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Yandex search button. How do I search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language? Benefits of Yandex search

Today it will be About, how to install Yandex search on a website... Why install? Because if you searched for any information on wordpress blogs, you noticed that sometimes many blog articles are shown that are not at all relevant. I'm not even talking about fixing Yandex search grammatical errors and immediately displays popular queries.

Why search from Yandex? Probably you have long ago determined for yourself which search engine is the most important for you, under which you will first of all promote queries, for example, low-frequency queries.

If your site is still young, then some articles will not appear in the search if they do not have time to be indexed.

The search algorithm is designed in such a way that first the pages must be indexed, only then they can be found.

Installing site search from Yandex

Try to install the code yourself. For example, I have this after the line “


Method 2. It's simpler, go to Appearance -> Widgets and add at the top (or wherever you prefer) the "Text" widget and paste our code. Make sure that the checkboxes are shown on all pages in the widget options.

Hello everyone!

Any more or less large site has many pages and a lot of content, in which it is not so easy to find what you need. Because of this, it suffers greatly and, as a result, visitors simply leave. You can solve this problem by searching the site through Yandex or Google.

In addition to the fact that such a search allows visitors to find the answer to their question, it also helps the webmaster. The fact is that creating a search for a site is not an easy task, because it is essentially a program that searches desired content based on the user's request, which means that the webmaster needs to have knowledge in the field of programming, or hire a third-party specialist to implement the idea.

How does site search from Yandex or Google work?

This solution can be implemented only if your site is in the index of search engines. After all, the search is carried out not by the content of the site, but exclusively by the index, that is, by the pages of your site that are in the index. That's why .

Of course, fresh pages will not be displayed in search results and you will need to wait for the robot to index them.

In order to install a search from Yandex, you need to go to this page, here you can familiarize yourself with all the possibilities, and click on the "Install search" button:

Search creation is carried out in 5 simple steps:

  1. Search area;
  2. Search form;
  3. Searching results;
  4. Search check;
  5. Embed code on the site;

Search area

At this step, you need to specify which web resource to search on. You can specify one or several sites at once. Also, filtering is installed here - we can protect users from "adult" content. Well, we give a name to the search.

Search form

Here we are already setting up the look of the search. We can choose the background color, the color of the search line, indicate the inscription in the line. In general, fit search string for the design of our site:

searching results

The third step is to customize the search results. There are two options: display the results on the Yandex page (redirects to another page), or on some a specific page site. In my opinion, the second option is preferable.

In addition, you can customize the appearance of the results: specify the background color, link color, domain color. You can also choose how the pages will be sorted: by date or by relevance. In almost all cases, it is recommended to select sorting by relevance, because this way the user can quickly find what he needs, even if the material was written a year ago.

Search check

Here we are already checking how the search works:

This is how the search results for the Context-UP website through Yandex. I'm thinking, to be honest, to apply this decision on my website, since what is implemented on this moment I am not quite happy, and you, too, probably.

At the last, fifth step, you will receive two codes to insert into the site: the first for the search form, and the second for the results.

Additionally, you can customize refiners and search suggestions.

How to do a site search through Google?

In principle, everything is a little simpler here: we indicate the link to the site and get the code. However, to make required settings naturally you can:

As soon as you have done everything you need with the search, click on the "Save and get the code" button. Copy the code and paste within the tag v Right place where the search will be displayed.

Well, that's all for me, dear friends!

Hope this material helped you in solving the problem. If helped, then share the link in social networks... If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

See you later!

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The more your resource is replenished new information, the sooner it becomes necessary to introduce a structured convenient search... There are several options for how to do this. The first method suggests using the built-in tools of your CMS. The second is suitable for those who work for pure HTML- for this, a special HTML site search script is written. And the third option, the most convenient, proven and, most importantly, suitable for any sites, is a search on the site through search engines. google systems or Yandex. What are they and how are they created?

Features of search through search engines

There are several valid reasons for using site search through Yandex or Google:

  • The first point is that these are specialized search engines, which means that their algorithms should be trusted.
  • Secondly, the search engine gives hints, which means that it will be easier for the user to formulate his question and find what he needs. According to the same principle, a randomly switched keyboard is taken into account in words. A regular HTML site search will not take this into account, and the search will not be found.
  • The third important aspect is keeping statistics. When a query is made in Wordstat, Yandex gives us the frequency of a particular search query. Based on this data, we know which keys to use when filling the site with texts, and we can also analyze what the user is looking for, what is in demand and what is not, what can be offered potential buyer etc.

There is one nuance among these indisputable advantages. The updated information will be available to the user only after the content is indexed. Until the search spider gets to it, the user will not be able to find it on the site. Such indexing, depending on the position of the resource on the search ladder, can take up enough long time, up to several days.

Search for the site "Yandex"

The Russian-speaking giant Yandex offers website developers its own free tool search integration. It's pretty handy. In addition to taking into account the morphological features of the language - correcting errors, typos, site search through Yandex allows you to specify a list of synonyms for each word and add a drop-down line of prompts. This will allow the user with more likely find what he needed.

The settings for this tool are very simple, select all required parameters you can do it yourself. Plus, the tool has flexible settings for the appearance and search elements, which will allow you to design it in the corporate colors and style of the site.

It is possible to search not only text, but also images.

Last but not least important feature... Using the search on the Yandex site, you are automatically ranked more often by the system, which allows you to quickly move to the TOP queries.

How to set up Yandex search

It's simple, the main thing is that your site is added to Yandex.Webmaster. This is easy to do.

You need to go to Yandex. Search on the site ”and click“ Set search ”. Next, fill in all the data that the system requires from you, including the name of the resource, e-mail and search requirements. The form has hints, so it's easy to figure out where to check the boxes.

Then, the settings for the appearance of the search are made, it is indicated on which page it will be displayed. For better orientation added preview.

The next step is to check if the search is working.

And if everything suits you, add it to your site by copying the service code.

Google search

Unlike the Yandex search engine, site search through Google is paid tool... But despite this, it is in great demand, especially among those who are trying to promote their resource to the TOP through this search engine... So, here's what the webmaster will get for average cost at about $ 100 per year:

  • completely personalized appearance, including the ability to remove the Google logo and put your own, change the color, style, shape;
  • the ability to search in any language;
  • changing the order of issuing results as you see fit;
  • search with synonymizers, which allows the user to quickly find what he was looking for, even if the request was not formulated as indicated on the site;
  • on-demand indexing, that is, for any update you have the right to send a request to the robot, and it will be indexed in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to search across multiple sites;
  • tracking statistics;
  • earnings from advertising.

How to set up a Google search

To install it on the site, you need to go to the “System of user google search”, And then fill in standard form... It is similar to the description in the Yandex chapter. Next, you can select styles for the search string, colors, fonts, etc. And then copy the generated code and paste it into the body of the page where the search should be displayed.


For those who do not know how to do a site search in PHP and HTML, do not understand the intricacies of web programming and want to get fast, convenient, and most importantly, efficient way information retrieval, it is best to use special scripts from "Yandex" and Google. They are not only more adapted to this function, but also help to effectively promote the resource in the TOP queries. The main thing here is to determine where you would like to see yourself higher - in free "Yandex" or in Google, where you have to pay, but where is great opportunities... For example, the possibility instant indexing updated materials.

In this article, I will guide you on how to install site search from Yandex... I installed it on my blog relatively recently. As the number of blog articles began to grow, I increasingly began to use site search to find necessary information. Standard search, which is built into WordPress, gave me those articles that have word matches with search query... I was interested in more relevant results, that is, to display those articles that most fully reflect the essence of the request.

For my blog, I chose custom search Yandex. I did this simply because I use Yandex more often when searching than Google.

Now let's figure it out, directly, with the installation. In order to put such an add-on on your site, you need to go to a special page at On this page, you can read about the advantages of searching for a site from Yandex. Here we are interested in the link "Set search", go to it, and get to the search settings page. You need to go through 5 steps.

Step 1. Search area.

Here you need to specify the name for our search (call it what you want, it will be displayed only on the page with your search settings) and the search area. The search area is the site for which you want to search. You can, in addition to your site, also insert the addresses of other sites. Then we press "Next to step 2".

Step 2. Search form.

Here you can choose the look of the search form. Customize to your taste, remembering that the form fits harmoniously into the site design.

There is an item on this page "Search area selection"... If there is a check mark here, then under the search form there will be two points with which you can choose each time, search for information only on the site, or throughout the Internet.

Step 3. Search results.

On this page, you customize the look of the search results, that is, colors, fonts, and so on. The only thing to pay attention to here is the first tab - “Where to show results”.

Here you need to choose a place in which the results will be shown for your request - or it will be regular page Yandex, the same as with regular search on, or it will be on one of the pages of your site, as it was done on my blog.

If you choose the second option, then check the box "In an iframe on a page" and enter the page address. For convenience, name the page, for example, poisk. Accordingly, the address of this page will be We will create the page itself a little later.

Step 4. Checking the search.

Enter any query in the search box and you will see what the search results for your site will look like if everything is configured correctly.

Step 5. Embed code on the site.

In this step, we need to insert the search form code into the site. To do this, you need to copy the code from the first field and paste it into desired file your theme. As a rule, the search form is inserted either in the sidebar or in the header of the site. In WordPress, respectively, you need to insert the code either into a file sidebar.php, either in header.php. ()

Now in the blog admin area you need create new page where the search results will be displayed.

We call this page "Search" so that after saving its address is, go to html mode editor and paste the code from the second field. After that, we save the page.

Ready. After all these steps, your website should appear new form Yandex search.

Having a search on a site is an indicator of user-friendliness and has long been the standard. Any WordPress site can be searched using a standard module, but it's much more useful to install Why? Let's figure it out now.

Benefits of Yandex search

  • Smart technologies. Yandex made the site search the same as its own. Errors, typos, incorrect layout, variability of spelling - all this will not interfere with the search for materials on your site. And this is very convenient for visitors, because practice shows that if a request was entered, for example, with the wrong layout, very few people will switch it and hiccup again. The same applies to different kinds mistakes. A person may simply not notice that he has entered a letter, and being upset about the “absence” of the required material, he will be disappointed in your site.
  • Setting up synonyms. This feature gives you more chances for a visitor to view about thematic materials, and it is very easy to set up synonyms.
  • Flexibility to customize the appearance. Search on the Yandex site makes it possible to arrange as you like. It is not at all necessary to keep the original yellow design, you can completely control appearance and to achieve the best match with the main site design.
  • Search hints. Another bonus for solving problems with human laziness. Visitors to your site will not need to burden themselves with entering the entire phrase, which is convenient for everyone.
  • Adjustment and refinement of results. You can select the desired time frame, file format or add quick key queries... Such fine tuning makes the search easier and allows you to nudge the visitor to the choice of the material you need.
  • Query statistics. Yandex stores site search in a database where you can estimate what users are looking for and how often. This is a great opportunity to understand what is interesting to your audience, and at the same time to identify possible reasons prompting them to look for it. Maybe you should revise the structure or even change the thematic profile of the site? Statistics will tell you this.
  • The ability to make money. Yandex offers you not only a convenient search, but also the opportunity to make money on it. If ads are placed in the search, you will receive half of the money that advertisers pay to Yandex Direct. Agree, for the sake of this it is worth trying this particular search. We wrote about Direct.

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