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Button on a macbook. View all formats when saving a file

The ⌥Option (Alt) key, it would seem, does not stand out from all the other 78 keys of the Mac keyboard, not counting the Command - but no, this key has a lot of functionality, only few people know about it. When used in tandem with a mouse / trackpad or as part of keyboard shortcuts, so-called "shortcuts", you can significantly expand the capabilities and usability of the OS X operating system. Below we will reveal some of the hidden functions of the ⌥Option (Alt) key.

Viewing Wi-Fi Connection Information

Want to know more information about the network you are currently connected to: IP address, connection speed, router address and other connection properties? Then just hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key and left-click on the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar.

Viewing Bluetooth Information

Need to see the status of Bluetooth equipment: device name, MAC address, detailed information about connected devices? Press and hold the ⌥Option (Alt) key and left-click on the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar.

More information about Time Machine

The Time Machine icon in the menu bar will also reveal additional options when you hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key and press it. You will be able to check the backups and view other discs to back up.

Quickly turn on Do Not Disturb mode

Do not disturb mode migrated to OS X from the iOS mobile system, it turns off the sounds of incoming notifications and hides their messages from the user. To activate it, you need to click on the Notification Center icon while holding down the ⌥Option (Alt) key

System information

To view detailed information about your Mac: hardware, installed versions of programs and settings, software startup logs - press and hold ⌥Option (Alt), left-click on the Apple icon in the menu bar.

Quick access to the Library

If you need to quickly get into the catalog Library, where the system stores settings and other program data for each user, then open Finder, select Go from the menu bar and hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key, the Library item will appear in front of your eyes.

Restarting Finder

There are times when you need to restart the Finder. The easiest way to do this is to hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key and right-click on the Finder icon in the Dock and select Restart from the context menu that appears.

Additional options when copying

We often copy and move files from one folder to another, and it happens that some duplicate files or files with the same name are already present in the target folder. The system displays a window with a further choice of actions: replace, stop and leave both, but if you press the ⌥Option (Alt) key, then the Leave both button will change to Skip

Move object

In OS X, when working with files, there are only two options: Copy and Insert and the functions To cut no, unlike Windows and Linux. But you can still move an object in the system - copy any object that you want to move and go to the destination folder, then right-click and hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key, the context menu item Paste object will change to Move object here or just press the keyboard shortcut ⌘Cmd + ⌥Option (Alt) + V

Combine folder contents

When copying folders in OS X, the system replaces one folder with another by default, deleting all content in the replaced folder. If you want to merge files from two folders into one without completely deleting the last one, press and hold the ⌥Option (Alt) key, hold down the left mouse button on the folder and drag it to the folder with which you want to merge (drag-and-drop). In the dialog box that appears, you will have a Merge button

Assigning a default program to individual files

The OS X operating system has many preinstalled programs that open most files, but not everyone likes them, and users often install programs from other developers. If you want certain files to open by default in your program, select the required file, right-click on it while holding down the ⌥Option (Alt) key and select Always open in the program, then select the desired program

File or folder path

Want to copy the path to the location of a file or folder, but there is no such line in Finder? Right-click on the object to open the context menu, press the ⌥Option (Alt) key, then the Copy item will change to Copy path to ...

Resizing the window

Probably everyone knows that to change the size of the program window, it is enough to move the mouse cursor to the edge of the window and drag, and it will expand in the direction of the cursor movement. But if you want the size to increase or decrease proportionally on both sides, then you need to press and hold the ⌥Option (Alt) key

Quick shutdown and reboot

During a standard Mac shutdown and restart, OS X displays a confirmation or cancel dialog box, as well as opening all running applications. To skip this step, when you select Restart or Shutdown, just hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key

These are not all the possibilities that you can do with the ⌥Option (Alt) key. For more information, simply hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key while clicking on an icon or menu of other programs in Mac OS X.

On OS X, you cannot cut files. You can move them only by dragging and dropping or copy-pasting and then deleting the sources. But if you really want to, then you can.

To do this, we simply copy the desired file, but paste it into the new folder, not as usual, using the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + V(Command + V) while holding down the (Option). A similar trick works in a similar way for the menu bar: while holding down the key (Option) the item "Insert Object" will change to "Move Object", which is what we need.

Delete files without moving to trash

By default, all files after deletion go to the trash, from where they can be restored or deleted permanently. In order not to have to additionally later, files can be deleted immediately.

To do this, instead of combining ⌘ + ⌫ (Command + Delete) should be used ⌥ + ⌘ + ⌫ (Option + Command + Delete). Through the menu bar, the same can be done by holding (Option) and choosing "File" - "Delete immediately".

Clearing Safari History

Browser history is a delicate thing that needs to be cleaned from time to time, if only to increase performance. However, along with the history, it also deletes the cookies and settings of the visited sites, which, you see, is not always necessary.

And again, the magic Option key saves us. While holding it, open the "History" menu and select the changed item "Clear history, but keep site data". Ready!

Restarting Finder

The only OS X program that cannot be terminated is. However, situations when it needs to be restarted sometimes do arise (for example, for some changes to take effect).

The easiest way to do this is to open the context menu by right-clicking on the Finder icon in the dock, but, as you probably already guessed, not just like that, but by holding down the key (Option).

Copy the path to a file or folder

Want to insert a direct path to a file in some application? No problem!

Go to the folder with the desired file (or another folder) and open the menu by right-clicking. Now press (Option), and, as if by magic, a new item will appear - "Copy path to ...".

Quick jump to the "Library"

Libraries is a folder containing various user data and preferences. You can get into it through Finder, but it's much easier and faster to do it using our favorite key. (Option).

In Finder, open the Go menu and hold (Option), select "Library".

Turn on Do Not Disturb Mode

To at work, the first step is to turn off notifications, but for this you do not have to swipe the shutter of the notification center and click the corresponding toggle switch. This is not life hacking.

It's better to just click on the action center icon in the menu bar while holding down you know which key. :)

Default application changes for specific files

OS X can open all popular file types in standard applications. If you have several applications installed to open certain types of files, then to select them as default programs, you do not need to wander through the settings and look for the corresponding item there. There is a more convenient way.

You just need to open Finder and, by right-clicking on the file, click (Option). After that, the "Open in the program" item will change to "Always open in the program", and we will only have to select the required application from the drop-down list. The same can be done through the "File" item in the menu bar.

Saving a file

When editing files, OS X treats them very carefully and offers to write all changes to a duplicate. But if you just need to save the progress in another file, you can use the "hidden" command.

In the "File" menu, press the key (Option) and select the appeared item "Save As". Those who prefer should remember the combination ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌘ + S(Option + Shift + Command + S).

Precise control of brightness, key illumination and volume

The scale for adjusting the display brightness, volume and key illumination has 16 gradations. Sometimes this is enough and sometimes it is not.

It is possible to decrease the step of change if the function keys F1 - F2, F5 - F6, F10 - F11 add combination ⇧ + ⌥ (Shift + Option). In this case, each division of the scale will be additionally split into four more parts.

Entering special characters

You can enter from the Emoji & Symbols panel, which is hidden under the Keyboard menu. It contains a complete table of symbols, divided into categories. If this method does not appeal to you, there is another.

Using the key (Option) you can quickly enter various special characters directly from the keyboard. For example, the combination ⇧ + ⌥ + K(Shift + Option + K) enters a character which you see on the menu bar all the time. In the same way, you can enter the symbols of currencies, arithmetic operations and any others. Until you remember the location of the symbols, you can spy by turning on the display of the on-screen keyboard (click on the icon of the input source, then "Show the panel" Keyboard ").

Show all subfolders in Finder

It is quite convenient to view files in list mode. The only annoying thing is having to manually open each subfolder. But even this problem can be overcome if you do not forget about the Option key.

All you need to do is press the arrow of the main folder while holding (Option), and the entire folder tree will appear in front of you.

Skipping duplicate files when copying

When you copy files that are already there to a folder, a dialog box appears prompting you to leave both files, replace or stop the copying process.

In fact, there is another hidden option: the option to skip copying the duplicate file, and it will appear if you press the Option key in the dialog box.

Deselecting Objects

You are probably familiar with the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + A(Command + A), which works in all applications and allows you to select all items or content. The Finder has the opposite of this action.

To deselect objects, be they files or folders, press the same combination, but add the key (Option). Like this: ⌥ + ⌘ + A(Option + Command + A).

Hide Windows and Force Quit Applications

Unlike Windows, applications in OS X can have multiple windows, and if you need to display any of them while hiding the rest, you can easily do this using the icon in the dock. And, of course, the Option keys. :)

Having made a right click on the application icon, you need to press (Option) and select "Hide Others". There will also appear the "Force Quit" item, which will allow you to close the frozen application.

Opening the settings for various functions

Display, sound, keyboard and Mission Control options can be changed from the default settings, or in an easier way.

To bring up options, such as display, you just need to press ⌥ + F1(Option + F1). For the rest of the functions - by analogy with this - you should use the combination ⌥ + F3(Option + F3), ⌥ + F5(Option + F5) and so on.

Displaying detailed network information

Clicking on the icon in the menu bar will open a list of available networks and several setting options. However, here you can also view detailed information about the active Wi-Fi network, including connection speed, IP and Mac address, and more.

You probably already understood what you need to do for this, but just in case I will say: you need to click on the Wi-Fi icon while holding the key (Option).

Switching to slideshow mode in Quick Look

One of my favorite Finder features is Quick Look, which lets you view files with a press of the spacebar. It would seem that there is nothing to improve here, but no, the ubiquitous Option key was noted here as well.

I'm talking about the slideshow mode, to switch to which you need to expand the preview window to full screen or launch it through the context menu. So: if you need to quickly view several images in a slideshow, just select them in the Finder and press not just the spacebar, but ⌥ + Space(Option + Space).

Opening Dropbox Preferences

Clicking on the Dropbox icon in the menu bar displays the latest files. In order to get into the settings, you need to additionally click on the gear in the pop-up window.

If unnecessary gestures are not included in your plans, then to open the settings, click on the icon in the menu bar while holding (Option) and everything will be much faster.

Skipping confirmation dialogs

When you reboot your Mac, the system carefully asks you if you need to open all running applications after you sign in. This is no doubt useful, but sometimes annoying.

To avoid dialogs to confirm your actions, all you need to do is hold down the key (Option) when you click on the "Restart" button.


Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be using the Option key more often. If you find its location awkward, the good news is that the useful Option key can be reassigned to the nearly useless Caps Lock. It is larger and more conveniently located.

There are no secrets here. Absolutely. Everything is done by standard means through the keyboard settings. The option we need is located on the "Keyboard" tab, where you should press the "Modification Keys" button and specify the replacement for the Option key in the drop-down list for the Caps Lock key.

Hi friends, I will try to tell you in detail how to use Mac hotkeys to simplify and even speed up your work, or everyday use of your computer. Namely, I will show you the combinations of buttons on a MacBook.

First, let's figure out what it is. Simply put, these are keyboard shortcuts that perform a programmed action when pressed. Partially duplicate the menu, interface and buttons.

Now a few words about how MacBook hotkeys work. It's simple, the Mac keyboard shortcuts given below are built into the Mac OS X system by Apple, so you just need to know about them to use them. Below I will give the most basic combinations that will be useful in everyday work with the system, as well as when working with the standard Mac OS X browser - Safari.

Basic keyboard shortcuts on a MacBook.

Often there is a need to take a screenshot of the screen, here are useful combinations:

  • Command + Shift + 3 - a regular screenshot of the desktop with all open windows;
  • Command + Shift + 4 - hold down these buttons, your cursor will change its appearance and then select the area you want to take a screenshot of;
  • Command + Shift + 4 + Spacebar - Takes a screenshot of the selected window.

The following Mac hotkeys come in handy for working with files or programs:

  • Cmd + C, Cmd + V - by analogy with Windows combinations, copy a file or text and paste a file or text, respectively;
  • Ctrl + Cmd + F - opens a running program or window in full screen;
  • Cmd + Q is the fastest way to close the selected window and program;
  • Cmd + alt + esc - in case of freezing of any window or application - forcibly closes them.
  • Ctrl + Spacebar - An easy way to take advantage of the proprietary Spotlight search;
  • Ctrl + Cmd + "space" - brings up a window with emoji so popular now in any application where you type text.

Mac keyboard shortcuts for the Safari browser.

Typically, MacBook users use the default Safari browser.

Check out MacBook Safari Hotkeys. Many of them work in other browsers, such as Chrome and Yandex.

  • Ctrl + Tab - allows you to switch between open Safari tabs;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - this combination has the same effect, only in reverse order;
  • Command + W - this key combination on a MacBook easily closes the currently selected tab;
  • Command + T - on the contrary, opens a new tab in your browser;
  • Command + R - refresh the page in one move;
  • Command + L - the address bar is selected and you can immediately enter your search query, or the site address.

Hope these macbook keyboard shortcuts help you work faster.

Now I will tell you how to assign your own combinations, or, as they are called, shortcuts.

Open "settings" - "keyboard", select the tab "keyboard shortcut". To assign a shortcut for any application in the left column, click on "App Shortcuts".

Now press "+", a window will open in which you select the application you are interested in, then write the exact name of the menu item or action, button for which you want to assign a shortcut. And enter the desired combination. Press "add" and use it.

On OS X, you cannot cut files. You can move them only by dragging and dropping or copy-pasting and then deleting the sources. But if you really want to, then you can.

To do this, we simply copy the desired file, but paste it into the new folder, not as usual, using the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + V(Command + V) while holding down the (Option). A similar trick works in a similar way for the menu bar: while holding down the key (Option) the item "Insert Object" will change to "Move Object", which is what we need.

Delete files without moving to trash

By default, all files after deletion go to the trash, from where they can be restored or deleted permanently. In order not to have to additionally later, files can be deleted immediately.

To do this, instead of combining ⌘ + ⌫ (Command + Delete) should be used ⌥ + ⌘ + ⌫ (Option + Command + Delete). Through the menu bar, the same can be done by holding (Option) and choosing "File" - "Delete immediately".

Clearing Safari History

Browser history is a delicate thing that needs to be cleaned from time to time, if only to increase performance. However, along with the history, it also deletes the cookies and settings of the visited sites, which, you see, is not always necessary.

And again, the magic Option key saves us. While holding it, open the "History" menu and select the changed item "Clear history, but keep site data". Ready!

Restarting Finder

The only OS X program that cannot be terminated is. However, situations when it needs to be restarted sometimes do arise (for example, for some changes to take effect).

The easiest way to do this is to open the context menu by right-clicking on the Finder icon in the dock, but, as you probably already guessed, not just like that, but by holding down the key (Option).

Copy the path to a file or folder

Want to insert a direct path to a file in some application? No problem!

Go to the folder with the desired file (or another folder) and open the menu by right-clicking. Now press (Option), and, as if by magic, a new item will appear - "Copy path to ...".

Quick jump to the "Library"

Libraries is a folder containing various user data and preferences. You can get into it through Finder, but it's much easier and faster to do it using our favorite key. (Option).

In Finder, open the Go menu and hold (Option), select "Library".

Turn on Do Not Disturb Mode

To at work, the first step is to turn off notifications, but for this you do not have to swipe the shutter of the notification center and click the corresponding toggle switch. This is not life hacking.

It's better to just click on the action center icon in the menu bar while holding down you know which key. :)

Default application changes for specific files

OS X can open all popular file types in standard applications. If you have several applications installed to open certain types of files, then to select them as default programs, you do not need to wander through the settings and look for the corresponding item there. There is a more convenient way.

You just need to open Finder and, by right-clicking on the file, click (Option). After that, the "Open in the program" item will change to "Always open in the program", and we will only have to select the required application from the drop-down list. The same can be done through the "File" item in the menu bar.

Saving a file

When editing files, OS X treats them very carefully and offers to write all changes to a duplicate. But if you just need to save the progress in another file, you can use the "hidden" command.

In the "File" menu, press the key (Option) and select the appeared item "Save As". Those who prefer should remember the combination ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌘ + S(Option + Shift + Command + S).

Precise control of brightness, key illumination and volume

The scale for adjusting the display brightness, volume and key illumination has 16 gradations. Sometimes this is enough and sometimes it is not.

It is possible to decrease the step of change if the function keys F1 - F2, F5 - F6, F10 - F11 add combination ⇧ + ⌥ (Shift + Option). In this case, each division of the scale will be additionally split into four more parts.

Entering special characters

You can enter from the Emoji & Symbols panel, which is hidden under the Keyboard menu. It contains a complete table of symbols, divided into categories. If this method does not appeal to you, there is another.

Using the key (Option) you can quickly enter various special characters directly from the keyboard. For example, the combination ⇧ + ⌥ + K(Shift + Option + K) enters a character which you see on the menu bar all the time. In the same way, you can enter the symbols of currencies, arithmetic operations and any others. Until you remember the location of the symbols, you can spy by turning on the display of the on-screen keyboard (click on the icon of the input source, then "Show the panel" Keyboard ").

Show all subfolders in Finder

It is quite convenient to view files in list mode. The only annoying thing is having to manually open each subfolder. But even this problem can be overcome if you do not forget about the Option key.

All you need to do is press the arrow of the main folder while holding (Option), and the entire folder tree will appear in front of you.

Skipping duplicate files when copying

When you copy files that are already there to a folder, a dialog box appears prompting you to leave both files, replace or stop the copying process.

In fact, there is another hidden option: the option to skip copying the duplicate file, and it will appear if you press the Option key in the dialog box.

Deselecting Objects

You are probably familiar with the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + A(Command + A), which works in all applications and allows you to select all items or content. The Finder has the opposite of this action.

To deselect objects, be they files or folders, press the same combination, but add the key (Option). Like this: ⌥ + ⌘ + A(Option + Command + A).

Hide Windows and Force Quit Applications

Unlike Windows, applications in OS X can have multiple windows, and if you need to display any of them while hiding the rest, you can easily do this using the icon in the dock. And, of course, the Option keys. :)

Having made a right click on the application icon, you need to press (Option) and select "Hide Others". There will also appear the "Force Quit" item, which will allow you to close the frozen application.

Opening the settings for various functions

Display, sound, keyboard and Mission Control options can be changed from the default settings, or in an easier way.

To bring up options, such as display, you just need to press ⌥ + F1(Option + F1). For the rest of the functions - by analogy with this - you should use the combination ⌥ + F3(Option + F3), ⌥ + F5(Option + F5) and so on.

Displaying detailed network information

Clicking on the icon in the menu bar will open a list of available networks and several setting options. However, here you can also view detailed information about the active Wi-Fi network, including connection speed, IP and Mac address, and more.

You probably already understood what you need to do for this, but just in case I will say: you need to click on the Wi-Fi icon while holding the key (Option).

Switching to slideshow mode in Quick Look

One of my favorite Finder features is Quick Look, which lets you view files with a press of the spacebar. It would seem that there is nothing to improve here, but no, the ubiquitous Option key was noted here as well.

I'm talking about the slideshow mode, to switch to which you need to expand the preview window to full screen or launch it through the context menu. So: if you need to quickly view several images in a slideshow, just select them in the Finder and press not just the spacebar, but ⌥ + Space(Option + Space).

Opening Dropbox Preferences

Clicking on the Dropbox icon in the menu bar displays the latest files. In order to get into the settings, you need to additionally click on the gear in the pop-up window.

If unnecessary gestures are not included in your plans, then to open the settings, click on the icon in the menu bar while holding (Option) and everything will be much faster.

Skipping confirmation dialogs

When you reboot your Mac, the system carefully asks you if you need to open all running applications after you sign in. This is no doubt useful, but sometimes annoying.

To avoid dialogs to confirm your actions, all you need to do is hold down the key (Option) when you click on the "Restart" button.


Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be using the Option key more often. If you find its location awkward, the good news is that the useful Option key can be reassigned to the nearly useless Caps Lock. It is larger and more conveniently located.

There are no secrets here. Absolutely. Everything is done by standard means through the keyboard settings. The option we need is located on the "Keyboard" tab, where you should press the "Modification Keys" button and specify the replacement for the Option key in the drop-down list for the Caps Lock key.

Historically, there have been two major desktop operating systems in the technology world that, while having many similarities, differ in various details. They must be taken into account when choosing a particular system.

Apple computers are less popular, so their features are rightly considered incomprehensible and strange. One of the most difficult aspects is keyboard handling. Every user who opens the lid of a new MacBook for the first time, after a long and happy life on Windows, is faced with the fact that a standard text input tool does not work the way it does on Windows.

Questions arise that already at the first stage of acquaintance with the new system make you nervous and in a hurry read the instructions for working with a computer or torment Google with popular queries, for example: "How to change the layout in macOS?"; "What does the Option button look like on a Mac?" In this article, the reader will find answers to all his questions and learn about all the features of the "apple" keyboard.

Modifier keys ("binds", key combinations)

Before touch-sensitive displays and touchpads like the TouchBar existed, hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts were used to quickly interact with certain interface elements.

Just like in Windows, Mac uses standard commands like: "paste", "copy", "open a new tab". Only to activate them, instead of the usual Control, the Command button is used, with which you command your computer. On the web, instead of the full names of the keys, their symbolic designations are used:



Works like the Start button on a PC, but also takes over the functionality of a Control button

Works the same as on PC

Allows you to activate additional features or show alternative information about the system

Complements custom keyboard shortcuts and commands

In addition to its basic functionality (automatic capital letters), it can function as a modifier key if the appropriate software is installed

Option button on a Mac keyboard: basic functions

In short, the Option key is nothing more than Alt, which we are all used to on computers running Microsoft systems. Apparently, the name was changed so as not to be like the brainchild of Bill Gates. Moreover, in the standard Russian layout it is called exactly that, but the Option name is absent altogether, which misleads many users.

First, you need to figure out where the Option button on the Mac is located. In this matter, it is worth focusing on engraving with the corresponding symbol. The Option key opens a number of alternative functions, for example:

Keyboard layout

Another important problem that inexperienced users face when switching to a Mac (the Option button does not count) is the keyboard layout. The fact is that, by default, Apple computers use a layout referred to as "Russian typescript". This was no coincidence, because in typewriters, punctuation marks were carried out to the top so that the mechanism did not get stuck when the hooks cling to each other during fast printing. In the modern world, such tricks are clearly superfluous, so this layout seems like a rudiment and archaism that needs to be corrected.

This requires:

  • go to system settings;
  • select the "Keyboard" submenu;
  • further - the sub-item "Sources of input";
  • here replace the selected layout with "Russian PC". Now all keys function exactly the same as on Windows, although the engraving does not correspond to such.

It's important not to be afraid to experiment. By holding down the Option key, you can achieve completely different results by performing the same tasks. For example, close all tabs at once with one click or increase the font of the typed text.

Switching layouts

Another habit that is very difficult to fight when moving to Macintosh is the Shft + Alt and Shift + Ctrl key combinations to change the language of the entered text. Unfortunately, Apple is against using two modifier keys at the same time in one combination, therefore, it will not be possible to assign the same combination to change the language. The problem can be solved by using the Punto Switcher utility from Yandex, which ignores system restrictions and allows you to assign any keyboard shortcuts to change the language.

Instead of a conclusion

In general, it is worth understanding that, despite all the delights of the Apple world, even here certain difficulties cannot be avoided, even though they arise due to our own habits. Someone will probably not want or will not be able to overcome themselves, which is why they will again return to the good old PC. And if the enthusiasm persists, it will soon become clear that all these changes are only beneficial: the keyboard shortcuts are more logical, and the Option button on the Mac is much more advanced and functional than its counterpart on Windows.

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