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The keyboard does not immediately respond to pressing. The keyboard does not work, what should I do? Global laptop malfunctions interfere with keyboard performance

Hello everyone, dear friends. Quite recently, a strange, as it seemed to me, situation occurred at my work. The keyboard just stopped functioning. Or rather, not completely stopped. As it turned out, the keyboard works only in the BIOS, and upon further loading it simply stops responding to any presses.

And then there was an unpleasant situation, or rather a failure. After the reboot, I had to select the boot mode, but I could not do anything, since none of the keys responded. First of all, I thought it was the keyboard's fault, and then I replaced it with a new one, but it turned out, but after I put another device, the situation has not changed.

In general, I will not torment you. Most likely you used a USB keyboard, since no one had such problems with PS / 2. The thing is that your BIOS has disabled support for a USB keyboard when Windows boots.

"How so? After all, everything worked before, ”you say. Yes, indeed, everything could work for you, and you might not notice anything, since when the operating system boots up, it automatically activates this support. But as soon as a failure occurs and you need to take some action during the loading screen, then alas, you cannot do anything.

How then to proceed? I want to say right away that the first thing you need to do is check the simplest thing that can come to your head, because sometimes the problem can really be somewhere on the surface. Therefore, first check if the keyboard cable is connected to the computer, try moving it to a different USB port, and if possible, connect another keyboard.

If none of this helped, then most likely the matter is in the setup. You need to log in BIOS, namely, at the very beginning of the boot of your computer, press the function key responsible for entering. Most often this is the key DEL, but in different cases it can be F1, and F2.

As a result, when you get into the BIOS itself, you, depending on the version, will need to find an item related to USB keyboard support. It may be called "USB Keyboard Support" or "Legacy USB Support". If you see that next to these items is the "Disabled" mode, then support is disabled and you need to activate the "Enabled" mode.

After that, we save all the settings, reboot and voila.

As a rule, it is this setting that is the solution to this problem. Although I heard that this solution did not help someone, and he decided to try to look for the problem in the components. It turned out that one stick of RAM was not quite working (in his words), and when he pulled it out, the keyboard worked normally. I do not know how this is interconnected, but if something happens, you can try this method.

Well, on this I will end. I hope you enjoyed my article. And if you still have not subscribed to updates to my blog, then be sure to do it now so as not to miss the most interesting. Well, I am waiting for you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

If you turn on the computer, and the keyboard does not work, does not respond to key presses in any way and the indicators are off, then there may be only two errors: a hardware malfunction or a software failure.

What to do if the keyboard does not work due to a hardware problem

There are very few hardware problems that can lead to keyboard failure. Usually this is a lack of contact in the connector (the plug is not fully inserted into the connector), a malfunction of the input device itself and a malfunction of the motherboard port.

First of all, you need to make sure that the keyboard is connected correctly, especially for keyboards with a PS / 2 connector. The keyboard has a purple plug and it must be plugged into a connector of the same color in the system unit. The plug may not be fully inserted into the connector, resulting in loss of contact. You should check this point, or it is better to disconnect and reconnect the keyboard. After all the manipulations, try restarting your computer. It often happens that some kind of software failure occurs during device initialization. A reboot usually fixes such problems.

To ensure that the keyboard is working, as well as the port for connecting it, you will need to find another working keyboard. If the known working keyboard on your computer works fine, then the problem is with the input device itself. In this case, you will have to go to the store for a new keyboard. If the initially working keyboard does not work on your computer, but yours, on the contrary, functions on another computer in normal mode, then there is probably a defect in the motherboard. Correcting this malfunction without computer diagnostics is problematic, so it is better to contact a specialist. Also, do not forget that you may still have a software error, which we will talk about below.

What to do if the keyboard doesn't work due to software

A software malfunction, as a rule, consists in the incorrect operation of the driver. It is possible to eliminate this problem provided that the mouse is "in service".

Go to the Start menu and then to Control Panel. Here open the "System" section and launch "Device Manager". If there is a problem with the drivers, there will be a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to the keyboard in the list.

Right-click on this line and open "Properties". Now go to the Driver tab and click the Uninstall button. Confirm your actions and the keyboard driver will be removed from the system.

Now you should update the hardware configuration and search for connected devices. To do this, go to the Action menu in Device Manager and click Update Hardware Configuration.

The system will detect a new device (keyboard) and reinstall the drivers for it. If you are using a multimedia keyboard, you may need to install drivers from the disk for its normal operation. Such a disc is usually included in the kit. It must first be installed in the optical disc drive and, when prompted by the Add New Hardware Wizard, specify the path to the drive for installing the drivers. If the installation is successful, the LEDs on the keyboard will light up. When the Add New Hardware Wizard finishes, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Failure of any of the elements of the computer's peripherals means the difficulty or complete termination of the operation of the entire set. If the keyboard does not work, then the work with the computer becomes impossible, since the possibility of data entry disappears. Using the on-screen keyboard does not solve the problem, since its functionality is significantly limited and does not provide full-fledged operation. At the same time, sometimes you have to work right now and have no time to run to the store for a new device. Often, the problem can be solved on the spot without resorting to drastic methods.

Why Your Keyboard May Not Work - Finding the Cause of the Problem

If any lights are on on the connected keyboard, it's not so bad. It is more difficult if the device does not show any signs of life at all. The first action to be taken is to determine the possible cause of the malfunction. To do this, you need to carefully inspect the device, the connecting wire, check the connection and decide on further actions. Then you need to connect the problem keyboard to another computer. It also does not hurt to connect a known working keyboard to your computer and make sure that there are no problems with the software or the operation of the connection ports. Simply put, you need to figure it out - the keyboard does not work, or the problems lie in the computer.

Physical breakdown

Most of these problems have quite noticeable outlines - a broken wire, mechanical damage, etc. By the nature of the detected flaw, it is possible to draw an approximate conclusion about the fate of the device, although damage to the case does not necessarily mean the complete destruction of the keyboard. A more difficult situation is when the keyboard does not work, which does not have visible signs of damage. If the problem persists when connecting to another computer, check the condition of the connecting wire. Often, it breaks near the entrance to the device body or (less often) on the connecting plug.

The habit of holding a mug of tea, coffee or other drinks next to the keyboard disabled many devices.

Software problems

If, when connected to another computer, the keyboard works normally, then the reason most likely lies in the software. You might need to install or update a device driver. First of all, you need to check the state of the keyboard in the device manager. In Windows 7, to do this, right-click on "computer" in the "Start" menu. In Windows 10, it can be opened by typing "device manager" in the search box on the taskbar. If the "keyboard" item contains the name of the problematic device without additional icons (usually a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark), then the system sees it and does not find any problems.

Other reasons

Snackers while working on a computer often spill various liquids on it. The habit of holding a mug of tea, coffee or other drinks next to the keyboard has disabled many devices, but it will probably take a long time to eradicate it. Usually, traces of spilled liquid remain on the surface, even if they were wiped off in time. Symptoms of such a malfunction are the lack of a normal reaction to some buttons, sticking of individual buttons, and erratic commands from the keyboard. She often starts typing one letter endlessly or executing a command.

Batteries are a common problem with cordless samples. When their capacity begins to drop noticeably, the operation of the device becomes unstable and at some point stops completely.

What to do if the keyboard does not work - solving the problem in various ways

Problems with the keyboard are in most cases surmountable. The procedure depends on the specifics of the problems encountered and is selected in accordance with their scale. Let's consider a possible algorithm of actions in this or that case.

Fixing or replacing the keyboard, connecting cable

Mechanical breakdowns of the device can be restored only with small amounts of damage. A hull fracture or similar major malfunctions leave no chance of success. The most successful actions can be cleaning the device from the penetrated liquid (sweet tea, coffee) or replacing the connecting wire.

For cleaning, you will need to disassemble the device. The keyboard is disconnected from the computer. All buttons are carefully removed, rubber transmitters are removed, stains from dried drinks are wiped off with a soft brush with alcohol. After finishing cleaning, the keyboard is assembled in reverse order. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of large buttons, which are not simply inserted into the corresponding slots, but are fixed with metal guides.

Video: Connecting cable repair

If you do not have ready-made soldered plugs at hand, then the easiest way is to purchase a new keyboard and not waste time looking for the necessary parts or elements.

Repairs can only be carried out with the skills and knowledge of the design. All actions taken at random do not provide positive results. If the essence of the breakdown that has arisen is unclear, then it is most correct to simply replace the keyboard with a new, serviceable one.

Typically, drivers for the main peripheral devices are included with the Windows system. However, new items that are wireless or have a number of additional functions require the use of their own software. The required drivers are supplied with the devices on CD-ROMs. In case of loss or absence, you can find the software of interest on the Internet and install it on your computer. There is an easier way - open the device manager, find the "Keyboard" item, right-click on it and select "update drivers" in the drop-down list. The system itself will find and install the necessary software.

Typically, drivers for the main peripheral devices are included with the Windows system.

Such a change may be necessary if you are replacing an old keyboard with a PC / 2 connector with a more modern one with a USB connector, or if you connect the device to a laptop. In the BIOS settings, you need to find the "USB Controller" tab and set the value "Enabled". Then you need to find the "USB Keyboard Support" tab (it can also be called "USB Legacy Support") and also set "Enabled". If you plan to work with the keyboard in DOS, you will need to enable the corresponding value in the "USB Keyboard Support Via" tab, although it is not available in all BIOS versions.

Such a change may be necessary if you are replacing an old keyboard with a PC / 2 connector with a more modern one with a USB connector.

Experts note that problems with USB keyboards are quite common. To avoid them, you can use a PC / 2-USB adapter. In this case, most of the problems are solved automatically, but the operability of the adapter must be checked.

Customizing the keyboard itself

The keyboard is configured in the control panel: "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Keyboard" - "Properties: keyboard". Can change:

  1. The speed (frequency) at which the character is repeated while the key is pressed.
  2. Delay before the start of the replay. The parameter determines the time it takes for the next character to appear when the key is pressed.
  3. Blinking frequency of the cursor on the screen.
  4. The default language for entering information.
  5. Layout switching keys.
  6. Additional language support

The keyboard is configured in the control panel: "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Keyboard" - "Properties: keyboard"

Customizing the keyboard is usually not done, since the usual parameters are initially set by default. However, as a result of some user action or system failures, the settings may change, so if any problems appear, it is recommended to install them in the required order.

One of the reasons for the failure of the device can be a virus that got to the computer from the Internet or from an infected external storage device.

One of the reasons for the failure of the device can be a virus that got to the computer from the Internet or from an infected external storage device. If signs of unstable operation or complete failure appear, you need to run a full scan of your computer for viruses. You can use your own antivirus program installed on your computer, for which you need to click on the program icon in the taskbar and press the "Check" button, for most antivirus programs it is on the main page and is clearly visible. You can also download and run the Dr.Web CureIt! or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. These are free programs that effectively detect threats that might be missed by the installed anti-virus software.

Upon completion of the scan and removal of detected threats, the computer restarts

Upon completion of the scan and removal of detected threats, the computer restarts and the device is checked for functionality.

Checking the performance of the keyboard itself

Make sure the keyboard works. To do this, it should be connected to another computer and check its functionality. If the problem persists, the problem is with the device itself. If it starts to work normally, then a hardware or software problem has arisen in the computer. You should be one of the first to use this check option, although you don't always have another computer at hand. The ability to localize the problem can significantly speed up its solution.


The color of the socket matches the color of the plug, for the keyboard it is lilac

Keyboard problems can arise for other reasons as well. For example, if you connect a PS / 2 device to a turned-on computer, you can damage the motherboard. Many users take this action too lightly, especially those using a USB keyboard. It can be removed even when the computer is on, but with old PS / 2 this option is not valid. It is necessary to turn off the computer in a regular way and only then disconnect the keyboard and connect another. In addition, they often include a PS / 2 plug and a nearby mouse jack.

In most cases, a keyboard that has stopped working can be restored or made to work again. The main question will be the feasibility of such a restoration, how durable and reliable it is. The price of the new device is not so high as to waste time on a failed keyboard with unpredictable results. Therefore, after making sure that the reason for the failure lies not in the hardware of the computer or software, but in the keyboard itself, you should decide whether it is worth repairing it, or it is easier to buy a new one. Independent actions are usually performed due to lack of time or when there is nothing to lose, the attempt will not spoil anything. It is possible to return the keyboard for repair only if it is expensive, the payment for the restoration is incompatible with the price of a new device. In other cases, the most reliable solution would be to purchase a new keyboard.

Probably, each of us faced a similar situation: you turned on the computer, try to enter text on the keyboard or switch from one window to another, but the keys do not respond to pressing, and the device itself does not show any signs of life. What caused this behavior of the device? Why isn't the keyboard working on my computer or laptop? And how do you fix it? Let's consider what the reasons may be.

This is actually extremely inconvenient compared to others, as it requires excess finger movement. Another standard is Dvorak. In addition, there are two other standards created for those who only need to enter one hand. Check out some keyboards now that can make you spend hours gazing at your store window.

They usually have additional features over conventional keyboards. You should notice in the photo that there is also a mouse on the back of the touchpad-style periphery. Whoever needs practicality will want it. The keyboard below looks odd, but it makes the eyes of many gamers and graphs shine because their keys are fully customizable, not only in the function of the keys, but in the position they occupy. You can literally put keys where you want and assign any function to them.

Mechanical damage

The simplest explanation is mechanical damage to the keyboard. Perhaps you recently spilled coffee or sweet tea on it, accidentally dropped it, pulled the wire, etc., and then safely forgot about it. In this case, all you have to do is disassemble the device and try to fix it yourself, or contact the service center. The second option is preferable, especially when it comes to the laptop keyboard. If the keyboard cannot be brought back to life, you will have to purchase a new input device.

Do your friends watch what you print and call you a "photographer"? It has both wired and wireless options and is available in Brazil. But that doesn't stop there, as the keys can be customized to display symbols for tools, commands, programs, or even images you take. Maybe in Portuguese we could have a keyboard that better suits our needs and causes less pain in the hands of those who use the equipment for long hours on end?

Why has no keyboard manufacturer in Brazil proposed changing the standard to make life easier for its users? With so much success in software interfaces to make it easier for the user because the keyboard is stopped in time?

Lost contact

Sometimes keyboard problems are caused by improperly connecting the device to the computer. Check if the plug fits tightly into the socket on the system unit, if the fragile parts of the connector are not bent. If necessary, straighten them carefully with tweezers and try plugging the keyboard back in.

If you are using a wireless keyboard, it is worth checking to see if the battery is dead. Very often the problem disappears without a trace as soon as the power source is replaced.

Feel free to give your answers and explain your theories using the feedback system. If your keyboard is no longer working, there are several things you can check to fix the problem. Depending on your situation, you can try one of the following: You must first identify two important factors in this troubleshooting solution.

Your keyboard doesn't work anymore

The problem occurred while typing, or you noticed it right after starting the computer. Apart from an extreme situation such as a spill of water on a keyboard, the answer to this question is important in identifying the problem. If you notice that your keyboard has stopped working after booting or, check your keyboard connection and make sure it is properly locked. You can reboot again.

No matching driver

Why doesn't the keyboard on the computer work if the contact is not broken, and the device itself is not damaged?

Perhaps the system simply cannot find a driver for the device. In this case, you need to update your computer software.

You can do this manually by visiting the website of your keyboard manufacturer.

Which keyboard are you using?

Unplug your desktop computer and check if it is not working. Also check the batteries, it might be time to replace them. Wireless receivers have a signal scan button, press the button to transmit the signal and the light should start flashing. Once this happens, find the key on the keyboard to receive the signal sent by the receiver and flow with each other.

In a sense, these keyboards are more reliable because there are no drivers to install from the operating system. If it stops working while using the operating system, in most cases the problem does not occur from the keyboard. Check if your mouse is moving slowly? Do the same for each unresponsive application. You can also try this for any type of keyboard.

  • Be patient, wait for the operating system to finish.
  • In the Application tab, select everything and click End Task.
  • A confirmation window will appear asking you to stop it.
  • Click Finish Task again and wait for it to complete.
You can follow the last step to determine the state of your keyboard.

Manual driver update

  • go to the official website of the manufacturer;
  • find the appropriate section, select your device model;
  • download the archive and unpack it. Sometimes the driver has its own automatic installer, in which case you just need to click "Run file";
  • if there is no automatic program, launch the "Device Manager";
  • select "Update drivers", in the dialog that opens, select manual search, write the path to the folder into which you unpacked the archive;
  • after installation, restart the computer.

There is another way to update your drivers. It is often recommended on thematic forums when the participant does not know why the keyboard does not work on a Windows 7 computer or another OS. You won't have to search for manufacturers' websites, but you will need to install additional programs to update drivers. For example Driver Genius Professional or Driver Checker. These utilities are paid, but if you wish, you can find a replacement for them among free software (DriverMax Free, etc.).

If your keyboard no longer works, but you have a good second known keyboard with the same connection type, replace the correct keyboard with the wrong one and see if it works. You can also try connecting the wrong keyboard to another computer and determine if the keyboard is broken.

Troubleshoot wireless keyboard problems

If some keys on your keyboard work, but not all, follow the steps below as appropriate for your situation. The eject button mechanism starts after a short delay to avoid accidental use. Press and hold until the eject icon appears on the screen.

Viruses attacked

Sometimes the operation of input devices is blocked as a result of the activity of malware. If you do not know why the keyboard on a laptop or computer does not work, and with it the touchpad and mouse, then the matter is most likely a virus infection of the system. What to do in this case?

and how can you fix it? Forgot your computer password? Don't worry - in our article you will find information on how to recover it.

Check the system with an antivirus as soon as possible. If the antivirus did not identify a potential threat or simply turned off, use additional utilities. The Dr.Web CureIt! Program is very effective in such situations. You can download this anti-virus utility on the official website of the Dr.Web laboratory. For the treatment of home computers, the program is free. The most important advantage of the utility is its high reliability: the program will work even if the virus tries to turn off the computer and block it during the scan.

Common keyboard customization software problems

You may have configured a parameter that changes the behavior of the keys. If the option "Speak selected text on keypress" is activated, deactivate it or press "Change" to select a different key. If activated, you must hold down the keys longer than usual for the action. In the Accessibility area, click Mouse and Trackpad. Make sure Enable Mouse Keys is off. If activated, pressing the numeric buttons moves the pointer, not the number. In the Keyboard panel, select Input Methods. Make sure the correct keyboard type is selected.

Keyboard functionality issues such as calculator, sound or brightness settings

  • In the Accessibility area, click Left Speech.
  • Make sure the "Enable slow keys" option is disabled.
To get the latest version, click.

You can also advise the development of Kaspersky studio, AVZ. Like Dr.Web CureIt !, the program is free. Updated regularly. It has several configuration options, which allows you to most effectively identify not only viruses and spyware, but also possible system vulnerabilities. Quickly eliminates "computer infection", gives many useful recommendations.

Identify your keyboard from this list or search in the search bar. Once you've identified your keyboard, click or click on it to go to the download page. During installation, you may need to restart your computer one or more times. If you are logged in as a member of the guest group during the installation process, an error may occur.

Some computer manufacturers have preinstalled keyboard customization software that is tailored to the keyboard that came with your computer.

  • Disconnect the keyboard, then reconnect it.
  • If you are using a wireless keyboard, check the wireless connection.
If your device is supported, try the following.

Keyboard just not plugged in in BIOS

Finally, the last reason for the “lifelessness” of the device is the lack of connection in the BIOS. This case is typical for netbooks and laptops, i.e. devices with a built-in keyboard. How to fix the situation?

Very simple. Turn off the computer, then turn it on again. Before the operating system starts loading, load the BIOS. Usually you need to click the Delete button to do this, but there may be other options. Sometimes the BIOS is activated with the F2 or F8 keys (depending on the manufacturer of the computer). The hint at the bottom of the screen (if there is one) can help determine which button to press.

Try the following tips. Some key commands require a specific program to be installed, such as an email program, web browser, media player, instant messenger, or graphics editing program. The keyboard shortcuts may not work as expected if you press the modifier key at the same time. If the correct program is not installed, you can still use the key by reassigning it.

If you have two wireless receivers connected to your computer and you press one key on the wireless keyboard, double characters may appear on the screen. Some keys are designed to repeat when pressed and held. The following buttons can be repeated: previous, next, previous track, next track, volume, volume, zoom, zoom.

Then we find in the BIOS a tab that lists all the input / output devices. We select the item with the name "USB Controller", set the mode "Enabled". Go to the "USB Keyboard Setup" item and repeat the operation, set the "Enabled" mode. Then we confirm saving the changes and exit the BIOS. Reboot and test the keyboard.

Where are the standard function keys?

These keys are located on the top row of the keyboard. On some keyboard models, they are tactile.

Print button. the screen does not work

If you hold down the Gadgets key, all open windows will be transparent, allowing you to see the gadgets on your desktop. In other versions or themes, when you press or hold the Gadgets button, you are viewing the desktop. Print button. screen copies the screen image to the clipboard. ... On some keyboards, the My Favorites keys are secondary.

Sometimes the BIOS does not support USB keyboards. In this case, it is better to entrust computer setup to professionals from the service center, since you need to reinstall the BIOS. It is quite difficult to do it yourself.

There can be only two exact reasons for this malfunction:

The standby key puts the computer into power management mode only if the computer supports power management and power management is enabled. If it is not activated, this button does not work. It cannot be reassigned. You can resume your work by doing one of the following.

  • Press the standby key.
  • Press the standard key on the keyboard.
  • Move your mouse.
  • Press the power button on your computer quickly.
If you are unable to wake your computer from standby mode using one of these methods, you may have a system problem. See the documentation that came with your computer, or contact your computer manufacturer. To wake up from sleep mode, press the power button on your computer. When installed, most browsers can be installed by default. You may need to manually reassign the Home key to the browser you installed. Click the button you want to reassign the wizard to, click Open a program, webpage or file, click Not Assigned, enter the path to your internet browser or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save your changes.
  • Then press it again.
  • Restart your computer and press the Home key.
The Key Reassignment Wizard for the Mail Key contains a list of supported email programs installed on your computer.
  • hardware (in the case when the device itself or the port to which it was connected has failed);
  • software (failure to load the correct driver).

If the keyboard is out of order, then there are only 2 ways: replace it with a working one or repair it.

  1. For a start, of course, you can try restarting your computer. It is possible that after a reboot, it will work again.
  2. If the restart does not help, then you can use the keyboard with the mouse (while it should function perfectly).

In this article, you can learn how to change your name on YouTube.

Causes of problems and solutions

If the program does not appear after a few minutes, restart your computer and check again. If you have not used an email program on this computer, run the program twice and log into your mail service each time. Press the key you want to reassign, click the Open a program, web page, or file button, click Unassigned, enter the path to your email program or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save your changes ... In some email programs, you may need to update your settings in order to preserve your email password. During installation, most media players can be installed by default.

Following you can easily connect the ps3 joystick to your PC!

Step-by-step steps to fix the problem:

  • Start button -> then Settings -> after Control Panel -> System;
  • click on System Properties -> then Hardware -> Device Manager;
  • in the window called "Device Manager" select the large yellow circle with a black exclamation mark;
  • select Action -> then Delete from the menu;
  • in the "Confirmation of device deletion" window, you need to authorize the removal of the keyboard by clicking OK;
  • close Device Manager;
  • in the window with the name System Properties on the Hardware tab, click the Hardware Installation button;
  • in the window that opens under the name Add Hardware Wizard, click Next;
  • after a short search for equipment, your keyboard should be “found” (the Num Lock indicator will turn on);
  • after these actions, the Change system parameters window should appear with the message "New devices installation completed".
  • the last step is to click Finish in the Add New Hardware Wizard window.
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What should be the action if several or one button stopped working

If some keys on your keyboard stop working, it is possible that the keyboard driver needs to be updated, or is not available at all.

The keyboard does not work in the game

You may need to manually reassign the media key to your installed media player. Click the button you want to reassign, click Open Program, Web Page, or File, click Not Assigned, enter the path to your media player or click Browse to find it, and then click Back to save changes. Restart your computer and press the Multimedia key. ... On some laptops, when you press the Display key, you zoom in.

My Favorites buttons do not affect a file or web page when held down

Macro photography

If there is no button on the external keyboard. If the problem is resolved, you should check your keyboard for repair. If some of the keys on the built-in laptop keyboard do not work. These buttons operate with a slight delay to avoid an immediate response if they are accidentally pressed.
  • When you play online, you will not be able to save or run macros.
  • Disconnect and reconnect the keyboard.
  • Make sure the connector is fully inserted into the door.
  • Try to hold the key for a long time.
Perhaps he accidentally set a parameter that changes how your keyboard works.

If, upon purchase, there was a software disc in one set with the keyboard, you should use it when reinstalling the necessary drivers.

Otherwise, follow the instructions to update the driver.

  1. To get started, click the Start button and select Keyboard, Control Panel, and Hardware and Sound.
  2. In the Hardware window, you need to find the keyboard that you are using and double-click on it.
  3. Then, on the Driver tab, click Update and follow all the instructions.
  4. Answer in the affirmative to the pop-up offer to restart the computer.
➤ Secrets: If you don’t know if it’s cold, read our unique article.

What to do if the keyboard and mouse on the computer do not work?

Why doesn't the keyboard on the laptop work together with the mouse? - This is another, fairly common malfunction, which quite often occurs when an unexpected failure in the laptop of the south bridge.

Very often, the south bridge burns out in such a way that absolutely everything works in the computer, except for these above-mentioned devices.

But sometimes it happens that the laptop stops turning on altogether, or it doesn't react to the power button, just when the same south bridge burns out in it.

➤ This is cool: you still don't know - it's easy.

Probably, each of us faced a similar situation: you turned on the computer, try to enter text on the keyboard or switch from one window to another, but the keys do not respond to pressing, ...

Don't panic if your laptop keyboard isn't working. What to do in such a case? In many situations, getting rid of this problem can be quite simple. In this case, the brand of the device used does not matter. The reason that provoked this breakdown can be completely different: the most elementary or quite serious.

Reason 1: the microcircuit burned out

The main reason, which is difficult to foresee in advance, is when the microcircuit burned out. First of all, you should check the touchpad, as well as the ports that are around the perimeter of the device. It is important to pay special attention to the USB connector and RJ-45 (for cable). When they are inoperative, you will need to contact a service center. If the warranty period has not yet expired, then a replacement must be requested. Only a person who has relevant experience in this area can get rid of such a problem.

If the ports have a working state, you can hope for a positive outcome. The most common cause may also be the ribbon cable that connects the motherboard to the keyboard. In such a situation, in order to open access to the socket, it will be necessary to disassemble the laptop. The keyboard is fastened using latches, which should be slightly pry off with a plastic card, and then take out the required module.


Disassembled position:

  • connector for connection;
  • plume.
The fasteners with which the train is fixed can relax or oxidize after a while. This is possible when a humid environment is present in the work area. To restore the working condition, the fasteners should be cleaned and then returned to their original place. In many situations, such actions are quite effective.

Reason 2: carelessness

This item will be useful for owners of a separate digital block.

Its appearance:

When numbers are inoperative on the keyboard, the reason is the inattention of the users of this device. Some of them, through their carelessness, often press the Num Lock button, which ensures the operation of this unit - turns it on and off.

When the numbers do not appear on the screen, but the cursor simply moves, then press this key again. In this case, the indicator should light up, which confirms the operating status of the function. It should be borne in mind that in certain laptop models for this purpose, a combination of keys such as: Fn + Num Lock is provided.

Reason 3: viruses and driver corruption

When the failure has nothing to do with the hardware, then it should be looked for in the software area. Some viruses act in such a way that they can "destroy" the keyboard driver. To verify that this assumption is correct, you should scan the system for the possibility of introducing spyware. After the reboot process, you need to put the drivers in place. In many situations, these actions bring positive results.

What to do when a driver doesn't want to install or return to a working state? Sometimes its removal in the usual way is not possible. In order to get the result, you can try to enable the keyboard on the device using Safe Mode.

For these purposes, it is necessary to reboot by periodically pressing F8. With its help, you can call the menu for selecting additional boot methods. In it, you must select the usual "safe mode". When the OS starts up, you should follow the steps described below.

You need to try to remove the problematic utility or click on "Roll Back". The last action can bring results in a situation where a driver update was made before that, which affected the performance of this device. After that, the previously valid version of the software must be restored.

Actions to remove:

Open "My Computer" and then click on "Properties".

We go to the "Dispatcher" and select a special section with a keyboard.

It has a certain look in the screenshot:

Press the right mouse button on the keyboard and open the "properties" item.

If the driver is updated incorrectly, click on "Roll back". In a situation where the system does not see the keyboard, then click on "Delete". For the latter option, you must have on hand the original drivers provided by the manufacturer of this equipment.

Reason 4: features of some models + prevention

When releasing devices, some manufacturers try to ensure the ideal quality of their work. As a result, when the battery is low, certain elements, including the keyboard, may stop working. To restore its full action, you need to connect the laptop to the network.

Users who prefer to eat at the time of work should be sure to clean the keyboard from crumbs. To do this, you can use a can with compressed air inside. Thanks to the high pressure, small food particles trapped in crevices and grooves will be quickly removed. It should be remembered that in no case should a damp cloth or screwdriver be used to get rid of them.

In order to get rid of the problem with a non-working keyboard, you need to carefully read the instructions described above. Initially, you can try to find a way out by checking the software system for viruses, etc. Quite often, spyware hides behind system files and disrupts the full operation of the device.

In addition, a combination of keys such as Fn + NumLock, which activates the number pad, can also help. The installation of additional drivers taken from unknown sources can also be considered as a reason for the failure. Be careful when installing software utilities such as MKey that provide button remapping. In some situations, the system can take them for a threat and exit from a working state.

In any case, when these problems arise, you should not despair and immediately buy a new laptop. If necessary, you can find a way out of this situation by connecting a stationary keyboard via the USB connector.

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