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  • Cashback - what is it in simple words and which Cash Back money back services are better to use. How cashback works and how to get it

Cashback - what is it in simple words and which Cash Back money back services are better to use. How cashback works and how to get it

Hello, dear readers of the "site"! Today we will tell you in simple terms what cashback is (Cash Back), how it works and how to use it, and we will also give a rating of the best cashback services and sites.

Many consider the concept "cashback" exclusively in terms of bank cards. However, you can also return part of the money for purchases when using a large number of other tools.

After studying the presented article from beginning to end, you will learn:

  • What is cashback and how to use the cashback service;
  • What is cashback on a bank card;
  • What are the best cashback services?

At the end of the article, we traditionally answer the most popular questions from users.

Without a doubt, cashback is a very convenient system that allows you to save money when making purchases. If you want to know how to use it, don't waste time - start reading right now!

About what cashback is (including on a bank card) and how to use it, as well as how to choose the best and most profitable cashback service - read in this issue

1. What is cashback (Cash Back) and how it works - an overview of the concept in simple words

In the modern world, absolutely everyone makes regular purchases. However, many do not take advantage of the opportunities provided. That's why most buyers purchase many goods for much more than they could . Using inconvenient, obsolete payment schemes, they regularly overpay.

The reason for overspending in most cases is one - habit . It is to help you get rid of uncomfortable and expensive habits that we decided to devote today's publication to the topic cashback .

Don't forget that savings and optimization of costs allow a total of considerable amounts per year. Moreover, financial literacy provides an opportunity to fulfill many of the dreams associated with spending money.

1.1. What does cashback on a purchase mean?

So, what does such a thing as "cashback" mean?

Translated from English into Russian cashback is cash back. The literal translation well reflects the essence of the economic concept. Using cashback allows you to return part of the money spent on paying for goods and services.

In most cases cashback size changes in the range from 0.5% to 5% . Some credit institutions offer higher cashback, but this is much less common. The amount of return is determined not only by the generosity of the paying service, but also by the terms of a particular agreement.

What is a cashback service?

Today, more and more popular specialized sites , which redirect customers to store portals. It is these services that transfer the returned funds to buyers. In addition to cashback, they offer Additional servicescomparison of prices of different sellers, search for the necessary goods and others.

Some services cooperate with several hundred stores located in different countries of the world. At the same time, the return of funds for each partner is different. They depend on the agreement concluded between the store, the service, as well as its customers.

It is important to understand that the term cashback is used in various areas: banking, Internet trading, gambling. Its essence lies in the provision of various bonus programs in order to attract new customers and increase the level of loyalty.

1.2. How cashback works - the principle of operation of the cash back system

The refund system for purchases is organized so that absolutely all participants in the relevant transaction remain in the win .

Cashback service attracts customers, for this the stores transfer him a percentage of each transaction. The resulting profit is divided by 2 parts: one takes himself second transfers to the client.

the only minus (−) cashback implementation scheme is that Refunds cannot be made immediately. . In some cases, the cashback comes to the buyer when he has already forgotten about it.

Traditionally, services indicate the expected timing of cashback transfer immediately. In most cases, cashback is carried out within a month, much less frequently within a few days.

Services try to set the duration of the period sufficient so that the buyer has time to hand over the goods if necessary.

Below is a step-by-step analysis of the cashback procedure:

  1. The buyer follows the link provided by the cashback service to the website of the online store. Here he selects the desired product or service. After that, the buyer pays their cost;
  2. The seller transfers part of the received funds to the account of the cashback service. It turns out that stores pay for the services of companies for attracting customers to them. For many sellers, this turns out to be much more profitable and effective than independently promoting goods and services, as well as advertising campaigns;
  3. The cashback service transfers part of the funds received to the buyer. Most often, the client receives an amount of about 5 % of money spent.

In fact, there is little difference between cashback services. Anyone can easily figure out how to use this or that functionality.

Should be considered, that many Internet resources require you to accumulate a certain amount of cashback before the withdrawal of money is carried out. However, you should not be afraid of this, because most resources set a minimum threshold at the level 10 -20 rubles.

2. What is cashback on a bank card?

In the banking sector, cashback is a return of part of the money spent using a card. Based on the essence of the concept, it is often called one of the types bonus program.

Cashback is used primarily to stimulate the active use of bank cards, as an alternative to cash.

Most often, one of 2 options is used to return part of the funds spent on the purchase:

  1. cashback is completely refundable from all purchases;
  2. you can only get a refund from settlements with bank partners.

The main feature of cashback on a bank card is that it does not act as a one-time discount promotion. The cardholder will first have to pay with the seller of goods or services.

Only after a certain period of time will he return a predetermined amount or part of the costs. After receiving the cashback, the cardholder has the right to spend the returned money wherever he wants.

It's important to keep in mind that the main indicator of the full-fledged provision of services by the bank is return of real money. If desired, the funds received can even be cashed out.

In other words, it is impossible to talk about the use of cashback when accruing points, which are subsequently used only for spending within certain categories of purchases and under predetermined conditions. Such returns can only be considered discount promotions .

Who benefits from using the Cash Back system

3. Benefit from cashback for each of the parties to the operation

Marketing experts say that it is quite difficult to motivate an experienced modern buyer to make spontaneous purchases . Such clients usually have their own scheme for making acquisitions with maximum benefit.

They choose the necessary product or service, study the offers of various stores and firms. Often for these purposes, experienced buyers use comparison services .

Recently, visiting cashback resources . It is enough to complete the registration procedure on one or more of these services in order to receive a refund of part of the funds spent on the purchase of goods and services. The benefit of such an operation is obvious to all participants in the transaction.

1) Benefits for trading companies

To attract customers, sellers have to spend huge sums of money. For trading firms, it is marketing that is often the main item of the expenditure side of the budget. This is explained simply: even the best product needs to be sold . At the same time, competition in the market is at the highest level.

In today's environment, when sales have a huge impact a crisis , as well as overproduction , any way to attract customers should be used with maximum efficiency.

That is why many stores decide to participate in cashback programs. They share part of the profits, however revenue growth due to increased sales allows you to cover these minor costs.

2) Benefit for cashback service

Cashback services make a profit by attracting customers. They offer potential buyers to compare a huge number of trading companies.

The scheme of work of such a resource is quite simple:

  • After confirming the purchase made by going from the cashback service to the store's website, the seller transfers a part of the profit received to the resource;
  • The cashback service returns the predetermined percentage to the buyer. Different stores may have different refund periods: in most cases, from 3 before 90 days.

In this way, cashback services provide intermediary services by advertising and promoting goods. Eventually sellers themselves do not have to spend money on promotions. A sufficiently large amount of resources is released to improve the level of service, as well as the quality of goods and services sold.

3) Savings for buyers

Many call the buyer the main participant in the transaction through the cashback service. Without it, other participants would not be able to implement the basic principles of such resources.

Customers of the cashback service receive money for making a purchase. The main benefit of participating in such programs is that a person points and bonuses are not awarded which may not be useful to him.

Instead, he pay money that can be withdrawn to a bank card, electronic wallet or phone. Subsequently, the buyer has the right to spend these funds solely at his own discretion.

Statistics confirm that the number of customers using cashback services is constantly growing. Already a few years ago, this type of savings ceased to be just entertainment, moved into the status of a real necessity.

Other benefits for customers include:

  1. No price increase. The cost of the goods remains at the same level as with a direct visit to the seller;
  2. Ease of use of services, as well as security. To register, you will have to spend no more 5 minutes. Clients are given a choice of several options for withdrawing received funds;
  3. A wide variety of cashback services. Among such resources there is a fairly high level of competition. This allows buyers to choose the best option for themselves, for example service cooperating with foreign shops;
  4. In most cases, the maximum cashback amount is set in advance, however some services provide an opportunity to increase the income received. For this, for example, you can use the opportunity to attract referrals.

How to use and get cashback via the Internet - a guide for beginners

4. How to use cashback - 6 main steps to get cashback online

The benefits of using cashback are obvious. However, not everyone knows how to get the benefit competently and quickly. The following may help step-by-step description of the procedure for obtaining cashback .

Stage 1. Service selection and registration

More than a dozen large cashback services are available to Russians for use. Each resource cooperates with a huge number of online stores, in most cases, several hundred sellers are partners of the service.

However, this area in our country is not fully developed.. Foreign cashback services provide customers with access to several tens of thousands of merchants located all over the world at once.

In most cases, with the help of cashback services, they buy clothes and shoes(near 35 % all purchases) household appliances(about 20 % ), as well as cosmetics, printed matter, food.

It is important to approach the choice of a cashback service as consciously as possible. In this case, one should take into account not only the size of the provided cashback, but also the reputation of the resource, as well as reviews of real customers.

After choosing a cashback service, you should go through the procedure registration. In most cases, this requires only an email address.

Stage 2. Disabling the blocking of advertising services

Many Internet users use in the process of working on a computer special services that allow you to block ads . To use cashback resources they have to be turned off.

You will also need to stop the work of some other Internet browser extensions. All actions required from you will be described on the cashback service. In most cases, they are placed in the most prominent place on the main page of the site.

May need clear cookies in internet browser . This will be required so that the seller understands which service should transfer the remuneration for a particular client. If this is not done, the cashback may not be listed.. Moreover, it is almost guaranteed not to be activated.

Stage 3. Authorization in your personal account and transition to the store portal

It is important to remember a few rules: do not turn off the computer, close the Internet browser, interrupt the session. If this happens, the cashback will not be credited due to a technical failure.

Stage 4. Search for a product or service, payment

At this stage, you should select the necessary product and service, make a payment for them. If the operation is successful, the client will receive an e-mail confirming the purchase and accrual of cashback. It is best for the buyer to purchase immediately after going to the store website.

In other words, you need to use the following scheme:

  • go to the seller's website;
  • selecting a product and then adding it to the cart;
  • transfer of funds for payment.

Safest to use for cashback purchases plugin specially designed for this purpose. It is offered to customers by cashback services.

Such a plugin allows you to be sure that cashback funds will go to the appropriate account. In addition, it improves the speed of activation of the return function.

Stage 5. Checking the amount of accrued cashback

At this stage, you should go to cashback service office. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the promised cashback amount has been transferred.

Mistakes, unfortunately, happen, though not often. If this happens, worth investigating without wasting time. In this case, the chances of correcting the amount of underpayment are much greater than with a long wait.

Stage 6. Withdrawal of funds

As soon as the amount sufficient for withdrawal is accumulated on the personal account of the client of the cashback service, you can order payment.

The buyer can choose the method of receiving funds independently, based on the options for withdrawing funds offered by the cashback service.

If you strictly follow the instructions above, you can get a cashback quickly and without any problems.

Popular ways to withdraw cashback: 1) to a bank card; 2) to the phone; 3) to an electronic wallet

5. How to withdraw cashback - an overview of the 3 most convenient and reliable options

Each cashback service independently develops the conditions for the withdrawal of received returns. However, there is one rule. To receive money, you will first have to accumulate the minimum withdrawal amount, and then order a payout.

The most convenient and reliable ways to withdraw funds received from cashback are described in detail below.

Option 1. To a mobile phone

If the size of the minimum amount for withdrawal is low, it is worth considering the option of receiving funds on a mobile phone.

In this case, many do not see the point in converting cashback into cash. That is why customers decide to transfer the received cashback to mobile providers in order to pay for their services.

Mobile phones have to be paid regularly, and it is the service in question that can help with this.

Option 2. To a plastic card of any bank

Many users prefer to withdraw funds to plastic cards. Moreover, often when choosing a cashback service, customers first of all pay attention to the possibility of just such a payment.

After withdrawing funds from a bank card, you can use no limit , spend them on any purchases, payment for any services.

Option 3. To an electronic wallet

Among Russians, the most popular electronic payment systems are WebMoney , Yandex money , as well as Qiwi . It is to these wallets that most cashback resources offer to withdraw the funds received.

Much less often, customers use international payment systems, for example PayPal and perfect money .

The described cashback withdrawal options are not the only ones. Some services offer to pay for other services, for example Online Games. So, some gamers withdraw cashback to World of Tanks .

6. Best cashback services - rating and comparison of TOP 3 best cashback sites

The first step on the way to receiving a cashback is the choice of a resource with which the service will be received. In order not to search and analyze services on your own, you should use ratings of the best cashback services (sites) . One of them is presented below.

Cashback service №1. Smart Sale

Smart Sale appeared on the Russian cashback market one of the first. Today they offer to return part of the purchase made in 850 online stores of various kinds.

With this service, for example, buy clothing, goods for children, sports and travel goods, cosmetics, as well as household appliances.

The most popular online stores among Smarty Sale customers are:

  • AliExpress – cashback is 3 %;
  • eBay - returns from 1,5 %;
  • Ozone – cashback approx. 2,5 %;
  • Lamoda 4 %.

The main advantages of this resource are:

  • a large number of ways to withdraw money, including bank cards;
  • quality technical support, working 7 days a week without a break.

Among the satisfied customers of the service there are already more than a million people living around the world.

Cashback service №2. Alibonus

Alibonus is one of the most popular cashback services that work with AliExpress . The creators of the resource claim that they have collected all the best qualities of services in their brainchild.

Many experts are sure that when using the resource you can increase the level of safety and savings when shopping on AliExpress.

Among the advantages of Alibonus are the following:

  • convenience of withdrawing cashback;
  • the ability to track the status and location of the purchase;
  • the presence of verification of loyalty of sellers;
  • the ability to access the service worldwide.

Cashback service №3. ePN

ePN is another popular cashback resource cooperating, including with Aliexpress. For the latter, the level of refunds reaches 15 % .

The resource in question offers Not only get cashback from your purchase. Here you can use various discounts for a variety of product categories. Some of them are permanent, some are seasonal.

Another advantage service is considered by many availability of an affiliate program . Participation in it allows you to increase the level of return, get promo codes and other useful bonuses.

To make it easier to compare the cashback sites described above, we have presented their main features in the table below.

Table "TOP 3 cashback services with the best conditions for customers":

The proposed table will help the beginner decide on the choice of a cashback service and understand which one is better .

Useful tips for choosing the best and most profitable cashback service

7. How to choose the most profitable cashback service - 5 valuable tips from experts

A large number of cashback resources operating on the market often confuses even experienced Internet users. Choose among them advantageous and the best happens to be difficult. However, the advice and recommendations of experts can greatly facilitate this difficult task.

Many, choosing a service, focus solely on the level of cashback received. Naturally, everyone wants to return as much as possible. But don't forget what exists return limit .

On average in the market today, the amount of cashback is around 5 % . If the service offers a more generous reward, which is significantly different from the market average ( for example, reaches 30 %), it is worth thinking and looking for the pitfalls of the resource.

Council number 2. Pay attention to the possibility of increasing earnings

A cashback service can generate much more income if it offers .

Most often used for this purpose referral programs , loyalty programs for regular customers of the resource , as well as promo code system allowing you to get a higher discount.

How do cashback services work? How to activate cashback and save on purchases? How to use cashback and withdraw money?

A convenient and useful thing is cashback - you buy, and part of your money is returned to your account. Firstly, savings, and secondly, it is much more pleasant to spend, knowing that you will get a certain percentage back. There are many services that allow you to buy almost any product with cashback - from perfumes to a plane ticket.

This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on financial topics. I will explain, how does cashback work, I will tell you how to use the return service correctly in order to save to the fullest, I will give examples of the most popular cashback companies.

You will also learn which cashback withdrawal method is the most profitable, and how to choose the most generous return service. Choose, use, save money!

1. Cashback - buy sparingly

Each of us is an active buyer. But not everyone fully enjoys their privileges and opportunities. People prefer to overpay, buy more expensive, use inconvenient and outdated calculation algorithms. All because they are used to it.

It's time to get rid of uncomfortable and costly habits! From today and forever, we will make it a rule: do not pay more if it is possible to pay less.

Remember: financial management is the basis of well-being and prosperity. Reasonable savings work wonders - many have seen this on their own example. Cost optimization brings tens of thousands of rubles a year. And financial literacy allows you to implement the most daring plans!

But back to cashback. Literally translated from English, the term means "cash back". The translation quite accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon: cash for the purchase of a product or service is actually returned to you.

Not all, of course, but a certain percentage - from 0,5 before 5% . Sometimes higher, but rare. The size depends on the generosity of the service and the specific terms of the transaction.

Now at the peak of popularity, special cashback aggregators are navigation platforms that redirect customers to the resources of specialized stores. These portals charge back money, providing, in addition to cashback, price comparison services, searching for the right products, and other related services.


The cashback service cooperates with hundreds of stores around the world. So, when you buy clothes through Smart Sale from the British company Asos, you will receive 6% return to account.

But if you want to purchase a TV through this service in M-video, you will get back everything 1,7% . That is, it all depends on the agreement between the store, service and customers.

Cashback is a great way to save money

In general, the term cashback has a rather broad meaning: it is used in the banking sector, in the gambling business, and in our case, in online commerce. In fact, this is a kind of bonus program to attract customers and increase their loyalty.

How cashback works - a step-by-step scheme

The refund process is arranged in such a way that all participants in the transaction are satisfied. The cashback portal finds buyers, stores transfer a percentage of each transaction to such companies, services take part of the profit for themselves, and share part with buyers.

This scheme has only one drawback - it doesn't happen instantly. Sometimes you get a refund when you have already forgotten about it.

Although, as a rule, the waiting time is indicated immediately. For example: "maximum wait 28 days". Or 39, or even 90. It happens that the money is returned to the account in 1-2 days, but this is rare. Basically, sellers endure the period during which the buyer has the right to think and hand over the goods.

So, let's consider the cashback algorithm in stages:

  1. The customer pays the seller the retail amount. The buyer enters the online store through a special cashback portal, selects a product, and makes a payment for it.
  2. The seller pays a commission to the cashback service. Stores pay companies to bring customers to them. For many sites, this is cheaper and / or more effective than spending money on advertising and promotion.
  3. The cashback service shares the commission with the buyer and transfers part of the amount to them. The most enjoyable part of the deal. The generosity of services reaches 5-6% of the value of the goods.

The basic functions of all Internet cashback services are approximately the same, as is the functionality. You can easily figure out how to navigate and manage purchases, and if there are any difficulties, then here is an expert article.

Another point that worries every buyer: is it necessary to accumulate a certain amount on the account or can you withdraw money even if the cashback is only 1 ruble?

Answer: most portals require you to collect a certain amount. But as a rule, it is small: accumulate 100-300 rub.– not a problem for an active buyer. In addition, on some sites the minimum amount is really ridiculous - 5 or 10 rubles.

2. Cashback benefits for all participants in the transaction

Marketing research proves that convincing a sane person to make a spontaneous purchase is not so easy. An experienced buyer develops for himself a whole system of profitable acquisitions: chooses the right thing, then looks through the offers in all stores, uses comparison services.

Now you can safely add one more item to the bargain purchase algorithm - a visit to the cashback service. You only need to register on one or more of these portals and get "back" your legitimate interest.

Everyone is on the plus side.

1) The store gets more customers and orders

Sellers spend a lot of money to attract buyers. Marketing is one of the main expenses of every trading company. No matter how great and useful the product is, it must be sold. And the competition in the modern market is growing every year.

2) Cashback service receives a percentage of customer acquisition

The portal works very simply - it collects offers from hundreds of stores on one page and pays cashback to customers. But not immediately, but after the confirmation of the purchase by the store and the closing of the transaction. Return periods range from 3 to 90 days for different stores.


The portal cooperates with the international auction eBay. This company pays the service 5% for each paid order. But the service itself exposes a slightly lower percentage for buyers - for example, 2.5-3%. If you purchase a computer through eBay for 100 dollars, you will be returned not 5, but 3 bucks. The portal rightly takes the difference for its intermediary services.

Webmasters provide the store with a full range of advertising services plus effective promotion of goods to the masses. The owners of trading platforms do not need to spend money on promotion, they can focus on more useful tasks - improving customer service, improving the quality of the product itself.

3) A person buys cheaper

And the main participant in the transaction is the buyer. A person does not receive bonuses and points that will have to be spent on the same purchases (perhaps not needed). He receives real money. And he manages them at his own discretion - withdraws to a bank card or wallet of the payment system, pays for the phone or the Internet.

Or really buys some other thing in the same store. But he does it no longer by force, but as a result of a conscious choice. Big difference.

Buyers from Russia, who are the majority among our readers, have already become accustomed to the permanent economic crisis. Financial realities force us to spend the least, getting the most out of it.

More and more Russians prefer to spend wisely, getting the most out of their purchases

Statistics show that even "well-fed" Muscovites have moderated their buying ardor over the past 2-3 years. Saving on repayment interest becomes for us not entertainment, but an urgent need.

A few more undoubted advantages of cashback portals:

  • Services do not increase the price of the product. This is a fundamental point - you buy through portals at the same cost that you see when you visit the store's website.
  • The sites are safe and easy to use. Registration takes a couple of minutes. There are several convenient ways to withdraw money to choose from.
  • There are many portals on the web from which you have the right to choose the most convenient and profitable for you personally.

Most of the services have access to the most popular international trading platforms. The maximum return rate is usually fixed, but there are ways to increase your income. For example, share with friends referral links or use the service as often as possible.

3. How to save on online purchases using cashback - step by step instructions

So, you are convinced of the benefits of cashback portals and decided to use them. How to do it competently and quickly?

Use expert step-by-step guidance.

Step 1. Choose a cashback service and register

More than 10 major services are available to Runet users, each of which cooperates with hundreds of online stores. By the way, this niche in Russia is still among the developing ones. Foreign portals of this kind give their users access to tens of thousands of trading platforms from around the world.

What do they buy through cashback services? Clothes and shoes account for 35% of all purchases, household appliances - 20%. Next come perfumes, cosmetics, books, food, gifts, flowers and everything else.

You will read tips on choosing a service in the final section of this article. Here I will say that you need to choose as carefully as you choose the store itself, based on reputation, user reviews, and of course, the size of the cashback itself.

You must register on the service: most portals require only an email address for this.

Step 2Disable Ad Blockers

If you use them, then on this page you will have to disable them. As well as some other third party browser extensions. Which ones, they will tell you on the service itself - more precisely, they will write in the most prominent place at the top of the main page.

You will most likely be asked to clear cockie files in the browser. This must be done in order for the store to understand which portal should be credited for the client. If you do not follow this step, the cashback may not be returned. More precisely, it will not be activated at all.

Step 3. Log in to your personal account and go to the partner site

It is NOT recommended to interrupt the session, close the browser, leave the open page unattended for a long time and leave to drink tea. If the connection is interrupted, the cashback, again, will not be credited. Purely for technical reasons, not out of harm.

Step 4. Find promotional products and pay for them

Next, you need to select a product and pay for it. If everything is done correctly, you will receive a confirmation of the purchase and the accrual of cashback to your registration e-mail. Ideally you need to purchase the goods as soon as you go to the seller's website.

The scheme is this:

  1. Go to store resource.
  2. Adding an item to the cart.
  3. Purchase payment.

The safest option is to use a special plugin for cashback purchases, which will be offered to you by cashback platforms. The plugin guarantees that the return money will be credited to the account in your personal account and speeds up the activation of the return function.

Step 5. We go to your personal account and look at the number of bonuses

Be sure to make sure that the agreed amount of rubles (interest) has been accrued to you. It is easy to make a mistake, and if a misunderstanding occurs, it is better to deal with it in hot pursuit than a few weeks later.

Step 6. Ordering the withdrawal of funds

When sufficient funds are accumulated in the service account, order payment in any available way. Read the next section about which withdrawal options are the fastest and most profitable.

4. How to withdraw cashback - 3 proven ways

Each service has its own payment terms, but the general principle is the same for all: accumulated a certain amount, ordered a payout, received the money.

The most convenient and reliable options are to the card, to the phone, to the wallet of the payment system.

Method 1. To a bank card

Personally, I prefer this way. If it is on the list of cashback available on your site, this is a great sign. You manage money on a bank card without any restrictions - payment by bank transfer in stores, transfers for housing and communal services, etc.

Method 2. On the phone

If the cashback amounts are small, it makes no sense to withdraw them to wallets and cards. Just transfer to the account of the mobile provider and pay for its services. This still needs to be done constantly, why not use the refundable funds.

Method 3. To an electronic wallet

In Runet, the most popular systems are - Qiwi, WebMoney, YandexMoney. Services withdraw money to these wallets without problems. Less commonly used are international services such as PayPal or Perfect Money.

A number of portals offer to pay for the services of game services - for example, World of Tanks. If you are a gamer, enjoy the privileges.

5. TOP 3 verified cashback services

Let's move on to cashback portals.

Meet: three of the most popular and proven Runet services!

2) ePN

Resource comparison table:

How to find the most convenient and reliable service?

Tip 1. Analyze the usability of the interface

The more convenient and comfortable it is for you to work on the resource, the more often you will use return options. A portal that takes 15 minutes to search for each feature is annoying, even if it helps save money.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the return percentage

Of course, you want to get as much money back into your account as possible, but even unheard-of generosity has its limits. If the average market return percentage is 5-6%, and on some site they promise you all 30%, look for a catch.

Tip 3. Learn the features of accumulating and withdrawing cashback

A simple algorithm for accruing funds and a convenient withdrawal are indicators of a reliable and useful resource. If there are 5-10 cash withdrawal options on the site, this is a big plus in favor of the portal.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the availability of additional sources of income

It's good when there are additional sources of income - for example, referral programs, promo code system for even bigger discounts, loyalty programs for regular users of the system.

Feedback from real users of the resource speaks volumes. Do not read messages on the site itself, look at independent portals like Otzovik, Flump orIRecommended.

A few more important indicators: the minimum withdrawal amount (if too large, it will not suit people who rarely make purchases), the speed of technical support, the number of stores in the list of partners.

Clearly about cashback in this video:

7. Conclusion

Now you know how cashback works and why special return services are needed. Make purchases wisely and economically, use all available privileges from sellers and intermediaries.

Question for readers

How often do you shop online? Once a day, a week, a month?

We wish you successful purchases for funny money! We are waiting for comments, reviews, stories of successful savings. If the article was useful, share the link with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

Hi all.

If you don't already know what is cashback and you have never received it yet, but you already want to understand what it is and how to use it, now I will tell you everything in detail and show you!

In principle, cashback is not difficult to use, and now you will see everything on a real example.

What is cashback?

This cashback service values ​​its reputation. Here you will not be thrown! The service is successfully developed and updated. There are new stores where you can buy with cashback. There are various promotions going on all the time.

Click the Register button at the top.

Enter your email, create a password, and click Register.

Now you need to activate your account. To do this, open the mail, find a letter from ePN and follow the special link.

Everything! Now we have our own account in ePN cashback. You can buy!

Select the store where you want to buy. I usually skimp on Aliexpress. Hover over it with the mouse and click More details.

And in a new window click Buy with cashback.

We are redirected to the Aliexpress website. Now you can buy! But you need to buy right now, without closing the browser. If you close the browser, then the next time you open it, you will need to open Aliexpress via ePN again. That is, go to the ePN website and go to the store using the link Buy with cashback. Thus, we activate the cashback.

After you buy something on Aliexpress or on any other sites that are supported by ePN, you will need to return to your ePN account and go to the Statistics section.

All orders will appear here. In particular, the cost that we paid for the goods will be indicated here, and next to it is the cashback that we were credited with.

I have been buying cashback through ePN for a long time, so I have already accumulated several dozen orders here.

When can the money be withdrawn?

The accrued cashback can be withdrawn to your wallet immediately after confirmation of receipt of the goods. That is, we receive the parcel in the mail, check it, and when we click on the site Confirm receipt of goods, then this information is transmitted to ePN and the money becomes available for withdrawal.

When buying at various stores through ePN, money will slowly accumulate on our account. It should be said right away that the minimum amount for withdrawal is 20 cents. That is, even quite a penny can be withdrawn to WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, MTS mobile phone, Beeline or Megafon, etc. BUT THERE IS AN EXCEPTION! The minimum withdrawal to bank cards is $9. But it should be borne in mind that this minimum wage is only for bank cards. It is better to withdraw to electronic wallets or to your phone.

To withdraw money from cashback, you need to add a wallet. To do this, in your account, hover the mouse over your name and follow the link Payments.

By clicking it, we add a convenient way for us to withdraw.

You can order a payment in the form on the left. Specify the withdrawal amount, select the wallet and wallet number. Click Pay.

We are already well aware of such types of bonus programs as coupons, promotional codes, accumulative points, various promotions and discounts. I am sure that many of you are also familiar with the term "cashback" and have already used services that offer such services, namely, return part of the amount from your purchases to your personal account. Let's talk about them in more detail.

The main difference between cashback and all other types of discounts is that you get real money on your account that can be withdrawn and spent in any way, and not bonus points and accumulative amounts in the form of discounts on the next purchase.

The term "Cashback" came to us from the USA and Great Britain, it was there that such services began to appear and spread in the early 2000s. Of course, they moved to Russia a little later, around 2012. Previously, this would not have taken root in our country, because then shopping on the Internet was not as popular as it is now.

It is important to note that when paying for goods in online stores, starting from 2013, people began to use bank cards more often than cash. This trend creates favorable conditions for the development of e-commerce and discount services, which, in fact, is happening now.

How cashback works

1. The client enters the cashback portal, selects the necessary store from the list and goes to it. His transition is automatically taken into account.
2. The customer makes a purchase and pays the store the retail price of the item.
3. The store pays the cashback portal a commission for bringing a customer to them.
4. The cashback portal credits part of this amount to the client.

The only negative of this wonderful scheme is for a long time. The term for receiving a cashback varies from 1 to 45 days (depending on the conditions of the store). Of course, they can be understood: there is a period during which the client can return the goods, and it must pass. Otherwise, without problems, you could get the money and immediately return the goods back.

Let's look at how cashback portals have implemented this scheme and evaluate their work in terms of user friendliness. Below are the most popular of them, all of them are located in the States:

    Attendance is about - 23,000,000 per month.
    The company was founded in 2010.
    Attendance is about - 9,500,000 per month.
    The company was founded in 1998.
    Attendance is about - 4,000,000 per month.
    The company was founded in 1999.
  • We select, go to the site, go through the standard and unremarkable registration procedure and get to the main page.

    The basic functions of almost all cashback sites are implemented in the same way. At first glance, it may seem a little confusing and there is too much information on one page, but in fact, everything is extremely simple. We have access to a list of stores by popularity, categories, store search, discount sizes, login to your personal account, account information and hot offers. All.

    Suppose I want to buy flowers for my mother. In the list of popular there is a flower shop. We choose, and everything we need opens before us: the size of the cashback, the terms of accrual, additional offers and promotions for this store, coupons, promotional codes and much more. We are interested in cashback, its volume is 20% of the order amount. For example, if we buy $100 flowers, we will get $20 back. Not bad, agree?

    Now just click shop now and move to the store, where we order flowers without any extra actions. The cashback portal has already taken into account our transition.

    You can track your balance in your account. Here we will see two amounts: the one that is being processed and the one that is available for withdrawal. When funds are received, services usually notify the client by e-mail, so there is no need to constantly check the account.

    Actually, everything. The process is extremely simple and intuitive, there should be no pitfalls.

    We will not focus on services with promotional codes. The essence of their work is about the same, the only important difference is that you get a discount already at the purchase stage. To do this, you need to enter the code when placing an order on the store's website.

    Choose a service

    Now there are more than 10 large cashback sites in Russia, most of them cooperate with 200-400 partner stores on average. In the world, this figure is much higher, the largest players have a more impressive range of stores - up to fifty thousand. We are still chasing.

    In the segment of online stores, purchases of clothes and shoes are the most popular, their volume is 33% of all sales. Digital and household appliances - 20%. Cashback is focused on these categories. The least relevant are food, books, coupon services, flowers, and gifts.

    E-Commerce Association Data

    So, the most basic parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a cashback service:

  • Number of stores
  • 300 stores - quite enough to find the necessary goods. This is approximately 20 stores in each category. I want to note that you should not build on the assortment of a particular cashback service. Select the store you are interested in, and only then try to find it on the portals.

  • Cashback size
  • Services usually return from 1% to 6% of the order amount, but there are offers up to 30%. It all depends on the affiliate program of the store and on what share of the commission the cashback portal takes for itself. For example, some services offer up to 3.2% of the cost of booking hotels on, while others transfer up to 5% to the client for the same services.

  • Minimum withdrawal amount
  • A very important parameter is the minimum amount that can be withdrawn from your personal account. Usually, for services, this threshold is about 500 rubles, which means that you first have to make purchases for a total amount of about 13,000 rubles, and only then can you withdraw funds. This does not suit us at all. There are cashback portals with a minimum withdrawal amount of up to 100 rubles and even 1 ruble. You should pay attention to them if your monthly expenses for online purchases do not exceed 5,000 - 10,000 rubles.

  • Withdrawal methods
  • The first and most important thing is to choose the most profitable way to withdraw money from your personal account. Nobody needs a commission. More precisely, we need it, but not for us. Most popular cashback services support withdrawals to a mobile phone, bank card, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, Webmoney, PayPal and other services. If in overwhelming cases you can transfer money to a mobile phone and an Internet wallet without a commission, then things are different with bank cards: a commission of 1% or more, + the bank has set a minimum transfer amount.

  • Support
  • Usually there are no problems while working with such services, but what the hell is not joking? If the cashback is not credited within the specified time, you need to contact technical support. And then, as luck would have it, either incompetent service employees will ignore your complaints, referring to the usual “themselves to blame,” or they will really help to deal with the problem, identify its causes and solve it. We choose cashback portals with a good reputation, reviews and a large customer base. There shouldn't be any problems with them.


    Cashback portals are young, convenient and rapidly developing services in Russia. Over time, they will finally bury the coupons, which already end up in the bin more often than they are used for their intended purpose. Coupons purchased on the Internet often greatly embellish the services that they really offer: the main thing is to drive you a coupon with impressive illustrations of the service and alluring services, and even at such a price that it is impossible to refuse. And since you bought it, the advance payment has already been paid - you can’t go anywhere, go to the sauna, even if it didn’t live up to your expectations. Cashback works after the fact: looked, paid, received. And this is undoubtedly a huge plus in his favor.

    Modern bank cards, in addition to their basic functions, have a set of useful features, among which there is a cashback. But what is it in simple words and what are its features when credited to cards. All this you will learn by reading the article to the end.

    In order to understand what cashback is, let's start with the translation. Literally in English, this term means "cash back". These simple words explain the essence of the option. When spending personal funds to pay for goods or services part of the money spent is returned back to the buyer. Such a service is available in online commerce, banking services when paying with a bank card, and even in public administration (for example,).

    Some programs issue bonus programs under the guise of a refund for expenses incurred. Points are awarded for purchases, which can only be spent in certain stores. What is cashback in simple words, you can say this - it is a return of money. And the accrual of points is a program to encourage users and nothing else.

    To receive a cashback, you can pay for goods with a bank card through post terminals or by making purchases on the Internet. Moreover, in the second case, payment can also be made using a bank card. Refunds can be made by the bank serving you or a special service through which the purchase was made. Below we will look at both of these options, but for now, let's figure out how and why the money is returned.

    It would seem that why accrue cashback to a bank card or transfer directly to an account, who benefits from it? Everything is very simple. Each store is interested in attracting new buyers. By increasing turnover, it increases net income. By returning part of the money spent, retail outlets encourage customers to make purchases from them. And banks or services act as intermediaries, receiving their part of the benefit for this.

    The scheme for accruing cashback to an account or bank card looks like this:

    The store, having slightly reduced the price of the goods (but of course not at a loss), attracted a new customer, who can later become a permanent one. The client received a part of the money spent back and is very pleased that he was able to save. And the service or bank received income for mediation. Everyone is fine. To make it even more clear, we will explain in simple terms the concept of cashback using an example. Bank rates may differ from those indicated in the example.

    Example! A computer store sells a laptop at a price of 60,000 ₽, while the trade margin for it is 40% (that is, the cost of a laptop is 40% less). This outlet has an agreement with the bank, allowing the latter to receive 10% of the value of the goods if he brings a buyer. A client with a bank card of this financial institution come and pay for the goods. The bank receives 6,000 ₽, and gives the client 5% cashback according to the tariffs of his card.

    Top Refund Services

    The main thing when choosing a cashback service is its reliability and a guarantee that he will pay the due money. The latter is very important, since you have to wait several weeks for a return. Working with unverified services, you can not wait for the accrued funds. Among all such companies, we can recommend the following:

    Features of accrual by bank card

    Now let's find out what cashback is on a bank card and how it differs from the usual one. In simple words, the scheme for the return of money spent is identical, with the only difference being that goods and services are paid exclusively with a card. This means that by paying for groceries or other daily purchases using the card, you can get a part of the expenses back. But this money is accrued in most banks next month only after the end of the current one (there are exceptions).

    The peculiarity of the banking tariffs of the conclusion is the division of all purchases into categories. You can choose favorite categories in which an increased cashback of up to 10% is charged. This is usually done in the Internet bank or mobile application. There are bank cards already issued with increased accruals for certain goods, for example, for motorists (gas stations, auto parts, car washes), travelers (booking hotels, air and railway tickets) or entertainment lovers (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs). For any other purchases is given on average from 0.5% to 1.5%. Some banks also have partner stores where cashback can reach 30%.

    List of the most popular and profitable bank cards with cashback:

    The cashback function in the bank card you used or the use of the service when shopping on the Internet will be a great addition to the joy of a new purchase. Sit down and calculate on the calculator how much money you spend and how much of it you can return. Will they become redundant? In simple words, do not be lazy and take advantage of the opportunity.

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