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conax encoding. How to hack and decode paid satellite TV channels? Why all this

Viaccess 2.3 is currently a cracked key system. It was created by the French company France Télécom to encode channels on a paid basis. After hacking, it was improved by imposing an additional TPS-Crypt encrypted signal on the main body of the key. Using a similar encryption method, the developers were able to transmit several signals at the same frequency at once. After that, a regular satellite receiver could not recognize the keys, even if it was equipped with an emulator. To view channels encrypted with Viaccess 2.3 encoding, subscribers had to buy AEC type keys from a satellite operator.

Viaccess 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 are three hacked and currently inefficient encodings, but some channels work in this encoding to this day, for example, the classical music channel Mezzo from the Hotbird 13E satellite.

Viaccess 3.0, 3.1 - encodings developed in 2007. At the moment they are not hacked, but the channels that work in them can be viewed illegally using map sharing.

Viaccess 4.0, 5.0 - developed in 2012, are actively used by satellite operators from France, as well as by the Russian satellite operator NTV-Plus. Not hacked, but paid channels are easily viewed illegally through mapsharing.

Nagravision 2 encoding system

Nagravision 2 encoding is widely used among satellite operators in Europe. Partially hacked, but all vulnerabilities were eliminated by updating the encryption and changing the key cards for more than 4 million subscribers. Germany has suffered the most financially due to the map change.

If the Nagravision 2 encoding is cracked again, German satellite operators will have to replace another 17 million cards, at a huge financial loss.

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems are among the most technically secure. They are used by a number of satellite TV providers in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Although the system keys have not been cracked and made available to the public free of charge, channels encrypted in Videoguard and Irdeto 2 systems can be easily viewed illegally using map sharing.

The Videoguard encoding system is used by the Ukrainian satellite television provider Viasat, and the Russian operator Raduga TV encodes its channels with the Irdeto 2 system.

BISS coding system

The BISS encoding system is the simplest and most vulnerable to hacking. BISS keys are easily selected by calculation, since they are encrypted in hexadecimal number system. Also, the main problem of the system is that the channel codes are encrypted directly in the satellite receiver. If the receiver is equipped with a key emulator, it will not be difficult to crack the BISS encoding on it.

These are algorithms for encoding a signal coming from television satellites located in geostationary orbit to a receiving antenna. The most well-known encodings that are best protected from hacking and used in satellite television are the latest versions of Viaccess (2.5, 2.6 and 3.0) and Videoguard. The first one is used in Russia by NTV Plus TV company, while the second one is used in Europe in the popular British package SkyDigital and other TV packages. In total, there are more than ten encodings for satellite television.

The main purpose of using encodings is the ability to charge viewers for watching encrypted channels by issuing cards for this encoding for purchase by those who want to watch these encrypted channels. At the same time, the consumer's receiver must be able to work with this encoding either directly or through CAM modules (i.e., have a slot for installing a broadcaster card directly into it, or a CI slot for installing a CAM module with a card already installed in this module broadcaster).

Some satellite television encodings can be hacked (i.e. open channels in these encodings for viewing without cards), which makes it possible to watch encrypted channels without any subscription fee. This, however, in most cases is a crime if the broadcaster of these channels does not have the right to officially broadcast in the territory of the country where the hacking is carried out.

Satellite TV codes

Viaccess- very protected (in the latest versions) encoding from hacking. Developed in France. Used in Russia by the NTV Plus company, in Europe (for example, many channels are encoded on Hotbird satellites). Early versions of this encoding (Viaccess 1, 2.3, 2.4) have already been broken. Now the new version 3.0 of this encoding is already actively used. There is also a modification of this encoding - TPS-Crypt.

mediaguard(also sometimes called seca) is a partially cracked encoding. Now it is not used very often due to its susceptibility to hacking. Its first version is hacked, while the second is only partially hacked. The second version of this encoding (Mediaguard 2) is currently in use.

DRE-Crypt(also known as Z-Crypt) - the encoding used in the Tricolor TV package. At the moment, it can be opened by a receiver with a built-in module for this encoding or a receiver with a CI slot and a Tricolor card inserted into the DRE-Crypt (Z-Crypt) CAM module.

PowerVu- encoding used by the US military and developed in the United States. It has almost all the channels of the American Forces Network. Very burglary resistant. To receive programs in it, you need a special expensive receiver.

videoguard- encoding used in most Sky channels. Cards intended for viewing Sky channels in this encoding are “bound” to the receiver (i.e., it will not work in other receivers than the one on which the card was activated). Very burglary resistant.

Biss- simple coding. The channels in it can be opened using a receiver with a built-in encoding emulator. The keys are sixteen characters long, and the characters themselves are hexadecimal digits.

Rosscrypt- encoding, the algorithm of which was partially developed in the 70s of the XX century in the USSR. It is, according to some information, a reworking of the Cryptoworks encoding. It encodes, for example, part of the channels on the Express AM1 satellite (40 degrees East). Official sale of CAM modules for this encoding is expected. Very burglary resistant.

Irdeto- partially cracked encoding. Now the second version of this encoding (Irdeto 2) is more commonly used. It is used, for example, by the Orion-Express company on the Express satellite (80 degrees East). Irdeto 1 is hacked like Biss encoding, but Irdeto 2 is not.

Conax- Partially hacked.

Cryptoworks- Partially hacked.

betacrypt- Variety Irdeto. Hacked. Now Betacrypt 2 is used, which is essentially Irdeto 2 with a modified key update algorithm.

Nagravision- Used in part by European satellite TV providers, as well as Dish Network USA. Currently hacked. There is Nagravision 2, partially hacked. Alladin, notorious for its HASP keys, participated in the development.

dreamcrypt- Used by some providers of "adult channels" with Hotbird 13E, viewing is possible with a special CI module.


Use key entry into the emulator. This is illegal, ineffective and against the terms of use of the services provided to you. You can watch the channel for 10-12 minutes until the network is monitored. After that, viewing will also become unavailable. If your receiver does not have an emulator, enter keys there will simply be nowhere. In this case, you need to reflash the device using a removable drive, a cable for connecting to a computer, and other methods available for your model. Viaccess keys are easy enough to find on the Internet, however, this has long lost its meaning.

Do not pay attention to the tricks of scammers who offer to purchase a card from them with hacked Viaccess keys on various sites, all this and similar viewing methods are quickly stopped by the service provider.

Take advantage of sharing. This system is a payment for viewing channels by one subscriber, providing viewing to others using tuners united in one network. In this case, this is a completely legal way to view.

Learn more about remote sharing. This system allows you to view scrambled satellite channels for a nominal fee. At the same time, one person pays for their viewing and sends information to the sharing server, to which other subscribers connect. Such servers "live" for a short time, however, they allow you to watch channels for a certain time, usually a week or a month. They are easy enough to find on the Internet, and some may even include access to free viewing from time to time to attract new customers. In any case, the most reliable and trouble-free way has always been and is the timely payment for the services provided in accordance with the prescribed terms of the concluded contract.

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To watch satellite TV channels, you will need a special device - a receiver, which allows you to receive a signal from a satellite and transmit it to your TV. To access certain channels, you must enter their codes.

You will need

  • - television;
  • - receiver.


Determine the manufacturer and brand of the receiver to enter the channel keys. If you have a Hivision/APEX D-box brand receiver, follow the steps below to enter the keys into the receiver.

Enter the emulator, to do this, go to the menu, then set the "Config" tab. Press the buttons from 1 to 4 in sequence. Wait for the emulator menu to appear. Highlight Biss, press OK. If the screen says No data found, it means that the emulator is empty and there are no keys in it.

Press the red button on the remote. For example, you need to enter a key for the Megasport channel, the Amos satellite. These keys can be given in different versions depending on the types of tuners. Insert the first four digits of the key into the Biss field, this is the provider's number. A list of all numbers can be found at

Find the numbers that are in the middle of the key, in BIss leave dashes instead. Don't enter them. Further, there are eight pairs of numbers in the place for the key on the tuner, and six pairs in your code. Therefore, enter all the available numbers and add two zeros after them. After that, press the red button to add the keys to the receiver. Click Exit, click OK to save the keys. Exit the menu. Similarly, keys with Biss encoding are entered on other receivers.

Add Biss encoding to the receiver to enter keys into the tuner. To do this, enter the code 9339 from the remote control, go to the “Editor” submenu, enter the encoding menu. Click the green button to add a key. Fill in the fields: Caid - enter 2600; in the "Channel ID" field, enter the channel code; in the "Frequency" field, enter the frequency of the transponder. The key itself must be entered in the "Key data" field. To do this, use the up / down buttons or enter letters with the number buttons on the remote control. Save the key. To do this, click "OK", then Exit.

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To access satellite channels, you must first enter the emulator mode on the satellite receiver. Not all tuners have this feature, and access to this feature depends on the specific tuner model.

You will need

  • - television;
  • - satellite receiver.


Perform key entry on ORTON 4100 7010 receivers. Go to any channel, enter 9339, then go to Key Edit menu, press OK. In the window that appears with encodings, select Biss from the list, click OK. Then you will see the following inscription - Provider Tire inde Key Data.

Otherwise, it may be questioned and removed.
You can edit this article to include links to .
This mark is set May 13, 2011.

Satellite TV codes- these are algorithms for encoding a signal coming from television satellites located in geostationary orbitto a receiving antenna.

The main purpose of using encodings is to create an opportunity to collect money from viewers for watching encrypted channels by issuing access cards for this encoding. In this case, the consumer's receiver must be able to work with this encoding either directly, i.e. have a slot (card reader) for installing an access card directly into it, or a CI slot for installing a CAM module with an access card already installed in this module.

List of satellite television encodings with brief description

  • Viaccess- very protected (in the latest versions) encoding from hacking. Developed in France. Used in Russia by the NTV-Plus company, in Europe (for example, many channels are encoded on Hotbird satellites). Early versions of this encoding (Viaccess 1, 2.3, 2.4) are broken. As of 2010, new versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 of this encoding are actively used. There is also a modification of this encoding - TPS-Crypt, which is used by the French satellite channels TPS (since 2007, owned by the Canal + group).
  • media guard(also known as seca). The first version is hacked, the second is partially hacked. Rarely used due to its susceptibility to hacking, mainly the second version of this encoding (Mediaguard 2).
  • DRECrypt- the most common encoding in Russia used by the Tricolor TV operator, as well as by a number of cable and terrestrial operators. Starting from the 3rd version, it is resistant to any kind of hacking. At the moment, there is already the 5th version of the system. Developed in Russia by the Tsifra company.
  • Codicrypt- packages of radio channels are closed in CodiCrypt encoding. You can listen to them only with the official access module. These modules are distributed to cable operators, for whom this broadcast is intended.
  • PowerVu- coding developed in the USA, used by the US military. With its use, almost all channels of the American Forces Network are broadcast. Very burglary resistant. To receive programs, you need a special, rather expensive receiver.
  • videoguard- the encoding used in most of the Sky and Viasat channels. Used by the Kazakh system "OTAU TV" and the Russian Raduga-TV. Cards intended for viewing channels in this encoding are "bound" to the receiver (i.e., it will not work in other receivers other than the one on which the card was activated). Very burglary resistant.
  • BISS- simple coding. The channels in it can be opened using a receiver with a built-in encoding emulator. The length of the keys is sixteen hexadecimal digits.
  • Roscrypt-M- encoding developed in accordance with the Russian standard GOST 28147-89. Used for part of the channels on the Express AM1 satellite. Allows protection of transport stream components encoded in accordance with MPEG-2 , MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 standards at normal (SD) and high (HD) resolutions. The Rosscript-M conditional access system is compatible with broadcasting standards DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T. Very burglary resistant.
  • Irdeto- partially cracked encoding. The second version of this encoding (Irdeto 2) is used, for example, by the Orion Express company on the Express AM3 satellite and on the Intelsat 15 satellite under the Continent TV brand, by MTS TV Satellite and on the ABS-2 75 satellite and was also used by the Russian provider Rainbow TV.
  • Conax- in Russia it is used by providers "Rikor.SmartTV" and "Telekarta TV".
  • Verimatrix- in Russia it is used by the provider "Satellite MTS TV".
  • Cryptoworks- Used by Arqiva on the Astra 4A (4.9E) satellite and mainly on the Hotbird 13E satellite. Today it is rarely used, but some providers still use this encoding or a variation of it.
  • betacrypt- variety Irdeto, hacked.
  • Nagravision- used in part by European satellite TV providers, as well as Dish Network USA. Currently hacked. There is Nagravision 2, partially hacked.
  • skypilot
  • Omnicrypt
  • Neotion SHL
  • Bulcrypt

Reliability and methods for bypassing encodings

A number of encodings could not resist the onslaught of hackers and were hacked (Viaccess versions below 2.6, BISS, etc.). Channels in such encodings can be opened using a pirated access card, or without a card at all, due to pirated software in the receiver (more precisely, by emulating the receiver software of a missing card or CAM module). There is another way to illegally watch commercial television: cardsharing. It works by distributing keys from one (or several) conditional access license cards to multiple receivers via the Internet or otherwise.

You will need

  • - special access keys;
  • - access card;
  • - receiver;
  • - satellite dish;
  • - television;
  • - a computer connected to the Internet.


Before you start decoding, determine the signal encoding system that you have. The most popular systems are Nagravision, Irdeto 2, Viaccess and Cryptoworks. See popular channels it is possible by pre-configuring the satellite dish and the receiver responsible for receiving the signal from the satellite. However, there is a category of paid channels that require races to watch.

Please note that these systems are equipped with encryption protection, so you must have special access keys, the input of which will open the way to any popular signals, even with complex encryption. In order to acquire these keys, go online and download them, taking into account your signal encoding system.

If you do not want to search for and download keys from dubious sites on the Internet for a long time, then purchase a special access card with tariff sets of TV channels. It, like access keys, can be found on sites on the Internet. They are different for each city or region. The cards are relatively cheap. At the same time, they open free access to any channels you like and choose. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many users of satellite dishes choose this particular decoding method.

In the event that you are not entirely confident in your search skills on the vast Internet, contact professionals who have been decoding channels for more than one year. By paying money for their services, you will surely get access to a large number of popular channels, among which you are sure to find something for yourself.

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Be careful and consistent when decoding a channel, as one wrong step can block it.

Useful advice

To obtain certain skills, contact specialists who give advice via the Internet, online.


  • irdeto 2 decode

Coding satellite channels is a rather complicated process, which has already lost its relevance at the moment. But if you still want to take the risk and watch encrypted channels, be patient - this procedure can take you a lot of time.

You will need

  • - receiver with emulator;
  • - access codes.


Find the keys to which you want to decode for viewing on your TV. You can view them on various thematic sites and forums. Pay attention to the presence of an emulator program in your receiver, because if it is not available, there will simply be nowhere to enter the keys.

If your receiver model does not have a built-in emulator, download the latest firmware, scan it for viruses, and copy it to a removable USB drive. After that, connect the USB flash drive to the receiver and, following the instructions attached to the program, perform a flashing in the software update menu. If after this procedure an emulator appears in the receiver's menu, you have correctly completed the flashing.

In the emulator program, enter the keys you found from the receiver's remote control. After that, watch unblocked channels and expect response from the satellite TV service provider, since the protection systems they have installed have long stopped this kind of unauthorized access to viewing encrypted channels.

Use an alternative legal way to watch channels - sharing. The scheme of its work is quite simple - the subscription fee is distributed to several users using the access to coded channels on just one tuner. Also, you can simply pay for the use of encrypted channels, which will be the best option in this situation.

Please note that illegal viewing of encrypted channels is subject to liability to the satellite TV service provider, so use only legal viewing methods and do not violate the terms of the agreement concluded between you.

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Useful advice

Do not violate the terms of the contract.

How channels television operates on the territory of Russia today? Probably not countable. Because in addition to the mandatory all-Russian ones, of which there are 8 today, there are many additional commercial ones. In addition, each region in Russia now has its own broadcasting, sometimes more than one. Another variety is thematic channels. There are several of them in Russia, but there are a great many of them in the world.


By pressing the "Up-Down" button, select "Install Software". On some TVs, this sub-menu is simply titled "Select".

Keep scrolling through the programs until you have set all possible ones. Finding a TV channel with a satellite dish will help special tools for work, i.e. a special program of the so-called virtual TV. Such a program allows you to find, form a list of them, divide them into thematic groups

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Today we cannot imagine life without television. But even 100 years ago, no one even guessed about the possibility of transmitting a moving image and sound over a distance.

At first, these were small documentaries made specifically to demonstrate the capabilities of a transmitting television receiver. Then there were regular programs, feature films.

The first television tower in Russia, which transmitted weak television signals - the Shukhov Tower, was installed in 1939. Naturally, there was only one television channel then. With the development of technology, television has also evolved. First it became color, then digital, satellite.

If you have purchased a satellite dish, then you need to take everything possible and impossible from it, that is, the maximum number of channels. Satellite TV owners are trying to do everything to make customers pay for their services. Naturally, they can be understood, but the reality is that you have to adapt to the conditions of survival. As a rule, the most interesting channels turn out to be unavailable. In addition, the well-known rule applies here: the forbidden fruit is sweet. That is why everyone is so eager to decode the encoded satellite channels.


The easiest and most reliable option for unlocking a satellite TV channel sounds, perhaps. Just take and honestly pay for the services of this channel. In such a situation, all transmissions on it will become available, and you will sleep peacefully, knowing that your conscience is clear.

However, everyone knows that the cost of watching foreign TV channels is often too high, so resort to the following decoding option. Buy an emulator card that allows you to view encoded channels. Such cards in most cases are made in conditions and also cost money, but perhaps this option will cost you less.

Externally, emulator cards are similar to ordinary telephone cards. Using them is very simple: load the program for working with the tuner into the card processor from the computer, and load the firmware containing foreign codes into the card's memory. All providers release packages for a specific number of channels. To open the map, enter the special channel code. The card can fit from 16 to 40 channels, it all depends on its type and encoding version.

To update the encoding and, accordingly, increase the number of channels, you can reflash the card, but it's better to buy a programmer that will solve all problems with. Also look for high security commercial cards. They will cost a lot, given that you will also need a programmer. But it's up to you.

Another option is satellite channels- sharing. Today it is one of the cheapest ways to love channels. To do this, buy one official card and connect several subscribers to it at the same time. Thus, you pay for the channel, but only a certain part, and not the entire amount. The provider, of course, will not appreciate this, but it will be convenient for you as viewers.


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Codes from satellite channels are designed to protect against retransmission, copying or illegal viewing, as well as to prevent unauthorized viewing profits by viewers. To combat piracy in the field of satellite TV come up with more and more encoding systems that are harder to crack. But, over time, even the newest encoding systems are easily broken by hackers and pirates.

Viaccess encoding systems

Viaccess 2.3 is currently a cracked key system. It was created by the French company France Télécom to encode channels on a paid basis. After hacking, it was improved by imposing an additional TPS-Crypt encrypted signal on the main body of the key. Using a similar encryption method, the developers were able to transmit several signals at the same frequency at once. After that, a regular satellite receiver could not recognize the keys, even if it was equipped with an emulator. To view channels encrypted with Viaccess 2.3 encoding, subscribers had to buy AEC type keys from a satellite operator.

Viaccess 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 are three hacked and currently inefficient encodings, but some channels work in this encoding to this day, for example, the classical music channel Mezzo from the Hotbird 13E satellite.

Viaccess 3.0, 3.1 - encodings developed in 2007. At the moment they are not hacked, but the channels that work in them can be viewed illegally using map sharing.

Viaccess 4.0, 5.0 - developed in 2012, are actively used by satellite operators from France, as well as by the Russian satellite operator NTV-Plus. Not hacked, but paid channels are easily viewed illegally through mapsharing.

Nagravision 2 encoding system

Nagravision 2 encoding is widely used among satellite operators in Europe. Partially hacked, but all vulnerabilities were eliminated by updating the encryption and changing the key cards for more than 4 million subscribers. Germany has suffered the most financially due to the map change.

If the Nagravision 2 encoding is cracked again, German satellite operators will have to replace another 17 million cards, at a huge financial loss.

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems

Videoguard and Irdeto 2 encoding systems are among the most technically secure. They are used by a number of satellite TV providers in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Although the system keys have not been cracked and made available to the public free of charge, channels encrypted in Videoguard and Irdeto 2 systems can be easily viewed illegally using map sharing.

The Videoguard encoding system is used by the Ukrainian satellite television provider Viasat, and the Russian operator Raduga TV encodes its channels with the Irdeto 2 system.

BISS coding system

The BISS encoding system is the simplest and most vulnerable to hacking. BISS keys are easily selected by calculation, since they are encrypted in hexadecimal number system. Also, the main problem of the system is that the channel codes are encrypted directly in the satellite receiver. If the receiver is equipped with a key emulator, it will not be difficult to crack the BISS encoding on it.

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