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The f1 f12 keys work without fn. How to enable the Fn button on a laptop

Function keys, namely the so-called F1-F12 keys on a computer keyboard, are buttons that program to perform various operations. The action that will be performed after clicking on certain key, is determined by the software product developer. Therefore, the meaning of the F1-F12 keys on the keyboard may be different depending on the software that the user is using.

It makes no sense to consider the assignment of F1-F12 for all (or at least most of) the software in which they are involved. You can find the relevant information in the manuals that come with software products. Therefore, we will get acquainted with their functionality only on Windows example and some popular apps. In the last article, I analyzed the reason - I recommend that you read it.

The meaning of the F1-F12 keys on the keyboard in Windows and some programs

F1 key in most programs provides a call reference materials. This feature works not only in Windows itself, but also in the vast majority of application applications created for this and other operating systems (for example, OS X).

F2 key in standard file manager Windows is responsible for renaming the selected file. It is also used in many applications. For example, in MS Office, its combination with CTRL provides preview, while ALT + CTRL + F2 pops up the "open" window, in which you can select an object to load into the program (for example, a .doc file).

It should be noted that F1 and F2 on many computers, is responsible for running firmware that configures the system's hardware. If you click on one of them start screen booting the PC, the BIOS will open.

Key F3 traditionally used to open a search. It works like all standard applications Windows, in which this functionality is implemented, and in third party programs. For example, in Google browser Chrome pressing F3 opens a panel for searching the page.

F4 on Windows, opens a search box. In World (MS Office), pressing it repeats the last action.

In most browsers, by clicking on F5 key the page is being updated. It performs the same function in applications that may also need to update the information on the screen.

F6 - key, which is used in many Internet browsers. If at active window browser, click on the corresponding button, then the field for entering the address will become active.

At MS Office Word F7 key calls the spell check function. In the file manager Total Commander» Clicking this button creates a new folder.

In older versions Opera browser F8 key responsible for activation address bar. In "Total Commander" it provides deletion of a file or directory.

F9 provides a call to the toolbar in the Quark application.

In many Windows applications, by clicking on F10 the menu opens.

In programs that support full-screen mode (for example, in browsers), by clicking on F11 unfolding working area apps in full screen.

In old versions of Opera F12 was responsible for opening the menu quick settings. In MS Office, pressing the corresponding key opens the "Save As" window.

This is the purpose of the keys from F1 to F12 on the computer keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut Fn+F(N)

Some desktop keyboards and almost all laptops have an Fn key. When combined with the function keys F1-F12, certain actions are performed, such as increasing the volume or changing the brightness of the screen. To find out the meaning of each combination, you need to refer to the specification of your keyboard model.

In contact with

Keyboard issues computer easier to solve - there is always a possibility verify used keyboard on another computer or vice versa - connect it to your PC exactly serviceable. Next, act according to the circumstances.

FROM laptop a different situation - the keyboard is built-in, that is, an integral part.

In any case, first try reload device and go to BIOS(usually key F2 at the time of initialization for laptops, Del or F10 for desktop PCs). Failed - chances are high device malfunction will most likely need to contact service center. Before that recommend check contacts - maybe they oxidized or squeezed out(relevant for PS/2) or check cable integrity- maybe he got damage(for example, was pinched).

If you succeed, then the keyboard serviceable, we are dealing with a software failure.

In this case, boot the system, it would be better to do this in safe mode without running drivers F8 while loading). The device is functioning - it means the problem is in the drivers. Start OS in normal mode, press right click by icon A computerProperties.

Find a section Keyboards and delete whatever is in the subkey.

Then reload computer and check if the keyboard is working. In the normal state, the driver should be installed automatically. Right here in dispatcher can be updated or reinstall driver - this option is suitable if there is a designation unidentified devices with yellow exclamation mark.

The next option is system rollback to a restore point to a date when the keyboard was definitely working.

For this, we pass Start/ Control Panel

Run the program here Recovery.

launch system recovery- choose point to which to roll back.

More in a radical way will be full reinstallation operating system.

Enters characters when broken keyboard possible with the help screen application.

Start/ Special abilities .

By clicking the cursor on the image of the virtual keys, information will be entered.

This is a temporary measure. will simplify search and problem solving. For a laptop, another temporary solution would be connection conventional USB keyboard to any free port.

For more advanced users, you can of course take apart And verify connection loop. In this article, we will not dwell on this in detail.

The numbers on the right don't work.

If only the numbers on the right do not work, first check if the Num Lock , some users may forget to enable it.

Above normally enabled Num Lock mode highlighted green LED on (in rare cases it may not be).

If the numbers still don't print, check to see if the Num Lock button actually does the job. Sometimes this mode includes a combination Num Lock + SHIFT or another.

Also check if your option is not enabled. keyboard mouse control.

Start\ Control Panel\ Special abilities\ Mouse

There should not be a checkmark on the item " Keyboard control«.

f1-f12 keys not working

If we are talking about laptop owners, the key is responsible for turning on the function keys. fn.

Some types of office PC devices have a " office”, it is necessary to check its operation. In other cases it should help. reinstallation drivers.

As part of computer literacy Let's talk about special function keys on a laptop. With their help, you can easily and quickly manage your laptop.

Notebook function keys F1-F12

In Figure 1, the Fn key on the laptop is highlighted with a red box (left), and the function keys on the laptop that work in conjunction with the Fn key are highlighted with green boxes.

The inscriptions applied to the special function keys, about which in question, as a rule, have their own color (more precisely, their own design) on the built-in keyboard, for example, red, blue, green (or may simply be surrounded by a white border). The same color (or design) has "Fn" written on the "Fn" key on a laptop. This means that these special keys work only if they are pressed simultaneously with the “Fn” key.

For example, if the “F1” key has a red (blue, green) icon of a crossed-out built-in mouse (which means “turn off the built-in mouse” Tach-Pad for Sony laptop), then to disable the built-in mouse, you need to press the “Fn” key on the laptop, and, while holding it down, simultaneously press the “F1” key. The reverse connection of the built-in mouse is done the same way: “Fn” – “F1”.

On the different laptops keys “F1” – “F12” have different meanings. No standardization is applied here.

  • On one laptop, “F1” can mean turning off the built-in mouse, and on the other, for example, turning off the PC to sleep (an icon with the “Z” symbol repeated twice or thrice, which, according to laptop manufacturers, means the sound “Zzzz…”, in Russian it sounds “Z-z-z-z…” and resembles breathing during sleep).
  • The key responsible for connecting and disable wifi, has, as a rule, the image of an antenna radiating a signal in all directions.
  • The key to increase the brightness of the image on the built-in display has a stylized image of the screen (frame), inside which is depicted big badge sun.
  • And on the button to decrease the brightness of the screen, the image of the sun inside the stylized image of the screen is small.

Almost all the images printed on the “F1” - “F12” keys are understandable without further explanation. And if necessary, do not neglect the instructions that come with all laptops without exception. These instructions exist both in printed form (it's good if they are written in Russian, otherwise it can be anything but Russian), and in the form of .pdf files on a PC located in special folder on drive C: (also not always, unfortunately, these descriptions are made in Russian).

This laptop control scheme using the function keys is very convenient. Without them, it would be necessary to call special programs for each connection - disconnection or for each adjustment. Moreover, not all of these programs can be found in the “Control Panel”.

Sometimes specific programs (for example, adjusting the backlight of the built-in keyboard or managing the battery charge to ensure longer battery life) are not located in the “Control Panel”. Then they must be found among special programs laptop control. And they need to be known.

In addition, controlling the laptop using the function keys (and using special laptop management programs) makes it possible to apply settings that are unique to this laptop.

These settings are, for example:

  • keyboard backlight adjustment,
  • battery life saving system management,
  • accessibility features for users handicapped etc.)

cannot be fulfilled standard programs from the Windows Control Panel.

What is needed for the function keys to work on a laptop?

It is important to understand that controlling a laptop using the function keys “F1” - “F12” is done using special programs that laptop manufacturers have sewn into the laptop's native operating system. Function keys simplify access to these programs, make these programs invisible to the laptop user.

However, by pressing the function keys on the laptop, the user receives the desired response (in the form of connecting or disconnecting certain laptop devices, in the form of adjusting the brightness and volume, etc.) by auto start these special programs.

And this means that if these special programs are not in the laptop, then the function keys will not work. And the settings will not be made! Another confirmation of the fact that the unity of working software (ie programs) and working hardware.

Why did the function keys stop working on a laptop?

- How can programs responsible for function keys disappear?

- In a different way. For example, you can reinstall the system in a laptop, but at the same time install not the “native” system, but another one. Suppose the purchased laptop had Windows system xp. But I wanted to install Windows 7. We install, we get Windows 7, in which there are no special laptop management programs. And then the function keys of the laptop will not work.

You can accidentally or purposefully uninstall special laptop management programs. Sometimes they are, as it were, loaded in the operating system, as they can be pre-launched when the PC boots. By optimizing PC loading, disabling “unnecessary” (from the point of view of a user optimizing PC operation) programs at boot, you can accidentally disable “necessary” laptop management programs. That, by the way, is one of the reasons why I don't like the boot optimization often advertised by some advanced users.

Special programs can be destroyed as a result of exposure to viruses. There are other ways to lose special laptop management programs.

How to restore the normal operation of the function keys?

Reverse recovery is possible if there is a “native” distribution kit of the system supplied with the laptop. Or by downloading "native" programs from the Internet, if they are on the websites of laptop manufacturers. The latter is especially useful if the PC user changes the version of the operating system (as in the above example Windows replacements XP on Windows 7), but does NOT use the native operating system that came with the laptop.

Special laptop management programs may require periodic updates. Notebook specific software updates cannot be made in a standard way using the Windows update service. To update the special laptop software, you must also have a special program for checking and installing updates.

This program works using access to updates via the Internet. It must be run periodically (if it does not start automatically at each Windows boot) and use it to check for updates and install them. If the program allows, it is useful to install auto mode searching for and installing updates to special software for managing a laptop.

Some users connect an external keyboard to a laptop. In this case, sometimes the function keys of the laptop do not work if you press them with external keyboard connected to the laptop via . But they can work, it's as lucky. That is, there is no guarantee that the function keys of the laptop will work on an external keyboard.

Summing up, we can say that controlling a laptop using function keys and special programs with which these function keys are “associated” is very convenient service from laptop manufacturers. Thank them for this! And the safety of this service is the task and responsibility of the laptop user.

It is necessary to ensure that the system on the laptop is “native”, so that all special programs are present in the PC. And so that they “correctly” load when you turn on the PC. And also be sure to “correctly” updated during the entire period of operation of the laptop.

And then it will be pleasant and convenient to work with a laptop, as it was intended by their manufacturers.

How to dial digital codes on a laptop

Numeric codes are not directly related to the function keys of the F1-F12 laptop, however, there is a problem with entering codes for the laptop, so let's move on to reviewing and solving it.

Reader question: When typing, I use Alt + 0151 - a dash (not a hyphen), Alt + 0171 and Alt + 0187 - angular typographic quotes, which is necessary when typing text. How to dial these codes on a laptop?

There are full-sized keyboards (Fig. 2), which have a small button on the right numeric keypad(partially highlighted in red and blue). Everyone who works with numbers (accountants, bankers, marketers, users working with spreadsheets Excel, etc.), almost always deal only with a full-sized keyboard.

You can use the small numeric keypad to enter digital codes, which cannot be entered using regular numbers, learn more about numeric codes .

Rice. 2. Full size keyboard (no FN key). Click on fig. to increase it

There are, of course, laptops with a full-sized keyboard (as in Fig. 2, click on the image to enlarge). As a rule, they have big screen, but at the same time, such a laptop has solid dimensions and it weighs a lot. Among ordinary users these laptops are rare. Pay attention to fig. 2 that with a full-sized keyboard, the laptop does not have an Fn key, it is missing as unnecessary.

But what about users of ordinary laptops that do not have a small numeric keypad on the keyboard, but need the functions of a small numeric keypad, in particular, entering numeric codes? Notebook manufacturers "got out" by sewing additional features into other keys of the laptop. To enable such features, the laptop has auxiliary key Fn (highlighted in Fig. 1 and is in Fig. 3).

As seen in fig. 3 (click on the figure to enlarge it), each laptop keyboard has a number row of keys from 1 to 9. They are in the second row, and in the first row there are function keys F1-F12. We will be interested in other numbers that are available on laptops and are written in smaller numbers than regular numbers (highlighted in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 (click on the figure to enlarge it). Dedicated keys for small digital operation Numlock keyboards and FN, as well as small numbers from 1 to 9 for entering numeric codes

To dial a digital code on a laptop:

1) find the Fn and Num Lock keys (in Fig. 3 they are highlighted with a red frame, they are decorated in the same style - blue and italic, but the style may be different on your laptop). Simultaneously press the Fn and Num Lock keys.

In this case, the mini-light on the laptop may light up, if such an indication is provided in the laptop. Thus, you will include a small number keyboard, which laptop manufacturers have “sewn up” into a regular keyboard.

2) Pay attention to the numbers from 0 to 9, which have the same color (same style) as the Fn key. On each laptop, the character design style from the small numeric keypad will be different, there are no standards here.

On fig. 3 (clickable) small numeric keypad is “protected” (located) on the following laptop keys:

  • the small number 0 is located on the letter M,
  • small number 1 - on the letter J
  • small number 2 - on the letter K
  • small number 3 - on the letter L
  • small number 4 - on the letter U
  • small number 5 - on the letter I
  • small number 6 - on the letter O
  • small number 7 - on the big number 7,
  • small number 8 - on the big number 8,
  • small number 9 - on the big 9.

On your laptop, try entering numbers from 0 to 9 using the small numeric keypad in text editor, for example, in .

3) So, the Fn and Num Lock keys are pressed - the small numeric keypad is enabled. The numbers from it can be used as digital codes. To enter, for example, the code Alt + 0151,

  • press the Alt key and, without releasing it, enter the code 0151.
  • That is, holding down ALT key, click alternately on the numbers: first on the number 0 (where the letter M is in Fig. 3). Then, without releasing ALT, press 1 (where the letter J is), then 5 (where the letter I is) and again on 1 (where the letter J is).
  • Release all keys - a dash should appear.
  • If it doesn't work the first time, try a few more times.

4) If you no longer need the small numeric keypad, press the Fn and Num Lock keys at the same time. This will turn off the keyboard additional functions(i.e., the small numeric keypad will be disabled).

And it will be possible to use the keyboard normally to enter letters.

What if numeric keypad not working on laptop? I think it could be if

  1. the Num Lock key is not enabled or something is otherwise done incorrectly. It usually happens when you first try to learn how to use a small keyboard.
  2. The native operating system, wired by the manufacturer, was reinstalled on the laptop to a non-native one.

Questions from readers

Here a few questions from blog readers with my answers, which served as material for writing this article (by the way, ask questions in the comments, if you do not find the answer to them, I will answer, and my answer will come to you on email, to your E-mail).

Question 1: While I'm working on the keyboard, if I don't see it, the cursor arrow itself runs away somewhere. Are there any commands to prevent this?

Answer: The cursor runs away on a laptop if you accidentally and imperceptibly touch the touchpad - this is the laptop's built-in mouse. I disable the touchpad for this reason and use regular mouse. I have keys to disable the touchpad +(first press , then without releasing it, I press ), you may have other keyboard shortcuts. Look at the instructions for your laptop (in paper or in electronic format), it is written there.

Question 2: The laptop costs Windows 7. Such a misfortune happened: in the lower right corner of the screen it was written before cap lock off or caps lock on (duplicating the indicator), but now it doesn’t write, the indicator works, but it’s not very convenient to look at it (especially in a well-lit room), the caps lock mode is on or off.
What could go wrong in the settings, and what can be done to return a text notification about the state of the caps lock mode? Thanks.

Answer: Most likely, these are the specific settings of your laptop. I know, for example, laptops in which the keyboard has a backlight, and it (its brightness, glow duration, etc.) is configured by a separate special program included in the laptop software package.

If, for example, you reinstall Windows and install a non-native system that came with laptops, then such specific programs disappear completely, and with them the usual conveniences disappear.

If you have not reinstalled the operating system, then look in the Control Panel or among the special programs for managing your laptop for a program that configures this service that has become familiar to you.

Question 3: Tell me, please: on my laptop, the CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK indicators do not light up when pressed. What to do? How to fix the situation?

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How to disable f1 f12 buttons on laptop

How to disable the Fn button on a Lenovo laptop

Each laptop has several function keys that allow you to quickly open various system components. The Fn button provides access to individual system settings. This key is used in combination with the F1-F12 buttons, which allows you, for example, to change the volume level, turn on Wi-Fi or activate the economy mode on a laptop. On many laptops, it is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard.

You can try to solve this problem in several ways. Let's look at each of them.

Download the keyboard driver package from the manufacturer's official website. You need to find components for a specific computer model. Perhaps installing "firewood" will help enable the Fn key.

Use of special programs.

To activate the Fn button you can use special applications. A popular utility suitable for all laptops is Magic Keyboard.

If the above methods do not help, you can try cleaning your keyboard.

How to disable the Fn key on a laptop?

There are two main ways to disable this button. The first involves using a combination of NumLockFn or FnF11. The second method is more difficult, it includes several stages.

  1. Enter BIOS. To do this, during system boot, you must press the F8 button or another (depending on the brand of laptop).
  2. Select the System Configuration tab.
  3. In the "Action Keys Mode" item, select "Disabled".
  4. Save changes.

After that, the Fn button on Lenovo laptop will be disabled. It should be noted that this key is quite useful. This helps you quickly access various parameters which means it saves time for the user. You need to think carefully before turning it off.

(3 ratings, average: 3.67 out of 5) Loading.

How to disable the Fn button on all laptop models

Hello. One of my friends recently bought Hewlett-Packard laptop. The model is very successful and relatively inexpensive. Although at first I got used to different keyboard layout for a long time (before that he used Lenovo laptop for many years). But there was one problem - instead of the function keys F1-F2, their analogues worked, which should be activated only after pressing Fn. I should have figured out how shutdown button Fn on an HP laptop. The solution will be discussed in the continuation of the article.

What is this button?

In order not to highlight extra space for placement of sound control keys, wireless modules, touch panel etc., compact PC developers unanimously decided to use the function key combination with by simultaneously pressing Fn to perform certain actions. In principle, everything is correct. But sometimes there are different problems.

For example, instead of expanding the browser window to full screen mode, pressing the F11 key on the keyboard will mute the sound. And you cannot immediately determine the cause of the "breakdown" and spend time looking for solutions.

Separation method

We will have to take special care when reading next instruction, since we will have to deal with the BIOS.

  • To enter the BIOS, immediately after turning on the laptop, press F10 or Esc (depending on the device). Try!
  • Now you need to find the "System Configuration" system configuration section, which has an "Action Keys Mode" entry. In it, select the "Disabled" option.

  • Now we leave the BIOS after saving the settings. To do this, press F10 and then press the "Y" button (from English "Yes").
  • Start Windows and check how the function keys work.

This method helped my friend. By the way, this works for Packard Bell laptops.

Since I am talking about disabling FN, I will share the experience of similar experiments with laptops from other manufacturers.

For Asus and Samsung instruction very simple, but experience shows that there are certain models, for which the method does not work. Need to try. Try pressing the following combinations:

  • Fn NumLk (the latter is responsible for activating the numeric keypad);
  • Fn Insert (can still be called Ins);
  • Fn F11 / F12 (check both options);
  • Sometimes it just helps to press NumLk (which is very strange).

By the way, the first item from this list may be useful to the owners of Fujitsu and Acer.

If none of the above work, write the laptop model name in the comments and I will try to fix the problem.

Let's turn to Toshiba computers. In most cases, such troubles do not happen with them. But in my practice there was a case when the Fn key generally lived its own life, and decided when it should work and when not.

The best option is to install "small" HDD utilities protection. It would seem that with him. But if you go to the "Optimization" section of the program and click " Special Features”, a window with options will appear. Here you need to deactivate Fn by removing the corresponding item. It remains to save all the changes, and the computer cannot even be restarted.

Download: TOSHIBA HDD ProtectionA handy utility for Toshiba laptops Downloaded: 277, Size: 24.5 MB, Date: 11.Jul.2016

In this article, I talked about almost all brands. Forgot to mention Dell. To be honest, I have never seen a complaint about this manufacturer on the net (for this matter). But if you have special case, I recommend trying the above methods. If the instruction does not help, I await your comments for further investigation.

Enable F1-F12 keys and FN key

How to turn it on laptop keys F1F12 which by default work as system buttons.

How to enable F1-F12 keys

How to turn it on F1 keysF12 JOIN GSP GROUP PARTNER PROGRAM:.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with software to disable any keys.

I hope I spent a few hours on this article. If it was useful for you, the best gratitude would be reflected in in social networks. What if your friends also know this information?

Sincerely, Victor

How to disable the fn button on a laptop

The fn button connected to any multimedia key (F1, F2, F3 ... F12) performs various appointments: adjusts the sound, enable, disable WI-FI or power saving mode, change the screen brightness, etc. But it often happens that Fn does not work correctly. Characters or numbers appear instead of letters when using the keyboard, and this creates problems for the owner. Many people ask how to disable the fn key?

The first thing we're trying to disable is pressing two keys at the same time: FnNut Lock. True, this method is not applicable on all laptops, it happens that the button function is disabled by other key combinations - fn and F11.

Is it possible to disable this set of combinations? Then disable fn via "BIOS". Restart your device and press one of these buttons - F2, Del or F10. Which key to choose depends on the type BIOS versions on the portable PC.

You can find it in the instructions, it happens that the name is written on the screen of the device. It must be remembered that one of these keys must be pressed until a black screen is loaded on the laptop and WINDOWS program. And when you enter the BIOS, lights up blue screen or grey colour with blue letters.

Press the navigation buttons (Back, Forward, Up, Down) to navigate to the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION tab and press the Action Mode Action button using the Enter button.

Then select Disable. Confirm with Enter and save with F10. After that, we expect the system to boot. The fn button will be disabled.

If you want all the keys of the laptop to function well, you only need to install the "native versions" of the programs for this device. But still, if you need to disable the fn button, you will do so following these programmers' tips.

How to enable F1-F12 keys on HP laptops

On HP laptops, the function keys F1-F12 by default work as multimedia keys (brightness adjustment, player control, volume, etc.) and also for direct launch Keys F1-F12 you need to lock the fn key.

Fortunately, it can be changed.

On HP laptops, functional keys F1-F12 works as media by default (brightness control, player control, volume, etc.) and to run the F1-F12 keys directly, you need to hold down the fn key.

Since I often use the F5 key to update something, F4 to edit, etc., this F1-F12 mode of operation does not work for me.

Fortunately, it can be changed. To do this, change the value of the parameter in the BIOS:

  1. Enter the BIOS (when turning on the laptop, press F10).
  2. Go to the System Configuration menu.
  3. Change the value of the Action Keys Mode parameter to Disable.

If you find an error in the text, select it and press CtrlEnter.

With a laptop on "you" or how to disable the Fn button

Not so long ago I bought an HP laptop. To be honest, the device is pretty decent, especially since the amount paid for it is relatively small, but with unaccustomed fingers do not fall on the right keys. Before that, he had used an Asus laptop and was more accustomed to the keyboard layout. However, after purchasing a new laptop, you can do a little keyboard tweaking on the laptop for more convenient use. But we are not talking about it now.

Using a laptop is a lot of fun, but I still ran into one small problem. After operating system installation there were some inconveniences with keys F1-F12. For some reason I didn't know, pressing those buttons brought up the media part, which in theory should work if you use the Fn key combination. The problem is still solved and now I will try to help you in fixing this problem.

Disable Fn on HP laptops

Enabling the Fn button on HP laptops can lead to some unpleasant consequences. For example, if you press the F11 button in the browser instead of the desired view in the entire window, we may accidentally turn off the speaker. If it bothers you and you don't know how shutdown button Fn on an HP laptop, don't worry, there's a way out.

I will say right away that the method is not one of the easiest, and a beginner may find it difficult. However, if you understand, then everything is simple.

To disable Fn on most HP laptops, follow these guidelines:

  1. Go to BIOS. if you have old BIOS, then first it will not be superfluous to update the BIOS first. Then, to perform the key disabling procedure, you must press Esc key or F10 when starting the laptop, depending on the model. The main thing is not to miss the moment.
  2. In the BIOS, you must definitely enter the "System Configuration" tab.
  3. On this tab, you need to change the "Action Keys Mode" option to "Disabled" and then press the F10 key.

When you turn on the laptop again, you will see for yourself that the problem has been successfully fixed. Now the keys perform their original functions. To reuse multimedia features, you now need to press the Fn key.

Disable Fn on Asus, Samsung, Fujitsu laptops

I once used Asus laptops and I had a similar issue. At the time I had no idea how to disable Fn on Asus laptop. Then the help of my friend saved me: he advised me to press the Fn and NumLk buttons at the same time, after which my problem was fixed. On some Asus models you must press Fn Insert, Fn F11, Fn F12 or just NumLk. If you don't know how to disable Fn on Samsung laptop try also using the above options. This will work on some models. But some do not and there is still a lot of work to solve this problem. At these moments, the question sometimes arises: “Which firm - best laptop". To this I can say that it is a matter of habit, each manufacturer can have their own "chips".

Now let's move on to Fujitsu brand laptops. Of course, very few people use them, but it might be useful to someone. In most models of this brand, the Fn key is disabled by the Fn NumLk button combination.

How to disable Fn on Toshiba laptops

If you need to disable the Fn button on Toshiba laptops, install HDD program protector.

With it, you can disable the annoying button. How can this be done?

  1. When you launch the program, go to the "Optimization" tab, then select the "Accessibility" item.
  2. In the window that appears, uncheck "Use Fn key".
  3. Save your changes by clicking "OK" and keep working.

As you can see, you can disable the Fn button on laptops different manufacturers in several ways. Perhaps the most common is the Fn NumLk key combination. Though in the case of my HP laptop, you should be sweating a lot. Dare and I hope you succeed!

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