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Collage of photos in paint. How to make a collage from photos

Hello. I had a need to create a small master class on creating a collage through the graphic editor. I really like this editor, because it combines the lightness of an ordinary paint, and some Photoshop functions, which are enough to create a collage of our work in a short time.
Let's start...

The first thing we do is open our program itself.
pops up a window with a blank sheet.

Second step. Open photos, on the basis of which we will make a collage.
Press the button: "Open"

We select the photos we need (either one at a time, or all at once).
And press the button: "Open"

That's it, the second step is complete. Our images popped up in the program menu (top right corner), clicking on them, we can go from photo to photo.

But not only. now we can make adjustments to the image itself (using the "Correction" or "Effects" tabs), here you can play, try various functions, improve the image, if necessary. if you don't like the result, there is always an "undo" button, just like in any other editor.

Well and also, to facilitate the task on the desktop of the program, I have open windows: "Tools", "Palette", "Layers". To open them, we climb into the "Windows" masonry and turn on the windows we need at the moment.

Step three. Select the image we need (or image area). For this we use any selection tool: square area, oval area, lasso. Because I need the whole photo, I took the tool for selecting a rectangular area, selected the photo and pressed the "copy" button.

Step four. Create a canvas for our collage.
To do this, press the "Create" button. A window pops up with the dimensions of the new image (by default, these dimensions will be exactly the same as the dimensions of the selection).
For the convenience of working with the collage itself, I always set the canvas size to twice the size of the first selected (main) photo.
In this case, the default dimensions are 1453x2589 pixels, which means I set about 3000x5000 pixels.
(in the picture the size of the print-screen)) and not the photo itself) Therefore, the numbers are a little different)

And now we come to creating a collage!
A new canvas popped up, on which we will collect everything.
Step five.
Click the "Edit" tab, choose "Paste as New Layer". It is very important! We insert each subsequent image as a NEW LAYER! So we have more room for creative placement of collage particles, editing, applying effects, etc.

Step six.
And so! Our first image has appeared!
Pay attention, in the blue zone and blue arrows I have indicated the "Layers" window, in which I usually use the button to move the current layer below the previous one, the button to delete the layer, the button to merge the layer with the previous one.
Red arrows indicate areas for adjusting the image size, hover over the area, hold down the mouse, drag (do not forget to hold down Shift on the keyboard so that the image is enlarged / reduced evenly!)

Step seven.
Well, we have inserted all the images, each on a NEW LAYER! Played with their location, size, made adjustments (if necessary). And we start to merge the layers. To do this, click in the "Layers" window on the topmost layer (it will stand out so bluish in the window), and then just click on the "merge with the next layer" button, then again and again and again until all the layers merge into one ...
Note 1: If the photos themselves are very heavy, it may take a few seconds to merge the layers.
Note 2. I try not to use the "merge all layers" button, sometimes the program hangs very much or the merging is distorted .. it is better to press the button three times than once and lose the whole result)) It's still not photoshop)

Well, this is the picture we should get. In the "Layers" window, there is only one layer with our assembled image.

Next step eight.
As you can see, we have a lot of unused white canvas left, we need to fix it somehow. In order not to expand the image (especially since we are already satisfied with our collage and do not intend to change it), go to the "Image" - "Canvas size" tab.

Now we start to remove the extra white background.
To begin with, we set the position of our picture at the bottom. Because I originally collected the collage from the left side of the canvas, then I set the location of the picture as well (if you collected the collage from the middle of the canvas, then put the image in the middle).
The second thing is to start resizing the canvas, do not rush to cut a lot of pixels at once! Otherwise, you can crop the collage itself! it is better to remove the excess two or three times a little than once and by.
Note. If you still slashed a lot, or set the position of the picture wrong .. it doesn't matter!) The "cancel" button will return everything as it was)

Trushina Svetlana Yurievna
Music teacher of the highest qualification category
Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary Cossack school"
Znamenka village, Nerchinsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory

Topic: "Create collages in Paint"

Collage making is one big image put together. On the Internet there are online programs for creating collages, you can download a special program to your computer.
This master class will show you how you can create a collage in Paint, which is included in all Windows operating systems, starting with the first versions.

Purpose: to teach the technology of creating collages in the Paint program.
Introduce the step-by-step steps of creating collages in Paint.
Introduce the different features of the Paint program.
To convey personal experience on the proposed topic.

Intended product of the activity

Step 1
Preparing photos for creating a collage. It is recommended to reduce the photographs beforehand, i.e. "Squeeze".
We open the first photo.

Step 2
We launch the Paint program. In the example through the function - Open with.

Step 3
At the top of the panel that opens, select the "Resize" tool.

Step 4
Choose: Percentage or Pixel. In the example, as a percentage. The default is 100%, reduced to 70%. Be sure to check the "Maintain aspect ratio" checkbox. Then you just need to set one size to change, the other will automatically change and the proportions will be preserved - the photo will not be distorted.

Step 6
You can change the size of the created "margin" for the collage as you insert a photo.

Step 7
Add photos. We open the "Insert" icon, the "Insert from" menu immediately comes out, click.

Step 8
Prepared photographs appear. To create a collage, decide in advance on the order of uploading photos, because when you add a second photo, you will no longer be able to move the first one. Photos can be moved or deleted only when they are selected. Add the second photo - Open.

Step 9
Set the photo with the left mouse button, then also change the size. In the example-
70 X 70

Step 10
Drag the uploaded photo to the desired place, resize it.

Step 11
The photo is installed, we do the same with the download of the rest of the photos.

Step 12
If, after you have combined all the photos, there is an empty space, you need to save the entire design of the future collage and find a photo, picture, emoticon to add and decorate.

Step 13
In the example, pictures from the Internet inserted into the collage

In the same Paint program, you can make a frame for the created collage.

Step 14
With the help of the master class: "Image editing capabilities in a Word document" -
you can design the created collage in different ways.

You can easily make an unusual gift for friends or relatives with your own hands by making a collage of photos.
A feature of the proposed method is simplicity, and most importantly, in contrast to the offered online services, such a design of photos can be completely original, you yourself can draw the shape and type of collage.

Photos are designed using the free Shape Collage program, which can be downloaded from the website The program is lightweight (40 mb) and does not cause any difficulties when using it.

So, go to the developer's site and click the Download button in the site menu. In the window that opens, select the version of your computer's operating system and click the Download button again.

Run the downloaded file and, using the prompts, install the program on your computer. Nice information - the latest version of the software has a Russified interface, which greatly simplifies the work of compiling a collage.

We load / delete the prepared photos that are on your computer using the + / - button. You can also use the Internet to download, using the "circle" button (in the image that you see below, these controls are circled in red):

It is best if all photos are of the same size, which can be done with any simple graphic editor.

You can also use the Paint editor - it is installed on your computer. Open this program along the path: all programs - standard - Paint. Upload the photo you want. Click in the menu on "Picture" - stretch / tilt and set the required photo size in percentage.

Of course, it is better to reduce the image - this way you will not lose quality, but you can experiment, take several photos of different sizes.

In the future, choose the shape of the collage. The main page of the program offers four standard ones - a rectangle, a grid, a heart, a circle, and most importantly - the ability to create a view yourself using the "Text" and "..." buttons.

Type any word in the line of the window that appears (you can add symbols), close the window and in the "Size" field, set the required dimensions of the collage, photos, their number, and the interval between them. Confirm each of your decisions by pressing the "Select" and "Create" button (at the bottom center of the window). Click "Create" and get a generated collage.

More interesting is the option when you press the "Select" and "..." keys.

In this case, you are given the opportunity to draw the look of the future composition yourself. With the help of a brush, you draw a view of the collage of any shape, text, or in the "Prezet" window select a ready-made drawing. You can also load an image from your computer using the "File" key.

Save the picture by standard actions - click "Save" and specify the path. It remains to print or send your work.

As you can see, there are many options to make a collage of photos in this program - create and get a cool result.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education

House of children's creativity of the city of Kholmsk

Municipal formation "Kholmsky urban district" of the Sakhalin region

First year of study

Students age 8 - 10 years

PDO: Kolosovskaya Lyubov Fedorovna

Open lesson summary

Association "Infoznayka"

Topic: Graphic editor Paint. "Create a photo collage"

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational. Continued work on exploring the capabilities of the Paint graphic editor; improving the skills of working in the graphic editor Paint;

2. Developing... Development of activity and independence; development of creative abilities; development of skills in the use of computer technology.

3. Educational... Fostering a culture of work in a graphic environment; education of an aesthetic attitude to reality; fostering love for the native land.

Lesson type: practical work.

Lesson plan:

    Org. moment (2 minutes).

    Introductory remarks (10 min)

    Viewing the presentation "Sakhalin - my native land" (3 min)

    Explanation of the new material (13 min).

    Independent work (15 min).

    Physical education (5 minutes)

    Independent work (20) min.

    Gymnastics for the eyes (2 min)

    Independent work (25 min)

    Summing up, shutting down the PC (5 min).

During the classes

1 ... Organizing time.

- greetings;

2 ... Introductory speech of the teacher.

For several lessons we have been working with the graphic editor Paint. Let's remember what we have already learned to do with it.

(Presumptive students' answers: draw, copy the image, rotate the elements of the drawing, color. Save them in your folder, edit).

Right. We studied all the main features of Paint and learned how to use them when working with drawings. We drew a lot, colored, edited images. And I think you have become real masters of computer graphics. And today you will have the opportunity not only to demonstrate your skills, but also to show creativity and imagination.

Remember the theme of the last lessons. (creating collages)

What is "collage". " Collage "Comes from the French word literally meaning" sticking ".

Collage is the creation of a single image from parts of several separate images.

What kind of collages have you already learned to create? (collage of flowers)

What tools did you use when creating your works?

(selection, copy, free cut, flip / rotate, sign the work, save as ...)

Consider the collages you created. You have created very good works. Where can you apply your collage skills? (create a greeting card for mom, girlfriend, grandmother)

Tell me, does any of you know the name of our small homeland? (Sakhalin)

And tell me, what is wonderful about our Sakhalin? (beautiful nature, many forests, clean air, full-flowing rivers, into which pink salmon enters for spawning; many birds, animals) Do you love your small homeland?

Let's watch now the presentation “Sakhalin - my native land!

3 .Viewing the presentation "Sakhalin - my native land". The song is playing"What can I say about Sakhalin"

Yes, we are lucky: we all live here, on the wondrous, unusually beautiful Sakhalin land. We all want our wonderful Sakhalin to please with its amazing nature not only us, its residents, but also residents of other regions and countries. I would like to have memories of our amazing corner of Russia in the soul of every person. But how to do that? How can your friends or relatives living on the mainland show the beauty of our island land? (you can send photos of Sakhalin nature)

Do you already know what a collage is and what is a photo collage?

A photo collage is a combination of several photocells in one picture.

4 .Explanation of new material

The topic of our lesson: creating a photo collage from photographs of Sakhalin.

Think about what you would like to display in your work: nature, fauna, city views.

Let's repeat how to insert a picture from a file:

Edit menu - paste from file

Open the folder "Nature of Sakhalin" select "Sketch of the drawing" (to preview the drawings, photographs); highlight photo - open.

What should be done:

If a photo or picture is inserted in a very large size? (without removing the selection, grab the corner with an arrow and pull down and to the right until the photo is reduced);

If the inserted photos are of different sizes? (without removing the selection, align)

You can send such a photo collage to your friends or as a present to your relatives.

Your task:

    Insert 6 photos, edit each size.

    Insert the inscription "Sakhalin is my native land"

    Make a single frame

Now you can start creating your collages.

5 ... Independent work of students at the computer.

In front of each of you is a card - a hint with the algorithm for performing a photo collage.

6 ... Physical education: we perform rhythmic movements to the music.

You can now proceed with your work.

7. Independent work

8 ... After 20 minutes of work, I do eye exercises.

9 ... Creative work at the computer.


So tell me, what did you learn in today's lesson?

Who remembers what a collage is?

Where can you use the knowledge gained in the lesson?

Let's take a look at your work.

Has the task been completed?

    Have all the requirements been met, right?

    What are the comments?

    Will your friends be interested in receiving such a gift?

    What do you want to tell your friends about in your collage?

Good! Well done. You did a great job with the job.

Your friends will learn from the collage how much you love your small homeland, how much beauty there is in Sakhalin.

A huge number of users sincerely believe that making an interesting collage is possible only in such a graphic giant as Photoshop? Now we will dispel this myth and create a real collage in the free, small, but feature-rich editor In one of the previous materials, we have already considered this program. Today I want to go beyond a simple overview and create something unique and unique.

(mosloadposition debug)

At the end of today's lesson, we should have such a masterpiece:

First, open the file with the main character in the File - Open ... program (Ctrl + O) We see that the file is in Jpeg format and there is a white background around the object that we need to delete.

For this we will use the Magic Wand Tool (S), as this tool allows you to select similar areas of color.

To select it, just click on the background. If in addition to the white background there are some other objects in the selection area, deselect (Ctrl + D), decrease the sensitivity of the tool and click on the background again.

When you have managed to select only the background, click Edit - Clear Selection or just delete. Now the object we need on a transparent background.

Open the background of our collage, where you need to move the newly selected object. To do this, go to File - Open ... (Ctrl + O), return to our object by clicking on its icon in the upper right corner. And press Ctrl + A (select all).

We return to the background file. Create a new layer: Layers - Add a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N). Paste our object: Edit - Paste (Ctrl + V).
The program will offer you the following:

We select to resize the canvas and we get approximately the following picture, since the size of the background was much smaller than our object.

Don't panic right away. Our objects are on different layers, which means that we can change their sizes, and remove the extra empty background.
Everyone knows that zooming in is bad for sharpness, so we'll zoom out on a large object.
We make the active layer with the object that needs to be changed. This is our magician. Next, go to: Layers - Rotation / Scale ... (Ctrl + Shift + Z)

In the dialog box that opens, you can change not only the size of the object, but also its location. In this case, we see all the changes immediately on the screen.
To decrease the size, grab the scale slider and drag it down. To change the position of the layers relative to each other, change the position of the cross in the Navigation window. And to rotate an object clockwise or counterclockwise, you need to spin the Tilt / Swivel wheel.
These are the settings I made.

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