (does not receive an IP address via DHCP). Similar problems may occur as a result of the operation of some malware(viruses). You can torment those for a long time. support from your provider or call a specialist at home. You can try to fix the problem yourself.
To reset TCP/IP in operating systems Windows NT (2000/XP/Seven) exists special program netsh.exe.

netsh.exe- (Network Shell - Network Shell) allows you to configure network settings.

Some nasty viruses get into WinSock and mess up.

  • The speed of downloading files via TCP is very low (at the same time, it can download quickly via UDP);
  • When you turn on the computer for a while, a couple of minutes, the Internet works fine, but then it disappears completely (the speed drops to 0);
  • The Internet works and the download speed is normal, but the downloaded file is broken because it is not fully downloaded (most likely the virus intercepts some of the packets during transmission, but sends a notification to the source that all packets were successfully received).

In addition to viruses, your Internet connection can also be “broken” by you (or “itself bugged”)

Some examples:

  • The computer does not receive an IP address automatically (via DHCP);
  • IP addresses are pinged but not pinged by name;
  • The computer receives an IP address of this pattern 169.254.*.* ;

If you have cleaned yourself of viruses, then you can proceed to recovery. ATTENTION! The following procedures reset network settings. I strongly recommend overwriting the settings.
What would reset winsock:

If the first command did not solve the problem, you can reset the TCP / IP stack to "factory" settings:
In the same place on the command line, enter the command:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

In this case, the reset log will be saved in the root of the C:\ drive; if you omit the prefix c:\, then the log will be saved in the current directory. After that, you should restart your computer.

After using this command, the following registry branches will be reset to the "factory" ones in the registry:


You can use these commands together one after the other. By the way, they also reset the DNS cache.
About DNS cache issues: For example, the site moved to another hosting, as a result, its IP address changed. And since you still have not quite fresh data in the cache, when you enter the site name, you will be taken to the old IP address, where the site no longer exists.

In order not to reset all settings, try the command ipconfig /flushdns If it doesn't help, use netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt- this is guaranteed to help and reset everything related to network connections. 😉

Many users encounter a problem when the Internet and the network stop working on the computer. Although the modem or router shows that the Internet is working. Therefore, Microsoft has added to the operating room Windows system the ability to perform an independent reset of the adapter parameters.

This article will tell you how to reset the network windows settings 10 using updated system settings and how to reset network settings via command line. In either case, use the netsh command winsock reset, which actually resets the network settings.

Before proceeding to reset network settings, you must first figure out whether it will help in a given situation. The first symptoms of problems with the network settings of the system can be different, among them it is worth noting the most common ones:

  • File download speed is very slow.
  • After turning on the computer, literally after a few minutes the Internet disappears (although it works as it should for a few minutes).
  • The computer does not automatically receive an IP address.

All current situations are described in the case of full operability of the Internet from the provider. Resetting network settings is only needed if there is a problem with your operating system.

How to reset Windows 10 network settings

This action will uninstall and then reinstall everything network adapters and return for others network components their original settings. You may then need to reinstall another network software(e.g. software VPN client or virtual switches).

After confirming the network settings reset, your computer will restart. When the computer is turned on for the first time after resetting the parameters, the user will be prompted to select the network in which your computer will be serviced.

Before the ability to reset the network settings of the adapter in updated Windows settings 10 reset network settings was carried out in a different way. The current way using the command line is also suitable for users previous versions Windows operating system.

If the user receives messages, for example, the DNS server is not responding or the DNS address of the server cannot be found, then before executing the command netsh winsock reset, you can try to drop DNS cache. To do this, you need to run the command ipconfig /flushdns on a command prompt run as administrator.


A complete reset of the network settings of the operating system is an excellent remedy for many problems. Therefore, we looked at how to reset Windows 10 network settings using system settings or through the command line. Reset if necessary network settings on previous operating systems, you can use the command netsh winsock reset, which actually helps to reset network parameters.

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